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I'm going to ask of you guys to not start begging for updates, please.

I think I'm already writing a whole lot more than a lot of people on this platform and I do my best to write big chapters for this story, I go around 7k words for each, that's a lot of time.

Seeing messages asking for updates, honestly, it drains my energy. I understand that it comes from love for the story, but it really just feels like I'm not doing enough even when all I do is write.

Be patient, I'm working hard for you.

Once at our destination, Yoongi parks the car and turns the engine off before turning to me, his eyes instantly seeing my nervousness.

He reaches out to my head for a light pat to reassure me, an act that has me easily smiling at him, as I do whenever he does this sweet action.

"Don't worry, dear, everything will be alright, Jin knows what he's doing and he does it well. I'll walk you to his office before leaving, I wish I could stay with you but I have customers soon so I can't stay for long" he says with an apologetic tone but I shake my head, not wanting him to worry any longer over me.

"I know Yoongi, I saw today's planning, I understand and it's okay. You bringing me here is already a lot, I feel bad that I took you away from the parlour, Jungkook is alone to deal with everything at the moment" I let out, my guilt growing higher as I speak and he smiles, fingers gentle as he tucks some hair behind my ear, something that has my heart skipping a beat.

"You don't have to worry about that. Yesterday, Jungkook and I mentioned possibly needing someone new, but we weren't on a race to find help. It was important for us to find someone who would fit in well with us so we were ready to take our time, a work pack is precious and we didn't want to hire just anyone, it's just the two of us to begin with after all, you know?

But finding you? You were a gift falling from the sky, but technically, you don't have to work everyday. We're throwing a lot on you, what with you staying with us, with our pack, we understand that it's a lot to deal with, a lot more than simply getting used to a new job.

If you want to take the week to get used to everything, we don't mind at all. That job is yours, it won't go away, but your health can, which is why it's more important. We can handle you missing a few days if that's what it takes for you to process it all" he assures me, his voice soft as he explains that I'm not required to get sick for them.

So kind they are, truly, it makes me both amazed and confused every single time I get to experience their gentleness. How is it possible that people can treat me with so much care? What do they gain from being that nice to me?

I have nothing to offer, if not problems and apparently, stress too.

"Yoongi... I am incredibly thankful for your openness to give me time to adjust, but I need this, this job, it's... I need to feel useful. Namjoon said I didn't have to help in any way for things concerning rent, food and the likes but I can't just do nothing. If working with you is one way to help, then I want to do it" I tell him, watch as his eyes crease with pride before he hums.

"Such a good girl you are" he croons, his hand still in my hair sending tingles down to my heart, it makes me feel giddy.

A good girl? Me?

He smiles before continuing, endeared by the sweet scent filling his nose, the way it wraps around his soul in a soft embrace. "And since you're a good girl, you'll come with me so we can get you examined, right? Jin is waiting for you and we don't want to make him wait, do we?".

I shake my head with a shy smile, unable to help myself, his voice is like a song lulling me gently on the right path, his presence near behind me to make sure I don't fall off the narrow line under my feet, our pace slow and steady.

Yoongi is a comforting soul to have by my side.

"Now you stay right where you are, honey, I'll go and open your door" he muses before undoing his seat belt and then steps out of the car, henceforth missing the blush crawling onto my cheeks as I observe him walking around the vehicle to reach my side with a happy pep to his step.

I undo my own seat belt before stepping out of the car as soon as he offers me a hand, his other serving to protect my head and once sure that I made it out unscathed, he closes the door before wrapping an arm around my shoulders to pull me close before leading the way to the clinic in front of us.

Seeing the building from closer, I can't help but grow nervous once more, because seeing the logo of a wolf by the door reminds me of an unspoken but quite well-known rule, although unofficial.

A human will not go to a wolf doctor and take a wolf's place. It's not because humans aren't liked by them, it's because the ratio of wolf doctors to human doctors is 1 to 10.

That means that for wolves, their specialized doctors are rare and precious, it simply wouldn't make any sense for a human to take that from them when we have more than enough choices.

