Shot 2

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Hoping to get a positive response.

Moving on...💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts


Even the darkest night will end with the rise of the sun...
Even the never ending sorrows will end one day...
Just as no one gets to be happy forever, no one gets to be sad forever as well...
With time, you will get the happiness you deserve...
All you need to do is have patience and remember...
Your sorrows are just the darkest before dawn...


Darkest before Dawn

#Gupta residence, 11.30pm#

"Khushi di, let's go inside."

"You go Mishka. I'll stay a little longer." Khushi told her little sister.

"But Di, it's getting cold out here."

Khushi smiled a polite smile. "It's alright Mishka. I'll go inside in a bit. You can go to your room."


Khushi nodded.

"Alright then. But I'll check after sometime. If I find you here, I'll complain to Maa." Mishka warned, making Khushi chuckle. She bid her elder sister goodnight and went inside.

Khushi sighed to herself and looked at the moon in the sky remembering Arnav. "Why are you doing this to me Arnav? Why are you punishing me so much? Do you hate your Khushi that much?" she asked to no one in particular.

It had been four months. Four months since Arnav disappeared after the accident.

The car fell into a ditch, but his body wasn't found.

The police, detectives, everyone close to him searched a lot, but couldn't locate him anywhere!

After three months, they all gave up.

All except Nikhil and herself.

Nikhil refused to give up on his best friend. He still believed he was alive somewhere.

But after another month, even he gave up hope.

Only Khushi remained who still believed that Arnav was alive somewhere.

Khushi knew her heart couldn't lie. She still felt that he was alive and well in this world.

In fact, there were even times when she felt her heart beat faster, as if he was near her. Sometimes, she felt as if her life had returned back to her when she saw someone resembling him in the crowd. However, whenever she chased the person, she never found him or realized it was someone else.

However, in the recent days, she was absolutely sure that he was somewhere near, somewhere close to her.

But she couldn't understand why he refused to come before her. She didn't understand why he was purposefully keep himself away from his family, from her. She didn't understand why Arnav didn't want to accept her love.

"Come back to me Arnav. These four months without you has been so tough! It was as if I was a living corpse just carrying out daily activities without a thought, without any emotion. But now that I feel you near me, I feel like my life had returned to me." a tear dropped from her eyes. "But refuse to reveal yourself. You refuse to acknowledge our love. I found you after so long and this is what I get? Why Arnav why?! Why are you doing this to me? Do you like to see me like this? Do you like to see me cry my heart out? Do you like to see me suffer?!" she shouted in anguish.

Khushi pulled out a picture that she had with her. It was of her and Arnav on the day he took her out to the carnival. She looked at it lovingly and caressed it with utmost care. "Arnav, I always believed in our love. Even when others thought you were dead I...I never lost faith. I never had a second thought about you being dead. My hope kept me alive."

She tried to keep her sobs in control as she kept talking to the picture. "But your cold treatment towards me is killing me Arnav. I know you're alive! But you won't come to me. Why? Are you angry at me? Before, I could live knowing that you were somewhere alive, knowing that you still love me. But now that I know you're around somewhere near me, I...I can't bear your indifference Arnav. I would rather you be away from me safe, than feel you near me where you treat me like a stranger. Am I so unimportant to you? Don't you care about me at all?"

The winter wind blew, putting the leaves in unrest from their peaceful state. The cold hit the bare skin of her arm, not covered by her night clothes. However, it least bothered her. She could barely feel the chill or anything else beyond the pain in her heart. Khushi sobbed and whimpered in the dark of the lonely night. She pulled her knees closer to herself and put her head in between her crossed arms.

As the moon shone over the earth, she cried out her heart out in the dark, letting out all the pain and loneliness she felt. In her tears, she let out all the repressed feelings that she didn't express in front of anyone so as to not worry them. Now though, in the solitude of the eerie night, she could express herself without anyone hearing her.

The owls and the nocturnal beings stood witnesses to her sorrowful cries. But they were mere observers to her pain.

#30 minutes later#

A figure emerged from the shadows. His footsteps echoed in the stillness of the quiet night. His movement seemed to disturb the tranquil and eeriness of the night.

He had been watching her since two hours without Khushi knowing.

He tried.

He really tried his best to keep himself away from her. He knew that his enemies ,the ones who tried to kill him through the car accident, would no doubt try to harm Khushi again if he gets close to her. That was why he was keeping himself away until he finds solid proof against them to get them arrested. He was doing undercover work secretly.

He tried real hard to stay away.

But no matter what, he couldn't keep himself away from her.

After all, the heart rarely listens.

Everytime he tried to forget her, Khushi's crying face flashed before his mind. Everytime he closed his eyes, her heartbroken and shattered expression pierced through his heart.

