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Second update today! From now on, I have no more completed chapters so it will take a bit longer to get a new one, but chapter 6 and 7 are nearly half there so maybe tomorrow I can update! Thank you for giving this story so much love, I love seeing your comments and theories!

A hand shaking me awake softly has me grumbling unhappily.

It feels like I barely slept, a few hours at most but nothing like what I would normally need to get through a long day.

"Come on sweets, wake up, we leave for work in thirty minutes, you need to eat breakfast first".

Work? Sweets? Who-

My eyes snap open to see Jungkook grinning at me, an eyebrow quirked as he waits for me to appraise his presence in my room, as he waits for me to process that this isn't my room, not the one I woke up in yesterday anyway, the current tones of lavender of this room prettier than the falling apart wallpapers of the previous one.

Right, his pack took me in after Yoongi and Jungkook both saw how horrifying my apartment was, they despised it with all of their being, then I spent a small part of the night talking with Namjoon and Jimin before falling asleep.

I didn't think it would be possible, but Jimin really accomplished the impossible, didn't he?

I smile sleepily at the alpha in front of me, feeling so at peace in this bed, all snug and fuzzy, to which he smiles back, endeared.

"Aren't you looking awfully cozy. Did you sleep well, sweets?" he croons, something that makes my soul preen, lips stretching wider before I bury my face in the blanket facing me, the fabric so soft to the touch, getting out of bed has never been so hard.

It takes me a moment to figure out why I'm feeling that way, but when I do, hand curiously patting behind me to find that the scenario is awfully similar to my biggest fear, my eyes widen instantly and I sit up in panic, the sweet feeling that was covering my mind disappearing in a second.

My reaction is enough to shock Jungkook as he eyes me with concern, arms hovering in uncertainty because of the sudden change occurring in front of him, but I can't pay attention to that when I have something urgent to do right now.

Quickly, as if my life is on the line, I start messing up the nest as much as I can, mind doing its best to ignore the pain that shoots through me at the act, tears welling up in my eyes but it doesn't matter because Jungkook can't see it, he can't see the nest, he will get mad at me and I can't bear the thought.

Jungkook's eyes turn sharp at my sudden frantic behaviour and his hands quickly grab my wrists to stop me, except it doesn't work when I try to free myself, I need to make sure it's all gone, no hints, no hints can be seen-

"Y/N! Calm down! Now!" Jungkook demands, obviously uses his alpha voice because his tone is stronger, more powerful, and where it shouldn't work on a human, it shouldn't work on me, I find myself sagging in a second, soul feeling empty, a mess of nerves.

I don't want him to think that I'm disrespecting them, not when they've been nothing but welcoming towards me, I don't want them mad at me.

I feel tears flow down my cheeks as I remain still, his hands tight around my wrists, my pulse strong under his fingers and I can't find it in me to look up to meet his gaze as Jungkook stares at me in silence while trying very hard to understand, his hold on me eventually softening before he decides to make a step forward to hug me to his chest.

Feeling his arms around me, to get a hug for probably the first time in too long, I melt in his hold and a build-up of tears break the dam that I didn't know was up when a sob leaves my throat, body and mind overwhelmed by the stress that rose too quickly when I woke up.

Jungkook whines low in his throat, his panic rising because he doesn't understand what's going on, nothing that he's seen so far has made sense and it takes but a moment for feet to run over and enter the room at the noise he made, but before I can pull back from the alpha, my mind blanks completely when I feel his nose at my throat in an attempt to scent me, an instinctive reaction to soothe an upset wolf.

My eyes close immediately and I fully sag in his hold, body giving up on me, which only gets him to scent me more, nose dragging along my throat and jaw, cheek rubbing against my own until he stops when a hand settles on his shoulder, eyes burning on my skin, but I barely feel it, the haze covering my mind too strong for me to think.

"You're overwhelming her, stop" I hear, but the words don't register, not when all I can focus on is the feel of Jungkook's touch on my skin.

