- 26 -

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Finally a new chapter for this story!!! I hope you guys enjoy it because it's a lot of fun!

It's after waking up to the pack's heat being over, after we deep cleaned the house and cleared out the heavy pheromones in the air by opening every windows that I'm suddenly plucked from the couch like I'm some kind of weed, Jimin apparently on a mission when he drops me over his shoulder before running off towards my bedroom like his ass is on fire.

Since my bedroom's door wasn't put back yet as I've been sleeping everywhere but in my own bed, Jimin doesn't make a single sound as he gently puts me back on my feet before digging into his pockets for something hiding in there.

I don't even have time to say anything that he's putting a finger over my lips with an amused grin, a scent blocker slapped onto my skin before he makes us hide in my filled-to-the-brim closet where there is now a thick and warm blanket on the floor, a precaution taken by the alpha, just in case.

I let him push me towards the deep corner until he gets to close the door properly to leave us in a tiny room that lacks any source of lights, and then I turn around to face him as he does the same towards me.

"What's going on, Jimin?" I ask him in a hushed whisper once the two of us sat side by side, I was just minding my business by being lost in my thoughts when all of this happened, why are we hiding here with scent blockers on our skin?

"We're playing hide-and-seek" he answers in a similar whisper before pushing the two of us a little deeper into the closet to get away from the door, and my eyes widen at this new piece of information, since when?!

He smirks when our eyes adjusts to the darkness.

"I had a feeling you hadn't heard anything, my love, that's why I grabbed you on the way. The prize is worth it and it would've been a shame to have you lose without trying at least once. The last wolf to be found by Taehyung is allowed to ask anything of him, while he's allowed to ask anything of the first wolf he finds. I think I heard Namjoon say that he would just lie down in the kitchen, he doesn't mind losing in these games because in his words - he's never losing. It's his reward as the pack alpha".

I bring a hand to my mouth to muffle a giggle, to hear about this game is waking up my need to win, I could ask anything I want of Taehyung? Could I be the one seeking next? That sounds really fun!

"For a whole day" he adds when he notices my interest, and indeed, interested I am, for what could I possibly ask of Taehyung for a whole day? There are so many possibilities and my mind is racing just thinking about it!

I could ask for a kiss! And we could bake together, maybe even go for a walk? I feel like I haven't stepped a foot outside in ages, and- ah! Going for an ice cream could be fun! Maybe watch a movie at the cinema - only to not focus on the movie at all! Would Taehyung like any of those ideas?

The sound of feet walking over and we both bring our eyes to the door when it becomes obvious that they're reaching close, is it already over? Am I going to lose before I could even try? I didn't even choose where I would hide! It doesn't count!

"Stay here, my love, I'll try to gain you some time, I don't mind losing this round since I won the last game" Jimin murmurs all of a sudden before standing up, and I watch with round eyes as he winks at me before leaving the closet to hide into the bathroom next door instead, and to my horror, he leaves the closet's door slightly ajar in the process.

Jimin! Are you sure you didn't just run away to save yourself?! It's going to be obvious now that someone is hiding here! They've learned to know by now that I hate leaving things open like this!

Someone enters my bedroom a moment later and my heart sinks to my feet, it's beating so fast, out of nerves, out of fear, what do I do if the door opens? Can I use my clothes to hide? The blanket maybe?

So many thoughts rush through my mind like danger is about to fall upon me, but to my luck, looking into the closet doesn't seem to happen when Jimin makes some noise in the bathroom to get the attention, the sound of the sweet beta's voice unmistakable as he runs to the adjacent room to see who it is.

Giggles break out when Taehyung finds Jimin trying to hide in the glass shower like it would be enough to keep him from being found, and I myself smile when I hear the alpha pretend to be disappointed about losing, it sure is feeding our beta's pride, he deserves it.

"Oh it was so funny earlier, Jiminie. Namjoon wanted to be found first, right? But when I opened my eyes, Jin was right in front of me with his arms stretched wide open for a hug with his eyes shut, he didn't even try to hide! Our pack alpha didn't know so now he's sulking in the living room with him".

