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Last update for this story for a while, I already wrote more than I had expected but the inspiration was just flowing in so I made use of it! I hope you guys enjoyed the last few updates and enjoy this nearly 9k words chapter! Love you guys ♥

"Here, have some water, Hobi, you've barely had anything since we got in here and it's making me worried, are you okay?".

I start stirring awake at those words, mind a blur and body heavy with sleep.

"Ah... thanks, Joonie, some water would be great, I didn't realize that I was thirsty. I'm fine, my mind has just been all over the place since last night, I'm still processing it all, don't worry, I didn't have it the worst".

"It has nothing to do with who had it the worst and the easiest, Hobi, don't keep it all in if the matter is making you restless, you know what we think about doing that".

"I know, I promise I'll speak up if I need to but I swear I'm fine, it's just a remnant of anger that I'm trying to dilute, it'll pass. Why don't you get something to eat? I can hear your stomach grumbling since earlier, ignoring it isn't going to solve the problem nor will it make her better. Have some food, you need the strength, I'm sure there's something that can be tolerable in there".

"Okay okay, as long as you know that we're here for you, and I will eat but you have something too. What about you Jiminie? Do you want some food? How about we have those small sandwiches before they get all mushy? I should've brought a cooler in here, even the fruits are looking sad, we should eat them before they end up in the trash".

"Don't worry about it, hyung, you had to focus on getting the nest ready on short notice last night, you couldn't possibly think of everything in such a short amount of time, you did your best and that's all that matters. A sandwich would be great, I'm a little hungry".

Oh man.

A sandwich would be good about right fucking now.

Why does it feel like my stomach is attempting to dig a new mine to try and find nuggets of old food? Have I starved myself without even being aware of it? Am I dead? Or have I come back from the dead? It somehow feels like all those answers are true.

"Well I'm not sure about the coming back from the dead part, but your hunger would be because you've been sleeping all night without eating dinner, I would actually be concerned if you didn't feel hungry because it's currently almost time for breakfast. Here, have this, it's not quite breakfast worthy but it'll have to do for now" the cinnamon bearer says, Jimin's voice soft as it carries to my ears through the fog of sleepiness still covering my mind.

Something that smells... weird gets near my face and I sniff it lightly, unsure of whether I should flee or give it a chance, but my stomach gets the upper hand on my conscience and so, with a body too heavy to move and eyes unable to open, it's easier to part my lips to welcome in the food that the alpha pushes into my mouth with a chuckle, a piece of hair taken out of my mouth before I start chewing on what tastes like a dying garden.

Oh man does it taste bad.

I struggle swallowing the bite that has disgust spreading through my system and grimace as I feel it slide down my throat too slowly for comfort, face then turning away from the food that shouldn't be eaten ever.

I can't believe I was fed that, I'd rather starve to death than have it again.

"Is it not good anymore? Sorry, love, we'll find you something else. What's available on the shelf, hyung? Aish, not that, it's going to taste even worse than the sandwich and you saw her reaction, what about the desserts Tae made? Jin hyung brought some cookies, didn't he? Give me those".

I perk up a little at that, eyebrows raising while lids remain shut.

Cookies? Ones that Taehyung made?

"I think she likes the idea, look at her" Hoseok muses as he observes me squirm to try and move closer to the alpha who can give me the treat that can only be good, if only I could move, damned be this tired body.

It's after trying and failing for a few seconds that my mind finally processes the arms tightly wrapped around me, a body pressed to my front with a blanket covering the both of us that keeps me warm and snug, wait, I wanted to get away from that?

What a mistake, I'd rather get the cookie and the cuddles, why deny myself one when I can have both?

"That's an excellent way of thinking, my love, an excellent one. My pretty omega deserves to be praised with a delicious cookie, doesn't she? Say ahhhh, let alpha feed his pretty baby" Jimin coos as he keeps reading my mind before something touches my lips and I part them on instincts to accept the delicacy that this time smells AND tastes good, almonds and raspberries teaming up to add glitters to my soul.

Now that's what I call good food.

"Yeah, those sandwiches aren't so great once they've warmed up, I just had a taste myself and it's also the last one I'll have, can you give me some fruits please? You should have something else too, Joon, don't force yourself to eat it, I don't want you to get sick" Hoseok says as I nibble on the cookie from the comfort of the body holding me, my half-dozing mind and pouty lips enough to make the three wolves melt as they move and stretch around, Jimin still holding the snack close to my lips as he grabs a strawberry from the beta.

"It's not that bad, I'd rather eat that and leave the good food for our sleeping mates, they're going to be hungry when they wake up, I'll be fine" Namjoon answers as he readjusts the blanket over my shoulders, a thumb to my lips to remove a trail of drool that I didn't realize had slipped free before he resumes eating the terrible leftovers with a low hum.

