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Aune twisted her head to try to catch sight of Prince Aonghus. She spied him further ahead on his own horse. He was gesturing wildly and Aune sensed his panic. He was no longer a free man, given leave to do whatever he pleased.

The horses passed slowly through the city, much too slowly for the Blackwolf's liking. Behind Aune, Kaye was gritting her teeth with obvious annoyance. Slowy the crowded streets emptied into broader roads. Kaye urged her horse to a gallop, the others following suit.

Soon the roads turned into wooded lanes where the only other traffic was the occasional wagon. Aune watched this transformation in wonder. She still had yet to grasp the changes outside of the city. A matter of mere weeks had not changed her innocence. Behind them, the sun was setting, and dusk was settling in.

"We're not getting anywhere tonight. All we'd accomplish is getting ourselves lost." Nor called out from the front. Suddenly he stopped. "Hush." The blackwolf stopped their horses.

At first, all that Aune could hear was a bird squawking, but as she listened, she could hear shouts in the distance. Shouts, and screams too.

Kaye growled. "Let's show 'em who the blackwolf are, mates." The exausted horses were tied to a tree, and the tall, dark skinned man (whose name was Ravi) led the way by foot. Dan spoke to Aune.

"You're stayin' here. Let them deal with anyone who finds need to fight."

A few moments passed before Aune ventured a question. "What exactly do you, the Blackwolf, I mean, do?"

He leaned against a tree, still on the lookout. Chuckling, he replied "We catch criminals and turn them in. Speaking of which, where did you come from?"

Aune sighed. The screams and shouts were louder now and Aune had no doubts that the Blackwolf had arrived at the scene. "I'd rather forget about some parts." She muttered. "But then there would be no story. Here's what happened." She briefly summed up what had happened.

"Whew! That's one heck of a story." Dan whistled when she finished. "I'd cut those ropes, but I can't trust you, y'see." Aune nodded.

Suddenly Nor burst through the forest shouting. "Dan! It's Andras! We need your help. Uros is hurt."

Dan leapt to his feet, his face pale. "Nor, don't kill or injure Andras, whatever you do."

Nor stared at him, panting. "Have you got bats in you brain, Dan? Now run!"

Dan grabbed Aune and sliced her ropes. "I'm taking a wild leap here, but believe me, don't hurt him." Then they took off, dust and dirt flying out behind them, Aune running wildly behind. They reached the scene moments later, Aune winded. It seemed to be a three-sided fight, with Andras slaying a number of guards while avoiding the Blackwolf.

He saw Aune and laughed. It was a maniacal sound, high and crazy. "So, Aune. You think you're safe?" He threw a dead body towards Kaye's sword. "I'll never die! Only you will!"

Dan glanced at Aune, then bellowed, "Stop!" The Blackwolf never glanced at him, but heeded his orders nonetheless. "Don't hurt him!"

Andras laughed again. The hairs on Aune's neck stood up. "I'll never be hurt, will I, girl?"

Aune ground her teeth.

He pulled a dagger from his belt. A second too late, Aune saw what he was going to do. Her eyes clouded red and she threw herself forward in rage, screaming as she went.


He sliced his face open from his right ear to his lower jaw. It made no mark on him, but Aune felt it tear into her flesh. She screamed in agony. "I will kill you someday, Andras!"

He only sneered and took to his heel as Aune crumpled to the ground.

. . .

"She'll survive." Kaye's voice rang out in Aune's mind. Aune sat bolt upright, nearly knocking heads with Kaye. Kaye grinned. "Hold on there, not so fast. You'll reopen it." Aune remembered her wound and touched it gently.

"So." Nor spoke from the mossy mound he was seated on. "Dan, you and Aune, that's your name I take it, have a lot of explaining to do."

Dan started. "Well, first she asked about what the Blackwolf does, and I told her we catch criminals. So I asked her for her story, and a right interesting one it is too."

Nor looked Aune in the eye. "Tell us your story, and leave nothing out."

Despite her throbbing face, Aune spoke out, telling them of everything after that fateful day in the castle. She finished and took a deep breath. Her voice echoed around the small clearing in the twilight. "I want revenge. I want to find Andras and my family and make them pay. I'll make them rue the day they sold me away to die."

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