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Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions!


To say that Jungkook has glued himself to my skin would be an understatement.

He has become my legs, my arms, my voice and my brain, not because he has merged with my body but because he hasn't allowed me to use mine at all since we had breakfast together a few hours ago.

If I need to move somewhere, he is the one taking me there. If I need to use my arms to grab something, he is pulling me back to his chest before grabbing it for me, if he sees my eyes looking for a missing wolf, his voice is calling out his name to make him come back and before I can even realize that I'm getting thirsty or hungry, he is giving me what I need under Jin's watchful eyes.

Jin and the betas have tried to make him let go of me on a few occasions, their worry being that I might get tired of his excessive control over my body when it is not needed, but they were each times pleasantly surprised when I'd tell them that it was fine, that I liked this.

I like this, because it doesn't feel like control in a way that is meant to hurt me, it's a control that is only born from the alpha's worry for me, one that shows in the form of protective care. So while it is a lot to have his eyes constantly on the look out for my every needs, it does make me feel safe.

There's someone in this world who can read me like an open book, not to destroy me with the words found on every pages but to better love me. Why would I not want this?

But while Yoongi could come and soothe himself from time to time with a soft kiss on my lips, his toothy smile always gracing my eyes when he'd pull back to find me with a sweet blush on my cheeks, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung have been struggling a little bit more from not having the opportunity to hold me even once since Jungkook took me hostage.

And even if I am indeed very comfortable in his arms as he takes me all over the house with him when he becomes restless in the living room, I am beginning to feel bad for the three wolves who try to remain patient while two of their mates get to enjoy things that they cannot.

So it's while Jungkook takes me to his bedroom so he can get his sketchbook to work a little on some tattoo commissions during this calm early afternoon that I decide to voice out my observation, my body gently settled on his bed before he heads to his desk to put what he needs into an easy to carry pile.

"Jungkook? Would you be okay if I decided to spend some time with someone else now? I know that your instincts are ruled by the heat right now and that's why you don't want to let go of me, but I don't think it's fair that only you get to be soothed while the others can only watch. I already feel a lot better anyway! I got to eat and drink so I have more energy, you don't need to worry so much anymore".

The alpha pauses mid-movement, his baby powder wavers into a mix of softness and slightly muddy scent and his shoulders droop before he turns to look at me from over his shoulder with sad doe eyes.

"Am I annoying you? Of course I must be... I haven't let you do anything on your own since this morning, I'm too much, right? I'm sorry, sweets, even though the others told me to give you some space, I still didn't listen to them".

I smile softly at his words before shaking my head, arms opening so he can come get a hug, and he quietly settles everything on his desk before trudging over until he reaches the side of his bed where he climbs only to flop onto his side, his arms mimicking my own to have me join him in a lied down position instead of sitting.

I crawl over to him until he can pull me into a gentle and warm hug, my face tucked under his chin while his arms circle around my back to keep me as close as possible, they are all making me addicted to these hugs, I don't think I could survive without them anymore.

"You are not annoying me, Jungkook, not at all, I wanted to stay in your arms, no one forced me. It made me feel a lot better to have you watch over me like this, you kept me warm and you could even see when I was in need of water and food before I could tell myself, it's thanks to you if I feel better now.

It's just that I've made this heat complicated for the whole pack and I want to try and spend time with everyone to apologize properly. I know you're all going to say that it wasn't my fault, that my wolf and I are simply overwhelmed but this heat wouldn't be in such a terrible state if I hadn't been such a mess. Giving hugs is all I can do so I want to do it well".

Jungkook holds me tighter at my weak admission, his heart on a very fragile line between breaking for the guilt that I'm currently feeling and being relieved that he could do something for me in the end, that his caring did help me after all, his wolf would go for the second option if it wasn't so silent.

And it's not the only one. Everyone's wolves have decided to remain silent and observant since their baby omega got sick, since they realized that they were not in a position to help me, that they didn't have the knowledge to do anything.

They decided to stay back and give full control to their humans who can provide the needed care until they would know for sure that I am all better, so in the meantime, the whole pack is on edge and unconsciously seeking me out anytime they can, they can't help it, it's the least they can do to remain sane.

"This week isn't... that terrible. Sure, it's a lot of stress, to not know what the next problem will be, or if there will even be another one, we just want you to recover and to see the opposite happen instead is sending us in panic more often than never, but we've also had a lot of good times, haven't we?

