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I know, I know what I said, I comprehend it and I believed it, we can wait three weeks, it was doable, but the thing is... I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS STORY 😭😭 I want to give my stories the attention and love they deserve and if I do write for Your candy love this week, it won't be good, I just can't focus if it's not Iridescent love and that's my bad really, I had a feeling this would happen if I did start updating it too soon but... let's just go with the flow okay? *smiles awkwardly*

I'm stuffed.

I have never eaten as much as I have tonight, and I would gladly do it again.

I lie on the bed, in the bedroom that was lent to me, the softness that surrounds me unlike anything I've ever been granted in my life, which honestly, at this point, I feel isn't too hard to achieve.

The blankets smell so good, they're the perfect heaviness onto my body and there's just enough so that I can make a small nest around me, cozy and warm.

I couldn't say what it is about making a nest for myself, I'm clearly not a wolf, but it just soothes me in a way that nothing else quite can. It's a sense of safety that you can't get anywhere else, but from as long as I can remember, I've always hid that reality from others.

It makes me uncomfortable, almost upset when I pick at the blankets to fold them properly, but ever since my adoptive mother found out about this habit of mine, the way she'd screamed at me, the way she'd shamed me for it, it's now automatic, when I leave the bed, I need to destroy the nest.

Maybe I'm like that because I'm emotionally damaged and a nest brings that emotional safety, but either way, I wouldn't want Yoongi and Jungkook's pack to believe that I'm making fun of something so innately natural in an omega, because that's not my intention at all, far from it.

I can just understand why they feel that need to nest so often, it does bring comfort in a scary world and I just happen to need it too.

I adjust the blanket in front of me again, bring it closer to my body so that it follows the curves of my stomach, like an embrace, as if someone is holding me, I sleep so much better like that. It's warm, soft and comforting.

It brings my mind to wonder about whether I would enjoy cuddling with someone else, either being the small spoon or a face-to-face hugging kind of cuddling, legs intertwined, it appeals to me, makes me curious, but I have yet to really get a taste of it outside of the blankets.

Maybe one day it would happen, who knows? Someone who could accept me, patient and loving, someone understanding and respectful. Would there be a person like that available somewhere for me?

Someone who could wrap me in their embrace and whisper to me their love before kissing me tenderly? Just thinking about it has my heart fluttering in my chest, it sure would be lovely.

I don't think I would enjoy being the bigger spoon though. I need a person who can take that role from me.

I snicker to myself, the thoughts filling my mind kind of weird to have to myself, but at least now I know my preferences a bit better than I did a minute ago, which isn't a bad thing quite honestly, it's good to know what I want before I reach that point.

Too many people grab the first new-comer only to end up heartbroken because they're not what they need, emotions involved too easily and too quickly before being ripped in half, I could never do that.

I cradle my heart preciously within my hold, I've had enough of my parents stomping on it regularly and I'm not having a repeat of that with complete strangers who promise sweet words before doing the complete opposite.

I turn around and pat the bedside table to find my phone in the darkness, and when I feel it under my fingers, I grab it to pull my way until I'm back on my side, screen in front of my face before unlocking it.

The low brightness has me squinting my eyes with a grunt, the lowest setting still too high for my sensitive orbs, I always forget how painful it is when I'm used to the darkness, but still I push through, the time showing me that it's really early, a little over two in the morning.

Damn, have I been awake for that long already? It would be great if I could get some shut eye, but I doubt it's going to happen tonight, there's just too much going on in my mind to achieve that goal.

It's not like I'm uncomfortable here or anything, but the level of kindness I've experienced keeps me from fully relaxing.

It's so different from what I've always known and my mind is too eager in processing it all, something so amazing finally offered to me, how could I not be obsessed with the way it made me feel?

Yesterday was an amazing day, I made friends, I got a job, I got treated like family, I'm even part of a work pack now, Yoongi and Jungkook's mates are so nice, they welcomed me in without hesitation and the way they made me feel so comfortable with them, it feels like a dream.