And so, that's something that makes me worried, because I don't want the patients here to think that I'm trying to take their place, some of them must have waited a long time to get their appointment today, yet here I am getting one on such a short notice.

Yoongi opens the door and makes me enter inside, his confidence over my presence here not allowing my steps to waver as we make it to the entrance from where we can see the filled waiting room, after which more than one pair of eyes fall on me.

I tense up, awaiting for maybe anger to take place in their orbs, for them to judge me, to inwardly diss me for daring to come here, but Yoongi's arm around my shoulders seems to be enough to keep that reaction away, curiosity instead taking place in their eyes.

If a human comes into a wolf specialized clinic accompanied by a wolf... it's not hard to see where their mind is taking them, I think to myself when I see a mother cradling her baby to her chest while smiling at me, as if to encourage me.

They think I'm pregnant with his baby.

I blush at the realization, heart skipping a beat under Yoongi's amused eyes and we walk to the counter where a man welcomes us with a smile, the alpha's face clearly one he recognizes as he quickly registers our arrival into the system before allowing us to the corridor where Jin is, Yoongi knowing the way by heart until he makes us stop in front of a door with Jin's full name on it.

Dr. Kim Seokjin,
Omega health professional.

Yoongi knocks on the surface for good measure before opening the door that reveals a warm looking room on the other side.

I look around me as we enter inside, eyes taking in every single detail I can see, all of them somehow screaming Jin, but in the best way possible.

Items and decorations spread around a tone of pink, the many plants decorating shelves and small tables, the beige rug on the wooden floor, the thousand of pillows and blankets spread evenly everywhere, it's an environment made to put an omega at ease.

This office is made to look like a huge nest.

Jin's eyes fall on us as we close the door and his lips stretch into a beautiful smile, eyes crinkling with delight before he stands up from his desk to hug his mate, aware that the latter doesn't have a lot of time and eager to enjoy his touch as much as he can before he has to say goodbye.

"Thank you for bringing her over, Yoongi-ah, I'll take over from here. I messaged Hobi earlier and he said that he's already on the way, he'll wait in the lobby so you can rest easy, she'll make it back home without problems" the eldest informs the alpha, to which the latter nods, relieved before pecking his mate's cheek.

"Thanks hyung, you're the best" he muses before turning back to me with a content sigh, glad that I'm going to be within the care of someone he trusts in his absence.

"Like I said earlier, don't worry too much, Jin hyung is really good at what he does and he'll take good care of you. Listen to him well and answer him as best as you can, you can do that, right?".

I smile and nod at him, feeling proud that he trusts me to do something as basic as answering his doctor mate's questions, it's weird but it's stronger than me, I want to make them proud, it's the least I can do.

"I'm sure she will do wonderfully" Jin coos and I preen under their gaze even though I've yet to do anything, but who cares? How can I not when they look at me like I'm a newly discovered jewel?

"Don't worry about me, I'll do my best to tell him what I know, as limited as it's going to be. I'll see you and Jungkook later?" I ask him, after which he hums softly before ruffling my hair affectionately.

"You will, we won't be back that late" he muses before stepping back towards the door to exit, one last look our way before he disappears, his steps fading into the distance as he hurries back to the car before his customer arrives before he does.

At his absence, silence takes over the room for a moment, not the awkward kind, although I am not really excited about the examination that will take place soon, but that's not on Jin, I'm just not a big fan of doctor appointments all in all.

"Well then, why don't we take a seat? I'd like to ask you a few questions to begin with" Jin offers and I nod, follow him to a comfortable looking chair that he adjusts for me so that I can face him before he goes to his own at his desk, a warm smile when he sees me hugging the decorative cushion that's now onto my stomach.

"I'm sure this isn't how you imagined to spend your day, right? Yoongi's request must have come out of the blue" the omega says, head tilted as he takes me in and I shrug lightly, being reminded of the call that preceded Yoongi's offer making me lose my smile a little and hug the cushion tighter, something that his eyes don't miss.

