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Another early chapter because I can't resist the urge to share it with you guys! I'm now on chapter six for this story so I guess I'll just update when I can't keep quiet lmao!

"Do you live nearby?".

I look up from my feet dangling off the chair to look up at Yoongi as he gathers his belongings with Jungkook, the day now nearly over.

When they started cleaning up the floor and surfaces, I stood up to help them but they both ushered me back to my seat, instead telling me to take notes if I really wanted to do something, so I did, but it wasn't enough, my body itching to do something with them instead of just staying here watching them work.

"It's not too far, I can go back on foot, it won't take me too long" I answer, the stress of the morning now feeling like an old memory with how much I enjoyed my day.

They got a beta earlier who came in all excited to get her first tattoo and when she saw me, her face brightened even more, especially when she heard that I would be working here from now on. It felt nice, and her thousand of questions while the needle was poking her skin left me chuckling more than once, it was like the pain was completely non-existent for her.

I loved watching the process of a tattoo coming to life, and to see her smile beaming when it was done? It made me understand why they do that job, there's something extremely satisfying about seeing their joy that just fills your soul with little suns.

"We'll walk you there then, it's getting late and the sun is already setting" Jungkook states as he smiles at me, his excitement having dimmed enough that his energy now echoes Yoongi's, the both of them calm and soothing presences.

"Oh no need, it's really close" I let out, not wanting to make them work even after they're done with their day, they did so much today while all I did was sit around, they must be exhausted.

"That wasn't an offer, sweets, we're not going to let you be alone in the dark. Seoul is dangerous at night" he insists and when I'm about to counter again, Yoongi's gaze locking on me has my tongue settling back in place, lips shutting.

Calm and soothing, but not any less dominant when needed, noted.

Don't go against alphas if you can help it, Y/N, you being a human doesn't change much.

"Thank you then" I mumble, words that are met with smiles and when they're about to switch off the lights, they beckon me over, which I do, the three of us stepping out of the building and into the colder air something that I'm not sure I'm really processing just yet.

Jeon Jungkook and Min Yoongi, two men who now call me a friend, the new member to their little Pristine Moonlight family, the place where I will now work to make sure the Pristine remains accurate for as long as I breathe, or until they kick me out, it's their choice really.

Never would such an outcome have ever crossed my mind when I woke up this morning, and I can tell that adapting to this new reality in my mind won't be as easy as my heart seems to have accepted it.

"So, where does this short walk lead us, dear?" Yoongi asks and I freeze a little before awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.

"Well... it's... it's actually not that close" I blurt out and they both turn to me with such a speed that I feel the need to defend my phrasing. "Don't get me wrong, I don't live far, it is close, for me, but it's not... close close".

"How much... not close close are we talking about?" Jungkook asks, to which I sigh. "It's a... thirty minutes not close close?". They both sigh.

"Not nearly as bad as I feared, we can live with that. Which direction now, dear?" Yoongi asks again and my eyes widen at him, not believing that he's insisting once more to walk me home.

"It's thirty minutes, Yoongi! What if you live in the complete opposite direction? It's already getting late" I tell him, but Jungkook is soon humming and wrapping an arm over my shoulders before peeking down at me.

"You're under our responsibility, Y/N, we'll end up walking for an additional hour with joy if it means you getting back home safely. We normally have the car with us, but two of our mates had a need for it for a meeting today, it won't kill us to walk a little, right hyung?" he says and when Yoongi nods to confirm his claim, I can only sigh once more because there's just no winning with these two.

I won't deny the warmth that spreads through my chest at having people care about my security, it feels really great, but I also feel really bad, it's like I'm imposing myself a lot today, even though they're the ones who offered for pretty much everything.

And so, it's under their patient but slightly unnerving staring that I point in the right direction, after which they both hum in contentment before flanking my sides, the three of us getting on the way to my place in comfortable silence.

Looking up at the darkening sky, I take note of the fading colours hiding behind the tall buildings, unable to help myself as I wonder what it would look like right now if none of them were here. How bright the colours would be if we could see the horizon?

That's one of the things I miss from where I grew up, our home wasn't in the middle of the city but closer to the beach, so I'd get to see beautiful sunsets often, something that I haven't been allowed in so long now.

"I'm sure today was boring, right? All you did was observe us" Jungkook comments after a while but I shake my head, eyes falling down to meet his worried orbs.

