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This can't be their house.

I can't be staying here, it's...

They must have gotten the wrong house.

This is all I can think about as we step out of the car and to the trunk so I can get my bag, something Jungkook grabs before I can with a pleased smile, his free hand sliding over my shoulders to guide me towards the huge building while the two other men follow behind in silence.

I look up at the house once more, finding that when Jin called it a castle, well... he wasn't so wrong. It's not high, but it's large and I can only imagine what the inside must look like.

This is a modern castle.

For fucking rich people.

Do they have a celebrity in their pack? Am I going to fall face to face with someone who I should've never been allowed to meet in person?

Or are they illegal? They must have someone doing illegal work. Maybe mafia?

Is that why Jungkook and Yoongi hide their tattoos?! Because they have gang marks?! Holy shit, what am I getting into?! Is it too late to turn back? I'm not ready to face the truth!

"Calm down, sweets, you look like you're about to get threatened with a knife. This house is the result of years of hard work as well as good pays, we have mostly two mates to thank for that" Jungkook explains with a chuckle as he takes a look at my face.

So mafia... I knew it.

"Do you know the restaurant named Stay Gold?" Jin asks as we move to the door that opens easily to a luxurious entrance that makes me feel like a girl who just got adopted by the richest family and now has to adapt to a new lifestyle that includes not looking like the poor girl that she was before.

I hum at the name, it sounds familiar... so familiar...

Yoongi opens a door leading to a walk-in closet and hands me a pair of soft slippers with a smile. "It's a five stars restaurant in the center of Seoul. It's very popular, a lot of celebrities go eat there regularly. Hoseok is the executive chef while Taehyung is the official pastry chef, they don't work everyday but once in a while, when they're personally requested by some important people, they'll be in the kitchen. They're high in demand and expensive" he explains with pride.

Wait. Stay Gold? THE five stars restaurant in which I could NEVER eat because one course meal there would cost a year of my rent?!

"Yep, that's the place. They own it" Jungkook chirps while Jin chuckles as he too grabs a pair of slippers that Yoongi hands to him.

They OWN it?! It does explain the house then. It also explains why I can't stay here, these people are too impressive for me-

"No no no, no running away now, you're brave, you can handle this" Jin grabs me before I can make it back outside and turns me so I face the inside of the house again, hands firm on my shoulders as he makes me walk further in and I'm powerless against him, his strength not to be taken lightly.

"But I'm... a baby next to you all! I'm like a baby dog pulled into a pack of impressive and huge wolves! I'm not up for it! This is terrifying!" I exclaim as he makes us walk to a large living room with a lighted fireplace, plants everywhere and bringing warmth to the room but it still doesn't hide the fact that the TV is a freaking 150 inches large!

A light and soft and pure and oh my heart this is the sweetest laughter I've ever heard echoes in the room and as I turn my head to one of the couches hidden in the corner of the living room, it's to find another too handsome for my sanity man smiling at me, eyes creasing so much they disappear, lips into an adorable smile as he stands up to join us curiously, his every moves fluid and smooth.

"This is the cutest human I've ever met, and I've seen my share of them. Y/N, right? My name is Jimin, it's very nice to meet you" he muses, a hand going through his dark brown fluffy locks while staring at me with observant eyes, the red that must cover all of my skin a sight to see, I'm sure.

This pack is going to kill me.

"I-it's nice to meet you too" I stutter out, nervous like there's no tomorrow and meeting the rest of their mates... I wonder if my heart can take it.

"Oh, is she here?" another voice chimes in, bright and joyful and as I turn my head to where it comes from, it's to see the sun itself walking in, hair a platinum blond that almost looks white, just like Yoongi bouncing on top of a head, beautiful eyes and lips in the shape of a heart, this man is - holy shit.

He grabs my hands and holds them gently, head tilted to the side as he eyes me silently before his smile widens, a chuckle leaving him.