As they continue talking, their eyes remaining on my unaware form, I swallow and take another bite of the delicious cookie, mind wandering to the comforting haze that surrounds me, scents strong and invading my senses with no cold even allowed near my skin, it's the best.

It smells good, the pack alpha's scent being the strongest, Namjoon's lavender tea spills free and soaks my body like it's made of fabric, I could never tire of it, it's so comforting and perfect.

I can also smell the others besides the talking trio, Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi somewhere near and snoring while the closest scent, soft and sweet mint tickles my nostrils, Jin must be the one holding me right now, though something about his scent seems different this time.

Not just that, but the fact that we're all together in what I assume to be the pack nest with no recollection of how we ended up here, it makes me feel weird, it feels like I'm forgetting something important.

I remember going shopping with Yoongi, Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok yesterday, we got me some clothes among other things, I made a new friend, Annie, it was kind of fun having them cheer on me while I showed them the last outfits, that was fine, but we had to leave at some point, right?

Why can't I remember?

I continue nibbling on the snack with a confused mind, I don't remember leaving the mall at all, I don't remember anything past the guys paying for everything and it makes me feel uneasy, why can't I?

My teeth meet a resistance on the cookie and I bite a little harder on what I believe to be a piece of almond, but when I hear a tiny yelp echo around me as the cookie retracts from my lips, no trace of almonds left behind, I tense up immediately, soul growing cold in shock.

My eyes open, sight adjusting quickly to the soft glow of the fairy lights decorating the inside of the nest to find Jimin holding his thumb with round, surprised eyes, red lines taking place on his skin that oddly resemble teeth, is that...

Did I just bite on his finger thinking it was the cookie?

My eyes meet Jimin's, breath hitching in my throat as I let it sink in, the pain on his face an arrow to my heart and from there, it doesn't take too long before I tear up, chin wobbling in guilt as I come to process that I used my jaw strength to bite Jimin instead of the food.

I just hurt Jimin when he was only trying to feed me, I hurt him right after he'd called me his pretty omega, his love, I did that to the gentle merman.

My eyes fill with water until they overflow and Jimin gasps, cookie forever lost in the mess of blankets as he scoots closer to cup my cheeks before I can hide in Jin's chest. "Oh, Y/N, love, baby no don't cry, it's okay it doesn't hurt that much, I'm fine" he tries to reassure me as he wipes my tears away but it's too late, I whine in the back of my throat as I pull back to have a look at his red finger that doesn't look fine at all.

Finger hurt? We did that because of cookie? We brought pain to alpha?

Feeling my wolf stir and whimper at the knowledge of the mark we did on his skin, soul turning repulsed at what was done, I let out a sob under their panicked eyes. I'm an awful omega, such a bad omega, oh what have I done?

What if I had bit hard enough to cut his finger off? What if I had caused Jimin to forever lose his thumb? That was so dangerous, I can never let anyone feed me ever again. He trusted me and I failed him, I'm the worst wolf on the planet, I don't deserve his praise and love anymore.

The body holding me starts shuffling tiredly when I hide my face into the mint surrounding me, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jimin in pure panic when my sobs become guilty crying, they try to assure me that it's really fine but I'm not hearing them anymore, words falling on deaf ears no matter what they say as I hide into the chest facing me to physically comfort myself while also mentally punishing myself for what I did.

The commotion has every sleeping wolves waking up from their deep slumber, minds utterly confused as they register the sobs coming from me before they're jumping to their knees to get closer while they try to understand what happened, their wolves also panicking because omega crying, omega in pain, bad, no! Must help!

"What's wrong, sweets, why are you crying? Are you hurting anywhere? Look at us, sweets, please, let us help you" Jungkook pleads with tears already coating his lashes, voice trembling as he stares at me shaking my head from the safety of the sleeping omega, am I remembering what happened yesterday? Is that why I seem so sad?

My hands get wrapped by bigger ones with a squeeze, dark chocolate melting to soothe, Yoongi only wants to bring soothing and relief but it instead makes me cry harder because...

What if I bite his fingers too? Have I suddenly become a cannibal? Can that be a side effect from presenting too late? Are they in danger with me now?

"Honey, please talk to us, what happened? Namjoon, why is she crying?" the older alpha asks as he tries to make sense of things, his alpha wolf already trying to push out to take control, it would definitely steal me from Jin, why is no one hugging me yet? Alphas unworthy of omega! Why do nothing? Hug pup, now!

But Yoongi knows that the heat is trying to cloud his judgement, he can't be too rash in his actions, Jin made a request and he must respect it, they all must, no matter how hard it is.

I peek from over Jin's wide shoulder, a few sniffles to avoid my snot from staining skin and cloth as I meet his gaze through the wall of tears before I reply shakily.