"It did come out of the blue but... I think it's a good thing. I'd been meaning to find out more about the pills anyway, I... well mom called earlier and it didn't go well. She said something about my heritage and that these pills are related to it, so it's... it worries me" I admit quietly, eyes meeting his just in time to see as they narrow in dislike.

"What kind of heritage? Did she not tell you?" he asks but I shake my head.

"Could be anything at this point, right? I have no idea where to even begin with finding out what it could be. All I know is that she's disgusted by me, probably because of it, whatever it is" I let out and he remains silent at that declaration, eyes searching mine and finding probably more pain than I'm willing to admit for now.

"This... I..." he seems completely taken aback as to what to say, but eventually shakes his head to clear his mind, lips pursing before he sighs.

"It's okay, I'll see what we can do about that, later. For now, I want us to focus on the reason why Yoongi felt the need to bring you here, okay? What can you tell me about the pills you take? Do you remember the name written on the label, or what they're for?" he asks, easily sensing that asking further about the subject with my mother is not something I want to get into right now.

I'm thankful that he can get straight to the point and not waste time on pointless things, because it sure wouldn't change the fact that my adoptive family now wants nothing with me, not that it's a bad thing.

On the other side, I'm definitely going to disappoint him if those are the kind of questions he's going to ask me because... that's what I want to find out too.

"I don't know, Jin, I'm sorry. Had I known I'd come here for that, I would've brought the bottle with me this morning but I left it with my belongings. All I know is that my parents took me once to see a doctor when I was eight, the conversation that took place that day... I don't remember any of it, I just know that when they made me take the pills for the first time, I got really sick".

He grabs a paper and a pen and starts writing down what I'm saying, a deep frown on his face. "Sick how? Can you remember?".

I try to think back to how I felt that day, but everything is so fuzzy, so... distant. Time could be a factor in that, but it feels like more than just that.

"I couldn't really say... it's like a cloud is covering the memory, all I can remember is... throwing up, feeling really dizzy... I think I must have spent the week in bed because of a high fever, that sort of sick".

"And you weren't feeling like that before taking the pills?". A shake of the head.

He hums as he keeps writing down what I'm saying, tongue peeking out to wet his lips as he writes additional notes that I can barely read because of his doctor penmanship.

I can't help but be impressed as I take him in, his wide shoulders covered by a white coat, he looks so different from the man I met yesterday, he's more serious here.

"Do you know how long it took for the symptoms to fade? You must have gotten used to the medicine eventually, Yoongi said that you looked like you felt a lot better after you took it this morning, that it acted quickly".

"I think it took about two weeks before I could start functioning normally again, I remember having to work harder to catch up on school after that, it was hell. I've had to take it every single day since then, I start feeling pain when I get past the usual time I take the medicine so I try to be as regular as possible".

He nods with a tsk of the tongue that seems like a tic. "What kind of pain?".

"It's... I'm not sure how to explain, it's like needles piercing your skin all over, but from the inside. It burns and... it's really uncomfortable".

Jin pats the tip of the pen against his plump lips, eyes staring at the paper with a focused look, I can see that he doesn't like what he's seeing, and I can't say I do either. It sounds a whole lot wrong when I explain things aloud like that.

"Okay, we'll take your blood pressure first and I'll take a look at your pupils too, mind going to sit on that bed for me, sweetheart?".

I nod and stand up from the chair to walk to the examination table that honestly really does look like a bed with all the blankets and pillows spread around, this might just be the best doctor office I've seen in my entire life.

"It's too bad that I'm not a wolf, I would love coming here when I need to see a doctor, this is the coziest room I've ever seen, it's soothing" I tell him as he goes to gather his tools, but where I would expect him to beam at the praise, his eyes on me feel piercing as he comes over to me.

I look down and bite on my bottom lip, I shouldn't have said that, right? Maybe I overstepped some hard limits there.

"I'm sorry, it was meant as a compliment, I know why humans aren't normally allowed here and I'm sorry that you had to bend the rules for me" I hurry to say, not wishing to make him mad at me but it seems to make him even more upset when he sets the tools next to me to rest his hands on my shoulders instead.