Once he steps back, it takes a good minute for my mind to clear up, for my senses to come back to me, but when they do, when my eyes fall on Jungkook and Yoongi, the both of them observing me with worry, my breath hitches in my throat as I come to process what just took place.

What was that? What the heck was that?

I stare at my hands, confused like never before, mind feeling at odds with my body, nothing that just took place felt normal to me.

It's embarrassing, maybe even humiliating, the way I reacted to Jungkook's touch and part of me wants to run away and hide, but it's ultimately the low thrum of pain that starts rising in my body that has me jumping out of bed to reach my bag to find the medicine.

Where is it? What time is it? Did I skip the usual timing? Even just a few minutes late has me feeling all weird, this isn't good, I really need to take them now!

"Y/N, honey, can you please sit down for a moment?" Yoongi asks softly, his body hovering near behind me, his wolf's instincts on edge because what he saw doesn't fit with what his mind is trying to comprehend, but I don't answer when I find the pills, body instead taking off wordlessly out of the room and to the kitchen in a hurry.

A wave of pain spreads across my body and I nearly whimper aloud, hands shaking when I open the cupboards to find the glasses, which one was it already? Why is this kitchen so fucking huge?

I eventually find the right one and quickly grab one glass before turning to the fridge to grab something to drink, anything as long as it's not water, the bitterness of the pills enough to make me sick and after a shaky pouring, I snap the bottle's cap open before swallowing two pills at once.

Hands gripping onto the counter, I close my eyes and wait for the pain to fade, something that thankfully doesn't take too long, they always act so fast, and for once, I'm thankful for it, the pain is nothing to take lightly.

Relief settles in my body and mind and I sigh, glad that it wasn't worse, I really need to remember to take them at the same time everyday, now Jungkook and Yoongi are going to be so worried and I have no idea how I'm going to explain what just took place.

Both men join me in the kitchen, eyes wary until I smile at them, one I want as convincing as possible.

"Hey, sorry about that, I... I'm always a little weird when I wake up, but I'm fine now! I'll go take a shower, I'm not really hungry so I'll skip breakfast this morning, you can eat without me" I awkwardly say before running around them and back to my room, the both of them left behind in their confusion.

I can't believe something like that happened. What happened anyway?

I've never felt that way before, it was a sensation that I've never, absolutely never experienced in all of my life, it didn't feel normal, the way the graze against my throat soothed both my soul and mind, body losing all strength, it was almost scary.

Not almost, it is scary. What is wrong with me?

I don't know what it is, but I feel weird, as if something is changing within me and I don't know what it is. It terrifies me.

I don't want to tell mom because I don't know what she's going to say, but I can't stay quiet about this either, maybe she knows what is happening?

I grab an outfit to change into, my phone then make my way to the bathroom I share with Taehyung, aware that Jungkook had said thirty minutes, which means there's not a lot of time for me to calm down before we need to head to work.

I need to pull myself together, today's supposed to be my first official day working with them, I need to do well, my condition shouldn't get in the way.

The shower that follows isn't enjoyed the way I would've preferred, mind too occupied trying to find an explanation to what took place and coming up with nothing, something that bothers me immensely.

Will they regret taking me in? It's not too late for me to get back to the apartment, right?

The month has been paid, I can go anytime I want, even though I don't want to go back, not when it's so scary hearing the fights unravel around me, nights being woken up because the neighbors aren't happy, is there nowhere else I could go?

Once dressed and ready to head out, I inhale and exhale slowly, unsure of what will greet me on the other side of the door.

Will they eye me weirdly? Will they still sport a concerned look on their face? Maybe judging? I don't want to think that possible, but it's impossible to ignore the way my heart lurches at the thought that I might already lose my new friends.

I huff and shake my head. No, Y/N, think about this rationally.

Technically, you didn't do anything wrong, did you? You don't remember making that nest, you didn't make Jungkook scent you, you didn't make him hug you, none of what happened was because you requested it.

If they're disappointed with me? What am I supposed to say? I'm sorry? What for? I didn't do anything!

