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Honestly, all of this chapter is Yoongi's POV lmao, but I like it, we get to see how he feels about himself and his position within the pack a little more, it explains his character a bit better!

I also want to say that the concept for the scent-sleep has been created by yours truly, so again, if by the end you have questions, let me know! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Yoongi's POV

"I just called with the doctor responsible of her at the hospital, he apologizes for what happened and will punish the nurses appropriately since things could have been a lot worse than they were. He's given me a list of things to look out for her, but I already expected most of them, she'll be staying here unless complications arise".

I turn to Jin as he tucks his phone into his pocket with a tired glow to his face, that was a long conversation after all, he must have been talking with the man for over an hour now, and he doesn't look like he stayed quiet, if the red sticking to his skin is anything to go by.

The man must have gotten an earful from our omega, with good reason.

He comes to sit next to me and cuddles right into my arms, his body heavy with exhaustion, we can all feel it, his mint faded, like that leaf has been out for too long and lost of its freshness, so I nuzzle the scent gland on his throat to coax it out, lather him in my own chocolate, minty chocolate, the only version Namjoon can tolerate.

The others are quiet and drooping on their seats spread around in the living room, Taehyung and Hoseok cuddled together, Almonds and apple pie while Jungkook cuddles into Namjoon's side, his baby powder turning into the scent of detergent, lavender baby powder.

And Jimin, well he's laying on his back on the floor, his cinnamon spicy to the nose, he's still processing the shock we all experienced upon having to search for her earlier, his wolf still growling at the fear we felt from possibly not finding her, or finding her hurt, wounded, which luckily didn't happen.

After finding Namjoon at the location he had shared with us in the group chat, the both of them hidden in one of the playground's structures, his arms locked tightly around her, the sight of her passed out form enough to have my heart twisting in worry, we helped him step out of the tight little hideout, his body millimeters away from being too big to fit and right into one of the cars with her still cradled to him.

There was no taking her away from him at that moment, not when he had pushed her to an incredibly vulnerable state.

He was responsible of her security and even as his mates, even as her true mates, we were not him, he would not settle with anyone else but him and his wolf, he had to protect her of potential threat, his instincts screaming that if he had to force her into a scent-sleep to begin with, it was because danger was close.

Once sure that we were all buckled in, our group separated to fit in the two cars, we headed straight back home since our pack alpha wanted nothing to do with the hospital again.

In his words, they were incompetent and he would not have her remain with people who couldn't keep a close eye on her.

I had worried over the idea because if the doctor wanted her to stay at the hospital for the week, it was because her state could aggravate, maybe without us noticing anything, but Jin had assured me that it would be fine and so, we'd all listened without saying a word, our trust for our pack mates stronger than the sun itself.

The drive went in silence, my head always turning back to stare at her, to make sure that she was fine, Namjoon's gaze also locked on her face, he wouldn't stop until she'd be into a nest because scent caused sleeps can be tricky, there's no knowing when the wolf will wake up again, nor in what state we'll find them when they do wake up. It's a complex thing, not to be used lightly.

An alpha privilege, yet it scares me, such a power that we have over the weak, the impact we can have on them because of what we believe to be better, sometimes without waiting for their opinion, without taking the time to hear how they view our actions.

I know Namjoon didn't do that with the mindset of taking from her to harm her, he could never do that, yet it still doesn't change what he did. He will have to explain to us why he forced her into a scent-sleep, and if his cause isn't good enough, Jin, as the eldest but also as a doctor, will punish him accordingly.

To use the power your second gender gives you in the wrong way, it's important to understand what went wrong to avoid doing it again and to Jin, that's very important. He might be omega, but his dominant trait makes him brave enough to face our pack alpha and if he knows he's in the right, then dominating him will not happen.

That's Jin's secret omega power, one his sub-gender normally cannot have, to resist the strength of an alpha voice, but only if required. Jin too needs to have a good reason to avoid submitting, else he would have to be punished, as breaking the balance is a crime in itself, seen from the society.

