Shot 1

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A one-shot on IPKKND


I apologize at the beginning itself if it turns out boring. Sorry!!! 😀😀

Moving on...💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations.

Plot characters - Arnav is the boss of Raizada industries. Khushi is his trusted assistant. Kabir is his best friend.

My Solace, My Solitude

#Raizada Industries#

"And here's the last file."

Arnav nodded with a smile. "Yeah, thanks. You can leave for home now Khushi."

"Thank you Arnav. Good bye."

"Good bye Khushi. And thank you for everything. You're a great friend. If it wasn't for you, I would have never had the strength to pull myself together. Ruchi caught me such a scandal th-"

"I already warned you once about her. She tried to tarnish your image and make you marry her by showing fake edited images of you and her. I can't believe people can stoop so low for money and power!" Khushi spoke in disgust.

"Yes, you're right. I should have trusted you more."

"Forget it now. I saved you that's all that matters. You count on me to have your back! Just think of it as a bad dream that passed." Khushi advised. 'I wish I could be closer to you and comfort you. But I fear you might not feel the same.'

"And you can count on me. As for what happened, I di-"

"It's alright Arnav. After all, we're best friends, aren't we?" Khushi replied. However, in her heart, she knew she wanted to be more. She wanted to be his love. She wanted to be his better half.

"Yeah. Of course!" Arnav agreed. However, he felt something more than friendship for her, although he never admitted it.

As they both kept looking at each other, all they wanted to do was confess how much they loved each other. After spending so much time together working in the same office, helping each other deal with their own last problems as good friends, and being there for each other always, they had a hunch that the feelings were mutual between them. However, they were afraid to admit it out loud to each other in fear of losing their friendship.

They would rather have their feelings to themselves and keep it secret, rather then risk saying it and losing their friendship.

As they stood there, only thing they managed to do was smile without a word.

"Hey Arnav!" exclaimed Kabir, his best friend, as he came inside his cabin.

'Aagya kabab mei haddi. Did he have to ruin our moment together?' Arnav thought in irritation.

"I...I'll take my leave then." Khushi nodded towards them in acknowledgement and left.

Kabir watched Arnav's eyes follow her movements till she was completely out of sight. He chuckled. "Man, you're smitten in love! Why don't you just admit it to her?"

"I'm not. I'm Arnav Singh Raizada. I don't have time for love. Emotions are nothing but weaknesses!"

"You love her. Just admit it. It's fruitless lying to me."

Arnav wanted to deny, but sighed. "Alright, alright. I guess you're right."

"Haha...see? That wasn't so hard admitting now was it? Go and tell her the same."

"No way Kabir! What if she doesn't like me back in that sense?"

"And what if she does?" Kabir reasoned. "Come on dude! I've seen how she acts around you. Anyone could see the tension between you two from afar. Just go and kiss her already!"

Arnav shook his head in refusal. "It's too much of a risk! What if sh-"

"You can't live your life on 'what if's Arnav! If you keep doing that, then you'll never see the other end of the tunnel! It's better to do and face the consequences, then never do it and regret it for life!" Kabir chided. "I've even heard that her mother is planning her marriage."

"What?!" Arnav asked in horror, standing up so abruptly that the chair fell back."No! This can't be happening! Khushi would have told me if there was something like that!"

"Maybe Khushi doesn't want to tell you because she doesn't want to hurt you. Maybe she knows you like her but is waiting for you to propose her. Girls are like that sometimes."

Arnav looked down in uncertainty. "Are you...are you absolutely sure?"

"100 precent bro!"

"Then...then what am I supposed to do?"

Kabir came and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Look! I'll only tell you one thing. If you want to make her yours, then go propose her tomorrow itself! Otherwise, get ready to live with the fact that she will soon be another man's property."

# Khushi's house, late night#

Khushi stood there near the window, deep in thought as the cold wind of the night blew outside. The cold didn't bother her much. But it was her confused and anxious feelings that kept her awake. After all, one can hardly sleep when the heart's in conflict with the mind.

