- 23 -

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It seems I've made many cry so we're going for a softer chapter this time, or well... I guess it has its soft moments through the angst. It's not so bad, I promise, but we're going with ups and down again.


"Say ahhhhhhh".


"There you go, that's my good omega".

I blush at the pack alpha's words as I chew on the food he fed me and decide to play a little with the colourful bubbles that surround me while Jimin chuckles softly as he holds the plate of pretty little snacks prepared by the betas, his ego preening after I asked him to stay with us before getting in the bath.

It's not that I didn't want to stay alone with Namjoon, I just really missed Jimin for some reason.

I mean, not just him, I miss everyone else too, but since I couldn't deal with having all seven of them in the bathroom while I rest in the bath, I decided to have Jimin come with us for now.

Yeah, I know. Such a big contrast from my reaction yesterday.

But see, it's all planned in my head. Once I'm done here, I'm eating breakfast with everyone and then I'm taking turns to cuddle all of them.

So many cuddles to be given, I need to apologize to them properly and this is all I can think of doing. It should help them recover from all the drama I caused, right? They all love cuddles, it's like fuel to their souls, they all light up like stars when it happens. It is enough, isn't it?


I instinctively open my mouth to welcome in the snack once more fed to me by Namjoon, except that nothing weighs on my tongue even after waiting for a few seconds this time and when I look up in confusion, it's to find the two alphas snickering at me.

"That was cute, you're lost in thoughts, love?" Jimin asks softly, a nudge of the arm to Namjoon so he can give me the snack, which he does with a pinched smile when I shut my lips the closer his hand gets to my face, because he insisted so much to have me eat earlier and now he dares perform such a poor trick on me?

He opens up my appetite and then he teases me with my hunger?

"Ahhhh?" he attempts weakly, his face falling into sadness the more I resist him, and when Jimin tilts his head with a quirk of the brow as if to say - come on, stop making him wait - I eventually relent and accept the snack with a pout, much to Namjoon's relief.

"So, what's on your mind? You looked like you were getting ready for a battleground" Jimin asks again, and I shrug as I pull down the dress-like bathing suit they made me wear so I wouldn't feel exposed when the skirt begins floating over the water.

"I was thinking about... finding ways to apologize for this morning, possibly with cuddles" I admit softly, and to that, both alphas feel their heart flutter with sweetness, the shyness in my rose rain endearing them and making them melt like there never was war against doors just a few hours ago.

"And what have you come up with so far? Any plans on how you intend to cuddle with everyone?" Namjoon inquires with a gentle, proud smile and I falter a little at his question because really, what have I come up with?

"Not really... I just want to apologize for making everyone stress because of the rushed heat, but it's hard to come up with anything good, I don't feel like cuddles are quite enough but it's all I can give" I murmur with a downcast frown on my face, because I am not forgetting about that fact, that four wolves are having to carry the weight of what happened at the restaurant, which put me in such a state that it disrupted what the pack had planned for their heat.

"Sweet baby, none of that was your fault, you didn't cause the rushed heat, it's the situation that did, it's not your fault" Namjoon speaks up firmly before reaching into the water to grab my hand, uncaring that water begins to trickle down his arms when he pulls it out to hold tightly.

"No matter what you come up with, we'll be happy because it'll come from you. Just a smile would make our day, Y/N, you have no idea the effect you have on us. Do what you're comfortable doing and the others will follow your pace, none of them should be quite as bad as I am when the heat fogs over their mind" he adds and I purse my lips softly, I don't want him to feel guilty of what happened this morning but it seems that the damage was already done in the end.

"You didn't... if it weren't for the peach, everything would've been fine earlier, Namjoon, I don't want you to feel bad about your heat" I mumble while peeking up at him, and Namjoon's soul flows slowly into a dance as my rain falls gently over his skin, he has such a caring true mate.

"Don't worry about me, I'm doing fine, baby. I just want you to be well, the rest doesn't matter. I'll endure anything if it means getting you closer to the recovery that you need" he muses with a kiss to my knuckles, words that form a heavy lump in my throat, how can he say that so easily?

Jimin rests his head on Namjoon's shoulder after setting aside the plate and joins his hands to ours with a cute smile and creased eyes gazing at me.

