14 | ninjas, tigers and snakes, oh my!

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the royal blacksmiths — part two

"And you were born to be a ninja." — lou blacksmith

And now the ninja had to perform in front of an audience which was something they had never done before. She couldn't help but wonder what her Father would think if he saw them. Knowing him, he would probably start laughing. Especially at their outfits.

Hats and vests adorned the ninjas' bodies as they did some last minute practice before the show. They all had the same smart outfit: shirt, trousers and bow tie. Except, they were all wearing different colours — their colours. It seemed Lou had paid attention to the different shades the quintet had previously been wearing. Iris thought she looked great in her yellow outfit.

The yellow ninja was currently positioned in the centre, between Jay and Cole, whilst Zane was on the far left to her. Iris's long dark hair was tied up in tight knots on the back of her head to avoid it falling in front of her eyes when she danced. Normally she wouldn't have to do this when she was fighting because her mask kept the majority of her hair at bay. Dancing was completely different.

"Then kick ball change, barrel roll, barrel turn," Cole instructed as they continued to practice their routine, "and we all do the double wings—" 

As they all leapt into the air, Kai went straight into Jay. Dancing was much harder than fighting. Iris just shook her head as they argued because it wasn't the time for that.

Zane stepped in. "Actually, 2.72 off of the beat." 

"I don't think that was helpful, Zane." Pointed out Iris and at her words, the smile from the Nindroid's face vanished.

"Guys, guys!" Cut in Cole and their attention quickly trained on the earth ninja. "Let's not make this harder than it needs to be. We just stick to the plan and keep up the charade until the trophy's revealed." A pang shot through Iris's gut at the thought because what they were about to do didn't sit right with her. Stealing wasn't their way, or at least, it wasn't meant to be. But at the end of the day, they had to get that Fangblade before the Serpentine did.

Sighing, Iris looked up from where she had previously been staring. "My Father left me in charge in his absence." She reminded them. "Cole, are you sure this is the way you want to do this?" The black ninja didn't respond but instead continued with their original plan.

"Once we steal the Blade Cup, we can argue all we want once we get back home." 

Jay frowned sadly at his words. "But this is your hometown, Cole. Don't you wanna try and win it?" It seemed him and the other ninjas shared the same doubt as Iris. 

"Ugh." Groaned Cole. "The only dance step I wanna perform is called 'get me out of this nuthouse, and let's burn these memories from my head'." 

"What?" A voice came from behind them. A very familiar voice. The ninja grimaced as Cole turned around to face the distraught face of his Father staring at him. He tried to say something, but found that nothing came out. "You...? You were going to steal it?" This wasn't good at all. 

Cole exhaled a defeat sigh as he headed towards his Father. The man looked so disappointed and heartbroken at his son and by the expression on Cole's face, she knew what he was going to do next and that man was probably not going to take it well. "Dad, I didn't mean for you to hear that, but— But I'm glad you did." The feeling of fingers slipping into her own caused Iris to tense suddenly but she quickly relaxed once realising that it was Zane who had reached out for her. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you."

"He's gonna do it." Whispered Iris as she squeezed Zane's hand nervously. "He's gonna tell him."

And no matter how Lou Blacksmith reacted, the ninja would be there for Cole, always. 

Then Cole started his confession. "All these years, I haven't been training to be a singer or a dancer. I've found something new that I'm really good at. Dad..." They all watched as Cole used spinjitzu before his Father and once he came to a stop, he revealed his black gi. "I'm a ninja." Gasping in shock, Lou stared at his son in disbelief which only worsened when the boy opened the case and pulled out a scythe made of gold. "And the truth is, if we don't steal that Fangblade—I mean, Blade Cup, there's other people that will. Bad people. Serpentine. And we need it to save the world."

Damn right they did. Without the Fangblades, the Serpentine could release the Great Devourer. And they couldn't let that happen.

Iris and the boys bit their lips in anticipation as they exchanged a worried look. Hanging his head, Cole admitted. "I know how ridiculous this sounds, but I'm proud of who I am, and I want you to be proud of me, too." 

"I can't be proud of any son who thinks stealing is right." The other ninja dropped their jaws in shock. "And I'm not gonna wait around to watch you make a mockery of our family's legacy." Iris knew a thing or two about family legacy and the burden it carried. So she shot the Royal Blacksmith a small glare for his words. 