*phone ringing*

Khushi picked up her cell without checking the caller ID. "Hello?"

(Hello Khushi! How are you?)

Khushi smiled on hearing his voice. "Hello Arnav ji. I'm fine. Just getting ready to turn up for the night." her face broke into an amused smile. "You're asking me 'how are you'? Didn't I just come back from your office this evening?"

(Uhh...yea but, um...I uh...I you have to make it so difficult?!)

Khushi's eyes scrunched up in irritation. "What the...what did I do? You're the one who called me!" she shouted back.

(You're the one that made me do so!)

Khushi's mouth opened in disbelief. "What!? I didn't even do anything and you're blaming me? I'm willing to take credit if I actually messed up, but I don't remember doing anything such."

('re stupid!)

Khushi blinked. Slowly, a smile spread over her face, which soon turned into a full-blown laughter. "Arnav ji, it's 11 in the night and you're making no sense. Are you sure you're not drunk?" Khushi joked. 'Although I'm finding it quite cute.'

(You're laughing!?)

"Hehe...fine. let it go."

(Not until I solve our argument!)

"Okay then, tell me what was our argument about." she chuckled as she heard silence from the other end. "Arnav ji, I'm tired and need to sleep. So why not just tell me why you called in the first place?"

(Um yeah...about that. Uhh...are you free tomorrow?)

"Well, since I work as your secretary, it depends on you if you'll give me a day off or not." Khushi replied. However, she didn't want him to put her off work as that would mean she won't be able to be near him, even if it was for a day.

(Um well...I was just thinking that...)

"Yes Arnav ji, continue."

#Raizada Mansion, same time#

"Um well...I was just thinking that..."

(Yes Arnav, continue.) came Khushi's voice from the other end of the line.

Arnav grit his teeth and bit on his nails in anxiety. He looked at the phone which he had in front of him on speaker mode. 'Why am i stuttering?! Ugh! I'm Arnav Singh Raizada dammit! How troublesome!'

He had faced masses and mobs that charged him for his business deals.

He had faced bullies that were after his life.

He had faced enemies that wanted to hurt him and his family.

And yet...yet, he was struggling to say the words that he wanted to speak to a harmless, 50kg, simple and sweet girl!

(I'm waiting. Are you going to complete the sentence or not? You didn't fall asleep, did you?)

"Um yes, yes Khushi! I mean no, no! I mean yes. No, I mean..." Arnav got up from the bed and smacked himself on the head. He took a breath and composed himself. "I mean yes I'll complete my sentence. And no, I didn't fall asleep."

(Um...okay. Arnav ji. I really don't mind chatting with you, but I need to go sleep.)

Arnav's eyes widened at her words. 'But I haven't told her the plan yet!' he gripped the phone harder. "No no wait! Let me speak what I want. It will only take some minutes!"

(But you don't seem to be speaking about it till now.)

"Yeah bu-ow!"

(Arnav ji! Are you alright!?)

Arnav rubbed over the spot where he accidentally hit his head on the shelf. "Yea, I'm fine. I'm fine!" he cleared his throat and gulped. "Well uhh...willyougowithmetotheparktommorrow?"

(Will you meticulously park the tomato?)

"What?! No no! Why would I want to park a tomato?!"

(Then speak clearly!)

Arnav took a deep breath and straightened his back, as if about to declare war. "Khushi, will you g-go with me t-to the park tomorrow?"

(Oh that. Sure! Why not?)


(Okay then, if that's all, I'll be going now. Good night Arnav ji. Sweet dreams!)

Arnav looked at the phone as the line went dead. He kind of envied Khushi for the way she could easily brush off the topic with a simple 'yes'. 'And here I had to struggle so much with the words.' he sighed finally having completed his mission of asking her out.

A broad smile broke over his face. "She's gonna come tomorrow. And I'm gonna propose! I hope she accepts. She will accept I'm sure."

