Iron Adventures: Flashpoint 4: chilly surprises

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Jessica: My name is Jessica cosmos, and I am the fastest girl alive. My best friend and I were thrown into this world, where we learned of the vermillion star, a terrorist group threatening crystal city. Together with my friends Taylen And Jeffrey. I defend the city from the terrorists. Someday, me and taylen will find our way home, but for now, I am, the flash!

Theme intro plays

Fades to crystal city at night, then cuts to the current police station, with Jeffrey tossing a paper onto his captain's desk.

Jeffrey: the report on the crashsite, all typed up as promised sir.

Captain: did you include its weapon capabilities?

Jeffrey: it had none that I could find, and I looked everywhere.

Captain: signs of life?

Jeffrey: it looked to be just a drone.

Captain: speculative origin?

Jeffrey: somewhere beyond our own galaxy.

Captain: reason it crashed?

Jeffrey: the damage looked like it was old, it's all there sir.

Captain: why are you being so impatient with me today?

Jeffrey: sorry sir, it's just that it is currently 30 seconds after my shift has ended and I kind of have important plans tonight.

Captain: in that case I won't keep you, have a good night.

Jeffrey: you too sir.

Jeffrey rushes out to his police car and starts for the abandoned station.

Cuts to the abandoned station. Where Jessica and taylen talk.

Taylen: do I look alright?

Jessica: you look fabulous tay, like an actress going to a movie premiere.

Jeffrey: I agree 100%

Both Taylen and Jessica turn to see Jeffrey walking towards them.

Jeffrey: I assume you got that outfit out of the disguise department?

Taylen: neither of us knew what currency this planet accepted but we were pretty sure we didn't have it none the less.

Jeffrey: Then this isn't going to be for no reason what's so ever, we need to talk.

Jessica: about what?

Jeffrey: So, we have a law on this planet stating that everyone has to work when they turn 16, and since you two are 16 and unemployed...

Taylen: Then we're breaking the law. Well, it's not the strangest thing we've heard since crashing on this planet.

Jeffrey: And since I know you two didn't know that particular law, oversight on my part, I'm gonna help you two out, the police needs two forensics scientists, to get the job, you two need to solve a mystery using the scientific method in less then 24 hours, but more then 12 hours.

Jessica: you just made that up because of my super speed.

Jeffrey: it's all part of keeping your cover, with your super speed you two could solve a case in an hour and that is not possible for a normal person. Do you understand?

Jessica: don't worry, I know that my powers are gifts that I am not supposed to abuse, if that's all about keeping my cover, I will not use my speed to do the forensics job, well, maybe if it's our only option.

Jeffrey: but first you need to fill out an application and all that, but we can worry about that tomorrow, because tonight.

Jessica: you and taylen have your first date, have fun.

Taylen: we will, are you sure you roughly know your way around the city?

Jessica: I'll be fine, now you two go out and leave all your worries here. Besides, it's not like the vermillion star is gonna strike.

The alarm suddenly sounded as a monitor lit up.

Jessica: ok I'm just gonna shut up, and go kick the crap out of the vermillion star again.

All theee of them turned their attention to the monitor to check the location of the attack.

Jeffrey: main square, that's straight line a few miles from this station when you go left.

Jessica: thanks, now you two can go out, I can take it from here.

Taylen: are you sure? You'd be completely on your own tonight.

Jessica: Not completely alone, because Jarvis is here.

Taylen and Jeffrey: Jarvis?

Jarvis: greetings sir, ma'am, and ma'am.

Taylen: ok, from what your uncle said, us being in the reality dimension meant that we had access to the Super Iron Avengers's main AI, but I didn't think he'd arrive so soon.

Jessica: it's mainly thanks to crystola being so close to RRR territory. The RRR was able to clear a path to our system big enough for Jarvis to bring in his entire database to help us.

Jarvis: Yes, I have 99 billion terabytes of computer memory available and I'm ready for action.

Taylen: well someone's cocky.

Jarvis: this is the first bit of action I've seen in months, you can't really blame me.

Jessica: ok, we can continue this conversation later, but right now, jeff and taylen have a date and the vermillion star is attacking, you ready Jarvis?

Jarvis: I've been successfully connected to your helmet's HUD and am officially able to provide tactical support.

Jessica: alright, let's go kick some vermillion tailpipes.

Jessica raises her cosmic morpher

Jessica: go, cosmic!"

Jessica morphs into cosmic mode and speeds off.

Taylen: I knew Jarvis was coming, but I honestly don't know if he ever should've come.

Jeffrey: you've only just met him a few minutes ago, give it Time.

Taylen: maybe your right, still, I just don't know.

Jeffrey: Well, he sounds like he's only here for tactical support, but my money is on the fact that he can't best you in the science department.

Taylen smiles.

Taylen: do I have to explain the term AI to you along with transjump and transdimensional com station?

Jeff: I guess it couldn't hurt, we don't have very many hi-tech devices in our city.

Taylen: oh, then there's a lot you should know if you're gonna be working with us.

Cuts to Jessica speeding through the city in her suit.

