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Taehyung's POV

"Give her to me, hyung... I'll wake her up so go have a look at the rice porridge with Hoseok hyung in the meantime, please. I think it should be ready by now" I ask of Yoongi before gently cradling her to me in a slightly seated position, and when the alpha leaves his spot on the couch's nest to join the beta in the kitchen, I take his place besides Jin once the pillows reorganized to the omega's preferences.

Once comfortable, I pull her to me in a tight embrace and turn my gaze to hyung to see him smiling at me, his scent just like it would be on a regular day, and I can't help but worry for him, because that's sudden, he smells as if he's broken out of his heat and that's... not common, though not unheard of.

"How are you, hyung? How's your wolf?" I ask him, a question that makes his expression soften before he stares down at her pouty lips while tucking some hair behind her ear, a touch that has her squirming lightly.

"Stressed, Taehyung-ah, we're afraid and nervous. I'm honestly just overthinking a lot about how we can avoid triggering her from now on, I hate seeing her in that state. So if you're wondering about my current heat, I think it's safe to say that mine's over" Jin answers easily, an answer that confirms my concerns.

"Will you be okay?" I ask next with pinched lips, and to that, he sighs before shrugging a little as he sinks into the cushions, he doesn't know.

"It's never happened to me before so I don't know, Tae, but since the pack is still in heat, I think I should be fine. Your pheromones will act on my system even if I'm not in a vulnerable state anymore, but my wolf doesn't want to come out until she's all better so we'll see how it goes from here".

The others remain silent from wherever they're seated in the living room at Jin's words, lines of worry creased into their skin because no one in our pack has ever broken out of a heat like this before.

Hoseok and I have read a little bit about the possibility during our beta classes in high school and college, but the teachers didn't really provide more than the basics, which goes like this:

If a wolf breaks through their heat in the middle of it, it's possible that they end up going through an omega or alpha drop later on, so it's important to keep an eye on them. Avoiding the drop really depends on what caused the heat to end in the first place, so assess the situation to the best of your abilities and provide the wolf with what was lacking if you can.

In other words, what we need to do for now is to make sure that Y/N recovers well, only then will Jin avoid a drop, and he must know that himself, else he wouldn't be so focused on her trauma even while she's sleeping.

If it hits her again, we're going to have to deal not only with a pained omega but also with an omega drop, which would probably push the alphas out of their heat as well and right into a drop of their own, and god knows how Hoseok and I could handle so much all at once.

I am not eager to find out, so for now, Y/N's recovery is in everyone's best interest.

Yoongi comes back with a bowl of soup in his hands, Hoseok careful as he follows behind him and I look down at Y/N to caress her cheek softly, a little tap to her nose before I let my thumb trace over her lips, the plump skin calling out to me, would a kiss wake the princess from her deep slumber?

I pinch her nose and wait a few seconds during which nothing happens, and when she suddenly inhales through her mouth before her eyes open in confusion, I smile before releasing it, my gaze on her as she rubs her face tiredly, eyes looking around to find us all staring endearingly.

Her cheeks blush and I hug her closer to me with a pleased rumble echoing off my chest that makes her relax immediately, gaze meeting mine showing delight upon finding out who her current cuddling partner is.

"Oh, it's my soft beta" she muses sweetly with her small voice, and the whole pack feels their soul fill with stars and fairy dust, how can she be so adorable without even trying? It's unfair, my heart can barely handle it when she's like this.

"That's right, and you're my pretty baby rose" I muse back, all of my worries washed away when her soft rain begins spreading around the room, weak but so pure, the aroma of her roses calming down our nerves as our own true mate scent seems to calm her.

"How do you feel now, sweetheart? Does your stomach still feel upset?" Jin asks once he's gotten her attention by rubbing her arm, and we all stay silent when she takes a moment to appraise her condition with uncertainty over her face.

"Mm... a little bit but... I'm hungry" she speaks up softly, and that's enough to have Jin motion for Yoongi to give him the bowl while he sits up properly to feed her himself, because taking care of her recovery is one good way to avoid the omega drop that hides in the shadows.

"We'll go with small bites then, just to see how your body handles it" he decides with a concerned smile and she nods her head before staring at the spoon that he dips in the porridge, the small grumbling that her stomach does not a nice feeling with how empty it is.