"Sweetheart, look at me" he demands softly and I hesitantly look up to meet his gaze, find warmth in his eyes even though the harshness isn't completely gone.

"You are allowed here anytime you want, and if anyone says a single bad thing to you about it, then you tell me and I'll set things straight with them. It makes me really happy that you like this room, this is exactly what I hope for the people coming here. I just find it hard to smile right now because I'm worried about you, your health is concerning and what I'm hearing about these pills of yours, I don't like it at all" he explains to me with a firm tone and I find myself nodding sheepishly, something about him that is incredibly reassuring and comforting, because he cares.

So his reaction isn't because I said something wrong but because he's worried about me... This pack truly is amazing.

"Now, be a good girl for me and stare at my finger while I flash some light in your eyes, it's going to be uncomfortable but it won't be long".

Like a puppy following its owner everywhere they go because being alone would be like losing a reason to live, I follow each of his instructions to the letter for the simple reason that he's asking me to be good and I get praised when I do.

But the more we go through each tasks he can think of to get an overall idea of my initial condition, the more his frown grows deeper, lips pinched tightly and thin lines creasing into his skin, ones that only vivify his displeasure over whatever it is that he's starting to make out from what he's seeing.

"You keep making these faces as if something's wrong... am I dying?" I blurt out after a moment and he freezes, eyes round as they fall on me before he's quickly shaking his head.

"What? No, sweetheart no, I'm just... I think all of this will make more sense once I've analyzed your blood, I'm sorry if I've worried you" he says but... yeah, I don't know, I think I'm dying and he's just not telling me.

Am I going to be reborn as a muffin then? Maybe Taehyung will bake me one day and I will die again. An endless cycle of being born as food before dying in overwhelming heat.

Jin snorts and shakes his head with a grin, which has me pausing as I come to a realization.

It seems I have done it again.

"Your imagination is refreshing to say the least. There will be no dying involved, and thankfully, no death by oven. Taehyung would never forgive himself if he ever learned that he cooked a Y/N muffin".

I watch as he heads to a counter to prep some bottles and a needle, disinfecting wipes and a rubber band, the main reason of why I had to come here finally about to happen now that he's gone through everything he wanted.

"He'd have to find out that it was a Y/N muffin to begin with and unless he can talk the muffin language, I doubt that would ever happen. I would have an existence of approximately five minutes every single time" I retort and the omega smiles, a chuckle leaving him.

"I'm not sure about that, sweetheart. If you were reborn as a muffin, then one of these muffins would smell like rain, who else smells like rain if not you? We would know right away, it would be a sad thing indeed" he continues, the words we're speaking amusing us because we know it could never happen, it takes my mind off of what happened as well as what will happen soon.

"But then maybe Taehyung wanted to make rain flavored muffins. Then what... can I be twelve muffins all by myself? What if he starts selling them in batches of thirty-six, would I become an eternal muffin recipe, meant to be born in a bowl before dying in an oven over and over again?".

Jin lets out a squeaky laughter before ushering me over and to a cushioned corner on the floor where soft blankets and big plushies rest. It does feel like a corner for children, but I'm all for it, it looks perfect to me.

Jin looks pleased by the way I nearly throw myself on the floor, body already all snuggled in the softness that the corner has to offer and I could stay here forever if not for the fact that this room is a doctor office where patients need to receive health care, which means I can't possibly stay here all day long like I would if I had the choice.

"Comfy, right?" he muses as he comes to sit besides me on the floor, something quite unusual, I've never had blood tests done that way but then again, their pack is everything but the regular kind, not with the characters it has, with how accommodating the wolves are, that's their thing.

My smile is enough of an answer, that's what I think anyway, but to him, it's the glow, the haze that slowly takes place in my eyes, it's the scent softening with an edge of honey carried by bees, droplets of rain sticking to their fur in miniature that answers his question, not just one, but a few of them.

