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I grow aware of a soft caress to my cheek first.

Gentle, slow, warm, it makes me lean into the touch, yet by doing so, I also get to smell a breeze of honey and dark chocolate, sweetened, rich bitterness that calls to me, that fills all of me, calming to my soul, like my place is right here and nowhere else.

On a hunt for more of the scent, I scoot forward until my nose meets the source and the breeze I get becomes stronger, bees flying around me, their hive somewhere near, have they been gathering chocolate too? Gosh, it smells divine, makes me long for a taste.

It's all I can think about, to taste this scent that is sending my mind on a warm adventure and when I end up licking the source, it's an explosion that sends me to a tiny island in the middle of nowhere, a place where grow cocoa trees, where beehives thrive, I can taste the bitter sweetness on my tongue and it's a magical taste, one that shouldn't exist, yet it does, right here.

And then the ground starts trembling and I pause as my mind eventually registers that it's not an earthquake, but purring.

Unrestrained. Heavy. Purring.

I open my eyes, find myself face to face with a throat and it hits me right there, that I'm still cuddling with Yoongi and holy shit, I just licked his throat-

Fucking hell, oh crap, oh my gosh-

Soul immediately growing ashamed and sickeningly embarrassed, heart pumping blood in a hurry to help me flee, I push myself away from him and out of the nest without even trying to explain myself and then take off to the only second safe space I can think of at the moment, which reveals itself to be the bathroom.

Yoongi's shocked calls of my name are not enough to stop me in my track as I open and lock the door behind me before sitting down against it, head between my hands as I try to calm the frenzy of my heart, mind buzzing with humiliation, my rain overwhelming even to me, it's suffocating me, thunder groaning in the distance, a storm well on its way.

I really did it again, I can't believe I did that to him too. First Namjoon, now him? What the hell is wrong with me?

"Honey, please, it's okay honey, step out of the bathroom, will you? Let me explain to you what just happened, it's totally normal, I promise you" Yoongi begs on the other side, his panicked voice getting the attention of the others as they all hurry over but I can't face him, nor can I face the others, not yet, I can't, I'm too embarrassed.

"It's okay hyung, I'll take care of her. Don't look up, sweet rose, I'm stepping out of the shower" a deep voice states and I freeze, hands squeezing over my eyes with renewed strength because things are just getting worse and worse, I can't believe I came in when Taehyung was showering.

Apple pie, warm and right out of the oven, apples fresh of the day, it's like the chocolates he gave me last time, but a thousand times better, and just like with Yoongi, honey, strong yet mellow, it's like it's drizzling all over the pie to bring out the flavor of the baked apples and damn it, I'm already salivating, I feel like I'm in the kitchen where everywhere I look, apple pies as far as the eye can see.

"I'm getting dressed, give me a little moment, okay? Don't go anywhere, stay right where you are" he informs me, his voice infused with demand and I can't help but nod, the small order in his tone making me displeased about the thought of disobeying him.

Did he use his beta voice on me? I can't believe it's working... it only serves to confirm even more that I am indeed not human, never was to begin with. How more messed up can my life get? Do I really want to know?

I wait right at the foot of the door, immobile as I listen to his low humming, clearly an attempt to take me off the edge as he wears his clothes, the clinking of his belt as he secures it around his hip filling the room and when he's done, I hear him walk over to me, his scent getting nearer until he's crouching in front of me, hands gentle as they take my arms to pull away from my face.

I keep my eyes closed, not willing to face the world beyond my dark lids yet, not willing to find his eyes on me, it would only bring me back to what I just did, realization that I spent the night in his mate's arms before literally licking the scent out of him hitting me, guilt oozing out of me in strong, thick waves of storm.

Is that what it means to be an omega? Am I going to go around licking every scents I like like a fucking animal?

I pinch my lips tightly at that thought, tears going to cling onto my lashes in shame, because this is worse than I thought, I don't want this, don't want these instincts, it was easier as a human, so much easier.

"Sweet rose, look at me, please?" Taehyung murmurs but I shake my head, arms pulling to bring back over my face but his grip is strong, almost painful as he resists letting go of me and I whine in the back of my throat, not knowing how to handle this, how to handle myself and my emotions, I truly hate this.

