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Jin's POV

Nothing prepares Jimin, Namjoon and I for the messages that suddenly get sent to our group chat as the late evening progresses.

We were aware that our group of mates were supposed to take our baby to the restaurant since they were done with the shopping, they'd told us about the place they had reserved at and we were confident that she would enjoy herself there, as they were.

But this?

Y/N is having a trauma reaction
We met her adoptive parents there and just
Things are bad, hyungs, we're on the way
Yoongi hyung says to prepare for our heat to begin sooner
As in tonight

My heart stops beating, it squeezes and hurts terribly before beginning an overwhelming pace that makes it beat against my chest like it's trying to make a hole through my skin to run to her and a terrified whine leaves me as I read his texts a second time.

She's having a trauma reaction? Yoongi expects our heat to hit tonight instead of next week? That means we should expect the worst.

"Fuck, what the hell were they doing here... the lawsuit must have caused them to come by to try and fix this in person, I should've expected that outcome, fucking shit" Namjoon swears angrily before rushing off towards the pack nest while Jimin heads to the kitchen, fridge, pantry and a few selected cupboards opened to have a look inside only to grumble because that's not enough, that's definitely not enough for a rushed heat.

"Hyung, give me the car keys, I'm going to the grocery store, we won't be able to last the rest of the week and the next one at this pace, leaving the house will be impossible once she gets here so I need to go now" the alpha explains in a rushed voice, his hands on my shoulders shaking me a little to break me out of my panicked state as he pushes out his alpha scent to settle my nerves.

"Hyung, I know it's going to be hard but she needs you, okay? You have to be strong, your true mate needs you so you have to take care of her when she gets here, at least until you make it to the nest, you know that, right? You're her pack omega and a doctor, can you do that for her, hyung? Just until she's safely in the nest, please?".

I nod my head slowly as his words remind me of my new role in the pack, I have someone who depends on me now, she'll need me, he's right.

I get the car keys out of my pocket and give them to the alpha who kisses my cheeks with a whispered "Good omega, now go to Namjoon, okay? I love you, I'll be quick" before he's running out of the house because he hates the simple thought of not being there when she gets here, but the pack needs food and he's currently the only one in a state to head out, he knows that.

As Jimin asked, I make my way to the pack nest to join Namjoon, unsure of what to do with myself. There's an adrenaline that makes me fidgety but since she's not here, it only serves to make me in need of nesting and that's the last thing I should do, not without her by my side.

I get closer expecting Namjoon to be adding of his scent to the nest to assure a stronger soothing and indeed, when I enter the room, it's to be swarmed by the pack alpha's pheromones, thick in the air and meant to soothe a distressed wolf.

The effect is instantaneous on me, the pheromones and his scent giving me a sense of safety that soothes my omega wolf, it helps me to take in a deep breath to relax my shoulders and calm my erratic heart, this should help her too, no, it will help her.

I stare at my pack alpha as he steps out from between the nest's curtains only to get back inside from another angle with an obvious mission driving him, he's not just our pack alpha anymore right now, he's the pack alpha, overwhelming energy flooding out of him without restraint to prepare for the worst.

There will be no leaving the house until the end of our heat once they get here so he's currently doing in less than an hour what he would have taken a few days in perfecting.

I sit on the soft bean bag in the corner of the room to stay in the bath of pheromones he brings to life, my only way to avoid freaking out of my mind right now and I sigh quietly, unable to not worry about how my heat will go.

I've never spent it taking care of someone else to the extent of what Y/N needs, what if I can't keep a clear mind? The others will be able to take care of her but what if I can't? What if she gets disappointed in me because I can't push the urge to let my wolf take control for long enough?

"Jin hyung, please bring some snacks and bottles of water to the nest, they haven't eaten anything and we're not leaving this room for at least a day, where's Jimin?" Namjoon asks all of a sudden and I turn my gaze to him as he climbs out of the bed to stare at me, his pupils large to adjust to the darkness surrounding us and taking me in silently, I know he's currently assessing my condition.

