5: You Make Me Comfortable

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Chapter Five
You Make Me Comfortable

3rd Person POV

iris woke up the next morning and looked around. she pulled her notebook out from under her bed as she started to read over the lyrics and stared at them for a while. she started to hum before there was a knock on her door and she looked up as she hid the book back under her bed

"come in" she said and zoe walked in as she sat on the bed and sighed

"are you okay?" she asked and iris laughed as she shrugged and sighed

"i understand why she's mad but why does she have to be so angry that she doesn't know what to say to us" she stated and zoe nodded before her phone rang and she pulled it out of her pocket and answered

" Hey, guys, anything to report?" she asked and iris looked at becky and jade through the phone

" We found a clue. It's engraved. Looks like I'm some thing. What starts with M?" becky said

"mia, marcus" she stated and they both nodded

" where did you find this, Becky?" zoe questioned

" It was in the yard this morning. It wasn't here when I left last night" Becky spoke

"how is raven and bullet?" iris asked

"they're here . look. Worry, we're all keeping an eye on them" Jade exclaimed as she flipped the camera

" Guys their tails are braided. That's what they used to brand the horse that they're taking we need to plan OK will meet you in the café in half an hour and get somebody to unbraid that tail" Iris said and she got up as she changed her clothes and ran downstairs with zoe

"where are you going?" she asked

"the cafe , we'll be back" Iris stayed and she left the house with zoe. rosie followed after them as they walked to the cafe . she walked in and sat down next to becky and jade

"hey" she said

"looks like mia's holiday project is going well. good for her" jade stated and iris laughed . she started to ignore the words before marcus walked over and sat next to iris

"becky, jade, zoe. hi, iris" he said and he sat down as she smiled at him

" These are for the county show. can you pop one behind the till for me, becks?" he said and becky froze up making iris laugh and Zoe nudged her

"dental surgery. she can't really speak right now" zoe said and iris went to grab the paper but flinched away when she felt the shock and grabbed it as she handed it zoe

"is this yours? by the way, we found this morning" jade asked

"no, never seen it before. laters" he said and he got up as he walked away. iris leaned her head on the table as she listened to the girls talk about the equipment

"i think it's time we talk to sam" zoe said and they all got up as they left. marcus walked iris leave with a sad smile on his face . they walked to the stables and into the room to talk to sam

" They only took fire fly because he was in Raven stable. Raven is the target. They're planning another attempt, and they marked his tail last night they did the same thing with bullet too" Zoe stated

"they're planning on taking both of them tonight" Iris exclaimed

" We think they left this behind. they are in danger , i got it wrong about pin but this time i'm right. i know it" Zoe said

"i'm sorry, girls. i don't think firefly was taken by mistake, he's a valuable horse" Sam retorted

"please just don't leave them in the paddock tonight" Zoe said

" are all upset about fire fly, and I understand that you're scared about losing Raven, but I can't keep them locked up 24 seven in the same with bullet. They are wild horses. They prefer to be outside. Look we can't live in fear OK? girls your mom told me she doesn't want you at the stables, If I see her again, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to tell her. OK?" she said and iris scoffed with zoe as they left

" If she leaves them in the paddock? OK, right now, sunshine, tons of people, they're safe. But when the Stables close and it's dark...." zoe led off

"the thieves will strike" becky continued for her

"exactly" zoe and iris said together

"but what can we do about it?" jade asked

" we're gonna have to stay here and guard the ponies" iris exclaimed

"like a sleepover. i love sleepovers, crisps and ghost stories and more crisps" becky said and zoe laughed

" Crisps. OK, those are chips right?" she asked

" But what about your mom?" jade asked

"we can figure something out, i have to go but i'll see you guys later" iris said and she walked off as she went home with zoe. they held sad smiles on their face as they went to their room. iris sat on her bed as she stared at the ceiling again.

"gramps gave me this, take it" zoe said and she chucked the flashlight at iris before she left the room. iris stayed in her room as she put everything in a bag. she grabbed her notebook so her mom wouldn't find it

"pin" she whispered under her breathe. she grabbed a radio and started to repair it , it began to work and she smiled as she walked to pins house with the radio

she walked to the shed as she looked at the moor pony and then pin

"hey i brought you this. before kansas, i had a horse her name was powder. she got really sick and she began to listen to music to calm down so i thought this might help him" iris said and pin got up as she handed it to him

"what happened to the horse? was she okay?" he asked and iris nodded

"fiona was just fine. she's survived for a while but she got hurt and taken. she's alright now though, in a better place" she stated

"i'm sorry iris, do you wanna ride?" he asked

"yeah i um yeah sure" she spoke and he smiled as he left the stall with her and they got on elvis riding to the beach. she leaned her head on his back

"comfortable?" he asked

"you make me comfortable" she exclaimed and he smiled as she did too before she felt him turning around and going to stables

"wait pin where are we going?" she questioned

"to see a friend" he spoke and they rode to the stables. iris got off of elvis as she saw raven and bullet in the paddock

"BULLET!" she called and he ran over to her as she pet him and smiled. he huffed as she hugged him and smiled

"HEY" someone called and iris looked up to see marcus riding towards them

"what are you doing?" marcus asked

" I know my mom doesn't want me here and Sam probably doesn't either" iris spoke

" I want you here iris. It's just your mom made it pretty clear and Sam doesn't want any trouble." He said

" she and zoe are worried about Raven and bullet being out in the paddock" pin stated

" I know. But they get agitated when we keep them in" Marcus retorted

" The thieves Marcus what if they come?" iris asked

". They got what they wanted. Obviously I'm in league with them, so I know" Pin said and iris laughed as did pin but marcus watched with a jealous look

"i've gotta get back iris. i'll see you later" Pin said and he kissed her cheek as he walked away with elvis. iris smiled as marcus rode away too and then she left

later that night, iris went back to the stables secretly. she snuck in and found the girls quickly. she looked into the paddock to see raven and bullet still there

"it's just me bullet" she called and he neighed at her as she walked over and pet him. she heard a noise and looked around to see becky, jade and zoe with them

"jesus you guys scared me" she said and after a while, they sat together and laughed as they listened to becky tell a scary story. they heard a noise and turned to the paddock

"i'm gonna to check it out" iris stated and they all nodded as they got up with her. iris heard her phone but she ignored it as she walked down the hay and looked around. she turned on her flashlight as she heard a creaking and run towards them

she looked at bullet and raven before she ran to them and saw a group of men

"BULLET!" she ran over to them as she hit the man

"CALL SOMEONE NOW" she said and she ran over with zoe as they attacked the man

"GET AWAY FROM OUR HORSES" she stated and she was thrown the ground and knocked out.

the men ran away but was iris going to be okay?

our girl is a fighter for sure

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