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Warning - this chapter might be hard for some readers, panic, feeling of powerlessness, blood, advanced sickness (sudden buildup). I don't think I'll be able to end this chapter in fluff so make sure you have some sweetness ready for after!

I stare at the bottle in my hand, the low thrumming pain I can feel in my body uncomfortable, but I don't dare take the pills again, not before I can hear from Jin that they're safe, which I somehow feel like they aren't.

Spending most of the afternoon with Hoseok and Taehyung in the castle watching movies together was a lot of fun really, it took my mind off the events that took place today.

Except for that stunt of theirs, for their confusing words, they were very sweet, made sure I was comfortable, Taehyung would ask once in a while if the snacks were to my taste, as if they could be anything else, I enjoyed myself a lot and I think they did too.

What ruined it all for me was when pain started to come and go on regular intervals.

I took my leave with a small excuse of a needed bath, which had them worried, they probably could see it on my face, something in my scent too but they simply smiled and nodded, saying that it was about time they take off the decorations anyway before the guys arrive.

Soaking in the bath wasn't relaxing as I had hoped, but I expected it.

How can I relax when the prickling feeling under my skin won't stop increasing in intensity, slow and steady, like a vase slowly filling up until it nears spilling. It keeps going up consistently and you know it's going to spill, you know it will be a mess, but you can't stop it from happening.

Or you know how, but the method might cause more fissures in the porcelain, and I don't know which one is worse. Risking breaking, or overflowing?

It's been worrying me for the last hour, mind a complete mess because pain has never started again that fast, I usually am fine for a whole twenty-four hours, but this...

My mind goes back to what mom said on the phone, about the pills being less efficient if I stay with wolves... was she right? But why? How can pills be affected by the presence of wolves? Or is it something about me?

Now, everyone except for the doctor have come back home and it warms my heart, the way they all came by my room to say hello, their eyes concerned when they'd find me tucked in bed under a pile of blankets while sitting against the headboard, they looked ready to do anything to help me before even hearing about my state.

I had to reassure them one at a time that I am fine, just tired after today and they thankfully did not insist, but I could see on their face that I didn't convince any of them, not in the slightest, not when their senses are all so increased.

I don't know how long has passed since the last soul came to check up on me, but it's the last thing I can think about, my mind entirely focused on the call with mom, with what she said about my heritage, something that she spat out in a heinous tone.

The pills have something to do with it and I just can't wrap my mind around it.

Am I sick? An illness that was given to me by my birth mother?

Is it something to do with the background of the family I come from? Are they criminals and they are disgusted because I have the blood of dangerous people in my veins? But then why would I need pills for that? Because they think I might turn out like them? Are they pills that affect my mind?

I want answers so much and it feels like I depend on Jin to get them, which is why I want to wait until he comes back before making a decision about what to do with the bottle currently in my care.

He could tell me what they do to me, he might request for additional tests, I wouldn't mind, as long as it brings answers, ones I currently desperately need.

I sigh and decide to get out of bed and to the kitchen instead, bottle still in hand but out of mind as I step through the doorway and towards where life can be heard, quiet and calm. Staying in bed alone is only allowing my focus on my body, on my pain, it's not helping.

As I near the living room, my eyes fall on Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook sat on a couch, the three of them cuddled closely as they watch Namjoon and Jimin play a game together, nothing competitive, just some teamwork kind of game that occupies their mind while we wait for their missing pack member.

I smile at Taehyung when his gaze finds me, as do the other's but I don't take the time to have a look at all of them, aware that there's going to be worry, concern in their eyes and I don't want to handle that for now.

Without a word, I turn around and enter the kitchen where I can see Yoongi sipping his coffee calmly, the steam rising out of his cup looking like he just made it.

His eyes fall on me when I come near him and he offers me a tired smile before motioning for the coffee machine. "Want some? I can make you a cup", to which I nod, feeling like a coffee would be great right now.

