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A little 10k words!

I hide my face into the closest pillow with an embarrassed whine, mind unable to believe what I did now that it's cleared back to normal. It's like I'm watching an ultra HD movie with me right on the front seats and I feel so humiliated!

I went and chose fifteen hoodies for myself! Fifteen! I acted all giddy over it and then I hugged the sweet omega employee and told her that she smells good! Which she does but that's not the point!

"Awww, doll it's okay, please don't hide from us" Hoseok coos sweetly from his laid down position in front of me, hands gentle as he tries to pull my face out of its hiding place so I can look at him instead, I try to resist but he's much stronger than I am and my burning red cheeks eventually come to greet his endeared eyes.

He smiles and scoots ever so closer, an arm around my waist pulling me to his chest while his other hand remains under my cheek to make sure I don't go and hide back into the pillows, the other wolves sat around us with a comforting hand on my legs and hip to show their support even though they're not in my immediate range of sight.

I blink at him sheepishly with the little to no distance between us not allowing me much ways to hide, something my soul still desperately needs, their eyes that I know to be all on my face making me wish for a blanket to cover it so that I could get through my humiliating moment in peace.

I try to move to free myself from Hoseok's hold but his arm around me simply tightens and pulls me even closer so that when he looks down at me, I can feel his breath right on my lips, something that has me squirming out of shyness, face blushing to an uncomfortable heat.

My wavering scent has the wolves surrounding me push out their own to soothe what they know is mostly the beginning of an omega drop, that and a little of Hoseok's overwhelming presence, Yoongi hooks a finger under the back of the beta's shirt to bring back some distance to let me breathe before bringing his gaze to me.

"Look at me, honey, listen to me alright? What happened earlier, that was your wolf's consciousness merging with your own. It happened because both of you were in a good mood, it was sign that you were feeling safe, that you were comfortable, you were absolutely adorable and have nothing to be ashamed of. An omega space is normal and desired, okay?" he explains gently, a hand combing through my hair to help me calm down.

The mix of wolf pheromones pushing out give more impact to his words and they in turn help solidify the explanation, it settles properly in my mind and beyond the mist of shame, was it really a natural thing? They didn't find me weird?

When Hoseok nods his head quickly to confirm what Yoongi said, his eyes soft and reassuring, I force my body to relax a little in his hold, something he notices with pride, a purr pushes out of his chest as he noses at my hair to leave a sweet kiss behind, I melt into putty as I finally allow him to hug me closer, my head tucked underneath his chin where his scent is strong and comforting.

"It was... so weird, I felt in control of my body but also not, like I wasn't the only one making the decisions anymore, is that what it's like? Merging with your wolf?" I ask in a mumble, the men chuckle lightly at my cute explanation, Jungkook scoots closer behind me and rests his head on the pillow before hugging me from the back, his baby powder joining Hoseok's heavy almonds.

"That's exactly what a merge with a wolf is like. When it occurs, your wolf's mind and desires become stronger, the influence that would normally affect only themselves starts affecting you as well, but let's say... instead of overruling your own, it's more like... they will add to what you already wish for.

The hoodies must have been the trigger, you were already wanting them and a desire was formed, it echoed with your wolf and it in turn responded to that desire by wishing for the same thing too because it saw how happy they made you, your wolf felt such bliss affecting you that it had to participate to make sure the desire would be accomplished.

Maybe it was to make sure you wouldn't stop halfway, maybe it knew that you would eventually deny yourself that right, maybe it also wanted to choose some hoodies of its own, but it ultimately became teamwork, two souls merging to form only one to accomplish the same task" he explains softly and I pout shyly, I triggered the merge because of hoodies?

Now that's just embarrassing me all over again.

"But... Jungkook, I chose fifteen hoodies, not two or even four, I got fifteen of them" I let out like it's the worst thing to ever happen to humanity and it causes them to grin, Taehyung and Jungkook giggle before the latter peppers kisses to my cheek. Goodness they find me adorable.

Yoongi chuckles and frees my face of the hair Jungkook unintentionally covered it with and smiles at me. "Yeah, now that was a surprise, it took me a little minute to process that you had gathered them on your own but it made me proud, we want you to feel allowed to take whatever you want and then show it off with pride, that's all we want for you" he reassures me again with a happy sigh that has me blinking shyly at him from the safety of Hoseok's rumbling hug.

"You know that we can afford it, baby rose, don't feel bad about it and just grab anything your heart desires, okay?" Taehyung muses from behind the alpha and I purse my lips, can I really do that? It feels so wrong though.

"You speak like you could afford anything in the world" I mumble in slight disbelief, there's got to be a limit to their fortune, right? They're already living in a castle and even their cars are top quality, the food they buy in a week looks like it's worth more than my old rent, how can I possibly add to that?

Taehyung quirks an eyebrow as he stares at me. "Why couldn't we?" he asks, but more than a question that needs a reason, it sounds more like a statement, as if he's daring me to try and see what they possibly couldn't afford.

I pat Hoseok's back so I can be released, it takes some grumbling from him and Jungkook before they allow me to sit up but that's not without cuddling my sides closely, their arms acting like a chair, I can relax my muscles and it doesn't even seem to bother them, it's kind of funny but instead of reacting to that, I bring my gaze back to Taehyung, an eyebrow of my own rising at his defiant expression.

