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"Why don't you come sit down for a moment, sweets, there's nothing to do for a while, right? Come sit with me".

I look away from the agenda to see Jungkook motioning for me to come over with grabby hands from the seating area next to the tattoo chairs, hopeful eyes set on me as he silently begs.

I smile, soul melting for him as I nod my head, agenda brought back to today's page before I make my way to the cuddly alpha, it seems he's trying to get back what he was denied in the nest earlier, he has been pouting quite a bit since then.

I look around me as I walk, find that the three other wolves are nowhere to be seen, the office/nest's door closed, as is the bathroom, everyone's making use of that break to do what they can before the next clients.

I sit next to Jungkook and quickly find myself engulfed in his arms, the alpha sighing deeply as if he'd been longing for this for hours now when really... it's actually been hours, hasn't it? The poor boy.

I pat his back with a hum. "Are you disappointed that I refused you cuddles this morning?" I ask, to which he huffs softly with a nod of the head, arms squeezing me tighter to make sure I have nowhere else to go.

"I am, I really wanted those cuddles and not only did you say I would be last, I didn't even get them in the end" he complains firmly, this has been simmering in his mind, I can just feel it, he was waiting for a chance to tell me his vision of the precedent situation and I can't help but chuckle, much to his increasing disappointment.

He pulls back, arms not releasing me, just enough to have a look at me, his pout deep and eyes sad, a ruse, this is a ruse, his scent is happy, don't cave in, my wolf warns me and so, I steel my heart for what's to come with a quirked eyebrow that destabilizes him a little.

"You can't laugh at my pain, sweets! You look like you don't believe just how bad it's been for me! I need those cuddles, because you know... an alpha needs omega cuddles! I need omega cuddles!" he states and I nod my head empathetically, it's really been hard on him, it's terrible, I can't possibly resist him after such a heartbreaking admission.

Alpha wolf is a big baby, you're being tricked but then again... it's not a bad trick, my wolf mumbles, on the same wavelength as I am, we need to take care of big baby alpha before he gets a depression.

I shush him and gently cradle his head to my chest where I then massage his scalp, it takes barely one second before he droops and melts around me, every complaints he had left to say dying on his tongue as he finally gets the attention he oh so desired.

"I'm sorry, alpha, I was mean to you, wasn't I?" I muse, after which he shakes his head softly as he nuzzles closer under my chin, his big body trying to appear smaller to fit in my hold, it's adorable.

"Not mean no... I just wanted cuddles really bad" he says in a whisper, I coo and rest my cheek on top of his head, listen as his purr starts building up in his chest, the vibrations getting stronger and stronger with each passing seconds, it's calming, soothing.

"Awww, is it cuddly alpha hours? Look how cute they are" Hoseok coos as he steps out of the nest room with Yoongi just as Taehyung walks out of the bathroom with a chuckle, I grin proudly at them, unknowing that said pride is coming from babying my alpha, from providing for my true mate.

All I know is that it feels good to take care of him like this, they can see it clear as day though, even Jungkook, it makes him beam as he happily purrs in my neck.

"Why don't you two head to the office's nest instead of staying there? Jungkook isn't set to have any customer for a good thirty minutes, I'm sure he could do with some proper cuddling before then" Yoongi offers and I easily nod my head, as does Jungkook, the idea of some private nesting time with me exactly what he needs.

"You're set for a long appointment soon, aren't you hyung? A few hours?" Jungkook asks him as he pulls me up to my feet by the hand to bring me with him to the nest room, Yoongi hums and nods as he follows us, Hoseok and Taehyung joining together to clean up some of the tools recently used in the main room.

"Yeah, we're continuing a sleeve, our goal today is to get in at least three hours, we'll see how he tolerates the pain after that" he explains as we enter the room where the blankets wonderland awaits.

The young alpha hums as he makes me get in the nest first before he follows behind, cushions propped behind me so I can be somewhat seated before he plops his head down on my lap with a contented sigh when my hands find home in his hair once more.

I stare up curiously at the older alpha. "What kind of sleeve is it?" I ask him and he eyes me in silence for a moment before closing the door and then comes to sit in front of us in the nest, fingers rolling up the sleeve of his arm to reveal...

Cats, so many chubby, fluffy, sleepy cats.

And they look so cute!