"It's the first time I smell that kind of scent, it's refreshing, quite literally. It's like rain just showered over a garden of flowers, it's aromatic and fresh, you're nervous, aren't you?" he muses before taking me away from Jin's hold and towards a gigantic kitchen that must be twice the size of the apartment where I was.

This place isn't real. This place isn't real. This smell isn't real either-

"Here, take a seat here, I'll bring you some soup, it's going to help you calm down" he says with a warm hand over my head as he makes me sit at the kitchen island before walking to the stove where he has a pot of soup among others simmering on low heat.

"Hoseok-ah, already eager to impress her with your cooking?" Jin asks as he comes to join us with Yoongi and Jimin, Jungkook now nowhere to be seen, but there's no time to focus over that when the name registers just as a steaming bowl gets settled in front of me.

Hoseok? You're saying that I'm about to eat food made by the five stars restaurant chef who gets demanded sometimes for a high fee because he's just that good? I'm about to eat his food right now, me, a lowly and poor peasant who doesn't own anything?

Have I been thrown into a lucid dream? Reality is going to suck a huge deal when I wake up.

I accept the spoon that Hoseok hands me as he comes back from one of the drawers with nervous anticipation, unaware that the man is also as nervous about my reaction, his eyes trained on me, hands twisting behind him as I get my first spoonful.


I just got a taste of heaven, I can hear puppies playing somewhere near, cats lounging on fluffy clouds, birds are singing in cotton trees, the sun is purple, the breeze smells like love, is this what the afterlife tastes like? Did his soup kill me?

I have to pinch myself, just in case, but when pain shoots up my arm, I sigh in relief, so I'm not dead.

"This soup is magical, right? I think it opened a portal to paradise, I just got a glimpse of it. I swear I almost died, this isn't food meant for people like me, it's too good" I blurt out and the man in front of me breaks into giddy laughter, relief flooding his face as he nods happily.

"Good, good, wait until you taste the main meal later, it's going to be even better" he muses under the gaze of his content mates who look over the scene with warmth.

Just as I bring another spoonful of soup to my mouth, I hear a few pairs of feet walk over to us and when I look up, it's to find Jungkook coming back with...

I gulp and blink at the gigantic man walking right behind him, a smaller but still tall one besides him.

I can somehow already tell who's the pack alpha, it's... obvious. Really obvious.

"Guys, give her some space, you're going to overwhelm her" the voice I recognize as Namjoon's, a voice fitting for such a giant body says and at that, Jimin steps back from behind me, something I hadn't even realized, the man's quiet, and then Jin is pouting a little before walking back too to stand a little distance away.

Only Yoongi remains by my side, when he took a seat next to me, I have no idea, my mind can barely follow the pace I've been thrown into, events happening faster than my brain can process them.

Unsure of how I should behave towards a pack alpha, I make a move to get off the stool to properly introduce myself but he motions a hand for me to stay still with a gentle smile as he makes his way next to me, his eyes taking me in before he hums.

"I'm sure you already guessed, but I'm the pack's alpha, we talked earlier on the phone, my name is Namjoon. It's nice to see that you didn't run away" he muses and Jin snickers at that, a sound that has my cheeks blushing.

"Oh, trust me, she tried" he exposes me and I purse my lips under the laughter that erupts around the room.

"Who can blame her? I'm sure it's intimidating coming in such a big house that's filled with wolves" a new voice speaks up, a low smooth timbre to it which appears to be the other man who I had yet to meet, judging from all the names I currently know, he must be Taehyung?

"It really is, but not because of your kind, I'm just... I mean, today has been filled with surprises, you know? First Yoongi and Jungkook, the job, then them crowding my home and deciding that it's unworthy of being lived in before pulling me here, not that I don't appreciate, really! It's just... it's been a wild ride today" I sputter out before shutting my mouth tightly, afraid that I might say something insulting without meaning to if I keep talking.

Namjoon chuckles and I look back at the bowl in front of me, the sight of his dimples too much for my weak heart, his pale pink hair a look that softens his intimidating appearance but not enough to cover his presence, it is really strong, even for me.