"Which arm do you use the most, sweetheart?" he asks but I shrug and lift the nearest one to him. "Doesn't matter, you can do whichever".

He hums and gently grabs my arm before sliding my sleeve upwards to free up the patch of skin where the veins are easier to reach and I observe in silence, gaze mostly resting on his handsome face as he focuses on his task, and I barely feel the sting of the needle, a smile given to him when he looks up to make sure I'm fine.

"You're doing good sweetheart, we're almost done" he praises me softly as he changes the bottle of blood for another one and I inwardly swoon, mind tingling at such words once more.

If he keeps doing that, I will have an overdose, I'm getting a lifetime of them in a single day when I've never received any before.

"Being praised feels so good. It changes from being punished for anything and everything" my tongue reveals a sad truth without my permission and Jin's fingers around my arm squeeze slightly in shock.

He pulls himself together when he remembers his ongoing task and when he removes the needle, the final bottle finally filled, he quickly sticks a cotton ball to my skin before sliding down my sleeve over it.

"Well there's no punishing going on around us, sweetheart, not if we can help it. We do have the regular scolding when necessary, but punishing? Goodness, no".

I giggle lightly at his clear disgust over the word and he sighs with a shake of the head before gathering the bottles and the used tools and back to the counter where he stores them properly, the rest thrown in the trash.

"You stay there for a bit while I make some final notes, okay sweetheart? Once I'm done, I'll walk you out to the lobby, Hobi must be here already".

I don't let him repeat himself twice as I grab one fluffy blanket to wrap around me, head resting on one big bear plushie behind me and goodness, now I want a big fluffy plush toy like that in my bed, it's giving me a back hug and I love it.

I close my eyes as I hum quietly to myself, soul feeling happy and soft where I am, unaware of the eyes that fall on me, observant, fingers taking more notes that seem to reveal something that shouldn't be possible.

I'll have to talk to Namjoon once I get back home later, he thinks to himself. Something's not quite right here and he gets the idea his pack alpha already knows, not much that goes unseen by him.

He gives me some more time cuddling the bear just because he can sense that it's needed but after a moment, when the time shows him that he has another patient coming in to see him soon, he regretfully stands up and walks over to me.

"Sweetheart, we need to bring you to Hobi now, I have a patient who will need to see me soon, can you stand up?" he asks as he crouches in front of me, to which I grunt, a little dismayed that I already have to leave this tiny heaven but I still nod, knowing that I can always snuggle in a blanket back at the pack's house later.

With his help, I pull myself up to my feet, mind a little hazy, but after a few steps it starts clearing up and we make our way out of the room, through the corridor and back to the waiting room, Jin taking Yoongi's place this time as he holds my hand to gently guide me.

There, a head of pale hair suddenly moves and it takes a second before a body rushes over to us and the next thing I know, Hoseok is standing in front of us with his bright smile that could light up even the darkest rooms.

"Did it go well?" he asks to Jin, to which the latter hums, a sound that to me says yes, but to Hoseok, he understands that it's more complicated than the doctor previously thought and that he will need to get back to him later on that one.

"Tae is at home too?" Jin asks and when Hoseok nods, the omega hums contentedly before turning to me.

"You go back home and spend some time with these sweet betas, okay? I'm sure Taehyung already has something fun in mind for you three but don't hesitate to let them know if you're tired or if you want to do something else, they won't mind".

Hoseok smiles at me at his mate's words and takes my hand from Jin's hold, his fingers just as warm around mine.

"He's right, we will adjust to what you want. We have the whole day free for the rest of the week, we can find something to occupy ourselves with if you'd rather rest, we're used to it" he assures me and I smile, glad that they're so open to my needs even though I'm not sure what it is that I want at the moment.

"It will depend on what Taehyung comes up with" I tell him, hear his laughter before he starts pulling me away from Jin, much to the latter's dismay.

"We shall both find out then" he muses before opening the exit door and I turn around to see the doctor waving at the both of us, a small smile on his lips before he turns to the waiting room where he calls someone's name before walking away with them.