"Leave me alone" I whimper out, tears flowing down my cheeks and when he has yet to release me, a sob that was building in the back of my throat seeps out, soul so ashamed, how can I pretend like what I did wasn't disgusting? Who the fuck licks throats like it's a darned meal?

"Oh baby rose, it's okay, come here" Taehyung sighs softly before pulling me over him as he takes my place, back against the door and I have no strength to resist him, face hiding into his chest while his arms close around me as I cry, emotions needing to be let out, no matter what they are, just... out, all of them, they feel so heavy on my heart.

He rocks the both of us softly, his voice humming out a song I don't know, it sounds like a lullaby, it has a calming rhythm to it, Taehyung's body heat around me, hot and right out of the shower, a light smell of shampoo and body soap reaching my nose, so comforting as my soul takes it all in, all that he gives me.

A gentle weight eventually settles over me and I seem to calm down faster than I normally would, mind only then processing that it must be pheromones, that's what Yoongi had called them, right?

It's not that strong, very light, but it's reassuring and soon, my crying fades into light sniffles, hands gripping the sleeve of his arm, I let go immediately when I notice that.

"I-I'm fine now" I blurt out before attempting to get off him, I can't go and cuddle all of them like that, it's not my place and I don't want him, nor any of them for that matter, to feel like they have to go along with that just to comfort me but he shakes his head and tightens his hold around me to keep me still.

"Don't worry, I want you here, I enjoy holding you" he assures me, how he knew what my worry was is above me but I allow myself to relax a little, just for now.

"Want to tell me what happened for you to run away from Yoongi hyung? Did he do something to you that displeased you?".

I quickly shake my head, head raising and eyes meeting his in shock, I don't want him to believe that Yoongi did anything wrong, never, he was the sweetest when he took care of me, when he explained everything and him staying with me all night, I trust him enough to know that he didn't do anything inappropriate, he must have been just as tired as I was.

"No! Yoongi could never, it's- I- I did" I admit before hiding back into his chest, not willing to go anywhere near his neck where his scent is so attractive, nose and soul longing for more, I don't trust myself to not do it again, it would horrify me if I did, yet there's no denying the pull that his scent has on me, just like Yoongi's scent did.

I want to roll into it and it's ridiculous, the way I can feel a part of me stirring and begging to act on it, something I resist with all of my strength because who the heck does that? Do wolves even do that or is it me being a broken one?

He hums softly, a hand to my back slowly rubbing soothing circles onto it, no pushing me to continue, he knows I will talk, at my own pace, myself unaware that my scent is currently telling him everything he needs to know, the strong chocolate merging with my rain, a sea of dark chocolate only possible if I scented him, if I coaxed out huge waves of it, enough to have it stick to me like glue.

"I... I woke up to his scent being so strong, Taehyung... I didn't know what I was doing, it just happened... the next thing I knew, I was..." it's hard to say, hard to admit, the word itself feels like a slap to the face, a knife to my ego, to my pride, I did something so low, but I can't run away from it forever, I'll have to face my mistake and apologize at some point, right?

"I licked his throat like a stupid dog".

My... my wolf... it did the same to Namjoon too, and I wish I could blame this on it again, but this time, I can't because it was fully me, I was in control of my body, although the instincts drove me to act.

"I see. So you think you did something bad?" Taehyung asks me and I nod my head, of course I did, it was disgusting, Yoongi should be disgusted by me, why didn't he push me away?

"Do you want me to show you what exactly it is that you did to him? How you made him feel?".

Huh? What the heck is he talking about?

I look up at his words, confused, but he makes use of that opportunity to grip onto my hair, not too rough, just enough to pull my head back so that my throat is exposed to him and my heart starts beating wildly in my chest, his eyes on me piercing, observant of my reaction before they disappear, his wet hair grazing against my skin giving me shivers just as his lips meet my throat before he sticks his tongue out and-

It feels like fireworks exploding in my whole soul, my scent spilling out of me like a flood, storm fading away instantly because of the way I melt in his hold, every single worries I had gone like spring snow, chocolate rain picking up on an additional sweetness with his apples, it's becoming a festival in the rain, where you can find stands under dripping roofs, people gathering to eat with happy smiles instead of whining because it simply adds to the atmosphere, it freshens the air, it cleans the lungs - the festival is still a success.