"Don't fret, Y/N, you're fine. Would you want to see your room? Jungkook went ahead and brought your bag there already. Taehyung, could you lead the way? Maybe show her the bathroom as well, you're going to share yours with her after all".

My eyes widen at hearing that and I look up to see the quiet man in the room just as he nods, a small smile offered my way before he tilts his head in an inviting manner.

I get off the stool, one longing look at the soup, to which Hoseok chuckles with a promise that there will be more later and with that said, Jungkook encouragingly pushes me in Taehyung's direction with a reassuring wink.

The others gaze at me with warmth and I duck my head slightly before following behind the man who's already starting to walk away, clearly expecting me to follow him without saying a word.

I shouldn't lose him, I doubt I'd find my way in this castle.

As I glance at Taehyung's back, his dark brown hair probably long enough to be made into a ponytail just like Jungkook, I can't help but bask in that soothing aura of his as we walk through a long corridor decorated by a few doors, some of them with a pretty board on the surface showing a name, those must be bedrooms.

He doesn't speak much but it doesn't bother me, it's helping me calm down. Maybe that's why Namjoon asked him to show me, more than because of the bathroom, he wanted to give me a chance to breathe.

"I'm sorry that you have to share your bathroom" I let out after a moment, truly feeling bad about it because that's a private space after all and now he has to have me bother it when he doesn't even know me.

He shakes his head softly. "I don't mind, I'm the one who offered. It's not the biggest one in the house, but the others are already sharing the two other bathrooms among themselves, mine seemed the obvious choice" he explains, to which I can only nod, eyes curiously taking in every inch of the walls we walk past, some of them decorated by really pretty and original paintings and objects.

I'm sure they must have cost a fortune too, each of them, but if I had the money, I would probably do the same. To have unique pieces of art in my home, how nice would that be?

Taehyung stops in front of a door and opens it to reveal a pretty bathroom, and compared to the other rooms I saw so far, I understand why he says it's smaller, it's definitely a more regular size, although still quite big, but it's not as intimidating as I'm sure the others' would be.

"This is the one, it's between our bedrooms so if you ever forget which one it is, just find the door with my name, this room is on the right" he explains before stepping aside to allow me in, my eyes taking in the shower, and oh my gosh, that's the bath?!

"I don't remember the last time I relaxed in one, am I seeing this right? This one has jets? It gives bubble massages?" I ask, eyes wide and Taehyung hums, a small smile on his face as he observes me fangirl over his bath, I must look so stupid but I can't help it, this bathroom is amazing!

"You're welcome to use it anytime you wish, just make sure to lock the door" he informs me before exiting the bathroom and I nod before following behind, the door to our left probably the room where I'll be staying for an unknown amount of time, or until my parents make a move to get me out of here, I'm not sure.

"Can I ask you a blunt question?" he asks as he opens the door before stepping aside to let me in first and I nod, eyes blinking quickly when he turns on the light to show a beautiful room with a lavender theme, a colour so easy on the eye, it's peaceful.

Looking around me, I take in how delicate the room looks, large and spacious, there's even a desk facing a large window, notebooks and pens decorating the surface, a nice attention, I can't help but be amazed at the effort they put in for me, especially considering that it was on short notice.

This is by far the prettiest room I've ever had.

"Why did you end up in such a bad place? Why would your parents put you somewhere that had my mates freaking out like that? Don't get them wrong, their reaction wasn't because we live in such an expensive house, we all started at the bottom of the ladder too, but they've never hated a place as much as they did yours and that says enough to me about what it must have been like".

I turn my gaze to my bag on the bed and walk to it before sitting down on the mattress to face Taehyung, my eyes widening at how comfortable it is, I didn't know one could be that soft as I caress the surface with one hand, unaware of the frown taking place on his face as he gazes back at me, patient but concerned.

I inhale deeply before shrugging slightly, mind still processing his question as I play with the handle of my bag.

