Iron Adventures: Rise Of the Lantern Corps 9

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Galvamax stormed into the war room of the ark. Immediately catching the attention of Creepox. "Sir, I know where we can get the power source we need." "Where is it." "In the Arizonan desert, also known as shipwreck valley." "One of the super iron avengers' most memorable battlefields, we're sure to find a power source there." "Which monster will be on distraction duty today then?" "Getting those power rings is still a high priority Creepox, hm."

In the morning, students of horseheads high school started pouring into its halls, headed to their first period class, but for zach, that meant sitting in a classroom with bulk and skull, who still hadn't gotten their revenge on him. Which they planned to do that morning. "Hey gazelion!" Bulk and skull stopped zach in his tracks. "You may have escaped our wrath in the past, but this time you're gonna get it." "Oh bulk, simple, naive bulk, when are you going to learn, every time you corner me, I'll just slip right through your fingers." Bulk grabbed zach by the shirt and started pushing him towards a locker, the same locker zach used to get into the lantern corps base. "Bulk, violence doesn't solve anything." "Shut it gazelion, have fun in a locker." Bulk opened the locker and bulk and skull pushed zach in, upon doing so the back of the locker swung open and zach was in his way down to the lantern base, in front of bulk and skull. "What the heck?!"

In the base, zach landed on his back on the floor of the base. "Yep, that's not violently dangerous or anything." Before he could get on his feet, bulk and skull suddenly landed right on top of him. "So, not fast learners are we?" "Shut up gazelion." The trio got to their feet." "Where are we?" "It's, some kind of, secret base or something." Zach had to get them out before the rangers' identities were discovered. "Guys, I don't think we're supposed to be down here, maybe we should get out?" Before anyone made a move, mick came in. "Alright, got zach's lantern blaster all fine tuned, now to check the monitor for any activity." He looked up and realized there was a major problem. "Hey! How'd you two get in here?" Both bulk and skull pointed straight at zach. "Zach? What's going on here?" "Well mick, these two stuffed me into a secret entrance locker, it opened up, and here we are now." "Alright, time to do some memory erasing." Mick went for the memory eraser, causing bulk and skull to panic. "Hold on a minute! What the heck is going on?" "Yeah!" Zach and mick looked at each other. "Alright fine, the truth is, zach and 8 other people are actually the lantern corps power rangers, and this is the lantern corps base." "Seriously?" "Zach is a ranger?!" "Yep, and now that you know, it's memory erasing time." Mick pointed the memory eraser straight at the two. "Wait!" "Please!" "Don't erase our memories!" "We can keep a secret." "Sorry pals, too risky." Right when mick was about to pull the trigger, the alarm sounded. "Bulk and skull, you are two lucky ducks, you get to keep your memories for a little bit longer." Zach raced out the door, leaving mick with bulk and skull. "Alright you two, I need your mothers' emails, now." "Why?" "So that you don't get into trouble at school for skipping class." "How?" "It's called fake emailing."

In the city, a monster was scorching the entire area with fire. "These humans don't deserve to have these buildings here! They should all burn!" More fire was spat out, right when the rangers raced onto the scene. "Whoa, is that a dragon?!" "It sure looks like it, let's snuff it's flame!" The Rangers charged, catching the attention of the monster. "Ggrrr, Rangers, nuisances, kudobbots, destroy them!" Several kudobots charged at the team, who quickly dispatched them while unmorphed.

At the base, bulk and skill were watching the entire thing on the monitor. "So your telling us that zach and the rest of the rangers actually fight those things on a regular basis?" "Yep, and trust me when I say, with the fate of this entire planet weighing on their shoulders, they don't want to have to worry about simple bullies like yourselves." All of a sudden, a small ding sounded on mick's computer. "What? Galvamax's forces in shipwreck valley?" "In Arizona? What would they want there?" "I don't know, but this should be checked out." Mick went to the back and grabbed his gear. "You two, stay here and don't touch anything, don't leave this room." Mick turned to prism as it began to charge up it's teleportation feature. "Wait, mick, let us come with you." "Sorry, you'll only get in the way." "But we want to help." "And besides, you never know when you might need the back up." Silence for a few seconds. "Sigh, alright fine, come on you two." Bulk and skull ran up next to mick and the prism beamed them to shipwreck valley in Arizona.