Jessica: so Jarvis, were you surprised when you heard I was Casey's daughter?

Jarvis: we can talk about that later, but right now, I see something coming up fast.

Jessica: me too, it looks like a single person?

Jessica skids to a halt.

Unknown man: ah, if it isn't crystal city's new favorite speedster. I take it you've never heard of me.

Jessica: not particularly, but I know you're with the vermillion star.

Man: ugh, more like vomiting star, I'm unaffiliated with them, I was Sonic Streaker's greatest foe, and now I'm yours. Call me captain frost.

Jessica: Captain frost? So your ability is producing ice? Maybe you've been living under a rock, but I can counter ice instantly.

Frost: oh, so you can produce heat at a temperature of about 500 degrees?

Before Jessica can answer, frost fires his gun at her. Causing her to dodge at super speed.

Frost: oh, now that's some speed, which will make this all the more interesting. Time to show you what I can really do.

Frost fires his gun again, Jessica again dodges at super speed, frost just keeps firing and aiming at Jessica, who keeps dodging the blasts.

Jessica: man this guy's trigger happy.

Jarvis: the resulting ice shards from the blasts are building, you continue running in circles, you risk slipping and getting caught in his shots.

Jessica: then let's get a running start straight at him.

Jessica runs straight at frost. Dodging the incoming blasts. She slides low past frost and fires fireballs from behind him. Frost just turns and reduces the ammo to clouds, which clear up.

Jessica: well, that didn't work.

Frost: the sonic streaker tried that same trick with lightning. Believe me, I'm more then a match for you.

Jessica: oh? Did he try this then? Rockslide!

Jessica punched the ground as the shockwave lifted the ground up to launch frost into the air. Frost just fires his gun on the ground to land safely.

Frost: is that all you got? Your weaker then I thought.

Frost fires his gun straight at Jessica, the beam being too fast for her as she was blasted back several feet.

Jessica: wow that gun packs a punch.

Frost: that's nothing, here's some real power.

Frost presses a button on his wrist and suddenly, the ice shard scattered all over the area started flying towards Jessica.

Jessica: what the frax?!

Jessica shoots rocks at the shards to shatter them. But there are too many for her to shoot down on time. The remaining shards start smacking into her.

Jessica: flying shards that don't shatter when hitting a target?

Jarvis: even I have never heard of that before!

The shards continued their attack whole frost was grinning.

Frost: Well, it seems like this time I'm the one who ends a speedster scavitar. So long speedster, I won't be missing you.

First suddenly gets blasted by an energy ball from an unknown source. One of the blasts hit the wrist thing controlling the shards, causing them to cease their attack on Jessica.

Frost: ok, who the heck did that!

A man comes out of the shadows holding two pistols.

Unknown man: frost. Still up to your old tricks are you.

Frost: alright who are you?

Unknown man: your worst nightmare.

The man resumes blasting frost, frost dodging the blasts and running.

Frost: You win this round, but I will be back!

Unknown man: yeah, and We'll be waiting.

The unknown man runs over to Jessica to help her up.

Unknown man: you alright?

Jessica: yeah, thanks to you.

Jessica suddenly feels electrical shocks running through her body.

Jessica: gah!

Jessica begins to fall, the unknown man catching her.

Unknown man: well your suit definitely isn't alright. Think it can handle a run back to my place?

Before jessica could answer, she suddenly powered down to her civilian mode. Her cosmic morpher falling to the Ground and sparking.

Jessica: apparently not. Hold on.

Jessica grabs her morpher and the unknown man's hand and quickly speeds both of them to a nearby to make sure no one drew any conclusions about her being in the middle of a cracked road.

Jessica: ok, now, before we get into anything else, you saw who it was wearing the suit, can I trust you to keep it a secret?

Unknown man: I know how to keep a secret identity. Used to have one myself.

Jessica: really? Who were you?

Unknown man: to practically everyone, I'm Theo fury. But secret, I was the sonic streaker. The last speedster to fight the vermilion star. As well as frost, and many others.

Jessica: you were the sonic streaker?  What happened?

Theo: I was battling one of scavitar's minions, he was a skilled anti speedster combatant. Needless to say, he did his research. So he shot me with a dart loaded with an anti speed serum. My speed was gone within hours. And I can't get it back.

Jessica: an anti speed serum?

Theo: Yes. And if scavitar remembers he still has a large vat of it. He'll use it on you.

Jessica: then we need to find his supply and destroy it.

Jarvis: ma'am, before you go rushing off. Need I remind you your morpher was just fried by ice. As weird as that sounds.

Jessica: that's Jarvis, my AI support. Your right Jarvis.

Jessica returns her attention to Theo.

Jessica: I gotta run, thanks for the assist with frost.

Theo: hold on, I may not have my powers anymore, but I can still help you. If you take me with you, I can teach you everything you need to know about being an expert at fighting frost and the vermillion star.

Jessica thought for a minute.

Jessica: well, any help would be appreciated. Hold on tight.

Theo takes Jessica's hand and she speeds off with him in tow.

Fades to black.

The end.

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