"You have a sleeve of kitties!" I exclaim, excited as I try to tilt my neck to see more of it while Jungkook chuckles, relishes in the blush that coats Yoongi's cheeks as he shows a few of his most precious tattoos on his body.

"Yeah... the tattoo I'm doing on the beta is a bit similar to this, but with wales, he is obsessed with them so we're making it look like they're flying in space but with an ocean theme, it's quite original and I know it's going to be beautiful once it's done, but we make progress very slowly, there's not much to see right now if not for the basic lining" he explains before rolling down his sleeve, it's such a shame to see it go but I'll be sure to spend some time back at their home eventually to see from a closer angle, maybe he can tell me more about why he chose cats!

"Well, such big tattoos can be painful to get, you have to go over the same spots many times, it's bound to take time if they're big projects" Jungkook lets out with a soft shrug as he rolls to his back so he can stare up at me from my lap.

I nod my head, wondering if I'll ever get to have one of my own one day, I honestly don't even know what I could get, I just know that I really want something to decorate my skin, I want to feel like I own at least this part of my body, to have something that was wanted and on purpose among the things I couldn't control.

Yoongi did say that we could work on something together, but I should probably take the time to really think about what I want before we make it to that point, it's something that will follow me all my life after all.

"Hyung, he's here!" we hear Taehyung call for Yoongi at that moment and the alpha hums before standing up to his feet with a soft grunt, but before he leaves the room, he crouches in front of us and caresses our cheeks with a beautiful smile of his.

"Don't fall asleep, okay, bunny? I'm sure it's going to be tempting but you have work to do, I'll come by in twenty minutes just in case" he says before turning to me with softening eyes, thumb sliding under my eye and putting my whole being into putty for him.

"As for you, honey, it's okay if you fall asleep. You've worked hard until now and you haven't really taken a break, always on standby in case someone calls or comes by, you deserve to take some time off, I'll send Taehyung and Hobi to wake you up later" he lets me know and I nod my head with a small smile, thankful for the permission, it's hard to nest without falling into a cozy slumber.

"Thank you, but please don't let me sleep for more than an hour, if I'm here it's to work and help, I'm not achieving any of that by sleeping" I request and he nods, a kiss to the tip of his thumbs before he presses them onto our nose, then he's up and out of the room, door closed behind him to join his young anxious client.

Jungkook smiles at me and grabs my free hand to hold tightly within his hold while the other in his hair resumes massaging.

"Such a hardworking girl you are, sweets" he muses softly, I grin shyly at him with a shake of the head. "It's nothing much, I barely do anything" I let out but he frowns lightly at that, nose scrunching in warning.

"This nothing much, as you say, keeps us from worrying about missing calls, it helps us keep track of our schedule and so many other things. Don't forget, you helped me get ready earlier because I had forgotten about a small appointment hidden between two bigger ones, we wouldn't have had time to finish the touch-ups on her tattoo if not for you. You're doing exactly what we need you to do so don't go saying it's not much, it's a lot to us".

I stare at him as if he just gave me a delicious treat, do they both think like that? Yoongi too?

"Really? You're not saying that just to be nice?" I ask him, watch as he shakes his head before sitting up to pull me by the legs so that when we do end up lying back down, we're facing each other.

He sighs in contentment and nuzzles my nose with his, his baby powder filling my lungs, it's so soft and light, Jungkook's scent never fails to make me relax.

"Yoongi even came to me earlier while I was cleaning the tattoo chair to let me know how such a good help he believes you are, you were in the bathroom at that moment. He said he's very happy we hired you, you're doing fantastic, sweets".

Incoming head swelling, I have been injected with pure praise and I think I'm going to have an intolerance at some point, they keep feeding me more and more of it, it's hard to resist the purr that leaves me at learning that they both think me helpful, it makes me feel better about the little I'm doing.

"Well then... I guess I'll keep doing the same" I murmur happily, he chuckles with a kiss to my cheek before cupping the back of my head to push against his chest, arms then circling around me to pull me flush into him, we both hum at the feeling of closeness, it feels good.

"This is exactly what I needed, the perfect break with my sweet, sweet omega" he hums, his purrs building up anew and enveloping around me in a safe cocoon.

I nod my head slowly, agreeing a hundred percent with him, this is perfect, in so many ways, it settles such a feeling in my chest that I can only process as love, and as much as it feels like too soon, it also feels right.

Even from the beginning, they all gained my heart pretty quickly, didn't they?