Arnav twirled around in his room in glee. "I think she will. I mean, Kabir said she might like me back too, didn't he? Yep, I'm having good vibes about tomorrow!"

Unfortunately, he wasn't looking where he was going and stumbled on the mat, falling face flat on the floor. "Ouch."

#Next day, morning#

As Kabir walked into Arnav's room, his eyes widened into the size of saucers. "Did a tornado run through your room, or a dinosaur invade?" he questioned as he saw the condition of the room.

Shirts and pants were lying astrew. Some were on the bed, some haphazardly stuffed into the cupboard, some even lying on top of the beside lamp. Kabir thought he saw some shorts on top of the fan too, although he really didn't want to know how they got there.

"Did you give it to her? She didn't suspect anything, did she?" questioned Arnav.

"Nah, she didn't, chill." Kabir pacified.

"Cool! Come help me with this, will ya?" Arnav requested from where he was standing before the big mirror.

Kabir rolled his eyes and went to fix Arnav's tie. "Arnav, Khushi sees you everyday. Why do you need to dress up so much? It's not like you'll meet her for the first time."

"Whatever. Thanks!" Arnav moved away from him once the tie was fixed and admired himself on the mirror. He smiled at his reflection and extended a hand forward. "Hi, I'm Arnav. But of course you already know me, right? Ha ha!" however he suddenly shook his head. "No! This won't do. How about..." Arnav posed like a model. "Hey Khushi, nice day, huh? You're looking great. I'm looking dashing too, aren't I?"

Kabir watched with bewilderment as Arnav shook his head vigorously again. "What exactly are you doing?"

"I'm trying to determine the perfect way to greet her. I want to simply impress her beyond her expectstions. Oh my goodness, I'm so excited!"

Kabir sighed in misery at Arnav's antics as he kept practicing in front of the mirror like a lovesick teenager. He couldn't believe it was the same cold-hearted Arnav Singh don't-mess-with-me Raizada.

Kabir shook his head in disbelief and went to sit on the bed. He sipped on the glass of juice he found on the table. "By the way, at what time are you meeting her?"

"Around 5pm or around it. I want to enjoy the sunset with her as well."

At once, Kabir ended up spitting the juice and choked on it. "Are you...are you freaking crazy?! If you've planned the date that late, then why are you getting ready now?! It's 9am!"

Arnav looked at the clock. "Huh? I guess you are right. I'm getting ready too early, aren't I?" he spoke with a thoughtful face. However, he just simply shrugged and got back to practicing. "Hi! How's you? Hehe...*sigh* Nah! I should try another!"

Kabir fell back on the bed and looked at the ceiling with a flat face. "R. I. P logic."

#Park 5.30pm#

Ever felt the feeling when you're waiting for a moment to come real quick, but the hands of the clock seem to move extra slow?

And then when the moment is there, you end up trying to find ways to escape from what you've been waiting for in fear of messing up?

That was what could be defined as Arnav's state right at that moment as he waited for Khushi to arrive.

His phone rang, breaking him out of his thoughts. "Hello? Kabir, did you see her?"

(Yep! She's heading your way. Good luck bro. Make the best of the moment.)

Arnav didn't need to be told twice. At once, he ran inside the park to the spot where he kept her surprise ready.

#Park entrance, 5.40pm#

As she stepped into the park, her eyes were searching only one person.

Her love, her life, the reason for her existence.

Her Arnav.

"Where is he? First he calls me, and then he himself is late! How irresponsible! He's always on time in official work. Why didn't he hurry here?" Khushi kept ranting as she looked around.

To her surprise, the usually crowded park was empty. 'Did Arnav reserve the entire park? But why? Is there some announcement he's gonna make? Oh my! Maybe that's why Kabir gave me this dress.' Khushi concluded.

Kabir had visited her early in the morning and gave her a dress. He didn't tell her the reason, but asked her to wear it for the outing.