The bitterness would be a nice clash with the worry permanently printed over my soul, it might make me forget about the pain crawling under my skin for a little while, but before Yoongi can make a move to grab a simple looking cup from a cupboard, the front door opens with a slam and we both startle at the loud noise, feet taking us quickly out of the kitchen to see Jin throwing his shoes aside before leaving the entrance running.

"Where is she? Where's Y/N?" he asks, his voice sharp and hurried as soon as he reaches the living room and I tense up immediately, something about his tone that scares me, he looks so angry.

He's not an alpha, he couldn't compel the other wolves to obey him like Namjoon can, but at the moment, even the pack alpha looks taken aback, eyes naturally falling on me from where I stand next to Yoongi and I can't help but feel like I was just fed to the big bad wolf when the omega's eyes find me.

Did I do something wrong?

My heart pulses strongly in my chest, pace uneven, fear filling every inches of my body, yet I can't move away, not when my eyes meet his, when I see pure devastation, panic oozing out of him as he marches over before snatching the bottle I didn't even realize I was still holding.

Jin's eyes quickly read the plastic label and I watch as they immediately fill with tears, a hand rising to cover his mouth just as a broken sob leaves him, and when he slowly crouches down at my feet, it's like the air stills around us, it's as if time comes to a stop as we all come to process that the strong omega is currently falling apart on the floor.

"Oh you poor girl, you poor, sweet sweet girl" he cries into his hands, his voice broken and hearing him weep like that, this tall and wide-shouldered man now looking so small in front of Yoongi and I, it's like my soul is being crushed into separate pieces, the same way you pull a piece out of a fluffy loaf of bread.

His words have me completely shocked as the whole pack comes running to him, Yoongi hesitating between remaining strong by my side when he can see how white my skin is turning out to be and going to his hyung, but one look from the pack alpha and he remains where he is, albeit closer to me, body tensed and burning like a furnace.

"I can't believe they did that to her, it's so cruel, it's so wrong, so so wrong" Jin's words echo in the now silent room, his pain bouncing on every surfaces surrounding us before heading for me and I receive it all, my person their destination and gosh, it hurts, chest squeezing tightly and sight turning blurry, confusion and my already sensitive state making me all the more weak in front of such a sight.

Namjoon kneels besides the doctor to gently pull him into his chest and we all watch as Jin burrows his face into his throat, deep lungful of his scent that I have no doubt the alpha must be pushing out, pheromones acting to try and calm his distressed mate while still trying to make sense of the situation, of what was said.

Hoseok and Taehyung are both observant and alert as they wait, as they try to make a plan of action in their head while Jungkook and Jimin both look unable to function, their pupils dilated on their hyung, their worry spilling out in thick exhales, their wolves trying to find a threat that so far only reveals itself to be pills.

"Taehyung-ah, go get the pack nest ready, gather a few scented items from each rooms and make sure to rub them around so that everything smells like pack, we'll be there shortly" Hoseok demands after a moment, his face hard and focused and I watch as Taehyung nods before rushing out of sight to follow the order given like his life depends on it.

"Hold onto me, hyung, we'll go nice and slow, okay?" I hear Namjoon murmur, to which Jin nods weakly, his breath still broken with small sobs but otherwise much calmer than earlier.

His mates must all be pushing out their scent for him, pheromones meant to calm their omega, something that would be lovely if I wasn't the cause of it all.

Hoseok pulls Jimin and Jungkook with him after the duo as they leave the kitchen to reach the nest that Taehyung is carefully taking care of and I turn my head to see Yoongi's eyes locked on them, his face looking concerned, his skin whiter than usual, lips parted, he wants to go after them so badly, yet he doesn't.

"Go, Yoongi, I'll be fine, Jin needs you" I tell him and he snaps his head my way, looking like he wants to refuse but I gently push him forward and that seems to spur him on as he goes after them, his instincts urging him to be near his mates, his alpha wolf needing to take care of them, they need him.

I listen as they enter inside a room and when a door closes, I stand still in the now quiet house, emotions a mess, fingers slightly trembling and when I look down, it's to find the bottle on the floor.