At last, he couldn't hold back anymore. He, not wanted. He needed to see her once more and make sure she was okay. He just needed to get once glance at her and see her just this once.

That was why he had come to Khushi's home without anyone finding out.

And he did see her.

He saw her sitting in the front porch with her sister. She looked sad, but Mishka was consoling her.

She looked okay physically and he hoped her family would be able to help her get over him.

She was safe. That should have satisfied him and he could have left.

But he just couldn't make himself leave.

He wanted to keep looking at her. He never wanted to leave. Instead, he wanted to go to her and pull her close. He wanted to kiss her and whisper sweet nothings to her as he held her in his arms.

But he was bound by the situations.

After sometime, he saw Mishka leave her and Khushi turned to look at the moon. He heard everything that she spoke out loud. He heard her anguish cries. He could feel her longing.

After all, he felt the same.

He wanted to hit himself for causing her so much pain. He hated himself for making her so sad and broken.

At the same time, he also wanted to go to her and tell her the truth. He wanted to speak to her. He wanted to put an end to her sorrow and tell her that she wasn't wrong, that she shouldn't lose hope, that he was right here. To tell her that she never did anything wrong to make him leave.

But all he could do was watch with tears in his eyes as she wept heart wrenching cries.

Arnav grabbed his own chest were his heart was. He felt as if his own heart was breaking from watching her cry. 'Please Khushi, don't cry. I can't see you in tears.'

That was half and hour ago.

Now... Khushi had finally stopped crying.

Not because she was able to calm down. But because she had cried herself to sleep.

Arnav had heard Mishka say that she would come back later check on get Khushi. 'But what if Mishka doesn't wake up from her sleep? What if Khushi remains outside all night? In this cold, she'll get sick!'

Arnav swallowed the lump in his throat and got up from his hiding place. He couldn't let Khushi get in harm's way. With his mind made up, he took slow steps towards her.

As he got near her, he could only feel one thing in his heart.


Peace was what he felt in his heart, which was earlier filled with sorrow, longing, frustration, anger, distress...chaos.

A glimpse of her for him was like a drizzle of rain amidst a long extended drought. Looking at her, he simply fell into a trance. A trance which took him to a land of beauty and bliss.

Khushi's long black locks of hair flowed due to the light breeze passing in the silence of the night. He felt jealous of her hair that got to touch her face. He felt jealous of the air that could touch her arm at its will. In the nocturnal environment, with the moon brightening up her soft face, she looked absolutely breathtaking to him.

Arnav felt like he could look at her like that forever. He wanted that moment to never end. She looked so peaceful while sleeping.

However, on looking closely, he could see how her eyebrows were pulled together in distress, as if even in sleep, she couldn't get away from her worries. Tears leaked from her closed eyes. In the moonlight, they shone like pearls in the ocean.

At last, Arnav couldn't hold back anymore and sat beside her. He extended his hand and rubbed away the tears from her face. However, he did not remove his hand. He kept it on her face.

Khushi, although asleep, seemed to sense him unconsciously and leaned into his touch. She moved towards him and laid her head on his shoulder.

Arnav smiled a teary smile at her reaction. He wished he could stop time for that moment.

But he knew it was impossible.

'I'm so sorry Khushi. So very sorry. I love you, and you love me. But I guess...I fear our love would remain unrequited in this life.' Arnav let out a shaky sigh and rubbed his moist eyes. He composed himself and removed her head from his shoulder.

He got up and put one arm under her knees, the other behind her head. Slowly, being careful not to jolt let her awake, he lifted her into his arms and walked towards the door.

As he walked, Khushi burrowed her head into his chest. Although she was asleep, her unconscious seemed to recognize the familiar closeness of Arnav. Her face lost it's earlier pained expression and she seemed to finally fall into a silent and peaceful sleep.

Arnav smiled to himself looking at her face. He quietly pushed open the front door with his shoulder and headed towards Khushi's room.

He carefully sat her on the bed and laid her comfortably on it. He grabbed the blanket and covered her with it. With one last glance at her, he turned to go.

However, a hand caught his arm.

Arnav froze in shock. 'Did she wake up? No! This shouldn't have happened damn it!'

He turned around, hoping to cook up an excuse when her voice broke him of his thoughts.

"Arnav? Is that you for real? Or am I dreaming?"

Now that Arnav looked closely, he noticed that Khushi wasn't actually awake.

Arnav hated lying, but he knew he had to do this. He turned around and crouched to her level. "It's a dream Khushi. A good dream."

Khushi smiled, still half-asleep. "It's so good to have you near me, even if it is in a dream."

Arnav smiled at her. He badly wanted to tell her it was really him. But his circumstances kept him back. "Yes Love. I'm here with you in your dream."

Khushi suddenly became sad. "Arnav, why won't you come to me in real? Am I that bad? Did I make you so angry that you left me?"

