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Cliffhanger? Check.

I'm wearing a sheep onesie.

It is purple, it is fluffy, it is soft, and Jungkook has had to fight more than he thought he would need to for drying my hair, my head constantly lulling to one side and then the next nothing to help as he tries to brush my hair while using the hairdryer at the same time.

"Sweets, baby, you need to help me a little here, I know you're in a mood for nesting now that you're warm and clean but we really need to dry your hair before we step out of the bathroom, the others will get mad at me otherwise" Jungkook stresses softly as he straightens my head again with a sigh, though his heart is in the most endeared state possible.

I grumble lightly before putting more efforts in the way I hold myself, just because I don't want the others to fuss. Wet hair has never bothered me and it won't start now, but if the alphas say that it needs to be dry, then so be it.

"Thank you, sweets" the gentle alpha muses with a pleased smile before resuming his very important task, always careful to make sure the heat doesn't come burning my scalp, which I'm thankful for.

The shower really wasn't as terrible as I initially thought it would be. While fussy, Jungkook was respectful of my space and intimacy and never looked in my direction even once, the frosted glass surrounding me not allowing as much hiding as I would've preferred.

Dropping the bottle of shampoo a few times definitely put him on edge by the end, but other than that, everything was manageable.

I for some reason feel more clumsy than usual, the strength in my hands failing me today. It's like my body just wants to cuddle in bed and every physical efforts are demanding. I just want to go back to the nest and cuddle with one of the others for the rest of the day.

"I'm almost done, sweets. We can go to the kitchen next to get everyone something to drink, what do you think? Is there anything you want for yourself?" the alpha asks to keep my mind focused, and I hum as I immediately think of the bottle of fruity tea.

"I want the tea" I murmur softly as the humming of the hairdryer keeps blasting in my ears, and to that, Jungkook chuckles, his ears attuned to the sound of my voice, nothing could keep him from hearing me, no matter how quiet I am.

"The tea it is then. Hopefully Jimin bought more" he murmurs the second half much lower, but I hear him anyway and I press my lips into a thin line as his words make way into my fluffy mind.

Did Jimin buy more of the tea? He went to the grocery store yesterday when he learned that we were coming back, that the heat would hit them sooner - that's what I was told - but did he get the tea? Did he?

"I hope he did" I mumble quietly, heart now on a nervous wave that threatens to throw it ashore on a very rocky beach. What if there is no fruity tea? What will I do if I cannot quench this sudden thirst for the drink?

"Anything else you'd like if there's... no tea?" Jungkook asks after hesitating for a moment, and at the tensing of my body, his stress rate goes up as well, there will be tea, right?

He quickly types a message in the group chat before blinking quickly as he finishes up drying my hair, what happens if there is no tea? How screwed are they?

I hear a door open and feet rush over the floor from outside of the bathroom and I turn my head in its direction with curiosity, who was that? Did someone else manage to leave the nest after all? It looked like none of them would ever leave its confines earlier.

Jungkook's phone vibrates and when I look down without thinking much of it, the screen alight and within sight, I get to see a message sent to the alpha that has my soul wilting in a mere second, and even when the screen turns dark, I can still see the words as if they've stamped themselves in my eyes.

There's no tea. Jimin forgot to get any last night.

No tea.

There's no tea.

What am I to become now? What will happen of me? How can my soul cope when I can already remember echoes of the joy that the taste can bring me?

Has it come to this already? Have rainbows disappeared? Is joy but a lie that I was made to believe to avoid crumbling under the awful truth?

No tea.

I can't believe it. When was the last time I drank of it? Wasn't it a few days ago? Wasn't the bottle still full at the time? Who drank it? Who finished the tea behind my back? Jungkook? Is it Jungkook? My tea rival? Or was there another threat I wasn't aware of?

His phone vibrates again and I look at it with a broken heart, the words flashing on the screen making me purse my lips with terrible disappointment.