"Don't underestimate us, my love, our pack wasn't always so composed and fun to be in, we've gone through a lot of trouble in the beginning as well, we can handle what you throw our way. But what Namjoon said is right, we just want you to be well, that's why we worry so much, we just want you happy" he adds to the pack alpha's speech, and to receive such comforting words...

"Thank you... I am... very lucky to have you by my side".

"We are the lucky ones, baby".


"Y/N is sitting on my lap".

"Pah, funny that you'd say that, because she'll be sitting on my lap".

"Oh dear, here we go".

"Who amongst us spent the least time with her? Me, it's me. She'll be sitting on me and we will share the same plate, I wasn't asking".

"Are we counting now? Because as far as I know, you got to hug her in the nest at work for a long time while I had to be with a customer, remember? So if anyone should have her on his lap, it's me".

"What about me then? I saw her tears more than I felt her warmth, I think I deserve to have her to myself for a bit as well, you guys can cuddle after breakfast".

"How about you cuddle with her after breakfast? This is between Jungkook and I, don't be an additional rival, Taehyung".

"Yoongi, this is not a competition, we should all calm do-"

"My lap against yours. How about we test who's more comfortable?".

"Deal, you start".

Now wearing not my own clothes but a mix of Namjoon's and Jimin's, oversized and warm clothes that make me look like a baby pup hiding in a wolf's fur, I rest my back against Jin's wolf as we both stare at the eventful lap-testing competition from the floor, a sigh leaving us at the same time.

Why do I feel like a mother gazing at her children with despair because they keep coming up with weird games?

"Who do you think will win?" I ask the pack omega, and when it grunts lightly in answer, I hum. "Yeah, I think you might be right. They'll both lose and then I'm going to have to pick up the pieces".

Jimin giggles at my guess to the outcome and finishes setting the table with Taehyung and Namjoon while Hoseok keeps an eye on the two alphas, because it might be a simple sitting competition, but the pack has gone through a lot of stress and at this point, it wouldn't take much to have this blow out of proportions.

"I have tried your lap and have come to the conclusion that I will be much more comfortable for her".

"That's too bad for you, because my butt is still sore from yours, you're like bricks and you expect her to be comfortable? I still think I'm the better choice".

I observe as Yoongi and Jungkook frown at each other, unhappy with their outcome, and so I'm not surprised when their gaze immediately falls on me next, I knew this would all fall on me soon.

"Honey, come here, please".

"Ehhh... how about no? I'm not helping you two fight. I'll be sitting on my own" I let out, and that is met with unexpected whines, the two alphas completely destroyed by my statement as if the end of the world is now near - it is giving me flashbacks to how I felt about the tea yesterday - their eyes now begging me to change my mind like tomorrow is not happening until I sit on their lap.

I stubbornly meet eyes with Hoseok in the hopes that he could support me on this, but when I see the hopelessness in his orbs as he gives me a small smile, I inwardly sigh. Is there really no settling this any other way?

I exhale deeply. "What do you need me for?" I ask in a grumble as I sit up with Jin's wolf's help, its nose pushing against my back to get me up, it's enjoying this greatly at the moment, it makes the wolf feel better about the awful teeth brushing it had to go through earlier.

Yoongi and Jungkook's faces light up and they both sit down before patting their lap excitedly. "Sit and decide who's more comfortable".

I shake my head and make my way towards them with the intent of getting rid of this argument as quickly as possible, but Hoseok gently grabs my arm to stop me when I walk past him, his eyes on the duo but his whispering meant for me, low enough to keep them from hearing his next words.

"Choose well who you sit on first because those arms are not going to remain still. Just choose one of the two and let me handle the rest, they already planned to end this in an unfair way, they just don't know that they both came up with the same tactic".

Oh hell no.

"You're asking me to choose? I'm not doing this, Hoseok, I'll just-" his eyes stop me before I can even finish my sentence.

"If you choose none of them, they will fight about cuddling time next, and if you refuse to choose then as well, they'll start fighting about food, about water, about clothes, it'll impact couch space, nesting time, quality life and handling them will become difficult for all of us. Leaving them upset is what makes a heat end badly.

This isn't a cute little moment right now, soft bun, they're selectively keeping on a cute pout right now to make you feel soft for them, but they're still wolves in heat and what they want now is their omega. They have pant up frustrations from being unable to be of help to you earlier and this is how they cope. Choose one and let me handle the rest".