"Okay so... what, if I ask you to build me a zoo for my own personal entertainment with all those fancy ass animals and staff that you would need to pay for my few yearly visits, you'd do it?" I blurt out, expecting a quick shake of the head, eyes round as they get overwhelmed by the grand idea, a loud - no! - spilling from their lips because... what the heck, right?

They couldn't possibly agree to such a plan-

"Do you want your own personal zoo with fancy ass animals?" the beta instead replies as he straightens up, eyes curious as he waits for my answer.

Okay, he sounded way too serious.

He's not serious, is he?

I glance at Hoseok, at Jungkook and then at Yoongi before staring at Taehyung again, the curiosity obvious on their faces, I can't believe this, no, I shouldn't have said that, why did I talk about a zoo out of all things?

"Guys, no, I was saying an exaggerated example because I couldn't come up with anything else, you do not build a zoo" I start, fear crawling up my spine and coursing through my blood, they look too focused and lost in their own mind for this to feel safe, oh what have I done?

"You don't like architecture, we get that, but how would you feel about working on a layout for a zoo?" Jungkook asks all of a sudden, fingers rubbing his chin as his eyes fall on me and when the others purse their lips at the good idea, my jaw falls to my lap.

God, forgive me for I have committed the mistake of underestimating the true mates you have thrown upon me, please give them a good smack in the head to get them out of this dangerous fantasy because this is crazy and insane, thank you, amen.

"We're here for clothes right? I'll go try on the clothes we've chosen" I blurt out before pushing myself to my feet in a hurry, I have never felt such desperation to get them back to a spending matter, but this one is definitely less costly and totally more normal and needed than a zoo, I should've kept my damned mouth shut.

"Sure, go ahead, sweets, we'll just call the others real quick and we'll join you when we're done" Jungkook tells me as he gets his phone out of his pocket and my eyes widen, I am going to ruin these men because I talked about a zoo, I will never be able to forgive myself.

I decide to not say anything to them anymore, just to be safe and instead exit the room before closing the door behind me, heart pumping blood too quickly for what is currently needed but who can blame me? This is ridiculous!

"Are you okay, hun?" I suddenly hear from my left and when I turn my head to see who it is, it's to find the fruit sorbet omega smiling worryingly at me with a few clothes in her arms, they look freshly ironed.

Maybe she can bring some common sense into their brain? "I made the mistake of talking about building a zoo as a sarcastic comment and now I think they just called the rest of the pack to talk about the idea in deeper details" I blurt out, my voice filled with panic and desperation, but where I think I might have an ally, I watch as she purses her lips, adorable chubby cheeks puffing out before she lets out an amused giggle that has me gaping at her, this is no laughing matter!

"That sounds fun! Tell them that I would love going if they ever end up going through with it" she muses and I shake my head, no, don't encourage them into doing it!

"Can I go try on the clothes?" I whisper, soul filled with misery, I have ended the blooming fortune of a pack and no one seems to care, she chuckles before leading the way, apparently uncaring about my newfound reality.

They were joking, right? They have to be, please let this be a huge joke and nothing more.

Their POV

"Oh my gosh, did you see her face-" Jungkook starts right before bursting into laughter, his body falling right onto Hoseok who's already laughing while slapping his knee, their soul filled with colourful amusement, they got her good.

"She looked like she completely gave up on making us give up, she must be freaking out right now, let's make that call so we can join her soon" Taehyung says, words that Yoongi can go along with as he grins while taking the younger alpha's phone to call the trio left behind.

He got a message earlier stating that Jin was now back home and that they were impatient to receive some news on how it was going, he doesn't want to make them wait any longer and so, the line starts ringing soon after as the quiet beta moves to rest his chin on the eldest's shoulder.

'Finally you called! I was starting to wonder if you had forgotten about us, Jin hyung was about to call you soon because he couldn't handle not hearing from you guys any longer' they suddenly hear Namjoon's voice speak up as soon as the call gets accepted, the four wolves chuckle because they can imagine, they would've been spammed with messages followed by calls very soon.

Such an impatient omega they have, although they know that most of it stems from their young true mate currently being in a busy environment in a somewhat of a vulnerable state, they know that it wouldn't take much for things to take a turn for the worst and that in turn worries Jin a lot.

"Sorry hyungs, we would've called sooner but something happened so it had to wait a little, Y/N just went to try on the clothes we selected earlier so we took that moment to call, we'll have to join her soon though so the call can't last for too long" Taehyung answers, unaware of the panic his words start on the other side of the phone call.

Jimin grabs the phone from the pack alpha's hold, butt slipping towards the edge of the couch and feet anchored on the ground as he gets ready to make a run for the mall if needed, what did Taehyung mean by that?

"What happened, Tae, is she okay? Did she get hurt? Did she drop? Oh my gosh, did she have an omega drop in the middle of the mall? Did she get lost and end up all by herself?" he exclaims under Jin and Namjoon's nervous eyes, the car keys in the omega's pocket making a little noise when he pats them, he wants to be ready, just in case.

'Jiminie, cub, breathe it's okay. She didn't have a drop, she fell into omega space so we had to take a little break to nest, that's all, she's more than fine now, she was just a little embarrassed when she got out of it' Yoongi informs them and the trio relaxes instantly with a deep sigh, thank goodness.

But... omega space? Now that got their attention, they all share a curious glance before staring at the phone again, what could have pushed her into omega space in the mall of all places? And they missed it?