Cuddles, laughter, nesting, teasing each other and loving with all of our might, we've had good things too, you don't need to apologize about anything" his voice whispers softly from above my head, and I purse my lips tightly to keep in some tears from flowing while a lump forms in my throat.

"B-but... I made the heat begin sooner because I couldn't be honest at the restaurant, Jungkook, I cried a lot because of harmless things that ended up stressing out everyone, I caused Namjoon to lose his right over the pack and burdened Hoseok and Taehyung with even more responsibilities, not to forget Jin who was pushed out of his heat because of me.

It should've been a soft week for him and instead his wolf forced him to front again just to take care of me, and now he can't even enjoy himself anymore like he should've been. Even now, you're worrying about me because you're afraid that I might get sick again and I know it's not fun for you, Jungkook. I did more bad than I did good, you can't deny that".

My voice shakes the more I speak of all that happened during the last few days as I come to process everything I've caused in such a short amount of time. Only three days have passed and I gave them that much trouble already? What's to say that I won't do more?

So many things could happen and my imagination has no trouble running wild as the image of my adopted sister comes back to mind, what's her position in all of this? Did she know about my existence or was she just like me, unaware of all the games our adoptive parents played on us?

Does she hate me as much as they hate me? Would she scream at me too if we were to ever meet? Do I even want to find out?

And what if they all try to get some sort of payback on my true mates at some point? What if they get in trouble with my adoptive family because of me? I really don't want that, I don't want these sweet men to be caught up in all of this, I should take care of this myself as much as possible.

I wish I could know what might trigger me before it happens, it's all the mental wounds that I can't see that end up hurting the most, psychological trauma that all source from my adoptive parents, people who I've barely lived with before being shipped away, yet look at the repercussions they've had on me.

There are so many things that can turn wrong because of my existence, and I hate that these kind and loving wolves are always the first to suffer because of it. They think things are finally getting better, that the danger has passed and the next thing we know, something awful happens again.

And even though I know that, what am I doing? I'm still melting in their arms, clinging onto them desperately because I'm afraid of being left on my own in this cold world. I truly am shameless.

Jungkook shushes me gently when he hears the heavy guilt in my voice, my scent turning stormy and thick, and he presses a kiss to my head before making me stare at him by pulling back enough to cup my face between his long hands, thumbs kind as they brush the tears away.

"You talk as if we're the ones who've had the suffer the most, sweets. You were the one who had to endure not only a painful past, but also the trauma that it created, not us. We are in pain because we see you suffering and we can't do anything about it without somehow making it worse for you. It was never about our pain, baby, it was always about yours".

My chin begins wobbling under his palms and his own starts to tremble as well, eyes glistening with unshed tears when he finds me breaking down in front of him, the burn of my eyes making me close them as more tears roll down my skin and onto his hands, I'm so tired of this stupid pain, I want all of us happy and carefree, I don't want this trauma anymore.

"We love you so much, sweets, you have no idea how much we love you already. We want only the best for you, and we'll make it there, okay? There will come a day when that pain is far behind us, you'll reach a place in life where you can be proud of what you've achieved, I know that's possible" he murmurs against my skin, and when I nod my head slowly with a shaky breath, he gently pecks my lips before wiping my face again, unbothered by the tears on his own cheeks as he gazes at me.

"Don't cry, hm? I don't like it when you're sad, it makes my heart hurt, baby. You haven't done anything worth punishing yourself for us, we told you and we'll keep telling you, we can handle what you give us. We're not leaving you behind, never, you're too important for us" he adds before leaving another soft peck to my lips, a little longer this time, it makes my heart flutter despite everything.

I sniffle and close my lids so he can swipe his thumbs over them before opening them again, and when I stare at him, at the watery smile he gives me, the shine in his eyes showing me how sincere he is, it makes me fall even more for this wonderful pack.

"Can you give me a real kiss? I think I would love a kiss from my gentle alpha, I would feel a lot better then, those pecks are not enough" I ask him with a tiny pout in my voice, and he giggles lightly with his hand quickly drying his face before he's nodding his head, a little nose bump against mine when his scent pushes out in puffs of joyous baby powder.