Omegas submit, alphas control and betas watch over to keep the balance from leaning to one side more than the other.

It's how it should be, but we're not as hung up on the rules as most packs are. We thrive on respect, we want each of our mates to be themselves, to feel safe no matter the sub-gender, there are just limits to avoid breaching and for that, rules are important.

Once we made it back at the house, Taehyung, Hoseok and Jin went right on the task of building her the best nest they could manage for now in her room, light hints of our scents added, nothing too drastic because we didn't know how sensitive she is to scents yet and overwhelming her was the last thing we wanted for her.

It's going to be complicated enough as it is for her, she doesn't needed added sensorial distractions just because we want to drown her in our scents, that's not what she needs at the moment.

And that brings us back to now, in the living room where we've been waiting for an hour in silence, and gosh, it feels as if time is going way too slow. After all that happened, adrenaline is still coursing through my veins, as if my brain hasn't registered yet that Y/N is now safe, in her room, in a nest where her instincts can be soothed.

With Jin safely cuddled into my chest, I turn my attention to Namjoon, the pack alpha's eyes staring a hole into the floor, thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of his other hand, his lavender tea over-diluted, like it's lost its identity.

I can tell that he has a lot on his mind, a lot on his shoulders, because what he did, it probably won't make things any easier for us when she'll wake up.

"That was risky, forcing her into a scent-sleep, Namjoon-ah" I start, hear his small sigh as his shoulders drop, he knows that, of course he does, the downcast eyes meeting mine telling me that he's been thinking about it since it happened.

"I know, hyung, but I couldn't do things any differently, she was distressed and scared. When I saw her crawled and shrinking form in the corner of the tiny space, I could see in her eyes that it was mostly her wolf on the surface and you know how it is the first time, the merge of both minds can be hard and confusing.

She already didn't understand anything that was going on and her environment wasn't appropriate for such an important process, she needed a break. I wanted to bring her to safety as soon as possible, I couldn't think about anything else but that" he explains, to which we all remain silent, processing his words.

We weren't there when he found her, we don't know how bad it was for her, but if he's saying that her wolf had surfaced... then maybe he really did the best he could, even if that included forcing her into unconsciousness.

"Still... she's going to be mad... even if she doesn't understand what took place or how, she'll remember the experience as if we'd forcefully buried her underground" Jungkook mumbles and we fall silent again, Namjoon's head bent down in shame because he knows that too, he knows.

But then he's sitting up straighter, eyes falling on us, hooded and tired and the scold that was flourishing on the tip of my tongue dies, because nothing that we could tell him right now would be new to him. He's fully aware of the impact this might cause, to her and to us.

A broken bond because of fear would break my heart, my very soul, but I would totally understand. She was weak, vulnerable and then, suddenly, an alpha goes to her and forces her into a state that she had not chosen, not agreed to? I wouldn't be happy in her place.

The first rule to follow for any alpha thinking about inducing scent-sleep is to always ask for consent from the omega in question.

The second rule, if consent cannot be gained for one reason or another, is that the alpha must seek forgiveness and make it up to the omega once they awaken from scent-sleep.

Not apologizing and avoiding the omega allows the pack to punish for the sake of said omega.

I doubt we'll have to make it that far, Namjoon will follow the rules, he would never forgive himself otherwise.

"You're right, and I will take full responsibility for the consequences of my actions. I maintain that it was for the best, there was too much going on for her. The way back home would've been too hard on her and I didn't have anything to make her a temporary nest, which was more than needed.

It's not like I took pleasure in taking the easy way out when there were other choices available to me, I did it so that when she wakes up again, she can be somewhere she knows, somewhere safe. If she decides to hide, she'll still be here and that, to me, is worth more than anything in this world. I'm not having her run out into the unknown crying again while half naked again".

I nod slowly, eyes falling on my hands intertwined with Jin's as I process his words.

That's why Namjoon is the best pack alpha out of the two of us.

