Iron Adventures: Flashpoint 6 kicking it old school

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Jessica: My name is Jessica cosmos, and I am the fastest girl alive. My best friend and I were thrown into this world, where we learned of the vermillion star, a terrorist group threatening crystal city. Together with my friends Taylen And Jeffrey. I defend the city from the terrorists. Someday, me and taylen will find our way home, but for now, I am, the flash!

Theme intro plays

Fades to the parking lot of the new police station, Jessica, taylen, and Jeff are getting out of Jeff's car.

Taylen: so this is the new police station, a lot more impressive then our abandoned pile of rubble.

Jeff: pile of rubble turned into the base of operations/home for the flashpoint brigade.

Jessica: Yep, And thanks to What was left of the iron cruiser, is now impenetrable.

Taylen: still can't believe most everything inside remained intact. I think we may have actually had a chance of repairing her, if we had the time.

Jeff: which unfortunately we don't. Shame, would've loved to work on a ship like that.

Jessica: well that's just the way it goes. Come on, let's get our forensics on.

The trio head into the station, where they saw a man walking down the stairs, looking right at them.

Tucker: ah, I see you brought friends back with you Detective.

Jeff: captain tucker, allow me to introduce Jessica and taylen, the applicants for the forensics posts, girls, this is captain tucker, the man in charge of running the police.

Jessica and taylen shake hands with tucker.

Tucker: glad to meet you, today will determine if you two become forensics scientists, here's how it's gonna work, our chief of forensics Theo fury will issue a forensics case, one that you two will have to solve within a certain timeframe. Success increases your chances of making it. The other factor, is the interview. During what I call waiting out the equipment, I will call you into my office for an interview, answer my questions honestly and confidently, you might just make it. Understood?

Jessica and taylen: Yes sir.

Tucker: good, follow me. Detective, you're on patrol duty.

Jeff: Yes sir, good luck you two.

Jeff turns to go right back out to his car while tucker led Jessica and taylen up the stairs.

Tucker: you two should consider yourselves lucky, as you know it's the law that everyone has to find a job when they turn 16, and there are more then enough jobs that you should be working by now.

Jessica: we both were very clear on what we wanted to do, we really wanted to see if there were any forensics openings anywhere on crystola before pursuing anything else.

Tucker: well you came to the right place, Theo seems to be the only person who doesn't want to quit even after everything forensics usually sees. Thanks to the vermillion star, we've sent every disgusting thing under the sun to that lab, causing all our previous scientists save for Theo to quit.

Jessica; sounds like the vermillion star will do anything to gain control of the world.

Tucker: Yes.

Taylen: has anyone tried to stop them?

Tucker: the only ones able to go toe to toe with them are sonic streaker, whose been missing in action for a while now, and more recently the flash.

They came into a large room where they found Theo fiddling with a machine.

Tucker: Theo, the applicants are here, they're all yours.

Theo: yes captain. Hello Jessica, taylen, hows your day going?

Jessica: Good.

Taylen: nerve wreaking.

Tucker: understandable, I'll leave you to it.

Tucker leaves.

Theo: alright, so, if you two want to be forensics scientists, you need to prove your metal. Allow me to brief you on the case.

Theo directs their attention to a blank wall. He then turns off the lights and turns on a projector.

Theo: last week there was a bank robbery on the other side of town, exactly 1 million credits were stolen.

Taylen: whoo, That much huh.

Theo: Yes. Now, we've extracted several bits of evidence that you will find on the table, your job is to find out who exactly stole the money, and find out where they may be hiding.

Jessica: got it.

Taylen: we'll find the robber.

Theo: that's what we expect. Now, you have 24 hours to do it. I suggest you get started.

Taylen: on it.

Jessica and taylen start for the table.

Theo: Ah, aren't you forgetting something?

Jessica: oh right, first rule of forensics, always wear sterilized gloves.

Theo: right. You two can find a dispenser at the entrance.

Cuts to the vermillion star's headquarters. Scavitar speaking to a flunky.

Scavitar: so, Frost has made himself known to that speedster pest.

Flunky: Yes, And from our intelligence reports, her suit was damaged in the fight, severely.

Scavitar: then this could work to our advantage. Attack the city, let see if flash decides if her identity is more important then saving lives.

Flunky: Roger that.

Cuts back to the forensics department of the CCPD, Theo and taylen just sitting around.

Theo: this is what captain tucker likes to call waiting out the equipment, because forensics equipment takes AGES to process anything.

Taylen: you know, I could see if I can turbo charge the equipment. That might cut waiting time down.

Theo: I'm sure captain tucker will like that, I'm currently running an analysis on some fabric we found last week when a woman disappeared. He's expecting results by the end of the day, I'll just be learning about it myself by then.

Taylen: so what do you do in the meantime?

Theo: I usually take this time to catch up on some Vidhub series' I've been watching.

Taylen: Vidhub?

Theo: it's a video sharing site that allows creators to share content with everyone.

Taylen: oh so it's like YouTube then?

Before Theo can answer, taylen's purse starts shaking. Taylen reaches into it and pulls out her phone, which has the word alert blinking red on it.

Taylen: oh no, not now.

