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Here's the first chapter! I might publish one once a week until we reach week 4 😉

"I'm sorry but we're not looking for anyone right now, maybe try again in a few weeks? Things could change but until then, I'm very sorry".

"We only hire omegas here, we're not really human friendly so I would appreciate it if you could just leave".

"We do need someone but... you're not exactly what we're looking for, sorry".

"This place is filled with alphas, I don't think it's right that a human girl like you work here".

"We're a beta business, child, read the signs before you get too far ahead".

"You do fit the requirements but... you look a little... shabby, we can't have that here".

I leave the building and sigh, defeated.

Today's not my day either, it seems. I hate that this time, it's my looks that got in the way, but it's not like I didn't expect it could happen. It just... it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

After a moment of thinking about where else I could go, my phone starts ringing and one look at the screen reveals it to be my adoptive mother.


I accept the call and make my way to a bench facing a beautiful and large green park, her voice already echoing on the other side without even taking the time for niceties.

'How's the job hunting going?'.

Hello to you too, mom.

"Most places I've visited aren't looking for someone, or humans in general" I answer, hear her disappointment in her silence. "But don't worry, I'm going to keep searching, there has to be a place that would welcome me" I add, hoping to not worsen her mood too much.

It's always quite unstable when it comes to me and I'm not really in a mood to deal with that right now.

'Are you well dressed? You know you have to take care of your appearance if you want people to take you seriously. A makeup well done and an outfit to show off your assets would get you a job right away' she says and I purse my lips, I hate when she brings that point forward.

"I don't want them to hire me because I have boobs or a pretty face, mom, I want them to hire me because I would be competent, I want to be treated like a living being, not like a... doll they can glance at whenever they wish".

'That way of thinking isn't going to get you anywhere, Ahn Y/N. If you really want a job, because that rent won't pay itself, then you need to stop being so difficult. Your dad and I won't be paying your apartment forever, we told you, this was the last rent we were taking care of. You've graduated college now, you're able to live your own life, you don't need us anymore'.

I drop my shoulders and rest my face in one hand, the sting of her words not one I enjoy.

'Do you still take your medicine? You know you shouldn't skip a single day, it's important' she changes the subject as she pleases and I can only follow along as I nod, exhausted from a less than productive day.

"I take it everyday, don't worry mom. I skipped one day by mistake once and started feeling really sick, I haven't forgotten since then" I tell her and she gasps, anger reaching me even though we're nowhere close right now.

'Ahn Y/N! You better make sure that it doesn't happen again, am I clear?!' she exclaims and I hum, not surprised that the only reactions I get from her are when I don't do well enough to her liking.

"I'll be careful, mom, it won't happen again. Hmhm, I'll get a job, promise, you won't have to pay the next rent. I know".

She ends the call and I stare at the screen a bit longer before tucking it in my pocket with a sigh.

Yeah, this isn't a good day at all so far, and it just started.

I raise my eyes to the park, to the children playing together, to the happy smiles, brain trying to remember if I've ever experienced anything like that before, if I've ever been loved that much, if I could have the smallest little memory of my birth parents, but nothing comes to mind.

All I know is that my adoptive parents don't carry me in their heart and that they handle this thing that we're supposed to call family a lot better when I'm away from them.

Mom had me sent to a boarding school in Seoul a few years ago and since then, I haven't been back home even once. It's like they're trying to make me give up on them, to stop counting on them.

Once I can pay my own rent? It might very well signify the end of our paths crossing again. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but it's not like there's anything I can do about that. I can't force them to like me.

I sigh again and close my eyes, wondering what it is that I should be doing now when I hear the sound of someone sitting next to me, a gentle warmth that feels comforting that oozes out of the body like a gentle caress.

"Are you okay?" I hear a sweet husky voice ask, no louder than the rustling of a leaf in the breeze and I open my eyes to see a handsome man, his beauty one like I've never seen before, one that captivates me right away but not in an overwhelming way, it's hard to explain.

I take the time to observe him, his body hidden under a long-sleeve black turtleneck sweater, his white hair looking soft and slightly curly, feline shaped eyes worried as they observe me and I smile with a light shrug before turning back to the sight in front of me.