Namjoon's POV

"Mr. Kim, you're dozing off" a sudden yet familiar voice pulls me out of my staring at the papers facing me and I look up to find Jimin smiling as he comes by with a hot coffee in hand, one he gives me with a knowing hum, he knows I tend to get sleepy at this time when I don't sleep much during the night.

I smile thankfully at him and accept the cup before drinking some of it, the room nearly empty if not for a few other teachers who are too busy focusing on their tasks to care that Jimin isn't supposed to be here during exam times, there are so many papers piled up all over the place after all.

It's probably because they know that I am more of a risk than he is, the younger alpha can at least keep me from bumping into every desks when I'm walking out of here.

"Thanks, Jiminie, that was needed" I let him know as I wrap an arm around his back to pull him closer between my parted legs, cup put on my desk before I give all of my attention to my pretty mate.

He smiles, eyes creasing beautifully as he runs his fingers through my hair to make it look neater, I hum at the feeling, orbs taking in everything of him, heart swelling with love because I'm so lucky for having him by my side, and the same goes for any of my mates, really.

Our meetings were all unconventional, none of them happening normally, I have even gotten angry at times because some happened at bad timings, but to be able to have a taste of what I now have, I could never regret any of them, not when those meetings are allowing me the best family in the world.

And now that things are better for us, now that we've finally reached that peaceful balance, we can put our all onto our newest addition, our young omega who just last week didn't know she was one.

Her arrival was unlike any others, Yoongi's sudden question asking me if we could keep her with us for a while, the description of the stranger's awful life conditions and how much it affected him and Jungkook enough to let me know that she could be trusted, yet once more, none of this situation had been normal.

No one in the pack really minded though, we were all instead pretty excited, I guess it shows just how much we've grown used to the anomaly between the seven of us, one more didn't feel like such a big deal anymore and look where that brought us - one more mate in the safety of our pack, the most precious of all.

"What are you thinking about, Joon hyung?" Jimin asks me with his sweet voice, I can only sigh before resting my cheek against his stomach, it feels good when he hugs me like that, his arms around my shoulders and fingers on my nape, it's comforting.

I breathe in his cinnamon, some remains of the pack left on him but not that strong anymore, it still brings some relief to my wolf, pack scents are always good, always helpful.

"I'm thinking about how we can help Y/N adjust without making it harder for her. She seems fine overall, better than I expected I won't lie, she got a lot of revelations in a short amount of time after all but I can't help but wonder if she's really fine or if she's simply masking her problems by keeping herself busy.

Maybe she's purposefully ignoring them so she doesn't have to think about it, but then it's going to hit her at some point and I'm a little worried, I don't imagine a transition from human to wolf to go easily, yet she's been handling it... well... ish" I admit and he tenses a little before forcing himself to relax, although not fully.

"To he honest, hyung... I think she's walking on a very thin line. She might seem fine right now, and she probably is, but the slightest bit of wind and she would come crashing down, the slightest push and she would lose her balance before falling in a painful manner" he mumbles and I frown, his words sounding true, that's what it feels like, doesn't it?

He sighs before continuing, a hand nervously gripping onto the base of my hair before he breathes in my scent to calm himself, his nerves all over the place, she has that effect to all of us it seems.

"That day at the hospital... you know, when she was recovering on the bed, it was after we learned that she was our true mate and we were all processing the newfound information, my wolf said something that I haven't been able to forget" he says and I pull back to gaze up at him, take in his worried eyes, his cinnamon sharp and burning.

"What did it say, Jiminie?".

"It said that she would be broken, hard to console, and I truly believed that too, but what have we seen so far? Except for that time when she fled, the morning when she woke up with Yoongi and yesterday with Hoseok... nothing, she's smiling and cuddling, she's purring and even joking around as if nothing ever happened.

I think she hasn't taken the time to think about her situation yet, hasn't taken the time to think about the implications of it and what led her to spending her whole life unaware of her wolf blood. It's like a ticking bomb and the timer keeps gaining more hours before it explodes, I'm really worried, hyung".

Everything mostly circles around her adoptive parents, and she hasn't seen them so far, they haven't been mentioned, so it's easy to ignore, she got rid of the phone they could reach her with, she hasn't had to get anxious about her mother's calls, but what if they come back into the decor?