Khushi looked around trying to locate Arnav. From the corner of her eyes, she saw something unusual. She walked closer to inspect it.

Khushi gasped as she saw the grand decorations laid out there. It one word...enchanting.

Underneaths the flowers, Arnav sat there with his back towards her.

'Maybe I can use it to my advantage and surprise him from the back?' she chuckled quietly and took slow, silent steps towards him. She smiled a mischievous smile as she came near him, believing herself to be successful in not alerting him.

"You're here Khushi."

'Damn!' Khushi paused in her steps. 'How did he know?' she heard him chuckle.

"Wondering how I knew you were close Khushi?"

Khushi nodded. However, upon realizing that he probably couldn't see it since he had his back to her, she spoke up. "I'm pretty sure I was subtle in my approach. How did you know?"

"Well, I heard you."

"But I didn't make any sound. I'm sure!"

"I heard you." Arnav turned around with a smile. "Not with my ears, but my heart."

Khushi felt her heart still at his words.

Arnav smiled. All the nervousness, all the anxiety, all the tension seemed to completely disappear the moment he saw her. He felt confident as he saw her in that elegant dress.

His lifeline was near him. What could he want more?

"You make me complete Khushi. The moment you came near me, I could feel the world around me change. The flowers smell a little more sweeter, the world looks a little more brighter and a sense of happiness settles within me. That's how I knew you are here."

Khushi was touched by his words. But she was quite confused by his strange behavior. 'He's just being the flirt he usually is at office.' Khushi thought in irritation. Nevertheless, she chuckled. "You've become a poet, I see."

Arnav got up and came near her. "Only for you, my dear secretary."

His words made her look down with a blush while her heartbeats fluttered. "You over do it Arnav ji."

They smiled at each other and kept looking into each other's eyes.

In that moment, both wanted to say a lot of things.

She wanted to thank him for always being there for her in the past, for helping her family when they were in debt, for all the good memories they shared together, for his support, for him always being there for her whenever she felt like she was alone, for showing her the bliss loving someone truly can bring, and for a thousand other things. But most importantly, for being there for someone as damaged like her.

As Arnav looked into her eyes, all he wanted to do was thank her or filling his life with happiness. Although he might not express much, he was really grateful for Khushi coming into his life. He a family to worry about which was always under threat from the treacherous businessmen. Not to mention he also had to work hard to keep his company at the top. But when Khushi was near, she made him forget his worries and tensions. He wanted to thank her for saving him from despair, to make him know what truly loving someone feels like, to help him on every step, to forgive him even at times he mistrusted her. But most importantly, for being there for someone so damaged like him.

Both wanted to say a lot of things.

But all they did was stand there and smile at each other.

They didn't need to tell each other anything. Their eyes spoke millions. They already knew what the other wanted to say.

After all, they were two bodies, but one soul.

Both knew they were broken and damaged. Each had their own scars, their own demons, their own skeletons in the closets. Their lives had been through tragedies.

But if life had given them tragedy, it has also given them each other as a remedy.

If life had given them loneliness and pain, it also gave them each other's closeness, which kept them sane.

Arnav placed a hand on her cheek and looked at her lovingly. "You're beautiful Khushi."

Khushi leaned into his touch unconsciously and placed her own hand over his. "And you're amazing Arnav. That is why I'm lucky to have you on life. That is why I lo-" suddenly, reality came crashing down on her and she refrained from what she was about to say. 'Should I tell him? But what if he doesn't feel the same? It will ruin our friendship! I can't let my feelings ruin our friendship.'

She stepped back from him and looked around. "Why such a grand arrangement? It must have cost a fortune!"

"Like it? It's for you."

"For me? But...but why?" Khushi questioned in surprise. In a corner of her heart, a thought popped up. However, she disregarded it with disbelief. 'There is no way it can be what I think, can it? Am I just building castles in the air?'

"Yep! For you." Arnav responded. He leaned his head to the side and smiled at her dreamily. "You're beautiful Khushi."