Theo: What is it?

Taylen: trouble, I rigged mine and Jessica's phones to alert us of trouble in the city. And Jessica doesn't know there's trouble.

Both Taylen and Theo turn to a table where Jessica's phone is also buzzing.

Taylen: Theo, how long do the interviews last?

Theo: she should be back any minute now.

Jessica walks back into the forensics lab.

Jessica: well, I don't know if he bought the fact that my mom is currently doing an ocean survey for the lost city of Atlantea. But he seemed pretty satisfied with everything else.

Theo: you brought the lost city of Atlantea into this?

Taylen: never mind That, we have vermillion star trouble.

Jessica: What?

Taylen: And last I checked with Jarvis, he hasn't finished repairing your morpher.

Theo: so she can't go out there without revealing her identity?

Taylen: not unless Jessica has a backup that she neglected to mention.

Jessica: I don't, unfortunately whoever made my morpher didn't factor in flying ice shards.

Theo: hold on, I just thought of something.

Taylen: What is it?

Theo: my old sonic streaker suit. I held onto it in case I ever got my powers back, but crystal city needs a hero now.

Theo goes over to his desk and pulls on a drawer, revealing a blue black and white suit with a similar lightning bolt to Jessica's suit on it.

Taylen: Theo. Jessica is about a full size smaller then you, how is she gonna fit into that?

Theo: it's been designed to expand or compress to the wearer's exact size.

Jessica: Thanks Theo.

Taylen: alright, lets get Jessica suited up.

Jessica suits up in Theo's super suit, when finished, the suit automatically compressed to her size.

Jessica: alright, how do I look?

Taylen: a bit retro, but stylish.

Theo: just one final piece.

Theo takes a mask and slips it over Jessica's eyes.

Theo: perfect, now you are ready for action.

Jessica: Thanks again Theo..

Taylen goes over to her purse and pulls out a small earpiece.

Taylen: take this, it'll keep you in touch with Jarvis.

Jessica takes the earpiece and puts it in her ear.

Jarvis: earpiece communicator activated, hello Jessica.

Jessica: hey Jarvis.

Jarvis: I thought you'd like to know, I am nearly finished with repairing your morpher.

Taylen: that's good to hear but we're kinda pressed for time here.

Jessica: right, it's time for the sonic flash to streak out.

Using an open window, Jessica speeds out of there, leaving theo and taylen alone.

Theo: did she just combine sonic streaker and flash together to make sonic flash?

Taylen: Yes, she did.

They both hear a voice from behind them.

Tucker: Taylen, you're up-Wait, where did Jessica go?

Theo and taylen quickly turn around to see captain tucker entering the lab.

Theo: Captain, hi, uh, Jessica is out, I sent her to get, more ziploc bags, we used up all of them.

Tucker: didn't see her leave the building.

Theo: cause I sent her right when she returned from her interview.

Tucker eyes Theo.

Tucker: ok, taylen, lets go.

Cuts to Jeffrey and a squad of policemen, shooting away at the vermillion star. And doing absolutely nothing to them.

Jeffrey: dang it, we ain't making a dent in them!

Police man: the heck are we gonna do?

As if to answer his question, vermillion star soldiers start flying off their feet thanks to fire balls and ice shards. Jeff and the cop look over the hood of a cop car to see someone skid to a halt right in front of them. Jeff's eyes widen when he sees what the newcomer is wearing

Jeff: the sonic streaker?

Jessica: not exactly detective.

Laser bolts start zipping past them. Jessica swings her arm up and a giant rock wall springs up to shield them from the blasts. Jeff realizes who it really is.

Jeff: detective Jeffrey to all units, fallback, flash has this.

Jeff's phone rings. Jeff answers it.

Jeff: go.

Theo: Jeff, it's Theo, is Jessica there yet?

Jeff: just got here.

Theo: Great, listen, you have money on you? I just told tucker that I sent Jessica to get more ziploc bags, and judging by his reaction I don't think he believed me. I'll pay you back-

Jeff: say no more pal, gotcha covered.

Jeff hangs up, just as the wall breaks and sends Jessica flying over Jeff's head. Jessica lands in front of him.

Jessica: man, the vermillion star's ruthless this time.

Jeff: you got sonic streaker's suit?!

Jessica: Theo loaned it to me.

Jeff: figures. Speaking of Theo—

Jeff pulls out a few flat gold rectangles from his pocket and holds them out to Jessica.

Jeff: as far as captain tucker is concerned, your out getting a pack of ziploc bags.

Jessica: that's what they told him?

Jeff: and by the sound of it, he didn't believe them.

Jessica: does the forensics department actually need more ziploc bags?

Jeff: I got absolutely no clue. But if we're gonna keep your double life a secret from tucker, who by the way is one of the ccpd's top detectives, we need to make whatever stories we come up with true. This should be enough for the ziploc bags.

Jessica: top detective? Then we might want to come up with better cover stories then ziploc bags.

Jessica takes the credits and puts them in her pocket.

Jessica: now, get out of here, I'll take the star.

Jeff: Good luck.

Jeff runs away as Jessica speeds back into the fight. And kicks the vermillion star's tailpipes again.

To be continued.

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