That's worse than a knife in the heart, especially for Jin, he knows what it's like after all, he really wanted to be there for her first time, both to coo at her and to reassure her once she would've come back to herself.

They said she was embarrassed, but really, Jin knows that she must have felt humiliated more than anything else if he knows her at all. His first time made him cringe for weeks, he couldn't believe the things he had done during his first omega space even if it happened with his family, he wanted to hide out of shame, it must have been similar for her.

"What triggered her, hyung?" Namjoon asks first and they hear a few hums on the other side of the line before Yoongi speaks up.

'She found hoodies. We were looking at the shoes while she was getting herself undergarments but at some point, she must have moved around because we couldn't see her anymore. It ends up that she wasn't too far, she was having the time of her life picking up one hoodie after the other and right into her arms, you should've seen her, she was the cutest, absolutely adorable, Jungkook got a few pictures, I'll send them to you'.

Following those words, it doesn't take too long before Namjoon's phone receives a notification that a picture was sent and Jin sends himself nearly flying as he dashes forward to grab the device, fingers tapping the screen impatiently and when the picture finally spreads onto the screen, the omega falls on the couch with a loud cry, he can't believe he missed her like that! Unacceptable! He can't accept that he wasn't there to see her being so adorable!

With a huff at Jin's dramatic behaviour, Namjoon and Jimin take the phone from him, the both of them taking this too lightly, they weren't ready, too nonchalant, so when they stare at the picture, when they finally register the sight gracing their dilating pupils, they behave exactly the same way Jin did, a tantrum that will not bring them their omega, such a crime!

Jungkook laughs at the muffled sounds that transmit over the call, the others already falling to their back in laughter because they can understand how they're currently feeling and they find it hilarious, they're lucky enough to have been able to see her in omega space in person and they're definitely going to cherish that memory.

'She wanted to use them for her nest so we scented them for the temporary nest here, it was impossible to get her to let go of them, she absolutely adores the hoodie you put in the bag, Jin hyung, I don't think you'll ever get it back, and don't worry, Taehyung gave it to her because she was a little nervous about entering the mall, it put her more at ease once the pack's scent filled her nose' he speaks up next and the omega straightens up at these words, chest pushing out and chin raised high.

Really? She loved his hoodie that much? He feels such pride at knowing that he had a good idea by putting it in the bag, he would've been content to know that it didn't have to serve, but to know that it did and that it helped, now that's something Jin hasn't gotten to feel often and he can't get enough, he would give her everything he owns if it could help her in a heartbeat.

"So we've got ourselves a little omega with an undying love for hoodies, huh? They must have been the ones to trigger her omega space, we're going to have to keep an eye on her whenever we walk in clothing stores" Jimin says and the other wolves hum in answer, that's true, she'll be more likely to react the same way whenever she sees hoodies that get her attention.

'Let's not go too far in the future, she should be satisfied for a while with the amount she got but that reminds me, is her bed suitable for an omega with a skin allergy? We learned earlier that her skin hurts when she wears regular clothes, it's apparently always been like that for her, she thought it was normal but clearly, it's not' Hoseok suddenly asks and the three wolves at the house tense up, eyebrows furrowing instantly.

Jin stands up and heads straight for her bedroom where he then runs a hand over the blankets forming the nest one at a time while Namjoon and Jimin stand in the doorway with the phone in the latter's hand, eyes staring at the omega with concern, did she hurt even while sleeping because they didn't pay enough attention?

Jin's hand eventually stops on one of the blankets before pulling it out of the nest harshly, hence messing up the whole thing but that can be fixed, this blanket needs to go right in the trash.

"Joonie, get rid of this please" he requests, to which the pack alpha can only nod before grabbing it, eyes narrowing at it like it did terrible evils during its stay in the house when in reality, it's just a little too rough, but that's enough to have it out of the house, they won't have her cuddle with anything that could hurt her.

"Burn it to ashes, hyung" Jimin growls, his wolf hating the fact that their sweet omega could've slept with something that ached her without telling them anything about it, he would definitely make the blanket suffer if it had any nerves and a conscience, but it doesn't so he will settle with burning it down.

Jin huffs and pulls the young alpha over so they can get the nest back into shape, they'll need to add more blankets since the one he just removed compensated a lot in fluffiness because it was so big, they didn't have any more spare so that will have to be taken care of.

The omega stares at the phone now resting on the bed besides him. "Guys, get more blankets, the softest ones you find, we'll need to redo her nest, it's not nearly fluffy enough anymore because we got rid of the biggest one".

'On it, hyung, we're in your favorite shop right now so we'll get the ones available here' Jungkook confirms for them and Jin smiles at the mention of the shop he always buys most of his clothes at, it's definitely a good choice for their true mate, especially if she has a skin condition, he's glad that his mates had good reflexes.

'Alright, we should go and join back with her, she'll start wondering what we're doing, we teased her earlier and now I'm afraid that she might be panicking over whether we're really planning to build a zoo or not' Yoongi states next with a laugh just as Namjoon comes back and the three wolves pause, heads tilting because... what?

"What the heck are you guys talking about?" the pack alpha blurts out, his eyes confused as he tries to understand what he just heard. A zoo? What?

Jungkook and Taehyung giggle when they remember her face, they wish they could've snapped a picture so they could show the others but they were enjoying themselves too much to think of that, so much regret.

