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Their POV

Now seated in the room with her sleeping self, the seven men stare at her with soft gazes, their mind unable to wrap around the reality that shows itself to them, one they melt over, because it is not a small matter, it is one that concerns their soul, and hers.

It shouldn't be possible, yet the scent of roses currently filling their nose is very real.

They're not imagining it, because only the seven of them can smell it, no one else but them and that in itself is a delight, it makes them giddy, although confused.

No other wolf nurses and doctors have been able to notice anything else in her scent if not for the now softening rain, her pain now far behind her, if not for an exhausted body and mind, which explains the humidity felt from her scent.

It's heavy with fatigue, but not in a bad way. It makes them cozy, as if being wrapped in a blanket right now would be the final trick to send them to sleep in a second.

It's just... the rain is not all her scent is about anymore. There's that sweetness that only an omega can have, just like Jin, they can all smell it, it's clear as day, but the change doesn't stop there and it's impossible to ignore.

They can't help but get that feeling in the pit of their stomach that they should've guessed of her real identity, they should've known, Namjoon sure did, although he wasn't sure of what to believe. How could a human be an omega after all?

He guesses he just didn't want to acknowledge that such cruelty was still possible to this day, he wished she would be healthy and well.

Human or wolf, it didn't matter to him, she had his heart right from the beginning either way, but now she has more than that, she also has his soul and that, he didn't see coming at all.

Now, her scent is no longer narrowed down to the complexity of a rainy day, no, now, there's also a garden of roses within.

They can smell it so well that they feel if they were to close their eyes, they could almost touch the petals, the stems and its prickles with their imagination.

What would it look like to all of them? How different? Yoongi wonders, because he can imagine a wild garden in the middle of the forest and he wonders if they all see it the way he does, how beautiful it is.

Magical roses that grew despite the difficult environment, they thrived all by themselves, without anyone to help them, they stand there proudly and hell would be damned if anyone tried to uproot them.

That's how he sees Y/N, after all she went through, he feels like this kind of rose suits her. Proud, strong and stubborn.

But then you have Jin, one who now finds himself with the title of head omega, considering their sweet girl would accept to be part of their pack, who finds himself imagining a pretty garden surrounding a homemade pergola, maybe one Yoongi would have built for her?

He can imagine all the colours, the variety of shades gracing his eyes like a temptation, yet were he to get too close, he would also discover that these roses aren't just there to be pretty, they are also protective of themselves, of what's theirs, of their independence, space and growth. They have been planted by someone, but they worked hard to make it to where they are now, no one else but them.

Taehyung, he imagines a single, lonely rose in a vase by a shadowed window. All its life, it has seen a world from afar, a view on that outside garden, one that baths in the sun, one that gets plenty of fresh water, where the flowers can be seen and taken care of whereas this one remains forgotten.

It should be sad, yet there is some romanticism to that imagery, because Taehyung tells himself that he can be the one taking that rose from its dark corner, not to bring it to the other roses, but to make it its own pretty garden right there in his arms.

He would watch over the rose like his life depends on it, he would rest in the sun and then whisper sweet words to it and watch as the tern colour of its petals would gain in passion.

As for Namjoon, he imagines a messy garden of roses, one that he needs to be careful with, one he needs to take his time with as he slowly starts trimming it. He will take out the weeds first, he will bring shape to the overgrown bush while also respecting that the roses have a life of their own, that he is not to trample upon them and change them as he wishes, but to clear the way so that the roses can thrive even more.

In a way, were they to share their opinions, they would find out that none of them are quite wrong, but none quite right either.

Hoseok keeps gazing at her and he can't help himself as he wonders how she will react to her new life. Will she freak out on them? He hopes not, but just thinking about how he would feel in her place, he starts feeling uncomfortable.

How does one spend their entire life believing to be one thing only for one day ending up in front of a locked door. That door can only open if you find the right key, and when you use the one you have always used, you realize that it doesn't work anymore.

It's panicking, the one key that had always worked out of the hundreds of them, which one is the right one then?

Hoseok wants so dearly to support his rose, he wants to show it that there's no need to be afraid. It can be overwhelmed, he will be there to take its burdens and solve them. He just wants his rose to not wilt for the moment, until it finds the necessary balance to be strong by itself.

He would probably be the closest to the reality, but none of them can know unless Y/N opens up about her needs, about what she needs them to do, and that might not come as easily as they would wish.