My heart falls for the pack alpha who only wanted to love and was denied the opportunity, poor Namjoon... but it's okay, he'll have a second chance when it's my turn! I really want to seek my true mates and get to spend special moments with them, I hope they'll agree to a second round!

"Aigoo, our poor alpha, he'll survive. Who is left to find? Have you found Y/N yet?" Jimin asks back without sounding like he knows anything about my whereabouts, and my heart stutters a little at the mention of my name, this is so unnerving.

"Not yet, but I haven't found Jungkook and Yoongi either. You can wait in the living room with the others, I'll keep searching for them!".

At those words, Taehyung resumes his search with renewed delight, and to hear him leave the bathroom and away from my room makes me believe that heaven is on my side, am I going to win this game after all? We'll be able to spend a full day together, just the two of us?

"Oh, wait, I didn't search the closet in her bedroom yet, I knew I was forgetting something".

No! Taehyung, no!

Beta too smart, will regret if finds you, hide under blanket? My wolf offers, and honestly, I'm considering it more and more because I don't want to lose, I have too many ideas I must put in motion for our date!

"A-are you sure, Tae? Do you really need to have a look in there? Are you convinced that someone is in the closet? What if you go and only find... softness there? It would be terrible" Jimin cannot resist the urge to defend my victory, and Taehyung stares at him in confusion for a few seconds before it hits him.

Soft baby omega in closet? Must find baby omega last, not go there now!

"You know what? You're right, it's probably nothing, I'll have a look in the other bedrooms instead".

And this is the story of how Yoongi and Jungkook were found before me instead, the two of them hiding similarly, right underneath each other's bed like the sight of their feet wasn't visible from the doorway.

The youngest alpha acted like losing was the end of the world, because apparently, he never wins, while Yoongi was simply happy to not be the second found for once. He knows he can ask for cuddles anytime so he wasn't particularly seeking for the win - he just plays because it makes his mates happy.

"Now now... perhaps there was someone in this closet after all, who could it possibly be, I wonder?" Taehyung croons gently as he begins to pull the door open to have a look inside, and when he finds me sat in my corner, not an ounce of fear on my face if not for a wide, bashful smile, his purr is immediate as he helps me to my feet with both hands.

"My sweet baby rose, hm? You wanted to win so much that you teamed up with Jimin to make that happen?".

I blush and nod my head happily as he holds me close in the darkness, his beautiful smile all I can see as I gaze up at him, he looks so pretty right now with his flushed cheeks, like his heart too can't help but cheer for this blessed result.

Being distracted was a good thing. I'm glad that I was lost in limbo land when the game began.

"I owe it all to Jimin, I didn't even know about the game when he suddenly picked me up from the couch because I was lost in thoughts" I admit, and the beta throws his head back in laughter before hugging me tightly, he looks just as happy about my winning than I am and it feels good.

"I see, I'm going to have to thank him for the tip he gave me as well, I'm glad you were the last one I found. How about we go find the others then? There's no point in hiding here anymore" he offers sweetly, and I nod my head before following behind him to reach the busy living room where Namjoon is still sulking while Jin appears as triumphant as I am.

He really outsmarted the pack alpha this time.

"Here is the little wolf who will be granted the opportunity to ask anything she wants from me for a full day" Taehyung exclaims as we enter the room, and my beaming face is enough to purge the wolves who lost from any negative emotions in the blink of an eye.

In fact, they lost on purpose, it was all for me. Yes, they are very good true mates, it was all planned.

Jin and I share a proud smile at our victory because it really does feel wonderful, and just as they're about to end the game by removing the scent blockers, I step forward before bouncing on my toes with expectant eyes, and the wolves stare at me curiously.

"I... I want to try it too. I want to seek with the same rules as Taehyung. Please" I chirp with hope all over my face, it is physically felt in every words I say, in such a strength that they know I would be crushed should they refuse, and every single wolves who lost the game perk up with renewed hope, which makes Taehyung and Jin laugh, what an interesting turn of events.

Even Yoongi, who didn't seem that bothered about losing earlier, suddenly looks like winning is all that matters anymore, and the same goes for Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon and Hoseok.