A strange vibration starts being felt from deep within my body, so weak, a foreign feeling that my mind barely registers as weird through the daze that Taehyung is pushing onto me, my insides warm, soul melting with each strokes of his tongue onto my skin, scents spilling out again and again and drowning the entire room we are in without restraint because this feels right, this feels... good.

He stops after a little while, not wishing to go too far, he just wanted to show me, to give me a taste of what I gave his hyung, and at seeing the glowing contentment in my eyes when he pulls back, he smiles gently, a low purr building in his chest before he's pushing my head back against it, fingers soft as they massage my scalp where he pulled my hair, eager to soothe the skin even though it didn't hurt.

It takes me a short moment to pull myself together, body soft like pudding and muscles as if they lost years of stress, all my tension gone, it's a state of comfort, being in Taehyung's arms warm and perfect, I could stay here forever.

I breathe in deeply, notice how my scent got so thick in the air that it now literally sticks to his skin, our scents now the exact same, no more distinction to be had if not for his honey, one that remains his only, just like Yoongi.

"So? Did it make you feel bad?" Taehyung asks as if he didn't just lather my neck with his saliva and I hesitate before shaking my head, unable to use my voice right now, it feels shaky, unstable, I don't trust it.

It certainly didn't feel as bad as I believed it did, and I don't think Taehyung would've done it to me if it was. Is that how Yoongi felt earlier? Is that why he didn't push me away? Because it wasn't... disgusting? Did he feel as content as I do right now?

"What happened, sweet rose, is that our scents, to you, will be very important from now on, enough to pull you in, the same way your own, to us, is very important, hence why you felt the need to taste it, it was stronger than you, right? It's totally normal. Honestly, Yoongi would've done the same thing back to you if you had allowed him.

And I tell you now, if you think something like this would happen with just anyone, then get rid of that thought immediately, it will never go beyond the seven of us. There is a reason for you to be so attracted to our scents, to Yoongi's, to mine, to Namjoon's, and the same will happen once you get to know the others' scents as well, it's a normal reaction".

So I didn't do something terrible then? Yoongi would've done the same? And I ran away from him?

A different guilt settles in my chest, but I don't focus on that too much as my mind fixates on what he said, something that echoes slightly with what Yoongi told me yesterday too, when I mentioned the honey hint to his scent.

"What do you mean when you say that your scents are important to me? Why would mine be important to you? You guys... you're all mates, you're a pack while I'm new, technically a stranger, wouldn't it be better if I left you all? It feels like I'm disrupting everything with all that's been going on" I ask, not expecting the low growl that sounds similar to a whimper, his arms circling around me to hug me tightly, his head shaking quickly on top of my head.

"If you left us, my soft, soft rose, we would definitely break. We need you" he whispers into my hair, words that give life to butterflies in my guts, heart skipping a beat as I remain unable to believe what he just said, why would they need me?

Me, the... human-recently-turned-omega, a very confused omega, why would they need someone like me?

"Why, Taehyung?".

"Because you're ours. You belong here, with us".

Well, that's not helping me understand.

"But why, Taehyung? Why-"

"With everyone, okay? We'll explain, all of us, but I can't say it alone" he cuts me off, his voice soft as he nudges my hair and I find myself nodding against my will, knowing that there's no forcing the answer out of him.

Yoongi wanted the same thing, for all of them to be together when they tell me, it seems like it really would be for the best.

"Okay, with everyone then".

He relaxes and lets his lips trail softly from the crown of my head and down to my temple, so gentle and slow and I close my eyes, soul melting in his touch, something so affectionate to the way he holds me and touches me, it makes me want to believe his words, that I am important to him, to them.

No one has ever treated me the way they have, it lets me see that I can really trust them, I can let my fate within their hands, I would have no regrets doing so. I only fear them regretting letting me in.

"How about we go join the others? So we can explain to you properly? Many things will make sense once you know the truth, you might feel more comfortable about your future instincts if you understand why they are there in the first place" he offers, wanting nothing more than to help me but I stay silent, mind going to the guys, to Yoongi, how will they look at me when I reach them? Did Yoongi tell them what happened?

"I'm still embarrassed by what occurred" I admit quietly, to which Taehyung chuckles just as softly, a sound that eases some of my worries, as does his scent, one that easily merges with mine, it shows of our closeness, whatever kind it is.