"You asked me first, that makes me so happy, omega. I'll kiss you whenever you want, for as long as you want, until the end of times. I'll fill your soul with so many colours that the only appropriate name for it will be iridescent. I'll give you iridescent love, until you get drunk on it" he murmurs, each ends of sentences punctuated with a kiss to my nose, and my soul feels lighter every time he does, like magic.

If Yoongi is a witch... is Jungkook a magician?

The alpha brings his arms back around my waist with a small chuckle that makes his eyes crease.

"What's that... a magician? That's all you could come up with, sweets? I'm not a knight, or even a powerful sun but a magician? Really?" he lets out with fake indignation and I purse my lips bashfully.

"Would... would you prefer to be called a knight? You can be a mage knight?".

"Are you building a team of fighters for a role play game? I feel like we make quite the fighters so far" he muses before leaving another quick kiss to my nose. "I like mage knight, it means I can keep you safe twice as efficiently, right? I can physically fight your enemies while also burning them from afar, I like that".

"You're so silly" I tell him with a smile, trails of dried tears all that remains as we giggle softly together. "So are you going to kiss me now? Or should I go get Yoongi instead?" I ask him, and he gasps before shaking his head quickly as he pulls me tight against him.

"I'll kiss you, I'll do it, you know how badly I want to" he whines cutely before mouthing softly at the corner of my lips, his cheeks turning round when he hears my heart skip a beat.

"And you want that too, so don't run away from me, baby, you can't do that" he adds in a sultry murmur before finally covering my lips with his own, and warm, his skin is warm, comforting as he let's the plushness of his mouth whisper words of love onto my skin.

My heart settles instantly, butterflies replacing the fears, and his iridescent love gets engraved on the inner side of my ribcage, it fills all that I have with the pearly shine of colours that my darkness craves desperately, it is softness and peace and warmth as he hugs me tighter before pushing me to my back to hover over me, legs straddling my hips as he continues to kiss me tenderly.

My fingers close around the loose fabric of his shirt at his chest and he hums happily, his scent swarming around me and creating a safe cocoon of love while he drops himself onto his elbows to be closer, his chest now resting on mine before he cups my cheeks to deepen the kiss, head turning slightly to push his tongue between my lips.

I force in a breath against his lips when it unsurprisingly runs short, and he barely allows us any resting time as he continues to delve deeper with a moan, our tastes merging together in harmony as our tongues dance on the same song, and he could keep going forever, drunk wasn't strong enough to describe the effect of this kiss on him - it is addictive, he keeps wanting more, and more, and more.

Jungkook unintentionally makes this into a heavy make out session as his hand trails along my waist to squeeze the skin there, face pushing against mine to taste more of my mouth, and his growing desire manages to extend from our bubble to seep through his open doorway and to the living room unsuspected.

Heads turn in sync as the pack notices the change in the air, bodies ready to jump and make a run for it when the source registers, but Hoseok orders them to stay still with a chuckle before he confidently begins walking towards Jungkook's bedroom alone, because his babies do not need to get scared when we're only getting affectionate with each other, he just doesn't want this to go too far.

The beta finds us on the alpha's bed, as he expected, our breathing loud as they meet with open mouths, and he can't help but take a moment to admire the sight with sparkling eyes, his own longing flaring to life before he slowly edges towards us, one knee on the bed first, then the other before he crawls over, and the dip of the mattress only registers when he clears his throat.

With our chests heaving up and down wildly, Jungkook pulls back slightly, a string of saliva connecting our lips before we look to the left to find Hoseok grinning as he stares at us in a relaxed position, one arm bent under his head that rests on his hand while the other follows the length of his thigh that falls slightly forward, the curve of his waist even more visible than usual - he looks really hot like this.

I can't resist the intimidated blush that covers my cheeks as our eyes meet, the reality of this kiss settling in and making me even more embarrassed because I am terribly out of breath, a sentiment Jungkook shares when he too blushes a bright red, because he knows why Hoseok is here.

"Getting a little frisky here, aren't we? Maybe we should slow down a little, pups" the beta teases us, and his words only serve to make me blush even more, what- did we look like we were- oh shit, we did, didn't we? That is so embarrassing!

"Hyung! I wasn't going to go that far!" Jungkook exclaims while covering my ears with his hands, as if that could save me from this mortification that quickly swallows me up under Hoseok's playful gazing.

