- 17 -

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I know I don't say it often, but I want you guys to know that every comments you write, I reread so often and I thank you for that! They always cheer me up and they're really helping me when I go back to reread some chapters to see your reactions for some particular scene, it's like pure fuel for me! I love you guys and please stay safe and healthy! ♥

"I get why Jungkook said that I wouldn't really like that part" I mumble as I eye the fancy ass mall in front of me, why do they always have to make everything look like it's made for a red carpet just because they have money?

The people walking in and out of the terrifyingly big building all wear the newest collections of clothes, hair looking their best, makeup on point, I can tell even from a distance, I do not belong here.

It takes me a moment of staring at it in fear before I notice Taehyung and Jungkook crouching on the ground around the bag that Jin prepared for me in case of emergencies, and when they pull out a comfy looking hoodie, when the scents that can only be the pack's ooze from it and to my nose, I find myself staring desperately at it, something they all notice, it makes them fidget anxiously, they can only hope it works.

Perfect for cuddling and the material made to absorb scents at full capacity, two very important traits that make this kind of clothing a necessity for Jin, he was more than eager to share it with me in case that this outing turns wrong, which they all wish doesn't happen.

Taehyung stands up with the hoodie and makes his way to me with a soft smile before slipping it over my head and down my upper body, arms easily finding the sleeves, except that my hands don't make it out, everything about it too big for me, but that's exactly what makes it so appealing, it's perfect.

I grip onto the inside of the soft sleeves that feel like a caress against my skin and breathe in deeply, the scents merging together and filling the air around me before reaching my very soul soothing me in a way that I didn't know I needed, the sight of the rich mall suddenly less overwhelming than it was just twenty seconds ago.

I still don't like it, but at least my legs aren't ready to run anymore, it wouldn't have been fun like this morning.

"Better?" Taehyung asks softly and when I nod bashfully at him, he heaves a sigh of relief, the others also sharing a look that screams victory, this hoodie is officially my own, Jin will have to find another one.

"We're not here to get more phones, are we?" I ask nervously and their eyes soften before they shake their heads at me. "No, we're here to get you clothes, sweet rose".

"So it's going to cost more than a new phone" I whimper before looking back at the car, is it too late to get inside? Did they lock the doors?

Jungkook back-hugs me, a barrier keeping me from fleeing and he rubs his cheek against my own with a gentle sigh. "What do we need to do to make you not think about the price, but about the clothes, sweets?".

I purse my lips and look down to avoid the others staring at me intently, the answer one they really want as well, but the thing is... is there even a way for me to not think about money? It's all my life has ever been about, I can't change that so easily.

"I don't know, Jungkook, but... if this is important to you, if nothing's going to change your mind... then please don't take me to the most expensive shop just because you can afford it. In my mind, more expensive doesn't mean better clothes, let's just go to one that makes something that would suit me?".

"But-" Taehyung looks like he really wants to convince me that on the contrary, more expensive is in fact better but Yoongi shushes him with one glance before nodding at me, his eyes letting me know that they're going to respect my limits.

"Anything you want, honey, we can find something to your taste here, I'm sure of it. There are many shops and we made sure there would be a wide enough variety so if we end up doing more than one shop, it's totally fine, that's why we're here" he assures me and I purse my lips before nodding my head, I at least get some control over where we go so it can't be that bad... right?

I just don't think I'll have that much control over how much they buy.

"And very important, doll" Hoseok steps in this time as he makes his way to stand in front of me, fingers tilting my chin up so my eyes meet his, his nerves spiking up as his scent turns concerned, it has me growing uneasy but I will myself to focus on what he's going to say.

"If you feel uncomfortable, in any way, please let us know. There are multiple areas here for nest breaks, we can rent a room until you feel better, there's no hurry, okay? And if you really can't handle being here one more second at any point, then we leave, but you have to let us know, we still have much to learn about your non-verbal so please don't make us guess everything".

Oh, that's not nearly as bad as I was expecting, I'm sure I can do that...

And they rent nest rooms? Now that does get my attention, it's like a security blanket that suddenly appears over my head, it's reassuring because it allows me privacy if I do ever become overwhelmed, I thought I would have to sit on a bench where everyone can see me, that wouldn't have helped.