All of this, because of that thing? Did Jin get the result of my blood test? Was it that bad?

I lean down to grab the bottle but the sudden movement causes me to grow dizzy, pain shooting through my stomach without warning and I gasp, balance lost before I go tumbling to the ground loudly, arms going to hug myself as it quickly grows worse, like liquid fire spreading through my blood, it hurts so much.

I start sweating, mind becoming a blur and when I feel the next wave of pain incoming, it's like standing at the top of a penthouse to observe as the tsunami reaches a new high before crashing down to destroy everything in its path.

It fills me with terror, the only other time when I reached that point forever etched into my memory and I shakily reach out to the bottle of pills, the sound of them shaking like an instrument of music to my ears, yet it's not amusing, not this time.

I don't want to take them, but they keep the pain away, so I need to take them, it's all I can think about as I try to open it, but my fingers tremble so much that I can't control what I'm doing, I can't do it, strength leaving me and causing me to sob because I'm terrified, it hurts so much, so badly.

These pills are my only chance, I need to take them, my soul knows that with certitude, yet there's no reaching them anymore when the bottle slips out of my hold and starts rolling away from me, the tsunami getting closer as everything in its path disappears on impact, I can almost hear the sound of my incoming doom, the heaviness and coldness of the water inches away from me.

I start crying too, just like Jin had, but compared to him, right now, I am alone and it hurts more than I want to admit.

In the end, I am always meant to be alone, aren't I?

It's the last thought that goes through my mind before the wave of pain engulfs me and takes with it my consciousness.

Hoseok's POV

When Jin looks calm enough to process his surroundings, the nest useful in clearing that haze of panic that was wrecking his balance, it's to watch him crash into a second sea of pure horror when he sees that Y/N isn't with us.

"Where is Y/N? You didn't leave her alone, did you? You need to bring her here right now! She's- fuck, I need to go find her" he exclaims, eyes wide and pupils dilated like I've never seen before, his usual fresh mint turned to vinegar, sharp and acidic in my nose, it fills the whole room no matter how much our alphas try to push out their scent to bring his own down.

"Into the pack nest, hyung? Into your nest?" I ask him, taken aback, omegas are usually protective of their nest, sharing it with someone who's not part of the pack... I thought I was doing the right thing, but as we look at him try to fight his way out of Namjoon's hold, the latter's arms closing around him tightly to keep him still, we can see that this is not what he needs right now.

"You stupid alpha wolf, let me go! God damn it, they drugged her! Her parents drugged her with some illegal fucking shit! She's not human! They pushed down her wolf blood in the worst way possible, she needs to be here!" Jin snarls at our pack alpha, his anger loud in our ears and his words have me moving instantly, Jimin close on my heels as he keeps swearing that he knew it, he fucking knew it.

It should be simple, get out, fetch her, come back, yet as soon as we step out of the room, I freeze, the scent that now fills the house making my soul grow cold, panic and fear merging together because that's not rain, that's not her sweet, soft and light rain but a full-blown storm.

If I thought that what I'd smelled from her yesterday was upsetting, when we sent her in bed to discover that she has nesting habits, this is... there's no existing words to describe how alarming her current scent is.

It smells like the world is facing its end.

It smells like the whole world is now covered by a black sky, no more light reaching the ground, thunder all that echoes in the air, thick and humid, suffocating.

It smells like sickness, it smells like tears and fear.

Like death.

Someone is rushing past me, but it's not Jimin, he's following behind, and then Namjoon is swearing and running out of the room as well as he shouts a "Hyung!" and I look back to find the nest empty, it was Jin.

Jin usually doesn't handle shocking situations very well, he tends to pass out easily if they're too strong, that's why we brought him to the nest, why we don't want him moving around until he's calm, it's to avoid him hurting himself, but right now, everything becomes insignificant when I hear his whimpers, vinegar mixing in the storm and giving us an acidic shower.

"No! No no no!".