Taehyung finished what was left of the tea this morning, we'll buy more once the heat ends, bun bun.

Jungkook feels his soul on the verge of dying as he reads those words, my scent filling the room filled with betrayal, Taehyung is in trouble, beta did bad this time.

I observe as he sets the hairdryer aside when my hair finally done, a hair tie grabbed to lift it all up into a comfortable bun before he takes his phone to respond to the few messages he was sent.

Wasn't for me, sweets is sad, not happy at all.

Dread settles in the house when the message is read. Shit.

"I'm sorry, sweets... we'll see what we can do about this, okay? Maybe we can have someone buy us a few bottles before bringing them here? We'll just ask them to settle everything by the door before leaving, it should be fine" Jungkook tells me softly as he turns me around so I can see him, my heavy pout breaking his heart in half.

Not such good boys at the moment, not doing good, must do better, his wolf says, and Jungkook agrees.

I slowly nod my head, I feel so dejected at the thought of not having any tea, like the only thing that could cheer me up has become permanently out of stock, it's not a nice feeling. What drink if no tea?

"Here... let's go see what else we can grab, alright? Come here, sweets" he coos softly in an attempt at softening my pain, my arms pulled around his neck before he lifts me up by the thighs to hold me like a koala to his chest, my face made to rest against his throat as he pushes his scent out to soothe me.

He starts walking out of the bathroom, which allows for a fresh breeze of air to hit my heated cheeks, yet I cannot enjoy it this time, not when I have a huge problem in front of me.

Could I find some satisfaction from drinking something else? I don't know, the world feels suddenly very bland, like every colours have run out of ink, there's nothing left even for the dark and white.

Have colours simply disappeared from existence? What is left then? My conscience? Do I want to live with such disappointment swarming my soul?

End of the world. No tea, no joy, what do now? Betrayed by pack.

It's now my wolf and I against the world, are we responsible of our own happiness then? How can we even do that on our own? We can't possibly achieve what the pack has given us by ourselves, is it time to go back to a solo life where smiles and laughter are but a myth?

Not want that but... no tea. Frightening future.

When we reach the kitchen, it's to find there Yoongi who's currently searching in the cupboards like a man on a hunt, the pantry's doors still opened wide behind him, he's searching everywhere he can think of, and when he turns around as he hears and smells us, his eyes zoom in on my hopeless form.

He shares a distressed look with Jungkook, have they already failed their omega? Is fruity tea that important? Do they have to get an emergency stock from now on? Do they have to put bottles in the safe to avoid this situation from happening ever again?

The gentle alpha opens the fridge, the bright light enough to catch my attention and when I lower my head under his chin to have a look inside, I can't help but search for tea, maybe they just didn't see it?

I carefully look through every shelves, once, twice, but no, there's none, nothing, Taehyung finished it, bad beta.

My eyes start to burn, chin wobbling as it really hits me there and then that my thirst shall not be quenched, and when Yoongi sees my expression become one of a heartbroken pup, he jumps into finding solutions, must fix sadness, omega about to cry!

He quickly opens the freezer while Jungkook tries to calm me down with soft shushing, his eyes on his hyung who searches desperately through every containers before finding chocolate bites that the beta had made, maybe Taehyung can redeem himself this way, he who did not know that the fruity tea was not to be touched?

Yoongi nods to himself and takes them out before showing me the container, he doesn't have anything to lose, just reputation as a good and caring alpha, no biggie.

"Look at this, omega, how about some homemade chocolate that beta made? Good chocolate, soft on tongue, please heart, soothe soul?" he offers with hopeful eyes, especially when I eye what he's holding, the colourful, heart shaped bites in his hands indeed tempting, do colours still exist then?

At the look on my face, Yoongi immediately opens the lid before grabbing one of the many thin slices of chocolate and then sweetly beckons for me to part my lips before he slides it over my tongue, the two alphas nervous because will this do the trick? Can they save soft omega from omega drop?