They seem to sense my relief over that point because I can see them all taking mental notes, that places offering nesting rooms are a huge plus for when they end up taking me out for activities, or even for when I want to accompany them during grocery shopping or things of the kind.

Jin is fine most of the time so they've never made use of them before, the only omega they really could learn from since the beginning, except for Yoongi and Jungkook but it's not the same from when they're at work, those omegas are mostly strangers while mates are much more personal.

Hoseok takes a moment to roll my sleeves until my hands finally feel the breeze, then takes one in his own, palm against palm while his fingers slide in between mine before pulling lightly, enough to have me make a move forward.

Jungkook's body still wrapped around me makes walking more difficult as our feet knock against each other but it quickly makes me giggle, especially when I try to avoid his feet only for him to purposefully try to kick against the heel of my shoes again, oh the silly alpha!

Hoseok can only look with endeared eyes as the alpha and I giggle together while Yoongi and Taehyung walk by our sides, a safe barrier around me that makes the outside world feel that much less threatening, it makes me hopeful that this outing can go well, maybe we can all have fun here?

And so, it's with a smile on my face that we step through the large and tall doors of the mall to enter inside what feels like an entire new world of grandness, ceilings so high up and made of glass, natural light coming in and bathing onto us, trees and plants decorating every corners and shops, it's a sight that takes my breath away instantly.

I would have expected something cold, pale and freezing colours everywhere the eye can see, but instead there are bright and warm tones everywhere, funny lights and store signs all made to catch our attention, it's so much more jovial than I would have thought such a place able to achieve and it makes my mood perk up quickly, fascination filling my orbs as I take in the new environment.

"So? It looks nice, right? It's wide and clear, the air is regularly cleaned, it doesn't feel suffocating at all here" Jungkook chirps in my ear and I nod my head quickly as we keep advancing to an area of the hall where is installed a map of the building that shows every shops available over four floors, it's intimidating, so many fancy brands I recognize flashing all over the place.

Taehyung walks to a section that shows the clothing stores and points at a few of them while gazing at me.

"These ones have nice clothes and I think you would like them, they're not overly expensive either, but if you can tolerate a little bit of the more expensive, this one here is Jin's favorite shop, it's where he gets his favorite pieces and I really think you would have a good time there, it's specifically made for omegas and it's not that overwhelming, they have very pretty things, the hoodie you're currently wearing is from there".

Damn it, of course the most comfortable piece of clothing I have worn in my entire life would be of the more expensive kind.

"But it can wait if you're not ready" Yoongi steps in at my hesitation, my mind fighting against myself because... I really wish I could have more pieces like this one.

If my entire wardrobe was like it? I feel like I would be a lot more comfortable in my skin, most fabrics always feel weird against my skin but this one doesn't, the same goes for the two pyjamas the pack has gotten me so far, they were from there, weren't they?

"Do... do they all make their clothes soft like this one and the pyjamas? Because this fabric doesn't bother me like most do, it... it feels nice" I ask in a mumble, they all frown a little at my comment and Yoongi eyes my pants with a displeased tilt of the head.

"Honey... do the rougher fabrics sometimes hurt if you wear them for too long?".

An easy nod of the head and Jungkook's arms tighten around me, Hoseok's hand squeezing mine, their scents shifting in a tensed sort of way. "Since when?".

I shrug a little, eyes looking down to see my old pants, the top I'm wearing underneath the hoodie gotten around the same time, I thought it was normal for daily clothes to irritate my skin, is it not?

"As far as I can remember? It's always been like that, it just... you know, it gets a little painful after a few hours, but nothing much, why?".

"So it's decided, we're going to Jin hyung's shop" Hoseok decides with an urgency that takes me aback before he's pulling on my hand again so we can head to the elevator while Jungkook takes my other hand to walk besides me, Yoongi behind us while Taehyung leads the way.

What? Are my clothes killing me? Am I dying not because of whatever kind of blood infections exist but because my clothes are itchy? What's going on?