It's with that in mind that I open the door and head back to the kitchen where I can hear the two alphas talk, something about how Hoseok put leftovers in pretty lunchboxes and that it's sweet of him to have done that as it's going to be easier to bring to work.

"Is that Y/N's name on this one? I bet you ten dollars he put some extra in there, maybe even put something that we won't have. I call favoritism, he's going to feed her better than he feeds us" Jungkook says as I step closer and when I peek around the corner to see them both facing three lunchboxes on the counter, I hesitate about whether I should make my presence known, forgetting once more that they can smell my arrival.

They both turn around and smile at me, eyes clear of the emotions that would fill them earlier, as if nothing happened at all, it makes me feel disoriented, that everything I was expecting in my mind is ending up not happening at all.

"Want to bet anything, dear? We both think you're going to have the pretty arrangement while we'll get the hurried, basic one" Yoongi says and I pause for a moment, taken aback that he's not mentioning what happened earlier.

They really want to talk about which one of us is going to have the prettiest food?

Heck, if it can keep their mind off this morning, I will gladly take part in their game, I can't believe I've been worrying in the shower only to come back to them completely forgetting about it.

Jungkook eyes me curiously, clearly he wants to know what my opinion is over this little game of theirs and I step closer to take a look at the one with my name on a sticker note on top, a small smiley face added for good impression.

"Honestly? I think I'm going to have the prettiest lunchbox, can I bet on myself?" I admit, hear their huff, lips stretching into smiles before the eldest shakes his head.

"You can't vote for yourself, but I think the winner is pretty obvious. He must be so excited to get someone new who loves his food that much, he'll want to impress you, I say enjoy it, getting special attention from Hobi, it feels pretty darn good".

I get where he comes from, Hoseok is so impressive, and he's the sunshine in person, there's something about him that just... pulls you in, something unique about him that fascinates me, and I've only known him for one evening.

He made a pretty strong impression on me, that much is certain, the way his face would light up every time he smiles, laughs, orbs shining whenever we'd meet eyes... yeah, Hoseok is special. They all are.

"Are you sure you don't want anything to eat this morning? We still have some time before going" Jungkook tries, his eyes set on me, I can see that he'd rather have me agreeing to his offer, a filled stomach would ease his mind, but I shake my head with a small smile.

"I'm fine, Jungkook, like I said, I'm not hungry. I'm still filled with yesterday's meal, though I'm still sulky about Taehyung forgetting to get the cake out of the freezer after he hyped me up about it".

He groans at the reminder, head thrown back in despair while Yoongi sighs, lunchboxes grabbed to put in a bag before walking to the entrance.

"I can't believe he did that! But I tell you, he was so mad at himself before going to bed, he kept swearing to himself until Jin and Jimin took care of him, he was really disappointed with himself, as if he had broken a promise".

My jaw falls at that and I look around me as if the man might suddenly appear out of nowhere so that I can reassure him. "Did he?! But it's just a cake! No one was mad at him, we were just impatient to taste it" I let out, now wondering if I did or said anything to make him feel worse about it.

Was it my pout? My grumble? Did it make him feel awful? Oh gosh, I should've contained my inner brat, I didn't even have space left in my stomach to eat dessert anyway!

Jungkook pats my shoulder with a similar expression on his face. "I know, sweets, I've been asking myself the same questions since I woke up. We should let him know that we're sorry when we see him later tonight" he says and to that, we both nod, knowing that this is for the best.

"Let's give him the most sincere apology he's ever received in his entire life, and then when we do eat the cake, we let him know that it's the best cake we've ever eaten in our entire life, that way, we both get forgiven and praise him as well" I muse, watch as Jungkook's eyes shine at my plan.

"Let's do this! He won't be able to resist us!". "Yes!".

"You two stop wasting time and come get your shoes! We gotta go!".


All in all, today is going to be a pretty quiet day, filled, but calm.

Yoongi has a few small tattoos scheduled, maybe two hours each, one that should take around four hours but that is for later in the afternoon while Jungkook has a few piercings to do along with one big tattoo project that will take most of his afternoon.