They observe in suspense as the chocolate melts on my tongue, and when I melt along with it, head resting back on Jungkook's shoulder as I suck on what's left of the little treat, the taste enough to give some strength back to my heart, they relax like they just avoided the apocalypse in the house.

With their inner musings unknown to me, I allow myself a soft hum as I lick my lips once done, the end of the world not so close anymore. Maybe not having tea isn't so bad for now, we have tea later, chocolate for now.

I swallow the pool of saliva taking place in my mouth, then turn my gaze back to the box that's still held by the alpha, and Yoongi takes that as sign that he needs to push another one between my pouty lips, his thumb tender as it wipes the corner of my mouth softly when he finds there a stain of melted chocolate.

"Is it good, omega?" Jungkook asks in a murmur as he keeps holding me tightly, his scent always pushing out, baby powder and dark chocolate working hard to soothe my pain until it becomes but an old memory, my sheep pyjama making me look even softer and weaker than normally, alphas must protect.

I slowly nod my head before closing my eyes, don't need tea for now, cuddles will be enough.

"Let's take her back to the nest with a few different choices to drink, she looks like she's in need of nesting more than anything right now. She might have forgotten about yesterday but her body still endured the shock, she's already been out for long enough" I hear Yoongi say softly as I continue nibbling on the melting chocolate, does that mean I won't be able to get more?

I open my eyes to see Yoongi putting the container back in the freezer and I pout before hiding back in Jungkook's neck, two? Two chocolates and that's it? Why is there betrayal in every corners today? Who can I trust now?

Something pushes in between my lips again and when the taste of chocolate teases the tip of my tongue, I suck the treat in greedily before smiling sleepily, he was just hiding them, there is more, I'm glad.

A hand caresses my cheek fondly and Jungkook gets moving with an endeared chuckle, Yoongi behind us with the little bowl of chocolate treats in one hand while his other arm remains busy holding the different bottles he grabbed from the fridge before closing it.

When we make it into the nest room, it's to realize that the wolves left here are much quieter than usual and indeed, when Jungkook pushes one side of the curtain aside to peek inside, it's to see that Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung are cuddling with Jin and fast asleep while Namjoon smiles at us lightly from the back, eyes creasing cutely when they find me in all of my purple sheep and tired splendor.

"Oh sweet love, look at you" he murmurs in a crooning voice that sends tingles through my soul, and needless to say that when Jungkook gently sets me within the nest, it doesn't take me too long before I start crawling on my knees to the alpha whose smile widens so large his dimples pop out, arms opening and beckoning me in his strong embrace impatiently.

When I reach his side, he easily picks me up and down on his chest, legs straddling him in all my glorious fluffiness, my arms circling around his torso while his own hug me tightly to him with a content sigh leaving him, and this is perfection. He's hugging the softest little bean to ever exist in this world and he's in love.

"Did the shower feel good, sweet baby? Do you feel better now?" he asks me with his deep grounding voice while Jungkook and Yoongi step into the nest too and I nod my head, happy to remain right where I am until the end of the world.

"Yes... gentle alpha was respectful, dried my hair after giving me best softest pyjama and... alpha tried to help when there was no tea. Pretty alpha gave me chocolate when I was upset, now here in strong pack alpha arms, feel good" I whisper gently to avoid waking up the other wolves, and to this, Namjoon shoots the two concerned wolves a thankful smile that he receives back with just as much relief.

He kisses the crown of my head and hums contentedly. "That's good, sweet baby, I'm glad that you were well taken care of. How about you take a nap now? Omega should nap on pack alpha, we stay close, hm?".

I nod my head, sleep already muddling into my consciousness to make me relax in his safety, his strong lavender tea a peace in which I eagerly lose myself, smells good, smells like love.


When I open my eyes after what feels like years of sleep, it's to find not the curtains surrounding the nest, not the pretty fairy lights or even the mountains of blankets usually spread apart but the living room where the huge tv is alight on some show while I can hear humming from the kitchen.