"I can't believe you've been hurting everyday just to be dressed and we didn't even know. It's not every omegas who have that condition, but Jin has dealt with a few of them, it's a type of allergy. Your skin is naturally more sensitive than ours so it happens more often than not" Taehyung explains when he looks back to see my confused expression while he presses on the button to call the elevator to our floor before continuing.

"There are sadly not that many types of fabric that your skin wouldn't react to, but the workers at the shop know of that condition and they have aisles filled with clothes that won't bring you pain, we'll start with that place first to see if they have anything you like, but we'll get a few pieces for sure, it's important that you are comfortable in what you wear".

I nod, unable to do anything else as we get in when the doors open in front of us.

I didn't know such a thing existed, to be allergic to my clothes, but my life has been a game of such hellish chess that I shouldn't be surprised, it feels like I've been losing all my life, until now anyway, these wolves clearly know how to play the game more than I do.

The doors close, Yoongi pushes the right button and I get that sick feeling of when an elevator rises soon after, of when my soul takes its sweet time following behind to get back to me, like it's taking a break from me while it can, the bastard, I want a break too!

I purse my lips in discomfort, I've never been a big fan of elevators, ever since I can remember so to see the doors open again to the fourth floor this time, it's a blessing really, and when we step out of the glass box to head to our left, I continue following in silence, the fact that our shopping has narrowed down to mostly one shop a relief to me.

If we can get in there and get everything they feel I need without having to go all over the mall, I wouldn't complain. It doesn't matter to me what kind of clothes they get me, I just know that after learning of such a comforting softness, I want more of it.

"We're here, this is the place" Yoongi informs me as we get near a pastel coloured shop and when we enter inside, it's to be greeted by the best warm temperature, soft lights that are not too bright but not too dark either, it's like they were warned of my preferences and adjusted everything for my arrival.

It makes me realize that in the end, I'm really not so different from other omegas, I'm just like them and it's a little weird to process.

It's not like I'm fighting the thought, I'm slowly acknowledging that I'm not human, I've never been one, but my mind still feels like one so it's a messy thing to go through, I wonder if this will be something I will take for granted one day, if I'll ever get used to it.

"Welcome sirs, miss, what can I do for you today?".

I look up in surprise to see a sweet woman, an omega who smells like fruit sorbet smiling at me when our eyes meet, it takes me aback to be noticed for once but it makes me perk up happily while Taehyung proceeds to explain the problem concerning my condition, knowing eyes falling on me with a nod before the female leads us further into the store and to a nice section separated in half, one with simple colours while the other has bolder ones.

She motions for the few aisles and smiles again, her chubby cheeks adorable to my eyes, all of her looks squishy and perfect to hug and it makes me jealous because I wish my body could bring that sense of comfort too, but I know it's far from that goal, not when I've been skipping so many meals for so long.

Maybe after eating more of Hoseok's food and Taehyung's desserts, I can gain some weight? I would probably like my body more if I had some thickness back, I would look healthier, in my mind anyway.

"Everything here would be the clothes I recommend. They're all made from fabrics that won't hurt her skin, the same goes for the undergarments and the coats, it's a blessing for people like us, I won't lie. I don't believe many other shops offer such alternatives while allowing stylish looks so it's very limited, but this is what we offer here" she explains and I let my gaze wander the many different clothes I can see from here with curiosity.

I can already find ones I would enjoy wearing but the most important thing is that they all look so freaking comfortable, what is this, heaven? I understand why Jin would find this shop to be a favorite.

"What do you think, honey? Want to go ahead and see if you find anything to your taste?" Yoongi asks me and I nod my head before letting Hoseok and Jungkook pull me towards the closest aisle where we then look around together, Taehyung and the alpha behind us and grabbing everything they deem has gotten my attention for one second too long.

I have to admit that it's a little exciting, fingers touching the pieces sending amazed tingles to my brain because how is everything so soft without exception? I've spent my whole life trying to find the least worst out of what was available to me and now I'm thrown in a land where everything is not the least worst but the absolute best.

I do make it a point to not look at the price tags, just to push back the inevitable, it would be wonderful if I could simply not know what they cost so that I can keep somewhat of a peaceful mind but I know it's nearly impossible, if I want to try them on, I will catch a few numbers at some point.

