27: iris and bullet, just us

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Chapter Twenty-Seven
iris and bullet, just us

3rd person pov

iris hadn't heard from her sister or gaby since raven was as ariel but what she did find out? ariel was missing and they couldn't find her. aaron and the breakfast club had tried to keep it a secret against the olders but they weren't able to keep it from iris. one look from her and the truth came tumbling out of his mouth like a lie soup. she had also found out that the wild herd was missing, the tags had been removed and they were taken. where? iris didn't know but she knew that ariel had to be connected to it somehow but she didn't have time to worry about that.

today had marked a year since zoe and iris decided to stay in England with bullet and raven. today was also tryouts and it was their day to prove that they did the right thing by staying in England with everyone. iris and zoe led bullet and raven to their trailers as Marcus took raven and put him in first and then did the same thing with bullet. iris felt the card for gaby nudging her in her back pocket but she didn't say anything as frank walked in with balloons, and cards for them.

"you left before the postman came" he said and iris turned to see the flowers in hand

"are those for us?" she asked and frank nodded as iris took her flowers and smelled them. she smiled happily as she watched zoe read the card for her and iris read the one for her.

"no pressure then" zoe said and she walked over to gaby

"gaby! good luck at tryouts today, I mean it" zoe said and gaby shook her head as she looked at the balloon that zoe was trying to give to her

" I don't need a pity balloon" gaby said and she went to walk away but iris grabbed her arm and she pulled the card out from her back pocket and she handed it to her

"not a pity card, from the heart. good luck gaby I'm sure you'll do amazing" she said and gaby read the card before she stepped forward and she hugged the girl who stood in front of her.

"thank you iris" she said and iris nodded as they pulled away and gaby walked away. iris turned to frank

"ill help you take these back home" she spoke and frank smiled as she grabbed the things from zoe and she went back to the house with frank as she put everything in her or zoes room and then she went back to the stables. she went to the truck and she got in as she sat down next t the others. they got in the truck and iris leaned her head against the wall as she made sure to close her eyes and focus on something else. when the truck stopped, she immediately stood up and she looked around as she got off the truck and walked to bullets trailer. she got him out as she read over the map and her routine. she then led bullet into his stall and put his coat on.

Susie was going first, mia went after her and Callum was going after her. iris would go after him, gaby would go after her and zoe would go after gaby. iris was prepared for her routine as she made up a routine that involved every jump and even a dressage routine. Iris put it in her pocket as she turned to bullet and she ran her hand over his mane as she nodded and smiled.

"its just you and me out there, no matter what. i promise you, iris and bullet, just us." she said and she nodded as she leaned her head on his and she smiled. she took a deep breathe as she heard the announcer

"Susie Garrett please make your final prepations" she said and susie walked by iris and she stopped her

"susie" she called and susie turned to her with a smile

"good luck, ill be proud of you no matter what" she said and susie smiled at her happily and calmly.

"thank you iris. good luck to you too" Susie said and she led her house out the arena as iris walked out and she watched her. Iris smiled proudly as the girl did her round and then mia was called out to the arena and iris smiled at her too. iris was scared that she would lose but no matter what , she wouldn't care because she tried her hardest and at the end of the day, all that mattered was that she tried and she did her best.

"callum elphick to arena one, iris Phillips please make your final preparations" she heard and she watched callum walk out and she turned to bullet one last time as she unclipped his lead rope and she lead him out. she ran her hand over his mane and she leaned down as she kissed his neck and he huffed happily

"everything we have ever worked towards is right here. no matter what, you are my horse and I love you. you are an amazing horse bullet and you know that. you have stuck by my side and I know that wont change. you're a good horse. no matter what, win or lose. we did our best and ill be proud of you no matter what" she said and she got on him as she led him to the arena and she watched callum do his round as he knocked down a few poles and she smiled.

she watched as he walked past her and she led him in front of them

"I'm iris Phillips, this is bullet and we'll be doing a jump dressage routine" she said and she smiled as she began the routine. she rode bullet around and she did the routine perfectly with a smile on her face and a calm mind. she was proud of herself and bullet no matter what. after her came gaby and zoe but she didn't see that as she led bullet back to his stall and she untacked him.

when it was time, iris walked out and she stood next to her sister and susie as they all waited for felicity to announce who won.

"okay everyone may I have your attention please" felicity called and they walked onto the arena. iris grabbed onto her sisters hand as she sighed and they took a deep breathe together.

"okay guys we've voted. someones under-18s future is right here in this envelope. and the new member of the UK under-18 squad will be... is this right? the place goes to callum Elphick" She announced

"I'm sorry what?" iris said and she looked at the others as callum cheered for himself and they all got ready to leave. that was until pin walked into the rooms with the others and iris looked at him

"pin?" she said and he fell to the ground as she ran forward and stopped his head from hitting the ground.

now she had one thing to worry about, her and her boyfriends safety.


making iris and gaby best friends was one of the best decisions I ever made because iris cares about everyone and never wants anyone to be left out and she would never let someone even feel left out.

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