She opens her mouth when he brings the spoon to her lips and we all observe intently as she takes her time swallowing the content, her nervousness mirroring our own - we all would hate to have her throw up again, this is truly unnerving.

Every wolves in the pack remain near in silence, our attention on her face, on her scent, my arms around her steadying her tired form as she leans onto me more than she sits on her own, and we all notice when after her fourth spoon of the porridge, she starts hesitating to open her mouth again.

She gulps thickly, her skin complexion slowly gaining back in paleness, and when she begins to shake her head while trying to get off me, her scent already turning into gusts of windy rain, I quickly jump to my feet with her in my arms before rushing to the bathroom, my worries doubling in intensity when she resumes throwing up after a minute of bending over the toilet.

Jin joins us with a pained expression on his face, regret over the fact that feeding her went back against her once more, and he sits behind her to stroke her back softly while she cries, a sound that breaks my heart in pieces.

"What do we do, hyung? What if we end up needing to send her to the hospital? I don't know if we can keep the alphas from following after her if that happens" I mumble weakly, one look at the open doorway showing the four alphas standing with a somber look on their faces, Hoseok at the back and leaning against the wall with a deep frown.

Can we really handle the impact of sending her away? The alphas are going to be in panic from not having her at home with us, it would be impossible to keep them from losing control, Hoseok and I can only do so much.

The pack omega sighs as he flushes the toilet, glass of water filled at the sink before he helps her clean her mouth, beads of sweat covering her skin from the exhausting sickness that won't let go of her - she's listening, but she looks like she's in a daze as she leans into his chest, unable to hold herself anymore.

It makes me fear for the worst because... her body needs nutriments and it won't accept what we give it, how long can this go on for?

"If we really make it there, we're going to have to let them know that our pack is in the middle of a heat, so it's either that a team comes here to have a look at her and provide her with emergency care or they clear up a section of the hospital for us, but that's incredibly risky. If her health does reach that point, I think it'll be safer to have people come here" Jin eventually answers my question, unhappy about his verdict but knowing that this might very well be our only option.

Namjoon growls loudly at the possibility of strangers in our house, rumbling strong enough to echo against the walls while his fingers close into fists, but Hoseok's hiss is enough of a warning to make him hold back and glare at the floor instead while Jimin cuddles up to his side, and though we all understand how he feels... this is for Y/N, for her health, we don't have a choice.

Yoongi and Jungkook look helpless as they listen to the conversation without saying a word, the two of them not liking at all what might happen if her state doesn't get better but also knowing that for her sake, they would accept a lot of things if it can make her feel better. Everything would be so much easier if our heat could end right now.

Unable to stay away from her anymore when it's clear that Y/N won't get sick again, Jungkook rushes into the bathroom to reach her side, her raspy breathing enough to have us all incredibly on edge from how unnatural it sounds, it makes my heart sting with every inhale she takes.

The alpha pulls her onto his lap and Jin takes a look at her closely, eyes sharp as he massages her throat softly while watching her face, his knowledge covering grounds that we don't know of, and so it's a relief for all of us when his shoulders lose of their tension when her breathing eventually calms down into that quiet, tired huff, a little out of breath but otherwise not noisy anymore, her eyes shut because she's reached her limit for today.

Our pack omega cups her cheeks to gaze at her with pained eyes, his mint going up and down constantly since the last few minutes, something that warns Hoseok and I of an incoming omega drop if nothing gets done about it, but before we can do or say anything, Jin speaks up firmly first.

"Jungkook, if you could please give her to me, I'd be thankful. I think I'm about to have a drop unless I hold her so I should keep her with me for the rest of the day, I need to feel her close, it's all I need right now" he states with a seriousness and fear that doesn't happen often, his jaw clenched tight, and upon learning that not only is our youngest omega feeling unwell but also our oldest pack member, needless to say that it simply increases the panic in the house.

Jungkook helps to settle our baby in Jin's arms and we follow behind as he rushes out of the bathroom and into the pack nest for some safe and soothing cuddles, Namjoon following in to keep an eye on them with Jimin while the rest of us quickly head to the kitchen to get her and Jin a glass of water as well as the liquid remedy we made today, the only thing we can offer her for now.

"I hate this heat, I hate it so fucking much" Jungkook mumbles as we try to see what else we could bring them, some sweetness for Jin making us hesitate because if Y/N sees him eat while being hungry herself... how would it affect her?