"Don't worry, I'll be there with you. Yoongi hyung will probably want to hug you as soon as he sees you, having you run out of his arms after being thrown into pure bliss probably left him anxious, but if you let him, everything will be fine, he won't be mad at you, never".

I pout slightly at that, I really did something stupid, didn't I? If Taehyung had suddenly left me alone running after what he did earlier? Gosh, I'd feel like shit, as if I forced him into something wrong even though I didn't do anything.

"Okay... but... you stay with me, right? You promise?". He hums and rubs my arms with an endeared smile. "I stay with you, I promise".

Together, we slowly stand up from the floor, butts aching and legs a little weak in the knees, but nothing too bad and with one last deep breath from me and a reassuring smile from him, he opens the door to allow fresh air inside the bathroom, one that clears the heavy load that was spread and condensed into the already humid room.

It makes me grow aware of how important it is to have good air rotation as a wolf, else breathing would become a struggle, it helps clear my mind further, although Taehyung and I still smell just as much, the others won't be able to miss it.

Fingers wrap around my own before pulling and I find myself following sheepishly behind Taehyung, his large back hiding me from sight, thank goodness for that, it makes me feel safer until the moment of reveal when all eyes will fall on me, something I'd rather avoid.

I'd feel better if I had a blanket to hide into but oh well, it's not happening and I need to face that reality, sadly. I need to be brave.

We soon get to the living room in silence, Taehyung tall in front of me, his warmth keeping me from running away, I swear I would if he released me, the decorated walls and plants of the room enough to tell me that we're there and my heart skips a beat when I start growing aware of the different scents that reach my nose, most of them ones I had indeed never smelled before, yet they all have something in common - honey.

Baby powder, cloudy, it feels likes I would cough if I get too close, mint that is sharper, it almost burns my nostrils and the cinnamon feels even worse, almonds a little overcooked, then the lavender tea that smells like it got over-flavored, and rum.

Except for Yoongi - for obvious reasons, I did something so dumb after all - most scents seem like the pack is not feeling any negative emotions, but none fully happy either, nervous maybe?

Maybe they're aware that we need to talk about whatever it is that is going on and it's making them anxious, just as I am, but Yoongi's scent is making my scent turn slightly stormy and unstable, his state caused by me, I don't like it, it makes me feel awful.

When no one says a word even as Taehyung and I come to a standstill, I slowly peek out from behind him to have an idea of what is happening, eyes falling instantly on Yoongi to find his eyes already fixated on mine, like he was waiting for me to look at him and the sight breaks my heart, his eyes droopy and sad, lips looking red and bitten from nerves, I did that to him?

Here I am hiding behind Taehyung, ready to run away when there's an alpha all sad and puppy looking because of me, what kind of person would I be for leaving him like that without doing anything?

Certainly not a person I would be proud of.

Under the others' gazing, everyone holding their breath as if being too loud would scare me away, I carefully free my hand from Taehyung's, a gentle squeeze before I leave his side to make my way to the alpha whose arms are quickly opening to welcome me in and it feels so natural when I climb onto his lap to hug him, his arms closing around me causing his rum to turn chocolaty, as if he was just given a ray of hope.

"I'm sorry, Yoongi, I... I shouldn't have left like that earlier, I didn't mean to, I was just... I thought I did something bad and I felt really awful" I apologize in a whisper, feel him shake his head as he nuzzles the side of my head before dipping near my throat where he stays, his hot breathing tickling my skin.

"It's not your fault, honey. I'm sorry I didn't explain about scenting sooner, I didn't want to give you too much information, I didn't know it would happen this morning" he assures me and I hum, head resting on his shoulder as I let him take in my scent, the both of us melting in relief in the other's hold.

I want to scoff at the word he used as I process his response to my apology. Scenting? I'd rather call that tasting, I tasted his scent more than I sniffed it.

That was a morning snack.

A snort. "Ah, that, gosh, I missed that from her" Jimin lets out, voice lighter and cinnamon softening and I blush, a groan leaving me as I get once more betrayed by my own body, it happens too often with them.

Yoongi chuckles, the rum clearing away to give place to his rich dark chocolate and I can tell that everyone's feeling better already when everything starts smelling really good, nothing that takes away from the source anymore, my slip up apparently doing wonders to the pack.

"It's still part of scenting, dear, it's just... well it's a little more intimate than your regular scenting, that's all".

More... intimate?