"I was adopted when I turned five. Before that, all I can remember is the orphanage. I was so excited when I was told that this couple would become my parents, I thought my life would finally start, you know? I would be loved and I would love. I should've expected that it wouldn't be that easy. I was abandoned once, I was never assured a happy family life, maybe that was my fate.

Growing up, they were pretty strict, they made me study a lot, I had to behave a certain way, no laughing, no spending time with friends until all my homework were done, except that they would always give me extra to keep me at home, no activities to keep me entertained, they clearly had a vision set for me, I was to stay within the lines built around me" I start, watch as he grabs the desk chair and turns it to face me before he sits down, eager to hear more, it makes me smile a little.

It almost feels like I'm counting a story, a life that isn't mine told to entertain a crowd, it's a weird feeling.

"As I got older, my developing personality started to make me deviate from their path. I like laughing, I like making jokes and teasing, I'm not always quiet, I blurt out a lot of things without thinking, my filter doesn't work all the time. That earned me quite the amount of punishments, something about how I needed to learn to control myself, they didn't want to be humiliated" I say with a laugh.

Now that I think about it, I did make them ashamed often, it didn't take much for them. I can still see the grins the kids my age would give me when the adults weren't looking, it made me feel proud, that was worth any punishments that would come my way.

"You can already guess, it didn't go too well. I got rebellious at a certain age and to them... that was it. I wasn't deserving of their attention and efforts anymore, so they sent me to Seoul, maybe they thought that would get me back on track, I would beg them to take me back with a promise to listen but when I got there, when I got a taste of more freedom, when I started being myself freely, they weren't there anymore to keep me in check after all, I didn't want to go back, not when I could finally live normally. To them, that must have been the ultimate proof that I was never going to be like them".

Taehyung looks down, his fingers spread apart as he rests them on his thigh, unsure of what to say and when I see something moving from the corner of my eyes, it's to see Jimin and Namjoon walking into the room, eyes telling me they heard everything. I smile and welcome them over.

"The day when I had to take the plane to Seoul, that was the last time I saw them in person. I graduated high school, college and then University on my own, they'd paid for everything up to that point so I never really complained, especially not when they told me that they had found me an apartment, that it would be a good starting point now that the campus wouldn't keep me anymore very soon. Finding a place is so hard, you know? I thought it was perfect, I would get a job quickly and everything would be fine. Seeing the place they had chosen for me, it was a huge reality check, but it wasn't surprising".

More faces appear by the doorway until everyone gets within range to see and I look down at my feet, it feels weird to have so many people listening to me like that, I'm not used to speaking to crowds.

"I disappointed them all my life, I refused to work in their chosen field of work, refused to change who I am for them, I guess that was the last straw they could handle, it was all they could tolerate before drawing a line. Last week, they insisted on the fact that this month will be the last one on them and that by the time it's over, whatever happens will be my responsibility, not theirs anymore.

They wouldn't have allowed me back home, so in a way, I guess it's their final way of getting rid of me? Might send me some paperwork some day stating that I want out of the family, it would be easier that way for everyone. At least they waited until I finished University, can't really complain about that".

"That's..." Hoseok starts, face into a shocked expression. "That's horrifying, no one should have to even think that way about their parents" he finally says, but I can only chuckle at that.

"Well nothing about my life has really been within the norms, and when you're used to it... well, you just take the truth as it is. I don't mind it, really, we were never close to begin with, we never had any bonding time as a family. They didn't want a daughter to love, they just wanted someone to keep their legacy going. I'm not going to do that, they might start over and adopt another child? They might already have done that, maybe that's why they're so adamant on me not coming back" I blurt out, just now realizing that it makes sense, as fucked up as it sounds.

Why else would they want me to remain in Seoul, even during the summer or during the holidays? Of course they would've gotten someone else to take my place. That's why mom isn't insisting on me working in their field anymore, someone else will do it instead.