"I'm not sure" I admit, the weight of this day heavy on my body. It feels like it might make me crumple to the ground anytime and I don't think I would have the energy to raise myself to my feet again.

I just want to go to sleep, yet if I do that, I might as well learn to sleep in the streets already to prepare for what's to come because that won't earn me any money.

He hums and gazes at the park as well, something... reassuring about him that makes me feel better already. It feels nice. "Want to talk about it? I'm a good listener".

I huff a small smile. "You don't know me and yet you want to listen to me rant?" I ask him and his eyes crease slightly with a chuckle.

"Should I introduce myself, then? My name is Yoongi, I'm a tattoo artist, I co-own a parlour with one of my mates. Pristine Moonlight, maybe you've heard of it?" he asks and my eyes widen as I know exactly what place he's talking about.

"Wait! Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook, right? I've seen your art on Instagram, I even follow your page! I've been dreaming of getting something done by you two one day because I just love your style so much!" I exclaim before slapping a hand over my mouth, not believing that I just fell into fan-mode so damn fast and he laughs happily, a hand waving as if my praise is too much.

"See, you do know me after all. Although I wasn't expecting that reaction, it's always pleasing to find someone who likes what we do that much. When the time is right, it would be an honour to draw a piece for you" he muses and I blush a little before looking away, now even more embarrassed about it all.

Min Yoongi, the gentle alpha along with his mate, Jeon Jungkook, another alpha who's full of energy and a bundle of muscles. That's what the comments say anyway, you would have to be living in a cavern in the middle of mountains to not have heard of them at least once.

How could I possibly open up to him when I know that he's somewhat of a celebrity? I mean, he's not, but he's still popular, that has to count for something. He would find my problems so ridiculous compared to what he has to deal with on a regular basis, no?

"Aren't you going to tell me your name too?" he asks after a moment and I straighten up before bowing his way, awkward and a mess of nerves with all that's been going on recently.

"Sorry, Ahn Y/N, currently job hunting, there's not much good to say about me to be honest, I graduated college a while ago and I have yet to achieve anything" I blurt out before instantly regretting it because gosh, who would want to know that?

But then Yoongi gently pats my shoulder in a comforting manner, his face into a kind frown when I look up to glance at him, unsure of what to do with myself as his fingers squeeze my tensed muscles slightly.

"Don't say that about yourself, Y/N, your job condition doesn't impact the kind of person you are. You're still young, you're still discovering yourself, graduating doesn't assure you an easy path, don't be so hard on yourself" he counters and I look down, these words hitting close to home, but I can hardly allow myself to believe them.

"My mother would say otherwise. A jobless person is a waste of space, a waste of time. She thinks I should reveal more of my body, look more... pleasing to the eyes so that I would get hired faster. I don't want that, being hired because of your body and not because of your abilities? What kind of environment would that give me, in the end?" I let out, to which he hums, hand retreating to his lap with an knowing nod.

"It's great to see that you respect yourself that much, I dare say it's something that is getting rare now. I'm taking it you're in a bad mood because your search is not going well then?" he states, easily gathering the main problem from my little complaining.

I shake my head, eyes falling on a couple of coworkers leaving one of the buildings I went to earlier to go grab lunch together, something that seems to run away from me no matter how hard I try.

"She thinks I'm being difficult, but really, I'm not. My job could consist of cleaning that I wouldn't mind as long as the environment is a positive one. She made me get a diploma in something that I hate and she doesn't say it, but it really angers her that I'm not even trying to get a job in that field, but I know that I would seethe going to work everyday even if I'd be good at it" I open up some more, finding that talking with him isn't hard at all, he doesn't make me feel judged, or bad about my decisions like most people would do.

He hums and turns to me, eyes filled with understanding.

"I went through something similar with my own parents, you know? The first time I told them that I wanted to become a tattoo artist, they laughed in my face thinking it was a joke, but when I insisted, they slammed the door in my face, telling me to come back when I have something better to say, when I feel like I want to do something smarter with my life. Haven't seen them since then, and although it wasn't easy at first, they were my parents, they were all I'd known, I still figured that my own path would suit me the best. They may talk like they know better than we do most of the time, but at the end of the day, it's your life, your shoes, your feelings, you need to do what's right for yourself before doing what's right for others".

