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After dealing with the aliens, Invincible meanwhile took the old lady to the GDA for medical treatment....and then again...she felt awfully and terribly bad for what happen to her and the city, she wish she would have done a better job to save her and the rest of the people in Chicago. She wish she would have done better, like her father...
The next day, Mary was at school, as she felt down, and bad from yesterday's attack...her friend William appears...

William: Mary, are you okay? You don't...seem like your-

Mary: My attacked...

William: What?!? You're kidding, right?!

Mary: ...

William: Oh shit you're not kidding, is he alright?!

Mary: He's at the hospital...their doing the best's messed up...he's really hurt.

William: Jesus Mary, but did they capture who did it??

Mary: No, not yet...

William: I'm sorry Mary, but look, be glad that you have friends, me of course, that I'm always here for you, no matter what *smiles*

Mary: ..Thanks Will *smiles softly*

William: Look I'll gladly be with you, but I got things to do, see you later.

Mary: Sure, see ya.

Once William leaves, Mary then realizes to find (YN) walking down the hallway, as she goes up and talks with him...

Mary: Hey, (YN).

(YN): Oh hey Mary. How's it going?

Mary: Going...okay, heh. But hey...thanks for saving my butt yesterday

(YN): Yesterday?? ....*suddenly realization* O-Oh. Ooooh!! Wait, we're the blue and yellow one??!

Mary: Hehe, yup, that's me. I'm Uh...*whispers* Invincible....Okay, wow, that kinda sounded dumb.

(YN): Heh, more like optimistic. But...*Whispers* I'm SuperBoy.

Mary: Ooh. Nice name, least it's not...optimistic than-

(YN): Invincible? Heh, yeah, but I kinda like the name of it, suits you somehow.

Mary: *blushing* Th-Thank you.

(YN): Hey, you seem like you wanna talk about yesterday...wanna talk about it?

Mary: Y-Yea, sure.

Mary and (YN) both walk down the hallway, exiting the school building and to jump over to the roof and luckily no one saw that...and started talking about yesterday...

Mary: At first I didn't recognize you before, until yesterday.

(YN): Heh, yea I know, but you should know to expect a super hero in school, WHEN you don't see one at school.

Mary: Ah, I see. I even follow teen team on Instagram.

(YN): Yup, that's us. Eve's the one that made up the name, everyone's favorite fourth hero team.

Mary: Heh, well I like you guys better than fight force.

(YN): Oh we are definitely better than fight force, their the worse. They got beat up by a bunch of lizards, known to be lizard league last year.

Mary: Heh, oh yea, I saw it on TV.

(YN): Heh yup. seem to be new about this, right?

Mary: Y-Yea, I barely got my super powers not that long ago.

(YN): Ahh, and yesterday was your first big fight?

Mary: Y-Yeah

(YN): But still,  it bad for a rookie.

Mary: Are you kidding me?! People got hurt! I froze as well!

(YN): People escape cause of you. And everyone freezes during their first big battle too. Heh, I remember mines back then...and I wasn't alone actually, and this was before I join the teen team...I actually had my first big fight with my dad.

Mary: O-Oh really?! Was he a super hero too??

(YN): He sure was...he's the the greatest, and the best. They call him "The Man Of Steel" cause he's powerful, strong, and yet heroic as well. His name....was SuperMan.

Mary: Super...Man?!? SuperMan?! Wait! Your father was THE SuperMan?!?

(YN): Heh, yup, that's him.

Mary: Woah!! I can't believe it! I actually heard about him before! The time he fought against General Zodd, oh! Even the time I heard he fought Lex Luther as well!

(YN): Heh, big fan of him too much?

Mary: Hell yeah!

(YN): Heh, yeah. Well, he usually didn't work alone, besides me...he works with someone else as well. And I heard about this hero that works with my dad too, Omni-Man.

Mary: Omni-Man?! *Oh shit! dad use to work...with his dad too?!* O-Oh wow! What a coincidence, heh. Omni-Man too is the best as well, I bet the two of them were the best heroes Huh?

(YN): They were yea...but...everything seem to be fine...until I found out that on that exact father died.

Mary gasps...and she then remembers back then when her father did mention that he knew (YN) and his father, and knew about his death...

Mary: *O-Oh shit...I remember now..* Oh man...I-I'm so sorry (YN), truly I am...

Mary then notices (YN) clenching his hands onto the cement, crumbling them with his strength and can see the pain in his eyes...

(YN): I should have gone with him...and if I have...he wouldn't have been dead...! could I?! This...bastard...was too strong for me...I conduits even remember how he looked like...but all I that who ever he was...he was responsible for my fathers death...and somehow...I get this feeling...he's still around here, lurking somewhere...