They were given a second chance... with their true mate?

Must not lose. If we lose, we die.

They would call their wolves dramatic, but really, they're right. If they lose this round as well, they will die of heartbreak, and since this is their true mate at the source of the game, they must not cheat. They'll have to hide properly and simply pray for the best.

"Since our youngest omega asked for it, we shall play again. But to be fair, Taehyung and Jin cannot participate again, nor can they help her to find us. We all hide inside the house and we accept our fate, whatever it may be" Namjoon states the rules again, which I am hearing for the first time, and the participating wolves nod eagerly, their minds already working on a plan to increase their chances of winning.

They won't cheat, but that doesn't mean they can't plan ahead. Namjoon will hide so well that I'll struggle to find him even when he's the last one left, while Yoongi... Yoongi is thinking about hiding under the rug.

He wants to hide, but he also just really wants to win, and he's aware that he has more chances if he goes for first place. Damned be the humiliation that he could feel at the idiocy of his ideas, he just wants me to find him first.

As for Hoseok and Jungkook, they want to win too, of course, but they also need only one glance at the two alphas to know that they would probably feel kind of bad about it by the end of the game if they did manage first and last place.

Maybe they should be the better wolves and give their mates a chance, Yoongi hasn't won at this game in forever and Namjoon... Namjoon deserves his reward, it will be their way of apologizing for the alpha drop that they couldn't prevent.

But Jimin... if Jimin was told about the plan, he would say screw it though.

He doesn't want to lose, he wants to have a full day with me alone, he craves it. Sure, nothing keeps him from asking for a date someday soon, but this game makes the reward that much more exciting and he would be damned if he doesn't use this opportunity well.

"You ready, little rose? You'll have to search really well to find the five of them" Taehyung muses from besides me, his eyes creasing when he finds me beaming like never before. This is so exciting, why didn't we do that during the heat? It would've been so fun!

Whoever created this game deserves a big kiss, because I love it.

"I'm ready" I state confidently, which makes Jin clutch a hand at his heart, body falling back on the couch in adoration, because he must not regret, he must not regret. He gained a date with his beta and he's really looking forward to it, he is, but damn it, he really wishes he could have tried to gain one with me too.

And to be honest, Taehyung kind of gets it. He wants to participate again and he already has a day reserved with me. It really is hard to share sometimes.

"Okay, close your eyes and count to thirty, doll, that should leave us enough time to hide" Hoseok muses as he walks past me, the caress on my cheek all soft before I nod my head with a happy blush, eyes closing soon after to begin counting aloud.

To hear five wolves break into a run all at the same time, but with various levels of panic makes me giggle to myself, and sure enough, by the time I reach thirty, the house has gotten dead silent, the only sounds currently available to my ears being Jin and Taehyung's breathing as they remain seated on the couch in silence, their lips shut tight because they can't help me, no matter how tempting it is.

When I open my eyes, I take a moment to observe what surrounds me, the emptiness of the rooms I can see from here leaving me feeling a little more upset than I would've thought even though it's part of the game, and so it fuels my need to find them as soon as possible, because I definitely hadn't taken into account that I would hate being left alone like this after we spent a whole week being glued to each other.

I meet the two wolves' eyes in an attempt to gain the needed courage to get going, and when they show me thumbs up with confident smiles, I nod once before deciding to start my hunt, because the sooner I get started, the sooner I can find them and get my cuddles.

I first make my way towards the hall where the bedrooms and bathrooms are because that seems like the most obvious choice to take at the moment, but right as I walk past the entrance, I pause with an odd sense that I can see something abnormal from the corner of my eyes.

At first glance, everything appears to be fine, but the closer I make it to the walk-in closet where shoes and coats are kept tidily, the more I can see that indeed, someone decided to be... original with their disguise.

I immediately recognize Yoongi's hair as it sticks out of the coat he decided to hide into while still being hanged amongst the others, his feet into the pair of boots that was right underneath it, ones I recognize to be Jungkook's because he loves wearing boots whenever he can, spikes and darkness that do not hide his warm and cuddly self at all.