My eyes widen at hearing his words, because that never even crossed my mind that he too could have lacked support from his family.

"You don't talk with them anymore?" I can't help but ask. He's smiling so easily, his face so bright with joy that I wonder just what decision was best for him in the end, if things were fixed, or if they even need to be fixed at all. It's not like he was the problem, it was his parents who couldn't understand him.

He shakes his head. "I don't. They try calling me once in a while now that they hear about my name, about how things are going well for us, but I know them enough to know that it's going to start with apologies before merging into requests for money, that it's the least I owe them. I don't want to fall into that pattern, guilt would rise too quickly and saying no is a weakness of mine, I can't do it as often as I should" he answers before smiling at me, his orbs sparkling with sincerity, something I haven't been granted often.

I hold his gaze for a second longer before looking away, mind a swirl of doubt because his words rise so many questions about what I should do as well. My adoptive family has done a lot for me, so do I feel like I owe them? Absolutely, but it's also my life and I don't like the way they're trying to control everything.

Heck, I don't even know what the pills she makes me take do, I just take them because she says I need them and because stopping them swallows me in excruciating pain. I never want to experience that again.

We stay in silence for a moment, Yoongi looking at his phone and smiling when he reads what I guess are messages until he's turning to me with expectant eyes.

"Say, how about you come with me? Jungkook is on his break right now, he just finished with a customer and he wants me to bring food, how about you join us? I already asked him and he says he's curious to meet you".

I gape at him, this being the last thing I had expected to hear, the last thing I had expected to happen, to eat lunch with THE Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook, but am I going to let that opportunity go?

Oh heck no.

"Are you sure I wouldn't be too much? I wouldn't want to get in the way of his break" I ask, afraid that this might have him changing his mind, but he simply hums before he's sliding a hand behind my back to make me stand up with him, a silent way to confirm that this is wanted and my excitement rises up through the clouds at a frighteningly fast pace, heart turning giddy next to him.

It only hits me after seeing his adorable and meant to kill gummy smile on me that as someone with wolf genes, Yoongi can smell my scent, no doubt he caught the shift from depressed to overly happy and that thought alone has me blushing in embarrassment. That has to explain why he stopped to talk to me earlier.

It might be a once in a lifetime kind of thing so I'm going to enjoy it before being thrown back in a life that doesn't help me understand what I want from it.

"He said he's up for chicken, what do you think?" he asks as we start walking and I nod my head at that, not finding anything to say to counter that option, because I love chicken.

"Sounds perfect to me" I tell him while also trying to think of how much I have left in my bank account. Surely I can afford to participate, right?

"I hope you do know that this is on us, you're not thinking about what I think you're thinking about" Yoongi says all of a sudden and I turn to him with round eyes, taken aback. Am I that obvious?

He chuckles and ruffles my hair, an affectionate move that has me blushing again and his eyes crinkle at the sight before pulling the door of a restaurant open, after which he motions for me to get inside.

Instantly, the smell of the tender meat reaches my nose and saliva overflows in my mouth like a trigger, the sight of people eating it throughout the building making me more and more aware of my own hunger.

I did skip breakfast, I guess it's a given that my stomach would prepare itself for war now that we're standing here.

Yoongi walks to the counter and I follow closely behind like a little baby bird, suddenly slightly uncomfortable with the idea of being distanced from him when I'm here because of him.

He orders enough for four and when he takes his wallet out to pay, I can't help but reach out for my own as well, something he quickly stops with a warning stare that has me gulping and retreating just as fast.

Okay, he has seized me up a bit too quickly.

"You'd do well to keep it out of sight, dear, else I might just snatch it away from you and give it back later when the danger has passed" he says before moving his chin towards the waiting area to give place to the next customers who await to order.

I protect my bag with an arm over it and move it away from him with narrowed eyes, but that only makes him smile with a satisfied hum, happy that his threat worked.