Mary: ...Oh man...that's terrible...

Mary then holds onto (YN)'s hand...

Mary: I'm really sorry again for your father, I am. And I can see it in your eyes that you miss him a lot. But hey...*blushing* just remember that...I'll be here for you, starting now...!

(YN) softly smiles at her as Mary smiles as well as he replies...

(YN): Thank you Mary.

The two smiles and were still sitting together...until Mary said...

Mary: B-But...I don't wanna go into deep but...what happen??

(YN): ......It happened 7 years ago...l remember father telling me that he and Omni-Man fought against a strong, big monster creature that came from outer space, and to top it all that, he came from his home planet, I remember that his name was...Doomsday. He was attacking the city...and He was strong, and unstoppable, so strong he was able to beat down both my father and Omni-Man...but luckily, they manage to still take on against him, but then again, my father took more beating and more damage...and Omni-Man then taking Doomsday flying to outer space...and hasn't came back, neither did Doomsday...My dad was worried for him, but then again, he was hurt badly, so he was taken to GDA for medical treatment with my grandma, Martha, and that's how I met one of his friends, Cecil  Spedman and his assistant Donald, and then while being recovered, Omni-Man came back surprisingly and relief he's okay....and said he's taken cared of Doomsday for good...and will never come back...father thanked him, so as me and Grandma Martha too.....days later, my father was already recovered, and to be home with us....and once a week pass and my father were walking down the city....and it happened again, the city was under attack again, the buildings were suddenly being destroyed and falling, explosions as well, people were panicking and some were killed due of the buildings falling dad tried his best to do everything to save the city and the people, I helped him out too by escorting the people away...and I notice that whoever is attacking the strong too, he was fast and can fly too...and yet...he goes after my father...and I couldn't see who was fighting my father, he and father were too fast for me to watch, flying in the sky too...and then...suddenly, a huge crash happen between them, and yet causing a huge explosion as well....afterwards, fire was everywhere as well...and I was hurt too and as I got up...I was traumatized and panicking to see all of the people I saved died from that explosion....and then...I saw through those flames, my father being beat up brutally by whoever this person was...and father seem to be weak, and was having a hard time fighting, but when I got close to him and try helping him out...I suddenly felt weak too, I could move my body at all, I felt like my powers were draining away all of the sudden...and I look again at my father...I then to see...the person beating my father, ending up killing him, with a devastating brutal punch through his chest, and afterwards slicing his head off...I was...utterly appalled to see what I saw...I try my hardest to try getting up and beat this guy to a pulp for what he's done to my father...but I was still weak, and yet...I couldn't see his face with the flames around....all he did...was starting at me directly, and fly away...and somehow, I felt like myself again, and got my powers back...and yet to clear the flames, and rush to my father...but how could I even look at him form how he is...brutally killed by whoever that bastard was...I cried, and cried......and afterwards....Omni-Man showed up, and was upset to see his partner died as well....he just came back from a mission from another father was definitely gone that grandma hasn't even recovered from the sadness and sorrow she had to go through from knowing about her sons death, even Cecil and Donald, everyone else from GDA said their prayers to my father.....and well...that's what happen.

Mary was utterly hear the death of (YN)'s father...

Mary: Jesus...that's...oh my god...

(YN): I know...I truly miss him...that's why I will carry his heritage one be the hero like him and do my best, and find the bastard that killed him, and have my vengeance.

Mary: ...

(YN): ..Heh, sorry for saying that, I-

Mary: N-No it's fine, really. I get it....and I totally understand you. You want to avenge your father...that's good, I would done the same thing if that ever happen to my father. And hey, don't matter what happens...I'll always be on your side, no matter what! I'll even help you out take down This bastard that killed your father too.

(YN): *softly smiles* Heh, thanks, but he's mines if I ever find him, and I don't wanna put you in my problem, but other than that...I appreciate what you're saying, you're really a good friend, Mary.

Mary blushes and smiles at him, curly her hair...(YN) then gets up and grabs his bag..

(YN): Well, we should get going, our next classes are about to start any minute now.

Mary: Oh sure.

(YN): Yea, but hey...why don't you come by and meet the team after school?

Mary: O-Oh! Y-Yea sure...I'm done, hehe.

(YN): Heh, cool. See you after school then, and meet me after class ends then, Invincible.

And so, (YN) hops off and lands safely on the floor and to rush over to his class. As Mary stood there, and smiles as she and (YN) has a good time chatting with each other...but then again feels bad for him about what happen to his father...

Mary: ...Don't worry (YN), we'll find who it was.


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