"Dad, I—"

But Lou Blacksmith had left the room in a small rage and he didn't even look back.

Kai quickly approached his friend and placed a comforting hand upon his shoulder. "I'm sure he didn't mean that." He tried to reassure his fellow ninja.

"Well, I, for one, am proud of you, Cole." Iris told the earth ninja as she too placed her free hand upon his arm. 

Nodding in appreciation, Cole sighed. "Thank you, Sensei Iris." Now that made the girl smile.

Jay added. "Maybe if he just saw you in action."

With a shake of his head, Cole said. "No, it's—it's okay."

And just when they thought things couldn't get any worse, a group of poorly disguised Serpentine came strutting in as if they owned the place. One from each tribe filed out of the dressing room with ridiculous wigs, hats and sunglasses to try and hide the fact that they were really reptiles. Was anyone actually going to fall for that?

"'Treble Makers'?" Queried Jay once noticing the name on their dressing room door. Iris had to hand it to them, it was a cool name. "Wait a minute. What are they doing here?"

"I can't help it if I offend anyone," Wait... was that Pythor? Eyes widened in alarm, Iris dropped Zane's hand as she hurried over with Kai to check behind the curtain. "my only job will be to tell the truth." And once they pulled back the fabric, their suspicions were confirmed. Pythor was there. And he was a judge.

Sat in the judges seat, somehow Pythor had managed to get himself a place without much fuss. He was even wearing a fake beard of all things. If Pythor was a judge, that just meant Treble Makers were most likely going to win. Not good. Then the Blade Cup was brought out, guarded by men holding sharp spears. Wow, when Lou said it was guarded, he wasn't kidding.

The fire and space ninja exchanged a look of panic before hurrying back over to re-join the others. "Looks like we're not the only ones planning to steal the Blade Cup."

Iris nodded and then added. "Pythor's here."

"This complicates things."

"Then I say we make our move." Suggested Jay as he too started to panic. "We can't risk losing out again. I say we steal it."

Cole shook his head. Then he turned to his friends and stated. "We're not gonna steal it. We're gonna win this competition, but we're gonna do it our way." A proud smile tugged at Iris's lips. But the three other boys seemed to be confused.

"'Our way'?" They asked, puzzled.

Iris nodded as she grinned. "Yes and we're gonna show your Father what you can truly do. We may not be great performers but we are excellent ninja." Casting a glance at her boys, her grin widened. "Let's do this."

SPIN HARMONY WERE READY TO GO. But they weren't exactly Spin Harmony anymore; they were the ninja. And to be completely honest, they all preferred it that way. Treble Makers had gone just before them, singing a Serpentine version of a common song really badly. It was so awful and offkey that Iris wanted to use Zane's shurikens to freeze her ears shut. 

And of course, with Pythor as the judge, they had managed to obtain an almost perfect score for their nightmarish act. 

"Taking the stage next is Spin Harmony." The presenter called out and gestured to the wings where the five ninja were waiting to go on.

Iris's heart was racing with nerves as she prepared step onto the stage. She had never done anything like this before. Cole whipped around to face them. "If we're gonna do this, I want everyone to see who we are."

"I have butterflies in my stomach." Said Zane as he glanced down to his torso. 

"Me too." Mumbled Iris. That just made Zane look up at her in alarm and worry flashed in his eyes. Was he okay?

Turning to their icy Nindroid, Jay then reassured him. "Aw, come on, that's just nerves."

"No, I really do have butterflies."

Zane opened his metal chest and a couple of butterflies flew out from his circuits. All their eyes widened as they watched the insects escape Zane and head off into the air. Iris blinked. That was unexpected. "Just to clarify, guys, I don't have those types of butterflies." Zane audibly sighed in relief. "Are you okay?"

"I am now."

"Ok." A startled Jay said awkwardly. "Glad he got that out of his system." The presenter called their team name once more. It was time. "Let's do this, for Cole."

Iris reached for Zane's hand one last time as Kai suggested. "If we can do the Tornado of Creation, we can score perfect 10's out there." The ninja had always done the Tornado of Creation without her as she wasn't even sure if she could join in. 