He needs to complete the drawing before his customer comes over to see what it looks like before they go through with it, if there are changes to be applied, he needs to know before it's too late, but he's pretty confident that they can get started today, he has two hours left before the omega man gets here.

While they're both busy in their respective rooms, the omegas currently here for their appointment eager to get some alone time with the guys with how quick they were to request using the private rooms instead of staying in the main area, I doubt it was because of the presence of a human as they'd said, I look through their agenda, not surprised to see that the coming month is already completely filled.

I understand why they would need a helping hand considering that they have to keep the place going while taking care of so many things all at once, they barely have a ten minutes break between each customers.

They fill their agenda alright, but they need to allow themselves a break too, I'm glad that this is something I get to do for them. I might not be able to do much outside of work, but here, if all I can do at the moment is watch over them and make their job easier, then I will do so with pleasure.

Looking at the time on my phone, I feel my mood drop, aware that it's nearing the time when mom calls me to get news of my situation, she never misses a day.

I'm starting to believe that maybe she likes being reminded of why she's always so disappointed by me, and although this time I can tell her that I do have a job, I know she's not going to be happy about it.

She won't be happy because I work closely with two alphas, and she especially won't be happy to hear that I'm staying with their pack.

They thought the apartment you put me in was shit so they took it upon themselves to give me a safe space? Yeah right, this is me running straight into a wall, she would be furious.

As I expected, my phone suddenly starts ringing and I inhale slowly, nerves starting to waver because I have no idea how I'm going to handle this, then accept the call before bringing it to my ear.

'So, anything you want to tell me about changes I should be aware of?'.

Oh, she already sounds mad?

This is taking me by surprise, because she's never started a call like this before. It's not following the template of a plan I had started building in my mind to slowly ease the truth in the conversation, things might actually be worse than I thought.

"Erm... Are you saying that because you already know, or because you're curious?" I ask with hesitation, to which she clears her throat loudly, enough to have me jump in surprise.

'Which one do you think? Explain to me right now why the landlord told me that he saw you leaving with three men'.

What? Is the landlord spying on me for her now?

I want to scoff, that would explain why they put me there then, it was just because the man was enough of a scumbag to tell my parents about me without my approval. How much has he told them during these last months?

"They're people I work for, well two of them anyway, they walked me back home but when they saw the place, you know how disgusting it is, they felt really uncomfortable leaving me there, so they offered me to stay with them" I let out coldly, soul filled with disbelief that she could keep a shackle around one of my ankles without me knowing when she keeps talking as if she can't wait for me to be out of their life.

'So you left with them?! Are you out of your mind, Y/N? When did you start working so hard to disappoint us? Is that all you can do to thank us for raising you?!' she exclaims and my breath locks in my throat, eyes filling with angry tears instantly.

"You think I'm trying to disappoint you on purpose? You're the one who keeps showing me that I'm not worthy of being your daughter because I'm not following your every whim! You wanted a puppet but instead you got someone with free will and you're fucking mad about it!" I retort, a bit too loud because soon, two doors are opening, Yoongi and Jungkook looking alert when they see me, nose flaring at how thick my scent must be, and shit, the omegas.

I hurry towards the front door and step outside and into the busy street, suddenly incredibly uncomfortable as many eyes fall on me just as my adoptive mother screams from the other side of the line.

'Excuse me?! How dare you! We did our best so that you would be successful, and you spit on our effort by ignoring years of us paying for your tuition, your living expenses, we took care of everything so that you would get a good job but you just had to shit in our hands once you were done!'.

"Yeah, and it never crossed your mind to wonder why, did it? You sent me to live alone when I was a teen, you refused to let me come back home, not even once have I seen your faces ever since I left, all I get from you are these fucking conversations and your money!

You paid for it all, but I used of my sanity in trying to please you as best as I could! Those are years I lost studying for something I despise just because I was hoping for you to at least show up for the graduation, but no! All I got was a stupid card with a coupon for a stupid restaurant where I would eat alone!

