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Afterwards, Robot , Cecil and one of his agents started cleaning up the mess the aliens made and doing some investigating from the tanks and weapons they they do, Cecil leave Robot in charge of it as he then teleports himself to The Guardians HQ as their men are still investigating about the murder of the guardians....

Cecil: From one giant shit show to another, give me some good news Donald.

Donald: *sighs* Whoever did this, cut the power, and the backup. They killed the cameras and security systems as well. I told them to start over and try harder.

Cecil: That's not good news, that's not good news at all Donald, I ask you for some good ones! *sighs* Okay, get out, everyone get the hell out.

Donald: You heard him, come on move it!

Everyone in the room pack their stuffs and left the investigating everything was clear, and only Donald and Cecil alone....a sudden growl appeared out of nowhere...

Cecil: Come on out, I know you're here.

???: Wasn't hiding.

Suddenly, behind them, there happens to be a live breathing demon, who happens to be wearing detective outfit...and was kneeling down, observing the blood on the floor...

He touches the blood, and suddenly gets a flashback of Darkwing getting his head smashed on the floor...which is his blood...he goes observing more...

Donald: Sir who the hell is that?!

Cecil: Damien Darkblood, demon detective.

Damien goes observing more blood, as he touches another puddle of it, and this one's Red Rush, as he gets another flashback of his head being squashed...

Damien: Hmmm. Seven super heroes murderer, strongest man on the planet almost dead, no suspect, no leads.

Donald: How does he-

Cecil: I don't know, demon magic I guess. Listen, if you're asking if we need your help, I-

Damien: Wasn't asking.

Cecil: Fine, knock yourself out. Help us solve this case, oh great old horns.

Donald S-Sir, are you sure?

Cecil: Problem with the demon? Thought you're atheist Donald, let's go.

Donald Th-Theoretically...

Damien: *growls*

Back at the school, it ended as students were leaving home, as for Mary and (YN), the two met up and to head over to their house to change into their hero suits...afterwards they stared flying together and to fly around the city as Mary started following (YN) and following his flying movements... somehow they were having a little fun flying together, Mary never thought it would turn out to be fun all of the sudden, flying with (YN), but she likes it, even (YN) was enjoying it as well...soon, they fly over to the golden bridge on top, and to land on, and yet a hidden passage underneath opens as the two glides down and leads them into a huge secret room...and to find Aaron-Eve, and the rest of the Teen Team...

Atom-Eve: Oh hey guys. You made it.

Rex: Hehe, well well, it's the ice girl, could've won that fight without ya, oh wait! Except we did!

Dupli-Kate: They got old, and ran away.

Rex: Still counts.

Mary felt kinda annoyed from Rex of the way he's talking...

SuperBoyDon't worry, you'll get use to him...soon.

Invincible: Hopefully.

Robot: Welcome Invincible, my name is Robot. Apologies about Rex-Plode, he's-

Rex: Unbelievable awesome!

Robot: Encourage-able...

Atom-Eve: Rude...

Dupli-Kate: Annoying...

Rex: Aaand, bored of this-

SuperBoy: And a dick too.

Rex: Hey!

Dupli-Kate approaches to Invincible with two of her copies...

Dupli-Kate: I'm Dupli-Kate.

Invincible: Invincible...Uh, which ones am I suppose to talk, hehe.

Atom-Eve: Heh, anyways, found anything on the site?

Robot: The humanoid aliens are called Flaxans, they come from a dimensions with a faster temporal rate. As a result, their timeline spend for faster than our own. I created this detector here to warn us if they return.

Rex: Oooh so we are gonna miss all the chaos, the explosions and the panic, right?!

Robot: ...It should give us an early time. Anyways, Cecil and the GDA have also requested a call for us for any possible emergency, since the guardians are dispose. Invincible, can we count you in the future?

Invincible: You sure you want my help?

Robot: ...

SuperBoy: Heh, don't worry Robot, Invincible here will help us out, right?

SuperBoy gives (YN) some hopes for Invincible, as She felt okay with it, and yet to feel good about it...