"Jimin went to the grocery store to buy food since we weren't supposed to go before Saturday, he's probably going to grab anything he sees before coming back as soon as he can. I'll see what I can bring for the pack so clear a shelf for me in the meantime please" I answer in a clear mumble while pushing myself up to my feet with just a little loss of balance in the process, but I raise a hand to stop him from helping me, I can handle this.

I don't think my body will betray me just yet, I should have until she gets here before I collapse, he seems to come to the same conclusion because he nods, his wary gaze following me as I near the doorway.

"I already emptied a few, bring more than you think necessary but after that, stay here with me, I don't want you alone for longer than necessary in case you faint. Call me if you feel dizzy and I'll run to you in a flash, I'm not going to overlook your safety no matter the circumstances so don't do more than you feel able to, omega, am I clear?".

I smile at him and nod my head. "Very clear, I won't play the hero so don't worry, I want to be awake when they arrive".

With the order given, I carefully walk to the kitchen and gather everything I find suitable for a nesting quarantine, protein bars, little sandwiches Hoseok had made yesterday, fresh and dried fruits, water, juice and even her favorite tea, and maybe I gather special bite size desserts that Taehyung made too, because if she needs cheering up through food, then Taehyung's baking is definitely a good way to go at it.

I gather everything in a bag and then bring it to the nest and when I open the curtain to set it down on the mattress for Namjoon to organize on the shelf, it's to find that the whole nest has been remade.

The walls of blankets are higher than ever with only the entrance remaining low enough for passage but I can see that even that is going to be covered once we're all inside, pillows are propped around the circle for comfort and solidity and there's a pile of blankets waiting to be used in the middle, all of them properly scented, this is a nest ready for eight wolves, of which seven will be in heat and one in distress.

My mind becomes dazed over at the sight, the merged scents of the pack calling me in with a pull that hurts to resist, it takes me everything to step back, nails digging into my palm because I cannot let go before Y/N is here, I cannot let go before she's been safely tucked in the middle of the nest and right in my arms.

So hard... pretty, safe nest but mates missing, true mate missing, must wait.

Namjoon notices me struggling as he grabs my favorite alpaca plushie to add to the pile for later and he sighs softly before carefully navigating through the nest to come sit on the edge of the bed, after which he pats his lap in a gentle beckoning.

I don't make him wait too long, body moving before my mind even registers what's happening and when I end up sat on his lap and secured in a hug, his arms tight around me, he directs me to scent him at his neck with a low hum leaving him when I take a lungful of his lavender tea with a push of my nose to his scent gland to get more of it.

He inhales deeply and puts a comforting hand to the back of my neck before combing his fingers through the longer hair at my nape, enough pressure used to make me melt in his hold, something that was more than necessary for my tensed body.

His touch purges my body of stress, it makes the impending collapse slower, Namjoon is giving me very needed time.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, omega, if the heat becomes too strong and your wolf takes over, it's alright, we'll all be here to take care of you and Y/N so please don't be hard on yourself, don't fight it if you can't, okay? I know that you want to take care of her, you're her pack omega and she's in distress but no one will blame you if you can't keep a clear mind through it all, not us and especially not her".

At the sound of his voice infused with power, I feel myself nod but against all odds, my wolf uses that very same power to try and find strength to fight against the incoming heat, baby omega we take care of, we can be strong, we can do it, pack proud of us then.

It makes me both impressed and relieved, Namjoon giving me authorization to let go is grounding and it helps in turn to make me keep a stronger stance in front of the storm, I just want to make sure she's going to be alright before I give into the heat, that's all I want, enough time to have a look at her and make sure she's going to recover well.

"Will you be okay if I put you on the bean bag, hyung? Or do you want to stay like this some more? It's okay if you need more time, I want you to be comfortable, your needs matter to me and I won't ignore you no matter what" he says next, patient as he waits for my answer with a caress to my hair.