The ability to make hard decisions, it's something I can't do as well as him. Sometimes, actions have to be made and to live with the consequences that they bring... I'm not suited for that, nor is Jungkook. We're both too soft, puppy alphas is what our mates like to call us.

Jimin is more on par with Namjoon, more dominant even though he doesn't always act like it, but none of us can quite reach our pack alpha's level, he's one of a kind, that's for sure. Not just within our pack but in the entire community.

I work better as a support, I will soothe on the side, I will reassure and love, but I can't be the one making life altering decisions, that's just not for me. I will if I really have to, but I've never handled too well the power that being alpha brings.

In my mind, I'm not any stronger than an omega, I'm just as weak, no matter what my title may say about me.

I'm easily manipulated, guilt-tripped and malleable. My family took advantage of that so often and even though my parents were betas, my older brother too, they had full control over me because even if I'm an alpha, I'm more of a submissive one. Submitting isn't hard for me, I don't feel the need to fight for dominance.

I honestly would've done a better omega than I do an alpha. Y/N and I... it feels like we should have taken the other's role. She'd do a much better job than me as an alpha, she's bright and kind, everyone would love her and look up to her.

Instead, she gets shoved aside and people look down on her as if they're staring at an ant, and that was her as a human, how will it change when they see her as an omega?

I dearly hope that her learning about her being an omega won't make her build walls around herself, she can still be strong and confident, she should never feel like she has to cower in front of stranger alphas and that's something we'll have to teach her, something that will probably be hard for her.

Hoseok sighs and looks up at us with soft eyes, no strength left to fully think about such complicated things when it's the middle of the night, two sleepless days behind us, it's easy to see what he's going to say.

"We should push the matter aside for now and eat something before heading to sleep, we haven't eaten anything in hours and we need all our energy if we want to take care of her well" he murmurs and the truth of his words make me aware of the empty feeling in my stomach, the hunger that I have been ignoring until now because there was just no time to eat, nor did I feel like it.

"We should leave something by her bed too" I think aloud, soul naturally going to her, to her comfort, would she be hungry too? She technically hasn't eaten anything for longer than all of us now, nothing physical anyway.

"I'll make some fruit muffins with a healthy twist, she might not be able to eat anything too big for now so they should do the trick, it's going to be easier to eat for her" Taehyung decides as he stands up from his seat with Hoseok and to that, Jin lets out a sad laugh, his memory of her banter about becoming a muffin in her next life immediately coming back to mind.

"If she was in her right state of mind and with us right now, she would probably say something about how she's seeing first-hand what's going to happen to her in her next life as a stupid muffin and that she should respect them more because she wouldn't want people to take her muffin self for granted" he muses softly, face hiding in my neck to deeply breathe in my scent, his tears clinging to his eyes and rolling down my skin.

I kiss his temple, arms clenching tightly around him and Jimin jumps off the floor to come snuggling into his other side, arms like vines around our omega as he reaches the latter's own scent gland with his lips, cinnamon wrapping around his mint and the others smile lightly at the sight of the three of us, as our omega relaxes slightly into two alphas' hold, soothed by our scents and pheromones.

I meet eyes with Jimin and when he nods at me, a silent promise that he'll take care of him, I untangle myself from Jin's grip, help him towards the other alpha before reaching the others to the dining table as Hoseok and Taehyung quickly whip up something in the kitchen, just enough to be considered a snack, nothing that will upset the stomach too much.

Even for a snack, Hoseok's food is always so divinely tempting, the smell enough to have all of us salivate, but even when I end up with a plate in front of me, I can't focus much on eating, not when she's currently alone in her room, all by herself, her body hungry and tired.

I just want to be near her, I want to observe her, make sure that she's breathing well, that she's not in pain, that she's warm, the blankets still around her, did she move around and end up exposed to the cold air? It's making me feel uneasy, not knowing how she's doing right now.

I must not do a very good job at pretending like I'm fine because soon, Jungkook is nudging my side and smiling softly at me when I turn my gaze to him.