I'm afraid that if I do end up falling asleep, I'll wake up in that old apartment, the guys not remembering me, all of it part of my imagination, something that would surely crush me.

Getting a taste of such warmth only to be pushed back in the lonely coldness again? I don't want that, I really don't want that.

I sigh and slide out of bed, mind made up about it, sleeping is not going to happen, so what good would I get from staying in here any longer?

I hope the guys don't mind me going to the living room while they're sleeping, I don't like staying in bed when I'm not sleeping, it makes me feel like I'm failing at doing something that isn't within my control.

I turn around and mess up the nest, make it look like I just can't stay still when I sleep and once reassured that it doesn't look anything like it previously was, I grab the closest one before making my way out of the room as silently as I can, thankful that the floor is not the kind to creak under each footstep, that would have me turning around quickly and back in bed, which would bring me back to square one.

Thank goodness for this floor that costs probably more than all my internal organs reunited together.

Walking in the dark isn't all that fun considering I don't know the layout of the house that well yet, but my phone's flashlight comes in handy and I eventually make it to the living room, the warm blanket wrapped around me to keep cozy, it must look like a cape from the back, something that amuses me.

I am queen of the night, stranger of the pack, beware the silent danger! Muahahahah!

Once arrived at my destination, I take a quick look around the room with my phone to find that no one's here, the silence that surrounds me almost scary and ominous, something that is due only to this place being new to me.

The seven men must all be sleeping soundly, those lucky wolves, if only I could do the same, but sadly, my brain hasn't given me a break so far so I'll probably have to survive on coffees at work today.

I did spot a coffee machine in the small kitchen in the tattoo parlour, my future new best friend. But I probably shouldn't say that aloud, Jungkook would get upset.

It's going to be my second best friend then. Sorry Yoongi.

I quietly take a seat on one of the couches surrounding the fancy coffee table, careful to not hit it on the way, a hum slipping out of me at how comfortable it is, everything here above and beyond in terms of quality, which is weird, because I don't feel like my adoptive parents live that differently.

They have money so they use it, our house was fancy, my adoptive father had designed it so everything was expensive looking, but I don't remember any of the furniture being that comfortable.

It's shocking to me, the realization that even in the things they would buy, it reflected their personality.

Cold and strict. Covered in jewelry and fancy clothes, fabrics and paintings that the poor could never dream of affording, but no warmth emanating from them.

That's where the line draws between them and this pack. They have that warmth that my family lacks and they don't shy away from sharing it with me, they seem eager even to do so, it's a new feeling for me.

They're giving me a taste of something I've always wanted, always needed but could never get, and that, without asking for anything in exchange, as far as I know. I don't believe they could ever as of me something bad, not their pack.

"Can't sleep?" a sleepy rasp suddenly reaches my ears and I startle, head turning to where the voice is coming from, except I can't see anything, the darkness surrounding me after I turned off my flashlight now making me nervous, extremely vulnerable.

"Give me a moment, I'll turn on the lamp, I forget that you can't see that well in the dark" the voice continues, it sounds like Namjoon, but much deeper, softer, almost like a whisper.

It's soothing, it reassures me, there's no danger here.

Indeed, soon enough, a small light flickers to life in the corner of the room and reveals Namjoon's tall body in a thin pyjama, a smile on his lips when I finally see him, he can surely note the visible relief on my face at my being able to see my surroundings again.

"May I sit with you?" he asks with a move of the chin towards the couch I'm currently sat on and I nod, body snuggling into the blanket for warmth as he takes a seat, close enough that I can feel his body heat with my feet.

Even my toes are approving of them, that says a lot.

"Why are you alone here? I would have thought you'd be fast asleep by now" his head tilts at his question, concern in his hooded eyes, their shape alike to one of a dragon's, they look over-observant, his alpha senses kicking in and ready to solve anything that might come to the surface, but when he inhales deeply, I watch as he registers that I'm not really feeling bad or anything like that, I'm just... in neutral grounds, emotions not tilting to one side more than the other.

