Iron Adventures: Flashpoint 7 wall street case

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Jessica: My name is Jessica cosmos, and I am the fastest girl alive. My best friend and I were thrown into this world, where we learned of the vermillion star, a terrorist group threatening crystal city. Together with my friends Taylen Theo And Jeffrey. I defend the city from the terrorists. Someday, me and taylen will find our way home, but for now, I am, the flash!

Theme intro plays

Fades into the new police station, second floor forensics lab. And the entire department, and Jeff, watching something in the wall while eating a pizza.

Screen: reports are still coming in on the supposed reappearance of famed superhero, the sonic streaker, who has been missing for 2 year. However, those reports also state seeing the hero display new powers paralleling the flash, who only recently appeared. This has led some to speculate that the two might be related in some way, or perhaps sonic streaker and flash are one and the same. But one thing is clear, the sonic streaker has returned. This is Ashlyn Ingot reporting for channel 4 news.

The projection fades as Taylen reaches to close up the projector.

Taylen: related or one and the same, those are both plausible theories.

Jeff: if only they knew that for that brief moment. The latter was true.

Theo: and until Jessica's morpher is repaired, that's the case.

Jessica: true that. Maybe, when it's done, Jarvis can add legendary mode to the morpher and have the sonic streaker as what I morph in to.

Jeff and Theo: legendary mode?

Jessica: yeah, it's a mode that allows the SIA to morph into past heroes

Taylen: and emulate the powers of said heroes.

Jeff: wow. That's really something.

Theo: yeah.

They hear the door to the lab open and turn to see tucker enter. Tucker looks surprised to see Jeff there.

Tucker: detective? What're you doing here?

Jeff: having lunch with my colleagues.

Tucker: didn't I tell you before that you can't eat near the forensics equipment?

Theo: which is why we made sure to eat as far away from them as possible, and cleared the table of any evidence that could be contaminated. We aren't stupid cap'n

Tucker shakes his head.

Tucker: still, we can't risk a crumb of food getting picked up by the wind from an open window, and have it fly into a piece of evidence and make that evidence useless.

Theo: alright, I see you're point, we'll go out for lunch next time.

Tucker: thank you. Now, I need you 4 on a case pronto.

Taylen: what's going on?

Tucker: that Wall Street missing person case from 2 weeks ago? It's cropped back up again with a new victim.

Jeff: That's the 10th time this month.

Theo: Wall Street must be Death Valley to some people.

Tucker: which is why we need to find who's responsible and stop this murder wave. I want you to go down to the crime scene and check it out.

Jeff: will do.

Tucker leaves as the four pizza eaters put down their food. In the box.

Jessica: 10th time Jeff?

Taylen: how have the police not done something by now?

Jeff and Theo look at each other in realization.

Jeff: oh that's right. You guys joined the force only 2 weeks ago. Wall Street seems to be having a murder problem.

Jessica: I got that much.

Theo: What you don't know is that every time we think the case is closed, bam, another murder.

Taylen: so this is a recurring problem, and there isn't a police officer in that street at all times?

Jeff: there's supposed to be an officer on duty but whenever someone gets assigned Wall Street, they call in sick, and everyone else has been assigned to tasks by then.

Jessica: and tucker doesn't reassign anyone?

Theo: nope.

Taylen: doesn't anyone question that?

Jeff: nope, because we're too busy following his orders.

Theo: speaking of, we better get down there.

Jeff: you guys get what you need together, I'll go drive my car around front.

The team breaks.

Cuts to a half hour later, the team pulls up to a street that had police tape cutting it off.

Theo: welcome to Wall Street.

They all get out of Jeff's car and duck under the tape to get through.

Jessica: well this place is a total dump.

Theo: Blame the murder wave. Everyone was so scared they moved away, only a few people are left.

Jeff: I'll start asking those few people, you guys do your forensics magic.

Theo: right.

Jeff whips out his notepad and pen and starts asking around while the forensics department approaches the body.

Theo: if only everyone wasn't so squeamish about being posted here, we could catch whoever's behind this and stop this for good.

Jessica: then let's get our forensics on.

An hour goes by and the team meets back up at Jeff's car to discuss their findings.

Jeff: ok, here's what I got from the few who still live here, they all heard screaming, ran outside, and saw a dead body, like the time before that, and the 8 other times before that. Seriously, this perp has super speed of something.

Theo: and is a slicker operator then most other criminals, all we could get was the weapon used. Which we've dusted for fingerprints and found nothing.

Taylen: we'll never find the perp like this, we need to do something else, something they wouldn't expect the CCPD to do.

Jessica: like what?

Taylen: A stake out.

Theo: a stake out?

Taylen: Yes, whoever's doing this must have some reason for killing only on Wall Street, I say we stake out and see what we can find that may attract them.

Jeff: there's just one problem, no place to actually stake out. It's the law that the police can't stake out in someone's home.

Taylen: all we need is an alleyway.

Jessica's eyes widen as she realizes what taylen's thinking.

Jessica: our vehicle modes. Taylen you are a genius.

Theo: your what?

Jeff: did you just say vehicle modes?

Jessica: Yes, taylen and I are both cybertronians. A race that has the ability to change form into vehicles.

Theo: so you two are some kind of, transformers?

Taylen: in a manner of speaking.

Jeff and Theo: woah.

Theo: so you just, like, how does it, like, work?

Jessica: we scan a vehicle using laser scanners built into our eyes.

Taylen: we Then, think it I guess.

Theo: then you just, move around as if you are that vehicle?

Jessica: essentially.

Jeff: woah, I guess gasoline on your home world is plentiful and free if everyone's using it.

Taylen: we don't run on gasoline.

Jessica: we run on energon, the lifeblood of our race.