That's all I need to hear to rush after the rest of the pack and the sight that greets my eyes when I enter the kitchen breaks my heart, it twists and bends my soul enough to make me disoriented and someone holds me just before I fall down on the floor, eyes fixated on her and unable to look away.


There's blood all over her.

"Joon! Call an ambulance right fucking now! She needs help now!" Jin screams in tears, but the pack alpha is already on it, phone against his ear as he waits for someone to pick up on the other end, his face blank, but his jaw is clenched tightly, his stare locked on her, body ready to leap and take action as soon as our doctor says anything.

"A towel! Someone gets me a towel!".

I can't look away from the sight in front of me, but a waft of Jimin's scent flashes past me, burned papers sticking to my nose as he runs to the nearest bathroom to get them, doesn't matter if they're white, red or black, he grabs them all, instincts in overdrive because someone is bleeding in his home and it's not because she's a female.

Y/N whimpers before coughing and when I see more blood splatter out, my legs fully give up on me, a sight straight out of a horror movie, warm tears flowing down my cheeks without warning and when I hear a sniffle from besides me, I turn my head to see Yoongi, his face shattered, skin damp with his own tears, and only then do I register the shaking to his body, how cold he is.

"She told me to go, Hobi-ah, she pushed me towards you guys and my instincts took over, I just went, she said she'd be fine" he murmurs weakly, words that get Taehyung's attention as Jungkook crouches next to Jin, him and Jimin the only ones of us right now able to be spurred into action to help while Namjoon tries to explain the situation on the phone with what knowledge he has, his voice trembling, it doesn't matter how much he tries to keep calm, he can't.

The beta comes over and kneels in front of Yoongi before cupping his cheeks, thumbs gentle as they gather his tears and I watch as the alpha closes his eyes, needing the comforting touch, his mind and heart both throwing him into endless guilt at the moment.

This could've been avoided if he'd stayed with her, it's all he can think about, his scent of rum still sweet, but also slightly sour, as if it turned bad, but that must be because of my own rotten oranges, Taehyung's burned sugar also very present around us, yet none of our scents mix well with her storm, she overwhelms them all, her body oozing of her pain like I never thought possible.

"You didn't know hyung, your own mates needed you, she knew that, you didn't know" he whispers as I bring my gaze back to her, Jimin now behind her, a hand under her head, gentle as he tries to clean her skin before settling it down on a fluffy towel, his eyes attentive to her, to any signs that another coughing wave might come.

The next minutes are all a blur, I have no idea what I do, do I even do anything or do I stand still as a statue?

I'm normally good at acting during stressful situations but this time, my wolf just wants to cry and whimper and I'm so scared for her, for what is happening to her, our lovely time together earlier feeling like it happened months ago.

The ambulance arrives, the paramedics fill the house, I don't even register them here until they're taking her away and suddenly, my body bounces up to its feet, needing to stay near her, fingers grabbing the car keys and when I look behind me, my whole pack is behind and ready to follow.

"Jimin, Jungkook, you both drive, Hoseok, you're in no state to focus right now, you climb with Jin and I, Jimin you take the wheel, the others, in the other car, now" our pack alpha orders as he cradles Jin to his chest, our omega now unconscious, his face in eternal sadness, his sleepy whimpers breaking my heart, it feels like we've been thrown in the middle of hell.

"I'll bring her pills, it's going to be easier for them to help if they know what she was taking" Jungkook states before rushing out of the house and we all get into formation according to what Namjoon asked of us, my feet taking me behind him and Jimin and into the car, myself at the front while the alpha sits at the back, Jin sideways on the seat, his head over Namjoon's lap and a protective arm keeping him close.

I look out and around us to see that the ambulance is already away, they must have taken off urgently.

"Will she be okay?" I can't help but ask, I need them to believe that she will because right now, I find myself unable to make that step, my brain already making me imagine the worst and it would crush me to lose her even though she hasn't been with us for long.

There's something about her that feels good, her personality, her scent, everything about her, it makes you want to keep her close, to tease her and cradle her in your arms, to protect her and maybe even love her.