"I can say anything and it will only go to elevate our team unity." Iris snorted as Zane's words.

Despite his mask, they could all tell Cole was smiling at them. "I'm glad you guys are my friends. Let's do the whip!" They all exchanged a encouraging look from one another before they cried out together.

"Ninja, go!"

They headed straight for the stage, as a team, united in their friendship and their mission. The presenter announced their act as the five snuck into position upon the stage. Cheers echoed through the crowd and despite the anxiety she was feeling, Iris couldn't help but smile. Then the lights fell and the music began.

The five spun around to face the audience with each of them illuminated by a singular beam of spotlight. As the Weekend Whip started to play through the room, the ninja danced to the beat. They allowed their bodies to flow with the rhythm and with each other as they synchronised the routine perfectly. Iris thought she would hate it. But dancing with her friends by her side, clad in something that felt like home, it made it all better. 

As they continued their routine, Serpentine leapt onto the stage and headed straight for them. It seemed Pythor was already a sore loser. Iris stood in the centre and poised herself ready to strike. Kai and Cole kicked scaly butt as Zane grabbed Iris's hands and swung her around to knock a few snakes to the ground. Just in time for the chorus too.

"Jump up, kick back, whip around and spin." Each of them used spinjitzu and created five different coloured tornados on the stage. "And then jump back and do it again. Ninja, go." 

Zane leapt into the air and kicked away a bag that would have fallen right on Jay's head. The others spun around the stage as more and more Serpentine began to clamber up and advance towards them. "Ninja, go."

They halted their spinning and posed dramatically. "Come on, come on. And do the weekend whip." 

"Ninja, go!" Zane moonwalked as Iris lunged forwards and cartwheeled before kicking two Hypnobrai in the face.

Cole sized up three Serpentine heading his way. Then he ran and jumped straight at them. "Ninja, go!" He stepped on the first one's head, pushed himself off the next with his hand before flipping and hitting the third's head with his own. He landed gracefully and growled. 

He did it!!!! 

Iris beamed proudly as a gasp escaped Zane. "The Triple Tiger Sashay." She never in a million years would have expected that move to be the one his Father had wanted him to do when he was seven. Because, wow. 

The crowd cheered and roared as the room became consumed with applause. Iris swung her arms around Zane and Kai as she chuckled happily. Feeling a little left out, Jay got between Kai and Iris and wrapped his arms around her waist. "We did it, boys!" She laughed and they quickly joined in. 

Dashing over from the wings, the presenter exclaimed. "Oh! He did it! The Triple Tiger Sashay!" He bowed before Cole's greatness. "He's. Danced. The. Impossible!"

Cheers and applause continued through the audience as they stood in ovation. Well, apart from some skeletons and snakes who were booing them. Iris and the other boys ran over to their fellow ninja before wrapping their arms around him. Joy fluttered in Iris's heart as they all hugged as a team. She was so happy.

The first two judges lifted up score cards with 10s on them, but Pythor, he wouldn't let the ninja win. His card had a big 0 on it. Everyone started to boo the fake judge. Then something really unexpected happened. Iris grimaced as she watched a hand stick out of Pythor's mouth and write a 1 beside the 0. It seemed Pythor had eaten the real judge. That was rude. But thankfully, the eaten judge had given the third 10 that they needed.

The ninja had won!!!!

"It's a perfect score! Spin Harmony wins The Blade Cup!" Cole took the Fangblade decorated trophy from the guards and he lifted it high up into the air. They had won. Iris wrapped both arms around the Nindroid beside her and his arms went straight to her waist. Overjoyed by their achievement, he lifted the Wu girl up into the air and chuckled, only putting her down when he noticed Kai's suggestive look. 

Pythor — as expected — demanded for a recount but he wasn't going to get one. They had won fair and square. Cole's eyes scanned the crowd in search for his Father, only to find nothing. "You did it, Cole." Grinned Iris beneath the yellow fabric. "I'm so proud of you." And no matter how much he appreciated it, it wasn't enough to fill the gap his Father would have filled.

They all made their way back stage, grinning from ear to ear at their accomplishment. Today had been a good day. "I've never felt more alive." Softly laughed Zane as they headed back to the four golden weapons.

"Ha, ha! We did it!"