Invincible: Heh, yea sure, you can count on me.


Later that day, Mary goes back to the GDA medical center to check up on her father, still unconscious...

Mary: Heh, I know you don't like teams much, but the ones I met are pretty cool. Except for Rex-Splode, I really don't know what's his problem. I think by the looks of it, Eve and Red are actually a thing right after we left, oh! And also, I get to work with (YN) as well, who he also happens to be-

Debbie: Heh, so you and (YN) I met are getting along more?

Mary: U-Uh! N-No not really, heh, he's just a pretty cool guy and all, he's my friend.

Debbie: Hehe, okay okay. Anyways, did you find some food at the freezer?

Mary: ...Yea, I did...thanks mom.

Debbie started to notices Mary still upset to see her father like this, and the fact Debbie hasn't been focusing on her at all...she approaches to her and hugs her...

Debbie: Oh sweetie, I'm sorry. I've been focusing on your dad and I totally forgot about you. Are you okay? Donald said you saved a lot of lives.

Mary: It was just...harder than I didn't talk about this part of being a hero.

Debbie: Your dad is good at a lot of things, talking about his feelings isn't one of them. But we can talk.

Mary: Heh, sure mom.

Mary stood at the medical room for a while with her mom to look after her dad...later on, Mary heads over to school and does her classes and lunch rang, and as lunch goes by, she then sees Eve and (YN) getting an alert from their phones, and to look at Mary to let her know that the city is in trouble, so they left school and to change into their super suits and to meet up with the others...and they arrive together...until Rex started to notice something off when not just Mary, but when both (YN) and Eve arrive together...

Rex: Uh, where are you two coming from?

Atom-Eve: Uh, we go to the same school, Rex.

Rex: Oooh do you???

(YN): Yea, we do.

Rex: Must be NICE, you know who never went to high school? Me!

Atom-Eve: We know, and it shows.

(YN): Many reason why you didn't go.

Robot: I appreciated everyone's attention on the matter of hands over here.

Dupli-Kate: Guess who's back.

They realize the The Humanoid aliens, Flaxans has come back again, raising the city again, and this time the leader has come for revenge, and yet they don't seem to be getting old at all..

Rex: Their not getting old, why aren't they getting old!?

Robot: It seems they've found a way to resist against our time stream.

Rex: In three days?!

Robot: Three Days for us, decades for them.

Dupli-Kate: Who cares, I bet there's none don't work.

Rex: So do ours!

Robot calls his ship as he, Rex and Dupli-Kate hop on and fly their way towards the Flaxans to stop them...Atom-Eve goes flying as well to stop them...

SuperBoy: Ready for this?

Invincible: Yea...I think so.

SuperBoy: Alright, let's go!

Both SuperBoy and Invincible fall of the building and to fly over to action. Suddenly, the Flaxans brought themselves a new weapon which happens to be a big laser beam that shoots out of, as it hits Dupli-Kate, as she uses her copies from avoiding herself from being hit by it, Robot launches some missiles from his body and hitting some of them, Atom-Eve then goes and summons two huge pink barriers and saving the people from getting hit by the lasers the Flaxans are for Mary and SuperBoy, the two land on the ground and to start fighting off the Flaxans, SuperBoy dashes through the Flaxans and hitting all the Flaxans and knocking them down, and to crash their tanks through and exploding them, also using his Heat Vision from his eyes to hit more of their tanks, as for Mary, she started knocking down some of them as well...but more kept coming and coming, and they don't seem to be aging old at all...until suddenly, Robot uses his scanning to see some wristbands the Flaxans were wearing, it happens to protect their aging from the earth's timeline, so the only way to take them down is to destroy their wrist bands...and so, they all teamed up and started aiming for the wristbands by breaking them, as they do, the Flaxans started to age already without them and to die of age, Robot manages to grave one that worked and to take it for research, afterwards, they were helpless without them, and to flee to their portal again, as the leader was upsetting and angry as well as he'll come backs again...

