Iron Adventures: Rise Of the Lantern Corps 10

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Creepox entered the bridge of the ark. "Lord Galvamax, we have the power source needed to get this ship lit up." "Finally, and what of the other components?" "We have the locations of the primary and secondary control circuit boards, and fuel, and since we have the forces, I recommend we go after each of them simultaneously." "And we didn't think of that before, why?" "We did not have the locations of everything at the time." "Well then, I guess there's only one thing left to say, organize the teams, and GET THOSE COMPONENTS!"

At horseheads high school, it had become common knowledge the high school was officially a bully free zone. Before that it was common knowledge that zach and bulk and skull were sworn enemies, so when zach and his friends and bulk and skull were seen eating lunch at the same table, people thought there was some sort of magical force changing the status quo. So when the group sat at the same lunch table together for the 10th time in a row, people started whispering things like. "What the heck?" "Last week they were sworn enemies." "What's going on here?" Over to the lantern corps table. "So zach? What if Galvamax gets his claws on the components to get the ark up and running?" "Well bulk, mick says that he'll likely immediately launch the ark, and horseheads will be destroyed in the process. If we can't stop him from getting those parts, then we go to plan b, evacuate the citizens of horsheads with the help of the military." "How's the military going to know?" "We're counting on their already knowing who the power rangers are so they believe the reason for our contacting them." "And what about the ark itself?" "We'll need to find someway of blowing it out of the sky before Galvamax can reach another city." Right then, all the lantern corps alert watches chimed, alerting the group to trouble. "Galvamax." "He's at it again." "Lets go guys."

In the underground base, the students entered the base using the secret entrances while Levi entered through the exit door. "Got the signal mick." "What's Galvamax planning this time?" "Nothing good, Galvamax launched two attacks. One at the horseheads fuel factory, the other at the control circuitboard factory." "And since he has the ark, guess why he needs those components." "There's more. I managed to get a fix on the ark's condition, and the previously mentioned components are the final pieces he needs." "Then we can't afford let Galvamax have either component." "We just need to stop one attack to stop Galvamax, but to stop both would be better." "We have to divide into two teams to counter both attacks, Levi, justin, Brian, you three go with bulk to secure the fuel, the rest of us will go after the control circuits." Bulk and skull went to the armory and grabbed their blasters. "Lets rock and roll."

At the horseheads power plant, the guards were being overwhelmed by the power of the kudobots. A deputy ran up to his commanding officer. "Sir, our weapons have no effect on them, nothing we do is working." "We have to hold out, we can't let them reach the fuel." Behind the kudobots, Levi, justin, Brian and bulk raced around the corner. "Bulk, now would be a good time to open up on these core heads." "With pleasure Levi." Bull stopped in his tracks and fired his blaster at the kudobots, downing several of them much to the police force's surprise. "Where'd they get that tech?" "Everyone, fall back into the fuel plant, something tells me these terrorists will be dealt with." "Good, we can try to stop the monster that currently is in the plant." The police force retreated into the plant while the kudobots were going down like dominos. "The lead monster must already be in the plant." "Bulk, can you handle the rest of these kudoheads?" "Roger that, go after that monster rangers." "Alright, Brian, justin, lets go!" The three rangers began running towards the plant. "Power rings, lock in! Activate, let it light!" They morphed while running and ran into the plant.

Over at the control circuitboard factory, it was the same situation, the monster had already penetrated the factory and the kudobots stood guard. Zach, Ashley, Molly, and skull ran onto the scene. "Skull, deal with those kudobots will you?" "On it zach." "Alright, Ashley, Molly, lets ranger up!" "Power rings, lock in! Activate, let it light!" They morphed into ranger mode as they rushed into the factory.

In the bridge of the ark, galvamax was stunned to see what the lantern corps was up to. "Do those brats ever quit!" "Apparently not." "Well, if those rangers want to mess with me, then they're biting off more then they can chew, gigantify to the second degree!" That meant that 2 monsters grew, catching the rangers by surprise. "What the?!" "Galvamax can grow two monsters?" "Bulk, skull, guard the factories." "On it." "Everyone else, let's call in our entire fleet!" "Zord coins, lock in! Lantern zords, out of the darkness!" One by one, all Seven lantern corps zords sprang out of hiding and rushed the two monsters. "Astro lantern corps megazord!" "Bison king megazord!" "Combine!" The two megazords combined. "Astro lantern corps megazord!" "Bison king megazord!" "Ready!" Both megazords engaged both monsters, much to galvamax's delight. "Perfect, now those components can be secured." "But sir, those rangers have people guarding the locations." "Then it's time to send the stealthdobots." "The soldiers equipped with advanced cloaking technology, well played sir."