Why is he so intent on me not helping? Most people would prefer I participate in the cost, life is too expensive to afford being generous to people you just met, yet here he is, representing the minority with a proud grin.

I can't help but eye him as we wait, the lack of visible tattoos hiding very well what he does for a living, and I can't help but wonder what's hidden under his sleeves, or maybe the tattoos are over his chest and back? Does he have some on his neck? On his nape?

Their Instagram account doesn't reveal anything other than the art on papers or on willing customers, so before today, I didn't have any visual of the artist who's standing besides me.

Except for those who've been to the tattoo parlour for an appointment, there's no way to recognize him on the street.

I have to say, he's more good looking than I had expected, and where his looks might be a little intimidating to some people, the aura that radiates from him is nowhere near scary, especially when he smiles.

It surprises me, I might be a little biased as to how tattoo artists are supposed to be like, but it's a nice discovery.

"Are you in a hurry for finding a job? In general, not just today I mean" he asks me all of a sudden and I nod, hands sliding into my pockets to discreetly wipe my sweaty palms without looking too nervous.

"Yeah, my parents paid the last rent, they expect me to take care of the next one. If I don't find a job before then, I'll probably be kicked out? It's a monthly thing, there's no agreement for a year, so if I skip one payment, the apartment's landlord can get rid of me" I inform him and he frowns, not liking that piece of information.

"So if you don't get the money and you get kicked out, where do you go?" he asks and I shrug, a deep intake of air that seeps out slowly while I think of the possible choices offered to me.

"I'm not sure. I don't think I'd be welcomed back home, and... I don't really have any friends, the few people I got close to were mostly acquaintances who I'd do my homework with. We lost contact as soon as we graduated, they didn't really have any reason to hang out with me anymore" I tell him, not seeking for pity, I don't really mind that reality of mine, it's just a little challenging at times.

He hums lowly and pats my hair again, something that he seems to do naturally, without thinking much.

It makes my heart soften for the man and his caring nature. I haven't been subjected to that sweetness often, it's safe to say that Yoongi might be the first one to treat me like a... well like someone who deserves gentleness.

"By the end of this day, you're going to have two more friends, Jungkook's going to love you and I honestly rather like you already, so unless you're against it, you're part of our small group now" he assures me and I giggle, heart filling with joy at his words, and I can only hope that he means it.

Together, we make our way out of the building and down the street towards where the tattoo parlour is, one that isn't too far from here. I hadn't realized I was so close to it, it's finally one familiarity that I can have near my home and it feels nice, considering this isn't a dream with a sad ending.

The building, which I've only ever seen in pictures, looks absolutely amazing in person, it's original, colourful, and most of all, non-threatening, which makes sense when you know of the mission behind the parlour.

To be a safe space for omegas who wish to be tattooed but are scared of dominant alphas and humans, which is mostly what fills this field of work. Yoongi and Jungkook wanted to provide a place where everyone could see their dreams come to life without having to be scared of abuse of any kind.

That's something I've always respected, because omegas really have it harder than most second genders. Alphas are strong, Betas are naturally more resistant to their dominance, which is something highly in demand in some fields of work, both are respected, but omegas?

They are weaker, more inclined to be submissive and people take advantage of that.

It makes me really sad for them, sad and angry, they shouldn't have to be abused because of something they can't control.

Yoongi opens the door once more and like a gentleman, invites me in before following behind.

It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust from the bright outside light to the dimmed and darker one of the building, but once I've blinked a few times, I get to see the room where I imagined myself taking a seat in to get tattooed and my heart skips a beat, as if unable to believe that I'm finally here.

"This place looks even better in person" I muse aloud, hear his chuckle just as a door opens and closes, followed by quick feet and then I see a head of blue appear, strands of bright colour that pull back into a ponytail to expose a young looking face, bright wide doe eyes falling on me before a beautiful toothy smile greets my sight.

"This the one, hyung? The sad human? The cute, possibly new friend?" he asks right away in a chirpy voice and I blush a bright red the closer he gets until he's standing in front of me, both hands resting on my shoulders before he's nodding quickly to himself.