Rex: Ha! Right back at you assholes! Anyways, I gotta hand it to you Invincible, you got some in ya, and you're good. But please be more ready, seem like you were about to piss your pants-

Atom-Eve: Oh shut it Rex.

SuperBoy: Don't listen to him, you did good, for real.

Invincible blushes at SuperBoy of how supportive he's with her...suddenly, she gets a message...and seems to be surprised from what she read...

SuperBoy: Everything alright?

Invincible: I gotta go...but hey, wanna come with me, there's someone I want you to meet.

SuperBoy: O-Oh. Sure yea.

The two then goes flying where Invincible has to go...

Rex: Oh yea don't worry, we'll do the cleaning, Assholes!!!

Later on, at GDA, Mary rushes down the hallway and so as (YN), wondering why was she on the rush...she arrive to the room...and to see her mom, and her father finally awake...

Debbie: Mary!

Nolan: Hey sweetie.

Mary: Dad!

She super speed runs to her father and hugs her tight...

Nolan: Ow! Ribs...

Debbie: Careful, you're gonna put him in a coma again Heh.

Mary: I'm so happy you're awake dad, and okay!

Debbie: Not really, but he is okay to come back home.

Nolan: Yea, and Mary, mom says you've been keeping the planet safe for me.

Mary: Heh, moms just exaggerating.

Nolan: No really, what you're doing, keep it up pumpkin.

Mary smiles with joy, and hugging his father again...

Mary: Thanks dad.

Nolan: Heh, your welcome.

Then, (YN) appeared...

(YN): Ahem, pardon for the intrusion.

Mary: O-Oh! Yea I forgot, (YN) came with me.

Debbie: Hi (YN).

(YN): Hey Ms.Grayson...

Nolan: Hey (YN)...

(YN): ...Mr.Grayson, glad to see your awake. Mary has told me about what happen to you...but I'm glad your okay.

Nolan: Thank you son.

Mary: Oh Oh! (YN), remember you said that your father use to work with Omni-Man.

(YN): Y-Yea?

Mary: Welp, I like you to meet him right now, here he is!

(YN) sees Mary introducing her father as..Omni-Man?? Which confuse (YN) at first...

(YN): Y-Your father??

Mary: Heh, surprise.


Nolan: ...Yes, I am.

(YN) was surprised...and utterly shocked to know that Mary's father, is THE Omni-Man himself...and never knew at all till now...

(YN): W-Wow..! You're...really him. Oh shit.! Hehe, that really caught me off guard..and I never realize it that it was you cause...well...your hair is kinda...gray-ish and-

Nolan: Heh, I know I know, times pass son.

Debbie: Heh, it's has, and I bet you and Mary have been working together saving the city?

(YN): Heh, yea, so far...she did a good job, I'm proud of her.

(YN) smiles at Mary, as Mary softly blushes and smiles at him...

Nolan: Heh, well that's good to hear from you two-

(YN): Also, Mr.Grayson.

Nolan: Hm?

(YN) approaches to him...

(YN): I know you still feel bad about not being there in time to save my father from whoever killed him, but I don't blame you, this guys that did it must been hella strong for someone to take on someone like my father and managing to defeat and killing him afterwards...but hey,don't worry, cause in the future, I'll gladly work with you, just like my father has been, and Mary alongside as well...

(YN) offers Nolan a handshake...Nolan realizes as well to see him smiling at Nolan softly smiles and handshakes him...

Nolan: Hopefully we do (YN), hopefully...

Later on, Nolan got dress in his clothes as he was good to leave home, Mary and (YN) walk together as well and Nolan with Debbie as they arrive to the front desk...

Nolan: Say, where's my suit?

Debbie: Oh, they have it.

Nolan: Mmm.

Nolan approaches to the front desk and tell one of the nurses...

Nolan: Hey I need my suit back, I don't care how torn up or messy it is, it's classified, and I want it back, go get it, now.

By Debbie's perspective, Nolan sounded serious and having the urge and being forcefully to the nurses to get his suit back...
Why does he need it so bad?


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