I purse my lips to avoid laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation, and then gently begin to unbutton the coat from the neckline and down until I get to see my true mate's face, his proud smile when his eyes finally get uncovered worth all the stars in the sky.

"Found you, my alpha" I muse gleefully, knowing that I will be the one to decide of what we do for a whole day sending butterflies across the entirety of my stomach, that should sound like a punishment for him and yet I know that in his eyes, it is everything but a punishment because as long as we get to spend time together, then it'll be worth it.

"Was I first?" is the first thing he asks me, voice soft and tiny, and when I nod my head with a giggle, relief floods the whole of his face before he nods back, thank goodness his plan worked after all - white hair isn't something that gets hidden easily but he still feared that someone would best him anyway.

"Good, I'm glad, very glad. I... uh, I'll sit on the couch with the others then, since you already found me" he declares after a moment of silence, and I make a small disappointed sound before agreeing, I can't have him follow me around during the game, right? I need to do this on my own.

I know that, and yet... I really would rather have him follow me around for this. Not smelling a single scent has become... undesired and slightly distressing. To think that a while ago, that wasn't even part of my reality because I still thought that I was human. Some things change really fast.

"You'll be fine, honey. You know where to find me if you need a hug, I'm not far" Yoongi assures me gently when he sees the pout on my face, hands sweet as he pats my head to comfort me because he knows that having everyone hide from me is not a great feeling.

He would know, because he tried being the one to seek once and decided that it would also be the last time that would happen. Searching for everyone sounds fun at first, to be the receiver of these fun and unplanned dates pleasant to the heart, but to experience being on your own while everyone is hiding from you isn't as fun as one would think.

And he has an inkling that it is especially not fun for my wolf who can barely understand the game's concept. Our true mates should be running to me on the first sign of my being upset, and yet I need to find them by myself first because of the scent blocker I was forced to wear.

It's not a big fan of that rule, it's a stupid rule.

"I'll be fine, I can do it. For the dates" I murmur more to myself than to him, but it makes him grin either way - to see me so eager to create occasions to spend individual time with them is a special feeling and he would make that happen every day if it was within his power.

Of course, they're all mates who share the same true mate so spending time together is perfect in more ways than one, but they're also each in their own way wishing for alone time with me more often than never, because there is knowing that they must share, and there is knowing that I was made to be specifically each of theirs.

Group bonding is fine and needed, but we must also bond separately, else their wolves will eventually begin to feel neglected by a lack of quality time with their only fated. Chosen mates are one thing, but a true mate? Rare as it is, that bond must not be ignored.

Yoongi bends down to kiss the crown of my head before encouraging me forward, and that spurs me on to continue with the hide and seek game that must go on, the other wolves are waiting for me and they will begin to fear that I forgot about them if I take too long.

With that said, Jungkook and Jimin are two alphas that I find rather easily about three minutes later, not because they tried to be found but because I heard them bickering in whispers, bickering that started because they decided to hide in the same room, something that the older of the two felt would only cause him problems.

That was indeed confirmed when I revealed their hiding spots with an unimpressed look on my face, and Jungkook will certainly take the fact that he did this on purpose to his grave, because he doesn't want to be tortured by his mate for taking from him a date with his baby omega.

Jimin would have no pity and to be honest... Jungkook knows he would deserve it.

Hoseok was next in line, the feet that I could find sticking out from underneath his desk not that hard to see, but he welcomed my arrival with a bright smile, as if he knew that he would not win this game from the very beginning, though I knew better than to believe that, for his eyes told me that he still held hope in his heart that maybe he could win.

I hugged him with the promise that we would have a moment to ourselves very soon, something he appreciated because we are still, even now, left with the memory of how that one day went when it was only the two of us and I had a meltdown. We both deserve a better experience than what I gave us that day, and I hope it won't take too long before we get that chance.

And as I now stand here with a nagging feeling in my guts that I should find Namjoon in the pack nest, the last wolf to be found, just as I had silently hoped would happen for him, I proudly make my way there with my heart and my wolf both giddy - we got ourselves not one, but two alphas and it feels amazing.

I silently push the door open before looking around the room with curious eyes, until now, I'd never paid attention to what it contains besides the gigantic nest, but as I thought, there's not much to see really.