Here's to hoping they're not exaggerated.

And so, just like that, the pile that the guys hold climbs higher and higher to a point that worries me before disappearing once in a while to wait for me in one of the cabins in the corner of the shop, the woman omega never far behind and making sure to lower their burden, always with that sweet smile of hers.

For someone who said the choices were limited, it feels like I'm about to try on half of the clothes the shop has and I'm not sure how to feel about that one.

Eventually, we make it to where the undergarments are and I pause, eyes falling on the nice omega for help, I can't possibly have the guys come with me for that one, can I? I know they would all try and convince me that it's fine, that they don't mind and... no, I can't have that happen.

She catches my glance and winks knowingly before turning to the men. "While I help miss here to choose her undergarments, why don't you sirs go and have a look at the shoes and coats? We have some lovely raincoats and boots for when the rainy season hits, you might want to have a look to make sure she's properly equipped".

As I thought, they look like they want to resist at first, the idea of leaving me alone here not one they want to agree to but at seeing my blushing cheeks, not ones that come from their teasing but from unease, they shut their mouth and nod before the two eldests start pushing the younger men away and to the section she's pointing at.

I sigh silently, relieved that they made this easy, I really don't want a repeat of Yoongi knowing what I wear under my clothes, especially not three more of them and so, I give the omega a smile, thankful for her help in dealing with this because I could not have done it by myself.

She smiles back before motioning an arm towards the bras nearby. "There you go, do you know your bra size? Maybe we should measure you so we can make sure we get the right one for you, we tend to have a different system than other shops" she offers and I hum in agreement before following behind her.

"That would be great, thank you. I don't think my current size is the right one right now so I'm not really sure which one I'm supposed to get anyway" I let her know, her expression doesn't change at my words but her sweet scent of fruit sorbet turns a little bitter.

"That can't be too comfortable, it's important to get your right size to make sure you don't get hurt unnecessarily" she states as we reach a more private area where she gets a measuring tape out of a drawer before walking back to me, I lift my arms so she can wrap it around me.

"I... well I guess I didn't really have much of a choice, my adoptive parents... while studying, they never gave me money for clothes so I had to do with what I had, which was in all honesty not a lot. Being spoiled by the guys here today, it's... new for me, it's a little hard to accept but I'm trying for them" I explain and she makes a soft noise, the sound sad to my ears.

"They look like they care a lot about you, are you all mates? Have you been with them for a long time? It doesn't look like it, protective as they are, I'm guessing it's very recent?" she asks softly and I smile at her question before lowering my arms when she's done, eyes following her as she puts the tape away before walking me back to where the bras are.

"I guess it's complicated? Being with them is pretty recent, I met them only a few days ago but it feels like months went by, so much happened in such a short amount of time. You see, just last week, I thought I was a human, I'm still... getting used to this life as an omega wolf" I let out with a dry chuckle before bumping into her when she comes to an abrupt stop.

Her sorbet has watered down, her shock crystal clear on her face when she turns around to stare at me with round eyes. "Excuse me, what?".

I look down, teeth going to bite on my tongue, me and my damn mouth... I shouldn't have said that so easily but the words were blurted out without thinking.

"Yeah... my adoptive parents apparently poisoned me when I was young to keep me from presenting, I had to go to the hospital recently where they... they changed my whole blood? Something like that, they had to remove the poison because it was killing me, me and my wolf".

She brings a hand to her mouth, the other going to rest on my shoulder with a gentle and comforting squeeze.

"Oh hun... I'm so sorry to hear that, it's absolutely awful, no one should ever have to go through that, never. How is it? Transitioning must be so hard" she asks softly, my heavily scented hoodie now gaining a new meaning in her mind, it's much more important than she had first believed.

I purse my lips and shrug slightly. "Well... I'm not sure. Hearing my wolf talk is not that scary, it's funny and it feels... right to hear it in my head, but for the rest... I want to say that it's going well but to be honest, it feels a little as if it's happening to someone else, you know? I haven't really... fully processed yet" I tell her as I start eyeing the choices of underwear in front of me.

