13 | rock, and roll

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the royal blacksmiths — part one

"Besides, she's not my girlfriend, she's Zane's." — cole blacksmith

LOSING THE FIRST SILVER FANGBLADE TO PYTHOR REALLY MADE THE NINJA OPEN THEIR EYES TO WHAT NEEDED TO BE PREPARED TO DO. Pythor was now one step closer to awakening the evil that was the Great Devourer, which they couldn't let happen, so they would have to everything in their power to stop him. But as the boys rambled on about ways they could defeat Pythor and then celebrate about it after, her mind drifted to her cousin Lloyd who was still in the custody of the Serpentine. 

Iris had debated over the past weeks about writing to his twin — Loralyn — and informing her about the situation. But in the end, she had decided against it. Loralyn couldn't really do much from the monastery she was cooped up in and Iris didn't want to worry her. They would get Lloyd back, she was sure of it.

But instead of planning a way to retrieve Lloyd — because her Father had told them he was doing that before he took off — they were trying to figure out what to do next about Pythor and the Fangblades. 

A image of a Fangblade was projected up into the air for all to see. The ninja all observed the picture, making sure they made a mental note for future reference. Knowing what they looked like already from her reading in her youth, Iris just tucked a strand of her dark hair behind her ear before blowing onto her steaming cup of tea. Then she took a nice sip. 

"Though they got the first one, but there are three more," Nya pointed out to be more optimistic about their situation, "and we just need one to stop Pythor." 

After swallowing her tea, Iris exhaled. "Yes, that is true and does give us an advantage, but we do not know where the blades are." She brought up, knowing that no one else wanted to. "Pythor has the map, we don't."

Nya nodded along with her friend. "Exactly, so the question remains: how are we gonna find them first?"

Humming in agreement, Iris then took another sip of her delicious tea. Meanwhile, Jay was gazing over at Nya with practically cartoon hearts in his eyes. "I still can't get over the fact that you were the mysterious Samurai." He turned to his fellow ninja. "Is anyone else blown away like I am?"

Honestly, no not really. Because Nya was amazing before she was the Samurai so Iris wasn't that much surprised.

"We're over that." Kai shut him down dismissively. "Can we move on?"

Noting Kai's reaction, Jay started gibbering in a teasing manner. "Someone's a little hot under the collar."

Zane stepped forwards and noted. "It appears his impatience is because he has not found inner peace and unlocked his full potential, like you and I have, Jay." At that, Iris raised an eyebrow at her ninja. If he was worried about finding his true potential, he shouldn't be because it will happen when it was ready. It wasn't the sort of thing you could force.

"Great observation, Mr Roboto." Mocked the fire ninja and if Iris's mouth wasn't filled with tea, she would have said something to him. "But Cole hasn't found it either."

"I've got it!"

Kai looked utterly distraught. "You've unlocked it?!" The woman in charge was calm and sturdy, like a tree, because she knew that wasn't the case. If Cole had unlocked his full potential, she would have known. "Oh! Why am I the only one?!" He cried out.

"No," Cole quickly shook his head and reassured his panicked friend, "I figured out where I recognise the Fangblade from."

Iris put down her tea. "You do? Really?"

An excited grin appeared on Cole's face before he ran off to retrieve something. "I have a picture of it." Huh? Iris didn't understand so she just reached for her tea again. As he left the room, Kai just sighed in relief at the news as he didn't want to be the last one to obtain his true potential. It was up to destiny now. A moment later, Cole re-entered the room, photo album in hand. "Got it."

Snatching the album from Cole's hands, Jay stared at the picture in disbelief. "That's it!" He exclaimed. Curiously, Iris made her way over, tea still in hand and as she glanced over their shoulders, she realised he was right. That was the Fangblade. But it was stuck on top of a... trophy?

"Is that a trophy?"

Cole nodded. "Yep. Back where I grew up, there's this pretty big competition, where every year the winner gets The Blade Cup." She had no clue whose idea was it to put a mysterious blade on a trophy, but they were either insane or a genius. "My Dad's won it multiple times." He sounded so proud, it was sweet. Honestly, Iris was resisting the urge to turn a few pages and look at young pictures of Cole, they had to be adorable.

"You never told us your Dad was an accomplished athlete. What sport?"

That question made the earth ninja recoil slightly into his shell, then he reluctantly replied. "Oh. He's a, uh— A blacksmith." His tone was completely different, Iris didn't understand. 