A light pull to my hand and I turn my attention back to Hoseok's smiling face before he brings us both outside to free up the door.

"Let's go back home, shall we?" he murmurs before leading the way to the car that will bring us back to Taehyung, an expensive vehicle that looks different from Yoongi's but not any less fancy.

My mind absorbs the word home, but doesn't know what to do with it, no idea where to set it.

Their home? Our home? Which one applies right now?

For the moment, my brain decides to dispose of the word, no time to waste on this when there's so much to process still.

Maybe one day, I can get my answer to that question.


"Tae, pup, what's this?" Hoseok laughs as soon as we get inside, fairy lights welcoming us at the entrance, every walls covered by them and giving off a magical vibe to the otherwise dark surroundings, yellow light glowing softly making me believe even more that he must be a unicorn.

He has to be.

A beaming face appears at the end of the path and he quickly ushers us over, clearly excited about what he did, whatever it is that he did.

Hoseok turns to me with a wink and keeps holding my hand until I've removed both shoes before gently pushing me forward, my curiosity taking the best of me as I can't bear waiting for the beta and I make my way towards what should be the living room, yet when I get there, I am met with a castle of blankets.

It's not just a castle, it's a fairy castle, I come to realize as I take in the pretty lights surrounding it, the artificial garlands of flowers making it look even more beautiful, the no-scent candles alight a bit everywhere to bring an ambiance worthy for royalty, I am in absolute awe as I remain frozen in place.

"So? Do you like it? I thought we could have a pyjama party while watching movies, or we can play games! I made us snacks to accompany us in our magical journey" Taehyung chirps, proud of himself, eyes bright and excited as he awaits my reaction.

"Taehyung!" I gasp, unable to find the right words to explain how I'm feeling right now. I must have stepped through a portal when we entered the house, is this the world I was born into? It doesn't feel like it!

"This is PERFECT!" I nearly scream the last word, hands thrown in the air and Taehyung's smile widens even more if at all possible, posture mimicking mine before Hoseok comes by to have a look too, his happy chuckle at seeing us not enough to express just how proud his heart feels at the sight of his mate's efforts to make their guest comfortable.

It's not everyday after all that they get to welcome someone in their family, so now that they have someone new to watch over and care for, no matter how long it is for, they're all very excited, they want to show that they are worthy of trust.

"I put a new pyjama for you on your bed, go change now and then we can get started" the beta exclaims, just as excited as I am as he ushers me gently in the right direction, something similar said to Hoseok and I run off to my room with a happy chirp, because new pyjama!

I open my door and indeed, here it is on the bed, one that looks incredibly fluffy and snug and oh my gosh, this is going to be my favourite from now on.

It looks like it was made from soft cotton clouds, cotton clouds that were incredibly loved by sparkling ponies and multicoloured sheep, nurtured and ready to be given to only a few appointed souls and I just so happen to be one of them because obviously, Taehyung's unicorn blood allows him such contacts.

I close the door behind me and quickly step out of my clothes to put it on, soul and mind melting as soon as I close my arms around me because it feels like a hug, it makes me all warm and fuzzy.

Taehyung made a good choice there, definitely, I'll have to thank him.

I tie my hair up into a messy bun to get it out of the way and once satisfied with everything, I walk back out of the room and to the living room where Taehyung excitedly claps his hands when he sees me, eyes bright and proud.

"Taehyung, thank you so much for this, it's so comfortable" I muse, hear his chuckle as he shakes his head, something that has me tilting my head slightly.

"I'm not the one you need to thank for it. Namjoon tasked me with getting this one from Jin's favourite collection earlier this morning before Hoseok hyung and I left for our errands. Said it would be nice to make you wear it when you'd be back from work and when we were informed that you would spend the rest of the day here, I thought it would be great to do something special" he muses, words that have my eyes widening in surprise.

So the pack alpha is behind that beautiful gift? I'll have to thank him too then.

"Still, you were the one who went to find it so thank you for that, to all of you really. And this is... really perfect, I needed that" I insist before pointing at his castle, it must have been so hard to make but then again, betas are good at making these sorts of things.