"I... I t-tried to eat Jimin's fingers, I wanted the c-cookie but I bit h-his finger instead, I hurt h-him" I admit between sobs, saying the truth aloud makes me feel even more awful and my crying resumes louder, I really have become a monster who can't differentiate fingers from cookies, this is a nightmare.

I'm a danger to all fingers from now on, they won't want to feed me anymore and that thought makes me feel much sadder than I expected it ever could, I really liked the attention even if I didn't want to admit it, it felt nice and I just had to ruin everything, what will become of me now?

At my words, a lump forms in Jimin's throat and he bites his lips harshly to resist the incoming wave of tears threatening to flood his eyes, hearing how much hurting him affected me making him regret that he reacted the way he did, it didn't even hurt that much, he was mostly startled as he hadn't expected teeth but now his baby omega is in tears by his fault and he hates that.

I turn my head to glance at Jimin with a teary hiccup, a wobble in my chin that breaks his heart in pieces. "I'm sorry Jimin, I won't do it again, I p-promise... Please don't be mad, I didn't mean to h-hurt you, please don't h-hate me" I plead with a shaky breath, the idea that he could hate me because of this making my world very close to shattering, what if the beautiful merman wants nothing to do with me anymore after that?

"Hate you? Baby, my love, I could never hate you, never, how could you even think that?" Jimin utters with treacherous tears running down his cheeks against his consent, he wipes his face with an arm while shaking his head at me, he can't believe the words I said, his wolf turning terribly upset, alpha should've been stronger, finger fine, why react? Should've laughed instead, now omega scared, sad, afraid of rejection.

The nest has become a mess of soothing pheromones, scents and tears, Yoongi and Jungkook always become more sensitive during their heat so it comes to no surprise to any of their mates when they can be found silently crying on the side, the youngest even has snot running down his nose that he regularly wipes as he keeps the box of tissues near him, a crying omega is the worst thing for an alpha in heat.

Taehyung sighs and slides behind the soft duo to hug them both and transfer some of his apple pie scent to their skin to comfort them and soothe their tears, this is the most he can do right now, it bothers him that he can't do more but nothing can be done about that at the moment.

It's not like the current sight is any easier for Hoseok and him but their beta wolves aren't driven by emotions as much as alphas and omegas are, they are there to care and ground when their pack can't do it by themselves, which is why betas are a must in packs.

It wouldn't do if they were to lose control like the others, that's something they're really thankful for, their ability to keep a clear mind through most events, a blessing in dire time, though that doesn't mean they won't feel that urge to protect their pack when necessary, they can be just as bad as an alpha and that in turn makes them scarier.

If you make a second gender that's meant to be the voice of reason want to rip you to pieces, you might want to run away while you still can.

Namjoon clenches his jaw and allows Hoseok to cuddle with him, just because it helps him resist the urge to take me in his arms to comfort me with kisses and nuzzles to the neck, this is all happening because of a silly mistake and it makes him feel awful because he can't do anything, he wishes Jin wouldn't have requested that they don't take me from him.

Namjoon could easily overrule the request and explain why he did so to the upset pack omega once things would settle but his respect for his pack is too great for that, I'm not in a big enough emotional distress, I just need to take some time to calm down from my shock, my reaction one of a very soft omega, Jin would've reacted the same if our positions were reversed.

"It doesn't hurt anymore baby, I'm okay now, look, the red is all gone, my finger is as good as new" Jimin tries again while showing me his hand, fingers moving to show me every angles and I intently stare at them, eyes taking in every centimeter of skin to see that none of them have teeth marks anymore, which one did I bite earlier?

"R-really? You're sure?" I whisper with yet another sniffle and he nods quickly before smiling weakly, he hates seeing such sadness on the people he loves, it makes him want to burst into tears and cuddle with me until I feel better.

If Jin doesn't wake up soon, damned be the consequences that would befall him, Jimin would definitely steal me from the pack omega's hold to comfort me himself, it pains him terribly to be behind my tears while also being unable to do anything about it.

Thankfully for everyone, there shall be no consequences to be had because the next seconds that follow happen in a blur as I suddenly end up hidden under a large body, the same one that has been holding me probably all night, blanket covering us both from sight to leave us in complete darkness.

It takes me a brief moment of adjusting to the sudden lack of light before I find Jin hovering over me, his eyes taking me in silently, his mint sharp, it clears up my clogged nostrils quickly but I can tell that it's not Jin in control right now, what I couldn't explain earlier now clear with the way he stares at me, the sweetness of his scent covering most of the mint telling me this is his omega.

"Omega crying, don't be sad" he murmurs softly as he dips his head down so our foreheads touch, his arms sliding underneath my shoulders from the armpits to reach my face and gently wipe my cheeks with his large palms.