The only reason I gave up trying is because I know that you're never going to be happy with what I give you!" I shout back, fists clenched tightly as I finally let out the truth of how I feel to her, the stings that pierces through my palms not enough to take over the pain that my heart currently experiences.

'Had I known that you would be such an ungrateful child, we would've never adopted you'.

I crouch on the ground, warm tears now freely falling down my cheeks, heart crumbling into pieces.

"And I wish you'd never adopted me. You took so much away from me, mom, do you know that? Do you realize that I had no childhood because of you?" I ask her, voice wobbling as it tries to slip through my squeezed throat, but she simply huffs.

'We took so much from you? We put our hopes in you! You're the one who let us down. If we'd known about your heritage, this could've all been avoided, we simply kept going because of those damned pills'.

What? My heritage? What about the pills?

"What are you talking about? What heritage? What the heck are those pills for?" I ask her, but she again, completely ignores my question before ordering something from me, as she always does.

'Just make sure you stay away from wolves, it's important, do at least that if you still have the slightest sense of remorse towards us'.

I snicker, a hand going to wipe my cheeks in anger, a sob building up in my throat, I hate this.

"Well you're going to be disappointed, mom, again, because the two guys I'm working for? They're alphas and the people I'm staying with? They're all mates".


"I guess that's my heritage, right? Being a pain in the ass for you?" I let out, the only thing I want at this point to drop everything and walk away to clear my mind, but I can't, the shop binding me in place, yet I can't possibly go inside with how I feel at the moment.

'You were a mistake. Those pills won't be efficient if you stay around fucking wolves, we tried not to be disgusted by you but... this... you were a mistake. I don't ever want to see your face in front of me again'.

With that said, she ends the call without so much as a notice and I stare at the ground, broken by her words, and when the line starts beeping from a lack of connection, I drop my phone before hugging myself into a small ball, emotions all a mess that my body can hardly process.

Am I angry? Sad? I knew this would come one day, that our thin, thin bond would eventually explode into thousands of little particles, but to actually experience it?

A whine leaves me before merging into a painful sob and I hide my face behind my knees, anger seeping out of me, anger at her, at myself for reacting that way, at the whole world, just so much anger that I don't know what to do with it.

I grab the phone resting besides me, the stupid thing given by my parents, and I throw it away as hard as I can, watch the way it falls apart as it slides against the concrete before being crushed into bits and pieces by a car.

There you go. Didn't want to see me again? Well I never want to hear from you again either.

It feels both good and terrifying to lose that last link to my adoptive family, but I'd say the balance is more on the good.

I wipe my cheeks and start taking deep breaths to try and steady myself because I have a job to do and the guys must be so confused right now.

I'm thankful that they didn't follow me outside, I would've felt terrible if their customers were left to themselves because of me, their job goes first, but soon the door besides me opens and I hear Yoongi's voice before I can even look up to see who it is.

"Remember to keep the film on for twenty-four hours before removing it, then wash twice a day with the products you just bought, moisturize often, okay?". "I will! Thank you so much for this and... good luck with her".

I sniffle, eyes stubbornly locked on my feet as I sense Yoongi coming over to sit besides me, his eyes quickly finding the destroyed phone in the street, and with my state, he can understand quickly how it went.

He remains silent for a moment, just letting me get used to his presence, his calm and soothing aura helping me to breathe more easily, shoulders dropping more and more as the anger leaves my body to leave me back to a safer, blank state, emotions guarded in the back of my mind because there was too much and now I need a break.

"Was that your mother?".

I nod, eyes still burning a little because of the tears but I obstinately blink them away, now wondering why I even cried to begin with.

This is all for the best, I don't have to deal with disappointing them anymore. No family, isn't that ideal? I can just do whatever the heck I want now and no one will have a single shit to say about it.

"Do you want to talk about it, if not now, later? Do you need a hug? Just someone nearby?".

His questions are easy, they show of his respect and care towards me, it's a nice feeling, but I don't know what to do with it. What do I want? Right now, I have no idea.

"Mom said that if she'd known about my heritage sooner, she would have never adopted me. What is that supposed to mean?" I find myself asking him instead, hoping he could know, and when I turn my gaze to meet his, I feel like he knows, he looks like he does.

