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Namjoon's POV

I step out of my bedroom once dressed for the day and turn my gaze to Y/N's closed door, mind filled with what she said last night in the bathroom.

I don't know if she realized that while talking to my wolf, she was also talking to me, but the reality of her words broke my heart once more.

Her adoptive parents really made her pitiful, didn't they? They wanted so much to be given what they wanted that her comfort and health was completely pushed aside for their own merit, and in the end, what did it serve?

Nothing, if not for years that Y/N will look back to with a frown.

"Hyung, are you okay?" I suddenly hear and when I turn my head the other way, it's to see Jimin peeking in from the end of the corridor, my scent giving away my displeasure, I sigh as I make my way to him so we can eat breakfast before leaving for work.

I head straight for the coffee machine while he remains near me, waiting for me to speak up patiently. "Just remembering what Y/N said last night. She opened up a little to my wolf, it makes me sad, and mostly angry, what she had to go through".

"Yeah... did you get any news from the hospital concerning her case with her adoptive parents? They said they would sue, right? If they don't do anything, we might as well get someone ourselves, we can't leave this be" he asks, fingers clenched as he stares at my back, but before I can answer, Jin does, his feet silently taking him over to drape himself over the younger alpha.

"They called to inform me that they've started the process. Every information concerning her health was given to their lawyer and with what I told them about the way she had to live, for what we know, well it's going to increase the punishment for her parents, they're not going to be happy about it, a huge sum of money might be transferred to her bank account and they won't have a single word to say about it".

"I don't care about how much she gets from them, I can give her twice that amounts without even blinking an eye, what I want to know is how bad are they going to get it. They're not simply going to have to give an amount of money, right? They almost killed her, they have to get something worse than that" Jimin insists, body tensed until Jin scents him gently to help him calm down.

"They will be sent to prison, Jiminie, for a few years surely. When the wolves learn of what they did to her... well let's say that they might not make it out in one piece. Or make it out at all. No one stops angry wolves in a prison, not if they want to remain unscathed at the end of the day, her parents will regret it dearly".

I hum, pleased with what I'm hearing. If someone else is going to kill them, then I can rest easy.

"How long until we make it to that point?" I ask Jin who shrugs lightly, unsure of the answer, he must not have been told that much yet. "They didn't say, only that they would call again when there's progress, or if they need additional information".

I tsk my tongue, but nonetheless nod before grabbing a cup to pour the steaming coffee into, it's not like there's much we can do in the meantime.

"Let's wait a little and see how things go, and let's not tell Y/N about it just yet, she already has a lot on her mind right now and I don't want her to have to worry about them on top of everything else. Who's going to stay with her today? Tae and Hobi?".

Jimin eyes me hesitantly at that. "Erm... no, she's actually going to work with Yoongi and Jungkook today, she asked them if she could go with them because she didn't want to stay here and do nothing all day".

I still, cup about to reach my lips as I process what he just said.

My sweet baby omega, about to head outside after she had a drop yesterday?

"I encouraged it, if she has a nest at the parlour, she can rest whenever she needs it and she's going to have two alphas with her, we figured it would be good for her, she can get used to other wolves and their scents without being overwhelmed, and if she does get overwhelmed, she goes straight back home" Jimin explains, a little nervous when I have yet to say anything.

I close the distance between the cup and my lips and drink a little of the burning liquid before settling it on the counter, a little harshly, the sound echoes in the silent room.

"I want one of the two betas with them, we're all starting to know her pretty well, if she sees that the alphas are busy with customers, she won't let them know that she's not feeling well, I'm not having her self-soothe when we're trying to show her that she can depend on us for anything she might need" I demand, a tick in my jaw when I imagine how she might hide all alone when what she would need is a hug, I wouldn't put it above her to do something like that.

"I think both are free today, they can come with us if they want. It would be nice to have them over anyway, it's been a while and I'm sure Y/N would love having them with us all day, she adores the two betas" Yoongi states as he joins us, a nod sent my way, he understands fully where I'm coming from with my worry.