It brings him so close to me that there's barely any space separating us anymore and the proximity has my tears coming to an end as I start getting shy instead, soft hiccups still leaving me as I stare up at him with wet orbs and pink cheeks.

"Alpha fingers tough, he survives" Jin says with a kiss to my nose and I purse my lips, It's true that Jimin recovered quickly, is he really fine now? I didn't hurt him that badly? He didn't lie for my sake when he said that it didn't hurt anymore?

"And if he doesn't, not omega's fault, alpha fingers weak, not your fault. Omega teeth strong, good for food, not bad".

"Yah! Was that really necessary?!" we both hear from the outside of the blanket fort and I can't resist the small giggle that leaves me then, it makes Jin smile, eyes lighting up with relief, his wolf might not have the greatest vocabulary but it can still comfort its baby omega when needed and that's all that matters.

I sniffle a little, calming down now providing me with secondhand embarrassment. "I overreacted by crying that much, didn't I? I just hate hurting others so much and I felt awful, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be all weird about it" I mumble softly and he starts stroking my hair with a shake of the head to reassure me that I in fact didn't, he would've reacted the same way.

"You care about alpha, you cry, me cry too, you good baby, good omega" he muses before nudging my cheek with his own, his hair tickles me and I smile a little, the praise softening the guilt that was gripping onto my heart, Jin's wolf is very gentle, as much as he is himself, such a sweet pair.

"If alpha not want fingers bit, alpha not use fingers, simple" he states matter-of-factly next and someone snorts, tears and panic coming to an end now that their pack omega is finally taking the matters into its own hands - or Jin's - , who is currently fronting not mattering as long as I stop crying.

"You hear that, Jimin? Don't use your fingers anymore if you don't want someone to bite them".

A huff.

"Of course, Jin's wolf always comes up with the best solutions, I'll be careful and use my toes from now on".

Light laughter gets shared as Jin nods his head, pleased with what was said and he then stares at me again to make sure that I'm feeling better before he hums, nose rubbing against my throat softly to make me melt as he scents me, thick rain drizzling over our head, the pack omega is relieved to have it back, he didn't like having me scentless yesterday.

"Baby omega feeling better?" his wolf asks and I nod my head slowly, heart fluttering because it's one thing to be called as such by the human side of a wolf, but to have the wolf call me as such? It feels special, I feel special.

"I do, thank you for comforting me" I whisper with a smile to which he nods with a purr before he decides to suddenly drop his body to my side to hug me tightly again, cheek rubbing over my hair with a sigh, helping his baby omega feel better is making him feel very proud.

"What wouldn't we do without our pack omega, hm? Our big boy handled our baby very well, alphas and betas are proud of you, very proud" Taehyung coos and Jin's chest begins purring with even more intensity, he really did good, didn't he?

"Pack nest filled with smiles and love, not tears and pain, pack omega in charge of happiness" he states, words that have Jungkook and Yoongi cooing quietly, how much they love their eldest mate indescribable with words, none could explain just how much they would do for Jin.

While I too find him adorable, I can't help but be concerned about a few things now that my mind isn't overwhelmed by the finger situation anymore.

Jin's wolf is currently fronting, which feels very sudden, but that's not what worries me, what worries me is that I have no memories of getting into the nest, why is the whole pack in here this morning?

"Guys... why are we all in the nest like this? What happened after the mall? I don't remember coming back home, I don't even remember leaving the shop and not knowing is really bothering me the more I think about it, why is it all blank for me?" I finally ask what's on my mind and expectedly, the blanket quickly draws back to allow Jin and I to see the rest of the pack once more.

"What do you mean, you don't remember?" Hoseok asks me, his face in disbelief, a mirror image of the rest of the pack. "Well, I remember Jungkook distracting me while Yoongi was paying at the shop, but after that... the next thing I remember is waking up this morning".

It's silent for a moment before Jin pulls me deeper within his hold with my face pushed in his neck in a silent beckoning for me to scent him, and with his sweet mint right under my nose, it's stronger than me when I rub my cheek against the thick column of his throat to get more of it, mind turning hazy with satisfaction when my rain turns fresh with his leaves.

Pack omega smells so good, my wolf says and I can only agree, there's never any discomfort in my body and mind when I cuddle with Jin, it was the same last time too when he took me to nest with him.

Jin is like a cloud, he's my personal fluffy cloud.

He starts purring at the merging of our scents deepening and I'm not far behind, almost then forgetting about the current situation when my mind begins dozing off but Namjoon softly gets my attention by caressing the back of my neck before lifting my chin with his other hand so I stare at him, mind clearing up just slightly when I see concern all over his face.

"Sweet love... can you tell me how you feel this morning? Do you feel dizzy? Do you feel weird or sick in any way?".

I try to pay attention to my body, to how I feel but except for the overwhelming satisfaction I get from cuddling with Jin, I can't really notice anything out of the ordinary, I feel wonderful.