My wolf nearly begged me to dip my face in her neck earlier to get of her scent while also bathing her in mine, to make her smell like almonds, and gosh, how much I wanted to just do it.

"She's in good hands now, they will help her" Namjoon says, but he doesn't sound convinced and when I look behind me and at him, his lips are bitten raw and swollen, brows creasing into his skin, eyes speaking of the thousand emotions that he won't say, he's not okay, he's afraid, he's unsure.

"She will be. She's strong, I believe in her" Jimin states with strength and one look at him lets me see that he truly believes what he just said, his eyes focused on the street but filled with his trust for her, hands clenched tightly on the steering wheel, our speed over the allowed limit but none of us care at the moment, not when we need to get to her as soon as possible.

I look in the side mirror to find the others following close behind us and it brings me some relief, that we're all together, on our way to her.

To Y/N, the poor young girl whose past ends up being worse the more we hear about it.

"Jin hyung said that her parents drugged her, that they gave her something illegal" I let out and the smells surrounding us worsen, so Namjoon slides down his window slightly to clear the air.

"He did" is all the pack alpha says, his voice cold, sharp, there will be hell to pay, that's for sure.

We don't know the full details yet, but we will take action, I know that much.

To keep a wolf from presenting? To keep their identity locked away, but not only that, to keep them from even knowing about who they are? Jin said that they pushed down her wolf blood in the worst way possible, what does that mean for her?

"If I ever find her adoptive parents, I'm killing them" Jimin growls out, his wolf so angered that he could rip out throats with his bare hands, for such a sweet soul to be so broken, how hard will it be for her to process the changes that will occur in the near future?

"No you won't" Namjoon counters and Jimin scuffs, about to retort something but the pack alpha's next words stop him.

"I'll kill them myself".

Their POV

Hours go by with them waiting in front of the emergency door, no news about her state except for doctors and nurses running in and out of the room over and over again.

At this point, Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok believe she's dying while Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook want to believe that she's fighting for her life but one thing they all share, it's the wish to see her safe and sound.

Jin is now resting on a stretcher that was provided by the staff to keep Namjoon from having to hold him and get tired and after taking a quick look at him, they plugged him on IVs for until he would wake up just in case, hearing about how he lost consciousness enough to have the fellow omega nurses worried and taking action.

The pack never gets used to it when it does happen, when Jin's mind just logs out from overwhelming emotions, but he'd explained once that it's due to his body being under trauma, the past wasn't easy and the body remembers, he'd said, it's okay, I just need some time, I'm fine.

Jin always worries about them, even when he's the one unwell, but it's the first time that they find themselves worried over someone else when he's in that state. He can't get worse at the moment, but Y/N can, they have no idea what is happening to her right now.

All they can see is her bloodied appearance, her pain, her whimpers, it feels like they were too late for something, but they don't know to what extent.

All they know is that when Jungkook gave the running doctors the bottle of pills, their eyes widened, a series of swears leaving them before they started running even faster.

Jin's reaction wasn't excessive then, it was truly reflective of the reality that is now befalling her.

It takes hours of them silently waiting, they make it through the night and to the next morning without moving an inch, without shutting an eye, not one staff finding the time to stop by the pack and inform them just yet because even them haven't been getting a break, the pack can see that it's not a small case.

They start wondering about the extent of how much they want to know what is happening on the other side of the door, because they don't know how much the truth would scare them and that in itself scares them in turn. How much has she made an impact on them already?

They remain silent, still as statues until a grunt gets their attention, and one quick look besides them reveals Jin waking up with a frown, the bright light of the corridor blinding him momentarily before he processes where he is.

"Are we in the hospital?" he asks with a low sleepy voice, he did sleep through the whole night after all, his mates are glad that at least him could get some shut eye through all the commotion.

Yoongi nods slowly, his body resting against Namjoon, the latter's arms around him because the older alpha hasn't been dealing well with his guilt and it shows on his face.

He keeps believing that something could've been done to prevent this, he should've been by her side and no matter what his mates say, nothing's going to change his mind until he sees her well.