What if she sees them in person one day? What kind of scents will greet her nose once they see her? How will her heart process that she's now fully beyond what they could accept of her, how will it break her?

Because no matter what, she wanted to make them proud, she wanted them to be proud of her for what she achieved by herself, but they could never give her that, because to them, it was never enough.

Heck, they got rid of her at such a young age and threw her in the education system's care, what kind of parents do that?

"We'll keep an eye on her, Jiminie, we'll stay close and we'll be there for her, it's all we can do for now. I wish we could do more, but she needs to process things at her own pace and if she's not ready just yet, then we accompany her until she is ready, no matter how long it takes".

Jimin sighs and nods his head. "I just hope we're by her side when it does happen, hyung".

Yeah... me too.

Your POV

Taehyung and Jungkook suddenly stop in front of my desk and I eye them carefully, take in the expectant look on their faces, their scents overly sweet and tempting, they want something from me.

I narrow my eyes at the duo, unsure of what to expect from them, only knowing with certitude that it's something that would take me out of my comfort zone. What do they want that makes me fear them opening their mouths?

"Baby rose" the beta starts, my gaze falls on him as his lips stretch into a cute smile, his charm trying to increase with a purpose, oh they're so planning something.

"You trust us, right?".

Said like that, with that face? I ought to hesitate, I'm not so sure at the moment.

Hoseok bursts into laughter from somewhere behind me and I watch with a silly smile as the two wolves in front of me sulk because obviously, I had to say that aloud. It makes sense, there's not a single one I've missed so far.

"You can't show us a lack of faith that quickly, we haven't even said anything yet" Jungkook whines and when Taehyung nods his head quickly, just as disheartened, I purse my lips and cross my arms over my chest, a side glance their way before I turn around to find Yoongi and Hoseok grinning from their seat at the table, amused eyes set on our trio.

"Well I can tell that it's not something I would normally go for on my own so excuse me if I do feel a little hesitant, what is it? What kind of trick do you want to use to convince me of something that I would probably want to say no to at first?" I let out, this time hear Yoongi snort as Jungkook and Taehyung straighten up to appear confident, their frowns deep and resolved, they shall convince me alright.

"Well first of all, ouch. Secondly, go on a date with us? The four of us" Taehyung starts and I narrow my eyes even more, because if there's one thing I learned from Hoseok... it's that it's going to be costly.

"What does the date entail? What would we do?".

The two wolves share a nervous look before Taehyung clears his throat, he's not done. "To have a good time together, you know, fun things. It would spoil everything if we told you what we have in mind".

Jungkook opens his mouth when he sees that I'm about to turn away from them. "We want to treat you to nice things! There's surely a part you'll like less, but the next two activities we have in mind are really great, you'd love them, I know you would, please?".

I sense honesty and that's good in my book. I turn to stare at the two older wolves, watch as they nod their head with a gentle smile. I hum and tap my foot on the ground, a stare at the time to see that it's nearly time to close shop, we just need to clean up a little, I guess it can't hurt, right?

"What about Namjoon, Jimin and Jin?" I ask, wondering if they would join us at some point or if they're going to do their own thing tonight.

"They'll be staying at home together, they haven't spent time the three of them alone in a long time so they're happy about it, you don't have to worry about them feeling left out" Yoongi answers and I nod my head, reassured.

"So... one thing I won't like plus two I should enjoy, right?" I resume, watch as Taehyung and Jungkook both nod eagerly, hope in their eyes, have they successfully secured a date after all?

I sigh and start organizing the desk as they await impatiently for my confirmation, pens in the pen holder, agenda back in the drawer, work phone neatly at the side, papers with my notes safely set along with the agenda, it's fun keeping the suspense growing as they start fidgeting on place, their scents turning confused, I have to work hard to hide a grin, my scent that freely flows in the room making my teasing obvious to the two other wolves who chuckle to themselves.

I could make this last for a long time, but imagining their invisible wolf ears turning droopy makes me start to feel guilty, so I eventually shrug and hum lightly. "I mean sure, but only once we're done here".

Jungkook screams out his joy while Taehyung's wide boxy smile appears, his feet quickly trotting around the desk until he can wrap himself around my back, I giggle when his nose tickles my neck in a happy scenting, my body relaxing against him in contentment.

"Let's make this place shine sparkling clean so we can go soon! Tae hyung come on!" the young alpha exclaims before pulling the beta away with him and I watch with a laugh as they both rush to the small closet to grab the broom and mop so they can get started on the floor.