"No Khushi! Never blame yourself. You're not bad. And I would never leave you! I love you."

"But you did leave me." she said in a sad tone.

"I...I don't..." what could he say to console her? After all, he indeed left her.

"But don't worry Arnav. You won't fade from my heart. I won't ever lose hope. I know you will come back to me one day. No matter where you are or how angry you are at me, you'll come back to me."

Arnav looked at her surprised. She seemed so positive. He at least knew the truth. But her? She didn't have anything that would give her hope. Her family and his own too gave up on his return. Yet...yet, she never gave up hope and even now, she wasn't showing any tremble in her belief.

"You believe in me that much?"

"Yes. And I believe in our love. I know it can conquer the odds that are keeping us apart."

Arnav let out a chuckle at her words. He put a hand over hers and leaned forward to kiss her forehead.

He felt a new strength in his heart after hearing the hope and belief she had in him and their love. It seemed to show him a light in the despair that he was in. It was small, but enough for him to hold on to.

Arnav swallowed hard and smiled at her. "Khushi, do you trust me?"

Khushi smiled a goofy smile, still half-asleep. "More than my life."

Arnav nodded. "Then trust me Khushi. I'll come back to you. No matter what, I'll come back to you. I'll do everything in my power. I'll leave no stone unturned to come back to you."

Khushi smiled sloppily in her state of sleepiness. "I love you Arnav."

"And I love you Khushi." Arnav smiled a genuine smile at her and placed her hand on the bed, covering it with the blankets.

Khushi let out a content sigh and turned around, adjusting herself comfortably on the bed.

Arnav looked one last time at her sleeping figure and left the room, with hope of coming back to her soon.

#Morning, next day#

As voices reached her ears, Khushi opened her eyes groggily. She could hear her mother and Mishka bickering in the other room. She looked around and noticed it was already 9 in the morning. "Wow! I slept this late? Why didn't anyone wake me?"

"Because it had been a long time since you got a good night's sleep." her little sister replied as she came into the room. "And I'm glad you slept in. You've been so stressed lately."

Khushi looked down in thought. How could she sleep properly when Arnav wasn't back to her yet? Suddenly, a thought struck her. "Mishka? Did you and Ma get me inside yesterday night?"

"Eh? No I didn't. I woke up around 12:30 am and went to check on you, but you weren't outside."

"But I don't remember coming inside on my own."

"You came in on your own, I'm sure."

"But I...I don't remember it." a picture of Arnav tucking her in bed came to her and her eyes widened. 'Did...did Arnav really come yesterday? Or was it a dream?' Khushi clutched the best sheet in uncertainty and hope as she looked at Mishka. "Did someone bring me inside?"

"Well, no one else in the family said about finding you outside last night. So you must have come inside by yourself."

"Are you sure no one was here yesterday? I mean I really don't remember coming inside on my own."

"Maybe a ghost brought you in." Mishka joked with a roll of her eyes. "Probably were half asleep when you walked in. That's why you don't remember." she pulled away the covers from her sister. "Now come on! Breakfast time!"

Khushi hugged herself in thought. "But feels so real. It's I actually talked to him. Was he really here?"

Mishka understood who Khushi might be referring to by 'him'. "Khushi di I...I don't want to sound rude but Arnav wasn't here di. It was your imagination or your dream."

Khushi looked crestfallen. "But Mishka, it see-"

Mishka placed a hand on her arm. "I'm sorry Khushi di, but that's the truth. Come have breakfast now, okay? We'll go to the park to brighten your mood." saying so, she left to prepare the table for breakfast.

Khushi gripped the bed sheets hard in distress. She knew her sister was right. As she proceeded to get up from bed, she felt something underneath her palm.

She raised it to her eye level and noticed it was a black band.

Not just any band.

But one of those that Arnav used to love wearing.

For a moment, Khushi froze in her spot.

Slowly, a smile broke out in her face, which soon turned into a full blown grin.

She understood.

"Khushi?" Sarla uttered her name as she came to stand at the door to her room. "Beta, breakfast is ready. Please don't refuse." Sarla requested. Khushi has been skipping meals ever since Arnav went missing.

To her surprise, Khushi smiled brightly at her. "I won't Maa. In fact, could you make me my favorite custard?"

Sarla looked at her in awe and in happiness. "O-of course Khushi! I'll go make it right away."

Khushi nodded with a smile. "Thank you Maa. I'll go freshen up. Something tells me, things are about to take a turn for the good soon."

Khushi turned around and grabbed onto the band tightly. 'I'll wait for you Arnav. I'll wait for you to come to me. We may be in tough situations now. But there's dawn at the end of every night. Like darkness before dawn, I believe our sorrows will fade. And our happiness will come to us one day. Come to me soon Arnav. Your Khushi awaits you.'

Hope you liked!

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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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