"I enjoyed my day, I can't remember the last time I had so much fun. Watching you two work on tattoos was really interesting, and talking with that girl was fun as well, I don't think anyone has ever asked me as many questions as she has in such a short amount of time" I say with a giggle, remembering the interest I could see in her eyes as she jumped from one subject to the other.

"Right, we got to learn a lot about you during that conversation. It's surprising that you graduated in architecture, you're not really in the right field for that" he lets out, to which I shrug slightly, a smile to Yoongi when he gets ready to step in since he already knows a little about my view on this.

"I did graduate, but it wasn't my choice. My parents own an architectural firm, so it was a given that they would want me to bathe in the same field, but I don't have the interest for it. Since young, the only thing I've really registered from this job is that it took away from me family time. Of course, that was before I found out that they just didn't want to spend time with me, but it kind of... stayed, you know? I can't help but see that job as something that takes more than it gives, I don't like it" I explain, and they both frown, eyes turning serious at my words.

"So you're not close with them?" Jungkook asks softly.

I shake my head with a long exhale. "Not at all. Dad never calls me and when mom does, it's to ask about how things are progressing before ending the call without a goodbye".

The young alpha pouts at that. "It's not very nice of them" he states, but I shrug with a tiny smile.

"I can't really blame them. They adopted me at a young age, they were probably wishing for me to turn out more like them, but it hasn't really gone in their favour, they must have been disappointed. Putting all this effort and money on me only to get the opposite of what they wanted? No one could guess that it would turn out like that" I tell him, hear Yoongi huff in indignation.

"No parents, adoptive or not, should ever treat their child like that. Expectations shouldn't get in the way of love, if it does, then they need to rethink the way they view things because it's not right" he claims with a soft but harsh tone, to which Jungkook nods quickly.

"Hyung is right, sweets, they have no reason to be disappointed, not when you're trying so hard. Screw architecture! One day, you'll find what you want to do and if you don't then it's fine too! You don't have to be passionate about something precise, just try different things and see what speaks to you and what doesn't at your own pace, you have our support, we'll be there for you".

Ah, my heart has been hit.

"Please, don't say things like that at such a vulnerable hour, you're going to touch my soul" I say with a laugh, but these words are met with even more seriousness on their part.

"You're thinking what I'm thinking, hyung?".

"Oh absolutely".

I look at the both of them, a little confused, but that doesn't last when Jungkook opens his mouth.

"Y/N can achieve anything she wants if she puts her mind to it!" he screams, his outburst catching the attention of multiple passersby and my eyes widen, ready to shush him when Yoongi inhales deeply.

"Anyone getting in her path will be dealt with by us! Stand aside and watch just how far she can get!".

"Guys!" I whisper-shout, cheeks burning as I wave my hands to stop them but they just keep going, words of praise and of encouragements leaving them one after the other, so much that I eventually start running away from them to keep my heart from bursting, their laughter as they run after me sounding almost like out of a dream.

"Even when she runs, she's faster than everyone out here! Our champion!".

Oh someone make them stop, anyone!


"This is the place" I finally say as we arrive to the shabby building that I call home, one that has served me well for the past few months.

They both take it in, observant eyes noticing instantly the broken window on the front wall of the first floor, the breaking down stairs leading up to the second and third floor, the uncountable amount of used cigarettes in the grass and I don't miss the tick that reaches their jaw.

"You live here?" Yoongi asks, almost sounding like he's hoping for me to say it's all a joke and that my home is further down the street where the buildings are nicer.

"Yeah, I know, the outside is terrifying, but it's not that bad, really" I tell him just as we hear a couple start screaming from a nearby building, their voices so loud that we can literally hear every words they're saying.

I wince slightly at a particularly harsh word and force a smile on my face before ushering them away. The longer they stay here, the more terrible it's all going to look in their eyes.

"You should go back home now, you have five mates waiting for you right? Wouldn't want them to start hating me because I'm keeping you away" I chirp, voice sounding a little too high pitched than normal and the cringe is amplified by an object being thrown out of a shattering window with a clear and loud "Fuck you!".

Jungkook and Yoongi are clearly on edge as they observe the particular building on the other side of the street and when someone rushes out of the front door with a groan, they both step forward and in front of me, something I actually appreciate because this guy is known for screaming and throwing insults at anyone he spots staring at him.