"I feel good, Namjoon, if not for my lack of memories and me biting Jimin's finger, this morning would be perfect. I'm just confused, what happened from the mall until now?" I ask and silence welcomes my words, a look around me showing that they all feel uneasy about this.

The pack alpha pulls back and Jin cradles my face between his hands, orbs flickering between my own before he decides to take the burden of saying it aloud upon himself, his wolf doesn't like seeing his pack like this, it knows that what happened yesterday was very hard for the four wolves who were accompanying me.

"After mall, mates went to restaurant for food, had good time and was hungry, but omega had bad time there, bad trauma, then unconscious when coming home. Nest prepared by pack alpha, pack affected by true mate in pain, not like that, heat boom".

I pause at the explanation, I forget to breathe, soul churning at hearing something that I have no recollection of, did he say trauma?

We went to the restaurant and I lost consciousness there? And what did he mean by heat boom, did I trigger their heat sooner? They weren't ready for it, it was supposed to be next week, did I ruin everything once more? Do they get no break because of me?

Jin shushes me softly when my thick rains becomes heavy, clouds darkening with the air's humidity increasing, kisses pressed to my face before he hugs me tightly. "Baby omega, no need for worry, don't remember anyway. Brain free of pain, no need to remember, good for omega, good for pack, let go".

I wish it could be that easy, because even while knowing that remembering would only bring me pain considering the kind of reaction they had, it's still a feeling of losing a part of my life, it's like losing some of my identity, it's a very uncomfortable feeling, I have a complete evening that's just blank, it's incredibly bothersome.

It's as if someone threw a huge thick fabric over a cage to hide the dangerous animal hidden inside after something bad happened, you know that you wouldn't like what you'd see if you were to take a look but damn, this stupid curiosity and need for answers make this into torture.

I meet eyes with Yoongi, silent pleading in my gaze causing him to sigh as he crawls over closer behind Jin to look me face to face, his fingers combing through my hair as he tries to find a way to explain in a way that he's comfortable with.

"Yesterday... there's a lot of anger directed towards what happened yesterday from us because what happened at the restaurant... it had you in complete shock, Y/N. It was a terrible thing to experience, watching you disconnect from reality the way you did. If you forgot what happened... I think it might be dissociative amnesia, honey, it's a reaction to trauma, a way for your brain to protect you from events that hurt you badly and I can't say that's a bad thing.

There was a lot of screaming going on from the other party and you weren't reacting at all, it didn't even look like you could hear any of it, you were just staring blankly into space and that freaked us out so much, so knowing that you have no memories of that night? Excuse this selfishness of mine but I'm really fucking glad that you don't remember anything and I think you should be too. I'm sure it's hard but can we push the matter aside for now? Please?".

Hearing the wavering in his voice as he speaks, one that lets me know that he means every single words he just said, watching as Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung look down to avoid my gaze, anger flashing in their eyes as they remember what happened, I can't do anything else but nod my head, lips pursing when he softly pinches my cheek with a tight but thankful smile.

"Thank you, honey, seriously".


The next hours happen with the eight of us in a close cuddling mass of bodies, hands holding hands and noses scenting throats and wrists with whispers of words shared, all of that with Jin's wolf not letting go of me, his arms completely locked around me to make sure that no one can take me away, something that brings me a lot of healing, his purring enough to relax my body and mind.

I can't help but wonder if Jin will spend all of his heat with his wolf fronting and it makes me wonder if the others will also have something similar happening or if they need a particular trigger for it to happen.

So far, I can't say that their heat is much different from how it usually is, I mean, us all being together in the same nest is definitely new and a first but it feels right, as if this was always meant to happen.

If this is how their heat normally is, with us being able to have conversations as we always do, it should be fine, right? I don't have any reasons to be afraid, Namjoon made it seem worse than it really is, right?


It was but a foolish hope.

"Erm... I need to use the toilet and... I think a shower would be great too, I feel a little sticky with sweat. Cuddling with you all like this is great but it gets really hot after a while, could I be freed so I can slip out please?" I ask, thinking my request a simple one.

They'll agree, I'll go to the bathroom and come back once I'm done, right? Simple.

"Alone?" Jungkook asks and I pause for a brief second before nodding my head, isn't that obvious?

"Well, yeah? It's just taking a shower, I won't take too long, I promise, I just feel a little gross now and it's annoying me, it's not like it's anything dangerous, right? It's just a shower" I mumble, cheeks blushing when I hear an unhappy grumbling coming from more than one mouth.

That wasn't the right thing to say, I understand that easily when Taehyung and Hoseok share a glance that has my soul getting nervous.

"But sweets, you can't take a shower alone, you just... You can't, you're our baby, what if something happens when we're not with you? What if you trip? O-or what if the water becomes too hot all of a sudden? What if you get soap in your eyes? No, I should go with you, you need an alpha to keep you safe, showers can be dangerous".