'She seemed to doubt us being able to afford anything she wants, she was very sarcastic when she talked about us building a zoo for her if she wanted one, what she didn't expect was for us to continue with the idea, because I mean, technically we could right? She got the same feeling because she started getting more nervous and she was sweating, oh man was she sweating' the youngest alpha explains before giggling again, face falling in one of the pillows with a happy sigh.

At hearing that, the trio's imagination easily providing with the image of their true mate freaking out because of a non-existent zoo, Jimin is first to burst into laughter, body bouncing on the bed in front of him as he always does when he laughs before Namjoon moves behind him to keep him from falling to the ground with a smirk, a wounded alpha isn't something he wants tonight.

"You teasing wolves, don't keep her suffering like this and go reassure her right now that we will do no such thing, she doesn't need that added stress, you silly pups" the pack alpha requests and the four wolves at the shop calm down a little, although they all keep a smile on their faces, they'll be sure to reassure her, that was already the plan.

Yoongi motions for Jungkook to go join her now as he himself stands up with a grunt to step out of the nest, they're going to have to clean this up and gather the scented hoodies, he doesn't want to forget anything, which is why he'll need the two betas with him for that.

He grabs the phone and brings it closer to his mouth. "I'm sorry, Namjoon, I just sent Jungkook to go check up on her now while we clean the room we were lent for the nest, I'm sure she'll be fine but we'll let you know as soon as we've assessed her state" he says before handing the device to Taehyung while the three men at home make a few noises in confirmation.

'You do that, send us a message sooner rather than later please, I love you'.

More 'I love you too' are shared before the beta ends the call and they quickly take care of folding every blankets and hoodies before gathering their (future) belongings with them, an omega they're eager to see again, both to comfort and to admire, they wonder how many clothes she's tried so far, hopefully they're not too late to be granted a little fashion show.

Your POV

You know what? I deserve a proper zoo, we'll call it The Bangtan Zoo and then I'm going to name every single animals with my personal favorites and I'll bath with the crocodiles, the monkeys will groom my hair and the tigers will show me their tummies for scratches, yes, I've got it all figured out.

Or this is the story of how I've been trying to convince myself that everything's fine for the past ten minutes to keep the panic at bay, one that has been trying to crawl closer whenever my thoughts come to the subject of money, a word of wonder that hides a terrifying world.

In one part of my mind, I know that they can't be serious, it simply wouldn't make sense, you can't just decide to build a zoo without any proper planning and care, you need permissions, you need knowledge that has to do with taking care of a zoo, we don't have that.

It's the other part that worries me, because so far, they've shown me just how much they want me to be comfortable and happy, they're very nonchalant about money and that in turn scares me, what if they really make a move to see what is required to build a zoo? What then?

Am I reading too much into this? Should I drop it and pretend like this all never happened?

I finalize wearing the next outfit that Annie, the sweet omega, prepared for me to help me try on as many pieces without it taking an eternity considering that the guys did take a lot just based on what I looked at, but so far, I have to say I've fallen in love with everything I've tried on.

The comfort that comes with wearing these clothes astounds me, my skin hasn't itched a single time, it's so soft that it feels like it's caressing my skin all the time, the clothes here are like a constant personal hug and I'll have to sincerely thank the guys for bringing me here, it's definitely going to impact my everyday life, in a good way.

I step out of the large changing room and stop in front of the mirrors in front of me to have a look at myself, a little spin to see how the skirt flows that has me smiling in glee, this looks so cute! I never thought I could wear something of this style before and enjoy it but I have to say, I really like it!

"Oh sweets, look at you" I suddenly hear from my right and when I turn my head, it's to see Jungkook come over slowly with affectionate eyes, his orbs shine like stars and his baby powder is aromatic, fresh, bright, it makes me feel all giddy when he comes to stand behind me to have a look at the mirror with me.

"You look beautiful, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" he muses as he makes small steps closer until he can slides his hands over my hips, face leaning into the side of my neck to breathe me in deeply, my rain filled with sun and rainbows, his arrival really cleared all of my previous freaking out, he's so handsome and warm that it's all I can focus on, that and the words he just uttered.

I lean into him, heart thundering happily in my chest as a soft purr builds up slowly, he can't resist hugging me tightly from the back at the sound of it, a kiss pressed to my neck that has my whole soul jolting in shock, it felt like sparks, it felt good.

I blush at the thought just as he looks up through his lashes to glance at me, he chuckles low in his throat before pulling back to make me spin once more, his eyes gazing down at my outfit with an approving nod.

"My most gorgeous princess, how do you feel? You're not still thinking about earlier, are you? It was only to tease you but if we took it too far, I apologize. We're not going to build a zoo, you don't have to worry about it" he finally says, the words I had been waiting for, I can hardly hide the relieved sigh that leaves me as he makes me spin one last time before pulling my front to him, a hand sweetly landing on my blushing cheek to keep my eyes on him.

"We called Jin, Namjoon and Jimin because they wanted to hear about you and how it was going, that's why it took a little longer, they were very jealous when they learned that they missed you in omega space" he informs me with a small giggle and I find myself unable to not join him at the revelation, were they really?

"Is it really such a big deal? For me to be in omega space? To merge with my wolf?" I ask curiously, he caresses my cheek like it's made of silk before nodding his head.

"It is, especially considering all that happened until now. You went through a lot, before we met, after we met, you had to discover in such a painful way that you're not human, you have to adjust to more developed senses on top of learning that you have seven true mates, something that we all thought was genetically impossible, it would make sense if you couldn't process all this easily so to see you comfortable enough to fall into such a happy omega space? It means a lot, yes".

