1: I Miss Kansas

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Chapter One
I Miss Kansas

3rd Person POV

iris got off the ferry as she looked around , she noticed that the sun was out and it was sunny. she looked over at zoe and rosie as they got off too and they walked to the car. they got in and drove close to their grandfathers house

iris got out and she looked at them as they walked to the house . iris had her bag wrapped around her shoulder and her suitcase behind her as she looked at zoe

"this place smells of cow" rosie said and iris laughed under her breathe as she shook her head

"i quite enjoy it" iris said back and rosie scoffed

"of course you do, you ride horses" rosie retorted and zoe snorted under her breathe

"hey! don't you dare bully kansas, you love him" iris scoffed and rosie shrugged

"no i don't" she said under her breathe as they turned into the house yard

"we've been walking for days, are we lost?" rosie said and iris sighed

"i know these roads like the back of my hand. i'm not lost" maggie stated to them and zoe smiled at iris

"ooh, look at that. is that a buzzard?" she said and a girl came by on a horse

"i miss kansas" iris said under her breathe

"i'm sorry we couldn't bring him iris, but he'll be home when we go back" maggie said and iris smiled up at her

"my party shoes" rosie exclaimed as she lifted her foot out of horse poop

"did someone say party?" their grandpa said and they smiled at him

"gramps!" zoe and iris said together

"iris , zoe, but how wonderful to see you" he said and rosie climbed into the cart but iris walked to the house with zoe and then she heard rosie and gramps crash lightly

"not already" she groaned and she walked to the house with zoe. she walked up to the room that she had claimed and she sat down on her bed as she put her suitcase on the bed and looked around

"you happy here?" maggie asked as she opened the door and iris smiled

"yeah it's a little quiet though" she said as she pulled things out of her suitcase and put them away before she sat down on the bed. she heard a neigh outside of her window and she got up as maggie walked over with her

"go have fun iris" she said and iris smiled as she got up and left her room. she walked to the sound before she looked up and saw someone with a horse

'rosie's missing'  zoe texted and iris sighed under her breathe

"hi" someone said and iris jumped before she turned and looked at the girl

"oh i'm sorry we didn't mean to scare you" said the other girl and iris shrugged

"it's okay, im looking for a girl, she's about yay big , her name is rosie" she exclaimed and the girl smiled

"someone else came looking for her, she looks like you" the girl said and iris smiled

"oh that's my sister zoe, im looking for rosie because she's missing and i need to find her. she's my little sister" she said and the girl got off her house

"no but we'll keep an eye out, what's your name?" the girl asked

"i'm iris, im staying with the grandpa at his house" she said and the girls smiled

"that's right by the stables. you should come by sometime" the blond stated

"maybe, i have a horse at home , his name is kansas. i'm sure i'll be back soon but i don't know about my sisters" she said and then someone called

"girls bullet and raven escaped , i need everyone back in the yard now" someone called and iris followed after the girls , she walked around the corner and was met with zoe

they both turned and saw a boy making out of the building almost in slow motion

"who is that and who's raven?" zoe asked and iris looked at her

"who's bullet?" iris said and they looked at her. they turned to the bikes and looked at the girls again

"can i take this?" zoe asked

"i'll stay here and look around for her , you go off" iris said and zoe rode off as iris looked around. she walked around and then she looked in the field to see a horse running at her full speed

"no no no no" iris said and the horse came close but iris stayed her ground. he stopped in front of her and lifted onto his hind legs

"IRIS" someone called and she turned to see a boy entering the field

"it's okay i'm alright, stay there" iris called and she looked at the brown horse as he neighed . she lifted her hand and put it on his nose as he huffed and she nodded

"you're alright buddy" she said and he leaned his head into her hand as he chuffed and she nodded. she turned to the boy and nodded

"i got him" she said and he walked towards her as he neighed and she nodded

"let's get you to your stall buddy" she stated and he huffed again, she ran her hand over her nose and grabbed the leash that the boy handed to her

"how did you know my name?" she asked him and he shrugged as she started to walk with him back to the stalls.

"bullet" someone called and she smiled at him as she walked him to his stall and walked in with him

"thank you iris" he said and she nodded

"you're welcome..." she led off waiting for his name

"pin, my name is pin" he said and she looked up to see zoe walking in with the other horse and she smiled as she shook her head

"your sister?" he asked

"yeah" she said and marcus took ravens leash as he led him away and iris looked at zoe

"hey there , you're a horse whisperer?" iris said and zoe smiled . they looked at the ground and saw some glasses

"thank you pin, i have to find my sister but i don't know what would've happened if you weren't there, i'll see you around" she said and ted looked at her with a crooked smile

"anytime iris, it was nice meeting you" he said and she turned to the girls

"these are rosie's, she's here. let's go find her" iris said and they started to walk away as they looked for her

"you know i've never see bullet so calm for someone, there's a reason his name is bullet. maybe he's your destiny" becky said

"no no i already have a horse, his name is kansas" iris said and she separated from them as she walked to the hay and heard a noise

"rosie?" she called

"hi" rosie said and iris jumped as she looked up and made eye contact with her

"jesus rosie, you scared the hell out of me. we have to go" iris said and she heard another noise

"you found her then?" someone said and iris looked up to see a boy

"yes and now we are leaving, thanks for the help, oh wait you didn't" she said and the boy smiled at her as iris grabbed rosie's hand

"why the rush?" rosie began but iris stopped her

"don't even begin to try it" she said and rosie groaned

"home. now" iris said and she made eye contact with the boy

"i'll see you around" he called after her and iris shrugged as she walked away with rosie

"yeah probably" she called back and he laughed

"you found her" zoe said and iris nodded

"i did, let's go" iris said and zoe nodded

"wait can i have your number?" jade asked and iris nodded

"yeah, i'll see you around" she said and she gave them her phone as she put their phone numbers in and then she left. she walked ahead of zoe and rosie as she put her headphones on and walked home

she just wanted a calm time here, she looked up as something dropped at her feet and pin walked out of the bush

"iris" he said

"pin" she nodded and then she looked at the bag as she gebabed it and handed it to him

"i'll see you around pin" she said again and she walked away from him as he watched

she was intrigued to say the least, it was going to be a long summer

first chapter done
piris already has my heart but maris will definitely have their moments

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