Iron Adventures: Flashpoint 3: Flashpoint Brigade

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Jessica: My name is Jessica cosmos, and I am the fastest girl alive. My best friend and I were thrown into this world, where we learned of the vermillion star, a terrorist group threatening crystal city. Together with my friends Taylen And Jeffrey. I defend the city from the terrorists. Someday, me and taylen will find our way home, but for now, I am, the flash!

Theme intro plays

Fades into the dark area with scavitar sitting angrily in front of zoom

Zoom: my lord, we have confirmed that a new speedster has indeed appeared.

Scavitar: this will set my plans back a great deal General, I hope you know that.

Zoom: which is why I sent more troops to deal with her.

Scavitar: Good. Very good.

Cuts to troops in crystal city firing at a red streak, who is taking them down one by one.

Jessica: guess you bucket heads didn't get enough the first 4 times.

She continues to punch troops until there are none left. When the last troop falls, the crowd watching cheers. Jessica speeds off to an alleyway, Powers down, and skids to a halt right beside Taylen.

Taylen: another win for the flash. Your doing well for a solo hero.

Jessica: a hero is only as good as her team, and you and Jeff make an excellent team.

Taylen: Yeah, we do Don't we.

Taylen's phone rings. The screen shows that it's Jeffrey.

Taylen: And Speaking of him.

Taylen answers and puts the call on speaker.

Taylen: you are really living up to your role in this team jeff.

Cuts to Jeffrey at the police station.

Jeffrey: thank you, is Jessica with you?

Jessica: I'm here jeff.

Jeffrey: congratulations on another win Jessica, the cameras are certainly loving you.

Jessica: I only got 5 wins, that isn't a whole lot.

Jeffrey: it is when you've won against a previously unstoppable force.

Taylen: Yeah, You should be proud Jessica, just like your family back home is.

Jessica: thanks guys, Hey, how about we all meet at the wreck and celebrate the vermillion star's fifth defeat in a row.

Jeffrey: actually, about that. I've actually done a little digging and, I think I may have found something, I'm gonna send an address and I want to to meet me there ok?

Taylen: What do you want to show us?

Jeffrey: it's a surprise. Trust me, you'll love it.

The connection is cut.

Jessica: well, that was cryptic.

Taylen: I wonder what he wanted to show us.

Jessica: maybe something related to the police?

Taylen: or maybe he's found us a new home/base?

Jessica: maybe.

Taylen's screen lights up and both she and taylen see a map with a line on it and directions written out below it.

Jessica: well look at that, he sent both a map, and written directions, how considerate of him.

Taylen: Yeah, He is cute- considerate, considerate.

Jessica: are you falling in love with him tay?

Taylen: no, maybe, probably, yes

Jessica: wow, a few days on this planet and you've already fallen in love. And they say I'm the fastest girl alive.

Taylen: it's not official yet, but if things continue to work...

Jessica: I wish you and Jeff many happy years together, or at least however long you spend together. Either way, I can only wish you the best.

Taylen: thanks Jessica. It's lucky Jeffrey is 16 otherwise he'd be way to old for me.

Jessica: I know, I still have a hard time believing that 16 is considered adulthood here on this planet.

Taylen: which would technically make us adults.

Jessica: I can't wait to see what adults can do, typically.

That makes Jessica and taylen smile.

Cuts to jeffrey at the police station getting ready to go for his lunch break when he's stopped by his captain.

Captain: detective jeff, I'm still waiting on that report on the crashsite.

Jeffrey: uh, yes, right the crashsite report I will get that to you by the end of the day sir.

Captain: make sure you do, and if you're going on your lunch break, be on the look out for 2 girls who don't have jobs, reports have been coming in for the last few days.

Jeffrey: on it sir, and sir?

Captain: Yes?

Jeffrey: are there any job openings in the police?

Captain: forensics, we need two forensics scientists.

Jeffrey: got it.

Fades out

Fades in to Jessica and taylen arriving at the address Jeffrey sent them.

Jessica: an abandoned building?

Taylen: What is he thinking?

They hear an engine and see Jeffrey pull up in his patrol car.

Jeffrey: glad you two could make it.

Taylen: like we had anything else to do, What is this place?

Jeffrey: the old police station. I stumbled upon it on my patrols the other day, after my shift I decided to take a look inside, follow me to see what I found.

Jeffrey leads Taylen and Jessica inside and they look around.

Jessica: holy smokes, this place is stocked to the brim with equipment.

Jeffrey: all still fully functional too, the forensics lab is just up the stairs.

Jessica speeds up the stairs.

Taylen: why is this all still here, and why did you take us here jeff?