I close my eyes and inhale slowly to fill my lungs straight from the source, I know he would give me all of his time if I needed it, he would manage between keeping me near and getting to Y/N but I know that it would make him nervous, the nest isn't done yet and that's important to him, nests meant for heats need to be ready before use.

"I think I'll be fine now, Joonie, thank you, I should be able to handle it. My wolf will try to hold on for as long as it can while I assess her state but I'll probably log out quickly once I get her cuddled up to me, all the panic I felt from reading Jungkook's messages, I know it's going to catch up to me" I let him know and he nods, he's already expecting it, having me panicking rarely goes without me going unconscious shortly after, a result of too many intense panic attacks when I was younger.

The heavy weight of pheromones in this room is probably the only reason why I'm still awake right now but even that won't last forever, the more I wait and the worse I feel, I really wish she would be here soon so I wouldn't have to fight against my weak body any longer.

Namjoon refuses to let me walk by myself and instead brings me to the bean seat himself, legs bending at the knees to gently lower me down on it with a blanket drawn over my body, a comforting hand on my head and a thumb caressing my cheek tenderly before he continues with his main task, always with an eye on me when he can.

The bag I brought gets taken with him to the inner shelves surrounding the nest and I can hear him hum and mumble quietly as he properly organizes everything, he even chuckles at some point, I'm guessing from the amount of desserts I took but he can't blame me, anyone else would've done the same.

Dessert and Y/N? Yes.

There's a sense of peace that washes over me here in this moment, Namjoon's pheromones only proving that Y/N will be safe here, she will recover much better than if she were alone, it's such a relief that we get to be by her side now, our little miracle, I would almost purr at the thought but that quiet bubble bursts the moment we hear the front door open.

"Take her to the pack nest, I'm sure it's already done and ready, the sooner the better. Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, we're here. Stay calm when you see Y/N, okay? Don't panic, please" we hear Yoongi say from the entrance and we both frown at each other as the alpha leaves the nest, stomachs churning because we have no idea what to expect from this.

I stand up, not without difficulties, my legs are already getting wobbly but I can't bear not seeing her now, I need to see her, to scent her, her storm will be strong, won't it?

That's what I expect, but when I see Jungkook rush into the nest room before I can make it into the corridor, when I see her body in his arms but no scent of hers that follows, I still, all that makes me function coming to an abrupt standstill as realization comes crashing in.

"That's what you meant by trauma reaction" I breathlessly say as I make a shaky step her way, hands going to cup her cheeks only to gasp when her skin feels cold under my fingertips, it almost feels like she's-

No, don't go down that path, Seokjin, she's still breathing. You're a doctor right now, be a doctor first and her true mate next, don't panic, stay calm.

"Hold her for me please" I request before forcing myself to focus for her sake, Jungkook remains still as a statue, his arms strong and secure around her as he lets me check her pulse and anything else I can think of, the two of us barely conscious of the moving happening around us, of Hoseok asking where Jimin is before Namjoon replies, bags opened and hoodies given, more stuff to scent, the pack alpha is not complaining, his scent needs to be as strong as possible if he wants to soothe seven wolves.

As I take a look at her pupils, at the way she's slightly responsive, her twitches when I touch her, the light frown as the surrounding scent of a protective pack alpha starts registering to her mind, I release a breath of relief and nod my head at the young alpha who then looks like a heavy weight was finally lifted off his shoulders.

"She'll be fine now that she's here... thank goodness for you taking her out of there quickly, my poor baby..." I murmur the end in a light whine before shaking my head and lean down to kiss her forehead, now's not the time for crying, it's not about us, it's about her.

I motion for Jungkook to head to the nest, curtains parted to help him in before I gaze at the rest of the pack briefly to see them waiting for any directives.

"Set her down in the middle please, and can someone bring me a pyjama? I'll change her outfit, she won't be comfortable nesting in a dress and she needs as much comfort as possible. The softest one, not too warm, it'll get too hot for her otherwise" I ask as I keep my eyes locked on her body even as she disappears within the walls of blankets, I only hear a sound of approval before another bag opens and something soft gets handed to me.