Oh... well said like that... I can see why they would be excited about it.

He silently gazes at me for a moment before humming softly. "How do you truly feel about all this, Y/N? I know we haven't really talked about it in details since it happened because we wanted to give you time to process, but it's a lot and you don't really show us much of how you really feel at times. Are you really handling this as well as you seem to be? Or are you trying to be strong even if it means ignoring your discomfort?".

I take a moment to think about his question, it's true that we didn't really talk about it so far, did we? Not like it's that far behind us, but for me to be out like this today when I just barely learned that who I am is not who I thought I was, I guess there is place for concern.

"Honestly, Jungkook? I'm not sure, I'm just going with the flow, I guess? I haven't really tried to think too hard about the matter of me being... a wolf, or what it implies, about my adoptive parents, it's been out of mind as much as I can allow myself. I don't know how to process this the right way so... it's been easier to focus on the now" I admit just as other familiar scents join us, he presses his lips into a thin line before smiling lightly.

"I understand, it must be hard to navigate such a complicated maze... thank you for being honest, sweets, truly. We need to know how you feel so that we can take good care of you, we're new to this as well and we're trying our best to help you but we've never had to help someone through such a transition before, we need to communicate as much as possible, okay? It's going to be very important, both for you and for us" Jungkook requests and I nod slowly before looking around us to find Yoongi, Taehyung and Hoseok joining us.

I hadn't taken the time to think about it until now, but it's true that what I'm currently going through, all these changes, they're not affecting only me but them as well, as their true mate, it must be stressful for them, not knowing what to do, what not to do.

If we look back to yesterday, to my outing with Hoseok, maybe things could've been avoided if I had simply opened up more, but because I didn't, the beta was left to guess something that he had no experience in dealing with and that led to my blowing up because none of us knew how to react.

Maybe I've been selfish in a way, I expected them to know how to deal with this so that I wouldn't have to bear the biggest burden but they're just as lost as I am.

"I'll do my best to communicate more... as hard as it is. For now, I'll admit that I think I'm feeling fine because it hasn't really processed yet, there are the senses that have changed, yes, that I can't say I haven't been enjoying, but it's not like I've... physically changed, right? What you can't see, it doesn't always process right away so I have a feeling it's all going to catch up to me eventually" I tell them, feel a hand take hold of mine gently before Taehyung brings my fingers to his lips.

"Can we all agree at the moment that you should not stay alone? Even if you crave for a walk outside, or even staying at home, can we for now agree to have always someone with you, at least nearby, just in case?" he asks after peppering some butterfly kisses to my fingertips, his concerned eyes meeting mine to take in my reaction as I think about it.

It would make sense, since none of us know how I will process all this, nor when it will really start, what if it happens with me suddenly panicking and I have no one to help me through it? I feel like it would damage my wolf and I, to be alone through it.

To be overwhelmed by all that I am? To feel like a stranger to myself, fingers touching skin that doesn't feel like my own anymore, a body that hosts my soul but a feeling that they are incompatible, what if that happens to me at some point? It's a little scary now that I think about it. Can my mind reject my new identity?

I hope it doesn't reach that point, but that will probably depend on me and on how open I am willing to be with the guys. If I remain stubborn and keep everything inside instead of sharing with them, I feel like that would only worsen something that can be taken care of properly.

I spent my whole life having only myself to lean on and that caused me to forget how to depend on others of my own free will, but maybe it's time I relearn that basic social skill, these seven wolves are not like my adoptive parents, that has got to make its way to my mind eventually, they don't require the same behaviour from me.

"I also think that would be for the best. I don't want to remain locked up at the house, but maybe I should avoid doing any solo until we're sure that I'm going to be alright" I confirm and they all nod in relief, Jungkook hugs me tightly one last time, as if to share that he's proud of me - which feels amazing I won't lie - before smiling, his hands moving me so that I can now stand in front of the three wolves who haven't yet noticed my new outfit.

Yoongi is first to look down, Hoseok second and then Taehyung, and it's funny to see the way their eyes widen one after the other, lips parting before Hoseok coos, hands risen in sign of adoration before he steps closer to make me spin just like Jungkook did earlier.

"Oh doll, I can't believe I didn't even notice how cute you are until now, this outfit looks so good on you! How do you feel in it? Is it comfortable?" he asks in an amazed gasp, it makes me giggle as I nod my head, "It's very comfortable, Hoseok, my skin doesn't feel itchy at all and I love the style, everything I've tried on so far, I've loved".

"Oh that's good to hear, really good, did you have anything else to try on?" he asks, a question that has the four of them staring at me intently, I can see that if the answer was no, they would've asked me to retry some outfits just to show them but lucky for everyone, I still have a few outfits left.

"Annie made me different outfits with what we chose, I have three left" I answer and that seems to please them immensely, Yoongi even perks up before heading to the nearby couch, and once he's sat down, Taehyung pulls Jungkook and Hoseok with him to free me, a clear invitation to get back there and give them the fashion show that they long for.

I sigh then head back to the changing room, it's going to be embarrassing, isn't it? I know they're going to make a big show of letting me know what they think, I have the first time Jungkook and Yoongi walked me back home as proof, they can be loud as heck when they want to be.

"Stop mumbling to yourself and get changed! Unless you need some help?" Jungkook offers with what I know must be a huge grin but soon I hear him whine while Yoongi and Hoseok scold him and I laugh to myself.