"No need to be on the defensive, bun, I didn't come here to scold anyone, I just want to make sure no one goes too far too soon. I don't think this heat is the right time for any further than kissing" Hoseok explains himself with a gentle smile, an amused chuckle past his lips when his thumb wipes our lips to remove the excess of saliva, his young alpha really went all out on me behind their back.

"B-but I really wasn't going to do more... I just... maybe I lost myself a little into the kiss, but you have to try it to understand, hyung, kissing her feels amazing, it's truly addictive" Jungkook insists to defend his side and I hide my face in his neck with a stuttering heart, why did he have to say that in my face?!

"Really now? I guess that explains why Yoongi can't stop coming back for more. I'll be sure to have my turn but not now, she has enough of everyone else wanting to be next so I'll patiently wait until I'm the last one. Gotta keep the best for the end, right, soft bun?".

Oh my gosh. He just used that voice again, the deep, husky voice, my most obvious weakness, if the chills already covering my skin are anything to go by. Hoseok really knows what he's doing, he knows exactly what it is that he's doing.

"Hyung! Are they still dressed?! You didn't find them naked, did you?!" Jimin shouts from the living room, and those words are enough to have me push Jungkook off of me before rolling towards the edge of the bed until I fall on the floor with a loud noise, and before the two wolves can react to my fleeing, I am a flustered mass of nerves running out of the room and right into a tall and large body.

I bounce off of it and miserably fall back on the floor butt first, and I groan in pain at the impact while lavender tea hurries to my side, Namjoon's round eyes on my form as he kneels to have a better look at me, he didn't know I would come running so fast!

"Sweet baby, why did you run out of the room like that? Are you okay? Do you hurt a lot?" the pack alpha asks me nervously while the others gather behind him in the corridor, bodies giving way to the pack omega who joins Namjoon on the floor with a sigh when he sees my big pout, pain written all over my face.

"Aigoo, there's never a break with you, is there, sweetheart? Can you sit? Is it painful?" Jin asks softly, and when I try sitting only to have the sting of my butt increase, I flop back on the floor with a grunt and a shake of the head.

This is my end. I will never be able to walk ever again, my ego has been crushed by the mighty pack alpha. I can't believe I bounced that much, is he a trampoline? Can trampolines walk? Are they going to take over the world by hiding amongst wolves? Is this the future of this world?

Namjoon bites on his lips, his soul torn between finding my words amusing and feeling terribly bad that he caused me to get hurt once more, but the balance ultimately leans more towards feeling bad and he cannot hide the sheen of tears in his eyes despite the lightness of the situation, why does he always keep hurting me?

Is there even one thing he could do right so far? He feels like all he did until now was to give me more pain and tears, did he fail as an alpha? Is he not a good alpha for me?

Maybe he is not suited to be the pack alpha anymore, he's been having failures after failures for a long time now, not only with me but with everyone.

He is unworthy of the title, he doesn't deserve to be called pack alpha, he's known that for a long time but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt him terribly in his moment of weakness.

We all hear the sob before we see the tears, and I can say with assurance that I have never jumped to my knees that fast in all of my life, eyes zooming in on Namjoon who slowly covers his face with his hands, body crumbling on itself as he breaks into tears, shoulders shaking as he begins crying inconsolably.

The whole pack falls in disarray as the scent of comfort becomes burning leather, it's a leather shop that is burning down with a ravaging fire in its core. It's the first time they get to smell such a potent version of his pain and it takes them fully off guard.

"Namjoon's having an alpha drop, rose" Taehyung informs me softly when he sees the panic on my face, his voice sounding a little defeated, and a loud whine bursts free from my chest at the realization that this is probably my fault, did my falling on the floor push him over the edge?

Before Yoongi, Jungkook and Jimin can fall into intense soothing mode, their pupils blown out and almost entirely black to register as much information as they can while they push out their alpha pheromones, I'm already throwing myself forward to take his huge body in my arms, his head snuggled against my chest and my arms pulling him into a tight hug, it doesn't matter that my hands don't even touch because of how large he is.

He reacts immediately to the feeling of my warmth by wrapping his own arms around my back and his crying gets set loose, body shaking heavily within my hold and his wailing so loud and heartbreaking that my whole jaw trembles, though I resist crying too, knowing that this wouldn't help anyone, it's panicking enough to have such a strong pack alpha crumble like this in front of us.