Jimin, he already has a feeling that they're going to need to keep a close eye on her, he gets that feeling that she's going to be overwhelmed much more than she will admit.

He has no idea how she will react to learning that she's an omega, he doesn't know how she will react upon learning that her adoptive parents poisoned her to make her live the life that they wanted her to live for them, but he is almost a hundred percent sure that her reaction will not represent how she will truly feel about the matter.

He doesn't know why he feels that way, but his wolf won't stop gnawing at the back of his mind, true mate will be broken, sad, will need lots of cuddles, might not accept them all the time, will be hard for her.

It worries him, how would his wolf know? Why does it seem true? What will she do? What should he do if it does happen? How could he support the one soul that was meant for him?

True mate, a treasure for any wolf.

It's much more common for packs to choose their own mates, out of love and acceptance after living together for years, because finding your true mate, it has a near zero chance of happening.

Those who find theirs, they hold onto them for dear life, because there is no other soul more befitting of theirs than the one which was made for them.

It's a concept laughed upon by humans, but every wolf knows it is simply out of jealousy. The simple notion of a perfect romance and they will crawl to the ground for a taste of it, yet they could never attain such a thing, never.

It is known that a wolf can and will only ever have but one true mate, it's been true for centuries, it's always been like that, yet here they see this young and tiny little woman come over to them with a smile, she enchants them in a matter of seconds, then suddenly reveals herself to be their true mate, to the seven of them.

It is a miracle, to Jungkook, he could not wish for anything better than their current situation.

He always wondered what would happen if any of them were to meet their fated one. Would they walk out of the pack to put their whole focus on their fated? Would the pack welcome in the new addition for the sake of their mate? Would it work out?

He would never admit it, but he used to be scared of this divine present, because how could he ever imagine himself living without the six of his mates by his side? He chose them, fell in love with them, decided to trust them and give them all of him, so if he were to lose one of them, he would lose all of himself.

For her to be all of theirs? It is a miracle, because no one needs to leave. There is no reason to, not when happiness can be achieved together, the eight of them as one.

Jungkook doesn't believe that Y/N will leave them, they all clicked so well together, he could notice every single time when her scent would flutter with that sudden sun, the rainy rainbow whenever his mates would look at her, smile at her, tease her.

She is soft for them, he knows, he is sure, just as they are for her.

It sure explains why they all found themselves ready to empty the night sky of its stars to give to her in the blink of an eye.

Although her scent couldn't reveal the truth because of the drug, their soul knew that she was theirs, there's no other possible explanation for the way they accepted her so easily.

The Kim pack, one that remains a mystery to its neighbors even after years of living in that house. They don't waste time getting to know strangers, because they don't care. Outside of their job, they have no reason to interact with anyone and they would normally find no need to.

Yoongi talking to her and bringing her to the parlour was, to Jungkook, reason enough to accept her.

She had gotten his attention, her out of everyone else, she had brightly glowed in the middle of grey crowds. Yoongi, his hyung who hates changing his plans for people he doesn't know, went to her of his own free will.

When he saw her in person the first time, he understood right away why his hyung would have made the decision of bringing her over, not as a customer, but as a friend. They both felt such a pull towards her that they couldn't explain, they just knew that they had to keep her close at all cost.

When they saw her apartment, it broke their heart, the simple knowledge that she had lived in such a dump enough to make them despise everything and everyone that had led her there. How could anyone dare settle her in such a dangerous environment? Why?

The only reason why Jungkook had searched for renting places when he saw her hesitate was because he didn't want to force her to move in with strangers, they had just met after all, how would she feel if they were to take her freedom from her with the excuse of their wolves being unsettled?

So he had searched for renting places alright, but will he ever admit that he had limited the radius to within 3 kilometers from their house? Probably not. He only knows that he was relieved when their pack alpha managed to convince her without making her feel like she didn't have a choice.

From the first time the seven men met her, they all felt their soul melt into putty for her, how could they not? She is so amusing, bright, beautiful, tiny, they all want her to look at them and smile, they want to hear her voice as she babbles out her thoughts without realizing it, they want to know everything about her, now more than ever.

But most of all, they just want her to be happy, with them. Will she understand the importance of a true mate? Will she feel it? Her wolf will be like one of a baby, young and inexperienced, how can they help her without treating her like a child?