"She's been in the emergency room all night, we have no idea what's going on right now" he answers but to that, Jin's body relaxes before he nods, head falling onto the thin pillow with a sigh.

"Good, oh thank goodness, that's very good" he murmurs, the only one of them to really know what is going on right now, they truly hope he would open up to them and explain properly because their bits and pieces of information are nothing to help them understand his reaction at the moment.

Taehyung stands up from his seat besides Jungkook and jumps on the stretcher to cuddle to Jin, the welcoming arms wrapping around the soft beta who needs comfort after having faced so much in such a short amount of time, worrying over two people at the same time too much for him.

"What is happening, hyung? What were those pills for? What did they do to her?" he asks, to which Jin inhales deeply, hands patting his mate's back softly as he tries to find how to explain, the simple memory of what he discovered making his blood boil in his veins again.

"Before I tell you about her pills, I need to tell you about an injection that they would have had to inject into her body first. From what she told me at the clinic, it must have happened when she turned eight. Vitranamic Vitrostryl, an old drug that was used in the past in an attempt to kill one's wolf, to make them normal humans" Jin starts and right away, the corridor fills with growls, distressed sounds that would fill the space around them with a scent ready to kill if not for the scent blockers.

"It was a small dose, incredibly diluted, not enough to actually kill her wolf, but enough to keep it dormant, constantly working to heal itself as the drug would always remain in her blood. It kept her wolf from making itself known, hence why she never presented, why she never doubted anything. It's not just a simple heat suppressant... they literally poisoned her when she was a child".

Namjoon stands up and starts pacing the area in front of his mates, his eyes ready for murder, his dimples are popping out, but not because of a smile, that's just how tight he's clenching his jaw, his muscles tensing to allow him to move faster.

His wolf just wants to claw its way out and take over to hunt these terrible excuse of humans, because how could they? In today's age? It's disgusting, he can't believe it, doesn't want to believe that such an act could be done even today.

"But that's not the worst" Jin lets out somberly, words that have them all tensing. What more can possibly go wrong?

"The drug wouldn't gain in strength, it wouldn't actually harm her, as long as she would take the pills. They weren't simple pills, but a remedy against the poison itself, a strong dose to keep it from killing her in the long run. The downside of such a poison is that it reacts to wolf blood, and wolf blood reacts to its own kind.

Being with us, it must have slightly awakened her own wolf, so she would've had to take the pills in closer intervals, which she didn't. That's what we saw earlier, the poison freeing itself of the antidote, her body was not prepared, the defenses were down, if we hadn't found her when we did... she might be dead right now".

Hoseok scoots over to Yoongi to take Namjoon's place when he sees the alpha's eyes filling with tears once more, a look that is found on nearly every faces, it breaks the beta's heart, but he's not any better when he feels his chin wobble, because the words they just heard... they could've never imagined something like that ever happening, especially not to someone they know and care about.

"Will she be able to recover from it" Jimin asks, his gaze fixated on the white wall in front of him, he looks bored, like he doesn't care, but his mates know him enough, from his posture to the detachment in his voice that the alpha is but a moment away from shifting, something Namjoon doesn't miss, his narrowed eyes falling on the man in warning.

"Jimin, you know the rules. Don't you dare".

The alpha snaps his head towards the pack alpha. "They surely knew the rules too and that didn't stop them from fucking poisoning her, so I say, so what? Do we just let them go without doing anything? You want to let them step away unscathed when they nearly killed her? They adopted her only to treat her that way and we should let it be?".

Namjoon growls low in his throat and in the blink of an eye, moves to stand in front of Jimin, close enough to smack the younger one against the wall from his seat and the pack observes with bated breath as their third youngest slowly exposes his throat to the stronger alpha to show that he submits even though he's displeased by it, his alpha wolf not made to surrender to another.

"I never said that we won't do anything, you're jumping to conclusions because you're angry, I understand, but don't test me, alpha. Shifting is not the way to go at it, especially not in the hospital. If you do shift, you'll be locked in a room until you've calmed down and then they'll kick you out and keep you from coming back with us. Is that what you want? To hear about her over the phone?".

