6: Youre A Natural

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Chapter Six
You're A Natural

3rd Person POV

iris was put on bed rest for the next few days. she had sickening bruises everywhere and they weren't going away. she felt an aching pain every time she even slightly moved to get something or to get up.

"pins worried about you" zoe said and iris looked at her

"how do you know?" iris asked and zoe shrugged as she sat down on the bed with her

"it's easy to tell" rosie spoke as she walked in and so did maggie

"can i talk to you alone iris?" she asked and iris nodded as zoe and rosie left

"i know that zoe told you about me on the horse and i know that you probably have a million questions but i don't know where to begin" she stated and she sat down on the bed, iris noticed the box in her hands but she didn't say anything about it

"why did zoe see you riding last night mom?" iris asked

" I want to try riding again. He was just helping me out" Maggie stated

"you used to ride?" she asked

" Long time ago. That's why I'm so OK with you and Kansas. I lost interest. I lost my nerve. It's been hard to see me fall in love with it the way that I did and the same with Zoe" Maggie spoke

"you can tell me mom it's okay" she stated

" I Used to have a horse. Emerald there was an accident. We were both badly hurt and that's why I'm so scared about you and Zoe were bullet and Raven" she said

"that's why you don't want us to ride?" she questioned

"open it" she stated and iris opened it to see a hat waiting there for her

"take this iris. you go and ride and have fun" she spoke and iris hugged her before she got up and left. she walked to the stables as she heard a noise and saw 4 wheelers coming at her

"BEN WHAT IS THIS?" she asked but she proceeded to walk away and saw jade with zoe and becky

"oh look it's the horse thief hero" becky exclaimed

"yeah nope that's not my name" she stated and jade laughed with zoe before they looked out into the field

"looks like bens made some new friends" Zoe stated

" Yeah but the quad bikes" jade continued

" Oh my quad Zoe is the worst. He lost all interest in horses, he's not helping with Bob. And I can't do it all" becky ranted and iris stepped forward as she rubbed becky's arm sweetly

"that sounds drastic" zoe said

" Becks maybe you just need to show them the horses are better than quad bikes" Iris exclaimed and her phone rang as becky pulled it out

" I'm late for my shift at the caf. Right, Jade , you're looking after Bob. 2 feeds plenty of kisses, and whatever happens, don't let him get bored" Becky spoke as she began to walk away

" I think i can handle Bob Becky. Don't worry" jade claled

"that's what he wants you to think" becky retorted

"to the yard!" zoe and iris said as they walked in . iris went straight to bullet and pet him as he huffed before she felt someone hug her

"iris, i just saw your sister. it is so great to have you back" sam said and then she pulled away

"i'm glad to be back. have they caught the thieves yet? do they have any leads?" she asked

" Please say they were just opportunity. They won't be back. Not that they could even get it now, even if they tried." Sam spoke and iris laughed

"i have noticed" she stated

" Your mom called. You've got a lesson with pin and Zoe's got a lesson with Marcus. I'd take you to myself, but I am snowed under with all the paperwork for the barn dance" She said and iris smiled

"thank you sam" she said and she watched sam walk away and to zoe and jade again. she pet bullet again as she ran her hand through his mane and smiled again

"you ready for your lesson?" pin asked and she nodded as she walked away from bullet and went to priscilla and looked at pin

"i know you want to ride bullet but this is your safest bet" he said and she nodded as she led priscilla out the stable and tacked her up.

"let's go" she said and she walked to the arena as she started to ride on priscilla

"you know you are a natural, i don't know what you were so worried about" He said and she shrugged

"i'm not worried about anything, i promise" she stated and she started to gallop on priscilla as pin followed behind her

"why do you need lessons? you're a natural" He asked and she shook her head

"mom doesn't trust me on any other horse but kansas . it's hard for her" she spoke and he stopped priscilla as he grabbed her mane and pet her softly

"how about we get you to try on bullet?" He said and she nodded as she led priscilla back to the stall and got bullet ready. she put on his saddle and everything before she looked at pin

"i don't know if i'm ready for this" she said and she held pins hand as she got on bullet and pet his mane but he bolted off.

"IRIS" pin called but she was off on bullet as fast as she could go

"SOMEONE HELP" she yelled and she started to ride next to the quad

"BULLET STOP IT" she said and she continued to ride with him. he broke out of the gate as they rode together

"IRIS HANG ON " she heard as she left the yard. she held on tightly to the reins as they got to the beach and he went to throw her off but she stayed on by squeezing her legs. she hopped off of him as she heard someone ride

"this is what happens when you push things iris. you may be ready but he isn't. you could've gotten hurt, he could've been hurt too. you need to safe" marcus yelled at her

"I KNOW THAT MARCUS" she yelled back and she looked at the ground

"are you okay?" he asked

"i'm leaving" she said and she went to walk away but he grabbed her arm and stopped her . she turned to look at him as he looked at her too

"ride back with me and monty. it's safer" he said and she nodded as she got on monty with marcus. he held bullets reins as iris leaned her head on his shoulder and listened to the wind

but this didn't feel right. she wanted to be with pin, this wouldn't have happened if pin hadn't told her to do it but nobody had to know that

this love triangle got me going because it's the same as zoe, pin and marcus but completely different

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