The walls are mostly all empty except for one corner where I can see a shelf with a humidifier that seems to be turned off at the moment, and there's one dresser in the same area that must be filled with sheets and some more blankets, though it doesn't appear to be used very often since I can't get any scents from it.

But back on track, for I must find my pack alpha if I want to tell him that he won the game, I make my way to the nest's entrance to have a look inside - it's where I expect him to be since there are so many blankets that he could use to hide - but when I make it inside with a light grunt only to find that the bed is completely empty and bare, I pause in shock, wolf also stilling because of the terrible sight.

The nest is gone? Why? When?

It takes me a moment to remember what happened earlier today since I did not witness the sight - but the blankets and pillows were taken to be washed in the laundry room by Taehyung and Hoseok - which I was forbidden to witness by Jin for a reason that I now understand - and it's like my body completely ceases to function as I stare at the emptiness before me.

We had so many cuddles in the nest, our scents were all intertwined and mixed, so many memories that got lost within the sea of blankets and pillows, of Namjoon and I kissing, of Jin and I cuddling, so much love that was given in here and now this- why does it feel like I just lost a part of my soul?

With teary eyes and a heavy lump sitting over my stomach, I eventually manage to push myself out of the sad bed to exit the room since obviously, the pack alpha isn't here, then make my way to the last bedroom I had yet to look into, which is his own, maybe he hid in here after all?

I try to not make it too obvious that seeing the nest empty was like getting my heart broken into thousands of pieces, I did this to myself so now I need to get over it like a big girl, but when I sniffle while looking under his bed, a small whimper starting to build in the back of my throat when I don't find him there either, it causes a noise followed by a bump and a hiss to echo from behind his tall dresser before the furniture slides to the side to reveal his sharp eyes.

I wipe my face with the back of my hand as he rushes over to me, and a scent blocker has never been pulled off my skin that fast before, the usual sting that I would feel from the act in and gone in a flash before he takes care of his own, and as my rain begins to seep out in short gusts of wind, his lavender tea pushes out just the same to calm me down.

"What's wrong, omega? Did you not like the game after all? Was it too hard for you?" he asks after cupping my cheeks with both of his warm hands, brows creased in worry because he hadn't thought about that possibility at all.

There's a reason why it's always the same wolves who seek, he should've thought twice before agreeing but he was greedy with his desire to win and hence skipped right over what was the most important.

I shake my head as much as his hold on my face can allow, lips pursing sheepishly at the truth behind my tears, it feels ridiculous to be affected that way by something as trivial as washing sheets, but a lot of my personal growth happened in that nest so far, so to have it gone? It's not a nice feeling.

"T-the pack nest is empty, I forgot and went there to find you b-but there was nothing anymore, it made me feel sad" I explain in a quiet voice, and more tears begin to flow down my cheeks and over his fingers as realization takes place in his eyes.

"Oh baby, the nest will be back, it won't stay empty like this forever" he coos gently before trying to soothe me with a bear hug that locks me against his chest, and a breathy hiccup leaves me when I allow myself to melt in his embrace.

"I know but- so much happened in that nest and now it's just... gone. It's like... like every memories made in it never happened and it hurts" I admit shakily, it's like when I had to undo my nest every time I would wake up in the past, but in worse, why is it always so painful to get rid of nests?

Namjoon sighs softly before resting his cheek over my head, arms squeezing me a bit tighter, right on the limit of being painful but not quite there yet because it's what I need to feel better, it makes my emotions feel more grounded and less... volatile, the meltdown that could happen kept away because an alpha is taking care of me, it's what matters the most right now.

"The memories are not gone, little omega, they're in your heart, as they are in mine and in everyone else's. Cleaning the nest is important after a heat because the pheromones it absorbed can make you feel sick if left there for too long, unlike regular pheromones. I'm sorry that you had to see it like that, baby, we should've made the pack nest off limits for the game" he apologizes with his kind, deep voice and I nod slowly, that... that makes sense.