His orbs take me in, the tired glow to my skin, the red patches revealing emotions I couldn't handle well, eyes swollen, his alpha whines at the sight, a need to protect and soothe taking over, he should be taking me in his arms and comforting me, but he doesn't want to overstep his boundaries, especially not with what he saw this morning.

He needs answers first, and I need them too.

"Do you want to go see Jin? Maybe he could help you understand a few things" he offers and I stare at him, a little confused as to why he could say that out of the blue, but then I think about the medicine, about what it's doing to my body, and it not being as effective if I'm near wolves and...

"Yeah, I think that would be great" I whisper, to which he nods softly before helping me up gently, hands holding my arms until I'm up to my feet and it's with wobbly steps that we make our way back inside just as Jungkook finalizes making his customer pay.

His eyes are heavy on me as his voice quietly explains to the omega the care needed for the piercings and when he sees her out, he quickly comes to join us as Yoongi makes me sit at the table, the time on the wall's digital clock showing that it's already lunch.

"Eat this first, you didn't eat breakfast so you need to gain some strengths, I'll drive you to Jin once you're done" the eldest says as he heads for the fridge where the lunchboxes are and I nod, no strength left to fight against him.

I'm even less hungry than I was this morning, but maybe Hoseok's magic can cheer me up?

Jungkook looks like he wants to ask questions, his hands hovering near me, he wants to help, but Yoongi discreetly shakes his head at him, now's not the time, so Jungkook instead goes to open a few windows to keep himself busy, no doubt to clear the remains of my earlier upset.

The pretty lunchbox with the sticker note on top gets settled in front of me and when I have yet to do anything, Yoongi sighs and slides a hand over my hair gently in comfort. "Take your time, call us if you need anything, okay?".

I nod and listen to the sound of his feet walking away before bringing my attention back to the box in front of me.

Slowly, I reach out to it and lift the first lid, which reveals a bit of yesterday's food prettily displayed, it doesn't need to be reheated to be good and I proceed with the rest, top box set aside to reveal what's underneath, homemade strawberry sandwiches, a small amount of almonds in the other half of the box, they look like they were homemade too, a personal seasoning recipe, I didn't even know it was possible, but Hoseok seems like he does everything.

The last box is sweeter, small round chocolate bites, each decorated beautifully with red and purple swirls of food colouring, when were they done? It must be Taehyung, right? They look fresh, he must have woken up early for that.

The sight of such a carefully-made lunchbox warms my heart and I find myself unable to let this go to waste, so I grab the utensil Yoongi brought to eat a little, slow little bites, the taste just as good as it was yesterday, my reaction would be the same if I had the energy for it.

What a day.

First this morning, then with the call, I'm really showing Yoongi and Jungkook all my best assets. Weird wakening, family problems, heck, Yoongi even offered to take me to his doctor mate when he saw my face.

I must look like shit.

"That's not it. Yoongi hyung is worried. He saw the bottle of pills this morning and he's got a bad feeling about it" Jungkook explains as he comes over to sit next to me, words that have me looking up at him as he smiles softly my way.

"Really?" I let out, wondering if it could be his alpha instincts who processed the medicine as possibly bad considering what preceded it, or if it was something in its appearance or scent that caught his attention.

The young alpha nods. "He called Jin hyung to let him know about it, that maybe it would be good to do a small blood test, he's afraid it might not be good for your body, not with how fast it acted to bring you relief, whatever kind it is that you needed, it wasn't natural".

I hum. So sending me to Jin was already planned in his mind. "Would that be okay with you? We won't go through with it if you're not comfortable. Jin can look at the bottle when he comes back home tonight".

I shake my head before taking a bite of the food, because if I stop now, I won't be able to eat again. "I don't mind, I want to know too, what they do to me" I mumble between two bites, but that has Jungkook frowning.

"You don't know?". I shrug. "Mom made me take them when I turned around eight? Never knew what they were for, just that I need to take them and that it's important I don't forget".