"What are you saying? She adores all of us, it's clear as day on her face when she observes us, her eyes round and sparkling, she's the cutest when you meet her gaze and she ducks her head slightly" Jin muses, head lulling sideways when he remembers his time with her in the nest, he's already thinking of the next time, it was perfect, absolutely perfect.

"And she was so brave with my wolf last night, the way she cuddled to us and fell asleep in seconds..." I get chills just thinking about it, heart swelling with love and adoration, a deep purr battling to leave my chest, she was so small, so beautiful...

"She what?! Your- she saw your wolf?!" Jungkook exclaims as he runs over, his mouth agape in shock, he wanted to be the first! It was all planned in his mind! No!

I smirk at him and bring the cup back to my lips, a taunting quirk to my brow. "She hugged us and called my wolf a pretty boy, she was very cute, it was a lovely first meeting, my wolf is still preening with how well it went" I tease him, watch as he pouts, like he just got his favorite treasure stolen from him, except that his baby powder is thriving, he can't help but be happy about it, happy for us, for my wolf and I.

"What spurred you on? You don't normally shift in the middle of the night for no reason" Yoongi asks, curious, and the memory of her words has my chest rumbling with strength, eyes creasing with pride, she'd said that like it was the most obvious thing too, our little omega, how full of surprises she is.

"We talked about her joining our pack when she'd fully heal from the poison, that then she would be ours, I didn't want to go too far in my claiming her but then she went ahead and corrected me herself, said that she's already ours, my wolf forced its way out at hearing that" I explain, laugh when the room fills with growls, the sounds ecstatic, warm rumbles of pride, they didn't expect that one.

"Did she really?" Jimin asks, overexcited, he would definitely start jumping with Jungkook if Jin wasn't still wrapped around his shoulders for support and comfort.

I nod my head, watch as they all melt on the spot, feet itching to take them to her but they resist it, they know that she stayed up late, she needs as much sleep as she can get.

"I hate that I have to leave before she wakes up, damn it!" the alpha whines and we all chuckle, knowing how he's feeling, although I did sleep all night with her, I'm soothed on that one, I heard it from her in person after all.

"That reminds me" I let out as I turn back to Yoongi and Jungkook, they calm down at seeing my seriousness. "After work, I want the four of you to bring her to get new clothes. What she owns right now, it goes right in the trash, get everything she needs, from a to z, and then a little more".

Jungkook excitedly claps his hands and nods eagerly. "I was waiting for that one! Of course we'll go, right hyung?".

Yoongi sighs and nods his head, feigning disinterest when really, we can all see the small excited smile on his lips. "We'll go, we can make it fun at the same time and maybe go to the cinema, and then eat something at a restaurant? Just the five of us, you know, it could make her happy?".

I chuckle at his words, because for someone who's trying to pretend like it's going to be a lot of work, he just made this longer for himself if the way Jungkook's eyes sparkle with dreams and hopes is anything to go by.

"Yes!!! We have to do all of that! Two alphas, two betas and one baby omega, it's going to be so fun!" he screams before dashing off to his room, he's going to need to impress the lady because he intends to be the favorite today.

Jimin, Jin and I smile, not saddened that we're not included in the group in the least, it's always good to bond in smaller pairs, the three of us can have our time together without distractions, something that can be hard to attain at times when you have six mates to take care of, now seven with Y/N.

"You pups have fun, but please be careful, bring a blanket from the pack nest along with clothes from the shelves, ones that was scented by all of us, just in case. What else... noise cancelling headphones can be good if her senses start getting overwhelmed... you know what, I'll make a bag myself, I can think of a few things that she might find helpful, let me go take care of it now" Jin mumbles before giving Jimin a quick kiss to the cheek, after which he leaves us to head back to the corridor.

I'm glad we have him to think of all those things, I hadn't even thought about her hearing getting too sensitive if they go where there are a lot of people, although if she does start reaching that point, the drop would be easy from there, they'd have to build her an emergency nest quickly before we get a repeat of yesterday.