I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly, aware that I spoke aloud once more when I hear a few low growls echo in the room, the air tensed and heavy around me, their dislike over my words causing my lungs to squeeze a little.

"No matter their view on this, sending you to that dangerous apartment is not okay. You could literally file in for neglect, that place was rotten to the core" Jungkook states, angry, but I shake my head.

"At my age? I'm twenty-four, Jungkook, what would have been done? I'm just grateful that I didn't end up in the streets sooner, getting a job has been a nightmare, everyone wants that sexy and obedient omega now, not the ugly and strong-headed human" I counter, which earns me another series of unhappy growling.

"Don't say that about yourself, dear, that's not going to be accepted here. Don't let a sickening sense of impossible beauty warp the way you view yourself, you're far from being ugly and being strong-headed is not bad" Yoongi claims firmly and I sigh before nodding, knowing that fighting is not going to help, not for this matter.

Me against alphas? Please, I'm not suicidal.

The others nod at his words, face just as serious, they look ready to counter anything I might have to say, but when they realize that I'm not retorting anything, they relax a little, eyes intently observing me, as if trying to learn how to read me and my hidden mind.

Hoseok reaches the bed and sits down next to me, hands quickly going for my own before he holds onto them softly, eyes looking sad before he's gazing into mine.

"You're in good hands now, we won't let you handle things by yourself. I know that we're still pretty much strangers so it's going to be weird to be with us for a while, but I want you to know that anything you might need, even if it's just someone to listen to you, we'll be happy to provide, okay?" he says with his sweet voice and I feel myself tear up at his gentleness, it's really not normal that these strangers act like this when my own family never even smiled at me once.

"Oh no, look what you've done hyung, she's about to cry" Jimin whines and I shake my head, a loud sniffle leaving me as I try to strengthen up enough to keep my tears in. "I'm not" I mutter stubbornly, words that aren't believed by any of the men in the room.

Namjoon pinches his lips as he gazes at me. "Hoseok is right though, Y/N. Please don't hesitate to ask for help, and don't keep to yourself as well. It might be an adjustment for everyone, but if you stay locked in your room all the time, it's going to make us feel uneasy, like we're not good for you. Speak up when you have something to say, we can take it, okay?".

I wipe my eyes and nod, eyes falling on the pack alpha with a light pout. "Can I say something then?" I let out, watch as he straightens up immediately, a quick nod of the head, he must not have expected that, he looks ready to move mountains, it's endearing.

"I'm really hungry and I can't stop thinking about that soup, are you guys the kind to eat dinner late?" I blurt out and the silence that follows is soon broken by Jin and Jungkook's laughter, Hoseok sporting a happy blush as he pulls me up with him, hands still holding onto mine as he leads me towards the door, his goal obvious - I shall be fed.

Namjoon huffs softly and ruffles my hair as I walk past him. "You're going to become his new favourite person at this pace" he says, to which Hoseok giggles as we walk back to the kitchen, the others all following behind with small smiles as they allow the light change of ambiance to take away the previous tension.

"I admit that the way she described my food is unlike anything I've ever heard before, I'm curious to hear what she has to say about the other meals I've made" he muses and I gulp, mind then and there reminded that Hoseok is a very excellent and renowned chef, it really feels surreal that I get to eat his food from the safety of his home.

"I want to hear what she has to say about my desserts too. I'm glad I made a cake yesterday, we should put it in the fridge right now, it's still in the freezer" Taehyung lets out and Jimin jumps happily at the mention of it, as if it's not something that happens often.

"I was wondering when we would get to eat it! It's been a struggle not sneaking a bite in the middle of the night!" he lets out and I laugh, that would have been a struggle of mine too, definitely.

"You too?! Just thinking about it has me salivating, I almost decided to wake everyone up at two in the morning just so that we could have an early cake eating session, it's someone's birthday somewhere in the world after all, it would be rude to not eat one in their honor" Jungkook adds and to that, Taehyung's grin is a sight to see, lips showing off a boxy smile that reveals pearly white teeth.