"What are you looking at, you two muts! Look away before I come beat you up myself!".

I pull Jungkook and Yoongi and start pushing them away, because if they're expecting things to get better from here, well they're in for a surprise.

"I swear, things aren't usually like that, tonight is particularly agitated" I tell them with an awkward chuckle, one that becomes plain sweating when a police car stops by with the lights alight.

"You bastards have nothing to do here! Go away!" the man screams at the officers, and the three of us stand still as we observe the foolish man throw himself onto the closest agent before getting pushed to the ground with a grunt and more insults, the two new arrivals making quick work of pushing him in the back of the car to take him away, the sight of him clearly hating on us as they drive past us the cherry on the cake.

"See? Already over, it's going to be fine now" I muse before stepping back from them to head to the stairs, aware that I'll need to make the first step to get them to leave this cursed place, everything really has to happen all at once now that they're here.

They both turn to me, face into a frown as they look clearly torn about what to do right now.

Poor them, let's not show them the inside of my apartment, they would have nightmares for sure.

"I need to go into your place, I want to check your locks and windows" Jungkook fails to keep his composure as he follows me to the stairs and I freeze, arms open to block the path. Oh no he won't.

"My place is fine, it's totally safe" I blurt out, but one short move of the chin towards the broken window has me smiling awkwardly, nothing to use to counter the obvious.

"What floor?". "Nope". "Y/N, what floor?". "Nope".

The narrowing eyes that meet mine are quite frankly not as bright as I could see them all day and I understand why, but I also don't want them turning even worse, this is my despair speaking right now.

"I have underwear spread all over the floor in every single room, I'm really messy".

"Y/N, I'm serious, I will literally not be able to leave this place until I can make sure that you're going to be safe, my instincts are all over the place right now, don't make me sleep in the stairs tonight".

I blink at him and Yoongi nods as he comes over to join his blue haired mate.

"He's right, Y/N, I'm just about ready to camp out of your door if that's needed, this place is... it's not suiting for someone like you. I can smell drug all over the place" he admits and I purse my lips, I know that but...

My parents chose that place and the month is already paid, I can't afford a better place just yet. If all it takes is them taking a look inside... it can't hurt, right?

I sigh and step aside, keys taken out of my bag and given to Jungkook who spots the number three right away before he's walking up the stairs two at a time.

Let's count together, shall we?




"Oh hell no".

Yeah, thought so.

Yoongi eyes me before walking up to enter my apartment and I follow behind, feet dragging because how do I explain that?

We both enter inside and Yoongi's eyes widen at the minuscule space that looks completely run down, wallpapers slipping off the walls, old furniture that has seen not only better days, but another dimension for sure.

I don't even sit on the couch, it must have been white once, but now it's yellow and brown.

The only place that looks alright is my room, which is where I spend most of my time when at home.

"Your parents settled you here?" he asks in disbelief and I nod before removing my shoes to walk further inside and put myself between the horrific sight and the two of them, eyes staring at the floor and even now finding that it's sinking a lot more than it's supposed to, something their sharp eyes don't miss.

"This place is just waiting to kill someone, I don't feel good leaving her here at all hyung" Jungkook informs him, to which Yoongi nods, his mind filled with the same rush of danger that this place is but a moment away from swallowing me whole.

The eldest's phone rings and when he pulls it out of his pocket, he sighs in relief and answers before stepping outside.

"Yeah, Namjoon-ah. Good timing" he says before closing the door behind him, ultimately leaving Jungkook and I alone and the alpha doesn't wait to get permission before he's walking past me to have a look around, windows tested to see that they open too easily, nothing to lock them, which shouldn't even be legal.

Honestly, having been sent here was also a wake up call for me concerning my current situation with my parents, but it's better than being in the streets, so I just put up with it until I can afford another place.

"You've been staying here for how long, sweets?" he asks as he peeks into the bathroom, his hisses speaking enough of his impression of this place.

"A few months now, it was less expensive than the campus so my parents sent me here when I got close to graduating, something about how it would prepare me for living on my own, it didn't feel like such a bad idea at first" I tell him, heart anxious, a heavy blanket pressing onto my chest, which I can guess is caused by Jungkook's emotional state as he processes my living condition.