"Jungkook... I've been taking showers for a long time now, tripping or getting soap in my eyes hasn't happened in years, I'll be fine by myself" I counter, once more aware that it wasn't a good thing to say, some words meaning that it didn't never happen, and if it didn't never happen, then it can happen again.

Something the young alpha caught and took a little bit too much to heart.

"The risk is too great, I'll go get everything ready so you stay here, I'll come get you once I'm done. You stay right here, okay? No going anywhere, you be a good omega, good omegas listen well" Jungkook states firmly before leaving the nest, his feet loud as they hit the floor quickly towards the bathroom that... doesn't sound like the one I usually use.

"He made a good point, we can't have her get hurt, there's more skin to bruise if she's naked... Should I go too? Just in case?" Namjoon asks very seriously but much to my relief, Taehyung grunts and sits up with a shake of the head.

"No. Y/N is not in her heat, Namjoon, she isn't like Jin, she can handle herself. One alpha is going to be the limit for anything that makes her uncomfortable, I don't want to see any alphas disobey that rule, alright? I'm serious, never more than one alpha for private things like this, it's going to be uncomfortable enough as it is for her, don't forget that this is her first experiencing us in heat, let's not overwhelm her".

My hope crumbles as he speaks, I thought he would keep the alphas from following me all around but he just gave permission for one to always be by my side, I frown unhappily while Hoseok grins softly as he scoots closer to me.

Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin start complaining but I decide to not focus on the nonsense they're saying and instead let my gaze fall on the beta who gently starts freeing me from Jin's tight hold, the omega already sleeping, the cuddling eased his wolf into safety so he'll probably be gone for a while.

Once done, he pulls me away from the pile of whiny alphas and makes me sit in front of him in the corner of the nest, my legs raised over his own and by his hips to get me close and within arms reach, hands falling on my waist in a reassuring squeeze just as Jimin whines that it's unfair and ridiculous, omegas should have many alphas staying near them at all times so why can't they?

I now see the effect of the heat on a wolf mind, particularly on an alpha and I feel a little discouraged by it. They were fine earlier for the sole reason that I wasn't going anywhere but my stating that I had to go away from them has started a mess that Taehyung now has to take care of and I haven't even left the nest yet.

"That's taking you by surprise, right?" Hoseok starts with a chuckle when he sees my pout and I nod my head, thankful that there's at least two of my true mates who don't seem too affected, Namjoon did tell me that I could turn to them if I ever needed a break, I understand now why he said that.

He smiles before lifting me up onto his lap, legs crossing behind his back after he pulls me in for a warm hug.

"I wish I could tell you that it's only temporary, but that's going to be your new reality for the coming week. Thankfully, it only happens once every few months but considering that you're a new addition to our group, not officially pack yet but true mate to every single one of us, the heat will be that much harder to resist for our alphas.

They don't mean bad, it's just that they won't be able to tolerate having you alone, they need to protect the one that was made for our souls, even Taehyung and I feel slightly more inclined to remain besides you than we normally would with the others" he explains calmly with a hand rubbing my back and I sigh, what am I supposed to say to that?

I know that I can't just push them away, but to have my shower with one of them near? Jungkook won't undress himself too, will he? He won't get in the shower with me?

"Don't worry, them needing to remain close to you isn't making them into entirely different people, they will respect you no matter what. Jungkook will most likely sit on the floor with his back turned to you and will ask the occasional questions of - Are you okay? Do you need help? Are you almost done? - and when you'll be out of the shower, he'll hand you a towel before giving you his clothes to wear for the day.

He won't look at you until you give him permission and once you're dressed, he'll dry your hair and have you sit still in front of him, maybe he'll even style it a little before bringing you back to the nest, or maybe he'll take you to the kitchen first to make you choose something to eat before coming back so we can resume the cuddles, the first day is usually a nest lockdown so for them to allow you out at all is surprising to say the least".

Oh I see, so he's trying to shift my stance into being thankful for being allowed to shower, I see you, Hoseok, I see you.

I turn my head in a way that makes me lean onto his shoulder to stare at Yoongi and Jimin pouting while Namjoon tries to get confirmation from them that he's to be the next alpha coming with me for my next private activity, as if it's something that needs planning.

Jimin stares at me for a moment before crossing his arms over his chest, eyes turning to Namjoon with a weird glint in his eyes. "So what, because you're the pack alpha, you think that gives you the right to decide that you're going to be next without asking for our opinions or even hers?".

Oh no.

I tense up at the tone of voice used, that can't be good, right? They're going to fight and it'll turn into screaming, it'll be loud and for what? All of that only to know who gets to stand by the door while I pee?