I have never attempted such intense begging with eyes alone, but there's no avoiding it, Hoseok's sharp eyes are not there to be reassuring and the tightness to his jaw is not there to be sexy, he is telling me to not take this lightly while getting himself ready for violence and I have too many eyes on me right now for the weight of the decision I need to make.

I gulp and turn my gaze to Jungkook and Yoongi, the two of them smiling brightly at me as if they are not about to attempt to deceive each other, are we surviving this? It's true that their musky alpha scent is much... stronger than usual, and that doesn't bode well for some reason.

I'm going to have to think about this well, won't I? This is no easy decision to make, because I can see the twitching fingers, muscles tensed like they're already ready to lock me on their lap as soon as I sit down, this is terrifying.

I have cuddled with Jungkook recently, not so much with Yoongi. In that sense, cuddle time with Yoongi is much needed, which means that I should sit on Jungkook for this time, but Yoongi doesn't know that my sitting on the younger alpha will mean cuddles for him later, so really, this is going to end badly either way, right?

Can I just do both things simultaneously? Sit on Jungkook and state that I will cuddle with Yoongi later? Can I save Hoseok a problem to deal with if I do that? Will it even work or will Yoongi's heat make him ignore my words and focus only on the fact that I have chosen Jungkook while he remains without an omega on his lap?

Oh gosh, I was not ready for this when I stepped out of the bath, but I should've seen it coming, I should've, my bedroom's door's disappearance should've been sign enough that they weren't going to let this go so easily.

I gulp thickly, feet slowly, very slowly inching me closer to the duo, and once in front of them, I bite on my bottom lip and close my eyes before stepping in Jungkook's direction.

I don't even have time to sit on my own that his arms are picking me up to settle me comfortably across his lap, and just as Hoseok had said, his arms remain tightly locked around my waist, which has Yoongi's eyes narrowing in anger, nostrils flaring loudly before he stands up, by the same occasion causing the chair to topple down backwards.

The clatter is loud in my ears as the wood hits the floor and I flinch, a reaction that has Jungkook hiding me from the alpha who can only comprehend at the moment that he was not able to win his omega, was he not satisfying enough? Has he not done enough to catch my attention?

Why younger, weaker alpha? Why not us?

"She did not sit on you by choice, you cheated. Let her go" Yoongi states calmly, but we can all hear the tension in his voice, it's taking him everything to not sound threatening, but his scent is already turning into spicy rum, strong enough that it catches in the back of my throat like I have a glass filled to the brim right underneath my nose.

"She was walking in my direction, she chose me, I only helped her sit" Jungkook counters, words that are obviously not liked by the older alpha, and when he begins walking in our direction with the very clear intention of pulling me into his own arms, I quickly turn my gaze in Hoseok's direction in panic.

The next seconds happen very quickly and I'm not too sure what occurred or how, what I do know is that one second, Yoongi is standing and the next, he is trashing on the floor with Hoseok pinning him still with a coldness to him that I don't recognize, his aura suddenly very overwhelming even to me.

"Behave, alpha, you are acting the way a child would, unable to accept a decision made by your omega, do you want to look pitiful in her eyes? Do you want to show her that you cannot accept her own decisions?" the beta drawls lowly, a hand pushing Yoongi's shoulder down with a squeeze that also acts as a threat, because it is near enough to scruff the alpha if needed.

But that does not deter the alpha who growls angrily as he tries to push against the strong beta's hold on him.

"That was no decision she made! He grabbed her-" Yoongi clenches his teeth to keep in a pained whimper when Hoseok squeezes tighter, his almonds dry and warm from a fire that burns within him, I never saw a beta overpower an alpha before and it's incredibly scary and intimidating to witness in person.

"Y/N made her own decision because I told her to. Don't think I didn't see through your little game, alpha. You were going to do the very same thing Jungkook did if she had gone to you instead. You try to cheat and then get mad when it doesn't go your way, is that how an alpha behaves?".

Yoongi breathes in deeply before shaking his head, but it's easy to see that he's not feeling any better, he doesn't want to act a fool but need omega, it is vital for his wolf, he cannot endure the feeling of his own skin until he gets to feel the soothing of my touch.