"You can go join her hyung, I'm sure she would love to have you near when she wakes up, your presence is really soothing, she could do with some gentleness that doesn't require words and touch".

His words have our pack looking up at me and when they nod encouragingly, I don't wait to hear more before I'm leaving the table and going straight to her room, anxious to be near her, as they all are, but it makes me happy to hear from them that they believe me good enough to be near her at the moment.

I reach the end of the corridor and slowly open her door, make sure to be quiet as I step inside before shutting it just as quietly, not willing to wake her up, and the next thing I know, her rain and roses fill my lungs instantly, such a comforting combination for my soul.

Rainy roses, it's now officially my favorite scent, that thought makes me smile to myself. My mates' scents are second to hers and to be honest, I don't even feel bad about it, I'm sure they feel the same way.

I start relaxing as I walk further into the dark room, content to be near her again but when I turn towards the bed, when I see her eyes set on me from the middle of the nest, a really fluffy one that shows just how worried my mates were, I freeze, mind blanking of anything I could possibly say to her.

Well shit.

"You're awake" I let out stupidly, both happy about it because I missed talking with her and anxious about it because heck, I wasn't expecting to find her awake, I thought we had a couple of hours in front of us to plan.

Still, her scent is oddly... calm, neutral even, it doesn't lean to one side more than the other, it's just... rain.

It reminds me of when I had joined her out of the parlour after her call with her mother, when her scent went from angry and upset to that same neutrality in a second, that had left me concerned about her state.

The same applies now and it worries me, that she might be burying her emotions once more. Clearly, she's aware of everything, she remembers, I can see it in her eyes, yet she hasn't opened her mouth, she remains quiet, just... staring at me.

I want to join her in her nest so much, I want to hug her and apologize, for what she's gone through, for what she's going through, for what's to come, but I know better than to act on it.

I've never been one to act upon my instincts without being sure that I'm allowed to and right now, I don't believe that she would like me coming too close, so I instead head for the chair at her desk and pull it over and in front of the bed before sitting down to face her.

"How do you feel, dear? Do you need me to bring you anything? Are you hungry maybe? Thirsty?" I ask her, anything to hear her voice, but she doesn't say anything, her expression doesn't change, nor does her scent and it's starting to make me uneasy, soul twisting because that's not how any of us had expected her to behave once she would wake up.

"Your scent... it really does smell like rum when you're upset" she murmurs and it takes me aback, her voice sounds so... it is not like her usual brightness, it breaks my heart.

"Please honey, tell me how you feel right now, your scent... it worries me. You remember what happened with Namjoon at the playground? What he said to you? What he called you?" I try again, she spoke once, maybe she'll keep going but instead, I watch as she curls up deeper into the nest, blankets and pillows pulled closer to her body to hide slightly, it makes a whine build slowly in the back of my throat.

Her scent doesn't match with what she seeks at the moment, which is comfort, safety, she's obviously hiding her emotions behind a thick wall and we won't be going anywhere that way.

"He called me omega. Called me a good omega" she eventually whispers and I nod at her, watch as her face morphs in turmoil, fingers gripping onto the blankets for any kind of respite she can find. "Was he saying the truth? Am I really... an omega?".

I don't miss the sadness in her voice, like the idea of it isn't pleasing her at all and honestly, I understand why, I really do, but at the same time, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, the possibility that she might not like that reality, because she can't avoid it, no matter how hard she might try.

"Do you remember that night when Jin came back from work, his panic over you?" I ask her, watch as she nods slowly.

"I do, but only until the point where you lead him to the pack nest. After that... it's blank, I just remember being in pain" she admits, words that have me clenching my hands, guilt coming back to the surface even though I know that things wouldn't have been much different in the end.

I still left her alone, but now is not about me, it's about her.