Silence welcomes my revelation as I keep eating, Yoongi and Jungkook sharing a look at that, because it doesn't sound right. The more they hear about my adoptive parents, the more they get a bad feeling of what was done to me.

The strawberry sandwiches are delicious and the almonds even more, but when I see the way Jungkook's eyes widen when he sees them, I stop chewing, my first thought being - that's it, I just got poisoned, Hoseok is trying to kill me.

"He put his special almonds in there? Damn, I'm jealous".

Oh thank goodness, Hoseok isn't killing me.

"Want some?" I offer, and I can see it in his eyes, the temptation that crawls up his blood vessels, his body and brain working together in an attempt to make him nod, but he resists with a scrunched nose and narrowed eyes, a shake of the head that breaks his heart.

"No, if Hobi hyung put them there for you, then they're for you only. I'll just have to beg him later to give me some too".

I grin at his words and grab another piece to throw in my mouth. "Suit yourself".

Jungkook starts paying attention to what I got in my lunchbox, wondering if I got any other special treatment and indeed, when he sees the chocolates, he gasps, a sound that has me eyeing him as so many emotions flash through his eyes.

"Tae made you chocolates?!" he exclaims and, for his sake, I wish I could say no, but the reality says otherwise. "I guess he did, he must have woken up early to make these" I blurt out, to which Jungkook eagerly drops his head onto the table with a whine.

"Maybe he put some in your lunchbox too?" I try, his despair understandable, I would cry too if I saw someone getting something delicious while I don't, but Jungkook pouts as he turns his head so his cheek rests on the table instead, eyes on me.

"Tae doesn't make desserts for lunch, just for dinner".

I lick my lips and turn my gaze to the chocolates. "Well... maybe he made an exception today and put some in everyone's lunchbox? Go have a look now and if there aren't any, I'll share mine".

The alpha seems to consider it, but eventually just shakes his head with a sigh. "No, they're doing this to help you feel included, it's their way of welcoming you. I shouldn't take their gift from you, it wouldn't be nice of me".

"That's my good bun, Taehyung and Hoseok will be proud of you" Yoongi croons as he comes to stand behind his mate, nose at his throat to comfort the wilting alpha and those words seem to work like magic when Jungkook perks up, pride all over his face.

"They will right? Then they might give me some because I was good?". Yoongi huffs gently with a smile. "As long as you don't act like a brat, I don't see why they would refuse you such a treat".

I look away from their loving moment and to the untouched box, the chocolates calling out to me, I can't resist it as I take one under the two men's gaze and plop it right onto my tongue.

Instantly, the chocolate starts melting, the coat giving off a light taste of salt that makes my eyes widen in delight, but before I can voice out how delicious it is, my tongue catches the taste of apple pie and oh my gosh!

This isn't a simple apple pie bathed in chocolate, it's coming straight from the orchard, apples freshly picked before being carefully cut and baked with cinnamon and other spices that make this taste so unique, it's a place where unicorns are born, their magic helping the trees grow healthily, where happiness is planted and harvested into the shape of pretty chocolates.

Taehyung must be one of them, he's a unicorn, I'm sure of it. Their pack has a merman and now a unicorn, I'm walking around finding secrets left and right without even trying.

"This is so freaking good" I blurt out, nothing else my mind can find to say, it's like a drug that my body misses as soon as it gets processed, these pieces won't be enough.

"What flavour did he put inside?" Jungkook asks, lips into a cute pout, I'm sure I can see the shine of some drool in the corner, I feel bad but I could never share these now that I got a taste, it's impossible.

"Apple pie" I answer before taking another bite, henceforth missing the moment Yoongi's eyes crease, an eyebrow quirked up in amusement.

"These sly little wolves, of course they would both do that" he muses, words that have me slightly confused but my brain is too captivated by the taste that spreads onto my tongue once more to pay attention to him any longer.

Jungkook's face falls with each bites I take, and when I finally reach the last one, when it disappears in my mouth until there is nothing left, the tattoo parlour is filled not with one whining voice, but two.

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