Iron Adventures: Flashpoint 5: new foes new allies

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Jessica: My name is Jessica cosmos, and I am the fastest girl alive. My best friend and I were thrown into this world, where we learned of the vermillion star, a terrorist group threatening crystal city. Together with my friends Taylen And Jeffrey. I defend the city from the terrorists. Someday, me and taylen will find our way home, but for now, I am, the flash!

Theme intro plays

Fades into the old police station with Jeff's car pulled into a parking spot. And he and taylen walking towards the entrance.

Taylen: That was an enjoyable night, very romantic.

Jeff:I'm glad you enjoyed chefsuflay. It's the best restaurant in the city.

Taylen: I think you might be right.

Jeff and taylen push open the doors of the station to find Jessica and a man who Jeff recognizes.

Jeff: what the, Theo?!

Jessica and Theo turn their heads to see the two coming in.

Jessica: oh, hey guys, how was your date?

Taylen: wonderful.

Jeff: but what the heck are you doing here Theo?

Theo: Jessica here was getting her butt kicked by captain Frost.

Jessica: I wouldn't say I was getting my butt kicked, eventually I would've shattered all those shards.

Theo: the state of your morpher says otherwise. Anyway, I managed to run captain frost off and save Jessica.

Taylen: Wait, what about her morpher?

Taylen rushes to the table to see Jessica's cosmic morpher cracked and spazzing out.

Taylen: what did this captain frost do to you Jessica?

Jessica: apparently he shoots flying ice shards that he can control.

Jeff: oh those are never good. The CCPD lost several good men to those.

Theo: yeah.

Jeff: but wait, let's not avoid the elephant in the room, Theo, what is going on?

Theo: Jeff, I have a confession to make. Remember the sonic streaker?

Jeff: yeah, he's been missing for nearly two years now.

Theo: that's because I lost my speed fighting one of scavitar's monsters.

Jeff's jaw drops.

Jeff: you're the sonic streaker? The forensics scientist, the least likely person in CCPD to see any actual action, is a superhero?"

Theo: was a superhero, haven't been able to fight the vermillion star for two years.

Taylen: ok, can someone please fill me in here?

Jeff: the sonic streaker was the last speedster who fought the vermillion star. And he was good at it.

Theo: but then scavitar made an anti speed serum that drained my power.

Taylen: Anti speed serum?

Theo: Yes. Ever since I've been searching for a way to get my powers back, and occasionally fending off thugs like frost and the like.

Jeff: ok, so now we know who you are, we know that you know who Jessica is, you are gonna keep her secret right?

Theo: Yes.

Jeff: so the only thing left to figure out is why you are still here.

Theo: I may not have powers. But I've fought the vermillion star and all other thugs in this city more times then Jessica has. I can help her perfect her strategies and ensure that she can save the city.

Jessica: yeah.

Taylen: well she's not going out heroing around anytime soon, Captain frost really shorted out the morpher, so not only do we have to fix it, we also have coat it with anti-ing tech to make sure it can withstand anything.

Theo: I can help with that, I've encountered every power crystal citie's thugs possess.

Jeff: and I can help by pulling their criminal records to see if we need to worry about them or not.

Jessica: well Theo, I think you've just officially joined the flashpoint brigade.

Jarvis: should I get started on the diagnostic?

Taylen: Yes. Meanwhile I'll start thinking up how to protect the morpher from ice attacks.

Jessica: because you protect the morpher, you protect the suit.

Taylen: exactly.

Jeff looks at his watch.

Jeff: well, it's been fun but I need to get home, my dog Lexi's probably freaking out by now. Theo, you need a ride?

Theo: I'll stay a little longer.

Jeff: ok, goodnight you two.

Taylen: goodnight Jeff.

Jessica: goodnight.

Jeff turns to head out.

Jeff: oh, Theo, why don't you give the girls a run down on how forensics in crystal city works. They're gonna apply for the forensics positions at the CCPD.

Jeff exits the building.

Theo: you two don't have jobs?

Jessica: taylen and I, we're not from around here, in fact we come all the way from another dimension.

Theo: wow. I guess that explains how you two have such advanced technology at your disposal.

Jessica: yep, mainly because taylen is the technical genius and was able to upgrade the tech in this building to suit our needs.

Taylen: and I'm planning on making a few gadgets to help us do our forensics jobs if we get them.

Theo: well I'll be happy to take you through the basics.

Jessica: that would be helpful. Because taylen and I know next to nothing about it.

Theo: then let's all head to the forensics lab here for class.

Fades out.

Fades in to the city around mid day the next day. Jeff pulls up to a Starbucks cafe near the old police station. They all had worked out the plan that morning. While Theo was getting set up for the forensics test. Jeff met the girls at Starbucks to help them out with their applications.

Jeff: hopefully Theo gave them a good lesson, the city doesn't need them in jail.

Jeff enters the cafe to find Jessica and taylen sitting at a table. Jeff walks over to them.

Jeff: hey guys, how're you two today?

Jessica: good.

Taylen: nervous.

Jeff: because this is your first job application?