I sniffle, then inhale his comforting scent to further calm down. I do remember hearing about that once when I was in school, but it's so far away in my memories that I'd completely forgotten. Heat pheromones aren't made to act for any longer than a week, else they can turn bad for wolves, that's why deep cleaning is so important.

"Can I help to build the nest again when everything is clean then? I think that could help me to feel better" I ask him after taking a moment to steady myself again, and he smiles before making a sound that comes from his chest, deep and rumbly.

"Of course, my sweet baby. We could show you how we make our nests here and you could put in your own personal touch too, what do you think?".

I nod quickly, the idea that I could participate that way making my heart feel lighter, starting over isn't so bad if I can participate like that, it wouldn't be their nest anymore but mine too, because there would be more than just my scent in it.

"Alright, we'll do it like that. Should we stop the game if you don't feel like doing it anymore? It's okay if you want to stop" he asks me next, and that reminds me that while Namjoon stepped out of his hiding spot himself... I technically still found him last.

"No, it's okay. You were the only one left to find, Yoongi got first place. Everyone is in the living room already".

There's a moment of silence following my words where Namjoon needs to just... process.

He won? Not first place as he usually does - or tries to go for - but last place? He got the ultimate reward? The one that he usually never wins because if he doesn't go for first place, he's always found second or third because of his clumsiness?

"I won?" he needs to make sure that he heard that well, and when I look up to answer him with a light nod of the head, he glitches.

"I get to... choose for a whole day? No, that's you- or no... me? Yoongi got first so- you choose? Then I- what?".

It's hard to not laugh when someone I consider to be overly smart looks so utterly lost by a game's rules that he might have made himself, and he pouts at me when my giggles echo in his bedroom, why does he look so cute all of a sudden?

"I choose what happens with Yoongi, so you choose what happens for our date, pack alpha" I confirm what he should already know, and when it finally registers properly in his brain, his smile is blinding, absolutely blinding before he lifts me up for a twirly hug that accompanies his own happy laughter.

The others who get to hear that sound from the living room all smile, and even Jimin, who was still grumpy about his loss, feels his heart heal the slightest bit at the pure happiness that he can hear from his pack alpha.

Maybe losing isn't always such a bad thing. He'll just have to ask me out the proper way when I have some free time.


"So, uh... sweets? There's actually something that we'd like to tell you. We initially wanted it to be a surprise, but we feel that it would probably be better to ask you what you think first since it's your own personal comfort that matters here".

I stare at Jungkook as he comes to stand besides me at the kitchen island while Hoseok works on dinner, the others all keeping themselves busy with either helping the beta or setting the table.

I was told to take it easy after they heard about the nest incident so I was given a glass of juice and was then made to enjoy the sight of my handsome true mates working together.

"A surprise?" I repeat, that came out of nowhere and I can't even begin to imagine what kind of thing that could be. I was never given one before so my imagination is running kind of low at the moment.

Jin looks up from what he was doing in the kitchen to observe my reaction while the alpha continues speaking carefully.

"Yeah, we uh, we have a house in the countryside, in Wonju, and we thought it would be great to spend a week there to recover from the heat. You know, like a mental health week, where we can take it easy and have a good time before getting back into work".

I stare at him in silence, what's wrong with that? Why would my comfort be at risk by going there?

"What Jungkook isn't saying, sweetheart, is that Wonju is known for their peaches. There are many peach orchards there and we're afraid that it might somehow trigger you if we go without warning you first. Our house is right in front of one but at this time of the year, the trees are still in flowers so the fruits have yet to grow, that's why we thought it could be okay to take you there" Jin fills in the blanks for our alpha, and I make a small sound as I finally understand the reason of his hesitation.

After the peach incident with Namjoon, I did not miss the way they hid the fruit in the fridge so that I would not have to see it again, something that was completely unnecessary because the sight of it alone does not trigger me, or at least, I don't think it does.

Being forced to eat it right before breakfast that day was a very precise scenario that caused me harm, sure, but I know for a fact that it will never happen ever again so that does not worry me.

Does that mean I want to eat peaches? Not really, if I could keep living my life without having its taste in my mouth ever again, I'd be very happy, but it's not like I need to see it burn to the last one to feel safe in this world.