I blink in sleepy confusion, the warmth and comfort that still surrounds me not throwing me in an anxious loop as I feel would've happened were I cold, and when I find Jin's eyes sweetly blinking back at me when our eyes meet, I instantly relax in the strong body still holding me, Namjoon's scent still as strong in my nose as it was in the pack nest.

"Omega awake now?" Jin asks softly, and when I nod my head, he purrs before leaning in to rest his face in my neck where he inhales deeply, the feeling ticklish but nice as I melt even more in Namjoon's hold, his chest rising up and down in slow steadiness behind me.

"Did you sleep well, Y/N?" the pack alpha asks me gently as his arms remain heavy around my waist, the vibrations of his voice echoing in my whole body making me giggle a little, which makes more than one wolf smile fondly.

"I did, I feel like I slept entire days all in one night, I feel good now" I answer him softly as I eye the large window where I can see the morning sun rising up in the sky, and it does cross my mind that maybe I'm not so far off the truth. I did sleep a lot in a short amount of time.

"I'm glad to hear that, your body needed a lot of rest. A little longer and we were going to have to wake you up ourselves" he muses with a contented sigh that echoes how the pack feels, they're glad to have Jin and I awake again, and hopefully for good this time.

"You're surely aware that we're not in the pack nest anymore, and unless you or Jin need more heavy cuddling time, we won't spend entire days there anymore except for sleeping. We haven't had a real meal in what feels like forever so Hoseok and Taehyung are both working in the kitchen to make us some breakfast" he explains next to get me up to date on the situation and I hum as I turn my gaze the other way to find the two betas keeping themselves busy with happy smiles.

Jin sighs and cuddles closer, his arms sneaking above Namjoon's to hug me too and I smile before kissing the top of his head, which earns me a bigger purr, his scent letting me know that his wolf is still fronting, which will probably be the case for at least half of the heat.

"Omega smells good, happy" he murmurs softly and I feel a purr of my own start to build up in my chest, I could stay here forever, can I stay here forever?

I would definitely make time freeze if I could, I don't want this to stop.

"Oh, I see our pretty sheep has finally woken up" a new voice chimes in followed by a scent of cinnamon and when I look up, it's to find Jimin walking over with a towel that he uses to pat his hair dry, a sweet smile on his plump lips as he heads over to kiss my forehead, then Jin's with a sweet hum.

My lips stretch into a shy grin as he chuckles, the cute sight that we make causing his heart to beat with more strength just to allow all the love he feels to spread throughout his veins properly, and he would definitely join our cuddling pile if Yoongi wasn't pulling him back to the bathroom with equally wet strands while saying that they need to dry their hair first, words that Jimin pouts at, though he does follow behind the older alpha obediently.

My eyes follow the duo until they disappear before wandering around the open area once more, in search of Jungkook this time, the youngest alpha whose blue ponytail is nowhere in sight yet catching my attention, where is he? He can't possibly have gone somewhere, can he?

Taehyung seems to notice my staring because he smiles before pointing towards the corridor with his head. "He's taking a shower, he took our bathroom so he should be done soon, don't worry".

I hum in relief and make myself comfortable on Namjoon's lap, the purpleness that I am a cuteness overload for his soul as he smiles giddily, because omega is using us for comfort, omega staying with us.

"Do you want me to sit differently?" Namjoon finds himself offering when I still haven't found the right position, the tv not really of interest to me right now, I just want to cuddle in my mates' warmth, and so when I nod my head, he begins to move before I stop him with a soft grunt.

I gently push Jin from my neck so he gives me the space I need to move, which he allows with a sad whine locked in his throat, and when I get off Namjoon and to my feet before looking at the couch to determine which spot would be better to make this work, it's with the utmost importance that I must think about this carefully.