I walk past the overexcited duo to reach the kitchen behind Yoongi's seat, hands raising to open the cupboard where I know they stock their towels for cleaning, but I quickly come to the realization that they obviously chose the ones too high up for me, and even when standing up on the tip of my toes and stretching as much as I can with a grunt, my fingers barely make it to the knob.

Damn this, I need leg implants!

"Why have leg implants when you can ask me instead?" Yoongi's voice croons from behind me just as I feel his warmth stick itself to my back as he presses his chest against me, it's soft yet intimidating, the way he makes my heart stutter in my chest so easily when he slides an arm over my stomach to pull me even closer to him while reaching out with the other to the towels I need.

I instantly feel a purr start to build up in my chest, one I try to push down as much as possible because letting it free would be incredibly embarrassing, but there's no hiding the way my scent wraps around him happily, my body melting against him and his warmth, how does one resist Min Yoongi?

"W-well what if you're not there? The surfaces won't clean themselves" I mumble shyly while accepting the towel he hands me, although he has yet to let go of me when he hums, both arms meeting at my front to hold me tightly.

"Why would you be cleaning when we're not here, sweet thing?" he muses, amused and I open my mouth before closing it again, brain lagging for a short moment as I try to come up with an answer to avoid making a fool of myself.

"Maybe I don't need towels, maybe I need... spare socks" I blurt out, skin tingling when he makes me turn around so I can face him instead, body sandwiched between the counter and him with nowhere else to go, it's not helping my sanity when my heart rate increases, I'm sure he can feel it beat all over my body.

"Spare socks" he repeats, a sly smile on his lips, he knows I'm just speaking gibberish at this point when his eyes fall on my pink cheeks, ones he caresses with the back of his hand softly, bitten lips catching his attention before he wills himself back to my eyes.

"Maybe her feet get cold hyung! We should bring fluffy socks and put them by the nest tomorrow" Jungkook chirps as he zooms by us running, mop in hand and in front of him, as if that would clean anything.

I nod my head at that, yes, absolutely, my feet get cold and fluffy socks are a must.

Yoongi lifts an eyebrow and purses his lips in acknowledgement, laughter making his eyes crinkle at the sides.

"We'll do that then, and thankfully, you still won't need leg implants since they'll be where you can reach them, isn't that wonderful? Everything thought through for your convenience, it's almost crazy how easy it is to do with just a little effort on our part" he teases, lips stretching when I pout at him, face heating up in embarrassment because he knows I'm just taken aback!

"Yoongi is a bully, Hoseok!" I complain aloud and the beta giggles before coming to my rescue, his own arms wrapping tightly around Yoongi to pull him away, I'll be freed, right, I can go now-

"Hoseok, you need to pull so I can run to safety" I inform him, maybe he forgot how it works but he simply smiles, eyes closing as he nuzzles his face into the alpha's neck while said alpha keeps holding me close with a winning smirk, his dark chocolate almost insulting me with how sweet and syrupy it is, the betrayal I'm currently experiencing above anything I could've ever expected from the both of them.

"I'll tell everyone you have fat cats on your arm" I threaten him in a mean to get some leverage, maybe he will listen then but he simply snorts and shrugs, much to my disappointment. "Go ahead, honey, we'll see if they believe you".

Gosh darn it.

"Taehyung! Jungkook!".

"Nope, I'm not getting into that".

"Me neither, hyung's having fun right now, it would be such a shame to take that away from him".

"It's unfair! I'll tell Namjoon!".

"Oh, doll... Namjoon is the first to let us suffer when Yoongi is teasing us, he says it's so rare that he can't possibly stop him when it does happen".

"And from an outside perspective... I get it, it's pretty entertaining".

"It is, isn't it? You should bully her more often hyung".

"How can you even say that! What about me?!".

"You're loving it, honey, don't even try to pretend you're not".

"You know what? I cancel the date! I'm going to spend the evening with the others!".

"Ah ah ah, no can do, it's too late. Come on guys, we should start moving before we end up with an omega on a tantrum, we don't want that, do we?".

"I am not- put me down! Yoongi!".

"She does look like she's on a tantrum... I'll go get the bag Jin hyung made for her!".

"I said I'm not! You guys are annoying!".

"Awww, we like you too, soft bun, don't worry".


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