"No thank you, I think I know how to undress myself alone, alpha" I muse, unaware of the flaring noses in reaction to my words, Hoseok and Taehyung both cuddle up to the two alphas just in case, they have clingy wolves after all.

"A shame, truly" Yoongi drawls slowly and I pause mid-movement, heart skipping a beat at the tone of his voice, where did that come from? That was Yoongi? The sweet alpha?

"Hoseok? Taehyung? You're keeping an eye on them, right?" I ask in a whisper, just to be sure, but their answer isn't really reassuring. "They won't be able to get off the couch, sweet rose, don't worry, we're keeping them locked in our arms".

I gulp and decide to simply hurry up in getting undressed, now aware that there's only a curtain separating us, that doesn't feel nearly enough, they should add metal doors.


"Yes hello, we made a reservation for the Kim pack" Yoongi states calmly as we reach the front desk of a nice restaurant, a place I never thought I would step foot into ever again, yet here I am wearing a dress, it feels like quite the irony considering I used to hate wearing them in the past.

I've actually been here many times before with my adoptive parents when I was much younger, this restaurant used to be a favorite of theirs.

Every Sunday nights, at the same time, at the same table with the same food, the three of us would come here and play the happy, loving family. It feels like another life, yet the emotions I used to feel during those times are just as vivid as then.

I let Taehyung and Jungkook pull me forward by the hands when I have yet to move at the hostess' invitation to follow her, they share a concerned look before smiling at me when I look up at them a little dazed, luckily my scent doesn't betray me, they must believe me tired after such a long day.

"You okay, sweets?" the alpha asks me in a murmur as we squeeze in between two round tables, I nod silently before looking around me to see that the place hasn't really changed since the last time I came here.

It feels like I went back in time and for one second, I almost expect to find my parents seated at the usual table, a night of looking dignified and happy for the sake of appearances, except that when I do find it, it's to see another unknown couple seated there.

I release the breath I hadn't even realized I was holding in at knowing that they're not here, I'm not sure how I would feel if I were to see them in person after all these years, especially after the recent events, can I still consider myself their daughter? Probably not.

Heck, would I even recognize them? I just know that their voices are ones I will never forget in all of my life and that terrifies me a little.

"Do you not like this place? We can go somewhere else, honey, we don't have to eat here" Yoongi informs me when he notices my tensed silence, which is in all honesty quite the opposite of what they were expecting by bringing me here, me who is usually so loud and expressive, they don't know how to deal with this side of me but the thing is that me neither.

I simply shake my head and smile at him. "It's fine, Yoongi, the food here is good, I don't mind".

He should've realized that it wasn't fine, he should've but he didn't, he instead attempts a small smile back before reaching the table that was reserved for us, after which the hostess settles the menus on the table before wishing us a good evening and leaving.

For obvious reasons, I'm made to sit closer to the wall of the half circle booth, these are perfect for bigger groups while allowing everyone to interact without straining necks and so I end up right in the middle, Yoongi and Hoseok to my left while Taehyung and Jungkook sit to my right, I can't deny that it feels nice to see everyone so well from here.

Still, for some reason it seems impossible for me to relax, my spine straight as a stick, shoulders pulled back as I rest my hands on my knees, feet glued together and chin bent slightly down, because a lady must be quiet and sit elegantly, she mustn't be loud nor must she be too comfortable.

You mustn't look like you come from a poor family, you are not the same as them, that's what they used to tell me every night before coming here.

How easily does it all come back to mind, those countless times when my adoptive parents tried to make someone refined out of me before ultimately giving up and sending me away, I don't have to follow the instructions anymore, so why can't I let go?

A menu slides down in front of me and I raise my eyes to see Taehyung scooting over to have a look at it with me.

He can see that something is wrong but he can't pinpoint what exactly so he's going to keep a close eye on me and that starts with appraising my experience with this kind of place, he could sense earlier that I'm not new here and he doesn't know if it's a good thing or not.

He makes himself look happy and scoots just a little closer again so that our arms touch together, but there's no softening of my rain as usual this time and it causes his wolf to whimper in worry, something is indeed wrong.

"Let's look at the options together, baby rose" he chirps, his apple pie all sweet as he grins at me, it helps me smile before nodding at him, eyes then looking down at the menu that too hasn't changed, is this restaurant frozen in time?

Everything is the exact same as the last time I came here and it's... slightly distressing because this place links me to my adoptive parents, yet so much happened since those many nights spent here and it feels like a slap in the face now that I'm back without them.

I observe as the beta changes the pages and points at different images, I know that he's talking but I can't will myself to listen to him when my mind drifts off as the memories flood in as easily as the scents surrounding us fill the air.

They would treat these Sunday nights as something special, as if it were their duty to make a public appearance and remind people that they had a joyous family, a healthy child and enough money to dress prettily, and now that I look back at it, maybe they also did so to show off their generosity, them who adopted a child that isn't of their blood, weren't they just so nice?

Mom would make me wear an expensive dress, she would do my hair and even make me wear a little bit of makeup even though I was a child, she looked so excited as she would tell me that she loves going out like this, it made her feel important, she loved knowing that people stared.

I could never eat what I wanted when we'd get here. Dad would choose for me and more often than not, I would either end up with a salad or a light rosé pastas, mainly food that wouldn't make me look messy or noisy, just the sight of those two meals appearing on the turning page of the menu has me swallowing thickly, they were always so bland.