Khushi chuckled in amusement. "You already said that."

"I'm not saying it again just to impress you Khushi. I'm saying it to remind you that I'll always find you beautiful. Be it now, in future or in near death. I'll keep cherishing, I'll keep caring and I'll keep saying you're beautiful till the end."

"Arnav ji I..." Khushi was at a loss of words as to what to say. She could feel her heart doing flips, while the butterflies in her stomach didn't stop fluttering. 'Is this really what I think this is?' Khushi swallowed hard. "Arnav ji, can I ask you on-"

"Not now Khushi. Today, I want to share everything with you. I don't want to leave anything behind. You can speak later."

Khushi nodded in understanding and motioned him to continue.

"You know, in a way, I'm thankful for Ruchi." Arnav admitted.

"Oh. I see." Khushi smiled at tight smile, while her eye twitched in irritation. 'Ruchi kamini! I hope you fall flat on your face! Ugh!'

Arnav noticed a change in her mood. If he wasn't wrong, he thought he could feel some negative vibes from Khushi at the mention of Ruchi's name. "Yeah. I'm thankful to Ruchi. It's because of her that I learnt what true love is. Because of her, I could realize who is my true love instead of her."

Khushi blinked at him in confusion. "I...I don't understand."

He took her hand and pulled her towards the seat which he had decorated for her. He seated her and sat opposite to her. "Khushi, remember how we met?"

Khushi nodded with a smile. "You saved me from drowning when I accidentally fell into the river. I could never forget that day. That day, two years ago, you saved my life."

"Kind of cool in a way, right? I mean, how many couples have you seen that can say that they met like us?" Arnav joked in good humor. "Ah! Good memories! Lucky that we met, huh?"

"True. The tale of how you found the best secretary ever!" Khushi teased.

'She still isn't taking the hint!? Ugh! Why does she refuse to see the obvious? Is it because she doesn't love me after all?' Arnav looked away refusing to meet her eyes. 'Does she only like me as a best friend? But I...I want to be more.'

Khushi noticed his sullen mood. However, she didn't speak. After all, sometimes the best thing one can do for another is give them space to get themselves right. 'But I'm always there for you Arnav. I'm never leaving you to suffer alone.'

Arnav looked up after a moment and took her hand in his. "The reason I called you here Khushi is because I realized that it's you. It's you whom I love."

Khushi jerked back in shock at his words. " love me?"

"Yes, I do. But I understand if you don't feel the same." Arnav closed his eyes and retracted his hands from her. Even though he was a grown man, at that moment, he seemed so small and fragile as he folded into himself. As if shielding himself.

Khushi felt her heart ache so hard, she could physically feel the pain. It wasn't from hurt or rejection, but from all the past repressed feelings coming out. 'He...he really said it...finally.'

For two whole years...two whole years she had longed to hear him say those words. They became friends, but she felt more than that for him, which he never noticed. Then when they started becoming good friends, work kept them too busy to spend time together. And then...then when everything seemed to be getting better, came Ruchi, who was bent on separting them.

For so long she wanted to hear Arnav actually admit the words to her. And that he was actually admitting it, she couldn't stop the emotional dam from breaking.

"Khushi, I understand why you wouldn't want to accept me. After all, I'm not the perfect guy someone like you would want to date." Arnav admitted with a bitter smile. "I may have money and fame, but that's it. I have many enemies who are put for my life. I don't even know if I'll survive their evil schemes as time passes. I'm a shameless flirt. I even got into a scandal with Ruchi, and couldn't prove to anyone that it wasn't true. You're the one that managed to do it! So I ca-"

"And I love you."

Arnav's eyes popped open on her words. He abruptly looked up at her face.

She was crying, as well as smiling.

Her rosy cheeks were stained with tears flowing down her face, while her face held a smile that made him feel at peace.

She looked like a tragic beauty.

Terrible, yet beautiful.