Yoongi sighs and hands the bags to Jungkook so he gets to hold something other than me and the latter can only grin at the protective act before winking at me, hands releasing me to get the food.

"It's fine hyung, Y/N and I will become close friends, right? Come, lets get this food in our belly, I'm starving!" he exclaims before hooking an arm around my shoulders to lead the way to a table in the corner of the room while Yoongi sighs once more as he turns the sign on the door to 'closed' before coming to join us.

A little overwhelmed by the energetic alpha, he is exactly as the people said him to be like, in more handsome, his beauty rivaling with Yoongi's, I can't help but giggle as he pulls a chair out for me before graciously pushing while I sit down, his small bow and pleased eyes once he's done showing just how much of a softie he is, just like Yoongi.

They both fit the purpose of this building to a perfection that I wouldn't have believed possible, yet as I bath in their energy, I start understanding why omegas only swear by this place. How can you be scared of these two men?

Jungkook is so bright, a smiling angel who also wears clothes that don't reveal too much and I can't help but focus on that detail as he sits next to me, Yoongi joining us to sit in front of us with plates and utensils taken from the tiny kitchen area behind us before he opens the bags to take out the box of chicken along with the few side dishes.

"Why do you guys hide your tattoos?" I blurt out without thinking, and when they both look up from their task to see me staring at them with round curious eyes, they can't help themselves as they melt just a little.

"The sight of a tattooed alpha can be overwhelming for an omega. This second gender, when mixed in with more submissive traits, gets scared more easily even if they know that there's no reason to be afraid, so we take that worry from them before they even get to think about it. Omegas with more dominant traits like to tease us for it though, most of them plead for a peek, but we keep it fair for everyone. No one can see our personal tattoos when we're in here" Yoongi explains and I hum, that's uncommon for artists to hide their work, but I totally get where they're coming from with this.

But still.

"Are you sure it's not because some of them are ugly?" I ask with a grin and Jungkook bursts into laughter.

"Oh I like her, hyung, I really like her" he muses while Yoongi simply shakes his head with a huff.

"To answer your question, I do have one that is absolutely terrible looking, done by this little brat here, but it means a lot to me, so I have no intentions of covering it up" the older man informs me, to which Jungkook gasps, because how dare he insult his first tattoo that way!

"I was nervous okay! I think it still ended up pretty okay for a first time!".

"Sure, bunny, like I said, I still love it, it's cute, in its own way".

I glance at the both of them bicker back and forth and smile to myself, soul absorbing this ambiance that feels so comfortable, homey, nothing like what I've grown up in when I was still living with my adoptive family.

It's weird how quickly at ease I feel with them, but it must be the magic that comes with being nice alphas. It doesn't matter that I'm human, an alpha's pheromones always seem to impact the way I feel with them.

If they were angry, I would be most likely nervous and anxious, but since they're so calm, I feel very comfortable and safe, which is, thank goodness, exactly what I need right now.

"Alright, why don't we eat now? This chitchat can wait" Yoongi eventually lets out and Jungkook doesn't wait for his mate to repeat himself, fingers digging in quickly to grab himself a piece of chicken, and at their inviting nod, I do the same with a thankful smile.

The white haired man gazes at us for a moment before he gets some of the side dishes with slow but careful hands, everything he does so... slow.

Yoongi is a very soft man, I have no other way to describe him. It feels like the world's fast pace would lose him, he's not in a hurry at all, it's refreshing.

Jungkook though, oh gosh, if he were to start running while pulling my hand, I'm pretty sure I would float behind him.

The food disappears quickly and I can't say that I play no part in this, Jungkook and I going through it all at a pace that has Yoongi slightly worried even though he won't say it, his eyes speaking enough of the words he won't let out, but it was more than welcomed in my empty stomach and I can tell that the food coma will be violent when it hits me.

Jungkook lets out a pleased groan and pats his belly satisfyingly before turning to me, elbow propped on the table with his chin resting on his hand.

"So, Y/N, you looking for a job, yeah?".

I nod, wondering how much he knows, but there's no time to wonder about that any longer when he nods back a few times, eyes meeting with Yoongi before he's grinning.