"Do you need help for changing her clothes? I promise I won't look, I just want to stay close, I can hold her up while you get her dressed?" Jungkook attempts as he crawls back out, his eyes are begging for me to say yes and I would feel awful for refusing, not that I have any reasons to, we're all in the same boat here.

I try a small smile before nodding. "Sure, baby bun, you come help me, it's going to be easier the two of us than me alone. I don't know how long I'll have once in the nest so make sure I don't do anything inappropriate such as scenting her before she's dressed, that's important" I ask of him, to which he nods quickly before I turn towards the rest of the pack minus Jimin.

"Y/N will be fine, she's responsive and I'm sure that her scent will come back once she's been resting for long enough so that's good. Seeing her adoptive parents must have shocked her as much as it shocked her wolf, they weren't ready to see them so soon, we should've warned her that it could happen but... there's no use dwelling on that now, we can make it up to her once she's awake. I don't know how she'll be when she wakes up but no matter what, you don't take her from me, okay?".

"You're saying that you're already thinking about keeping her to yourself? You're not even going to allow us to cuddle her with you?" Taehyung asks with a gasp of disbelief, a hand to his mouth showing his shock but we can all tell that he's just trying to lower the tension and lighten the mood, yet it still makes me swell with a sense of possessiveness, I really do want to keep her to myself...

"Just for the night" I admit with a pout, it has Yoongi and Namjoon huffing fondly while Hoseok grins lightly, heartbeats gaining some normalcy now that I had a look at her, now that I assured them she'd be fine, physically that is.

Mentally is a whole other thing that we're going to have to deal with later, but as long as we show her that she's safe with us, that we'll take care of her, that she can depend on us to help her, I have good faith that we'll get through this alright.

"It's okay, hyung, we'll be near but we won't take her from you, let's get her dressed into her pyjama now before she wakes up, it wouldn't do to have come back to her senses half-naked, she wouldn't like that" Jungkook calls for my attention and I nod, that's true.

"Right, let's get in, you go first" I tell him, watch as he does so, careful to not mess up the walls that Namjoon worked hard on and once he's leant down on one of the pillows with Y/N pulled between his legs with her back on his chest, I make my way in too, a hand on my lower back helping me in that carries Yoongi's dark chocolate, he must have noticed that I'm almost out of strength.

"I'll go and call Jimin to let him know that she's going to be alright, he must be worried sick" Namjoon states before leaving the room and we all makes sounds of agreement before I join Jungkook's side, her change of clothes in one hand while I crawl towards the middle of the nest to sit in front of them.

I take in a deep breath that reveals to be not such a good idea when a fog settles over my mind, but a call of my name by Jungkook gets me back, just enough to start pulling her dress from her body and over her head, my eyes glued to her neck, to her scentless skin, she needs to smell like us and I'm ready to have her smell like mint right now, the itch is so strong, scent her now.

"Her pyjama, hyung, you have to dress her first, you can scent her once that's done" Jungkook reminds me, himself sounding like he's struggling, he's feeling her bare skin against his own and the idea of planting kisses all over it is so far higher than any other possible thoughts he's having, that and having her wrapped in the blankets with his back facing the nest's entrance, he's not going to let any danger get to her again.

I hum softly in response, piece of clothing rubbed against my throat's scent gland, it carries a little of her happy rain from when she tried it on and it brings some relief to my soul, if I can only get some of it, then I wouldn't feel so awful, the young alpha lets me do this for a little minute before slowly stretching one arm to take it from me, after which he starts covering her skin with the minty fabric that will keep the pack from losing sanity.

The others are incredibly patient as they wait for us to be done but even in my current head space, I can tell that there's only so much they can handle so once she's dressed, I open the curtain to give permission without needing words and I scoot back to the middle of the nest before Jungkook brings her to my open arms with a small smile.