This is me when I'm relaxing, a blank canvas, it's peaceful.

"My mind won't shut up, I have been jumping from one matter to the other in my head since I went to bed, there doesn't seem to be an end coming around the corner so I eventually gave up trying. And before you start worrying, it's nothing bad, mostly just thankful for the way you all welcomed me in.

I keep comparing my parents with you guys and I find it hard to believe that strangers would treat me better than family does. It makes me wonder if that's just how you are, incredibly warm, or if it's my family who's terrifyingly cold" I answer, watch as he purses his lips, eyes not letting go of me as he nods, his mind processing my words and the reality behind them.

"That would most definitely keep me up too were I in your place. To clarify, we don't open our door to just anyone, you'd be surprised to hear that we're actually quite secretive when around people we don't know, but Yoongi trusted you, so did Jungkook and you working with them, their opinion of you and how much they seem to care about you in such a short amount of time, that's enough to have us trusting you as well. So far, I feel like that was a good decision from us".

See, again with doing something that my family would never think of doing to their own daughter.

Adoptive daughter, but isn't that the point? They chose me, yet they just have to act like I was forced upon them, like I made that decision for them. They kept me from a loving family, not the other way around.

"I wish I could repay you a thousand times for what you've done for me yesterday. I most certainly don't deserve what I'm getting so far, Namjoon, I feel really bad about disrupting your pack like that. I promise I'll move out as soon as I can, in the meantime, I can only do my best to not be a bother so as soon as I get money, I'll pay rent, or food? Anything you might need, I'll try to participate as well" I tell him, watch as his lips stretch into a gentle smile as he makes himself comfortable on the couch.

"While I appreciate the sentiment, Y/N, that won't be necessary. Your worry is kind, your care for my pack warms my heart, still, you need not concern yourself over it. We are more than fine with this development. You being here isn't synonym of our end, my mates have all shared how excited they are about you being here now that they got to know you a little. Allow yourself to relax, it seems you haven't had that opportunity in quite a while" he soothes me calmly and I hesitate before nodding my head, once more thankful for his kindness.

We stay in silence for a moment before I ask back a question of his. "Why aren't you sleeping, Namjoon?".

He hums. "I heard you walk down the corridor, I was worried that you might not be okay, some people tend to find it hard to sleep in a new environment, I wanted to make sure myself that you were alright, if maybe you needed anything".

How kind of him. "I'm sorry, I didn't know I woke you up, I tried to be quiet" I mumble, to which he shakes his head with a reassuring crease of the eyes. "I was already awake, don't worry. My mind tends to keep me awake until late in the night as well".

"Oh really? Why?" I can't resist the question as it flows out of my lips and I start wondering if I should regret it, what if his reason is too personal? But he's shifting a little on his seat to grab a cushion to rest onto his stomach and yawns silently before allowing his gaze back on me.

"I always seem to find it easier to think about my next class at University at night. I teach Art History, so I tend to wander on the web regularly to find new things that I could incorporate into my lessons, how to make it interesting for those who find the subject difficult to focus on.

Sometimes it's one of my students who will take me into a fascinating conversation about a new artist they've discovered and it's only when midnight hits that my brain remembers the name, after which I just have to search for more information. It can take hours of my night in the blink of an eye and come morning, I realize that I haven't slept at all".

I chuckle as he talks, I can understand what he's saying, the part about not sleeping because of interesting subjects, and I can't help but think that it fits him, to be a teacher, he's so patient and gentle.

"I bet your students like you a lot" I muse and he smiles, a pleased shrug leaving him. "Maybe just a little bit".

Yeah, that definitely means they like him a lot. The man's probably super popular.

"You must have students who aren't even part of your class sometimes coming in just to see you, I would rest my head on the desk and focus on your voice at least once a day, it's so soothing" I admit, and he seems to think for a moment before humming.