Chuckling, Iris shook her head. "We sure did, Jay. We sure did." She smiled in amusement as the three boys lined up and repeated the same move, giggling as they went.

Then Kai corrected. "No, Cole did it." They all turned to see the earth ninja heading towards them, a disheartened look obvious in his eyes. "Because of you, Ninjago will sleep safely tonight." He was right about that.

"Thanks, but go on and celebrate without me." He told them sadly before he went to hand over the trophy to Jay. "Winning this just doesn't feel the same without my Dad being able to—"

"Cole!" It was Lou Blacksmith. He was back. And he looked happy and proud. Iris smiled as she watched the man head over towards them. He finally understood. "I saw it all, son." Cole quickly left the trophy and his friends to run over to his Father and into his open arms. "I saw it all." The remaining four just glanced at each other as Cole removed his mask to look at his Father properly. 

"You saw me dance?"

Lou clutched at his son's shoulder. "More importantly, I saw you fight." There was pride in his voice as he talked to Cole and that just made Iris smile. "Those Serpentine were up to no good, trying to steal the show, and I saw you stand up for what is right." He turned away in what Iris could only guess was shame. "I was wrong. I shouldn't have pushed you so hard to follow in my footsteps." Iris hadn't had an apology from her Father, now that she thought about it. But they were on good terms. They all made their way towards the Father/son duo. "Everyone is born with a special talent inside that's just waiting to get out. And you were born to be a ninja."

Cole raised his eyebrow. "You're not mad?"

"How can I be?" He asked with a proud smile. "My son's a hero." 

Don't start crying. Don't start crying. Iris had to tell herself as she watched the two. Sensing her expression, Zane reached down and grabbed her hand again before flipping off his mask to offer the girl a kind smile.

"Ehh, sorry to interrupt your little family reunion," Oh no. Pythor. They all turned to glare at the last Anacondrai as he slithered his way into the moment. "but did you know, it's me, Pythor?" He ripped off his fake beard.

Iris raised her own eyebrow dubiously. Did he seriously just ask that? "We knew it was you the entire time, you scaly idiot. Did you really think a terrible fake beard could fool us?" 

They all started to advance towards the snake, glaring at him harshly. He had lost the competition so now he had come to steal the Fangblade that he had come for. They couldn't let him have it. "I didn't want you to miss our big show stopper." Huh? 

Zane's mask was back covering his face as Pythor gestured up to two Constrictai above them. They pushed some metal boxes with all their strength until they hit a collection of old stage equipment stashed up in the roof. The impact knocked them from their place and old lights and boxes started to rain down from the beams. She didn't understand what Pythor's aim was until she heard Cole cry out.

He ran towards his Father as the equipment fell his way. And before Iris could do a thing, Cole launched himself forwards and placed himself between his Father and the downpour of metal. A shocked gasp escaped all of their throats and her hand shot up to cover her mouth. "No."

A dust cloud filled the air, causing the remaining ninja to cough violently. Pythor had seized the opportunity to steal the Fangblade from them but that wasn't what mattered at the moment. Cole did. "They took the Fangblade!" Jay exclaimed. He was right and it was a very bad thing as it just meant that the Serpentine were halfway there to releasing the most evil snake in all of creation.


As fast as their legs could carry the, the four rushed over to the pile of metal that had buried Cole and his Father. He had to be okay, he just had to. Iris wouldn't be able to bear it if she lost a ninja on her watch. They were her friends, and they were her family. What then caught their attention was the open case of golden weapons because inside the scythe of quakes was glowing with pure energy. Iris gasped in realisation and relief.

"He found his true potential." Zane also realised. 

Light burst out from the pile of old equipment, so bright it was almost blinding. They could hear sounds of effort from within the heap and then a glowing, transparent Cole appeared, lifting up the weight that had previously been covering him. He was alright. Actually, he was better than alright.

Tossing the pile in his hands to the side, Cole then reached down to help his Father. "Wha—What?" Then he caught sight of his son and his mouth hung open in awe. "How did we survive that? Son?"

Iris pulled off her mask and she beamed up at her friend and student. "Cole has found his true potential. The thing in his heart keeping him from it must've been the relationship with his Father." Oh how Iris understood that one.

"He's indestructible!"