"Well... I think I should be fine? It's not like I'll be forced to eat a peach every minutes of every day just because we went to Wonju, right? If you want us to go there... then I don't mind, I never went to the countryside though so I don't know what to expect from such a trip" I admit, an answer that eases nerves while Jungkook's eyes light up.

"Oh, it's really great there, you'll see! There's the big city, of course, but we built our house in a small village of farmers near the mountains so it's a lot calmer there. We usually go there to enjoy the peace that nature has to offer, but it's always fun to visit the city too since there are really good restaurants there, and they have nice shops as well, we could buy souvenirs and have a lot of good time" he chirps excitedly, his blue hair bouncing each times he jumps on his feet, as if he wishes we were already there right now.

I smile before nodding my head, that does sound like fun and peace, all in one. I don't know what kind of souvenirs they sell there, but the thought of walking in nature with sights of mountains filling in the horizon is something that I think I would really enjoy since I've never been granted that kind of environment before.

There were the regular school trips, but since my parents would never accept to sign the forms and pay the cost, I could never go with the others. That didn't help in isolating me, and rumors even spread for a time about me being unwanted not only once, but twice. The abandoned adoptee.

But that's part of my past and I have no use for carrying it into the present. I'm glad I have people who want me in their life now, I don't know if I could've handled being on my own for much longer.

"When would we leave then? Is it far from here? Are we going to go by car?" I ask to no one in particular as I gaze at each of them, as long as someone answers me, and to that, Jimin hums as he wraps himself around my shoulders from behind me, his fresh scent of cinnamons letting me know that he's now feeling a lot better compared to earlier - I told him that I would sleep in his bed tonight and that seemed to do the trick.

"We'd have to get the luggage sets out and then choose the clothes we want to bring, as well as nesting materials so that we could make one in the master bedroom, but if we take some time to do that together after dinner, we could manage to leave early tomorrow morning so we can arrive there before lunch time. We can get a private jet anytime we want so that's not a problem, we just have to let them know a little early".

Ah, to be rich.

True mates rule world, nothing to stop them.

"I see. That's... handy" I utter lowly while inwardly agreeing with my wolf's words, I'm starting to become immune to their money and what it allows them to do, which is good because otherwise, I'd probably go crazy.

Jimin chuckles before dropping his chin over my shoulder to gaze at me from the side, and I flush a little while clearing my throat under everyone's endeared eyes, what else am I supposed to say to that?

"Have you ever taken the plane, love?" he asks softly, and I nod briefly with a little sigh.

"Just once, when I was younger. They probably adopted that other girl once I boarded the plane that would take me away from them, not that it matters anymore".

Silence welcomes my answer, and Jimin purses his lips guiltily before hugging me tighter while the others look down at their kitchen tasks with frowns. That took a dark turn.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to remind you of that" he mumbles into my skin, but I smile before turning around in his arms to show him that I'm fine. Even my scent hasn't changed, that ought to be enough proof that I'm not upset.

"It's okay, Jimin. I have all of you by my side now, people who really want to love me. You've gone above and beyond for me in ways that no one else ever will so I don't care about my adoptive parents anymore. They can repent or rot in hell for all I care, that's their business, not mine. I'm done crawling on the floor for them, I'd rather stand tall next to you. You're the only ones who want to see me truly happy and not just doing whatever is expected of me, that's what matters to me".

Jungkook joins the hug by wrapping himself around Jimin and I, his baby powder and Jimin's cinnamons strong and delighted, it's sweet and yet spicy at the same time, like eating a baked good outside while the laundry dries in the breeze, and if I smell beyond that cocoon, I can tell that the others are also feeling the same way.

"We'll always want what's best for you, sweets, you're a part of us now, you're our baby omega. It doesn't matter what you want for yourself in this life, we'll make it happen because seeing you happy is the most beautiful gift you can give us" Jungkook says solemnly, before adding, "As long as it's not dancing naked in front of other people, I mean. You can do anything you want, but not that".

I break into a series of giggles at his last comment, and even Jin begins to laugh while the others huff gently with a smile. We've probably had too many important conversations during the heat, so now they don't hit the same anymore. It feels good to be able to take these things lightly.