He probably would refuse to eat anyway, by solidarity for her.

Omegas are overly loyal sometimes, even if it means neglecting themselves to help their mate cope with their pain. Whether Jin is in heat or not won't change that part of himself, he'll refuse to eat until she can get food in her system herself. It's going to be... I sigh and shake my head.

Another thing that Hoseok and I will have to handle.

I reach out to squeeze the youngest alpha's shoulder with an understanding grip that makes him droop slightly into me, it's easy to see that we're all reaching our limit and I myself feel like I'm reaching a wall now, I don't know what to do anymore to help.

I exhale deeply before kissing the side of his head, arms pulling him into a hug that makes him melt further, his eyes unable to hold in the tears anymore as they flow down his cheeks, baby powder turning into puddles of mud.

"I know, Jungkookie, I don't like it either, none of us do. I don't think any of us knew just how bad this would be with how it began, everything's a big mess right now. I never thought I'd say that again one day, but I can't wait for it to be over. Us being in our heat is clearly not doing any good for her at the moment".

My words are met with silence during which Jungkook remains glued to me, his tears wetting my neck as he noses at my scent gland to get more of my apple pie, a little overcooked but otherwise bringing more soothing than it brings pain.

"Do you think... if we go outside in the backyard, do you think it would help her feel better? Maybe some fresh air could help the both of them" Yoongi speaks up after a while of wondering as we start heading back to the pack nest and Hoseok hums deeply in thoughts.

"You alphas couldn't come along because of your heat pheromones but... Jin and either Taehyung or I could go with her, I think that could be good for our two omegas, you're right. That's a good idea, hyung, good job" the beta praises our soft alpha with a squeeze of the hand, and just like that, his mood raises the slightest bit.

"Let's join them for a pack cuddle first, I think we could all do with one for now, having her sick with Jin nearing a drop is putting us all on edge" I add before they go forward with that idea, and Jungkook nods quickly before running forward with the three glasses in his hands, careful as he hands them into the nest before climbing in himself.

I wrap an arm around Yoongi to get him inside the room first, and when Hoseok follows in next, I close the door behind us before joining them in the nest as well.

I shut the curtains and when my sight has adjusted to the darkness that is only ever illuminated by the fairy lights, my heart melts when I find Y/N stuck in a marshmallow sandwich with Jin and Jimin, the two of them hugging her between them with their heads on Namjoon who has one hand playing with her hair, the only thing he could come up with to soothe her while she recovers.

His eyes meet mine when I settle down next to him, hips brushing until I get comfortable, after which his head falls to my shoulder with a tired exhale.

"She fell asleep again but..." he sighs, defeated, "I guess it's better that she sleeps rather than being awake and sick. I don't know what kind of chaos we would've caused if Jin wasn't a doctor, he must be the only reason why we haven't wrecked havoc in the entire city by now. That, and you and Hoseok are doing an amazing job, I'm sorry that you have so much on your shoulders because of me".

I rest my cheek over his head, hands grabbing his restless one to hold tight while the others take place around our sweet trio to cuddle with them, Hoseok releases a deep breath when I use one hand to massage his scalp like he adores so much.

It's mostly thanks to him that this house isn't destroyed yet, I barely did anything.

If Hoseok wasn't a beta but an alpha instead... I wonder who between him and Namjoon would've been pack alpha? I guess that's why he was made a beta, so that he could take over in such an event, he always seems to know what to do to handle our pack.

I'm more like a supporter, I just make sure to help him when he needs me.

"It's going to make everyone uncomfortable, but I think we'll have to avoid giving her food until tomorrow. We can't risk getting her sick again, her fever has yet to drop and she's very weak, she's had enough for today" Jin murmurs into the silence as his hands stroke her face gently, as if doing so could take away all of her pain.

"It'll have to be a little bit of food at a time too. Just a few bites every few hours until her stomach settles, feeling so hungry will make her feel sick so it'll probably be hard for her" he adds, his lips pressing onto her nose before he gently pushes her face back in his neck with a sigh.

"At this pace, we're all going to need to take a mental health break when this heat is over" Jungkook grumbles suddenly from where he's resting his face in Jin's shoulder blades and I huff out a small unamused laugh, he's not wrong there.

People would think this heat would have us relaxed by the time it's over, all the tension gone from our shoulders due to constant cuddling and loving each other, but they couldn't be any more wrong this time. This heat got us more tensed than ever.