Namjoon pauses for a moment, eyes frowning before he's quirking an eyebrow and I hold my breath as Yoongi lets himself fall to his back before rolling to join Jin for a sleepy cuddle, he's not getting into that.

Taehyung is the only one remaining near but he doesn't seem too worried and that in turn worries me.

"What has being pack alpha to do with that? Haven't we always agreed that the first to ask is the first in line? How many times did you use that on us to get the last bite of dessert? How many times did you get to choose the movie because you'd suddenly shout that it was your turn? While I agree that I should ask for her opinion and permission first, I don't like you insinuating that I used my title to claim the next spot".

I observe with a heart full of concern as Jimin wavers, sad puppy eyes coming alive before he shakes his head, no, he must stay strong.

"But that's not the same, hyung, Y/N isn't a movie or food, she's our true mate and she has a will of her own, I'm just saying that it's not fair for her!" he exclaims before nodding to himself, yes, that was good, show omega that we don't treat as object, we care.

Namjoon swallows down both a growl and the urge to force Jimin into submission, he knows what his mate is doing but right now he's being made into the bad guy and he doesn't like that at all.

"You think it's not fair because you weren't faster than me, that's you being a sore loser right now, Jimin, you do realize that you could just claim to be next in line and there would be no problem at all? You think Y/N is going to use the toilet only once in all of the week? And what if she wants to choose one of us over the other? Maybe some whining alpha would make her uncomfortable, what if she chooses someone else then? What could you possibly do about that?".

I open my mouth at that but Jimin huffs first. "I see, so you're already trying to be the one who'll get to follow her whenever she needs to pee by playing the considerate alpha, I see what kind of person you are, I didn't think you were such a pervert, pack alpha!".

Namjoon gasps, eyes falling on me with an urgency flashing across his face when he sees me gaping, my scent turning a little before Hoseok pushes out his scent of almonds to calm me, arms squeezing me into a tighter hug while giving the glare to the pack alpha in warning that Jimin sees too, face falling with guilt.

Going too far now! Omega looking shocked, alphas must stop fake fight, not fun anymore!

"I swear I'm not a pervert, baby, that's not at all why I want to go with you, I promise" Namjoon tries to assure me before turning to the younger alpha with an angry frown that gives me shivers, I can see that even Jimin gets them as he lowers his head in submission.

"All I'm saying is that she's going to need privacy on more than one occasion so we're all going to get to watch over her at least once, you need to calm down, Jimin, this is all going too far now, that's enough".

Unable to keep my mouth shut anymore at hearing them fight about me like this right in front of me, I push myself out of Hoseok's tight hold to turn my upper body to look taller, which is helped only by me being on the beta's lap right now, unaware that I still look terribly small in the bigger man's hold.

"But doesn't needing privacy require me to be alone? I get that I'm not going to get any of that this week, but having you two fighting over who's going to come with me whenever I need privacy only makes me want to lock the door behind me before any of you can even realize I'm gone, and I wouldn't open the door no matter how much you complain, I can promise you that much! I have to say, you two aren't really cool alphas right now, I'm really disappointed by you".

Silence follows my words and I wither back into Hoseok's chest as I realize what I just said, I didn't mean to go that far, my annoyance disappearing in a flash as I start regretting even opening my mouth.

Why did I say that? Why did I talk like that to the two alphas? Now they're going to be the ones disappointed with me!

But unbeknownst to me, it's the complete opposite that happens and Yoongi can't help it when he hides a grin in Jin's shirt, his butt dancing a little in pride because finally!

The scents in the nest are so heavy already that I can't really notice any changes in them but the surrounding wolves, while coming down from the emotions the fake fight induced, can't deny the relief they're feeling at having me finally speak up my mind about this, thank goodness this wasn't all for nothing.

Now I just need to do the same thing for every single matters that bother me, no matter the gravity.

Jimin and Namjoon make it so they're both side by side in front of me and I observe with a stuttering heart as they look down with their head slightly bent to the side, are they both submitting to me? Two alphas submitting to an omega?

I remain in shock on Hoseok while him, Yoongi and Taehyung nod their heads in satisfaction, show respect to baby omega, that's good, they need me to know that my words matter and have an impact on them. My words hold power, whether I want that to be true or not mattering very little.

"You're right omega, we weren't cool alphas and we've been very disappointing, we're sorry" Jimin suddenly apologizes softly without looking up and Namjoon nods his head to convey the same feelings, he really doesn't like the fake fights but he has to do it for my own progress.

"We shouldn't make these decisions without you, you deserve to have a say in what happens to you even if we're in our heat, it doesn't give us permission to make you uncomfortable the way we just did and I apologize for our behaviour, we should know better than to act like that".

I stare at them with a gaping mouth. Did they just apologize to me? They agreed with me?

Even after I got mad at them and told them off, they still agreed with me and apologized?