"I'm sure it's different, intimidating, I'm glad that you at least like your wolf, that can only make things easier for you and you have a lovely pack by your side, that's the most important. It must feel weird, like seeing life under a new light? As if you were reborn?" she asks, a hint of curiosity taking place in her voice and I chuckle with a nod.

"Yeah, colours are brighter, smells are stronger, clearer, it sure sent me on a panic the first time I went outside but it's nice when I'm surrounded by nice smells, and to see in the dark? That's a side of my situation that is getting pretty fun to experience" I admit, she smiles softly before nodding, relieved for me.

"That's good to hear, I can't even imagine living with dimmed senses, I'd feel incomplete. Now, what do you think of this bra? I personally adore it, it's one of my most cherished choices, I always recommend it to fellow omegas" she says as she grabs one to show me, just now remembering why I'm here in the first place, the guys will become impatient if we take any longer without getting anything done.

I nod my head at her and as I watch her search through them to find my size... yeah, I definitely am in need of new bras.

It's going to cost the guys so much... but it's okay! They live in a castle, they don't care about the price, it's fine, they don't mind at all, they wouldn't have brought me here otherwise.

I mean, I could probably get a pony if I wanted, I could ask for a personal zoo and they would find a way to make it happen, or an island, a piece of a country, I don't know how rich they are but it's fine, this is just clothes, it's important and a necessity, it's less expensive than a piece of country.

I nod to myself as she continues to show me different styles, each looking good and cozy, she grabs a few of them along with matching panties and socks as we go, I guess I'm really going to have a bit of everything, aren't I?

Will I have to get rid of my old clothes then? I guess so, it wouldn't make sense to keep wearing them if I have new ones that suit me better.

What I said to Namjoon's wolf must have made it to his ears because I doubt this would've happened otherwise, I wouldn't be surprised if he's behind this outing.

It warms my heart, how much my mindless comments seem so important to the pack, it feels weird to have them care so much but I would be lying if I said I didn't like it, it's refreshing and it makes my soul tingle in belonging.

"I'll go put these with the rest of the clothes, just let me know when you want to try them on, okay? I'll be nearby in case you need my help" she informs me with a smile and when I nod my head, she heads to where the cabins are while I make my way to the guys as they each look at different pairs of shoes before comparing them with each other.

"But these would be great for when she has to stand during long periods of time, she barely sits down at the parlour, her feet are going to hurt at this pace" Yoongi insists as he holds a pair of sneakers higher to prove his point, Jungkook behind him also holding a pair of boots that look very much like his own as he hums.

Hoseok purses his lips in thoughts. "She should have shoes for walking outside too, her current ones can't be good for her feet, they're about to start talking on their own when she walks around" he lets out with his own pair in hands and I watch as Taehyung raises two different pairs that look fancier.

"And she needs ones for when she wants to look pretty too! Like when we're taking her out for example, and she wants shoes that fit with a classy outfit, maybe we should just get them all".

They all look down at the shoes they're holding, then back at the different shoes on the wall and I gulp when they nod their head before grabbing more, they can't be serious, how many pairs do I need for them to be satisfied?

I notice strangers stare at them with chuckles and I hide my face with one hand, I cannot believe these guys, why don't they buy the whole store while they're at it? Oh my gosh.

I turn around and away from them, instead going for a different aisle not too far that shows clothes for men and when I stumble into the hoodies section, it feels like I just got a glimpse of paradise.

Oversized, warm and perfect for cuddling.

I start browsing through them, hands unconsciously lingering on some when the fabric feels so soft against my fingertips, I can imagine all of them scented just like the one I'm wearing right now so I can wear them to sleep and it's tempting, so very tempting.

Get them all, put hoodies in private nest, nest then perfect.

Should I?


Yeah, my wolf is right, I totally should do that.

I grab one, and then it becomes two, and three, then four and before I know it, I end up with a mountain in my arms, eyes the only thing peeking over the pile but goodness, it feels like I'm holding a treasure, chest rumbling with pride as if I just discovered the most precious thing on earth.

They all have pretty colours, and they might have been in the men's section, but since when has that ever stopped a girl from getting what she needs? I should be ashamed of adding to the huge amount of clothes they'll have to pay for but honestly?