Jungkook's heart is beating fast against my ear as he observes the scene with an uneasy frown, because his cheating was revealed as well, he hadn't meant to be unfair but he couldn't help himself, not when I chose to test his lap first, he had to keep me close, but he doesn't like seeing his mate like this either and it hurts him to have participated in putting him in this state.

"H-hyung" he lets out softly, his voice full of guilt, would it be him on the floor right now if I had gone to Yoongi instead? He certainly believes that to be true, and it's not fair, he wasn't fair, yet he can't will himself to release me, because alpha needs omega too.

Yoongi's eyes fall on me, helpless and in pain and my heart breaks for him.

I don't think even Namjoon was ready for how intense their heat would be because of me, none of them were ready to go through such strong emotions all the time and I feel a sense of responsibility towards them, I might not have meant for this to happen, but I'm still at the source of it all.

"Hoseok... let him come to me for a moment" I murmur softly, and though Jungkook's arms wrap around me tighter as if ready to have to fight to keep me where I am on his lap, he doesn't move me away from the alpha who needs a few seconds to process when the beta follows my request and gets off of him.

It's a little odd to have everyone staring from around the table like this, Jimin, Namjoon and Taehyung looking at Yoongi warily when he begins sitting up before shakily pulling himself to his feet, and even Jin's wolf appears ready to jump up if needed, but the alpha does not want to scare his true mate, so it's very gently that he walks over to Jungkook and I with his head bent low.

It's such a peculiar feeling to look at a man and know that I am not talking only to the man but also to the wolf, so when he gets within reach, when I cup his cheeks between my hands to have him look at me, it's to have him instantly nose at my wrist with his eyes shut in sad creases as his hands gently cradle my arm to his chest like it's his life source.

"Does alpha want to know why I chose other alpha for the meal?" I ask with a vocabulary that I want simple, no matter how unnatural it still feels with my mind fully my own, and when Yoongi's eyes open to stare into mine with desperation lighting them from within, I stroke his cheeks softly with my thumbs, the white hair that falls over them soft and ticklish against my skin.

"I cuddled recently with gentle alpha, but with pretty alpha, it's been a long time now, hm? I made the decision I did because I wanted to be fair. Sit with Jungkook, then cuddle with Yoongi. That was my plan, no sad alphas that way".

Jungkook's nose lightly grazes against the exposed skin of my jaw at the nickname that is his while Yoongi's eyes turn surprised, lips parting softly like he can't believe what he just heard as his heart flutters in his chest.

"Pretty alpha? Omega planned to cuddle with... pretty alpha next?" he repeats in a murmur, and when I nod my head with a smile, his scent immediately goes from unhappy to relieved, his dark chocolate coming back with a velvet softness that caresses my senses pleasantly as he resumes scenting my wrist before ending with a kiss.

Pretty alpha, Yoongi can accept anything and everything now, for as long as he remains his true mate's pretty alpha.

Yoongi nods his head and moves back to give us space once satisfied, but Jungkook reaches out to his hand before he goes too far and the alpha looks back at the one holding me with some hesitation flashing across his face.

"Hyung... I'm sorry, I didn't want to cheat to hurt you, I just... it was stronger than me, I'm sorry" the young wolf apologizes, and to that, Yoongi can only muster a small smile in understanding, he was going to do the same thing after all.

"Gentle alpha feed omega well, then everything okay" is his answer, one that pleases everyone, and just like that, everything goes back to normal, Hoseok and Taehyung finally releasing a long breath while the others relax and inhale softly.

Namjoon's words from earlier come back to mind, about how much of an impact I have on them, but it might be possible that it goes even deeper than they initially believed themselves.

True mates... that's not something to take lightly, even I can see that.

"Alright... now that that's settled, how about we all eat a well-earned breakfast? It might be more of a brunch at this point since it's getting pretty late, but I think some weight in our stomach might help to calm us down a bit" Taehyung muses to break the silent tension and I'm first to nod my head quickly because gosh, I really could do with that meal by now, I haven't had anything in days and that snack earlier really opened up my appetite!

"I want a biiiiig portion, this large" I state aloud while forming a circle bigger than my head with my hands as Jungkook slides our chair towards the table so we can have proper access to the utensils, and the beta chuckles before agreeing with my request.

"A very big portion for our perfect little rose coming right up. Anyone else want the same?".