"I think that does happen... but I usually let everyone stay, what harm would them listening to my class do? As long as they don't disturb the others who need to be present, I'm not against it. I have to say, I never really pay attention to how my voice is perceived, but that's a comment I've gotten often, that it's soothing, so thank you for saying that".

I smile at him, head lulling to one side to rest on the fluffy back cushion, soul turning slightly shy when he mimics my position, his eyes on me both comforting and intimidating, but in a good way, it feels safe, like I'm taken care of just by having him here in front of me.

I let my mind wander to what the others' jobs might be, curiosity raising as I am blessed with a talkative midnight buddy for the first time in all of my life. I don't want this to end just yet, it's thrilling to me, like we're currently sharing a secret together in the silent castle.

"So you're an Art History teacher, Hoseok is a... a chef, Taehyung makes desserts, Yoongi and Jungkook are tattoo artists... that leaves... Jin and... Jimin" I enumerate them on my fingers under his shining orbs, too busy looking at the dark ceiling to notice how charmed he is.

"You want to know?" he asks softly and when I nod eagerly at him, his eyes smile, one dimple poking out, deep and pretty on his cheek.

"What do you think Jin does?" he starts, interested to know where my mind might take me and I purse my lips, brows into a frown, Jin's face flashing in my mind, his personality and behaviour, what job would suit him?

"He seems to like things clear and organized, he did talk about set tasks for your pack so maybe... a lawyer?" I try, eyes intently searching Namjoon's when he doesn't answer, the suspense nearly killing me, was I right? Wrong?

But then he's shaking his head with a chuckle. "He's a doctor, specializes in omega health, which means that if he were to get alpha or beta patients for example, he wouldn't know as much about them as he'll know about omegas. He's able to care for just about anyone though, he simply chose to specialize in one sub gender instead" he explains and my eyes widen in admiration.

So they have a doctor in the pack? One more reason as to why I'm not on par with them.

"Why omegas in particular?" I ask, curious to learn more about the gentle man who came to fetch Yoongi, Jungkook and I at my place earlier, but that has him smiling sadly, something that has my face falling a little.

"You see, Jin is an omega himself, he wasn't exactly... an healthy child, had a lot of trouble with his health at a young age. He told me once that it really shocked him, how many doctors he met who could never treat him properly because they never took the time to learn how different omegas are from the other two second genders.

His parents did eventually find a doctor that specialized in omega health, but that person was completely overwhelmed by the amount of patients they would get. It's so hard finding suitable care so once you find one who does offer it, you hold onto them for dear life. For Jin, that was enough of a reason to do the same, he believes that everyone deserves appropriate care, especially for people who are like him".

That never even crossed my mind before, that anything could be different from a second gender to another one. Human doctors, they... well, they know humans well, because we're all the same, up to a certain point.

I've never had trouble finding a doctor for me, but I guess wolves really don't have it easy sometimes. Yet another reason as to why omegas are overlooked by the general population.

They're expected to obey everyone, but when it comes to their own well-being, no one cares.

But then you have this pack coming in and doing their best so that omegas can be comfortable and safe, they do their best to make a difference in their life, and I'm sure everyone can see the impact that they bring, it makes me proud to be with such people, they truly have kind hearts.

If only more people would follow in their footsteps... this world would surely be a better place.

"Is he better now? His health I mean" I ask, to which Namjoon chuckles lightly. "He is. Hasn't been sick since we met, he knows how to care for himself better than we all do" he muses and I smile, relieved to hear that.

I would hate for that nice man whose laughter is the most original I've ever heard to still suffer.

"What about Jimin? What's his job?" I ask next, eager to know more now that it's been settled that Jin is okay and again, Namjoon tilts his head, wordlessly letting me know that he expects me to try and guess for him too.

I click my tongue and the man smirks, amused by my reaction, but otherwise remains silent.

Right, so he's not changing his mind.

So... Jimin, what do you do in life?