"Maybe we should have a short trip to the countryside. We have that house near the peach orchards, right? They'll be in full bloom around this time of the year, maybe it could be a good place to go" I offer, and that has every eyes opening as they start thinking about how possible we could make this into reality.

Namjoon hums. "Well... I'll probably have to bring a few things from the university to work over during the week, but I don't think they actually need me in class for now. That could work, what about you Jimin?".

"I can send my students a few videos of what I want them to work on during my absence, they can handle themselves for a few days, I'm not worried about them" the younger alpha answers confidently, which makes me smile softly.

"That means more tattoo appointments to push back but... we'll just tell them that it's been a rough time, they'll understand. We can always give them a free hour if needed, they won't complain about that and we can even get some free marketing since they'll probably go and talk about our generosity all over the place, what do you think, hyung?" Jungkook chimes in and Yoongi sighs before nodding his head as he remains glued to Jimin's back, Hoseok right behind him.

"That works, we can do that".

Jin makes a soft noise next and I bring my gaze to him. "Well... my boss won't be that happy about giving me an additional week off but I don't think I could focus on work even if I wanted to so I'll call him later this week, I'm sure he'll understand at least a little if I explain how this heat has been going so far. Let's do this trip".

Namjoon closes his eyes, thankful to have something positive to think about after this chaotic day. "We'll do that then. When our heat is over, we head to Wonju with Y/N. There are many popular spots we can visit there and the city is bustling with life so we have options. We can either remain near the farms or we can go shopping near the shops, it'll be up to her".

"That sounds good, I like the sound of that" I muse, my own eyes closing in relief because while times are hard right now, we now have something fun we can look forward to.

Hopefully she'll like it there too.

Your POV

"Hyung, I swear, fart one more time and I'm kicking you out of the nest".

"You wouldn't dare, my farts don't even smell anyway. They're innocent little puffs of air".

"Yeah, but I can feel them. You're like a farting machine this morning, they won't stop and I'm incredibly uncomfortable because I can't move. I don't want to move. Please have pity on me".


"Alpha, tsk at me one more time and-"

"You mean this? Tsk. I can even do it again. Tsk. Just for you. Tsk tsk tsk-"

A scuffle begins from behind a deep asleep Jimin and I turn around to have a look over his shoulder, the sight of Yoongi and Hoseok rolling together with playful giggles despite their little fart problem enough to put a smile on my lips, eyes creasing at the funny sight.

"You're just trying to get me to kiss those lips, aren't you? That's why you keep testing me" Hoseok croons as he manages to pin Yoongi underneath him and I hold my breath, a heat crawling up my cheeks as I shyly observe them stare at each other with passion, heart pounding away when the beta eventually leans down to kiss the alpha who doesn't resist him at all, like this is all he wanted from the beginning.

It does make me wonder what it would be like to be there too, a thought that hadn't really crossed my mind until now, but as it finally finds a hiding nook to settle into, I can't stop thinking about it anymore, what would it be like to kiss the both of them? What about the others?

I blink slowly in the safety of Jimin's soft cinnamon, my gaze glued on them because it's impossible to look away from such a beautiful sight, and when Hoseok suddenly opens his eyes to stare at me without warning, I startle before hiding in the sleepy alpha's chest, heart stuttering at having been found out.

He saw me. He saw me staring at them kiss. Hoseok saw me sneaking a look at them-

"Well well well, what have we here?" his voice murmurs near my ear and I gasp with a shiver coursing through my whole body, my hiding spot not hiding me anymore because here he is, grinning at me from over the unaware alpha who doesn't look like he'll wake up anytime soon, something that can be said about every other wolves currently sleeping in the pack nest.

"A curious little omega, isn't she? Did she find herself imagining what it would be like to kiss those lips too?" Yoongi finds himself teasing me before he can stop himself, and when my blush gains in intensity, hands shy as they cover my face to try and hide from the duo, they both chuckle softly before a pair of hands takes me from the safety of Jin and Jimin's hug.

"No need to be shy, doll. I can assure you, we've all thought about kissing you at least once so far, maybe even more for some of us, but for now, I want to know how you feel this morning. How are you, soft bun? Do you still feel sick? Do you have a headache? Dizzy? Do you have any pain anywhere?" Hoseok settles for a few questions as he drops me over his lap, my legs on either side of him as he holds me there, face to face to better see my complexion within the shadows.