My blush deepens and I pull back to stare at the alpha who grins at me, then at Taehyung who looks away, cheeks twitching with a hidden smile and I gasp, a hand going to cover my mouth because holy shit!

"I'm SO sorry! Oh fuck! You should have stopped me Yoongi!" I screech, forehead going to bump against his shoulder to hide my burning face as he starts laughing, Jin's windshield wiper joining the lot as do Hoseok and Jungkook, their amusement on the matter clearly not shared by me.

"Why? I didn't want to, I enjoyed it! I would've done the same to you if you had let me" the alpha croons, pleased, exactly as Taehyung had said earlier and I combust, because... how intimate are we talking? Where am I supposed to see the act on the ladder of intimacy?!

"Maybe we should explain properly before going too far in the teasing, hyung" Namjoon's voice speaks up after a moment and that causes the group to fall silent, Yoongi tensing slightly and by doing so making me nervous as well, and when I turn my face to stare at the group sitting around the living room, I find Namjoon smiling hesitantly at me, our first contact since yesterday.

"And before we do that, Y/N... well I need to apologize about something. Could you... could you maybe come and sit besides me, please?".

Apologize? Because of yesterday? Yoongi did say that the scent-sleep wasn't something to use lightly, that it wasn't good, I guess the pack alpha is feeling really bad about it.

With a nod of the head, I climb off of Yoongi and make my way around the coffee table and past Jimin and Jungkook who both smile at me, fingers sliding gently against mine in greeting before I reach the bean bag the giant man is using.

He sits on one side of it and pats the space besides him, his scent welcoming, although now that I'm closer, I can also tell that it's starting to smell more like... leather? Burned, ruined leather.

It's like his lavender tea was used to try and stop the fire and now there's just... well, a mess to clean up.

His scent has me growing uneasy, the need to soothe the alpha taking over me and causing a whimper to build in the back of my throat, I really hate it when they smell sad, I love his lavender tea, he should always smell like it, should always have a smile on his face, dimples gracing our eyes.

Still, I don't believe that acting on that need would be a good idea, not before I've heard him out so I sit next to him, smile when his hands automatically reach out for mine, eager for a touch, to feel like he's not beyond redemption.

His gaze locks on our linked fingers as we all wait for him to speak up and when he gulps, I hear it clear as day, the lump in his throat a sign of the guilt he bears because of what happened at the park.

"Yoongi told me that he explained to you what happened, what I did yesterday?" he starts and I nod, my eyes staring at him as if doing so could give him joy, something within me trying to push out but unable to do so, it's frustrating and I don't even know what it is.

He nods slightly, head bouncing on his shoulders with a sigh before he purses his lips, eyes rising to meet mine, hesitant, his palms sweaty against my fingertips.

"I'm really sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have done that, not when everything is so new to you, but I really didn't know what else to do to help you at that moment, it felt like the better option, both for you and for me, I felt like everything would otherwise scare you and I didn't want that for you. I took advantage of you as a pack alpha, I made a decision without even attempting to let you know beforehand and I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy the experience, that wasn't my goal, not at all. I promise I will never do it again, never without your permission or unless you ask for it yourself. I beg for your forgiveness, not just as Kim Namjoon, but also as the pack alpha of the Kim Pack".

He bows at these last words and I stare at him wide-eyed, unable to believe that this impressive man is currently going so low as to bow in front of someone like me, it makes me want to free my hands to raise him up again by the shoulders but he doesn't let go of me, doesn't move, obviously waiting for my answer before he even dares look up again.

The sight is making me anxious and since he's not releasing my hands, I pull his own up to my face, wrists upwards and then proceed to rub my cheeks against them, the instinct that builds up within me letting me know that this is fine, this helps, soft rain pushing out to soothe his burned scent and I observe as he droops a little, muscles relaxing before he's looking up at me with sparkling orbs.

I can feel the others' gazing at me too and it's making me a little shy considering what I'm doing right now, but as I get to smell Namjoon's scent brightening back to a more joyful version of his tea, a tea party under an umbrella, apple pie and chocolate snacks besides a cup of lavender tea, it helps me feel better about it, this isn't nearly as embarrassing as licking a throat.

"I forgive you, Namjoon, of course I do. It wasn't fun, but honestly, being conscious would probably have been worse so if I have to say it, you made the best decision you could for me, I'm not mad at you" I tell him and he releases a long exhale, eyes shutting in relief before he's nodding, thankful for my admission.