Right now, he's right in the middle of the L-shaped couch, where there's no surface for his legs to rest and that's not good for what I want, so when I point at the corner to convey that he needs to get there, he raises a brow before following my silent directives under Hoseok, Taehyung and Jin's curious eyes.

The pack alpha scoots to the side until his hip almost hits the cushions and I stop him there with a small jump that makes him chuckle, his gaze following me with pure delight as I climb the couch at his feet before crawling all the way back to him so we can cuddle just like we did in the nest yesterday, chest to chest with my head cradled under his chin.

Namjoon understands quickly why it had to be in the corner specifically and so, when he raises his legs behind me to fully trap me within his hold, I melt on him like a marshmallow over a fire, like the clean and steady stream of water that courses down a mountain peacefully.

Namjoon is like a... he's like a heavy blanket with locks on it. The guardian of a beautiful jail where rests the most beautiful nest, he invites you in with a sweet smile and then sticks to you like honey... with no intention of ever releasing you again.

It's a very possessive hug that hides me from the world and with his honeyed lavender tea scent swarming around me, hints of the others nearby as well, I don't need anything else. I shall die right here.

I let out a deep sigh that Jin echoes from pure happiness for me and I watch as he scoots closer to cuddle to us again, my arm pulled closer to him to cover his waist while his hips glue themselves to Namjoon's, his head going to rest on the pack alpha's shoulder to smile at me tenderly.

I smile back at him with just as much love flooding my expression, my mind already going back to that softness that I feel when I let go and Namjoon begins purring, his soul melting and building back up as a pretty garden where he could spend the rest of his days tending to the roses and mint plants, nothing could ever be as perfect as they are now.

"Oh. My. God. Hyung, look at this, look at our mates, do you see what I see? How adorable they are? I can't- my heart- it hurts, I think I'm having a love overload, I need rescuing, someone save me-" the sound of a body falling to the ground reaches my ears and Yoongi can be heard sighing slowly next.

Still, he seems to decide to play along because soon after, we hear him grunt as he kneels on the floor next to Jimin.

"Oh no, whatever shall I do? My younger mate has been knocked out by our two adorable omegas, how will I live without him? Oh no, my heart is already breaking in misery, you can't leave me like this, I need all my mates-"

"Okay, hyung stop, you're doing too much now" Jimin stops him with a laugh before the alpha gets to say more and when I start giggling at their small playful scene, Jin's unsure gaze melts into amusement as well, relieved when my reaction shows that no one was hurt, his wolf really wasn't so sure anymore for a short moment.

"Alphas are so silly, right pack omega?" I muse softly, and to that, Jin would howl at the moon just to show off his pride, because omega called them pack omega? It's a dream come true, heart stuttering with the strength of a proud swan, Jin and his wolf already want to hear me say it again.

"Say again" his voice slips past his lips before he can stop himself, and I nudge deeper into Namjoon's strong scent before kissing the omega's cheek. "Pack omega. 'Is what you are, my pack omega, no?".

Jin's gaze meets mine with stars shining in his orbs, and I'm gifted a soft kiss to the nose before he jumps to his feet and towards the corridor where he nearly collides with Jungkook on the way, though even that doesn't stop him when he runs past the alpha before opening the door to his bedroom like there's a fire hunting him down.

I blink at the now empty space besides me, and it does briefly cross my mind that I might have said something I shouldn't, because why would he have ran away otherwise? But Namjoon's heavy palm on my head soothes me before I can worry too much.

"It's okay, he'll be back. It will be back. His wolf is just excited" he explains softly and his lack of apparent concern helps me relax as Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin await by the corridor for their sweet wolf to come back to us while the two betas whisper between themselves in the kitchen, some scent finally reaching my nose now that the food is cooking in the oven.

"Jin usually spends his heat in his shifted form for a few days, his wolf must have felt uneasy about it since you're new to this, but with what you said, how could it resist? I understand why it made Jin run so fast" Hoseok explains with more details as he walks over with a small plate in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.