And to that, Namjoon wouldn't say that worry aloud, but he wonders if she will recognize them as true mates. Will they have a special scent as well, or will it be only her to them?

Will her wolf recognize them for who they are, or will they go unnoticed?

Your POV

When I wake up, I feel weird, so weird.

It's like I'm floating, not quite aware of myself just yet, but too awake to feel like I'm in a dream.

It's like my body is not my body anymore, it's slightly panicking and I need to inhale deeply to keep myself from falling into a spiral of anxiety, something that definitely would not help, yet is so easy to achieve. Think rationally.

Could it be an out of body experience? Am I getting my first taste of it? Without even asking for it?

Honestly, I could do without, I'm not sure I like that.

Find someone else, buddy, I'm going to check the case saying 'NO' the next time you come over! I like my life better when I can spend it in my own body, thank you for asking!

Damn, thinking like that as soon as I finally step out of the black fog is dizzying, I shouldn't do that to myself.

Have some self love, Y/N. When you wake up from a nap or whatever the heck that was, you stay quiet.


See? Great, already feel better.

Oh, who am I kidding? It's never that simple, is it?

I sigh to myself, already overwhelmed by my own head and decide to take some time to move my fingers and toes, just to reconnect with my body, slowly and thankfully, it's not too long before I can finally scratch the itch behind my ear, that one had been bugging me for a while now.

Wondering where I could be at the moment because the bed under me feels... rough, hard, not quite like the comfort of the bed that was lent to me back at the pack's house, I open one eye, then the other, then pause, because what is that?

Why is everything in black and white? Everything looks clear, but no colours?

Holy shit! What happened to my eyes? What happened to my colours? How do I get dressed now? Can I never enjoy the sunset anymore? It would be a nightmare!

I'd like to laugh about it, but it's really not funny, my mind already freaking out over the fact that I might have gotten some illness or something while sleeping and so, I try to sit up slowly, eyes frantically looking around me to find that the outside of the window is even darker, which means it has to be night, right?

The light inside the room appears to be off, so what's going on? Why can I see at all if the room is supposed to be in the dark too?

Am I still sleeping after all? I find myself hoping that it is indeed a dream, now that would be so much easier to deal with.

First of all, I need help. Finding no one in the room, I slowly slide off the bed, body a little sluggish but I need answers and I will not get them by staying here alone.

With that in mind, I make my way to the door, open it, then freeze again because holy shit, colours! What the hell is wrong with me!

"MY EYES ARE SICK" is all my brain finds to scream aloud, no consideration for the neighboring rooms where people are surely sleeping, but who cares! I'm too shocked to think properly!

I start walking away from my room, thinking maybe I'll find someone on the way, why is no one here? Where are the guys? Does Jin feel better? Are they at home? What happened to me for me to be here right now? I don't remember much from after they took him to the pack nest, just a low sense of pain.

Anyway, whatever happened to me then, I have more important to figure out right now, such as why my darned eyes made me see in the dark!

I walk through corridors, eyes looking around me and soul getting freaked out when darker hallways bring back the grey shades before turning back to the small glimpse of colours that a hospital can allow itself.

It doesn't make any sense that I have yet to find anyone, so I sure don't expect it when I come face to face with a door that opens to the outside world before a living soul appears nearby.

But then again, maybe what I need right now is some fresh air, it sure would do my brain some good.

I step out into the cold that the night brings, door closing behind me just as I take in the way everything turns into different shades of grey, whereas where the street lights are bring bright white halos.

I can't keep myself from shading my eyes with a hand over them even though it doesn't do anything, it's so uncomfortable, as if the sun is shining straight into my orbs and I've never felt anything like this before, except maybe for that one time when I was young and stupid and dared myself to look up straight at the sun.

Never made it in the end, losing my sight scared me, still does.

It's only after a moment when I sniffle, just a tiny little inhale that my nose picks up on many different smells all at once, smells that end up being distinct from one another, yet combined together, they make up a whole world of their own.

It smells fresh, it smells like the trees a little further away, it smells like the tulips planted besides me, like the green grass surrounding me, and rain, has it rained recently? It doesn't look like it.

Even sounds are clearer now, as if I'd been wearing headphones all my life and someone just took them off me. It's all very overwhelming, so many of my senses disturbed by a difference that my brain doesn't comprehend, how could it?