"A model?" I try, but Namjoon shakes is head. "Could've been one though, he had many offers from high end companies, he just wasn't interested, broke their hearts" he muses and I huff quietly, not surprised, the man's way too handsome.

"What about... a merman? I bet he would be one heck of a good merman".

To that, Namjoon lets free a louder than intended laugh and quickly covers his mouth to keep his voice from waking everyone up in the house, much to my amusement. Oh how the tables have turned!

"A merman? Where does that come from?" he chuckles, eyes alight and entertained, but I press my lips into a fine line with a shake of the head, I can't believe that as his mate, he can't even see the hidden merman that Jimin is.

"I'm sure of it, he must be a mix of wolf and merman, he's so... graceful and soft, it doesn't make sense that you don't know, I tell you, I've discovered his secret" I insist, which has him grinning widely until a noise catches my attention, eyes falling on Jimin and widening, cheeks heating up because holy shit, he just heard that, didn't he?

And Namjoon knew! Oh, that was not just a grin, it was a shit-eating grin! Damn!

"So the human has found out about my real identity, we can't have that now, can we?" the newcomer drawls with his smooth caramel voice and I shrink further into my blanket, ears now fuming with how embarrassed I am, something that only seems to amuse them more.

"You weren't meant to hear that" I mumble, to which he hums before taking a seat on a nearby couch, right behind me where I can't see him, but I can feel him, the way he scoots close enough so that I can feel his breath on my skin.

"Why not?" he murmurs, he's clearly enjoying this too much, but I don't, not with the way my heart is threatening to beat out of my chest, a sound they most surely hear, which isn't fair if you ask me.

"That job, if you're not a merman, what do you do then?" I ask instead of answering his question and he sighs before leaning over the arm rest behind me to peek at me from the side.

"I will give you a hint. I work at the same place as Namjoon. What does that make me?" he starts with an easy riddle and my eyes widen, I hadn't expected that from him for some reason.

"You're a teacher?" I ask, watch as he nods before grinning. "I teach contemporary dance. I used to perform in shows but I left that behind to focus on training the next generation instead" he muses, as if he's too old to be continuing with performing, but maybe there's more to that so I don't push for that one.

"Have you danced for a long time?" I ask him, a question that has his eyes sparkling with passion.

"All my life. Dance has become part of my identity, from the first time I got a taste of it until now, it is my first love and will always be" he answers easily and I stare at him in awe, that such passion can be found in someone.

"It sounds amazing, to love something so deeply, I have yet to find a passion to love to that extent" I let out, words that have both men gazing at me with softening eyes at the longing easily heard in my voice.

"I'm sure you will find yours one day, don't you worry your pretty head about it. Passion will find you when you least expect it" Jimin assures me and I smile at him, he makes me want to believe so easily.

"He's right, Y/N, don't spend too much time thinking about it, you will know when you find it. With that said, why are you up, Jiminie? Weren't you sleeping with Taehyungie?" Namjoon asks his mate and I purse my lips, wondering if everyone's still awake and we just don't know.

"I needed to use the bathroom, but then I heard your voices and I came closer by curiosity, it was around when the question about my job came up, I just had to stick around to hear more, but I wasn't expecting someone's guess to be about me being a merman" he explains, a stab in the back it is, he didn't have to bring it up again!

I decide to simply pout in countering, half of my face sliding under the blanket to leave only my eyes peeking out, it's not my fault if guessing isn't my forte.

That has Namjoon's soul melting, his heart soft for the sight in front of him and he finds himself almost wishing to reach out to me for a slightly possessive scenting, something that takes him aback, he's usually not one to take to someone so quickly, but this time seems to be an exception he hadn't seen coming and he barely resists the temptation, arms instead hugging the cushion close to his chest.

Small things have always been a weakness of his, he just didn't expect a human to fit the concept as well.

As for Jimin, he finds himself cooing quietly, arms wrapping around me without warning to rub his cheek against mine, unable to stop himself and my eyes widen, heart stuttering in my chest at the sudden touch, the flutters that fill my whole being unlike anything I have ever experienced before.