"Well, when Jin asked for you, we left the nest to go find you but... when we saw you on the floor... you had blood all over you, Y/N. We all freaked out, Namjoon called an ambulance and the next thing we knew, we were spending the night staring at the door of the emergency room, waiting for any news on you. It's only when morning came that we finally heard about your state".

Her eyes widen at my words, her mind finding it hard to believe that such a thing could have happened without her remembering any of it, but maybe it's better that way. She seemed to be suffering terribly, she doesn't need to remember that.

"What... what happened to me, Yoongi? Why..." she doesn't complete her sentence, doesn't know how to, but she doesn't need to because I know exactly what she wants to know.

How did she end up being classified as an omega all of a sudden.

"I... I think I should go get the others for that, honey, it's... it's not easy to explain" I offer, wishing she could let me get at least Jin, he would explain so much better than I would but she's quickly shaking her head, eyes looking hesitant about seeing the others yet, it's painful to see.

"Just tell me, I can take it. Did it have anything to do with the pills my parents made me take?".

How sad is it that she so easily believes her parents behind such a terrible thing.

I inhale deeply to calm myself, mind processing just how I feel more upset about this all than she does, it feels so abnormal, unnatural. It's impossible that she can take this all so well, no poker face is completely free of emotions, they usually hide a storm within but her scent tells me nothing, it's truly upsetting.

"Jin mentioned that you told him they had taken you somewhere when you were eight, you had gotten sick at that time?". She nods slowly, eyes filling with recognition, she can see where this is going.

"Well... it seems that the doctor there would have drugged you. Gave you a poison made to kill one's wolf, it's been illegal for a long time now but... they somehow got their hands on it. The drug wasn't strong enough to actually kill your wolf but... it's been fighting to survive until now. The pills were actually an antidote, so that the poison wouldn't kill you. They had to... they had to change your whole blood, Y/N, it was the only way to get the poison out of your system" I explain, unsure of myself, watch as she sinks into the nest, face unresponsive as her eyes lock onto the ceiling, like she's just giving up on everything.

It's the last thing I can take without being near her and I stand up quickly from the chair to reach the side of her bed, one last hesitation keeping me from jumping right in, but then her eyes fall on me again, some vulnerability seeping in before she scoots aside, a wordless invitation that has my soul melting with relief.

I carefully slide into the nest and under the blankets, then wrap my arms around her, a content sigh finally leaving my lips when she snuggles in close, hesitant in the way she breathes in my scent, it's so new for her, but I encourage her with a low purr, to show her that it pleases me and she eventually rests her face in my neck, steady breathing that sounds simple, but actually fills her with my chocolate.

I wish I could show her how to scent properly, but I figure one thing at a time will be better and for now, this is more than enough, this proximity between the two of us.

From the first time I met her, I had that urge to hug her, so many times I just wanted to pull her in close and make her smell like me, so to finally be allowed that, how could I ever complain?

"What will happen now, Yoongi? How... I mean... I don't know much about wolves, except for what we get taught at school, how... this... Now I can see in the dark, I can smell your scent, and I love it, really, but it's- my brain keeps telling me that it shouldn't be a thing and it's making me dizzy just trying to process it all-" I shush her gently, a hand going to comb through her hair, her worry heavy on my nose, it must be so overwhelming, something so personal and new that is currently changing the way her body had always functioned until now.

"We'll help you, okay? We'll go slow and steady, we'll teach you what you need to know, one thing at a time. For now, your wolf will start to wake up, it already has so you'll start getting those instincts, those wolf particularities that the drug was blocking, things you've already started experiencing, a few of them that are serving right now.

Smelling scents, seeing in the dark, a need for nesting and scenting, you'll always find a little something hidden in a corner, something you didn't even know was a thing and it will feel weird at first, it's new for you, and your wolf doesn't know much of the world either, it's going to be a lot of adjustments for the both of you, but everything will be alright, we'll be right here with you. You're not alone" I tell her, needing her to know that and she nods slowly, relieved by my reassurance.