I turn to Yoongi, notice how he's already staring at me, expecting for me to say something, our sensitive alpha, he really notices everything.

"If anything happens, and I mean anything at all, you call us, okay? I'll be back home early tonight, Jimin too, Jin might be a little later but he won't have any patients so we'll be available to come and get you if you need us, no playing brave, alright? This has nothing to do with proving that you can be a good alpha, it's about her comfort.

If she does start dropping and you see that nothing is helping her, it's not your fault, am I clear? It's not anyone's fault, her wolf might simply find it hard to relax outside of home, just make sure to keep an eye on her, keep the others from pushing too much, can you do that for me, hyung?".

He nods his head, his eyes reassuring me, he's not going to play games today, not when it concerns her and he'll make sure the others are careful.

I'm sure Hoseok will be on high alert too, his mistake from yesterday will take time to leave his mind, it does bring an advantage today, he'll notice her discomfort probably before the others do, his every senses focused on her and her well-being, he won't make the same mistake twice.

"Of course, pack alpha, I understand".

We share a small smile, a little tense with the day to come, but we'll need to see how it goes, one day at a time, we don't have any other choices for now.

Your POV

"Yoongi, Jungkook, it's come to my attention that I still haven't seen your tattoos and that needs to change now" I blurt out as soon as the thought crosses my mind.

Hoseok grins from the steering wheel and Jungkook giggles from besides me, Taehyung on my other side while Yoongi shakes his head from the passenger seat. "It's too late, we left the house".

I gape at him, the rumbling of the moving car growling to express my shock, Hoseok looks proud of himself when he sees my eyes light up, the timing was perfect, but I force my expression back to a shocked and disappointed one when I find Yoongi's eyes on me, amusement obvious in his orbs.

"We're still in the car" I state, to which he nods.

"We are, but we're not home anymore".

I huff and cross my arms over my chest, not about to give up now, I can't believe he's saying such a weak excuse to me, his poor omega, the only one who has no idea what their tattoos look like, what is this injustice?

"Well, Yoongi, I say that this doesn't make sense at all. You don't want your customers to see the tattoos, I understand that, but do you see any of them nearby right now?" I ask him with a wave of the hand to show the inside of the vehicle.

"I can't see anyone, but as far as I know, the car is not our house, so the deal cannot be applied right now" the alpha mocks me, not about to lose this fight either when he taunts me with a lopsided smirk.

I can't believe him! "Not even a little one? A little peek? I'll peek so quickly that no one else will be able to see anything?" I try again, face turning pouty when Yoongi simply shrugs before looking back to the front, a pleased grunt leaving him when Hoseok moves a hand to link his fingers with the alpha's.

Jungkook nudges my side and smiles at me. "Hyung is a little shy to show his tattoos, give him some time, he'll probably give you a surprise peek later. I don't have that problem so I'll show you mine when we're at the parlour, it's going to be easier if I remove my shirt and it's hard to do in here, be patient for a little more, okay?".

I try to not focus on the removal of his shirt part and more on the tattoos being shown, but I can't stop the light pink that takes place on my cheeks and he can't help himself when he coos, both hands going to cup my cheeks to press a kiss to my nose, his true mate is too cute for his heart.

"You're right to blush, little rose, Jungkook here likes to work out from time to time, he's ripped, you'll see" Taehyung muses proudly, as if he's the one with said body, but it only causes my cheeks to turn a shade darker, what have I subjected myself to?

"Maybe we can wait until we're back home? I think Yoongi has a point, it would be better there, we should keep your workplace for work, yeah?" I change my mind quickly now that I know what awaits me but every wolves in the car grin in amusement, they can see through my embarrassment like it's made of glass.

"You've never seen a shirtless man, sweets?" Jungkook hums with a teasing tone, head tilting at me and chest pushed out, does he get to be the first masculine skin I see in all of its splendor? He would love for this to be true.