"Nothing wrong with that." Smiled Kai who then cast a quick glance to his sister. "Our Father was a blacksmith, too. But I've never heard of a competition—"

With a sigh, Cole interjected. "That's because he's not a 'blacksmith' blacksmith." He got up from his seat and made his way over to Jay who had the album and turned the page. "He's a Royal Blacksmith." All the boys sniggered at the next photo of Cole's Dad proudly lifting the trophy into the air, a trophy from a talent competition. Iris knew of the Royal Blacksmiths, she had come across their work during her two years away.

Humming in approval, Iris took another sip of her tea. "Your Father's really good." She didn't elaborate.

"But how did the Fangblade become a trophy?"

It seemed Kai had actually asked a useful and interesting question. For once. Iris gave her friend an encouraging nod at his words.

Then Cole told the story they all wanted to hear. The one about the Fangblade they needed to get before the slithering deviant could get his scaly hands on it. "Well, supposedly, the Blade Cup was made by this guy who collected priceless artifacts." So both a genius and a little insane. "His name was something like, uh, Dutch... No! Clutch. Clutch Powers! Anyway, it gets passed on to each year's winner."

"Who has it now?" Inquired Zane.

Hanging his head sadly, Cole shook his head and admitted. "I don't know. I haven't talked to my Father in years." Iris knew that feeling all too well. 

"Well, then we'll call him up."

"You can't!"

He was so quick to dismiss Kai that it made Iris and the others suspicious. "Why not?" She queried gently as she arched her eyebrow at her friend. 

Cole turned away from the others. "He thinks I'm in Ninjago City training at the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts." Now that wasn't something you would expect to come out of a ninja's mouth. A groan escaped him as he neared the window. "He wanted me to follow in his footsteps, but when I couldn't sing or dance, I—I ran away. When he sees I can't dance, he'll know I've been lying in all the letters I've been sending him." Iris hated lying in letters which is why, if she realised she needed to lie, she just didn't send the letter. But that was her. 

The group quietly watched Cole take control of the Bounty's wheel and then Zane spoke up. "He doesn't know you're a ninja?"

"What, you gonna crack some joke that my old man wears a tutu?"

By the looks on the others' faces, they definitely weren't. But if they did, they would have Iris to answer to. Kai stepped forward and gently rested his hand upon Cole's shoulder. "No, but if we're gonna have any chance at getting that Fangblade before they do, we'd better get our own act in tune."

Downing the rest of her tea, Iris smiled at her ninja. "Sounds like a good plan. Problem, I can't dance either." 

"Hopefully that won't be a problem."

DESPITE LACKING SKILLS IN THE DANCING DEPARTMENT, IRIS WENT ALONG WITH THE NINJA AS THEY ARRIVED AT THE HOME OF COLE'S FATHER. There was not a ninja gi in sight as they were all dressed in ordinary clothes although their main colour schemes remained. Even Iris was going along with her yellow shirt and jacket. They had leapt down from the Bounty with Iris teleporting straight to the ground and the boys using their golden weapons to form their elemental vehicles to aid their descent. So soon they were all on the ground, unharmed.

Moments after arriving, Cole whipped out the case he had brought with him and opened it to reveal four slots for each of their weapons. His Scythe of quakes was already inside and he held it open expectantly for the others to do the same. Apparently his Father couldn't know they were ninja so Iris had left her katana behind. "All right, hand them over."

"Ah-Ah. But no mortal shall possess all four." 

Cole was unamused by Jay's reference, that Iris didn't get. It must've been before she arrived. Zane placed his shurikens inside with no fuss and then Kai was last to hand over his sword of fire. "Wanna remind me again why we can't keep our weapons?"

Closing the case, Cole answered. "I told you, my Dad can't find out that I'm a ninja. And I don't feel like making up excused why I'm carrying a giant scythe around with me." That was very fair. Then he began to lead them to his Father's home which was across the street from where they already were. It was a nice little place where Cole's Father lived. Right inside the city too; a perfectly preserved area of old Ninjago. Reminded Iris of her old home. A sad nostalgic smile flashed across her face as she trailed after the earth ninja. "Just remember the plan, we find out who has the Fangblade trophy, we snatch it and then we get the heck out of town." 

