7:You Actually Came

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Chapter Seven
You actually came

3rd Person POV

iris went home after she rode with Marcus to the stables. she found out that she was a part of the team list with bullet and Zoe was with raven. that was all that was on her mind lately. when she showed up at the stables the next day, in walked Marcus holding bullets reins as he looked at her

"are you ready?" he asked her and she scuffed her feet against the ground as she started to play with her rings and look around. Marcus noticed her hesitative state and stepped forward

"you don't have to if you're not ready, I know that after yesterday this might be hard" he spoke and she sighed as she nodded and finally looked up

"can we just take it slowly?" she asked and he nodded

"whatever you need" he told her and she smiled happily as she looked at bullet with Marcus and nodded

"I can do this" she exclaimed and he handed the leash to her as she started to walk with bullet and Marcus around the arena

" were gonna get you comfortable around him again. you just have to start from the beginning" he exclaimed and she looked around as she made eye contact with pin , he shook his head scoffed and ran off. she didn't notice mia with darcy and the hose until they were sprayed and she fell down

"what the hell mia?" Marcus said and bullet ran off as she stared at him

"you did that on purpose mia, your horse may be gone but you cant ruin my chances of helping a horse who needs it. I'm leaving, ill see you later Marcus" Iris stated and she left the arena

"tell me when you want to try again iris" Marcus called and iris nodded as she walked off and left. she went to the shed and she hung up her hat as the door opened and pin walked in

"hey I saw that, are you okay?" he asked and she shrugged as she sat down and he sat down next to her

"I don't know pin, I shouldn't have gotten on him yesterday" she sighed and he shook his head

"it was my fault okay, I pushed you to do it and we both know that. don't blame yourself for something that was completely out of your hands" he spoke and she nodded before she leaned her head on his shoulder and they sat there together in peace

"so the dance,are you going?" he questioned and she smiled, he was so obvious even if he thought that he wasn't

"yeah by myself, its usually better to be alone anyways" she said and he smiled with her

" I couldn't agree more, ill see you around iris" he spoke and he got up as he left the shed. he opened the door and there stood zoe, becky and jade.

"ill be back at your house later" she called and he nodded as he left. becky smiled at them with jade and zoe

"oh my god, you two are like totally in love" becky exclaimed and iris laughed under her breathe as she shook her head

"were just friends becks calm down, ill see you guys later" she exclaimed and she left the shed as she went into Priscilla stall and tacked her up, she brought her out of the stall and got onto her without any help. she wrapped her hand around the reins before she sighed and took a deep breathe

"lets go slow today Priscilla", she said and she slowly started to ride her to pins house. he was already there but she took her time. she wanted to make sure that she could breathe and feel calm. she felt happy and felt like she could breathe but Priscilla wasn't kansas. Iris missed kansas more then anything, she wanted to be back in la with him but that wasn't the case.

she got to pins house and got off Priscilla as she walked to the stall and knocked. pin looked up and smiled brightly at the sight of her

"you actually came," he said and she nodded as she came in and kneeled down to pet him

"How is he?" she asked

" he's off his food , I'm worried about him" he spoke and she nodded as she pet him again

"that's understandable pin but he'll be alright , I can promise you that" she stated and then she heard someone outside of the stall. she stood up and walked out to see ted standing there waiting for her

"I think you and me need to have a chat" he said to her and she nodded in agreement as they walked back into the stall and sat across from each other

"I know that your sister may have told you about our connection with raven and bullet but we want to explain. we'd had storms for weeks so the first calm day, I went down to the beach and there was two crates. i never thought that id come back with two foals" he explained

"bullet" she spoke

"and raven, I told pin not to name them" ted said and iris laughed as she made eye contact with him and smiled

"everyone deserves a name" he retorted

"I thought that someone would come looking for them but they didn't" ted stated

"when bullet bolted with me yesterday, he took me to the beach, do you think that has something to do with it?" she asked

"we think that the crate we are in is the one he came to the island in" Pin spoke

"no wonder they're so afraid of water, imagine being in here, complete darkness and all you could hear was the sound of the ocean. i would hate that" iris exclaimed

" I never planned on selling them but elliot made me an offer for raven that I couldn't refuse and bullet had to go with him. we were in a hard time and the money helped so now you know" ted spoke and he got up leaving them alone to talk

"you lied for your dad, I'm sorry pin. i understand a lot more then you think" she spoke and she heard the moor pony eating and she smiled before she got up and they walked out of the crate to see Priscilla waiting

"you know you're really strong for getting back on a horse after being so scared" he stated and she smiled as she nudged him

"thank you , ill see you later pin" she said as she leaned up and kissed his cheek. she walked over to Priscilla and untacked her. she proceeded to ride back to the stables and got out bullet

" bullet I know what happened to you and raven but youre safe. I'm going to protect you fo as long and as well as I can" she said and she hugged him before she walked into the arena and nodded. she pet him again and smiled as she let herself get on him

"lets do this" she said and she started to practice on him. she got him troting and smiled as she rode him. she looked to the gate and saw Marcus smiling at her. this went on for a few days before she looked at bullet and the waterjump

bullet stopped in front of it and she nodded as she pet his mane and nodded again.

"its alright, we're okay" she said and she got off of him as she looked at the others and sighed

this wasn't going to ever be easy


I have a plan and It hurts me because i don't want to do it but it seems like we need more angst so I'm so sorry for what is about to happen

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