I bite on my bottom lip, the mix of conversation about kissing and this position not doing anything good for my heart, not when he holds me so close to him like this, but the seriousness of his gaze at he asks those questions keeps me from trying to flee him, Yoongi near and also looking serious as he waits for my answer, it wouldn't take much for them to lose their playfulness to resume worrying and I don't want that, this was such a sweet thing to wake up to.

"I feel better, Hoseok, a lot better. I do feel very tired, but I think it's only because I'm so hungry, it feels like I haven't eaten in ages and I'm thirsty too, it's not a fun combo" I utter in a whisper and the beta hums, thumbs caressing over my waist as he tries to think about his options.

"Do you think you could try eating again? Just a little bit? Jin said yesterday that we should get you to eat every few hours in small quantities to help your body recover without overwhelming it, do you want to try?".

I purse my lips a little, I honestly feel like I could go through with an entire meal right now, but knowing how that ended for me yesterday morning... I am not eager to experience that again. We should follow Jin's directives.

"I think I can handle eating every few hours, as long as I get something in my stomach, I feel like it's about to begin eating itself from within, it's about to turn into a self-cannibal" I admit with a shiver, the very idea of my own body devouring me enough to give me the chills, and even Yoongi seems disturbed by my words when he grimaces.

Hoseok chuckles though, a kiss to my nose before he slides an arm under my butt to hold me to him like a koala before crawling towards the nest's entrance.

"We don't want that to happen then. The others were completely knocked out from yesterday and they probably won't wake up for a while, it'll have to be just the three of us until then. Yoongi can keep you company while I whip something up for you to eat".

I glance at the sleeping wolves from over the beta's shoulder with a frown, I put them in that state, didn't I? I feel bad, but yesterday was indeed a lot for everyone, it's a wonder that I woke up before them, really.

Yoongi smiles gently as he follows behind us out of the nest, curtains shut to keep them in the easy glow of the fairy lights as Hoseok opens the room's door, hence allowing more of the natural light inside, something that makes me squint my eyes, it's so easy to get used to the darkness.

"Don't worry about them too much, honey, they'll be fine. They just need to sleep a lot, yesterday was stressful for everyone" he assures me with his pretty eye crease and I hum before tucking my face in Hoseok's neck, his almonds comforting as I let him bring me to the kitchen where he then makes me sit on the kitchen island.

He pushes some wild baby hair out of my face, a boop to my nose before Yoongi takes his place between my legs, and we both observe as the beta walks to the fridge to have a look at what he could feed me, the miracle juice taken out and poured into a glass for me when he remembers about my thirst, this will make for a nice start.

Yoongi grabs the glass from him and lifts it up to my lips when he's facing me again, my hands useless because the alpha won't let me hold it myself, but he's so careful as he makes the liquid flow slowly into my mouth that it's no problem for me to drink at my own pace, and when I've had enough, he puts it down by my side before resting his hands on my hips in a possessive manner.

And then he's dipping his head into my neck and my breath hitches there when I feel his lips graze against the skin, his strong arms holding me tighter as he kisses his way up to my jaw softly, so softly that it almost tickles, but it makes my heart feel warm, it makes my heart beat fast.

Is it because he's a witch? He has such an easy access to how my heart feels all the time, he could do anything he wants with it and I would be fine because it's him, that's Yoongi's power, the sweet alpha always so gentle with anything he does, even now as he peppers my skin with his loving touch.

"Can I kiss you, my sweet omega?".

He pulls back just in time to see my eyes widening, my entire face turning a bright red while my heart responds affirmatively with excited drumming noises, but while I would love nothing more than to agree and give him permission-

"I- I should wash my mouth first, Yoongi, I was sick yesterday" I mumble, slightly ashamed of the words leaving me because that's how you kill the mood, right? That's how you disgust someone, by reminding them that you threw up the day before.

But Yoongi simply brings his lips back to my jaw, he takes his sweet time in covering the entirety of my burning cheek before following my chin to do the same with the other, his arms heavy as he brings them up my back to hold me tighter, the counter digging into his hips when he pushes himself forward to be as close as possible.

A needy alpha who needs his omega, that's what he is right now.