With annoyed sigh, Kai crossed his arms over his chest. "Ugh, Great. So now I really am the only one who hasn't figured out my special power." Noticing her student upset, Iris made her way over to the red ninja.

She placed a hand upon his shoulder and offered him a kind smile. "It will come when it is ready, Kai. Some things take time. Don't worry, one day soon you will all have unlocked your true potential." The sort-of-Sensei informed him.

Finally, the earth ninja stopped glowing and then started to stare at his arms in confusion. "Is everyone all right? What just happened?"

"You discovered your true potential." Stated Iris as she turned from Kai to look up at the ninja. 

Lou smiled at his son and placed an arm upon his shoulder. "We're all okay, son." And they were, all thanks to Cole.

AFTER WHAT HAPPENED AT THE NINJAGO TALENT COMPETITION, THE FIVE NINJA RETURNED TO BLACKSMITH RESIDENCE FOR SOME TEA. Cole's Father truly did know how to make a good cup of tea and that was coming from Sensei Wu's daughter. She sipped contently on her tea as they all once again gathered in the living area of the Blacksmith home. It had really been a long day for them all.

They had won the talent competition but Pythor stole their trophy and with it, the next Fangblade. But, Pythor had accidentally made Cole unlock his true potential so now nearly all the ninja were ready. Just Kai to go and Iris was sure it wouldn't be that long before he unlocked his true potential as well.

Laughs consumed the room as they discussed what had happened that day. They were also celebrating their victory. A perfect score seemed like one hell of an achievement. 

"I guess the score card now reads: Pythor, 2 Fangblades. Ninja, 0." Mentioned Jay which brought them all back to the threat they had to face. 

Optimistically, Cole defended. "Yeah, but all we need is one, and there are still two left to find." Iris took another sip of her tea as that was a very good point. But now they only had two opportunities to stop Pythor and their chances of success were getting slimmer. 

"Who knows, maybe when I unlock my true potential, I'll turn into the destined Green Ninja." Kai smirked smugly. An exasperated sigh passed Iris's lips as she shook her head at the ninja. The boys just laughed in amusement.

A matching smirk adorned her face then she turned to Kai. "The only thing you're destined for is more chores if you keep going on like this." When it looked like Kai was about to challenge her, Iris added. "I am in charge, after all." That shut his mouth for good.

"Yeah, dream on!" Cole shot back as the others sniggered. "The only thing you're destined for is a more inflated ego." Iris snorted at the earth ninja's words.

They all turned as the screen slid open, revealing Lou Blacksmith heading towards them. All the ninja hopped off the sofa and to their feet as he entered, picture frame in hand. "It may not be the trophy, but it sure will look good on my wall." He smiled proudly as he hung up the picture under his poster. It was of the five of them brandishing their just won trophy. Oh what smiles they would have if their masks weren't on.

"All right!" Grinned Cole at the sight of their image beside his Father's.


 A content smile tugged at Iris's lips as she reached out for Zane's hand again. "Not bad."

"Nice!" Jay beamed.


A hearty chuckle bubbled in Lou's throat. "As far as I'm concerned, you're all family now." Iris's heart throbbed at that. Her experience with family had always been a bit like a rollercoaster, but the ninja were her family now. Lou welcomed all five of them into his open arms and he embraced his son and his team. Iris was pressed up against the others, but she didn't care because within the arms of Lou Blacksmith, they were all happy. 

Lou was right: they were a family. And together, they could defeat Pythor once and for all. 

Chapter 14!!! I love this chapter!!!!

I always love this episode because it's so fun with them in the talent competition. And Cole reconciling with his Father is always so sweet to watch. He's right, the ninja are a family and I love them so much. 

We had quite a bit of Iris and Zane in this chapter but the ninja didn't really care most of the time. I'm sure if they didn't have bigger problems they would have commented on it more. Real footage of what happened:

*Iris and Zane holding hands and hugging*

Jay: Uh, what are you guys doing?

Zane: Keeping up appearances.

Cole: But my Dad isn't here.

Iris: We're keeping up appearances.

Any excuse they can get, lol.

The next chapter is going to be interesting, that's for certain because we all know what's next!!!

Thank you for reading!!!!

Sincerely Rosie aka Winter326

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