"Fuck, we can't just let you stay here, it's ridiculous" he mumbles, eyes filled with concern, his nose scrunching as he breathes in, probably catching the scent of marijuana from the neighbors living under my apartment, it always smells around that time.

Yoongi comes back inside after a moment, phone still against his ear and his eyes fall on me.

"Feel comfortable to accept between these two options, Y/N, but staying here isn't one of them. First, you come with us to our place, our pack alpha, Namjoon, is more than okay with you using the guest bedroom after hearing of this place. Second, we rent you another place right now, an hotel room, doesn't matter, as long as it's better than here".

Whoa whoa whoa, hold on.

"Yoongi, you can't be serious" I blurt out, but his stare says that he is very much serious.

"One, or two".

Gosh darn it.

"So you're asking me to choose between disrupting your pack and mates and costing you a lot of money?" I ask, heart dropping in my guts as I say the words because it just cannot be real, right?

My parents don't want me to come back home, they'd rather me staying in this place instead of staying with them, then I meet these two and in the same day, they both call me family, give me a job and then offer me to stay with them and their pack, something... gosh, that's... to think of breaking into something so... important, it doesn't sit well with me.

"Guys, I assure you, staying here is fine, I won't spend my whole life here, but I can't accept either of these options, truly this is... I might be human, but even I know how private and precious a pack is, I can't do that" I let out, but Jungkook is typing at his phone and when I look at the screen, it's to see him searching renting places.

Yoongi sighs. "You don't understand, Y/N. You accepting to work with us is accepting to be close to us. It works very differently for humans, but for us, we treat our people as pack, you're no wolf, but you're work pack and we take care of what's ours.

As of now, you're not a stranger, you're under our responsibility, we simply won't be able to rest easy until we know you somewhere safe and clean. This is not the place" he explains, and it makes sense, I know it does, but fuck, I don't know what to do, this is just so sudden.

His attention is brought back to his phone and he hums a few times before handing it to me, eyes begging for me to please take the time to consider their position, to trust them.

I grab the device and hesitantly bring it to my ear, not really knowing what to expect.

'Hey Y/N, my name is Namjoon, I'm Yoongi and Jungkook's pack alpha and mate, Yoongi explained to me the situation, I'm sure you're surprised, right? This is all new for you so you must be confused' a rich deep voice speaks up and I unconsciously nod with a small hum, to which he hums back.

'I understand, I would be too in your stead, but what you were told is right. The two of them are alphas so I know exactly how they feel about a protégé. Although unofficial, you're still a new member of their work pack and since it's such a personal business, the tattoo parlour is something very important to them, it's inevitable that the bond between you three will be stronger, more precious because you will work closely together. It doesn't matter if today is new for all three of you, their wolf will drive them, it's... I guess you could see it as seeing an upset omega and doing your best to offer it the perfect nest so that they can feel safe and recover well, this is how they feel right now' he continues, and his way of explaining helps me understand a bit better.

Looking around me, of course they would freak out.

"But Namjoon, I... I can't inconvenience you all that way, I don't know how long it might take me to find another place, it's so hard to find something nowadays" I tell him, to which he lets out a knowing sound.

'That is not a problem at all. As their pack alpha, what is their responsibility is also mine by the same occasion, I can assure you, it would not inconvenience us at all. Jin, Jimin and Taehyung are already teaming up together to get the guest room ready and Hoseok is fidgeting in the kitchen to make food for one more mouth, if you're worrying about being a bother, I promise you, you won't be'.

How can strangers who don't know anything about me be so kind? I feel my eyes sting with unshed tears and blink a few times to keep my composure, as hard as it is. I've never been shown so much gentleness in a single day and it's getting a bit too much for my heart.

'So? Would you please gather your important belongings for now so you can come over? You can always come back in the next days to get the rest, Jin hyung will drive over to pick the three of you up in a moment' he asks softly and I find my resolve breaking down in face of their insistence, one that simply warms my heart.

"Please say yes, then we can head to work together, doesn't that sound fun?" Jungkook chirps with hopeful eyes, lips pressed tightly as him and Yoongi both await my answer and I can almost imagine the ears tilting my way, tails straight and still behind them in nervousness.

"I... okay, I'll accept, BUT, if anyone starts feeling uncomfortable, then please, let me know so I can plan and find another place" I say and they both break into a relieved smile, my words past me accepting not registering at all as they let out the breath they were holding.