Jin huffs. "I would not have agreed to that and I would have definitely smacked you into a coma. I had a long day yesterday, I can't believe you thought of waking us up for cake".

"Hey! I didn't, did I? I just thought about it!" Jungkook defends himself as we reach the kitchen where the smells make me dreams of rainbow marshmallows and singing butterflies, I can't wait to eat all of this.

The guys start bickering among themselves, but I couldn't pay any attention to them even if I wanted to, not when I'm so captivated by the cooking going on as Hoseok returns to his task, professional eyes making sure that everything is ready, Yoongi besides us ready to help should the chef require anything and it's definitely a sight to see when it's time to start plating the food, hands smoothly making everything look like a meal for a king.

"Will this be enough for you?" Hoseok asks me as he shows me the plate he's holding and I nod quickly because goodness, that's a lot, maybe a bit too much, but will that stop me from licking that plate clean? No.

"Good. Joonie, could you please take these to the table? Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung, help him so he doesn't drop them all to the floor, we don't want a repeat of last week. Tae, pup, mind grabbing the utensils for me? And Kookie, if you're not busy, can you get a few drinks from the fridge? Ask Y/N what she wants" he starts directing everyone and I am so amazed and fascinated by the way everyone falls into their set tasks with ease that Jungkook has to physically pull me away from my spot and to the fridge to have me help him do his part.

"We got juice, milk, tea, pick your choice" the young alpha says and I hum before pointing at the fruity tea, that one is sweet and so good, it's usually an event for me when I manage to afford it but here it is and I am not losing that opportunity.

They will probably have to get it often if they allow me to drink it whenever I want to because I'm not far from having an addiction to that drink. Jungkook nods and grabs the bottle. "That's a good choice, I always get that one too, it's the best".

A rival.

The first threat taking place between the tea and I. Would he dare finish the bottle if there's only a little left? I'll have to be careful, my heart might just split in half if I ever long for a taste only to find that it's gone.

Yoongi snorts as he eyes me with amusement. "You really speak whatever's on your mind, don't you?".

"Crap, I've done it again".

Jungkook's cheeks are puffed into a wide smile as he brings the bottle to the table and one look around me reveals that they're all grinning, amused by what they just heard. At least I'm making them smile, that's a small consolation, right?

"Don't worry, Y/N, I buy this tea often, we all like it so when a bottle is empty, there's one more in the pantry. Whoever finishes it is responsible with putting the next one in the fridge, you're allowed to get mad if someone forgets, I know I would" Jin says and I grin, oh the freedom they're giving me.

"You might be the one getting mad at me then, I tend to forget a lot" I chirp before reaching the table to watch as the plates get settled at each seats, everything looking so good, too good, it's making my wallet cry and I don't even have to use it.

"Don't say that to him, Y/N, Jin getting mad already happens enough like that" Namjoon says as he comes to stand besides me, his tallness making me look up and up so I can meet his gaze, Jin has the time to let out a complaint before I can meet the alpha's gaze.

"You speak as if it's my fault that I keep getting mad! If you guys would stop doing dumb things, if you could follow simple tasks, I would be the angel incarnate!".

"You can't be an angel, hyung, that role is already taken by Jiminie" Taehyung counters as he reaches the table to set the utensils and I grin as bickering starts over between all of them, Namjoon the only one completely silent as he sighs, a quirked eyebrow my way with a grin, as if to say - welcome in my humble pack - it makes me giggle.

Yoongi comes over and with one hand over my elbow, takes me to one of the chairs before sitting next to me, a small smile sent my way before he pours me a glass of the tea, something I find lovely, he didn't have to.

"Don't mention it, it's basic courtesy" he replies and I smile back, not even surprised at this point, I might just start believing that they can read my thoughts, it would be easier for me then to keep my thoughts in order since my tongue has a life of its own.