I bashfully shake my head. "No, you know, there are always shirtless men in the tv shows... I've seen plenty of them, I don't mind, they don't affect me" I let out, eyes blinking unnaturally fast because this is far from the truth, on TV and in person, close enough that I can touch? It's not the same at all, I hope my heart doesn't fail me.

"Is that so? You'll have no problem with me showing you at the parlour then, it's decided" the young alpha chirps, eyes seeing through me too easily and I purse my lips, hands turning slightly sweaty the closer we get to work, this is bad, really bad.

The rest of the drive to Pristine Moonlight happens too quickly and I silently blame Hoseok for that, I'm sure he did it on purpose, the car parked behind the building not giving me much options to flee, I shouldn't have talked about the tattoos so easily, now I'm going to see Jungkook without a shirt, what if I drool? Can I keep my cool, my pride?

I think that's asking a little bit too much from me, I might just have to hide once I've seen it all because there will be no facing him anymore if I behave like a stupid dog in love.

"You coming with us, honey?" Yoongi calls out to me and I look around me to find that everyone is gone and in the building.

I am incredibly tempted with running away right now while I still can, none of them could catch me, not before a minute or two when I'm completely out of breath a few streets away, but is it worth it?

The wolf snorts. "You do realize you just said that aloud, don't you? If you want to run away, I don't mind, honey, but you'll have the four of us running after you and that might be a little scary".

I huff at him, not liking how he's currently saying that such a thing would scare me, I'm not a little pup they can scare just because they run after me, I should be the one scaring them because I'm running too fast for them!

Show true mates to not underestimate us, we fast fast fast!

I look at my phone to see that we're incredibly early, for the unique purpose of building me the perfect nest, they wanted extra time to cuddle before work, all of us together so... customers are not meant to get here for a little while.

We run? I say we run, blame omega wolf for that later, just have fun now!

Oh, I love my wolf.

I turn one foot away from Yoongi and his eyes narrow at me, his lips moving to say something but I don't hear him because I'm already running away with a giggle, the streets around here ones I know well from going through them often to try and get a job, but my current goal is the green park nearby, the one where I met Yoongi for the first time.

Can I make it there without them catching me? I would be very proud if I make it in one piece!

It's exhilarating, the feeling of the wind caressing my skin as it blows in my ears, feet hitting the ground loudly with every steps I take, the blue sky over my head clear and devoid of clouds, like it's encouraging me to keep going, to be strong, it's an amazing feeling that fills all of my being.

Not hearing anything yet except for the chirping of the birds and the passing cars, I look behind me quickly, wondering if maybe they decided to stay at the shop after all but when my eyes settle on four bodies running after me, my heart skips a beat in fear, because holy shit, Yoongi was right, this is terrifying!

And why are they so fast?!

Go faster, faster!

I'm trying, damn it!

"You guys can't catch me now! You can't!" I scream, my voice startling many passersby who quickly get out of the way when I approach but I have no time to apologize when I hear Jungkook's devilish laughter behind me, way too close, shit!

"You can't ask alphas to not catch their omega, sweets! It goes against every fundamental wolf instincts!" he muses happily and another look behind me shows him definitely too close for comfort, a huge smile on his face, he's loving this, but the sight only spurs me to run faster, I can't let them catch me so soon, I just got started!

I turn back to the front only to shriek when I find Yoongi in front of me, how the hell-

"You really think you can outrun us, honey?" he drawls but before he can say anything else, I make a sharp turn to my right and cross the street as quickly as is safe, no cars within sight, thank goodness!

"I can and I will!" I shout without looking back, throat and chest now burning, because fuck, I'm not used to running that much, but the day I give up is the day I die, so I keep running, the sight of the park getting closer filling me with hope, I'm almost there!

"She's so fast! You guys are all too fast!" I barely hear Hoseok over all the panting going on right now, but his words make me laugh, soul bursting with joy and pride, this feels so good, to be chased by my true mates, it's scary but in a good way and I never thought I could feel that way one day.