I can feel myself get selfish, I need these hoodies, I'm ready to fight to bring them back to the house and something tells me that there's the influence of my wolf somewhere in there, and maybe it's all my wolf and not me at all, but I'm not willing to resist, I really cannot see my nest without these hoodies anymore.

"Where is she? Y/N? Honey?" I hear Yoongi call for me and I turn around as if I was just caught doing something illegal, and when his eyes fall on me, he freezes, as do I, lips pinching in guilt but arms cradling my treasure tightly in my hold, he won't take them away from me, will he?

Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung soon join him and when they find me nearly hidden behind the abundance of hoodies, the younger alpha's nose scrunches in amusement before he starts giggling, hands quickly patting his pockets before he grabs his phone.

"The others need to see that, she looks so funny and cute like that" he chirps and the flashes that follow take me a little aback, mind getting confused and fuzzy as I hug the clothes closer to me, what is he doing?

"Jungkook, bun, get rid of the flash, look at her eyes" Hoseok says, realization settling in when he smells my scent shifting a little, omega sweetness closer to the surface and at the same intensity as my rain, I'm on a very sensitive limit, wolf not taking over but definitely influencing my current behavior and mental state, something Yoongi registers too.

Jungkook stops taking pictures, hands over his mouth before he lets out an excited squeal and Taehyung looks like he just stepped into a dream, eyes shooting stars at me with a boxy grin spread across his face, it makes me smile with hope behind the hoodies, they're not mad?

Yoongi and Hoseok both coo sweetly before walking over to me, their scents and pheromones wrapping around me in a safe embrace, I relax, my hold on my treasure loosening because they won't take it away, I become proud even as I want to show them what I've found, maybe they'll understand how great these are and they'll let me keep them for the nest? They might even agree to scent them all personally, that would make me so happy, best nest for good omega.

"Look at her, our beautiful girl, did you find something you like, sweet thing?" Yoongi asks with his soft husky voice and I nod my head, orbs sparkling as his dark chocolate along with Hoseok's almonds merge together to give me this chocolaty treat that makes me salivate.

Hoseok joins my side and my purring gets even louder as I lean into his warmth, he chuckles happily while sliding an arm behind me and to him, Yoongi doing the same at my other side, this is perfect and safe, we love this.

"Hoodies for nesting, baby rose? You want your true mates to scent them for you when we're back home?" Taehyung asks as we reach him and Jungkook, the both of them blocking my front as their instincts burst with protectiveness because of my sensitive condition.

"Would you mind? They're just so pretty... I really want them in my nest" I murmur shyly and their hearts melt and flood with love, squeeze with adoration, it's both painful and soft, how could they ever say no?

"You can get anything you want, sweets, anything you want. Let's put these with the other clothes for now, okay? Why don't we go nesting for a little while?" Jungkook offers tentatively, unsure of how it will be taken, and he would be right to hesitate because at the mention of taking them away from me, I tighten my hold on the hoodies, they can't take my treasure from me, we don't want that!

Yoongi pushes out more of his pheromones to calm me down, the pause to my purrs alerting him before things descend too far, he shushes me gently before my whine makes it out, a kiss to my temple before he hums.

"It's okay, honey, we can bring the hoodies with us, we'll go nest with them, would you want that? We can scent them and you can lie down right in the middle, then the others can finish scenting them later when we get back home, what do you think?".

I eye them carefully, watch as they make no move to take my precious discoveries from me and I nod my head slowly. We trust.

The gentle omega from earlier notices our group and walks our way, probably to offer help before coming to a halt when she understands the current situation, her eyes turning soft and understanding when the wolves around me stand alert to keep me safe from any possible threat.

"She's falling into omega space, isn't she? We have a room reserved for such cases, you can nest there until she falls out of it" she offers and the men nod with relief, this is much better than having to walk me through the mall right in the middle of the crowds, it would be incredibly risky and a drop could happen at any moment in such an environment.

"Please" Taehyung pleads softly before they gently start pushing me in the right direction behind the sweet smelling omega.

Her scent is so good and I bet hugging her would feel amazing, I wish she could be my friend, she's so nice.

We enter a quiet corridor and she opens a door that reveals a warm and cozy environment ideal for a nest, blankets folded and pillows ready to be used.