Seeing as nothing changed visually, I'm pretty sure the food must taste the same too.

"Baby rose... what's wrong? You really don't look so good" Taehyung's voice eventually pierces through my mind and when I blink myself back into the present, it's to see four wolves staring at me with worried orbs, their scents sharing their concern although they do try to keep them from turning bad.

It's such a big contrast from earlier at the mall, watching them pile everything on the counter was nerve-wracking but... they made it fun, they made me laugh, Annie had even given me her phone number so we could talk again later, we were all in a good mood then.

I inhale silently before forcing myself to yawn, after which I rest my head against Taehyung's shoulder to avoid answering the truth but he instead opens an arm to cradle me to his chest and I melt a little bit, it always feels good being in their arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm just tired. You can order anything for me, I don't mind. Just not the salad or pastas, please" I utter softly before closing my eyes, a slow exhale leaving me as I drop more of my weight on the beta who holds me carefully to him.

They're starting to get an uncomfortable itch on the back of their neck, they don't know what to make of this but they decide to be on observation duty for the moment, there's an unease that they can't understand and it annoys them.

"What about meat then? Would you like some fish? The salmon is delicious here, I can vouch for it, that's what I had last time" Hoseok tries with what he wants as a joyous voice but my brief hum of approval and otherwise lack of reaction makes his smile waver.

Food usually makes me all excited like a puppy, Jungkook can't help but scan the room quickly, as if he could detect anything out of the ordinary, did I see something on the way to the table? Nothing appears to be wrong, yet his wolf seems on edge, he doesn't like that.

Taehyung moves us so that I can sit sideways on his lap to avoid my back bending uncomfortably but when he slides an arm under my knees to settle them over the booth, when he notices the way my legs are stuck together, muscles tensed letting him know that this is intentional in an unconscious kind of way, he hugs me tighter to him, his instincts are starting to hint at a need for protection and it makes him feel restless because he sees no apparent danger.

"Let's just eat and go back home, she's exhausted" I hear him say, his voice vibrates against my head and into my ears and I prefer that much more to the loud ambiance of the restaurant that again feels like it's bringing me into the past.

At hearing their disappointed sighs, I can't help but wonder if I already failed at being open to the guys like I said I would, I should've told them I couldn't come here instead of following silently like I always do, I should've told Jungkook and Yoongi that I am in fact not okay, not while being here.

I am not okay because I fear the very people I used to want to accept me for who I am, I fear the very thought of them being here, I fear the very sound of their voice, what would they say to me after all these years spent apart? What would mom say after our last phone call?

Would they even want to acknowledge my existence or am I already dead in their eyes?

Our table is overwhelmingly silent, the only sounds heard from the menus sliding around and pages turning, sometimes a light voice asking for the others' preferences, what they're going to order after all and when the waiter comes to offer something to drink, Hoseok ends up giving the orders right away with a request to be fast, something the man agrees to quickly before leaving us alone.

I try to relax in Taehyung's hold, I try to lose myself in his scent and warmth but all of me feels as if I'm walking in a field used for war, as if anytime, danger might arise with no hideouts in sight for me and it's causing my heart to beat an unsteady pace, an anxious heat warming me up from the inside, it's uncomfortable.

I try to focus on Taehyung's breathing, on my true mates' scents, yet at some point, my ears pick up on a laughter that sounds too familiar and I instantly open my eyes to look towards the source, the suddenness of my movement having the four wolves staring at me for exactly one second before they're turning their head in the same direction.

And there they are, mom and dad.

Along with another young girl who seems to be around my age.

I hold my breath as I keep staring at them, my surroundings blending into a blur, I feel as if my breathing would catch their attention right away if I'm too loud, they won't notice me, they can't notice me, they're too focused on themselves to find me seated here, it's fine, I'm fine.

But who's this?

Why do they stare at her like that? I see the way she smiles, the way she looks at them like they mean the world to her and I get such a feeling of dread that fills me up as they walk closer and closer until they stop at the table besides ours and...

"We're here to celebrate you graduating college so feel free to have anything you want, okay? We even have a surprise for you because we're so proud, our pretty daughter, you worked so hard for us, come on, have a seat" I hear mom speak with such a bright voice that I have never heard directed at me the way I'm hearing right now, but that's not what pierces my heart the most, no.


Our pretty daughter.

So they really did end up adopting another kid after all, and that didn't happen yesterday, it's obvious that she's been with them for years, and they actually look happy.

So that's why I was always treated so coldly. They couldn't possibly be seen with someone like me, a failure when they had a princess at home.

"Awww mom, dad! You didn't have to, it's a given that I would do my best, you've done so much for me! Thank you so much, I promise I'll continue being a good daughter to you" the feminine and golden haired girl muses with pride as she sits down, they look so proud of her, they got the doll they always wanted, she wasn't a failure like me.

My heart and soul sting and burn, like paper held over a fire, I feel myself burn from the inside out, the past years of suffering with the dream of being given a smile and a small congratulation, a small 'good job' ripping out of me with a silent scream, it was all for nothing, it was all for nothing, they were never going to be happy, no matter what I did.

I should've seen it coming, I had seen it coming, yet it hurts so bad and I don't want to stay here, I don't want to see the sight that offers itself to me, I don't want to hear them, my heart beats too fast for comfort and I feel nauseous, I need to get out of here.