And when I feel her body against my own, when my arms tightly wrap around her, there's no letting go of her anymore, not when I feel like merging her body with my own, not when parting from her would feel as if my very soul is being shredded into pieces.

As the others start climbing the nest, cinnamons back and near as its owner takes in her state, I rub my nose over her neck and shoulder, fingers combing through her hair to push her face under my chin in an attempt to get her to scent me that doesn't work, mind getting foggy and blurry the more safe it feels being surrounded by my mates.

I start sensing the darkness before I notice my eyelids getting droopy and I whine softly at the uncomfortable feeling, arms and hands gripping onto her body fervently to make sure she's not going anywhere, baby omega must stay here, we wake up to baby omega still here.

I feel lips press on my cheek and temple, a comforting pressure to my back and an arm over my waist and hers with the smell of my pack alpha protective around the both of us and I'm out like a light.

Taehyung's POV

Watching my mates fall deeper and deeper into their heat makes my own take roots deep under my feet, Hoseok and I two wolves on the lookout for any particular attention that should be given at the moment, our two omegas sleeping not from tiredness but from being unwell something that makes alertness rise high in our soul.

Blankets are drawn over their bodies until they're properly tucked in and within the pack alpha's embrace and that sight alone is enough to remove some anxious pressure from our chests.

They're now safe and in good hands, protective layers added to them easing our instincts, something that we all needed because this whole ordeal tonight, it's a lot to handle, in many ways.

Hoseok and I have to force Yoongi and Jungkook to eat a little while they themselves insist to see us eating something but I struggle a with that, my appetite completely gone with all that happened so Jimin eventually pulls me into his arms to feed me himself, his legs locked around my own to keep me from moving away.

"Here, just a little at a time, it's important that you eat too" he tells me while pushing a piece of fruit between my parted lips and I let him for the sole reason that I know he would become upset if I made his caring for me unsuccessful.

While I'm being fed sweet strawberries and kisses, Hoseok allows Jungkook to rest the beta's head on his lap so he can play with his hair, wrist rubbing over skin from time to time to soothe instincts and sometimes pushing a blueberry onto his tongue, something that makes the older wolf smile as he relaxes under the alpha's touch.

As for Yoongi, he doesn't eat much but we know better than to force him when he moves in front of Y/N, a soft cleaning wipe in hand to remove the sweat that had clung to her skin during today's outing, blanket adjusted to help him in his task, lips peppering kisses on her arms and wrists to comfort himself that we didn't ruin everything tonight, it wasn't on purpose, we didn't know her parents would be there.

The atmosphere in the nest isn't quite positive yet, there's still a lot on our mind as we try to process the night, but to have everyone in the well-made nest that our pack alpha worked hard on for us, it helps.

Our pack being complete is so important when things don't go well, we can take it easier when we're together, that's just how we are.

Namjoon kisses Jin's neck again, as he has been doing for half an hour now while his thumb softly massages circles on Y/N's covered hip, he would pull them both over him if he could and it hurts him that he can't, it's so easy to see on his face, but our pack alpha is respectful, he knows that Jin needs to hold her like they both form only one until he's had enough and he will not get in the way of that.

An omega in charge of an omega pup isn't the same as an alpha in charge of an omega pup, caring instincts run much deeper into Jin's blood because while alphas' instincts dictate that the weaker wolves must be kept safe from danger, omegas' instincts dictate that emotions must be soothed as carefully as possible to avoid emotional scars.

For Jin, Y/N's mental state is going to be his top priority. Whether he's a wolf or not, the cuddles won't be meant to protect and keep danger away, they'll be meant to share love and healing, he knows that alphas are watching their back so protecting is not his responsibility.

While in heat Jin would mostly lounge around the nest and let us cuddle with him at any hours of the day to bask in our pets and kisses, with a weaker pup in his care, he will now focus on her, there won't be any space for his own enjoyment as long as he sees that she's unwell.

What I expect to see is mainly Jin grooming and scenting her throughout the week so I'll have to keep a soothing cream nearby, her skin will become sensitive and raw if we don't stop him from time to time.