I nose at his scent gland with gentleness before peppering kisses over it, my scent instinctively pushing out to comfort him and while doing so, I softly push him onto his back to climb over him and pin him to the floor, the whimpering of my wolf in my head letting me know that it just woke up from its healing sleep due to the situation, how could it not?

It is not only me anymore but the both of us currently reacting to this situation as I hide what I can of his torso with my own body before scenting him softly but intensively under the pack's eyes, their bodies hovering close but otherwise not stepping in because they can see in Namjoon's tearful eyes that he needs to receive this from me the most right now.

Pack alpha in pain, not know why but must soothe, help pack alpha, push more, scent more.

I listen to my wolf, all of my energy put into trying to calm him down, and I gradually get to feel his tensed muscles relax as I let my tongue trace his throat to leave him with as much of my scent as possible, his crying subsiding into quiet sobs and hiccups that make my heart split in half, voice stuck in the back of my throat because the flood of words that want to get out can't figure out an order, instead becoming a painful lump of letters and sounds that make my chest hurt.

This alpha drop was so sudden that my hurting bottom has been completely pushed out of mind, the bruised flesh there something that will be remembered only once the adrenaline has gone and everything is back under control.

"I'm sorry, omega, so sorry. I keep messing up with you, keep giving you pain when I just want to help. I'm a bad alpha for my baby omega, bad alpha for everyone" his hoarse voice eventually utters weakly as he rests his forehead on my shoulder and my eyes widen, fat drops of tears finally rolling free down my cheeks before I shake my head with insistence.

"What are you saying, Namjoon? I'm the one who keeps pushing you into those situations, you're trying so hard for me and I can see it, the reason why it's not working is not because of you but because of me. You did nothing wrong, pack alpha, nothing wrong at all" I murmur against his skin, and he resumes crying with a sad crease to his eyes that makes my wolf stir endlessly.

I hug him tightly, a kiss pressed to the crown of his head before I rest my cheek there, everyone's scents accompanying my own to comfort our pack alpha who is second guessing himself a lot when in reality, there was nothing he could do to avoid what ended up happening.

"My poor alpha, did you carry this burden on your own all this time? You didn't tell anyone that you were suffering in your heart like this?" I ask him softly, and when he nods twice with a sob, I resume nosing at his neck to soothe him, how am I supposed to learn to open up if they do exactly what they don't want me to do?

"I never once saw you as a bad alpha, Namjoon, never, you are the strongest and safest of this pack and that has always been how I viewed you, even now. You are clumsy at times, true, but that's what's so charming about you. You are warm, kind, attentive to what we say, you might be a bit intimidating at first but then you end up being so easy to approach, and you make a wonderful cuddle buddy, being embraced like you always feels like it heals my soul.

That's going to sound weird but I even love when you scold me because it's always for my well being, it's always done with love and care, so let me tell you now, Namjoon, you are a very good pack alpha, the only one this pack can have. And most importantly, my trauma reactions are not your fault. You have always been a very good alpha to me and I'm sure you have been to everyone else as well, so please don't say something like that ever again, okay?".

He tries to say something to my speech but only ends up whimpering more sobs as he holds onto me with all of his strength - which is a lot - and while I at first believe that maybe I didn't do enough to soothe him, the way his scent begins to clear of the burning speaks otherwise.

The pack calms down as they come to process the same thing, and maybe Jungkook is silently crying in Yoongi's arms, maybe hearts are sinking as they see that even their pack alpha can break like this despite looking this strong, and maybe it's not only me who needs to learn to heal after all.

Jin combs a gentle hand through Namjoon's hair to get his attention softly, and he smiles when the alpha stares at him through the waterfalls in his eyes.

What a heat this has been, he didn't know there would come a day when he would see Namjoon get a drop like this, but he's glad that he was in good hands when it happened.

Not only that, but it certainly didn't miss his attention that my specialty might very well have to do with handling wolves having drops, because alpha drops are known to be the hardest to soothe and yet I did it so easily.

"Do you want to nest with your baby omega, alpha? Just the two of you? I think that would help you feel better, yeah?".

The pack alpha sniffles at the question before nodding again, lips pursed tightly as he tries to keep his emotions in line, something very hard to do in his current state, and Jimin steps forward to help Jin get us up and standing without getting anyone hurt anymore, we've had enough of that.