Jungkook and Yoongi maneuver their new tactic to try and corner me but again, I manage to flee their outstretched arms before they catch me and Taehyung barks out a laugh. "What's that, our alphas can't catch our baby omega now? You two are rusty, Jimin would be disappointed!".

That has the both of them grumbling, every single one of their instincts and senses working to figure out how to get their omega and after sharing one look and a nod, they try again just as I step foot on the grass, arms rising in the air because I made it!

Filled with giggles at my own personal victory, I keep running simply for the thrill it brings me before letting out a gasp when a hand grazes my arm, Jungkook just there, right behind me.

"You quick little wolf, wait until I catch you!" he warns with a smirk, he's so close I can see the way his pupils are fully dilated, he's in hunting mode and I'm the prey, there's no doubt about that, I started something and now I'm also the only one who can finish it.

I see the way his eyes flash with satisfaction, something that makes me frown and when I turn back to the front to see what caught his attention, it's too late when I run straight into Yoongi who closes his arms around me tightly, the impact sending us both to the ground with a surprised scream because he hadn't expected that one, although he should've.

We roll on the grass until we come to a halt, the both of us facing each other with myself encased in his hold, chest rising with loud breathing as we laugh together, my face going to snuggle in his neck as I try to catch my breath, goodness!

Jungkook drops down behind me and hugs me over Yoongi's arms, his laughter echoing in the air around us, this was a nice surprise he did not expect, the eldest's shout that Y/N was running away while giggling something he didn't know he needed.

None of them had ran like that for a long time, especially not with the goal of catching an omega of their own, Jin would smack them for even mentioning such an activity, it fills them with a deep and pleased rumbling purr, an instinct they didn't realize was there soothed for the first time in all of their life.

"There you are!" Taehyung's voice eventually reaches our ears and the three of us look up to see him and Hoseok joining us with an amused shake of the head before taking a break on the grass at our feet, their exhausted grunts making me grin, I can already tell that I will do this again in the near future.

I wonder how Jimin and Namjoon would react? I need to try one day.

"I was not ready for such a run this morning" Yoongi eventually blurts out before peeking down at me, his dark chocolate bursting, rich and creamy and so delicious almost the only thing I can breathe with how close my nose is to his throat, their honey merging in the air and making me swoon, I can't help the proud smile I give him when our eyes meet.

"My wolf told me to run, said that I could blame it for this later and to just have fun for now" I chirp, nowhere feeling guilty because this was a lot of fun, he leans down to rub his nose against my own, chest rumbling against mine, he can't even find words to complain, he loved the hunt.

"Your wolf told you to defy your alpha? Such a playful little pup it is" the man hums before dipping his head to my neck, a pleased sigh leaving him when all that meets his nose is light, sunshine and rainbow rain, it's warm and gentle.

"So it wasn't to run away from my exposed chest?" Jungkook murmurs from behind me and I blush before shaking my head, not at all! Of course not! This was all for fun, just for fun!

They all chuckle, but ultimately, Hoseok and Taehyung sit up with a groan at the effort it takes them, they're the ones getting rusty, they need to change that, working in the kitchen between days of staying at home making them softer than they thought they were, they'll think about following Jungkook to work out more often.

"We should start heading back to the parlour now so we can get working on that nest before it's time to work, it wouldn't do to have it incomplete when you would need it" Hoseok states to my intention and I purse my lips, knowing that he's right, after which Yoongi makes us sit up with Jungkook's help, breaths still uneven but much lighter than earlier.

All four of them smile at me. "Come on now, let's get that cuddling station ready for our sweet omega".


"Sweets, come over here".

I turn around at the sound of Jungkook's voice, one that comes from the office room that will now also serve as a nest area for me.

With only Yoongi to keep me company as we'd look over the agenda to bring me up to date with the day coming up, the other three decided to work together on my nest, only coming by once in a while to spend some time with us before going back to continue with their task.

I had wanted to go with them a few times to have a look but more importantly, I needed to make sure I would be able to work well today so I did my best to focus on what Yoongi would say, until now.