"Jin brushed your teeth in the middle of the night, soft bun. It suddenly woke him up randomly and he shook Namjoon awake for a good five minutes so he'd go get your toothbrush, he couldn't sleep before making sure that your mouth was clean, so you can get rid of that worry" Hoseok reveals with a chuckle, eyes glancing at me briefly with a wink before he focuses back on the food.

I can't resist the laugh of disbelief that leaves me at his words, to hear that Jin did such a thing in the middle of the night so amusing that I nearly forget about Yoongi's question, but he works very hard to remind me of it as he continually covers the expense of my skin with his warm lips, his heart jumping every time mine skips a beat.

"So can I kiss you? It can be a sweet little peck, I just want to feel your lips on my own this morning" Yoongi tries again as he tickles my ear with his nose, his soul swallowing each stutters of my heart like they're the only food it can process, but he wants more, he selfishly wants a lot more.

I gulp lightly before nodding my head, and Yoongi's lips twitch into a delighted smile before he cups my cheek with one hand, the other circling around the back of my neck to steady my head, and he chuckles when he finds me staring at him with wide open eyes.

"Do you think you could close those for me? It's making me feel a little self-conscious if you stare at me like this" he admits shyly as he caresses my cheek with his thumb and I blink softly before finally allowing them to shut.

To close one sense like this allows for another to gain in strength, and his scent is the sweetest bitter chocolate as it twirls around me, almond chocolates covered in honey eaten on a picnic by a waterfall, the water one that comes from deep within the mountain, so pure and so healing that any and all wounds can heal with just a glance at it, this is what surrounds me as his breath finally gets closer to my lips.

And when there's contact, when I get to feel the warmth of his mouth on my own, my heart soars through the sky to dance with the birds, rainbow rain that allows for a staircase of colours to reach down to the ground to allow a safe passage to the heavens, body floating off the ground as I go up one stair at a time.

Yoongi's way of kissing is so very soft and slow and gentle and every touch to my skin amplifies the love he gives to me, my body melting into his warmth even as he slowly breaks the kiss to connect our foreheads together, noses brushing as he shows a gummy smile that makes Hoseok's heart burst.

"Your kiss is just as sweet as I had imagined, honey" he muses with a hint of pride in his voice that makes me smile too, arms raising and circling around his neck to keep him close because this proximity feels so great, it's a surreal feeling to know that I just gave my first kiss to the first wolf who ever accepted me as part of his life.

Yoongi opens his eyes and leans back slightly to gaze at me, orbs sparkling like I just spoke those words aloud and-

Oh, I probably did.

"Can I kiss you again? Is it okay if I do a little more this time?" he asks with badly hidden excitement, his head tilt such an endearing sight that I easily nod my head to grant him permission, and I miss Hoseok's grin when I close my eyes to welcome the alpha's mouth again, the initial softness still the same as the first time before I feel an unexpected tug on my bottom lip with his teeth.

His tongue swipes over it in a silent request and though it makes me nervous to know that he wants to include our tongues this time, heart afraid of messing up because this is all so new, trusting Yoongi comes so easily to me that I eventually part my lips open for him, body a lump of melting nerves for him as he pushes forward in search of my inexperienced everything.

His soul is buzzing with so much delight, pride and joy as he pulls me into a gentle paced dance, his heart tingling with giddiness for every unsure move on my end, because knowing that my first taste of a kiss has everything to do with him is the prettiest gift he could receive this morning.

The only thing that makes us part a second time is the scent of fresh mint, strong and purifying as it settles near, and when Yoongi and I both turn our gaze to the source, slightly out of breath, it's to find Jin staring at us and beaming as he leans against the fridge with Hoseok.

"I can't believe I was allowed to see such a beautiful sight as soon as I left the nest. I have to say, I'm a little jealous that I wasn't the first one to kiss these adorable lips, but to be witness to this delightful moment between my two loves is certainly not something I'll complain about" he muses, eyes crinkling when Yoongi and I blush in surprise, the taste of his dark chocolate on my tongue helping me to process what really took place in the middle of the kitchen.

I really kissed the pretty alpha, I kissed Yoongi.

"It took me everything to not join them, didn't want to take that sweet memory from them, but it was hard" Hoseok admits with an easygoing shrug and I hide in Yoongi's arms when my whole body heats up like fire, their laughter echoing around me as the others slowly emerge from the pack nest, the growing coldness taking place as bodies leave waking them up one after the other.