"I want to go home, please, can we go home?".

I don't realize that I'm crying until I feel the warm droplets fall onto the exposed skin of my upper chest, my last word said in a trembling whisper and as much as I want to flee right here and now, all I can actually do is dig my fingers into Taehyung's sleeve to hold tightly, my eyes still focused on the trio, unaware of the four pairs of eyes focused on me.

I should've said that sooner, I shouldn't have pretended to be fine, now I'm seeing my worst nightmare come true right in front of my eyes and I thought I didn't care, I didn't want to care but I do and it hurts so bad.

Those words are enough to have Jungkook and Hoseok jumping to their feet first before the alpha turns around as Taehyung scoots towards the edge of the booth to take me into his arms.

It doesn't matter in the slightest to them that we're in a refined public space, if they need to take me out of here, they'll take the fastest method there is and that includes having me into the strong alpha's hold.

It should be simple, pick me up and walk away, that's all it actually takes to leave this place except that the commotion gets the nearby tables' attention, and that includes my parents.

I see the way their faces fall, the way their eyes narrow in anger at me and it suddenly feels like I never knew them to begin with, and maybe that's the truest thing I've ever learned up to now, I never got to know a single thing about who they really are because they never saw me as family to begin with.

They know how to be warm, it was simply never meant to be towards me because in their eyes, I was a failed project.

"You... you!".

I can sense my wolf whimper and crawl away from the voice I know to be directed at me, it's already panicking because they are, to it, literal monsters.

My wolf almost died because of them, they almost killed us because of their disgust for wolves and I can feel its fear as if my own, and maybe it is mine as well, because just by looking at them, I get reminded of that painful night that nearly brought me to my end, they did that to me, didn't they?

Mom stands up and points an affronted finger at me, her expression looking as if she's seeing the devil incarnate and my tears grow fatter, she doesn't simply hate me, I repulse her, I enrage her, is this the way she's always looked while thinking of me?

"You! How dare you come here of all places! Do you have any respect for the people who raised you?! How dare you file a lawsuit against us after all we've done for you?! Have you no shame? You... monster! You should've died! You should've died that night! You don't deserve to breathe on this planet!" the woman who used to call me every day screams in a shrieking tone before shutting up when the man who always regarded me coldly demands that she calms down through gritted teeth, the attention currently gathered on them not of good light.

I remain completely frozen in shock at her words, parts of my soul shattering in pieces, they cut me from the inside and I bleed, and bleed, and bleed.

Their POV

Multiple growls fill the heavy silence that follows the woman's outburst before Jungkook quickly grabs Y/N in his arms, her face protectively tucked into his neck before he glares at the family of three, the young human girl completely white in shock as she stands a few feet away from the commotion.

"How dare you talk to our true mate that way, human" Yoongi utters lowly under his breath, a frightening new side to his voice that no one has ever heard before, it sounds less like him and more like his wolf, Yoongi's wolf took over.

Hoseok and Taehyung move in front of Jungkook to act as an additional wall of defense, but they all sense just how bad things are going, Y/N's scent is almost gone, it's as if she's stopped existing and Jungkook needs to sit back down on the booth just to have a look at her and make sure that she's still breathing, his hands shaking when what he ends up seeing is her lifeless eyes staring into the empty air.

For Y/N currently feels like her soul has just now detached itself from her body, emotions dulled until they end up as nothing more but an old thrum of life into an empty corpse, and when she looks around her again, everything feels slowed down like a movie as she watches a man step forward to say something.

The words won't reach her anymore, but it probably has nothing to do with her anyway.

She looks down at her body - is it really hers? - and watches in a blurry sight as someone holds the hand hanging limply besides her, she can sense tingles but everything feels so numb, is she in a dream? It sure feels like it.

She closes her eyes to shut off the very confusing world surrounding her, everything keeps swirling even though she's not moving an inch and it's making her feel sick, she feels so dizzy and tired, so tired...

Jungkook and Taehyung watch with terrified eyes as she goes completely limp in the alpha's hold, if he wasn't already hugging her so tightly, he fears she would've slipped right out of his arms and to the floor, her heartbeat is too quick and her heat is way too high, they need to take her out of here right now.

"Enjoy the last of your freedom while it lasts because I promise you, you will not see the light of day ever again once the verdict is given. You can't poison a wolf and nearly kill her and expect to walk away unscathed, she was under your responsibility and you failed her, you did this to yourself" Hoseok firmly states before making one step closer towards the man who tries to stay still, although his heart betrays him.

"You're lucky that there is currently a lawsuit against you because some of our mates would have been more than eager to rip your throats open and feed on your carcass. Let me tell you this now while I'm at it. You're not winning this and you're also not surviving the prison you will be sent to. Think very carefully about your next move, we don't lack the resources to make your life a living hell for what you have left so don't tempt us".

Satisfied with the visible shivers that spread through the family's bodies, Hoseok then motions for his mates to follow him and opens the way towards the exit in a straight line, his angry aura demanding that everyone step the hell out of his way as the others walk right behind in a hurry with Yoongi closing the line.

They should've taken the signs of her discomfort as what they were, they should've taken her out while they still could, but they didn't and now they have to stare at the unconscious form of their true mate who's scent nullified itself, something they only know from some brief school textbook knowledge as a strong trauma reaction.

Tonight started a success and ended a mistake, they messed up, they messed up so badly.

Needless to say, this is a very bad beginning to their incoming heat.

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