The home of Cole's Father was rather quaint and welcoming on first glance. Iris had never had that. Her homes had been the Monastery of Spinjitzu (which was grand and also one of the oldest buildings in Ninjago before it burnt down) and their new home, the Bounty, which was actually a flying ship. This place may have seemed small, but it also felt comforting. 

After knocking on the door, Cole waited for his Father to answer. "Just a moment." He was like a deer in the headlights at the sight of his son.

"Hey, Dad. How long has it been?"

"What? You're too good for the doorbell?"

Lou —  Cole's Father — slammed the door in their faces. Iris wanted to slap her forehead in embarrassment. Even the union with her Father went better than this. "Use the bell, son." And when he did, the sound of the Royal Blacksmiths singing 'Welcome' echoed through the speaker. Iris smirked. They did have amazing voices. Once Cole had used the bell, Lou yanked open the door and greeted his son with open arms and a big cheery smile. He chuckled before reaching out to embrace his boy. "Come on in, son. It's been forever."

Glancing over to the ninja behind his son, Lou just offered them all a kind smile. He seemed lovely, Iris noted.

"What did you bring? A quartet? A quintet?" He inquired as he gazed at the brightly dressed non-ninja. As his eyes met Iris's, he beamed. "And you finally brought a girl home! Is she your girlfriend?"

Jay and Kai sniggered as Iris's eyes widened. "Iris is just a friend, Dad. Besides, she's not my girlfriend," Iris blew a sigh of relief, "—she's Zane's." 

Heat flushed her cheeks at his words. Oh how that ninja was gonna get it later. But for now, she was stuck. She couldn't deny what he said because if she accused Cole of lying, his Father might doubt everything else. Iris's hand sought Zane's and she slipped her fingers between his. The Nindroid stiffened at the sudden contact but soon relaxed into it.

Lou nodded. "Apologies, my mistake." Iris just returned the nod because she was honestly stuck for words. Behind them, Kai and Jay had turned away to hide their uncontrollable sniggers at what Cole had done. "Well, come in. Come in. I've got a kettle of lemon honey tea on the stove right now." At least that sounded nice. Perhaps she could have some whilst mentally plotting her revenge for later.

Zane and Iris exchanged a look then turned to their joined hands. Not a word was said but they didn't break from the grip they had on each other as they entered the Royal Blacksmith's home after Cole. Jay just kept on giggling to himself whilst Kai was sending the new 'couple' suggestive looks. 

They all took a seat on Lou Blacksmith's comfortable sofa and it wasn't long after that a steaming cup of tea was pressed into each of their hands. He then made his way over to the wall of posters and stared up at the Fangblade trophy — the Blade Cup, or whatever — dreamily. Iris took a sip of her tea and hers widened. Wow, that was some good tea. And she knew a thing or two about tea.

"Did my son tell you I broke me foot?" He queried and tapped his bad foot with the end of his wooden cane. "It was the cha-cha, but I swear the percussionist had it in for me." Poor man hurt himself doing what he loved. Iris might have to come back later and slip some healing tea into his ordinary stuff. It would speed up the healing process by at least a few weeks. 

Shaking his head, Cole revealed to his Father. "No, Dad, I didn't tell them about your silly stories." Lou gaped slightly in offence. 

"Silly stories?"

Kai quickly jumped in. "What he meant was, we've been so busy training at the...." Oh dear. Iris felt her eyes widen as she realised Kai had already forgotten the school they were meant to be attending. 

"Uh, the Martha Oppenheimer. Yeah."

If it weren't for Zane clutching her spare hand, she would have slapped it against her forehead.

Killing the peaceful tunes, Loud turned to the ninja with a dubious look. "Martha Oppenheimer?" Honestly, Iris was surprised she had even let the boys speak because she knew all too well these were the sorts of situations they got in when they did the talking.

"What he is trying to say," Zane amended as he turned to glare at Jay on his right, "is the Marty Oppenheimer school of performing arts."

And before Iris could speak up, with something that could diffuse the tension in the room, Cole said. "Right. Well, um, see, we have this final research paper we're doing on the history of Ninjago talent, and what we really wanted to know was how we can get our hands on the Blade Cup?"