My first reflex was to await getting scolded for speaking up, that's what my adoptive parents would've done, that's what my teachers and tutors did whenever I'd try to defend myself but this pack once again takes me by surprise, this is far from what I had expected.

Jimin then turns to Namjoon and tentatively grabs his hands. "I'm sorry for calling you a pervert and also for insinuating that you were trying to gain the upper hand with your title, that wasn't nice of me, I shouldn't have said that".

Namjoon purses his lips and shakes his head sheepishly. "No, it's okay, I did get the urge to request for the three next outings just because I could demand it from you, that wouldn't have been nice from me either, I guess I just got defensive because you saw through me".

They share a nod of understanding before hugging each other and I take in the sight gracing my eyes dumbfounded.

I share a look with Hoseok, watch the way his lips curl up as he lets slip free a giggle at the expression on my face and when I stare at Taehyung next, he looks more sympathetic, a gentle shrug stating without words that he did his best and that he's sorry this is all he can achieve.

"The bathroom is ready! Come here, sweets, let's get you cleaned up!" Jungkook chirps all of a sudden and I startle at the energy that floods from his voice alone, the sight of the alpha's arms trying to reach me into the nest as the rest of his body remains outside almost scary as I hold onto Hoseok for protection, is it too late to run away?

The answer is yes when Hoseok, The Betrayer, kisses my cheek before settling me into the arms that then pull me from the beta and I fake cry as I get taken out of the nest, is this how cats feel when they're forced into the bath? Wasn't I the one who wanted to take a shower earlier?

"Why are you crying, honey?" Yoongi says with a chuckle before stretching himself onto his side to appear cute, he knows how he looks when doing that and he's trying to take advantage of it.

Jungkook turns us so we can look into the nest and I blink at the pretty alpha who opens his arms to beckon me over like he's temptation himself.

"It's not too late to change your mind, you can stay here with me instead, honey. I'll cuddle with you and even feed you more cookies, how's that? Let alpha take care of you?" Yoongi muses, his face hopeful that I might prefer cuddling with him instead of leaving them to shower, such a useless thing to do when he can groom me himself and I almost give into the temptation but Jungkook makes a denying sound while stepping further back, which breaks the spell.

"No, she wanted a shower, she'll get the shower, don't try to change her mind! She clearly said that she felt uncomfortable being sweaty earlier, you're being selfish right now, hyung" the good alpha takes my defense as he brings us closer to the door leading out.

I sigh in relief and turn my face away from the nest, thank goodness for him, I was really going to change my mind and crawl right into Yoongi's arms, what is he? A witch?

"Take her away before they start howling to get her back, such whiny alphas they are this morning. Taking this shower will give her a break while it's possible, make sure to give her space, right Jungkook?" Taehyung asks and the alpha chirps out a yes before running into not the beta's bathroom but another one with a happy grin on his face.

"Don't worry, I intend to be good, I'll be so good that she won't have any reasons to get mad at me by the end of the heat!" he claims proudly while bringing us towards a door that remains half-closed on a lighted room.

Ah, so he's running after the good boy trophy then.

"AH! The good boy trophy! That's a good one!" Hoseok laughs at my words and I pinch my lips to keep in a giggle when Jungkook blushes a deep red, it seems I have seen through the alpha, it's not like there's any reason to be shy, he wasn't really hiding it to begin with.

"What's wrong with getting the good boy trophy, huh?" he mumbles as he sets me down on my feet once in the huge bathroom, a style similar to Taehyung's but also bigger, which makes sense considering that they're a few to use this one.

"Nothing wrong with it, Jungkook, but I don't have a trophy with me so how about we make the prize a kiss on the cheek instead? That is, only if you are a really good alpha, hm? How's that?" I offer and his eyes light up like stars, lips stretching into a wide smile before he bends lower to my height.

"You mean it? Really?" he asks, eyes round and taking me in intently as if to make sure that I'm not going to change my mind when it really matters, but honestly, now that I said that, I don't think I could take it back even if I wanted to.

When I nod my head at him, he cheers loudly before jumping around happily, a promise to be a good boy to get the kiss sang and echoing in the house over and over again which results in the sound of gasps erupting from the pack nest.


Jungkook pauses before gaping at the door, as if he already lost all chances to win the game.

"That's only if you win, baby, I don't intend to lose without trying, I want that kiss too".

"Oh me too, I am so getting a kiss on the cheek, I'll be such a good boy that she'll want to give me two".

"Then I'll make it so I get three, don't cry too much when I get proclaimed best boy".

"Yah!" Jungkook exclaims with a foot stomping on the floor. "You were laughing at me earlier! You're bad! You're stealing my prize!".

I inhale deeply and decide to simply smile through the pain.

This heat is going to be... special.

Yeah, very special.

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