What is happening to me? Am I sick?

Loud laughter reaches my ears and when comes with it the scent of cigarettes, so strong it actually burns my nose, I freeze, eyes searching frantically where it comes from until I see a group crossing the street many meters away, the four of them deep in conversation as they head to their destination, no mind paid to me.

Okay, that's not normal.

It's not normal at all, the way I can hear them so clearly, the smell of one puff of cigarette as if it's right under my nose when they're in fact so far away, it makes me feel sick, heart rising in my throat and it barely takes a second of warning before I bend over to throw up on the pavement, sweat dripping from my forehead as I wipe my mouth, breath getting laboured as my lungs painfully try to do their job.

I need to go home. Home, I need to get away from here, somewhere safe, home.

My feet start moving before I can stop them and I make my way in the opposite direction from the group of men before eventually breaking into a run and away from the hospital, sight a blur from burning tears, soul and mind clouded in confusion as I try to find refuge in something familiar.

Where is home from here? Where are they?

I need them.

Namjoon's POV

I growl at the words that the nurse utters out, her head ducking down in shame as the others pace the now empty room, some of Y/N's distress easily noticed in her scent, the little of it that remains behind.

I guess we were all fucking wrong.

Of all the things we'd imagined her to do when she'd wake up, her running away certainly wasn't one of them.

We'd needed a break from the scent blockers, we were starting to feel restless from not having our scent out, from not scenting each other for over forty-eight hours, so we'd gone outside for a little while, it must not have been a minute longer than ten, so where did she go in such a short amount of time?

"No one saw her?! No one at all? Are you shitting me?! Tell me, where the fuck is everyone? Are you the only nurse working here tonight?" I ask loudly, more anger in my voice than I intended for when I see the poor omega cower away with a whimper but it's stronger than me.

To learn that they lost my true mate, my fated, it's like my whole world got taken right from within my fingers.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry sir, w-we're only t-two t-tonight, t-the o-other b-beta is b-busy" she stutters out heavily, my aura weighing heavy on her, tears clinging at her eyes and gosh, it makes me feel like the biggest asshole, the way I just want to shake her so that she can help me find my fated instead of crying like a fucking baby.

Mate gone, true mate gone, alone in night, lost and afraid, needs us, needs true mates, my wolf keeps repeating and it's making me grow crazy, I know!

"There must be cameras, right? Could we have a look at them? Please?" Yoongi takes over when he sees that I'm not getting anywhere near calming down, nose flaring to try and get of her scent, any signs that she could be near, maybe she went to look for us? What if she got lost in the hospital?

"R-r-right t-this way" the omega nurse stutters out before leading the way quickly and we all follow behind, eager to find something, anything, as long as it leads to her.

At this very moment, if any of my mates were to shift into their wolf to go search for her, I couldn't even get mad because I would do the same. Maybe our wolves would have more chances of finding her, but rules are rules and a police office cell wouldn't help us find our missing omega.

I barely pay attention to what's going on until Jungkook gasps and points at one of the screens in front of us, one of them showing... gosh it's her, she stepped outside... six minutes ago? Then she must still be there!

"Huh? Wait- why is she running! Oh no, sweetheart no!" Jin exclaims, a look of terror over his face, this was clearly the worst scenario possible, her fleeing the hospital, and for what? Because the fucking staff couldn't keep a fucking eye on her!

"How do I get there?" I demand and as soon as the security man points in a direction, I leave the group running into a full sprint, bump into anyone I meet but I don't give a shit, not when she's wearing a stupid hospital gown in the middle of the night going I don't know where, omega senses in overdrive, senses she will not understand, all by herself in a part of town she's probably not used to!


"Hyung! Jin and the others went to get the cars, they'll search for her with the mindset of going back home, Jin said that she's probably in need of a nest right now, she'll think of the only place that can offer her one, which is most likely to be at the house. Tae and I will help you search on foot" I hear Jimin from behind me, but I don't answer, I know he doesn't expect me to, not when everything in me is screaming to find her, my energy all going towards that one goal.

Indeed, we eventually find the door that leads to exactly where she was and straight away, the stench of vomit is strong in my nose, eyes easily finding the bile on the ground and my hands clench tightly, because this is proof that she's not well and we lost her.