I gasp happily as Namjoon and Jimin hum in affirmative, ready to put everything behind us for the sake of food and Jungkook works on rolling the overly long sleeves covering my arms back to make sure they don't keep me from eating while I move them around in anticipation, something that doesn't seem to bother him as he hums a sweet song to fill the now comfortable silence.

"Oh, right, we have a surprise for you, love" Jimin muses next in a sing-song that immediately catches my attention, and nothing prepares me for what I see in the fridge when he opens the door.

The fruity tea! They got the tea! When? How?!

This day has officially gotten from bad to wonderful, I finally get to have the delightful drink again after all this suffering, I don't think it will ever taste as good as it's about to and I can't wait to hold the bottle in my hands again.

Jimin giggles lightly as he walks over with the bottle, and when he hands it to me, I cradle it to my chest like it's the most precious thing in the world, it doesn't matter how cold it is, it doesn't matter that it manages to reach my skin through the layers of clothes covering my body, I am never letting this bottle leave my hold ever again.

"You guys are the... bestest" I whisper with a happy sigh as I melt within Jungkook's arms, and eyes crease in contentment.

The food gets plated, the plates make it to the table, and when I stare at the delicious looking food that the betas have worked so hard to make this morning, needless to say that my stomach makes it its job to let everyone know that I am starving and that nothing shall remain on this table by the end of the meal.

Everyone sits down on their respective seats and though it costs me to let go of the bottle of fruity tea, I still do for the simple reason that Hoseok wants it only to fill my glass, and he makes sure to glance at everyone with a gaze that means - only for omega - when he sets it down on the table, for they are not going through any tea related problems again for as long as they can avoid it.

Jungkook brings a spoonful to my mouth after I've had my long desired taste of the heavenly drink, and when I accept the food with a refreshed stomach, my eyes close in bliss, I really missed Hoseok's food, it's been too long, way too long.

"Another one, sweets, open wide" Jungkook muses with delight, his every cells singing with praise when I easily listen to him, my body nearly merging with his own as our body heat adjusts to one another, he could do this forever and he doesn't intend to let me go until I've eaten enough for the three last days.

"Say ahhhhh".


Chuckles resound around the table and hearts swell with love.


I ate too much.

I feel heavy, like a massive bowling ball has now taken place in my stomach, and the thought that I might have to give birth to get rid of it at some point does cross my mind.

Yoongi pulls me closer to him and hums softly, the nest's coziness enough to make the both of us sleepy after such a rough morning teamed up with the delicious meal, but the near-state of bursting of my stomach does keep me from relaxing the way I would want to.

I try to roll to my side to put less weight onto my stomach, but Yoongi's arm keeps me from reaching the desired position and I close my eyes to try and ignore the discomfort that rises more and more.

I ate too much, definitely too much after not having anything for more than a day, and I honestly cannot ignore the possibility that I might get sick at this point.

I try to take in deep breaths to calm down the rising anxiety that makes my stomach stir, because I do not want to throw up what the betas worked hard on making, I do not want to be sick at all, hasn't today thrown enough on us already?

But the more minutes that go by, the worse I feel and when my skin starts becoming clammy in sweat, even Yoongi's dozing off cannot ignore that something is wrong anymore, his slowly opening eyes needing a moment of adjustment in the darkness to realize that my skin tone is taking on a sickly paleness.

"Are you okay, honey?" Yoongi asks softly with concern laced in his voice, his hands feeling cold against my skin as he pushes my hair back, which I lean into because I'm burning up, I really don't feel good anymore.

"I'm going to be sick" I manage to utter through the tightness of my throat, my stomach now feeling like it's filled with acid, acid that melts everything down for a better passage upwards, and Yoongi reacts quickly to my words, his mind waking up and going alert when he sees that I'm really going to throw up soon.

"Oh shit, hold on, honey, I'll bring you to the bathroom" he states softly, though his heart is already pounding away in stress, how could he not notice sooner that my state has gotten this bad?

Yoongi gathers me in his arms gently, though faster than he would normally go for, and once my arms around his neck, he hurries out of the nest room and past a confused wolf to enter the nearest bathroom, which is the one I share with Taehyung.

He settles me in front of the toilet, and it takes me only a few seconds before the first wave hits, food rising up and spilling into the toilet with a feeling of deliverance to my stomach that quickly merges into pain when breathing isn't allowed for too many long seconds.