'That's quite alright, Y/N, we're good at communicating so we'll let you know if anything happens. Everyone's thrilled to have you over so please don't be too anxious. It was a pleasure to talk to you and I'll see you soon, okay? Could you pass the phone back to Yoongi, please?' Namjoon says and I hum, a small see you soon leaving my lips before Yoongi is stepping forward to accept it, after which he walks back outside to finish the conversation.

Jungkook's eyes are expectant when he glances at me and I nervously wait for him to speak up, his behaviour letting me guess that he'll want to take part in packing my stuff or something of the kind and-

"Can I help you pack?".

Yeah, Jungkook is kind of easy to figure out.

"You could grab my stuff from the bathroom while I take care of my clothes?" I try, not willing to have him around while I gather my underwear and he doesn't let me ask him twice as he rushes to the bathroom, by the same occasion nearly hitting his head on the low height doorway.

I cover my mouth to muffle a snort, but he obviously hears, if his indignant huff is anything to go by.

"This place is a good riddance, I can't believe there are still buildings with such low walls" he complains and I can't keep in a giggle as I make my way to my bedroom, mood starting to lift up a little with how eager he is, him and the others as well.

It does make me nervous to be meeting their pack all at once like that, but if they're all like them? I'm sure it's going to be fine.


With that in mind, I start opening my drawers to get my favourite pieces out and onto the bed for folding later, everything into a pile and once I feel like I've got enough for a while, I head to my closet to search through the pile of garbage on the floor to find my bag, an old one that is large enough to fit everything easily.

"Where's the damn thing?" I mumble to myself when I still don't find it. Did I move it? But I'm sure I left it here... "Ah! It's here!" I exclaim before standing up to walk to my bed where Yoongi is casually folding my-

I gasp and rush over to snatch my panties out of his hands, face turning a raging red as I quickly grab all my underwear to throw in the bag without a second of hesitation, eyes wide because holy fuck, Min Yoongi folded my- I can't unsee, this is going to haunt me forever, the embarrassment is embarrassing me.

"Sorry, I guess I should've asked first, I just thought I could help" Yoongi's gentle and warm voice echoes in the small room and I set the bag on the bed with pursed lips.

"It's fine, I just... it's embarrassing to have a man holding my underwear" I mumble and he hums as if he's just now realizing that he was indeed holding something private.

"Right, sorry, I'm just used to folding clothes so much, underwear is the same for everyone at the end of the day, I didn't think much of it, habits are hard to break once they're settled" he chuckles and I pout, blush not quite going away just yet as we start folding the rest of my clothes together.

This... this is going to be fine, right? Just what am I getting into?

"I'll take care of this dear, maybe you should go around and make sure you're not forgetting anything else" he soothes with a smile and after making sure that there is no more chances of me getting humiliated, I nod slowly and make my way out of the bedroom and to the kitchen where I store my pills, painkillers and vitamins, all things I'd rather keep with me, especially the medicine mom makes me take.

But maybe I should inform myself about them soon, it does feel wrong to keep taking them when I have no idea what they're for, I've been taking these since I was like eight, so it's been... sixteen years now? I've never really questioned it before but maybe I should.

Storing them all out on the counter so I can put them in the bag on the way out, Jungkook steps out of the bathroom with his arms filled with my shampoo, conditioner as well as toothbrush, hair brush, hair dryer, everything he thought I could possibly need and I can't resist a sighed chuckle when he struggles to keep everything within his hold.

Is he trying to break everything all at once?

I make my way to him and take a few things from him as he sheepishly grins at me, a kid who was caught trying to do something too difficult for his age is what I'm seeing right now and it melts my heart on the spot.

Are alphas supposed to be so cute? Is that normal? Am I just abnormal? Or are we all out of the ordinary here?

We set everything by the bottles of pills and we wait for Yoongi to come join us while Jungkook takes a look at the bottles curiously, a hum leaving him when he recognizes some of them, a frown when others look weird to him.

"What's this?" he asks and I chuckle when I see which one he's talking about. "Right, these are for... well... they help me regulate my periods".

He freezes at my words and then slowly puts them back in place before turning around, cheeks and ears red, eyes avoiding mine just as Yoongi joins us, eyes taking in the sight of his embarrassed mate as he hands me the bag.

"Everything alright?" he asks and I nod with a grin as I start filling it with what remains on the counter.