Jeffrey: a few years ago, the police force received a massive boost in funding when the city built a new police station. The force used the funding to upgrade everything from the chairs to the scanners. As such they didn't need all this stuff anymore. And rather then sell Everything, they just left it here. And since the wreck is only barely functioning, I felt That this place would be better suited as the headquarters of the flashpoint brigade.

Taylen: the flashpoint Brigade?

Jeffrey: it's better then having no team name at all, and you gotta admit, that is an awesome name.

Taylen: It is, Thanks jeff, this should really help in our fight.

Jessica speeds back down the stairs.

Jessica: forensics lab is fully stocked, jeff, I get the feeling you just brought us to our new base.

Taylen: is that ok?

Jessica: heck yeah, we just need to do a stripping of the iron cruiser wreck and we are in business.

Taylen: And how are we supposed to move the equipment? We don't have super strength.

Jessica: no, but with a big enough wagon, some technical magic on the equipment here, and super speed, we can turn this into a base of operations for the vermillion resistance.

Taylen: how about the flashpoint brigade?

Jessica: I like that better, who came up with that one?

Taylen: jeff, And I agree.

Jeff: It was honestly the first thing that popped into my brain.

Jessica: Alright, now that we have the name out of the way, jeff, how about you and taylen start seeing what you can do around here while I go strip The iron cruiser down before I disintegrate it.

Jeffrey: disintegrate?

Jessica: protocol, if the iron cruiser is beyond repair, it's blown to bits so the tech can't fall into the wrong hands.

Taylen: Then you better strip her down quick, the thought of the vermillion star gaining access to that tech is horrifying.

Jessica: right, see ya.

Jessica raced out the door.

Taylen: Alright, jeff, how old are these computers.

Jeffrey: 10 years old, they don't even make these computers anymore.

Taylen: Well, we have dinosaurs to work with, i like a challenge.

Jeffrey: you think you can turn this space into a crime fighting base of operations?

Taylen: just give me a day, and I can give the local military a run for its money.

Cuts to Jessica arriving at the iron cruiser wreck. Swiftly, she strips everything important and useful off of it, including the object that brought her there, and especially the transdimensional communicator. She packs it all on a large sled made of scrap that she quickly welded together at the dump then speeds back to the station. But not before completely destroying what was left of the iron cruiser.

Jessica: Sigh, well, it's time for the iron cruiser Mk g to be made.

Cuts back to the station, where Taylen and Jeffrey are managing to make tremendous progress on tidying up the station.

Taylen: wow, I thought I needed a day to get the system up and running, but this is even easier then I thought, how's your part coming along Jeff?

Jeffrey: while I don't usually like janitorial duty, being here with you makes it worth it.

Taylen: aw, that's sweet.

Jessica speeds back with an excited look on her face.

Jessica: I'm back, and I got all the equipment off of it, and I managed to salvage some defensive blasters that we can use to defend this joint.

Taylen: That is great, and what about the transdimensional com station, did you get that as well?

Jessica: you bet I did.

Jeffrey: the transdimensional com station?

Taylen: the thing that allows us to communicate with home, about our only link until we give them the all clear to transjump to this planet.

Jeffrey: transjump?

Taylen: it's something that two of the people back home invented, I'd be happy to explain it to you over dinner tonight.

That catches Jeffrey off guard and surprises Jessica.

Jeffrey: did you just ask me to dinner with you?

Taylen: I suppose I did, so how about it?

Jeffrey: you don't know how much I wanted to ask you the same thing.

Taylen: then it's a date.

Jeffrey: I guess it is, look, I gotta get back to the station, new station, my Captain is probably gonna yell at me again because I still have yet to report on the crash.

Jeffrey makes his exit, leaving Taylen and Jessica.

Jessica: well that was direct.

Taylen: you could say I'm a direct kind of girl.

Jessica: I could, and I believe a congrats is in order that you are finally going on your first date ever.

Taylen: which is why I need advice, I can't believe I just asked him out without any advice on boys.

Jessica: relax, just be yourself and everything will be fine.

Taylen: as long as the vermillion star doesn't attack.

Jessica: even if they do, Jeff's been helping me memorize the city layout for situations precisely like this. So i can handle things around here for one night.

Taylen: it's not just that I'm worried about, what if we go on the date and realize we aren't meant for each other, what if he doesn't end up liking me, what if I have a heart attack?!

Jessica: Taylen! Relax! You are making way too big a deal out of this, just take a deep breath, and just let the night progress, forget about the vermillion star, forget about things going wrong, you will be there to have fun with jeff, and you will have fun because jeff seems like an incredible guy.

Taylen: your right, I guess I'm just a nervous wreck.

Jessica: you'll be fine, now come on, let's see if there's anything in the disguise department that fits you, because I really don't think we have any form of currency that this planet will accept.

Fades to black.

The end

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