"So it's all good now? Everyone's happy?" Hoseok asks, his bright eyes staring at me, eager for an answer and when I nod, he chirps happily, hands clapping quickly before he latches onto Jin, the latter grinning in contentment, also happy that his pack mates finally get some respite after going through so much stress.

Taehyung, just now remembering his promise of staying by my side, makes his way around the coffee table and avoids Jimin and Jungkook's hands with a giggle before dropping himself behind Namjoon and I on the bean bag, the impact nearly sending me in the air, much to his amusement.

The pack alpha sighs, a smile on his lips as he has yet to release my hands, thumb now softly stroking the skin of my wrist, an act that sends tingles through my soul, it feels really nice, it's soothing and comforting and when Taehyung's arms latch themselves around Namjoon and I, we both hum, pleased to have him near with us.

"So" Jin eventually says after taking his time looking at everyone, an arm pulling Yoongi closer to Hoseok and himself, the alpha looking all pouty as he stares at me while Jungkook and Jimin cuddle together, the two alphas looking cozy, it's a sight that has him deciding that it's time to embark on the main and most important subject of the day.

"We... well we have something important to tell you, sweetheart. It might seem... shocking to you since this is all very new for you, but for us... we are delighted by it to say the least".

I nervously stare at the man, the suspense he's making me go through not something I'll thank him for if he keeps prolonging it like this, the man better talk soon, my eyes must say that much because the next second, he's inhaling and exhaling deeply before blurting it out in one go.

"You know how wolves have true mates, normally one to be exact, which doesn't seem to apply to us but anyway, it seems that you are ours, to the seven of us, we can all smell your roses on top of your rain and no one else can so... yeah... Yoongi says you smell honey, and we... we don't, so..." the omega looks sheepish as he closes his mouth, clearly this isn't how he wanted to tell me as he worriedly stares at my lack of reaction.

"Hyung! You could have... I don't know! Eased her into it instead of saying it like that?!" Jimin exclaims, not mad, more like disappointed, because he too can see my blank face and he can tell that the inside of my mind is lagging, brain still trying to wrap around what I just heard.

Because... true mates? What? All of them? But...

"B-but wolves can't have more than one true mate" I murmur, unable to comprehend anything because... I mean he's right, they all smell like honey, and did he say that I smell like roses? They can all smell it on me?

"You would be right, that's something we don't understand either but... you are all of ours, as much as all of us are yours, our wolves have chosen each other, there's no doubt about that" Namjoon takes over the explanation while Hoseok and Yoongi reassure Jin, he didn't mess it all up, he was just... a little clumsy.

Jimin's lips are pursed as he turns his attention to me, Jungkook's eyes hopeful and scared as he observes in silence, his fingers twisting with the other alpha's to stay calm.

"We could smell the change that morning when... well when they were done taking care of you in the emergency room, we were allowed to join you but as soon as the door opened, we all smelled it, the roses.

We were all shocked by the discovery, but it also explained a lot to us, as to why we all felt so much affection towards you in such a short amount of time, it felt right to have you with us so we hope that... well that you would stay with us.

Please don't be scared, I know it's a lot to take in all at once but please, we'll take good care of you, don't leave us" Jimin pleads with his soft and delicate voice, vulnerability laced in his tone, he looks almost ready to beg on his knees if he has to.

Taken aback by this big of a claim, Taehyung's arm around me is welcomed as it keeps me from falling limply into the bean bag, his chin coming to rest against my shoulder, I take this moment to take in all of their expressions, wondering if they all feel the same way.

Although anxious, they all smile encouragingly, as if to tell me that it's okay to stay, that it's okay to want this and I can't deny the longing I feel to be part of their group, to be not an outsider but... pack.

Me, the girl who used to dream of what a life would be like if I could have a true mate, someone who would want me and cherish me, how could I ever refuse not one true mate, but seven of them?

I feel like it would be suicide, I would lose all reasons to live if I were to move away from them.

Our meeting... maybe it wasn't luck, but fate after all.

A beautiful work of fate.

"If you're sure... sure that you want me... then I have no reason to leave you. I want to stay with you".

I hope I represented well the scare that is felt when your body makes you do things you don't understand! I struggled a little with this chapter!

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