"You're too adorable, Y/N, simply too adorable. Don't worry, I take this compliment with pride, it's lovely" he reassures me as he pulls back, his eyes taking in the wild red that covers my whole face, eyes creasing beautifully before he adds some distance between us when Namjoon motions for him to be more careful, the messy beat of my heart not unheard by the pack alpha.

"Maybe we should try and head back to sleep, hm? You've had a long day yesterday, it wouldn't do to have you fall from exhaustion at work" Namjoon tries, but I sigh softly, lips pursing, I don't think sleeping will be happening this night, no matter how much I wish for it.

"That would be nice, Namjoon, truly, but..." "But our conversation fully woke you up?" he completes for me, to which I sheepishly nod. I'm loving so much this present moment, it feels right, to be here with the both of them, talking, I don't want it to end.

Jimin quietly claps his hands and turns to his mate. "How about we put something boring on the TV? That would surely have us all dozing off easily" he offers and to that, my interest is caught because that would definitely be better than allowing my thoughts to take over my mind once more.

"Could we? Ah but if you two are able to go back to sleep, please do, don't let me keep you up" I let out, just now realizing that as teachers, they must be really busy at work, it mustn't be easy, but they're both smiling and shaking their head as the pack alpha grabs the controller to turn the TV on.

"I'm not that tired either. What do you usually find boring?" he asks as he opens Netflix, an app I'm not familiar with, I've never really had a lot of time for watching series and movies, that wasn't part of my allowed budget.

"I'm not sure, I've never had much time for that before, Netflix wasn't allowed so I'm not familiar with what would be considered boring. If you expect from me to choose a particular genre... I'm afraid I couldn't say" I admit, but where his jaw ticks a little, the information sounding wrong to his ears, Jimin is taking over as he stretches over the couch to grab the controller before grinning at me.

"I have just the thing in mind then" he chirps before scrolling through the choices to select one of the images that opens to a small menu with the title of the show being Love is blind.

"Not saying that it's boring, but I can never seem to focus for long before forgetting about the show, I think we should go with that one" he says and I shrug with a nod of the head while Namjoon almost groans in despair, a sound that makes Jimin giggle.

"Come on hyung, don't complain, you'll be the first one to fall asleep" the soft man claims before getting off his couch to come sit between Namjoon and I, something I don't mind at all, obviously he would want to be close to his mate when watching something on TV.

What I don't expect is for him to pat his lap while staring at me expectantly after he's made himself comfortable.

I stare at him, then at Namjoon and back at him, unsure of what he wants from me. Is he telling me to lay my head on his lap? To me?

"That's exactly it, your hair has been calling out to my fingers since earlier, I want to play with it" Jimin reveals, but at my hesitation, Namjoon pats his mate's shoulder softly.

"You're going to make her uncomfortable if you go too fast, Jiminie, she's known us for less than a handful of hours. Let's just watch this show until we can't keep our eyes open anymore".

Jimin wilts at these words as if he was just told that butterflies can die of cancer and I wordlessly shift on the couch before letting my head drop to his lap with a flop, body nervously tense and eyes stubbornly fixated on the TV.

"I-I don't mind. It's just... it's never happened before, I was surprised" I tell them and at Jimin's gasp, I know that it was the right choice to make.

We can't have a sad Jimin around, that sounds worse than every chocolate companies going bankrupt.

"You've never- we can't have that remain! I shall give you the best head massage you've ever had and you will fall asleep, I promise you" he states and I giggle, finding his words funny, it can't be that easy-

Oh goodness gracious.

As soon as his fingers touch my scalp, I have to physically fight the urge my eyes have to roll back, lids shutting immediately as the sounds of the show start filling the living room, not loud enough to bother those sleeping, but not so quiet that we wouldn't hear a single thing either.