I perk up at his words, because does that mean I'll get to meet another wolf? Jin's wolf this time?

The beta chuckles at the interest flashing over my face and sits down next to us before handing the bottle to Namjoon, cap easily twisted and unsealed before it appears within sight, the alpha apparently intent on having me drink water before he drinks some himself.

"You slept a lot and haven't had anything for too long, please drink a little for us" he states gently when I look at the bottle with a small frown, and when I make no move to help him make me drink, because that means leaving the comfort of his body, a small warning growl has me shrinking before I halfheartedly listen to him, body sitting up slightly so I can drink under his watchful eyes, my pouty gaze not enough to melt his heart as he waits until enough has been drank before he even thinks of allowing me to stop.

"Taehyung and I had to keep the alphas from waking you up at least twenty times since you fell asleep yesterday, they're doing their best to go easy on you but don't test them, doll, they will have you pinned under them to force feed you if they have to" Hoseok muses with amusement when my pitiful gaze falls on him, bottle then moving away and set aside before the pack alpha takes the plate from the beta next.

I can only pout as Namjoon manhandles me so I sit across his lap, the plate now rested on my thighs before he brings a slice of peach to my lips, an eyebrow rising when I don't part them to accept the fruit in my mouth.

"Omega. You had one cookie yesterday morning. One. Eat this".

The beautiful jail has lost its beautiful nest... the stream of water has met a wall... the fire has been suffocated by rainfall... where has all the previous comfort gone to? And for what? Water and food? Did Hoseok come only to sabotage all that I had achieved?

Control over pack alpha lost but... we loved and cared for, not bad, open mouth.

"I'm not hungry" I mumble in a soft whine despite my wolf's words, eyebrows furrowed on the piece of fruit like it's a threat, because if I eat that, I won't be able to eat breakfast, why would I want to go through having to watch everyone eat what smells so good? I want what smells good too!

"Omega" Namjoon warns me a second time, and somehow, this feels bad, a sense of dread causing the hair on my nape to rise, but stubborn as I am, I simply turn my head away from him with my arms crossing over my chest.

Disrespecting pack alpha, will regret. Listen now? my wolf tries, but try it might, eat I will not.

"I want the smell good food. Not... this" I complain to no one in particular, I just wish someone could side with me, but I can only gulp and look down when I find more disapproving eyes than comforting ones directed at me.

"Your appetite will open up once you've eaten a little, it's just been a while since you last ate something, give it a try, doll, the peach is sweet, you'll like it" Hoseok tries to convince me with a peaceful method but I simply purse my lips tighter when Namjoon tries to tease one piece into my mouth to encourage the beta's claim.

Honey remains, what doesn't is the good scents, as Namjoon's lavender tea slowly but surely starts burning into old leather, and bad, danger, I am still on his lap, but it's too late to flee when he squeezes an arm around me to keep me right where I am.

I do hear hushed murmurs from the three other alphas as they keep a mint wolf away into one of the far rooms, and when even Hoseok leaves me to join up with Taehyung in the kitchen, their eyes glancing at us with a resigned sigh, dread settles in the pit of my stomach when I come to realize that I am now really alone with an angry pack alpha.

I stare at the floor, heart wanting to get angry but soul knowing it's useless, and Namjoon's tongue swipes against the inner side of his cheeks as he thinks about his next course of action, because that peach will be eaten, whether I want to or not. The question is how.

It may smell like breakfast will be ready soon, but it's still about an hour away before it's ready and he will not have my stomach remain empty for that long anymore, enough time has gone by already.

It's hard for his mind to think when all it can come up with is ways to forcefully feed me, that's not what he wants, scaring omega not goal, but how can he get me to eat the slices that his beta has so graciously prepared for me?

"Why so stubborn? You will have breakfast, omega, but it won't be ready for another hour, you need to eat" Namjoon tries the peaceful method just like Hoseok did, he will explain, I will understand and I will eat, but stubborn I am, he is quickly seeing that when I still don't move, lips shut tighter to further resist him.