"You're damaged, so what? I'm not perfect either. If your life is at risk, I'll fight every hazard to protect you. And as for Ruchi, I never believed her anyway!" Khushi took his hand in hers. "Arnav, I want you to know that you're worth everything to me. Your past mistakes, your imperfections, your flaws...they don't matter to me. You're flawed, but so am I. We're both imperfect. But that's what love is, isn't it? Being able to see perfection in a person even though you know every flaw and imperfections in them."

"You still love me? Despite knowing that I have so many enemies that might go after you because of me?"

"All I know is that I love you Arnav."

Arnav surged forward and hugged her. "Don't you fear that something might happen to you? You're still willing to love me?" Arnav questioned, his own tears forming at the corner of his eyes.

"Loving you was my choice, being with you was my choice and no matter what happens, no matter what befalls you, I'll stay beside you. That too, is my choice. You can't and don't dare take that right from me! So you can stop telling me about your imperfections. No matter what it is Arnav, you're mine. And there is no way I'm letting you go!"

Arnav smiled at her. He got up from his seat and got down on one knee before her.

Khushi had a guess what he was about to do and held her breath. She could feel her heart pound loudly in her chest, her anxiety at its peak. Her palms were sweating as she watched him with batted breath. She could feel her knees quivering. She swallowed hard and tried to calm herself down. However, nothing seemed to work. The butterflies in her stomach didn't show any signs of slowing their fluttering. 'Is this really happening? Is this real?!' his voice broke her out her thoughts.


She wanted to say 'go on Arnav'. But only thing that came out of her mouth was a whimper and a squeaky hum.

Arnav took it as a sign to continue. "When I first met you, it was by mistake. Later, I appointed you as secretary for my work, but you became my friend. When I got to know you better, you became my trusted friend. When we became good friends, you became my solace, the salvation to my solitude. It took me time to realize how much you meant to me. But when I did, I thought it was the best feeling I ever felt. But, the actual best feeling is now when I realize you feel that same for me." he admitted. "Khushi, you are my reason to live. You are my soul, my heartbeat. If I was to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to say that I love you."

Khushi could feel her tears gathering in the corner of her eyes. It was a moment of happiness. However, she couldn't stop her tears no matter how much she tried. Her heart felt it would burst from happiness. Never did she feel so happy. She squeezed her hands hard, making her nails dig into her palms to make sure she wasn't dreaming. As she kept listening to him speak, she could feel her throat clog up with her sobs. However, she kept her tears at bay as didn't want to ruin the moment for him.

"Khushi, after what happened with Ruchi, I didn't want to fall for any girl, believing they will only want me for my money. Neither did I want to risk being hurt in love. I tried to be away from you, but I couldn't! It was not possible for to keep myself from loving you. Maybe meeting you was just luck, maybe becoming friends was my choice. But loving you was totally beyond me. You, Khushi Ayeesha, are imperfect. But for me, you are perfect in every way. Khushi, when I say I love you, I don't mean that I love you more than you love me. But what I mean is that I love you more than the bad days that we had and may have. I mean that I love you more than whatever distance may arise between us, I mean I love you no matter the obstacle that comes in our lives. And I mean that..." Arnav looked up at her with a dramatic pause.

"That I..." Arnav's voice voice broke towards the end with his emotions overcoming him. However, he managed to smile despite his eyes brimming up with tears. "I mean that I love you the m-most."

Khushi let her tears flow freely on his words. She couldn't control them anymore. However, she had nothing to shy of it as Arnav himself was close to tears.

All their lives, after all the troubles, after all the hurdles, betrayals, hurt, sorrow, loneliness despair...after everything...they were finally getting the happiness that they deserve which...

Which they could only find with each other.