Jin supports Namjoon's body before walking him to the pack nest and Jimin does the same with me while the others stay behind, a crowded space not what the pack alpha needs for now, they all know that he's going to feel so ashamed of what he showed the pack and they don't want to make it worse.

When we're in the darkness of the nesting room, out of sight as Jin helps the alpha inside the nest, Jimin locks me in his arms with a long kiss on my forehead, his eyes shut tight as he does, there are so many things he's trying to convey in that simple act.

He's thankful that I acted so fast to help Namjoon, he's thankful that I said everything I did, every words tackling the worries that he knew his mate had, not only from this week but also from many long years past.

Jimin has always known that his pack alpha is constantly thinking that he's not being good enough for his pack, that he's always trying to find ways to be better for them, and Jimin didn't know how to tell him that there was no need to be better when he was already being what they needed because there was never a good occasion to let him know.

He lets me go when Jin pulls back from the nest's entrance, a hand stretched out to me to beckon me over when it's my turn to get in, and the alpha ushers me over when he finds me staring at him in uncertainty, a reassuring smile on his face because he's only behaving like this because he's grateful.

"I'm okay, my love, you should join Namjoon in the nest, he needs you" he murmurs quietly, a hand to my head for a gentle pet, and I nod slowly before walking to where the pack omega is waiting for me, his smile similar as he gazes at me before his hands meet my hips to get me in the nest safely.

Namjoon's still looking all puppy sad when I find him pulling blankets over his large body, and when I make it over the nest's entrance and within the sea of fabric, the pack alpha automatically raises the blankets covering him to allow me to climb over him again, the weight of my body on him doing wonders to his soul, it keeps his mind from going all over the place.

He drops the blankets once I've made it to his chest and his arms keep me right against his heart while I rest my head on his shoulder. His scent is still a little unstable but it's getting a lot better and it makes me feel proud, I did that, it's my wolf and I that made him recover from his drop, it's a nice feeling, it makes me feel useful.

I snuggle into him until he releases a deep exhale as he further melts into the nest, and when I begin to purr, it turns him into putty under me, his exhaustion after crying so much making him all the more vulnerable to this comforting environment that tries to heal his heart.

"Thank you for staying with me and for soothing me the way you did, omega... I feel bad that I showed everyone this side of me but... I'm glad you were there when it happened" he admits with a deep, tired voice when the room's door closes, his sincerity laced into every words that leave his mouth and I make a small noise in the back of my throat.

"You're my favorite pack alpha, the only one I want, Namjoon, but it's not because you're the pack leader that you should let yourself hurt in silence. All of you keep saying that you want me to be more open, but then you go and pull this trick where you do exactly the same as me and then you burst when your limit has been reached. I think that's pretty selfish, you're all being selfish" I mumble against his skin and Namjoon's lips form a bashful pout as he processes my words.

"You're right... we're all selfish, especially me. I keep talking like I know what needs to happen for you to get better when I can't even do the same with myself. I'm sorry, omega, I'll do better" he replies softly into my hair, and his eyes are still shining with wetness when I readjust my position to look at him.

"Not only you. We will do better, pack alpha. We all need to do better. I know that you've all been a pack for a long time now but I think there needs to be more communication as a whole, you can't just count on eye contact and routine all the time to fix everything, I never learned to do that so I suck at it. Use words so that I can use mine too, it's hard to be the only one doing it otherwise" I continue, unsure myself if I'm currently scolding him or if this is just me begging him to change things so that I can fit in more, but he nods his head either way, a kiss pressed to my temple when he finds himself able to smile a little.

"You're absolutely right, my sweet love, we'll change how we do things in the pack, we've let ourselves bask in this silence for too long now" he murmurs before humming softly, a rumbling purr meeting mine when he begins to feel better, more hopeful.

"Have you ever heard before about how there needs to be pain in order to change things that have been around for a long time? That the system already set in place needs to fully break down so that a new one can be implemented?" Namjoon asks me all of a sudden, and I frown as I think it over.

"Does it have to be painful?" I utter under my breath, and he chuckles, biceps tensing when he moves his arms to better hug me against his chest.