They were all sleeping so soundly just a moment ago, we didn't kiss for hours, did we? Time doesn't pass that quickly when you're kissing?

"We haven't... but we can try if you want" Yoongi coos into my ear, endless love hugging around his heart when I release a strangled noise, eyes falling on Jimin just as he appears in the kitchen.

The younger alpha easily puts two and two together when he sees the scene before him and though his grin grows large, he still comes over to take me from the teasing alpha to give me a chance to calm down when he hears my silent plea, the attention this is giving me too much for my heart to bear.

"I'm surprised to see that Yoongi went first to ask for that kiss, I thought Namjoon would've been first" the alpha reveals while taking me to the dining table where he pulls out a chair to sit on it with me on his lap, his melodious laughter decorating the air when Namjoon gapes - not because of the accusation but because he's just now learning that Yoongi kissed me and what? The pack alpha was bested by his mates?

"You kissed her?" Namjoon asks, lips still parted in disbelief, and Yoongi looks all cute and kissable when he nods his head quickly. "I did. Twice. She has the softest lips and her rain on my tongue is refreshing, it satiated my very soul".

Oh he's really enjoying rubbing it in their face, doesn't he? It makes my ears release steam, brain cooking from inside my skull when I feel more eyes settle on my back, they're not going to begin a competition, are they?

"Can I be next, sweets? Can I be the second one to kiss you? Pretty please? I'll be gentle, I promise" Jungkook soon finds himself begging as he walks to the dining table to back-hug me, the whole of his chest falling over my back as he closes his arms around my stomach with pleading sounds leaving his throat, like a puppy begging for treats.

I can't resist the little giggle that leaves me at his cute pleading, Namjoon still gaping when I nod my head because not only couldn't he be first, but now he can't even be second?

"My sweet baby?" the pack alpha lets out softly as he slowly edges closer to our trio, head peeking to the side so that I can see him, and when I find the pitiful, puppy-like expression on his face, like saying no would absolutely crush his heart, when I find Taehyung with a similar face right behind him, my giggles merge into real laughter, forehead resting on Jimin's shoulder as I let it out, they're really about to form a waiting line just to get to kiss me, I can't with them!

Jimin soon follows me in my laughter, as does Jungkook, the feeling of my shaking body in his arms affecting him just the same, it makes the others smile bashfully while Hoseok resumes his cooking happily, more food added to the lot for everyone.

If every mornings could be like this... he'd be the happiest beta alive.

"It'll happen in due time, guys, let's not take the magic away of a first kiss with our omega, it should happen naturally" Jin chirps as he begins helping Hoseok, a kiss to his cheek that pleases two hearts, and Namjoon sighs before nodding his head.

"That's true... I'll be patient then. I can be patient. I'm a patient pack alpha, I can do it" he utters under his breath, words that make Yoongi pull him into a big hug with an endeared exhale, his mates are all so freaking cute, he's definitely going to face this day with pink glasses.

"I'll make it happen naturally today, I want it today" Jungkook still claims as he breathes against my back, our laughter eventually calming down to leave us a pile of happy wolves, and his words make me blush a pretty pink, heart melting with anticipation, I wonder what he'll come up with?

"You greedy pup, just make sure she's comfortable before doing anything, alright?" Jimin coos and Jungkook nods his head, of course he will!

"Alright alright, enough of this kissing conversation, food's almost ready so set the table. Put my seat by hers, I'm not leaving her side when it comes to eating today" Jin states loudly to make sure we all hear him and I purse my lips at his words, I guess that's what today will be about.

Jimin notices my pout and coos softly before rubbing his cheek against my own, a kiss left behind before he helps me slide to my feet. "It's for the best, my love, you might be feeling better this morning but we don't want to take any chances. It's better to be careful, I'm sure tomorrow you'll be able to eat more without it having to be made into a big deal".

I stare at the alpha with a sheepish nod as he softly pats my head, and when Jungkook suddenly pulls me to the kitchen with him so we can get the glasses, everyone else follows the pace to get what's needed to get this table ready.

I smile when the alpha hands me two glasses to start with, a smile that widens when Yoongi's arms briefly pull me into him for a short kiss that makes every wolves so damn jealous, and it's unable to stop a giggle that I flee his touch to put everything on the table when I see Jungkook and Namjoon stare with jealousy, teeth biting lips because...

Gosh, they want a kiss too!

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