She hasn't been living as a wolf for long enough to be used to swelled scent glands, they can be incredibly uncomfortable if she's not used to the sensation so Hoseok and I are going to have to keep an eye on the duo, especially if he shifts into his wolf, he'll surely be glued to her side for the whole of his heat.

If she shows signs of being uncomfortable or in pain, she'd be automatically swarmed by four overbearing alphas while Jin would start whimpering in guilt and that's not the kind of first experience to a heat I want her to have.

If tonight hadn't happened, the heat would've been a fun thing, there would've been laughter, giggles and cuddles but right now, I don't even know if that's going to be possible.

How deep will her emotional wounds run under her skin when she awakens? How efficient will we be in helping her? Will she lock everything deep down and pretend like she didn't break because of her adoptive parents or will she be too lost in her emotions to even notice where she is?

"What happened exactly tonight? At the restaurant?" Jimin asks all of a sudden from behind me, the vibrations of his voice against my ear has me leaning back into him some more and he hugs me tightly in response.

Yoongi slows down his cleaning her skin to think about how things went, from the moment we entered the place to her parents arriving, there's a lot to unpack, a lot we noticed so it's a little hard to know where to begin.

"From the moment we arrived at the restaurant, she seemed a little... off. Her scent didn't speak of anything being particularly wrong so I assumed maybe it was because the place looked fancy, I figured once she would see the food, it would be fine but..." he sighs, at a loss for words so I decide to continue with my own observations.

"I noticed that she was holding herself weirdly once we sat at the booth, she was so quiet and her scent was too neutral for it to be a good thing, I started getting a bad feeling then. I tried to scoot closer to her to comfort her but when I cuddled to her side... she was so stiff, she wasn't comfortable at all.

The menu didn't look like it was new to her and the next thing I knew, she was leaning on me and closing her eyes, as if she was fleeing the sight. I took her on my lap to let her rest when I noticed that her legs were glued together, she looked like she had to make herself as small as possible, as if she wasn't allowed to take space, as if making noise was forbidden".

Jimin's arms squeeze painfully around me, his scent wavering before Namjoon pushes his own out, he doesn't like what he's hearing but he can't let his emotions get the best of him when he has a pack to take care of, that's his responsibility, his burden.

"So you think she already went there before, to that restaurant" he states at my explanation and I nod my head. "I'm pretty sure she did, yes. That awful woman did seem angry to see her in the restaurant, as if it was a sacred place".

Hoseok frowns and purses his lips. "So her meeting her adoptive parents there... that would explain why she looked around the restaurant as if she was expecting to find something familiar, she must have gone with them often when she was younger, from before they sent her into the educational system to free their hands".

Jungkook makes an angry face as he stares down at Hoseok's hair, fingers not reflecting his unease as they remain soft in the beta's longer strands.

"Then those visits must have been a nightmare... if the way she held herself earlier comes from that time of her life, that means she instinctively went back to the version of herself that pleased her parents the most. She asked for anything else but the salads or the pastas so she must have had those every time she went. She did give the impression that they were pretty strict, she couldn't be herself or eat what she wanted and we brought her to that very same place"

I look down at those words and Yoongi cups his own face with her hands, lips pressing on the inside of her wrist with a pained heart, if only we'd known.

"But you couldn't know. Y/N did not speak up, she could've let you know that she didn't want to go there, that it made her uncomfortable but she decided to keep quiet. I know that she struggles in opening up but that's not just on you, she did this to herself as well" Jimin says firmly, his eyes falling on her both sad and disappointed, he's not mad at her, he only wishes she didn't make the decisions she did.

I pinch my lips into a fine line before exhaling deeply. "Maybe you're right, Jiminie, but Y/N had a long day and she was tired, maybe she thought it was better to go along so that we could go home sooner and I don't blame her for thinking that way. We just need to show her how to speak her mind freely when it comes to her needs, she's never been put in an environment that allowed her to develop that skill so we need to be the ones to teach her these healthy habits".