"That's a timing that seems perfect considering hyung and I were talking just this morning about how getting someone to help us keep this place running would be a huge help for us. You see, our days are pretty much filled all the time and, although we do our best, it does happen that we miss some calls sometimes so we need someone who can help answer them as well as keeping the place clean. Not like... your job wouldn't be centered on scrubbing the floor, we all participate, but one more pair of hands would be great so if you're interested... what do you think about working here with us?".

My eyes widen, orbs sneaking a look between Yoongi and Jungkook repetitively, unsure if I heard well.

They want me to work here? With them?

"You don't have to if you're not interested" Yoongi assures, eyes turning worried when I have yet to say anything but I slam my hands on the table and shake my head quickly, don't take it back!

"I'll work here! You can be damn sure I'll do my best! I can start right now if you want!" I exclaim and Jungkook cackles while clapping his hands before starting to pat my back with energy, not in a way that hurts, but enough to have my body jerking forward under each hits.

"That's my girl, new bestie! That's the excitement I wanted to hear in your voice! You'll see, we're fun to spend time with, you won't regret it" he coos and I beam with joy, eyes meeting his with delight before turning to Yoongi to see relief on his face, eyes creasing at me contentedly.

He opens his mouth to say something but I'm faster than he is as something crosses my mind, something important.

"Wait" I let out before turning to them both and Jungkook stops his happy jumping to glance at me, head tilted to the side while Yoongi's lips purse slightly in anticipation.

"Will it be okay though? The omegas, some of them don't like humans, right? Wouldn't my being here make them... I don't know, afraid?" I ask and they both soften at my worry before smiling.

"Don't worry about that, we have private rooms if they really can't handle it, but you're not threatening at all, dear, I think it might actually help some of them to be more at ease, to have a female presence nearby. It's going to be fine" Yoongi muses and I sigh, relieved because I wouldn't want to destroy the image of safety that this place offers.

"So, starting today you said?" Jungkook chirps and I nod, determined to show them that they will never be able to live without me, not anymore.

I'm like a new virus, once I stick around, you're done for.

He chuckles and offers me a handshake, which I grab without hesitation, his strong but gentle hold warm around my own.

"Welcome to the family then, sweets, I'm excited to get to know you better!".

My stomach fills with butterflies at his words, heart bursting in my chest and I have no doubt that my scent must be as well with how giddy they look.

"Yeah, this place is starting to smell like happy rainbow rain, this is the best" he adds, just nearly about to take me in his arms for a hug when Yoongi steps in to stop him with a small sigh, arms pulling him back to give me my space while I register what he just said, not even aware of what just almost happened.

"Happy rainbow rain?" I repeat, surprised, because... that's not what I had imagined scents to be like? Isn't it supposed to be like... strawberries... honey, things like that?

Yoongi notices my confusion and looks amused for a moment, as if he can read my thoughts. "You thought scents would be only about food, right?" he asks and I blush slightly with a nod, I really can't hide anything from him, can I?

Jungkook laughs and shakes his head. "Oh sweets, no, I mean a lot of people smell like food, but it doesn't limit itself to that. Hyung smells like dark chocolate, but take me for example, when I'm happy, I smell like baby powder, and hyung and I have a mate who smells like lavender tea, oh and another one who smells like mint! When they're unhappy though, they smell like burned leather and vinegar while I smell like mud" he says the end with a pout and I can't help myself from snorting at that.

Mud? Why is that so cute? Baby powder turning into mud?

Realizing what I'm currently laughing about when his pout worsens, something so personal and precious since it's directly linked with their identity, I gasp and cover my mouth with a hand, eyes turning wide with guilt.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to disrespect you, it's just- it's kind of cute? I'm so sorry, I swear I'm not laughing to ridicule you, oh I'm awful, a terror" I apologize quickly with multiple bows, now expecting the worst.

They're going to kick me out, I just committed a crime without knowing, I'll be sent to prison, I'll be surrounded by people who laughed as well, they'll make me go through intensive training to learn to stop laughing-

His hands grab me by the shoulders to stop me from bowing once more and when he cups my chin to make me look up at him, it's to see a warm smile on his face, eyes endeared and soft and his touch helps me calm down instantly.