The soft alpha nudges my side with a smile and sends me off to see what Jungkook might need, to which I nod before going with a happy jump to my step, curious to see what the room looks like now, I've been thinking about it for the past forty minutes.

I don't think much of it when Taehyung and Hoseok walk out of the room with a smile sent my way before heading for the small kitchen where they make themselves glasses of water, and so, I completely miss when their faces turn amused, ears ready to listen in on my reaction when I would enter the room.

I reach the slightly parted door and push it open only to freeze in place when instead of seeing a nest, I come face to face with an exposed back, very defined shoulders, the skin stretched over muscles that make me gulp, saliva not spilling free but instead leaving me like a dry ocean, eyes wide over the golden skin in front of me, one that is decorated by multiple lines of ink that form letters and forms of all kinds.

"Holy shit and fairy godmother" I blurt out, because while I expected muscles, I didn't expect that, but it makes sense, it makes a lot of sense if I think back to whenever Jungkook would hold me, or the hugs, I should've expected that much.

My eyes take in the whole expense of the back gracing my eyes, lines that don't really form any shapes but that connect everything together sending my orbs on a journey as I follow them like they're a puzzle to be solved.

Starting from above the hairline at his nape, a black line along with a golden one twirl together down half of his spine before going to his side where I can see names beautifully written along his waist, names I recognize very well, it's his pack members and mates, every single one of them, except for his own name.

Then around it, the universe spreads over his skin, from above the names until it reaches up his right shoulder where his arm then shows off multiple doodles and writings that I don't really understand, it looks like English, he filled in some space with black, but white and gold also dot his skin to form elegant curves and lines, it's... beautiful.

If I forgot how to breathe with his back, then when he does turn around to face me, my lungs dissolve completely, my heart implodes on itself, my brain melts into a puddle, eyes almost bulging out of my head when I take in the new sight, his abs almost threatening me with how prominent they look, are they trying to kill me? His belly button looks like it's fighting for its life!

"My belly button is doing just fine, don't worry, it's got strong defenses all around it" Jungkook chirps proudly, and my attempt to look up to his eyes fails when he makes his chest muscles move, I gape at the sight before a snort leaves me, because there, on his pecs stand a cute little smiling face, just two dots and a curved line for a mouth.

That's all! He only has a smiling face!

I burst into laughter as I come to that realization, his back so impressive with all those details while his front is only decorated with three little lines, I find that adorable, as much as is possible with the threat of his muscles still ongoing, but right now, I can only see that little face as it stares at me, eternally happy, I could almost believe it winking at me!

"So? Do you like it? It's cute right? It makes my intimidating body that much more inviting now" the man muses with a giggle at my expression, I quickly nod while trying to calm down my laughter, it does take the focus away from all his hard-work, that's for sure.

"And now for the other grand reveal" he states excitedly before pulling me in by the hand to reveal the nest and it automatically brings an end to my amusement, eyes widening once more in shock.

The corner they made for me is absolutely lovely, they used the furnitures that were besides the couch after pushing it towards the door slightly and put them on each sides of the nest instead, a blanket over them to create a roof, and although the front is wide open, it still looks beautiful, the many cushions and blankets looking warm and fluffy and incredibly welcoming.

I have no idea how much could fit in that bag of theirs but by the look of it, the answer is too much, it could probably hide a body easily, something that keeps fueling my suspicions, they're not very good at hiding from me so far.

Everything smells like pack and it's divine, it reminds me of the pack nest at the house, but in smaller, and in less intense. The smells are probably going to fade at some point, it's going to be important to bring the materials back from time to time to wash them and have them scented properly again.

At the sight of this new nest, it takes everything in me to not go in right away and Jungkook smiles at the sight before encouraging me to get in for a little bit while he puts on his shirt again before customers start coming in.

He knows his smiley face is cute but the rest can be overwhelming, he's simply glad that my scent didn't spike in uncertainty but instead in amazement, although he wasn't really worried, I'm not the kind to be intimidated by a lot of ink.