"Okay... thank you Yoongi, really. I wasn't getting anywhere all by myself earlier, you came in just when I was starting to give up comprehending it all" she admits and I hum, cheek rubbing against the crown of her head, the slightest hint of my scent transferring to her. I'm sure she must have tried really hard to understand with the little she knew.

"I... can I ask you a question?" she asks after a little minute of silence, to which I nod, fingers still gentle as they caress her hair, anything for her.

"Namjoon... when he found me in the playground... I... I'm not sure I liked what took place there, Yoongi. I felt really... not myself to begin with, there was that whimper in my head that wouldn't stop no matter how hard I begged for it and when I saw him, it's like I lost all control of my body. I... I enjoyed his warmth, don't get me wrong.

His lavender tea was really soothing, not as strong as the flower itself, it felt comforting being in his arms, but I- I'm so embarrassed Yoongi, the way I rubbed my nose into his neck, and the way I felt as if I was being pushed underwater too, I felt so heavy, like something was forcing my emotions to settle against my will, it felt a little like drowning even if I was breathing, I didn't like that at all".

How sweet of her to admit this in such a delicate way.

"Hmmm... let's see. First of all, you mentioned that whimper, right? That would be your wolf. It doesn't happen often but once the merge takes place properly, you will sometimes be able to hear its thoughts in your mind. It will be confusing for you because it's new, but you'll get used to it, don't worry.

As for your body not being in your control anymore, that's a reaction that any young wolves usually go through. Since your emotions were overwhelming you, your wolf registered them as harmful, so it would have tried to go to the surface to lead you somewhere safe because you were unable to make that decision yourself.

Its intentions are pure, your well being will always come first, but since the merge isn't complete, since it's so... inexperienced, it comes a little messy, it surely didn't want to push you back the way it did, it just didn't know how else to behave" I start explaining to her and she remains quiet, but her rain turns a little sharp, like a bigger cloud getting near and pouring a heavy load of rain on us.

It has me pushing out my scent to calm her down, pheromones to soothe her emotions and she tenses a little, that feeling that she isn't used to, the one she mentioned having felt from Namjoon coming back to her senses, although not as intense as what he made her go through to provoke the scent-sleep.

"As for this, it's a wolf's instinctual reaction to soothe a fellow wolf, pack or mate. We push out our scents because we want to take off the focus of your own upset, which wouldn't help you to relax. As for that blanket you might feel over your mind right now, the one that forces your emotions in a direction that you haven't chosen, it's the pheromones acting to try and soothe you. It's... hard to explain really, but...

It's more like guiding your emotions on a calming path more than controlling them. It's more of an alpha thing, really, but betas and omegas can also release pheromones to try and help, although it will be weaker than mine or Jimin's for example. We see you feeling unstable, on the verge of panic, so we push them out to try and keep the panic at bay, to keep you away from the edge of the cliff.

The reason why it felt so uncomfortable with Namjoon is because he pushed it further than I am right now. You were in an environment that wasn't suitable to recover, your situation wasn't a regular one, you were facing senses that scared you, there was no nest possible for you that he could make, so his first reflex was to push you into a scent-sleep by having you become over-scented.

It's something all alphas try to avoid as much as possible, there are rules to follow on the matter, it's not... right to use. It's not like scruffing, scruffing feels like a reset, you would become completely powerless in his hold but you would remain conscious. A scent-sleep is lulling you into a deep state of unconsciousness, it keeps you from reacting to what happens next, keeps you unaware of what follows.

The only reason why he made that decision is because he wanted to bring you back home, he wanted to bring you to a safe nest, somewhere secure without you having to continually get overwhelmed by every single senses that were bothering you. His wolf decided that if you were unconscious, then you wouldn't suffer. It wasn't a decision to make lightly, he's not happy about it, but he did it for you, because he knew that the road back home would've brought back your panic".

It's a long explanation, I'm throwing a lot of information her way, but she takes it all like a good omega, her soft nods when she understands helping me to know that I'm making sense, and the way her scent finally softens, not anymore in that neutral ground but back to that fuzzy lightness, her body losing that tension in her muscles, I smile to myself, proud that I could be useful after all.