"It's fine, Jin hyung says the same thing too, it's not easy being the youngest and the cutest" he sighs with a dose of dramatic to lower the tension, to which Yoongi rolls his eyes good-naturedly.

I smile back, still a little on edge, needing to make sure one last time that he's fine, I didn't hurt him or anything like that, but both of their eyes reassure me that I haven't and I sigh in relief, thank goodness...

Yoongi looks like he wants to reach out to help me calm down further, but he thinks better of it and instead rubs his wrist slightly against Jungkook's throat in what I recognize as scenting, the man's eyes turning all giddy and content as he receives his mate's scent with his head slightly tilted to the side, not shy at all as he smiles at me.

"You'd expect mates' scents to all fit together, but we sometimes end up with really weird combinations when we scent each other. My chocolate with his baby powder smell like Taehyung got the wrong flour when trying to bake a cake, so don't worry too much about laughing, it still happens regularly even for us, it's normal" he assures and I giggle at the example, it sure makes for a funny experience.

"It sounds so complex, it makes me sad that I can't smell what you guys can. Is there a logic to how it works? Because baby powder and mud... or what was it earlier, lavender tea and burned leather? I would expect scents of the same source for one person" I ask and they both hum at my question.

"Positive and negative scents don't always fit together, they can be total opposites, food and objects, no one's the same, but sometimes they are similar, even too much at times which can make it hard to discern the mood. In your case, your rain turns to thunder, that's how I found you earlier, and that's also how I understood that you weren't doing too well. It felt heavy and suffocating, happy scents are usually light and brighter" the older man explains patiently and I absorb the information as if I just got something that I should've known all my life.

It takes me a bit aback, the way with which my soul clings onto the information, but I let it be, taking it as no more than curiosity since I do love learning, especially when it's interesting. If I'm to spend more time with these two alphas as well as other betas and omegas, it seems only fair that I at least understand how it is for them.

I turn my gaze to Yoongi and tilt my head slightly. "What do you smell like when you're unhappy?".

He chuckles with a sigh. "Rum, I smell like rum. Now, that one isn't so bad, I'll be honest, I like rum, but my mates can't seem to enjoy that drink without being reminded of me when I'm sad, so they tend to avoid it".

I nod, somehow understanding why they wouldn't be able to enjoy it. If a scent reminded me of my love being upset, how could I possibly like it?

"But enough of that, why don't we show you around the place for now? So you can get used to it, we can tell you what each rooms are for, but please, don't start working right away, just stay around for today, get used to being with us, to being here, there's no hurry" he continues and with that said, Jungkook jumps up to get ready to clean up the table with light humming.

"You can go with Yoongi hyung, sweets, I'll take care of this and I'll join you later, we need to filter the air before our next customers come here, wouldn't want to overwhelm them with the memory of chicken floating around them".

He winks before gently pushing me towards Yoongi and the latter raises an arm just in case I would fall, which luckily doesn't happen although I do tilt forward a bit too much for comfort.

I will need to get used to Jungkook's expressive body language if I want to remain unscathed while working here.

The white haired man frowns a little, worry filling his eyes as he gives me a moment to get my balance back, his lips pursing because he didn't like what he just saw.

"Are you okay? He's a bit too excited today so he's not as careful with his strength as he usually is, I'm sorry, he's not always like that" Yoongi apologizes as he leads the way to the back into a short corridor and away from the openly singing alpha who seems like he's now within his own little world.

I shake my head and smile. "It's fine, Yoongi, I find it refreshing, I'll just have to make sure to be more stable on my two feet, just in case" I tell him and he glances behind us at my words.

"Yeah, I think that's more than needed around him".

Following his gaze, I look just in time to see the young alpha dancing with the trash bag and I can't help the stupid smile that spreads over my face.

What would working here be like? Fun right? It's definitely going to be fun.

Please tell me what you guys think of this first chapter! I'm so proud of this story so far, I'm already on chapter 5 and I can tell you guys, it's going to be great! ☺️

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