I can't believe I have made it to my twenties without ever experiencing such a divine feeling as a head scratch. This pack is filled with talent, be it food or scratches or whatever else that can be considered as talent and Jimin just made me addicted to his fingers in a single second.

I doze off a few times from there, his light giggles whenever I come back with much confusion not enough to keep me from dozing off once more until, finally, I eventually reach a state of deep sleep under the care of the wolf whose eyes aren't on the TV, but on me.

Jimin's POV

When her breathing evens out, the last of her muscles relaxing until she's completely soft under my fingers, it fills me with a sense of victory, that I could manage to make her fall asleep even when she thought it wouldn't be possible tonight.

Her scent, a rainy night, has softened to a freshness that only midnight can bring, the moonlight glow purifying the air and making each breaths one to remember and appreciate, there's something so soothing to her scent that I've never smelled on anyone before, it's great.

"You did it, Jiminie" Namjoon muses tiredly, his lavender scent pushing out in a mean to make us both relax, instinctive even though he knows Y/N can't smell our scents, but I can and it makes my eyelids heavier, mind calm and peaceful, his eyes gentle as he gazes at her now sleeping form, lips parted to breathe silently, soft exhales puffing out of her on regular intervals.

Jin would be relieved at this small display of good health.

"Basic health begins with a good night sleep, and a good night sleep can only be achieved with a healthy body and mind" he used to say until we banned him from repeating himself because he wouldn't stop sharing how proud he was that his pack was healthy, it instinctively pleased him, it still does.

As our pack's only omega and as a doctor, Jin will be more inclined to worry over us, so when all is well, he is very happy.

Y/N might not be a mate, she is not of our pack, but I guess we could call her... a temporary pack guest. Plus, the fact that she is from Yoongi's work pack now, it's one more reason as to why we need to take care of her.

We don't do it only for her, we also do it for Yoongi and Jungkook. As pack alpha of his non-official work pack, Yoongi will need her healthy and happy for his own well-being, else he would feel propelled to move mountains to have her smiling.

That isn't bad in itself, but we don't want him exhausting himself for something that we can all take part into. That's what pack is after all, we care for one another and Y/N is deserving of being on the receiving end of it.

We've heard and seen enough to know that she's in need of warmth.

"Should we bring her to bed? This was mostly for her" I ask Namjoon, to which he nods before standing up, his arms gently pulling her to him before he scoops her up, my arms following until I'm sure that she's secure into his chest and together, after I turn off the TV and the light, we make it to the room we had prepared for her.

To my surprise, we come to smell freshly grilled almonds on the way, the source revealing a sleepy mate when we reach her door, Hoseok waiting for us right beside it, his eyes already on us before falling on her when we get close enough.

"Is she okay?" he asks softly, his orbs taking her in, he almost looks like he wants to pick her up for himself, but he steps aside after opening the door to let our pack alpha through, his feet following behind and into her room to help him set her in bed.

"She is, she simply couldn't sleep because there was too much happening in her mind. We talked a bit before Jimin managed to make her fall asleep" Namjoon explains and the beta hums, relieved when he shoots me a small smile before we both clear the blankets out of the way so he can gently settle her on the mattress.

"Did she fight with those? It's so messy" I giggle lightly, the sight of the battleground that is the bed causing me to imagine her kicking her legs in frustration because sleep wasn't coming her way before ultimately walking out to the living room all pouty.

Namjoon struggles a little with unwrapping her out of the blanket she'd brought with her, but with Hoseok's help, they finally manage to free her without waking her up, which seems like a feat in itself, her body must be absolutely exhausted for sleeping through the ordeal.

Our sweet beta proceeds to gently cover her properly, the softest blanket pulled over her body while the others remain aside to keep her from being too hot for what remains of the night, it wouldn't do to have her sweating when sleeping, it would be uncomfortable.

That's what we all believe, but as soon as we step away from the bed, eager to leave her to rest, her face turns into a light frown, her scent turning heavier, the same feeling I get when a storm is about to start, it fills my lungs and makes my feet glued to the ground where I am, mind turning alert at what could've triggered her to be upset even in her sleep.