"I believe that sometimes it's necessary, even if it's far from fun, after all, it's only when we're in pain that we can see when something's wrong, don't you think? We've all been struggling since your arrival because you brought to light that the comfort we thought we had was only temporary, that means we need to change how we function so that we can attain a more stable security in the pack, one that I want to hope will bring us a lot closer by the same occasion" he explains before caressing my cheeks gently, his tired eyes full of love as he gazes up at me.

"Your arrival in our life is indeed a lot more precious than I initially thought, sweet baby, you will make this pack a lot stronger than it was before you were here. You're the omega we didn't know we were missing, our own little lucky charm".

I blush, instincts tickling with delight at the compliment that makes my purr gain in strength, my wolf preening because what he just said isn't without impact. It's a praise that comes from the pack alpha himself, a pack alpha who can see that his pack can benefit from my presence.

My true mates can get stronger with me by their side, I can help them on that path, it feels... too good to be true.

"You really think so? You mean it?" I ask him with a small happy voice as I fully lie down on top of him, my arms crossed at his chest and under my chin, the soft pillow under his head the only thing allowing him to stare at me without having to strain his neck.

He smiles, his thumb all sweet as it slides against my face, like he's trying to memorize the feel of it, eyes taking me in as if he wants to make sure he can remember how I look when he closes his eyes, it makes me feel loved, it makes me forget that we came here because he was crying just a moment ago.

Namjoon can hardly believe that I made him recover from this drop like it was a child's game, I knew exactly what to say to make his brain stop from reaching out into a hateful black hole, my scent like a soft caress on his soul, it cleared him of all the useless worries he used to carry in an instant, just like magic.

"I mean it. You are special, sweet baby, very special" he muses with a deep voice that makes my heart skip a beat, the flushed heat of my cheeks spreading further across my skin.

I lick my lips, the pounding of my heart against his own making me feel more nervous than I want to admit as I shyly stare into his eyes.

"Would... would it be greedy of me if I say that I want to kiss you? I know I had my first kiss with Yoongi this morning, then with Jungkook earlier but- can I kiss you? I don't think I can stop thinking about it while we're alone in here" I blurt out courageously, eyes round with nerves as I take in the slow blinks of his own, and then he's giving me a boyish grin with a loud purr spilling free from his chest.

"You don't even need to ask, omega, I'm all yours. Take everything you want from me, I will give without a second of hesitation" he states gleefully, and my soul flies up into the sky as I slide my arms around his neck to be closer to him, the rise of his head allowing for a more intimate position with the warm blankets hiding us from the world, and when he parts his lips slightly, eager for a taste of me, I shyly close the distance separating us.

Namjoon welcomes the plumpness of my lips with a soft sigh that comes from his heart, this position with me over him making me more in control of the pace, something I'm getting a taste of for the first time today, and he patiently enjoys every minutes of letting me innocently experience what it's like before he takes the control from me, his way of thanking me for all that I did for him.

His lavender tea on my tongue is delicious as I tentatively lick the seam of his lips, and that is also all that the pack alpha can tolerate anymore before he pushes up with his head to take over the kiss, my gasp of surprise when he spins us around so he can be on top met with an intruding tongue that immediately begins to taste the whole of my mouth, and he understands why the two alphas said what they did - this taste truly is the most addicting one in the world.

"Do you even know how much your taste affects us, little omega? It's like a drug, you give us a little and we end up wanting everything" he murmurs against my lips as he gives me a pause to catch my breath, and I can only whimper a muffled answer when he dives back in to play with my tongue, his expert muscle teasing as he makes me chase his taste with a pleased chuckle.

It's only when I'm about to whine that he gives me what I want, his soul vibrating with every facets of his love as he memorizes my taste as a core memory before he gently parts his lips from mine, my panting decorating the silence as he begins kissing all over my face, his purr loud and overpowering my own, only his true mate could make him go from feeling pitiful to feeling invincible like this.

"I love you, Y/N, I love you with all of my heart" he whispers in my ear when his mouth nears the sensitive skin, and a small giggle flees my lips before I cup his cheeks to lead him back to me, his lips melting over mine for another minute before I kiss his nose, which earns me a cute eye crease from my beautiful pack alpha.

"I love you too, Namjoon. All of me is yours to own, for as long as you want me".

"For eternity it is, then. My love for you shall always burn, even when darkness falls. That is my promise to you".

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