Theo: wow, fascinating.

Jeff: can you two transform right now?

Jessica: I don't see why not, it'll be nice to be in my cybertonian vehicle mode one last time. After that, we need to find new modes tay.

Taylen: right. Cybertronian vehicle would only scare the population.

Jessica: right. Anyway, Flash! Transform!

Taylen: taylen, transform!

Both Taylen and Jessica transform into their vehicle modes and rev their engines, Jeff and Theo gasp

Theo: holy pepperoni that's insane!

Jeff: wow, you two look amazing in your v-modes.

Jessica and taylen both transform back into their human modes.

Taylen: Thanks, hopefully our crystolan vehicle modes are just as good looking.

Theo: if you want style and performance in your v-modes, I know just where to go.

Several hours later, after getting a stakeout approval from tucker, and making a quick stop at a motor show, the flashpoint brigade was back in Wall Street, with Jessica and taylen transformed into their new crystolan vehicle modes. Taylen a speedy crystolan motorcycle, Jessica a crystolan sports car made for racing. They reached their destination and Jeff got out of Jessica and sighed.

Jeff: I know we need to catch this guy, but do I really need to be the bait?

Taylen: relax Jeff, Jessica will have her headlights trained on you at all times, and Theo and I will be on constant look out for them.

Jeff: still, I don't feel comfortable just being a sitting duck out there without a pistol to defense.

Jessica: you are playing the average crystolan citizen taking a walk. Does the average citizen have a pistol?

Jeff: no.

Jessica: then stop whining, we'll make sure you come out of this alive.

Jeff: still, I'd feel a lot better with a pistol on hand.

Taylen: you'll be fine, I promise.

Jeff: alright, I put my health in your capable hands.

Theo: now, Jessica, you got the sonic streaker suit right?

Jessica: sitting on my driver's seat, ready for me to throw on and save the day.

Taylen: Good, now, lets get into position

Theo and taylen drive into one alleyway while Jessica drives into the next one forward. Theo gets off Taylen and unstraps his backpack, which contains an audio and video recorder.

Theo: if someone does show up, even if they get away, we'll still have proper grounds to arrest them.

Taylen: so you actually think they'll get away from us? Not only do we have the whole place under surveillance, but we also have the fastest girl alive. They won't get away.

Taylen hears Jessica's voice through her com system.

Jessica: I'm in position tay, we're ready.

Taylen: excellent.

Taylen switches channels to Jeff's walkie talkie.

Taylen: Jeff, your on.

Jeff: ok, here we go.

Jeff begins slowly walking through Wall Street, and talking loudly, seemingly to himself.

Jeff: man it sure is a nice night for a lonely defenseless walk through Wall Street, I sure do hope no crazy serial killer comes along to prematurely send me to heaven.

Unknown voice: well well well, look what the cat dragged in.

Jeff turns around to see a female dressed in a full black catsuit. With a belt full of gadgets and a headband with ears on it. Jeff recognizes her.

Jeff: catgirl!

Theo's eyes widen.

Theo: that explains why we couldn't get anything besides the weapon!

Taylen: you know that one?

Theo: catgirl, a criminal that's obsessed with cats, she will commit any crime she wants.

Back to Jeff and catgirl.

Catgirl: well well well. Detective, how nice to see you again.

Jeff: so you are responsible for wall street's death spike in the last month.

Catgirl: oh come on detective, I'm just claiming my territory. My cats need someplace to play, and this Street is puuuurrrrrrfect.

Jeff: at the expense of the innocent living in this area. You know the CCPD can't let this slide.

Catgirl: is that why they sent you? To stop me? Oh come on detective, do you honestly think you can stop me all by yourself?

Jeff: which is why I brought a few friends.

Catgirl hears engines and turns to see a skidding to a halt on a motorcycle.

Catgirl: very clever detective, but all this will just amount to someone witnessing your death. And spreading fear, and fear, can be a powerful tool.

Catgirl whips around and throws a knife at Jeff. Mere seconds before it impales him, a red streak zips him out of the way and both him and The red streak stop in from the the man on the motorcycle. Catgirl's eyes widen.

Catgirl: Ah, you even brought the flash into this little game. I've been wanting to introduce myself to her for ages.

Jessica: well, you certainly took a murderous approach. But don't worry, we'll have about, ten seconds to get acquainted before you're locked up.

Catgirl: Sorry newbie, sonic streaker couldn't do it, and I seriously doubt you can. Since it's obvious the jig is up, buh bye.

Catgirl suddenly throws a smoke bomb that blows a thick cloud at the group, the smoke clears and they see that catgirl is nowhere to be found.

Jeff: Grah, she got away.

Theo: at least we know who was behind this.

Taylen: Yes, But, who in the name of Primus was that girl?

Back at the old police station.

Theo: catgirl, a former common jewel thief turned supervillain. Sonic streaker squared off with her often, but could never capture her.

Jeff: another thing about her is that she considers herself an anti-hero. Meaning when it suits her, she has been known to help catch bad guys.

Jessica: seriously?

Taylen: that could explain why she didn't just skip the chitchat and attack, Jeff, what's your history with her.

Jeff: for some reason I've been her target for flirting since she first laid eyes on me.

Taylen lifts an eyebrow at Jeff.

Jeff: rest assured she's got nothing on you tay. You have nothing to worry about.

Taylen: we'll see. I saw the way you looked at her.

Jeff: it was disbelief, I assure you.

Jessica: alright, lets get back to the profile. What's she capable of?

Theo: smoke grenades, claws, a whip, and an amazing control of cats, also she has incredible speed.

Jessica: I was gonna say, you should've been able to catch her Theo.

Theo: don't underestimate her Jessica, she may seem average, but she can be your most dangerous opponent.

To be continued.

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