"I understand, and with the way you explained it, I'm glad that he did it, even though it still wasn't fun. Waking up here, in a nest... it felt good, it made me feel better than when I woke up at the hospital. Thank you for taking the time to inform me, Yoongi".

Her words, her lighter voice, they both have my purr gaining in strength, and that in itself brings a soothing effect to her, my dark chocolate oozing out of me in thick waves and causing her to slowly rub her nose against my scent gland, an act that has me bringing a hand to the back of her head to keep her there, instincts loving that natural contact from my true mate.

"You said that your scent is dark chocolate, right?" she asks all of a sudden and I nod, Jungkook did say that that first day at the tattoo parlour, gosh, it feels like that was ages ago.

"Then why can I smell honey too?".

I pause for a moment before relaxing again, my purrs doubling even more if at all possible, wolf beaming from her words because thank goodness, she can smell it too, she can smell me as her true mate.

If her wolf recognizes me as one, it will recognize the rest of the pack too. The guys will be relieved when they learn that.

Still, I can't possibly explain that one all by myself, no matter how much she begs for it.

"We should wait until everyone is here for that one, honey, it's... a sensitive matter" I tell her and to that, she pulls back slightly, scent turning worried, eyebrows scrunching in concern. "Is it something bad? Is it proof that I'm not normal? I was always a weird human, I guess it would make sense-"

I stop her with a grin and a finger to her lips, pleased when a small blush creeps onto her cheeks.

"Nothing bad, honey. It's good. We're happy about it, we're not so sure how you will react though, but it's not bad" I assure her and she nods softly, meeting my gaze eventually making her bashful from being so close when she hides her face back in my neck.

I chuckle and hum deeply as I hug her tightly, the comfort of the nest that smells like her making my wolf want to roll into it to add more of my scent for the ultimate perfection, something I would never do in her presence, obviously, but I wouldn't be above doing that in her absence.


The others' scents are too soft too, you barely notice them, it doesn't compare in any way to the pack nest where they are heavy, and now missing one. They went easy on her, that much is certain.

"Do you think you could come with me to the dining room so we can make you eat something? Or at least something to drink, I could make you a tea? Or hot milk? Hobi made good food earlier, you would love it" I ask her, hoping she could agree and come with me if I coax her with his food, but when I feel her tense, I kiss the top of her head to assure her that it's fine too if she doesn't.

"You don't have to. Take your time. I can bring you something to bed if you want?" I offer instead, but she shakes her head, her yawn letting me know that she'd rather sleep, the answers she got probably easing her mind enough to remind her of her exhaustion.

"I think I'll just sleep, Yoongi, but thank you for offering, and... thank you for... well for explaining all this to me. I'll sleep on it for now, I think it'll help my mind to process it all some more, then I can see the others in the morning".

I nod, seeing where she's going with that. Sleeping on it would definitely not be a bad thing considering how much I told her.

"Alright. I'll stay with you until you fall asleep then, can I do that?" I ask her and she nods quickly, her frame cuddling up to me some more, obviously happy with the prospect, it makes me grin from ear to ear, heart and soul giddy to feel her like that.

I would've thought it would be harder to make it to cuddles with her, but awakening her wolf seems to be throwing the doubts she would normally get right out of the window, her need for comfort overwhelming her rational mind.

I doubt it's going to last though, so unless we explain soon to her who she is to us, she's going to start over-thinking this moment and the last thing I want is her regretting hugging me like that.

She's not making me cheat on my mates, because she's theirs as well as she's mine. I really hope she'll take it well when we do end up telling her. I'll have to let the others know, we can't push it back for too long.

"Goodnight, Yoongi" she murmurs after making herself comfortable and I hum, eyes shutting as I rest my cheek into her hair, the scent of a rose garden surrounding me, soft droplets of rain accompanying me into sleep with her.

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