Arnav took a deep breath to calm himself and continued. "When I lost ways to justify my truth because of Ruchi's lie, it didn't make me lose hope. When the public and media accused me of being shameless, it broke me but I survived. When I lost my reputation it failed to break me. But Khushi, if you...if you walk away from my life, I don't think there is anything that will be able to bring me back from despair. Since you entered my life, I've found myself again. Your smile makes my life a little more brighter, your voice makes my heart flutter, your presence makes me feel alive and when...when you are beside me, I feel like I'm one of the the luckiest men in the world."

Khushi let out a smile through her sobs. "And I'm t-the luckiest girl to get a man like you who loves me u-unconditionally!"

Arnav reached behind him into his pocket and pulled out a tiny box.

Khushi gritted her teeth so hard she thought she would break them from it's sheer force. She could feel the excitement from what she assumed Arnav was about to do. She could feel herself tremble and her legs quivered from the thrill and excitement. She was on cloud nine! It was Arnav's voice that brought her back to the real world.

"Khushi, as I look at you, I feel like I want nothing more in the world as everything I want is right before me. I want was someone to care for me, I want was someone to be there for me, I want was someone to value me. And all I ever want you, Khushi." he opened the box and revealed the ring inside it.

Khushi put a hand to cover her mouth to cover her sobs of happiness.

It was true that it wasn't the most luxurious and expensive ring that money could buy. But for her, the ring was beautiful in its very essence. It's value for her was beyond expressible.

She, like every other girl, dreams of the day that their love would finally make them theirs. The day the world would seem like it was rejoicing for her. The day that would feel like one of the happiest days in the span of her existence. The day she and her lover finally gave a name to their relationship. Khushi couldn't express the joy she felt at that moment.

The ring glowed in the sunlight like a pearl fresh from the ocean. In it, she could see her face reflected clearly. It showed the happiness that was evident on her face. As she gazed into the ring, she could feel a sense of happiness, and peace.

Arnav smiled at her with tearful eyes. "Khushi Singh, I say this may a times, but it's still not enough. I love you Khushi. More than myself, more than my soul and more than any person I've ever met! You are the reason for my existence. You are the reason for my smile. Will you, Khushi Kumari, be mine forever, so that I may be the reason for yours?"

Khushi, by now, was practically bouncing on her heels at his words. So overcome by emotions, she was speechless and could only nod vigorously. Nevertheless, she composed herself enough to say a quiet 'yes'.

Arnav heard it clearly, but wanted to hear it from her lips again. He wanted to relive the moment once more. "What? I don't think I heard you properly." Arnav faked a lie.

"Oh my! Yes, yes and yes!" Khushi, the ever composed polite girl, leapt over and hugged him. If it wasn't for Arnav's quick reflexes, he would have probably fallen over due to the raw force with which she hugged him. The next moment, he felt his shirt get wet from her sobs.

Arnav didn't blame her for crying. After all, he himself was overcome with so much happiness that was making him tear up.

He let out a hearty laugh. "Arnav, first you smile, then you attack me, and now you cry? Women! Really can't ever understand you."

Khushi paused to glare at him and hit him on the arm. She sniffed and rubbed away her tears. She looked at him with a pout. "Shut up! Do you really need to ruin the moment everytime?"

Arnav chuckled. "Fine fine. At least let me put the ring on you."

"Oh my! You haven't put it yet? What the heck Arnav?!" Khushi sat up straight and put forward her ring finger. "Go on, won't you? Why are you delaying?"

'It's my fault now, eh?' he shook his head in amusement. He held her hand and put the ring on her finger.

Khushi smiled and looked down in shyness. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked up at Arnav with her blushing face. "Thanks."

"And now I claim what's mine." saying so, Arnav took her hand and kissed it. "I want you to be with me always." he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "I will cherish you always." he kissed her neck, making her turn reKabirer. "I will love you passionately forever and always." he kissed her shoulder. "I will value your company more than myself."

Finally, Arnav took her chin and made her look at him. "And the last one will mean that I... I will love you...always." saying so, he leaned forward and claimed her soft lips.

Khushi, with the tears of happiness flowing through her eyes, smiled through it and kissed him back.

***********The End***********

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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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