We lost her and now she's gone and fucking hell, I failed her, I failed her so bad, she needed us the most when she would wake up and I wasn't there with her-

"Pack alpha! Listen to me!" I hear and instantly, the title forces me out of my degrading thoughts and gets my attention, body straightening and attention given to Taehyung who stands firm in front of me, face serious, eyes narrowed in anger, all of it directed at me, but not because he thinks this is my fault, no, it's because right now, I'm not doing a very good job at guiding them, even I can see that.

"We will find her, but you need to pull yourself together. How do you intend to find her like that? Concentrate, you need to be strong, we need you" the beta says and I let his words take place in my soul, because he's right, I need to stop focusing so much on what went wrong and instead on what I can do.

With a quick flick of the thumb, I remove the scent blocker patch from my neck and throw it to the ground before nodding at him and Jimin.

"Thank you, Taehyung, you're right, here's my order. We'll spread out in different directions and search the area carefully, she might not have made it to the house, the streets here are hazardous. Gardens, bushes, trees, heck, even dog houses at this point, check everything, I'm not putting it above her wolf to send her to the nearest safe looking spot, she'll be too scared to think properly. If any of us find her, we let the group chat know, and call me".

They both nod, the reality of my words not one they like, but they know it's possible, that she might have hidden somewhere safe looking, even if it's not and it's terrifying to think about, that she might end up in the wrong hands.

So many people would use her panic against herself and trick her into something bad and I'll die, I'll burn in hell for an eternity before I let that happen.

With nothing else to say on the matter, we take off in different directions, one of them hopefully leading straight to her, but that, we have no way of knowing unless we try.

And so I search, with my heart between my teeth, the pain that fills me whenever I reach one more street without seeing her like a stab to my soul, but still, I don't lose hope, she has to be out there somewhere, waiting for us, right? She has to be.

I let my night vision show me every nook and crannies that I run past, anger at myself increasing with every passing minutes because I should've listened to my guts and stayed behind with her while the others left earlier, I knew one of us should've stayed with her, but I believed her safe, I was so sure that someone would take care of her if she woke up in our absence.

I should've fucking known.

I wipe the anxious tears from my eyes and stop a moment to take in my surroundings, breath loud and short in the otherwise deadly quiet night, chest rising with every lungful of air I take, brain only registering when the burn of my nostrils subsides that perfume of rose that only she will ever have.

At that realization, that I might just have found her, it's like time stops, everything around me coming to a standstill as I run like my life depends on it in the direction of where it comes from, everything in me begging for her to be safe, for her to be fine, because the rain that trails behind the rose is heartbreaking.

How afraid must she be right now for her scent to be that thick and stormy?

I follow the trail like a dog on a hunt, nothing else around me mattering anymore because I need to find her, I need to reach her side and help her, I need to calm her, soothe her. Her wolf must be panicking right now and it needs an alpha to show the path, to show that everything will be fine, that Y/N is safe.

I eventually reach a park for children, with slides and climbing structures and figure out where exactly it is that she must be when I find a hole at the bottom of one of them, a closed space, as much as can be achieved in a playground.

So this is where her wolf made her stop. Children's scents are soft, pure, of course she would have sensed that as safe, she went somewhere where giggles and candies are shared all day long.

I slow down as I near the entrance, her sniffles loud to my ears, they break my very soul, they dip my whole being in a pool of lava, rain so strong that it raises fog all around me, one that makes me blind, lost even within the known environment, it represents exactly how she feels right now.

She is blinded by her fears and she needs a strong wind to clear up the sky, and that I can give her.

"Y/N?" I murmur, hear the way her breath hitches in her throat at the sound of my voice, a stretched sob spilling out of her next that causes me to jump right into the little cabin and thank goodness for my body fitting inside because holy shit, I had a last second scare that I would remain stuck in the narrow hole before I could even reach her.

Right away, my eyes adjust to the overwhelming darkness that surrounds us, not a single light reaching inside and the sight that greets my eyes is worse than any examples my brain could ever come up with.

There will never be any sights worse than her curled up form in the tiny corner away from me, eyes filled with tears seeing me but also not liking that they can see me, I can almost hear her trail of thoughts, her quick breathing making me feel dizzy just hearing it, there's no way she's breathing properly right now.