And he has to say, he's even less worried about Yoongi, the man has a few tattoos of cats because he keeps saying that if he hadn't been a wolf, he probably would've been a feline and so, a complete sleeve of detailed cats is what he has, the same sleeve on which Jungkook tried to draw the animal to add to his collection only to fail miserably because it looks like it died from an unknown sickness.

But Yoongi says he loves it even though it makes him laugh whenever he stares at it and to Jungkook, well that's enough to not hate it, although he wishes he'd done a better job, he really feels bad about it.

I tentatively make my way to the nest at his approval and as soon as I crouch before sinking into the blankets, the walls around me making the space feel safe, the coffee table nearby an additional protection from the door, I hum, yeah, this is perfect.

"So?" this time it's Hoseok who speaks up and when I look out of the nest, it's to see him along with Taehyung and Yoongi in the doorway, all of them expectant in the way they wait for me to give my verdict, is it satisfying enough for my instincts? Should they do better? They can surely do better, they'd just have to start over-

"It's perfect, I love it" I let them know, content to just stay here, maybe I can be mental support instead when I come here? Inviting arms waiting for them to greet when they need a break, I don't think I can leave this nest anytime soon, I need to stay here and make sure it's all warm first.

The four of them heave out a breath of relief and smile at me before coming over, minds all wondering whether they can all fit inside because they know how it is for an omega with a new nest like this one, Jin warned them that it's possible I might be unable to leave before an hour or two, that it would be easier if they remained with me for a little bit.

I look around me and head further in at the back before motioning for them to come in. "If we all stay close, we can fit".

Jungkook doesn't wait for me to ask again when he all but plunges inside head first, a dolphin is what he looked like, it makes me snicker as he comes to cuddle up next to me, face looking all proud of himself and arms pulling me over him to take less space, and when the betas follow in next, Yoongi observes for a moment before hesitating, I can tell that he's not sure he can fit inside with us, it's making his eyes droop sadly and my heart with it.

"Yoongi, don't worry, you can fit, just climb over Taehyung" I let out and the beta snaps his head my way, an indignant look on his face but Yoongi beams before he does so, and when he indeed climbs over Taehyung, multiple grunts fill the small space because "You're so heavy, hyung, what the heck!".

"Hush, I'm not that bad, at least I don't eat cake every single day, and then more because of work, I'm sure not having you on top of me".

"W-what? I- I mean I do eat a lot, but I don't gain weight, it's fine!".

"You're still heavy, even Namjoon struggles lifting you up".

"That's a lie-" "No, he's right on that one, hyung, even I find you heavy".

"Rose! You can't let them talk to me like that!".

"Don't bring her in this, don't make her lie for your sake, you're heavier than I am, deal with it".

I purse my lips into an awkward smile, unsure of what to say to this, except for one solution that will displease them. "You know what? You guys get out, Hoseok can stay".

The beta tries to hide his smile, very badly must I say while the others start complaining, and where Yoongi first hesitated to come in, now he completely refuses to leave, his body splayed all over Taehyung and Hoseok to block the way out, his lips tight in defiance.

"We'll be nice, it's okay, we'll stop whining, okay? Take that request back, I'm not leaving".

I stare at him and cross my arms, aware of Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi's eyes on me, waiting while Hoseok remains completely relaxed, the chosen one, he's doing just fine.

"You really won't leave?" I ask, and when they all shake their head, I shrug before pulling Hoseok over to climb his lap, his soul buzzing with joy when his arms close around me while the others observe in silence, orbs filled with desire, they want to hold me like this too, it's unfair!

"Then you can stay, but I'll cuddle Hobi only because he's the only one who doesn't insult his mates" I muse, words that have the beta purring while said others start whining again, a cute pile of huge men having a tantrum, it makes me laugh, they're so funny.

"It's not fair! I was holding you first!" Jungkook exclaims, to which Hoseok shrugs as I rest my cheek on his shoulder.

"That's too bad, now you're last".


This will probably be the last chapter for the week, I hope you guys enjoyed it! I'll see you again for Loving hybrids!

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