Jimin shakes his head, shoulders falling as he understands what Namjoon is trying to say. He's not pleased either, but there are rules to follow, as annoying as they are.

"I'm sorry, pack alpha" Jimin apologizes quietly, Namjoon's title used to show that he takes this seriously and to that, the latter bends down to kiss the top of his younger mate's head to show him that it's fine, he understands and forgives, then steps back to bring his attention back to Jin.

"Continue, please".

Jin nods, his arms cradling Taehyung close, he can feel the tears soaking his shirt but he doesn't mention it, the beta clearly doesn't want it known with the way he hides in the omega's shoulder, nose rubbing to try and get some scent that won't go past the scent blocker.

"To answer Jimin's question, yes she will recover from it. What they've been doing all night was probably an exchange transfusion. Slowly removing her blood to replace it with fresh donor blood, it would be the only way to purge her body from the poison, it spreads too quickly otherwise. They didn't ban the drug for no reason, it's really harmful and hard to get rid of".

The whole pack lets out a sound of relief, they could never recover from it if they'd lost her when she was under their responsibility. It would eat at them forever, if they could have done anything differently before things got too late. They're glad that it didn't reach that point.

"She's going to be heartbroken when she hears about it" Yoongi murmurs, sadness in his voice, to which Hoseok wraps his arms around his hyung, wanting to comfort him the same way he's being comforted right now by his touch.

"On the contrary, I think it's going to answer many of her questions, I think she might be happy about it, once she's processed it" Jungkook lets out, the first words he says in probably what has been the longest for their young alpha.

The pack turns to him and he continues to explain his point when he knows that he has their attention.

"Yesterday morning, when I went to wake her up, I found her all snuggled in a nest, it was adorable" he starts and to that, Jimin preens a little despite of his messy emotions. "Yes, I made it for her" he can't help but state, he needs them to know that it was him who provided for her, it's stronger than him.

They all smile softly at that, but Jungkook doesn't, his face instead turning sad.

"When she woke up, she was all soft, I honestly mistook her for an omega at first, it tells you just how she was behaving. All was well, but then... when she found out about the nest, her eyes widened at me as if she was caught doing something bad... hyungs, you should've seen her face, her scent... it was heartbreaking, I could see that it was physically hurting her to destroy the nest, she was so fervent in making sure that there was not a single ounce of it left".

Their heart breaks at that, but none more than Jimin's, his mind remembering the blankets, how messy they were, was she destroying her nest whenever she would get out of the bed? A baby wolf could never do that without crying their eyes out, how painful must it have been for her?

"I tried to calm her, tried to stop her, she wouldn't so my instincts took over, I used my alpha voice on her and... it worked, hyungs, it worked. She started crying and when I scented her... gosh... how else was I supposed to process it? She had to be an omega, right? Yoongi was there, we saw her rush to take her pills, that's why he insisted to send her to Jin hyung, it would be an easy way for her to find out about herself, it would show in her blood, we didn't know how else to break the news to her".

The pack remains silent at that, they didn't know that something like that had happened, they honestly don't know how Yoongi and Jungkook could even keep quiet about it, but they know it results from respecting her, they didn't want everyone knowing before she would.

"But how is that going to make her happy? She's going to be so confused" Hoseok asks, face into a light frown, he doesn't want to doubt his mate's judgement but... he would have difficulty processing everything if he was the one in her situation.

"Because it's going to show her that the things she enjoys, such as nesting, she's allowed to do it. She's going to understand why she wants to, that it's normal, it's instinctive for her. Imagine how it is, spending your whole life being aware that you're different, but not understanding why, or even believing that it's wrong? Hyung, imagine needing to nest, needing that soothing place, but then refusing yourself that right because you feel like you're not allowed to have that need?" the alpha continues and Jin winces at the example.