A hand gathers my hair back while a furry body cuddles up to my side, and I hear feet run around the place with voices speaking over one another only once the toilet done flushing, the buzzing of my ears dimming slightly before a second wave hits, my stomach churning before spilling its content outwards.

Voices raise, scents a messy storm of uncontrolled and panicked wolves before a growl coming from Yoongi shuts them up and I throw up again, the hand to my back a comfort that I never had the chance of having when sick in the past, it makes me cry because... who knew that it could feel so comforting through the pain?

I unconsciously grip onto the wolf's fur through every waves of throwing up that submerge me while Yoongi hugs me from the back, an arm over my waist while his other hand holds my hair until someone comes to tie it up, the bathroom now quiet when the voices move towards the living room.

"She's throwing up the only food she could eat in days, what if she needs to go to the hospital? What do we do if we need to send her to the hospital?!".

"We can't- Jin might be a wolf right now but he can still help, right? Or can we not get him to shift back so he can assess her state for a while? What are we supposed to do when an omega is sick? We haven't ever had to go through that before, Jin doesn't throw up!".

"Maybe we should search on google? There should be some good information there, right?".

"The web is mostly made for humans, finding an authentic website made for omegas is like searching a needle in a haystack, do we have any Pedialyte left from the last time Jungkook got sick?".

"Are you crazy?! That one's for alphas, it's too strong for her, it'll make her even more sick! Even watering it down wouldn't help her, the formula for omegas is different, it's only found in some precise clinics!".

"Fucking hell, what do we do then? Do we just let her throw up until she passes out? She's going to get way too weak if this keeps on going!".

"Alphas, stop screaming and sit down, for fuck's sake. I'll call the clinic where Jin works, I'm sure some of the doctors there could help us, they have gained some knowledge from Jin so maybe this situation has come up before. Panicking is not going to help her, get a hold of yourself".

"Get a hold of- do you hear yourself right now?! Our baby mate is throwing up her guts out, she's throwing up more than what she ingested earlier and you want us to stay calm? Fuck. Fuck! I'm going out, I'll stop at every clinics if I have to but I'm finding her something to help-"

"Jungkook, you know you can't do that. You'll throw every omegas you come across into heat if you go out like this, remember what happened the last time an alpha did exactly that? They ended up sending out red alerts to every alphas in the city with the order to remain where they are and away from omegas to avoid a wave of sexual assaults. You are not going out, we'll figure something out".

"Well- figure something out faster! I- I made her eat all that food, hyung, what if she's sick because of me? I'm going crazy here!".

Yoongi frowns as he listens to the others panicking while he, Taehyung and the pack omega remain by my side, the three of them frowning in concern when I gag, nothing coming out anymore if not for some bile.

I clean the inside of my mouth with some water that I spit back into the toilet before my body slumps against Yoongi in exhaustion and Taehyung presses on the button to flush the content down.

My eyes close as the alpha hugs me gently, a cleaning wipe to my mouth before he uses another one to clean the sweat across my face, the coldness to it making me shiver before Jin's wolf crawls closer with a whine.

"I'm sorry" I whimper out weakly, tears still streaming down my cheeks because I'm tired, really tired of this day, it's like I have to go through every types of pain before it ends, like the pack absolutely has to suffer along the way because of me.

"It's not your fault, sweet thing, today's just one of those really bad days, it happens" Yoongi murmurs with a kiss to my forehead, and when I show no sign of getting sick again for now, he pulls me away from the toilet and on his lap as he leans against the wall on the floor.

The pack omega leaves the room in a hurry and Taehyung kneels besides us with a hand to my forehead, his lips curling downwards when he takes in that my temperature has risen greatly, which would explain the shivers he can see going through my body.

"We need to give her medicine but I don't think we have anything for her here, everything is too strong" the beta mumbles weakly with regret, they should've made sure they were stocked on medicine of all kind when I left the hospital after my blood was purged of the poison, why did that not cross their mind?

"How about some water for now? She should have a little if she wants to stay hydrated" Yoongi tries but I quickly shake my head at that as another shiver makes me hold onto him tighter, and him hug me tighter.