"Yeah, Jungkook was just curious about my pills and probably got more information than he wanted with his simple question" I answer, finding it funny how men are always so shy when it comes to this monthly thing.

When I see him quirk an eyebrow in confusion, I shrug. "Pills for my periods".

"Ah, bunny, you can't just point out everything you see, let's let her keep some of her intimacy alright? We're destabilizing her enough as it is" says the man who dared fold my darned panties.

Still, Jungkook shyly nods and proceeds to stare out of the window for when Jin will get here, his gaze turning excited when the honk of a car echoes in the now dark outside, the sound one he recognizes when he eagerly grabs my bag before rushing out and down the stairs.

Yoongi stays with me as I take one last look around the room, a sight I will definitely not miss.

"Do you have everything you need?" Yoongi asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah, it's all in that bag, the rest doesn't matter" I tell him before grabbing the keys, mood souring a little because my own words just made me realize that I've never really treated this place as... home. Never put any decorations or little details to make it mine.

It's just as when I got here.

"Alright then, let's go join them" he murmurs and I follow behind him, door locked behind me before we make our way down the narrow and slippery stairs, Yoongi in front of me with a look behind him once in a while to make sure that I'm still standing and not stuck somewhere between two steps.

As we reach the bottom, my eyes fall on a tall man standing besides Jungkook at the trunk of the car to put my bag inside and both of their head turn in our direction at the same time, nearly startling me out of my skin in the growing darkness.

A weird cackle makes it to my ears and the tall man, oh damn, his shoulders though- anyway, yeah, he makes his way to me and the closer he gets, the more I see his face and damn- he looks devilishly handsome, his black and short hair cupping his face perfectly.

He offers me an adorable little quirked up smile and offers me a hand, to which I move for a handshake, but instead he grabs it delicately and bows just enough to kiss the back of my hand, something that has my eyes widening in shock.

Is he a prince?! Why do I suddenly feel like a princess?! Who kisses hands nowadays if not in fairy tales?!

He bursts into laughter, one that is quickly followed by Jungkook and Yoongi and I realize too late that I spoke out loud, my heart skipping multiple beats at the processed thought, heat rising in my face.

Today is just a series of trying events for me, isn't it?

"Aww, she's adorable, a prince, hm? I like that. Shall we go then, princess? The knights back at the castle are awaiting your arrival" the tall man muses and I blush so bright I might as well become the sun, my face fluorescent in the shadows.

"Jin hyung is a prince indeed, just wait when he's in the light, he's blinding" Jungkook chirps and to that, Jin can only coo louder as he hugs his mate, the latter giggling happily before pushing the elder away to pull me with him in the back seats so we can leave this place as fast as possible.

Jin and Yoongi both follow in at the front with the former driving and once we're all buckled in, I keep my eyes locked to the outside that quickly starts disappearing to leave place to new surroundings that I'm not familiar with.

"Hyung, you won't believe what happened as soon as we got to her place, it was wild" Jungkook eventually starts recounting everything that took place and Jin's eyes turn wide a few times, eyebrows rising up as his eyes briefly take in my expression through the rear-view mirror, noting in his mind that I'm not reacting much.

"Was that a regular occurrence?" Jin asks me and I take a moment before nodding, no need to hide it anymore now that I'm leaving the place. "At least once a week? Windows breaking was the norms, that's for sure" I let out plainly, to which the three of them remain silent, processing.

"Is what's happening right now something you should inform your parents?" he asks next and I inhale deeply at that.

"I should, right? But I don't want to, not tonight, I'm too tired for that, maybe tomorrow? She'll probably call me anyway to ask if there's been any progress while she was sleeping, as if I don't sleep too" I mumble, not really aware of my ranting as I get captivated by the buildings slowly growing bigger and bigger as we go.

Jin bites on his bottom lip, unsure of what to say next, and Yoongi rests a hand over his, fingertips gently rubbing against the scent gland on his wrist to soothe him as he senses his nerves getting unstable, the abnormality of the words I speak along with my indifference not something he's used to.

The rest of the ride is quiet except for the radio playing in the background and I appreciate that there are no more questions, because my brain is just so overloaded right now.

What are my parents going to say when they learn that I'm going to be staying with wolves, the very people they want me to keep away from? I'm not sure I want to find out. This won't be pretty.

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