I kneel in front of her and slowly make my way to her, eyes wary of any signs telling me she could not welcome me near and I make it a point to push out my lavender scent in the hopes of drowning her own, calming pheromones wrapping around her and to my biggest relief, her eyes eventually lose that edge of panic, chin wobbling as she follows my every moves, tension in her frame that she can't seem to let go off no matter how much she wishes she could.

"My sweet baby, such a good omega you are for staying still for me, will you let alpha hug you?" I ask her softly, mind remembering how during the day, my mates conversing as she slept led to how she reacted to praises, to being a good girl, they could feel the purr right there, on the tip of her tongue, yet never enough to slip free of the shackles that were imposed upon her.

My mind unconsciously registered the information as something crucial, knowledge I need for her wellbeing and right now, gosh, I can see that it was the right thing to do because instantly, she nods, body inching closer without any hint of hesitation, like she's begging me to do something, to help her, her mind not quite hers anymore, it's merging with her wolf's, just like a child when they get overwhelmed.

Seeing her wolf trust me that easily, it makes me so proud and so, when I close my arms around her form, when I pull her tightly into my hold and over my lap, when I push her head gently into my neck where my scent is the strongest, I make sure to let her know how I feel, sense the way she melts like chocolate against me, slow but steady.

"Alpha is proud of you, 'mega, such a good girl for alpha" I coo, the simplest form of language used on her because I want to take away any complexity from her mind at the moment, I want her to focus simply on my voice, on her being good, and on me being proud of her.

Titles used, because it's instinctual, it calls to her wolf, and right now, her wolf is the one that needs the most calming down, it's awakening in a world it doesn't know, it needs to hear that this world is safe, Y/N is safe and it calming down will in turn help her calm down.

I feel her nose slide against my scent gland and I sigh in relief, the comfort it brings me incomparable to how I felt just a second ago. It's like she's physically taking all my anger, all my anxiety, all my feelings of failure and guilt and throwing them far, far away from me.

I found her, she's here, in my arms, I didn't fail her, safe, true mate is now safe, with me. Thank god.

I cradle her closer, pheromones naturally working to bring her into a comfortable daze to incite her to scent me more, to bath herself into my lavender, the way her scent softens into a feather rain sign of an over-scenting but right now, this is what I want, what I need for her because it will help her.

The less she can think at the moment, the better, just until I can bring her back to safety, home, I need to bring her home, nowhere else.

The hospital's staffs have shown me that I cannot trust them, Jin is a good doctor, he will be enough and right now, no one will be able to change my mind. We will keep a close eye on her ourselves and it is where we will take care of her until she recovers.

"Such a perfect 'mega for me, alpha is proud, so proud" I muse and with each words I say, I feel her melt some more until she becomes completely soft and unresponsive, languid strokes of her cheek against my throat eventually coming to a full stop as she hits a scent high that pushes her right into a scent-sleep, the last of her resistance gone as I squeeze her tighter against me.

I feel bad for pushing her that far when she doesn't even understand what it is that I just did, but it makes it easier for me because I don't want to explain to her everything that occurred in a playground park, especially not when she's so sensitive to every changes, nothing soothing for her within reach.

She deserves to hear the truth somewhere where she can retreat and still be safe.

It is hard to do, so hard because all of me wants to focus on all of her, but remembering about how my mates are still looking for her, still anxious, I force myself to let go of her with one arm to reach into my pocket for my phone, then make it to the group chat to let everyone know that I have her with me, that's she's now asleep after I pushed her into a forced sleep.

Instantly, Jin, Taehyung and Hoseok message back asking for our current location and instead of answering with words, I share my location with them before settling my phone down besides me, nose meeting her hair, her now sleepy rain easing my mind of the last of its nerves.

I will have much to explain when she wakes up again and I'm not looking forward to that, but to know that she will be in a nest at the house with the seven of us near, it makes me feel so much better about it.

She will remember what happened with me here, she will see and hear everything a lot more clearly and she won't understand any of it, which is to be expected, her wolf was pretty much overruling her after all, her reaction to my arrival earlier wasn't really hers, not fully.

Omega, the simple use of this term towards her will be enough to shock her, it will answer the changes occurring to her all by itself, but it will bring even more questions.

We're not out of the woods just yet. Far from it.

I'm curious to know how you guys like this story so far! Am I doing good with the scents/wolf/explanation up to now? Anything you guys don't understand that should be understood at this point?

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