I can't help it when I counter his point, I know that he's right but I don't want to blame everything on her, I think we all could see that she wasn't feeling so great, we should've cancelled the restaurant while we still could but we didn't. She said she was fine but she didn't look fine, we had our first hint but we didn't take it.

"You're both right, you are, but let's not take this approach with her" Namjoon starts, his gaze fixated on the little he can see of her face being tucked in Jin's neck, fingers soft and gentle as he runs them through her loose hair before he sighs.

Minds and traumas are a complex thing when merged together, he doesn't want to urge a process that takes meticulous attention and care.

"Y/N is having to deal with many things all at once and it's going to take time to navigate through, there's only so much one person can process at a time. Let's start with showing her that being with us is safe, she doesn't have to overthink being here, that's what she needs to understand first. She can be vulnerable and let her emotions out without it being a sign of weakness, she doesn't have to survive anymore. It seems she has yet to realize that".

We remain silent at his words, everything that was said soaking our brains in constant streams.

Y/N hasn't had time to process anything yet, she's only had more and more thrown her way without ever having time to lower the tower that now threatens to fall over her head. Her burden must be so heavy and since she's always had to depend on herself until now, of course she would continue to struggle in silence.

How can we show her that she doesn't have to do that anymore?

"Then... I think we need to show the example" Yoongi says from his resting position at Jungkook's feet, we all turn our gaze to him and he continues when he sees us all staring and waiting.

"Think about it, when you learn something new, what makes it easier? It's seeing it happen in front of you, right? Explaining and describing is fine, but if we stop there, wouldn't it be like pointing in a direction before continuing our separate way? We tell her that she can let us know when something bothers her, but we have yet to show her that we too sometimes have to communicate our needs. We're so used to each other that we don't need words anymore.

We're currently showing her something that can be achieved only after years of communication, she came here seeing what a healthy relationship is like, but she didn't see the process of how we came to reach that point. It makes sense that she'd try to fit into what she's seeing blindly, she's just trying to do the same as us and what we're doing is silently walking a path with ease because we know each other as if we were one, she must feel like she would only burden us with her problems".

"So we need to start arguing in front of her" Jimin blurts out out of nowhere and I huff out a laugh, a very short laugh when I see the others nod their head.

"Wait, you can't be serious" I mumble but when I turn my gaze to Namjoon for help, he seems to really be considering it.

"It doesn't have to be arguing, although I can't say it's a bad idea as long as it doesn't go too far. It's more about vocalizing our needs and how to settle problems through communication while she's within hearing range. Silent hugs to apologize or giving treats to solve fights aren't going to teach her anything, we need to use words more often from now on" our pack alpha says before nodding to himself, a nudge of his nose to Jin's shoulder before he continues.

"I think it's worth a try, we've nothing to lose. Maybe it'll help her to understand that not being okay with something is not a bad thing and that telling us isn't going to make us mad or disappointed at her. I don't know how exactly it was when she was still living with her adoptive parents but she must've been scolded often for sharing her needs in the past, we need to change that".

It makes sense, more communication is not a bad thing, vocalizing our needs is definitely going to show her the good example to follow and maybe then she'll feel more at ease to do the same but I can only gape at them for a moment, eyes meeting Hoseok's to see a similar concern on his face.

They really want to fake arguments when the slightest hint of discomfort during a heat has every wolves nearby reacting like a screaming human hunted by a swarm of bees? That would be chaotic, pure chaos, I'm not sure that part is such a good idea.

But then again... I guess it could be funny to see.

The alphas would be constantly busy trying to backtrack and appease the very fight they were trying to start. I expect Y/N to be confused while staring at them and now... that's something I kind of want to see, the judging light in her gaze as she tries to understand what the heck is going on.

Hoseok smirks at me and I grin back, the both of us always on the same wavelength when it comes to these things.

Yeah, maybe, just maybe, we can observe for now and see how it goes.

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