"I'll just throw up again if I drink water, the only thing that helps when I'm sick are the medicinal freezer pops, that always helps when I get sick" I inform them weakly, information that doesn't help because they don't have any at home, the Pedialyte freezer pops for omegas are hard to find.

"Just any would do, they can be found everywhere, maybe you could get them the same way you got the tea?" I add when they don't respond, but a look at the beta shows me that no, it is not actually that simple.

"Maybe the normal kind helped when your wolf was still being held back with the pills you were taking, sweet rose, but now that it's awoken, now that your wolf blood is running free through your veins, your body is going to reject some of the ingredients found in the regular recipe. We need the omega version and it's... rare. When they are in stock, every omegas jump on them so they're never available for a long time" he explains and I slump into Yoongi's hold with despair, what happens then?

Mint comes back with strength right at that moment and I turn my head just in time to find Jin kneeling at Yoongi's feet to stare at me with soft eyes, his human form surprising all of us as he smiles lightly before taking me from Yoongi and right into his chest before standing up effortlessly.

"My wolf begged me to take control again, our baby muffin needs help and it appears I'm the only one able to give it right now. We might not be able to buy it, but we can make a homemade version that will go easy on her stomach, I know a recipe and I'm pretty sure we have everything we need to make it".

To hear Jin's confident voice speak up like this acts like a soothing balm over the pack, every panicking hearts calming down at the same time as bodies follow behind him while he takes me to the kitchen, his presence, even to me acting like a miracle, I missed him, I really missed Jin.

"You went through a lot, sweetheart, I'm sorry that I couldn't do more to help you but I'm here now, I'll take care of you" he murmurs softly to my ear when he stops by the kitchen counter, his arms warm and comforting as they keep me cradled to him like he too missed me like one misses the moon at the end of the day.

My chin wobbles lightly as I take in a deep inhale of his scent, and it's like any existent anxiety that was swarming me has no more reasons to exist now that he's here, as if his being here alone is enough to fix every problems that have affected me until now.

"I'm glad you're here, Jin" I mumble quietly into the nook of his shoulder and his heart cracks in half to give birth to a bigger one all over again, something that is becoming a habit ever since I appeared in their life, like his heart needs to be reborn over and over again to handle the thick amount of love that bursts through him whenever his eyes fall on me.

And so it pains him atrociously more to have had to watch from the sides as I hurt and cried.

His baby omega should not be suffering so much during their heat, it doesn't matter that I am not in heat as well, I should've been enjoying the weight of the alphas' pheromones and instead, I've been swarmed by trauma left and right.

"Me too, baby muffin, I'm glad to be back. Rest now, okay? I'll give directives to the pack to make you something that will help so let me know if you feel sick again" he demands with his sweet, sweet voice and I nod my head before closing my eyes as I bask in his warmth, the coldness that attacks me in war with his overwhelming body heat.

I listen as Jin speaks up, ingredients enumerated that the pack wolves search for together, everything gathered on the counter as they're found, and they can't believe that it's actually that simple to make, which also explains why Jin never made them buy any in the past, he already had his own recipe for the miracle juice.

I feel the bile rise many times as my anxiety constantly attempts to trick my mind into panicking, but Jin's scent acts like a protective barrier that keeps my soul safe from any threats and while I don't know how he does it, there's no place in my mind to try to understand when all I want is to stay in his arms like this.

"Hobi, dear, get me a blanket for her, please. A light, thin one".

Almonds run by us to head to the bedrooms and baby powder takes place near us, another cold hand to my forehead followed by a wince before it retreats. "She's burning up".

Jin somehow manages to cradle me even deeper within his hold when he sits on a chair, my body about to merge with his own with the way I'm made to curve around his front, and he leans down softly to nose at my cheek with a sad sigh, the sickness that sticks to my skin enough to make him want to cry.

"All that stress broke down her immune system, so throwing up actually sent her body into being overwhelmed. She needs food, hydration and a whole lot of rest, but as things are right now, hydration goes first" the pack omega answers, and while the others know that he knows what he's talking about, my empty stomach is still a cause for panic for the alphas.

"But hyung- maybe there's something light we can make her eat now? She needs something to support her stomach, she's going to get very weak otherwise, she barely had food in her body for a few hours" the young alpha lets his concern out and Jin sighs with his lips pressed into a thin line, he knows, but it's never as simple as he would want.