In the underground base, mick heard a strange noise coming from the lantern power prism. He looked into it and it showed him a vision, a vision of a dark green mighty mammoth. "A mighty mammoth? What's the prism trying to say?" Mick turned to the monitor which showed the mega battle.

In the city, the two megazords were getting outmatched by the two monsters. "Gah, these monsters are stronger aren't they?!" "We haven't destroyed them yet, of course they're stronger!" "We need to try something!" Mick got on the team's coms. "Don't worry guys, the lantern power prism has activated a new zord coin, this one is for the rumble tusk lantern zord, with its power, you'd be able to defeat those monsters." "That might be just what we need, let's try it!" "Sending it to you now." A dark green power coin beamed into zach's hand. "Alright, lets see what the rumble tusk zord is all about. Zord coin, lock in! Lantern rumble tusk Zord, out of the darkness!" From in a mountain, the rock started to crack, inside the rock was a massive mammoth, with a long trunk, and tusks equally long. It let out a deep roar as it started galloping towards the battle, smashing into the pair of monsters upon arrival. "Gah, hey? I thought mammoths were extinct!" The rangers became excited. "Well guess you didn't get the memo, the mammoths are back in town, lets see if we can combine these puppies, Astro Zord, detach!" The astro Zord detached from the lantern corps megazord. "Rumble tusk lantern corps megazord, combine!" The rumble tusk Zord split into several parts as they attached to the lantern corps megazord. "Rumble tusk lantern corps megazord, ready!" Brian, justin, Molly and Ashley were beamed into the new cockpit. "Whoa, this combo sounds like it can pack a punch." "Let's do it!" With the Astro Zord acting as air support, the two megazords charged at the two monsters.

Back at the two plants, galvamax's plan b began, both bulk and skull heard screaming around the corner of their posts. Acting on new instincts, they both ran towards the screaming away from the entrances to the factory, they both turned the corner and saw some kudobots terrorizing civilians. While they dealt with the kudobots, they left the factory ripe for the stealthdobots to infiltrate the facilities and steal the parts they need.

Back in the air. "Lets finish these boneheads!" "Rumble tusk axes, charge up!" "Astro blaster, charge up!" "Bison king chest cannon, charge up!" The two megazords charged up their weapons as the Astro Zord charged up its main cannon. "Bison king cannon, final, attack!" "Astro blaster, final attack!" "Rumble tusk axes, final attack!" The two monsters didn't stand a chance against the sheer power of the triple attack, they were vaporized instantly. "Yes!" "That was insane!" "Lantern rangers, that's a bright win!"

In the ark. "Ha ha ha, finally! I have everything I need to fix up this rust bucket and take the power rings by sheer force!" "Sir, repair teams report that even with all the help we have, it's gonna take a month to repair this rust bucket." "It will be so worth  the wait, and in the mean time, patch through to those rangers!"

Back in the base. "Well, we did it." High fives wen around. "Lets see galvamax try to repair the ark now." The monitor blipped on to reveal galvamax, much to everyone's surprise. "Galvamax!" "Ha ha ha, greeting rangers, I just want to inform you, that I have everything I need to repair the ark, and will be annihilating you in a month! Chow chumps!" The screen blipped off, leaving everyone in the room absolutely shocked. "We, failed." "Bulk, skull, what happened?" "They must've gotten past us using cloaking technology." "What do we do now?" "We go to our contingency plan, getting everyone evacuated as soon as possible." "Right, we need to get in touch with the military." "I'm on it, and rangers, I recommend you start a rumor about galvamax's plan so that the people of horseheads can start preparing to evacuate." "On it mick, and, mick, what do we do about getting the prism to safety?" "I'm working on something that will solve that problem." "Alright, everyone, let's get to work."

The rangers' worst fears have come to pass, galvamax has the parts he needs to repair the ark. What will become of horseheads, find out, as the Adventure continues.

To be continued.

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