"We clean everything regularly so you don't have to worry about unknown scents, we use scent nullifying detergent" she explains to reassure the wolves before stepping aside and the guys nod before trying to make me enter first but before I can get in, I force Hoseok to accept my hoodies before turning around and away from them in a hurry.

Yoongi tries to catch me, a confused and panicked growl about to slip free but when I throw myself on the omega to hug her with a happy sigh, he freezes, they all do, eyes blinking at my form clinging onto the omega before she hugs back with a softening smile.

"Such a sweet omega, hm? You wanted a hug, hun?" she asks with her warm voice and I nod my head, her fruit sorbet so comforting, I could breathe it in all day, she smells like pack, personal pack, friend pack?

"You smell so good" I chirp and she chuckles, endeared, no one has ever told her that before outside of her pack, it makes her happy.

"You smell good too, hun, such a nice rain you have. Now your betas and alphas want to nest with you, you don't want to make them wait, do you? Why don't you join them? Look at what they're doing for you" she tries to direct my attention back to the wolves who have my heart and soul with a soft pat to my back.

I pull away slightly to gaze at them, eyes falling on the nest Taehyung and Hoseok are getting into shape, the hoodies ready to be scented, Jungkook is already on it while Yoongi remains in the doorway waiting for me, a little nervous but otherwise willing to be patient when he realizes that all I wanted was to cling onto the fellow omega, as strange of a behavior as it is to him.

The idea of parting from her is not one I like to entertain, but being away from my true mates is also not one I like to entertain, I wish I could have both but I know that I can't, true mates will have to go first, we can make friend later.

"Omega will stay near?" I ask her and she nods her head with a beautiful smile. "I will be near so take your time, hun, I'm not going anywhere".

I look into her eyes to make sure she's not going to make a run for it when I do release her and when sure that she's sincere, I let go of her to join Yoongi's arms instead, his body relaxes when he finally feels me in his hold, gosh this is nerve-wracking.

I look up to stare at him, hope filling my eyes. "Do you think gentle omega would want to be my friend? We like her a lot" I ask, body buzzing with anticipation, his eyes crease as he cups my face to kiss my nose.

"We can ask her later, honey, come in, the nest is all ready, it just needs you now, we can talk to gentle omega after you're all cozy and soothed, okay?".

I nod my head before allowing him to pull me into the room, door closing behind us and then Taehyung is reaching out a hand towards me to invite me in the nest while Hoseok helps Yoongi scent the pile of hoodies, so many of them, it makes them grin in giddiness, they find that absolutely adorable, of all things to fall in love with, I had to choose hoodies.

I step in the middle of the blankets before sitting down, hands patting all around me to test the softness under the beta's watchful eyes and when I'm satisfied, I let myself fall to my side with a plop, a contented smile on my face because I feel so good, so happy.

"Alright, that should be enough for the scenting, can you add them to the nest please?" Yoongi requests of the betas who are more than content to do as told and to see the pieces of clothing being incorporated with the blankets, the smells they have now strong and perfect, I feel myself melt even more in the middle of the nest.

"I can't with her, she's so cute" Jungkook coos as he comes closer to kneel besides me, hands grabbing my cheeks so he can kiss my face, my purrs loud and unrestrained at the act, eyes shutting to really take it in, my alpha's attention something I adore receiving.

"She is, the prettiest of all. Now get in so we can all nest with her, you're blocking the way" Taehyung chides before pushing himself past the alpha to get in and then plops down behind me to hug me to him.

Jungkook lets out a noise before releasing me and I make use of that to turn around to face the beta before nuzzling in his neck where I scent his throat's scent gland without restraint, long drag of my nose along his skin and loving when his arms close tightly around me with a contented hum.

"That's right my baby rose, get as much as you need" the beta purrs while the others get in as well, almonds right behind me and against my back as a nose tickles my cheek and jaw, a hand on my waist and thigh, this feels safe, loving.

But most importantly, as long as we get the hoodies, I'll be the most satisfied with this outing as I've ever been.

Hoodies are real deal, we found treasure.

Agreed, we found treasure and we keep treasure.

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