Isn't it after all a beta's task to watch over the pack and make sure that both alphas and omegas are cared for? It sounds selfish when put like that, but they're a support incredibly needed for every packs.

Betas are... special, to say the least. A pack without a beta is an incomplete pack.

"Is there anything you want to drink? I can make us some hot chocolate? I'll bring water too, don't worry" he offers and at the way my eyes light up, he doesn't even wait for my answer before rushing to the kitchen just as Hoseok comes to join us in a pyjama of his own.

It looks fancy over his body and it really shows off how tall he is, the sight has my heart quickening without warning and I hurry to stare at the castle instead, worried that I'm going to be too obvious.

Why are they all so handsome? At least Taehyung's pyjama is cute, fabric covered in red hearts, it makes him look as cozy as I am while the older beta's only gives more focus to his sharp jawline and sculpted body.

Oh shit. Y/N, don't let your thoughts go that way, there's no coming back once you start. I say no, be a good girl, right? Respect your friends' mates. There's a limit to not cross here.

"How about we get inside? Taehyung would want you to get comfy before he gets here, he just forgot to tell you because he's so excited".

I hum, eyes still stubbornly avoiding him as I crawl into the small opening at the back and into a pillow and blanket wonderland, softness and plushness everywhere around me while Hoseok simply walks around to enter from the large opening for the TV, something that has my cheeks heating up because I feel like I should've done that too, yet when Taehyung comes back after a few minutes, it's to see him using the same opening I used.

Oh so I was meant to use it then? Thank goodness. I thought I did something weird for a moment.

It's just Hoseok who's ruining it.

As if he's heard me, the beta turns his gaze to me with a quirked eyebrow while Taehyung chokes on his saliva, luckily he put the tray down just in time because soon he's rolling on the blankets in full laughter, hands holding his stomach and causing understanding to dawn on me.

Gosh darn it.

"I-I-I didn't mean it in a bad way! Fuck, it didn't sound good, did it? But I swear it wasn't an insult, I just-" I stutter out, hands flailing around me because what if I've upset the sunshine?

What if I made his smile disappear forever? I search my mind for a plausible explanation as to why I could've said what I said without it sounding stupid but coming up with nothing is making me panic.

He fed me wonderful food, welcomed me in with a wide smile, he said he liked my scent and here I am, thanking him with a mindless comment that could ruin everything.

The sunshine is going to hate me now, grey clouds are going to follow me everywhere I go, over is the era of rainbows, the sparkles of colours in the sky when the rain mixes with the sun, I've ruined it all, I did-

"What's going through that mind of yours, doll? You smell like you've allowed rain to pour over a BBQ party by mistake" Hoseok croons and I look to where he was sitting to find the space now empty, Taehyung grinning from his lied down position, upper body propped on his elbows as he observes and that's when I feel it.

The warmth from behind me.

When did he move there? Why did he move there? Why behind me-

A nose to the side of my throat and my breath hitches there, eyes wide as my body comes to a standstill, muscles locked in place, because why does it feel like I just became a prey?

"I-I just don't want you t-to think that I i-insulted you" I breathe out in a whisper, to which he hums, amusement heard in the short sound that leaves him.

"Why would I feel insulted? I did use the wrong entrance, didn't I? I broke the castle effect" he continues, words that have Taehyung's jaw falling because that's something he didn't know, how could Hoseok dare do that? He thought the ruined effect had something to do with the fancy pyjama!

"Hyung! How could you!" the cozy beta huffs out in disbelief and my eyes widen, why is he scolding the older man when he's still behind me?! Does he not care about my wellbeing?!

"M-Maybe you're a ghost? You can get through castle walls easily" I try, eager to solve the situation, let's not fight, I want to survive, I can see all those snacks-

"Oh am I? Why can I touch you then?" he muses as his fingers come to rest on top of my knee, heavy and burning and holy shit I have tingles spreading all over my body, heart a stuttering mess, what is he doing to me?!