"Does that mean I can dance naked in front of you then?" I decide to tease the alpha with an amused grin, and nostrils flare while scents spike sharply, which has Taehyung and Hoseok straightening up with warning in their own scents while Jin's laughter gains in intensity.

"Baby muffin, you're playing with fire now" the pack omega chuckles while wiping one tear from his left eye, and I meet his gaze with a sheepish shrug before countering his comment.

"But he said I could do whatever I want, I'm just seeing if that applies to you guys".

"Do you expect us to pay you or is it a free show?" Hoseok chimes in, very serious in his lack of seriousness when he sees that the alphas have recovered from the shock the tempting offer made them go through, and I take a moment to think about it while Jimin, Jungkook and especially Namjoon stare at me with their ears listening intently.

"I think... asking for tips would make me feel like a stripper, right? But since a lady cannot live in this world without money... I'd probably count on some secret donations while I'm not looking. You know, like money hidden under my pillow or something like that. Like the tooth fairy, but instead it would be... the naked dance fairy?".

A hum.

"Interesting. And what would those... donations have to look like? How many digits is our lady hoping for?" Yoongi is the one to ask this time, and again, I rub my chin while thinking about the very important question.

They are rich, filthy rich, so it would be okay to ask for multiple digits. "Maybe like... four or five digits donations?".

Taehyung snorts from his corner of the kitchen while Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon nod their head, that's pretty fair. They'd donate ten times that amount if something like that were ever to happen, though they will not say that aloud.

"That sounds good to me. Are we going to enjoy such a show tonight, sweets? Or do we need to make an appointment?" Jungkook enquires, and I snuggle into Jimin's embrace while looking up at the tall alpha who quirks an eyebrow at me with interest.

"Do you want one tonight?".

A few growls resound in the room before the alpha nods his head once, and I chuckle before freeing myself from Jimin's tight hold, his fingers missing the right timing to hold onto me when I make a few steps away from the duo with nonchalance.

"Alright, I'll go get ready then" I chirp before sauntering away towards my bedroom with a happy hum echoing from my mouth, and eyes meet each other before dread sets in, what?

"Baby? Baby, you're not really going to get naked, are you? Y/N?" Namjoon blurts out, frozen still with the beginning of a sweat on his forehead, and I giggle to myself while grabbing my wolf onesie from my closet before wearing it over my clothes.

"I am only providing what was asked of me! Aren't you happy that I'm willing do to it for my true mates? I thought you would be happy with me, no? Do you not want to see me naked?".

And anyway... who said that it would be my naked body?

"Moon Goddess, please do not send us to hell for this, we were joking- we thought we were joking! Oh gosh, what do we do?!".

I grab my phone before looking through Spotify to find some sensual music, and once I've got one that should do the trick, I raise the volume before slowly walking out of my room and towards the open area separating the living room and the kitchen, lips stretched into a wide smile while panic sets off amongst my mates.

"Close your eyes guys- damn it, baby" Jin warns the others quickly when my scent speaks of my arrival, and indeed, when I enter the room again, it's to the seven of them looking at everything but me, that is, until Jimin's curiosity wins over.

I strike a pose, and it's the quietest I have ever heard from him, or any of them for that matter, until the alpha cannot keep his laughter in anymore, body meeting the floor when his sense of balance disappears in the process.

I twirl and wiggle my butt before striking another pause when the others dare peek a look at me, and that is also all they can manage before chaotic laughter explodes in the kitchen, with hands hitting knees and bodies bumping against one another.

Pillow overflowing with money tonight, we rich, my wolf says proudly, and I can only laugh along with my mates as I offer them the silliest choreography I can think of on the spot, the sight of them laughing so freely enough to make my soul turn warm and bright, light and happy.

Good times can follow up the bad after all, we got through this week so what's to stop us from doing it again? Being with this pack was certainly the best thing to ever happen to me, and I can't wait to see what awaits us in the future.

I love these wolves so much already, so damn much, and if my silly dance is not enough to let them know that I am willing to do anything for them, then I don't know what will.

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