He feels a growl build in his chest, and despite his attempt to muffle it, I still get to feel it reverberate through my body, something that has my fear growing some more, why is it bad that I want to wait for breakfast? I just want to eat with everyone... I don't want to be left alone.

"One bite. Let's start with one. Just one" he pleads, his patience growing thin, so thin, and when I make another attempt to get off him instead of listening to his request, Namjoon feels his lips wobble in dislike, a deep noise resounding in his throat that has me freezing still on his lap, cornered and threatened.

"I don't wanna. I drank the water, I don't need food too. If I eat the peach, then I'll be full, and if I'm full, I can't eat breakfast! I can wait, I want to wait" I let out with a wavering voice, but none of the wolves currently listening understand the resistance.

They heard my stomach grumble all night and all morning, they know that once I start eating, I'll be hungry for everything, my stomach just needs some help but I'm not willing to listen to them, I'd rather continue starving instead of eating the snack?

"You will have breakfast, omega, the peach will just support your system until-"

"No! Peach is what you eat when you can't have other food! Peach is what you eat when you can't have a real meal! I- I can have a real meal here, I don't want a substitute!" I exclaim loudly, the burn of tears rising as I face Namjoon's gaze with desperation, why can't they understand?

"A substitute? We're not-" he starts with alerted instincts roaring in his soul but I push the plate away from reach in a burst of distress when he lifts it up to show me the fruit as if it could change anything, and I watch in horror as the pretty porcelain hits the floor before breaking into pieces.

No. No no no, I didn't mean to do that. I didn't want to break it-

In his shock, Namjoon doesn't have time to react fast enough, so when I jump to my feet to run away, when I step around the broken shards to flee to my bedroom with a storm following behind me, he only has time to see me disappear before the door closes and locks behind me.

I stand out of breath on the other side of the door after locking it with a trembling hand, my heart hurting with every pounding of agony it makes, every single one of my senses aware that I did something bad.

Not only did I not listen to the pack alpha, I even broke something that belonged to them. They're all going to be angry at me and what then? What if they kick me out? What will I do if they kick me out just like my parents did? I can't go through that again, I- I can't.

I shake my head at that thought, tears staining the soft hair of my sheep onesie, and when the sound of fists hitting against the door fill the loud silence surrounding me, my ears begin ringing painfully in my head, images distorting around me and causing me to nearly fall on the floor when it gets too dizzying.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, please" I whimper when I can't tell silence from noise anymore, my body shaking with every steps I make towards the bed, fear rampant in my blood as I crawl in the destroyed nest that has me releasing a cry, because were they already mad at me before today?

Why is the pretty nest they had made me broken?

I just wanted to eat with everyone together, I didn't want to be left behind, I didn't want to have to watch from afar as they eat because I was already given the peach, that's what mom and dad always did, but did I do bad?

You already ate the peach and now you want to eat more? Greedy child, you need to accept only what you are given, you cannot have everything! If you wanted to eat breakfast, then you should have waited! Now go to your room, we will leave when we are done.

That's what mom would say all the time, and now my true mates gave me a peach, it was the same thing, wasn't it?

They didn't want me to eat breakfast, that's why Hoseok brought it over, they wanted to keep me away-

My head suddenly hurts badly, so badly, and no matter how much I squeeze it between my palms to get the pressure away, nothing works, my chest feeling stuffy and tight nothing to help as I struggle crying, did I already bore them? They want me gone?

I grab one of the lonely unscented blankets and hide under it with every corners held tight in my hands, my brain angry at me as it self-destructs in my skull, and because it's in pain, because it's hurting, a blockage falls down without warning and the events of the restaurant flood back in.

The men all feel their soul tear apart at the heartbreaking cry that comes from the depths of my being before a desperate wolf charges towards the door with all of its strength.



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