"Our priority right now is to get her to drink water without throwing it up, Jungkook. As long as that doesn't happen, forget about food, we'll have to go one step at a time".

Jaws clench and fists turn white, but no one speaks up against the doctor, because they know that they're not going to convince Jin of anything right now, and anyway, it's not like they have any better ideas. They want me to heal, not to get worse.

"I got this blanket but it's new, it's not scented yet" Hoseok states as he comes back and Jin hums before reaching out to it with one hand. "That's perfect, thank you. Right now we should avoid overwhelming her with too many scents so that's good.

Something soft slides against my skin and when I open my eyes slightly, it's to find Jin's hands working to cover my body and parts of himself with the baby blue blanket that the betas had chosen at the shop the last time.

"How's that, sweetheart? Are you comfortable?" Jin asks me gently and I nod my head, this is actually very nice, a cocoon with him always a magical world of comfort, one that only the older omega can bring to life.

"Alright, we did every steps, hyung, what now?" Namjoon eventually speaks up as the others put away every dishes used to fill the glass bottle with the red liquid, they aren't sure if it's supposed to taste better than the real electrolyte drink that they personally know, but they want to hope that they're providing something better for their sick omega.

"Pour some in a glass and put the rest in the fridge. I'll take us to sit in the living room, maybe we can keep ourselves busy with a movie to distract us, hm?" Jin asks in my intention and I nod my head again, that too sounds very nice.

"I was supposed to cuddle with Yoongi before I got sick, can he sit with us too?" I ask quietly as we near the couch, words that have the alpha looking in our direction instantly, and when Jin chuckles softly before motioning him over, Yoongi doesn't waste any time in snatching the glass out of Jimin's hold before running over at full speed, uncaring of the whine that echoes behind him when his focus is entirely on me.

I don't really know how Jin intends to have us cuddle on the couch, but when he gently settles me in the middle of the makeshift nest before he and Yoongi climb in on either side of me, the bean bag brought closer so they can rest their feet on it while their arms curl around my form to keep me close, I decide that this is good enough, the blanket not too hot around me as I relax between them.

I'm cuddling with a witch and a fluffy cloud, I'm experiencing so many new things these days.

The pack pauses for a moment, Yoongi and Jin share a look of confusion, and when Namjoon and Jimin snort first, the others follow while my cheeks flush as I bashfully hide under the blanket, did I say that aloud?

"Jimin is a merman, Taehyung is a unicorn and now we have a witch and a fluffy cloud?" Hoseok muses sweetly as he stalks towards the couch with a grin on his face when my blush deepens, how the hell did he know about Taehyung being a unicorn? I never said that aloud before!

Yoongi bites on his bottom lip to avoid laughing when our eyes meet, and when he raises the glass to beckon me to drink some of it, it is only my wish to get better that allows me to drop the blanket to accept it in my hands because otherwise, I would remain hidden in there forever.

Silence takes over when I slowly bring it closer to my lips, every wolves turning nervous because is it going to be good? Is it going to work? They don't know and they hate not knowing, it's becoming too recurrent when it comes to me and they really want to change that.

Namjoon brings a trash can with a clean bag inside and settles it by the couch just in case before sitting down himself, his eyes on my form as I take tiny sips at a time with a soft hum.

"It's pretty good... it tastes like juice" I mumble lightly after a while and shoulders relax while Jin simply smiles knowingly, this should be enough to help for now.

"Make sure to drink slowly and take your time. When you finish it, I want you to drink a second glass, okay?" the omega says with a gentle rub to my hip from under the blanket, and I hum in agreement before sipping the liquid again under their relieved orbs.

If they're lucky, today might be able to finish on a good note, especially now that their doctor has a terrifyingly clear mind at their disposal, something incredibly abnormal in the middle of a heat, but everything has been upside down from the very beginning so Namjoon wouldn't be surprised if this is an adaptive reaction to trauma within their pack.

For Jin's wolf to request itself that Jin takes over to take care of me, well needless to say that their wolves are not taking this lightly, and Namjoon simply hopes that this won't turn against the pack omega later, though he doesn't believe that things will go wrong just because of that.

Jin will probably revert back to his wolf when I'm all better and the regular flow of their heat will resume again until the end, it's just a... rough start.

A very rough start.

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