Did we miss something? Were we not careful enough? Did we fail to make our guest comfortable?

We can't have that, my alpha wolf whimpers, the sound stuck in the back of my throat, because such a scent is upsetting, it is not happy, not anywhere close to what it was earlier when she was soothed into sleep under my fingers.

Hoseok is about to make a step her way, his instincts not as overbearing as Namjoon and mine are, but he can still register her distress and he doesn't like it one bit, but before he can do anything, she's sleepily gathering the blanket that was covering her to her front to hug and her scent immediately softens again, leaving us a tensed mess as we try to understand what just happened.

"She needs to hug something when she sleeps" Hoseok observes aloud, both endeared by the discovery and on edge because we were all expecting worse than that, a sudden pain, for her to be cold, anything, but this is a much better outcome.

It should be, but something bothers me in the way she adjusts her position once more.

I used to babysit baby wolves often before starting my current career, mostly omegas as they needed more care from their parents, which would in turn make them in need of a break more often, and through the years, I noticed that the young pups all had something in common.

Eyes on her, on the way it's not quite a hug, but a barrier, face buried into the fabric but arms within the protection the blanket brings, am I the only one noting that it kind of looks like a fragmented nest?

It's stronger than me, that observation pulls at my instincts, I need to offer a complete nest, just like I did for those sleeping babies because they didn't know how to make a proper one yet.

I walk around the bed to grab the other blankets and proceed to form around her a nice and fluffy nest, although not quite up to standards, Jin would complain that my skills have grown rusty, but for now this is the best I can manage and we all notice as her body starts relaxing further upon being fully surrounded.

This doesn't feel normal, this isn't right... humans don't feel the need to nest to the point that they turn upset in their sleep, this doesn't make any sense.

Namjoon and Hoseok don't seem to process the unnatural situation, too taken by the way their instincts preen at seeing her feeling better when her scents turns back to its earlier softness, but then our pack alpha is saying something that has the beta and I freezing.

"All tucked in like a good omega, you did good Jiminie" Namjoon finds himself saying with silent pride before he even processes his words and we both eye him at that, something about the way he said it only confirming it more for me.

Something's wrong here.

"Joon, she's not an omega" Hoseok eventually tells him and we watch as his eyes widen, orbs still on her but mind running a mile an hour as he tries to understand what just happened.

He never mistakes a human for a wolf, never. Even when a wolf wears a scent blocker, he will be able to tell them apart from humans, his senses are that increased, so for him to make this mistake right now...

Maybe it isn't a mistake.

"I'll ask Yoongi and Jungkook to keep an eye on her at work, if you notice anything abnormal in the coming days, you let me know asap. Don't let the others know about this for now, I want to make sure first" is all he says before he exits the room, henceforth leaving Hoseok and I alone with her, mind shocked by his words.

We turn back to her sleeping form, her body within the nest, a happy smile on her face, I swear, if she could purr, she would.

A human doesn't nest, they don't have that need, yet she obviously does. There's not a thousand different ways to process this, and it all feels wrong, so fucking wrong.

This isn't just a normal late presenting, her scent is not showing any sign of a second gender finally taking place, yet it is clear as day the more I look at her and her behaviour. Y/N is not a human.

A hand wrapping around mine has me looking away from her to see Hoseok smiling softly at me, the worry deep in his eyes, yet it's not like there's much we can do right now, not until we understand what the heck is going on here.

Maybe this is all just a big misunderstanding and we're getting ahead of ourselves, but it's also possible that we're not imagining this. Namjoon looked shocked enough for his scent to turn a burned leather, sharp and almost toxic, so if that isn't an answer all by itself...

"Let's not stay here any longer, we wouldn't want to wake her up, right? We can figure this out another time, let's head back to bed" he murmurs and I nod, eyes gazing at her one last time before we exit the room, door closing on the mystery that she is.

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