I look up in front of me just in time to see Hoseok and Jungkook race for the seat facing mine and to one's dismay, it is Hoseok who appears faster when he shows me a proud smile, eyes crinkling happily with a giggle leaving him while Jungkook pouts and takes the seat besides his.

Namjoon comes to the chair at the end of the table next to Hoseok and I and smiles at me when I look up at him, mind constantly in awe that such a man can exist.

In a group of alphas, I wouldn't be surprised if he makes them all feel like small pups. He must scare more than one away just by gazing at them.

I bring my gaze to the food in front of me when a waft of the smell reaches my nose and I nearly drool at the sight.

"Yoongi, if I space out, please pinch my arm. This food might just make me meet my end tonight, I don't think my soul can remain composed throughout this meal" I let out, hear his hum as he nods.

"I can do that, but don't blame me if your arms hurt later, it's probably going to happen often. I know it did for me when I first tasted his food".

Oh great, that's encouraging.

Hoseok makes food for gods, did no one tell him to lower his expertise when he gets goblins over? My poor body is not made for such luxury, not when it's used to cheap ramyeon and cheese sticks.

"You can't pass out before you get a taste of my cake, I want your opinion on it" Taehyung says after a few seconds of silence and I snap my gaze to his.

"There's a risk that I might pass out from eating this?" I ask, shocked and Jungkook smirks, head resting on one hand as he stares at me.

"Don't worry, you have seven wolves surrounding you if anything happens. Don't let your human body stop you from enjoying the food, if it can't keep up, then take your time" he chirps and I nod at him, determined, that I can do.

My weak and human body shall do its best to keep up with this divine food!

Hoseok's cheeks are red as he tries to keep his composure, he's not used to hearing compliments over his food from so close like that, it pleases him more than when he hears them from strangers or celebrities, it makes him bashful.

"Please, let's just eat, okay? You guys are too much right now" he mumbles shyly and I grin before taking pity on him, the poor man isn't handling compliments too well.

His words seem to have a secret meaning of - Y/N must eat first - because when I look up after a moment of nothing happening, it's to see seven pairs of eyes on me.


I point at myself. "I... you want me to eat first?" I ask, wait until they all nod to bite on my bottom lip, suddenly intimidated.

That means my reaction will be caught live by all of them? They're really going to stare at me to see the very moment my soul leaves my body? They're going to stare at me to see the exact moment when pride leaves to expose the gluttonous monster within me?

"Anytime now, Y/N, unless you'd rather one of us feeds you? I can offer my hands, I don't mind" Jin says and my eyes widen at that, a quick shake of the head at Jimin's laughter before I take a bite of the food and it's completely unexpected when I moan at the taste.

It's both an urge of bashing my head against the table to help me process while also wanting to shove more into my mouth that takes over as I chew and swallow, something different pushed into my mouth, and gosh, such delicious food isn't possible, it melts in my mouth, it fills my soul with joy, my blood is turning fluorescent pink, flowers will grow in my hair, butterflies will fly out of my ears, my heart will sing for all to hear.

How could I ever eat ordinary food after this? I'm never going to be able to enjoy food that I make, he's exceeded every single times I've cooked and felt proud of myself.

It's like comparing someone who puts a piece of bread in the toaster and someone who makes the bread. You don't get to eat the bread before it's made, so the bread maker is important, you cannot live without the bread maker.

Hoseok is the bread maker, while I'm the toaster user. In other words - he makes the food, I eat it.

And oh how happily will I eat his food.

Satisfied with what they've seen, the way I can't care any less about them right now when my focus is over a hundred percent on the plate in front of me, the others grin and start eating as well, small praises given here and there, but Hoseok barely hears them as he observes me.

It makes Namjoon happy, to see everyone enjoying themselves, and he won't say it aloud, but the scent of rain has never smelled as sweet to his nose as it does at the moment, eyes looking content as the table fills with giddy laughter and teasing touches.

And when his gaze falls on me, he nods to himself, satisfied with his decision to accept a stranger within his home and pack.

She will fit in just right, he thinks to himself.

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