After taking a sip of his tea, Lou moved over until he found the seat opposite the five. "You're talking about getting your hands on THE Blade Cup?" He pointed to the poster on the wall with his cane. "The most prized and heavily guarded award in all of Ninjago, the symbol of excellence in harmony and grace? You can't get it, you must earn it." Wow, he was so passionate about this cup. Passion that made Iris smile contently. "You have to exhibit style. Perfect pitch. Push the boundaries of artistic license and win this year's Ninjago Talent Show!"

Wait... A TALENT SHOW!!!

They were so screwed.

It seemed Zane had a similar view. "Um, perhaps there's an easier way?" But the cup was so well guarded — according to Lou — so it couldn't be stolen easily. It would probably be easier to win it. Despite their chances.

"Is this why you came? You knew I was injured. And when my quartet insisted we shan't go on, you four, possibly five, have come to take our place." Please just be four. Please just be four. "Ha, ha! Ingenious! My son, bringing forth the next evolution of the Royal Blacksmiths!" 

Iris knew a thing or two about expecting Fathers with their high hopes and dreams. She knew Cole didn't want to be a Royal Blacksmith, he was a ninja through and through. It reminded her of how she was two years ago; eager to escape her Father's grasp and ideas. So, the yellow ninja cringed at the thought of Cole becoming his Father.

"Let me heat the sweet, sweet sound of harmony."

Then the ninja sang. Iris, meanwhile, just drank her tea. Wow, they were worse than she thought.

Lou visibly winced at the sound and the Wu girl couldn't blame him. They were terrible. "Look, Dad." Cole said as he got up and put down his yea. "We just need the trophy." Actually, more specifically, they needed what was on top of the trophy. 

"Yeah. We're bringing home the gold, and we want you to train us." Kai informed Cole's Father. A hum passed Iris's lips at the idea: it was a good one. 

Tears formed in Lou's eyes and he whimpered. "I've never been more proud." He was just so happy that his son 'wanted' to follow in his footsteps, it was so cute. When he discovers the truth, that will not be easy on him, Iris realised. The Royal Blacksmith headed straight for his room. "If you'll excuse me, I need to write a song about my feelings." Then he shut the screen after him.

Whipping around to face his friends, Cole threw up his arms. "What are you doing?" He questioned. Iris quickly finished the rest of her tea so she could join the conversation.

"Kai's right." Now that was something you didn't hear often. "Our only chance of getting to the Fangblade is if we enter the competition."

Nodding, the fire ninja added. "And once we have it, we leave town. How hard can this be?"

Iris sighed and shook her head. "I wouldn't have asked that if I were you, Kai. Because I think it's going to be a lot harder than we thought." The ninja exchanged a worried look but there was optimism shining in their eyes. 

They would do whatever they had to so they could reach the Fangblade before Pythor. He already had one and they couldn't let him get another.

IRIS WAS RIGHT: TRAINING FOR THE TALENT SHOW WAS A LOT HARDER THAN THEY THOUGHT IT WOULD BE. They were ninja, not dancers, so all this performing wasn't something that came natural to them. Yet Lou refused to give up. He was going to turn the quartet into a dancing and singing group if it was that last thing he ever did. Well, he had the determination, Iris had to give him that.

Speaking of the Wu girl, she was sat beside Lou at his piano. But instead of playing along with him, she was sipping on another cup of steaming tea as she observed the ninja. Lou made great tea, so she couldn't turn down another cup. 

"Okay, from the top." Lou began, still enthusiastic about their goal. "Five, six, seven eight." Then he started to play.

"Bob till you drop."

"Shake it till you break it."

"Move it till you lose it."

"Spin it till you win it."

The ninja sang as they waved out their arms in flamboyant gestures. A smile tugged at Iris's lips as she continued to drink her tea and watch her friends perform. It could have been a lot worse. Apparently Lou thought otherwise. "Stop! Stop! Ugh!" He groaned in disappointment. "If my ears weren't attached to my head, they'd be running away!" The yellow ninja cringed behind her cup. "Kai, love the energy, hate the hair." Iris sniggered and was thankful she no longer had tea in her mouth. Hearing her amusement, Kai shot the sort-of-Sensei a glare. "Jay, you're giving a lot, but I need more. Zane, you're like a machine, don't change anything." Oh, if only he knew. The Nindroid turned to look at Iris and once he saw the smile upon her lips, he smiled too. "And, Cole, try to act like you wanna be here."

"I think they're doing better." Commented Iris before taking another sip of her tea.