Not allowing himself to nest when he needs it? If he needs to nest, it's to seek that refuge that would allow him to process, to calm down, to feel safe, so to tell himself that he doesn't deserve that safety? It would break him.

Has she been feeling like that all her life? His eyes fill with tears at the thought, he can't even begin to imagine how hard it must have been for her.

A door suddenly opens and the whole pack's attention turns to the doctor stepping out of the emergency room, a few nurses walking out with an exhausted look on their face as they leave the area, probably to get a good sleep after working so hard all night.

Namjoon walks to the doctor who looks like he's ready to talk with them, anxious to know about her current state even though Jin's words have eased their worries. Not seeing her, not hearing about her from those who cared for her, imagination can be vile.

"Do the seven of you know the young female omega well?" the doctor asks and hearing it aloud like that, it's really like a smack in the face, it confirms everything they had pieced together.

"She's living with us, so you could say that, yes. Is she alright? Jin here is a doctor, he performed a blood test on her yesterday so we know about the drug, is she alright now? Could you clear her blood?" the pack alpha asks the man who nods, eyes falling on each of them until he finds Jin who offers him a tight lipped smile, from doctor to doctor.

"We could, we had to keep an eye on her state and do regular analysis throughout the night to make sure that the drug wouldn't take over again, we had to redo the whole process three times but we eventually did it. Her life is officially out of danger but we still would rather keep her here for a week to keep an eye on her state.

From the fact that her scent has just now started to seep out as an omega, we're guessing she hadn't presented yet, and considering that she's a wolf, she must not have known what she was taking, which means she doesn't know about her real identity" the man supposes, to which Namjoon sighs before nodding his head to confirm.

"She assumes she is human, it's going to come as quite a shock to her. Jin has determined that she must have been drugged from as early as her eight years old, that's around when our wolf awakens for the first time, her parents must have seen the hints and took action before she could understand what was happening".

The doctor's face falls, disgust spreading over his traits and the pack can understand very well his reaction, it truly is disgusting after all.

"That would make sense, that poor girl..." the man mumbles before shaking his head, eyes falling on the whole pack.

"Now, I want to inform you all that considering that the usage of an extremely illegal drug has been used on her, the hospital is already working on her case to punish her legal guardians as only them could be behind such an act. A legal lawyer will be contacted to take her defense and make sure she is properly compensated.

It is a service offered to those who find themselves victim of such cruelty, a mean to protect wolves, it's sadly not as uncommon as you would think, although I haven't met anyone like her in a long time. She will need a new guardian, someone we can contact for anything related to her health, just one would suffice".

The pack's eyes widen, greatly pleased by what they're hearing, because if it's the hospital that takes action against her parents, they will have plenty of proof to use against them and it doesn't matter how much they spend on a lawyer of their own, the monsters won't win.

"I'll be her new guardian, I'm the pack's eldest and as a doctor, I feel it would be easier to reach out to me, but just in case, I would like to add our pack alpha as well. The two of us will be enough" Jin says as he pats Taehyung gently to sit up and the doctor nods before grabbing a pad from his inner chest pocket with a pen that he hands to the omega.

"Doctor, can we go visit her?" Jungkook asks hesitantly as Jin writes down their information, words that have the five other wolves looking up to listen attentively, they all want to see her after all, they need to.

The man smiles and nods. "You may, but make sure to not disrupt her sleep, she needs it, a lot of it. Her body worked hard and now it needs to recover".

"Of course! We'll be careful!" Jungkook chirps happily before rushing off to her room, Taehyung close on his heels and Yoongi isn't far behind, Jimin and Hoseok following quickly as well.

Jin and Namjoon chuckle, glad that smiles can be reborn in their pack, until they hear the strange sound of bodies falling down and when the three men look to the door, it's to see them all toppled to the ground on top of each other, baffled and shocked.

Jin and Namjoon want to laugh, but with the door forced to remain opened because of their bodies, it allows a scent of rain to seep out of the room, and as it reaches their nose, they understand right away why this happened to their mates.

The wolves all share a dumbfounded look.

"This can't be real, it's impossible".

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