"I m-must be d-dead too" this has to be the only reason why a ghost would be able to touch me, right?

"What about Tae? He can see us" Hoseok doesn't stop, his breath hot on the side of my neck, my heart is a mess in my chest at the moment and it's all a lot and not enough at the same time.

My mind is screaming at me to lean back into him, to feel his warmth directly against my back, to feel his touch on my neck, just like Jungkook did this morning, it confuses me so much, yet there's no time to think about it when a feel a soft bite to the exposed skin of my shoulder.

Just a nip, yet it does things to my soul, body sagging against Hoseok's chest, his warmth wrapping around me as he supports my weight with one arm, clearly he wanted this to happen, he was too ready.

"Aren't you going to answer me, doll?".

My eyes meet Taehyung's, a plea for help, or maybe I need his support to get through this ordeal because I don't want it to stop, but either way, he seems like he's enjoying the view as he rests to his side, a pillow under his head, hooded eyes set on me with a smirk on his lips, where is the cute beta I saw earlier?

This one is sinful, he is pure sinful sexiness, the angle of his head showing off his jaw, his neck, his Adam's apple, he looks beautiful, yet the aura I can feel from him is still soft, comforting whereas Hoseok's makes me nervous, but not scared, I just don't know how to process it without making a fool of myself.

Should I make a run for it? It feels like things are escalating pretty fast in my mind when in reality, they're not doing much.

I should open a window and run out, or put my face right in front of the ventilation behind locked doors, yeah, that would help, I just need to get away from-

"Where do you think you're going like that?".

This time it's Taehyung who speaks up, eyes daring me to step out of Hoseok's hold, out of his castle, or is it a nicely decorated prison?

It was surely a trap, they wanted to trap the princess by making her believe it was filled with fairies and lovely snacks, they knew what they were doing, these are not blankets but chains!

Gosh, I'm so stupid! I followed them straight into a homemade prison!

Hoseok lets free a chuckle behind me and it's as if time comes to a stop as it develops into a lighter and sunnier sound, and when Taehyung drops the act too, it's like my body loses all of its strength as I fall to my side and away from Hoseok with a whine, hands going to wipe the sweat away from my face because damn!

"Oh man, you should've seen your face! It was gold!" Taehyung says with a wide boxy grin, face alight with amusement and I snap my head to Hoseok as he moves from behind me with a pleased smirk, proud of himself.

"What was that for! I nearly had a heart attack!" I exclaim, much to their enjoyment.

Hoseok tilts his head to the side and hums slowly, as if loving what he's seeing, what he's provoking.

"What that was for? You could say I was... testing something" he croons, an answer that sends me into an even stronger confusion, because a test for what?! What was he testing that needed to freak me out that much?

"Did I at least pass the darn thing?" I grumble, a little mad at them and to that, Taehyung chuckles before lying down on his back with a content smile, neck twisting slightly to stare at me from the corner of his eye.

"If you passed it? You aced it, little lamb. You made us want to see more, you made us curious".

"Curious of what? Of the different speed my heart can beat at without failing me?" I bite back, to which Hoseok huffs a small laugh.

"No, doll, curious of how faster it can beat for us. That's how curious you've made us".



Wait... what?

"Now, let's put something on the TV! The hot chocolates must have cooled down a bit, here's yours!".


How dare they drop the subject after saying that! What did it mean? What did they mean, beating for them?! I need answers!

"Coco! Let's watch Coco!".

"Sounds good to me, pup, what about you doll?".

I nod, of course Coco is fine, Coco is good-

"Wait a damn minute-" I start but Hoseok pushes a cookie in my mouth before putting a finger in front of his lips in a shushing movement and I stare at him with round eyes, shocked while he brings his gaze back to the TV with a grin.

That's not fair, not fair at all!

But damn, that cookie's good.

I can ask questions later, but for now...

Snack time.

"Let's watch that movie, but no more stunts like you did" I grumble before making myself comfortable between the two men who simply smile at me, their warmth close by my sides, safe.

"We'll see".

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