Lou just hummed thoughtfully, then he turned to the girl, eyes wide in realisation. "Yes, but they're missing something." The boys all frowned, perplexed. Then Lou added. "You, Iris."

The girl spat out her tea.

Eyes practically bulging out of her skull, Iris whipped around to face Lou. "But, I can't." Lou gave her a strong, insistent look. "I—I'm in set design."

Okay, so maybe that wasn't the best excuse but it was all she had on the top her head. Lou chuckled. "Yes. You're an artist. But you chose to do art in theatre for a reason. Find that spark and use it." Iris turned to look at the boys, hoping for them to back her up, but they were all smirking at their friend. They weren't going to be any help at all. Then, returning her focus to Lou, she knew he wouldn't give up until she agreed. So, reluctantly, Iris gave in with a sigh.

"Okay." She mumbled before timidly walking over to stand by Zane in the centre of the line. And as she approached him, Zane lowered from his stance to grab her hand. Then he offered her a kind smile. "Thanks."

Nodding in approval at the new line up, Lou then said. "Okay, moving forward. Let's take a look at the big show-stopping climax." He turned and pointed at his son with his cane. "Cole, we can't have history repeating itself.

Cole groaned. "Dad, it was the Triple Tiger Sashay. I was 7." Iris eyed at the Blacksmith boys as a sense of familiarity washed over her. They reminded her of her and her Father prior to her hiatus. 

"What's the Triple Tiger Sashsay?"

Shaking his head, Cole answered. "Only the most difficult dance move ever created."

"It's true." Nodded Lou. "Many professionals have dare tried, but it's never been successfully completed."

"Hence, my Father thought a SEVEN-year-old could!" Cole whipped around to glare at his old man. Sympathy was present across Iris's face as she stared at the duo because she understood more than most. "But I ended up falling on my face, humiliating myself, and letting my quartet down."

Sighing, Lou defended. "If you're going to win, you have to go big!" That still wasn't a good excuse for putting a young Cole through all of that. So maybe she wasn't going to slip him some healing tea after all.

Beside her, Zane was gazing at her out of the corner of his eye and once he saw the change in her demeanour — not that the others did — he squeezed her hand.

"All right, time for a break. Take five." 

Then Lou vanished into an adjoining room, leaving the five ninja alone together. Iris was still accepting the fact that she was making this quartet and quintet and the nerves of performing were getting to her. Talent shows were never really her thing. When she grew up, people didn't want to see young girls showing their skills at martial arts and history in talent shows. The people wanted singing, dancing, comedy; all things Iris wasn't great at. And besides, she was home-schooled. 

"Uh... I'm starting to see why Cole is so closed off." Remarked Jay with a small smirk. "It's cause twinkle-toes here couldn't deliver the goods." Iris shot the lightning ninja a stern look, but then he continued to ask. "Is that why you ran away?"

Cole was understandably annoyed. "Oh, I could deliver the goods. Look. I'll deal with my Father, but let's stick with the plan." But what was the plan again? Iris thought it had changed. "All we have to do is keep this charade up until we can get our hands on the trophy."

"Are you sure this is the way you want to do this, Cole?" Queried Iris, eyebrow raised with concern. Cole didn't reply.

Then Jay added, a bit cockily. "I don't know, I'm starting to think we can win this thing." All it took was an annoyed grunt and heated glare from Cole for Jay to back down. "Okay. Okay. We'll stick to the plan."

As Iris glanced around at the boys, a sense of anxiety bloomed in her chest. They weren't singers nor dancers. They were ninja. But ninja never quit. So Iris just drank the rest of her tea before going off with the boys to what was going to be a very long day of rehearsals.

Chapter 13!!! Wow, I can't believe it!!!

I also loved this episode so much and I'm excited to write the talent show in the next chapter. For anyone who expected the picture at the top to be a gif, sorry. I couldn't find a gif for the scene I wanted, but I found a picture.

Anyway, gotta love Cole for telling his Dad Iris and Zane were together. These ninja already know what's up. Kai and Jay said nothing because they also ship it. So cute. 

Honestly though, Iris acting like her Father in the first scene: drinking tea and being cryptic. It was just funny. Her relationship with her Father is actually more complicated than it appears — feel you there, girl — so she was relating to Cole in that aspect. And look at Zane comforting her when she felt uncomfortable. 

Thank you for reading!!!

Sincerely Rosie aka Winter326

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