Taylen: Yes.

Jeff: well there isn't anything to worry about. But I was looking over the application on the way over here, and unless you two can convince your parents to visit, there's a problem.

Jessica: what?

Jeff: you need to put the phone numbers of your parents down. The captain will then call them and ask about you.

Taylen: well, that's problematic.

Jessica: not so much, because we do have the capability to pull it off.

Taylen: the problem is the threat in our own dimension, our parents are soldiers. They're likely unable to provide character analysis anytime soon.

Jeff: what about that transdimensional communication thing? I'm sure your parents aren't always fighting.

Taylen: That could work, but the problem is timing. Unless your boss tells us when he's gonna call them, they'll have to be on the line until after the call, and war doesn't allow that kind of thing very often.

Jeff: there is an option to say that your parents are unavailable for the foreseeable future. If you check that box, you go through a week long trial period in place if the call.

Jessica: oh, thank goodness they actually thought of that. I can imagine that that's come up before.

Jeff: multiple times.

Cuts to the CCPD forensics lab. Theo is setting up for the girls' forensics application test. He looks up from a forensics machine to see his captain enter the lab.

Theo: oh, captain tucker.

Captain tucker: Theo, just wanted to come and see how you were doing on that missing person case.

Theo: right, the Wall Street disappearance, still running analysis, I should have something by the end of the day sir.

Tucker: great. And while your at it, got a few applicants for the forensics positions.

Theo: Yes, I know, Jeff told me, been setting up the applications test all morning.

Tucker: good. By any chance, do you know the applicants Theo?

Theo: would it be a bad thing if I did captain?

Tucker: well it's just that Jeff said that the applicants were friends of his and I know for a fact that you two hang out a lot.

Theo: I only recently met Jeff's new friends captain, don't know much about them. So don't worry, I'm not making the test any easier for them.

Tucker: good, can't afford any mistakes. Especially now when crystal city has a new speedster. Btw, have you seen that that speedster tore up a road last night?

Theo: seriously?

Tucker: yep. Have half the force blocking it off until it can be repaired. But it makes me wonder, the Sonic Streaker could shoot lightning from his body.

Theo: that's what the report on him said.

Tucker: well if this new speedster can tear up a road like that, who knows what else Flash can do.

Theo: well if they're a speedster, chances are they can shoot lightning like the Sonic Streaker could.

Tucker: which makes me wonder wether we should be careful.

Theo: captain I've seen the reports, so far there has been no casualties from vermillion star attacks since the Flash showed up. I'm sure Flash is just as concerned about protecting life as the Sonic Streaker was.

Tucker: that I have no doubt about, but so far we've seen fire, ice, earth, and super speed from flash, so who knows what other powers they have.

Theo: well I'm sure they know how to control them either way sir. Besides, we've been unable to match the star for nearly 2 years, someone has to stop them.

Tucker: yeah, and right now Flash is our only chance.

Theo: you're not gonna do what you did when the sonic streaker first appeared and form a taskforce designed to capture the flash and learn who they are are you?

Tucker: I'm considering it.

Theo: Captain, remember what happened last time you did that? The taskforce caused more trouble then it was worth.

Tucker: and we still don't know who the sonic streaker was.

Theo: Captain the crystal massacre was caused by taskforce interference. If it hadn't been for them, the streaker would've been able to stop the star before they fired a single shot.

Tucker: a mistake I don't intend to make again, but I just don't feel comfortable with having to rely on someone in a mask to stop the vermillion star.

Theo: you don't trust people behind masks?

Tucker: I just don't get them, why wear a mask to conceal your identity?

Theo: sir, have you ever read a comic book? A superhero conceals their identity to protect the ones they care about, friends, family, they all can be great targets for villains to get to heroes.

Tucker: what if they have no friends or family? What then?

Theo: the secondary reason may be because they don't want to be hounded by news or police every second of every day. They deserve their privacy.

Tucker: privacy? Really Theo?

Theo: not everyone dreams of fame captain, take me for example, there have been a thousand times where I could've taken credit for solving a case that was newsworthy, but I don't, I don't want to be famous, all I want is to help crystal city be a safer place for everyone.

Tucker: eh, maybe you're right. But the fact remains that this new speedster is far more powerful then the last one, if we're not careful, they could blow this city sky high, and no one wants that.

Theo: no, but also remember that they only just appeared and what's the old saying? Don't judge a book by its cover?

Tucker: Then let's look at the contents, they tore up a road so far.

Theo: And stopped the vermillion star on several occasions. Captain, if I may be frank with you, you seem hellbent on not trusting this new hero.

Tucker: I can't help it, been betrayed one too many times to trust anyone at first, and tearing up a road doesn't help.

Theo: Captain, do you want the vermillion star destroyed? Then flash may be our only hope.

Tucker: I hope your right Theo.

Someone comes in to the lab.

Random police officer: sir, we got some applicants.

Tucker: must be Jeff's friends. I'll be right down. Is the test ready theo?

Theo: Yes Sir.

Tucker: Then let's see if these new applicants are any good.

To be continued.

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