Back in the city, the fire breathing monster was the only one left. "Gr, you may have defeated my soldiers, but prepare to get utterly incinerated!" The monster fired his fire at the team. "Let's ranger up!" "Power rings, lock in! Activate, let it light!" Just as the blast impacted, the burst of energy from the morph shielded them from any shockwaves. "Lantern rangers, fear no danger!" "Let's put the flames out on this creep!" The rangers attacked.

In Arizona, in what is known as shipwreck valley, among the dozens of ships that crashed down because of the super iron avengers, Creepox led a salvage team to find and retrieve a central reactor core, the power source for each crashed ship. "Fan out and find a power source, there should be dozens of them here." Nearby, behind a pile of rubble, mick, bulk and skull  hid out of sight, watching, listening. "What are those cone heads up to all the way out here?" "Whatever it is bulk, it can't be good, skull, hand me the spynoculars." Skull reached into mick's pack and grabbed a pair of binoculars that had listening and recording capabilities, perfect for spying on anyone. "Here you go." Mick took the spynoculars from skull and aimed them toward Creepox and his team. "Alright Galvamax, let's just see what you're up to." Mick activated the spynoculars and Creepox was spilling the beans. "Keep searching, the ark needs that power source in order to launch, leave no piece of metal unturned!" Mick set down the spynoculars, with a shock on his face. "Galvamax you conniving maniac." "What?" "The head monster that attacks horseheads on a regular basis is looking to launch the most powerful warship in this galaxy." Bulk and skull's confusion was visible on their faces. "The ship's name was the ark, a warship designed a thousand years ago by Galvamax's ancestors, it was intended to search for new life and civilizations, but an asteroid hit the ark and sent it crashing down on this planet, right under where horseheads stands now." "And how is an exploration ship the most powerful ship in the galaxy?" "I'll explain later, but right now, what do you two know about fighting?" "Not enough to defeat those monsters." "Scrud, alright Galvamax, you win this round, but we are now on to you." Mick bulk and skull teleported back to the lantern corps base.

Back in the city. The Rangers prepared their final blast. "Blade blasters, combine!" "Lantern saber, blaster mode!" All 6 rangers aimed at the dragon monster. "Blade blaster, final, attack!" Six brightly colored lasers raced towards the dragon monster, utterly decimating him upon impact. In the ark. "Gr, those rangers are about to be squashed to pancakes, gigantify!" The dragon monster gigantified. "Looks like its time for round two, let's call them in!" "Zord coins, lock in! Lantern zords, out of the darkness!" All 7 lantern zords appeared from hiding to attack the dragon monster. "Astro lantern corps megazord." "Bison king megazord." "Combine!" The Astro lantern corps and bison king megazords activated. "Astro lantern corps megazord." "Bison king megazord." "Ready!" The two megazords attacked. The dragon monster charged back. "I will have those rings even if I get destroyed trying." "Yeah, good luck with that, let's finish this!" "Astro blaster, charge up!" "Bison king chest cannon, charge up!" The two megazords charged up their weapons. "Bison king cannon, final, attack!" "Astro blaster, final attack!" The cannon and Astro blaster fired, completely annihilating the dragon monster. "I can't take the heat!" "Woohoo!" "That will never get old!" "Lantern rangers, that's a bright win!"

In the ark. "You got the power source, nice work." "Our distractions are fooling the Rangers, but what if they get a clue?" "By then, it'll be too late."

Back at the base. "Bulk? Skull?! What the frax are you two doing down here?!" The other rangers had found out about bulk and skull. "Their bullying attitude accidentally led them right down here, but the memory eraser should erase all this from their minds." The memory eraser was once again aimed at the pair. "Wait! Before you erase our minds, the monster you fought today was only a distraction." Zach lowered the eraser. "What are you talking about." Mick answered. "Bulk skull and I picked up a disturbance in shipwreck valley. We went to investigate, and we found out that Galvamax has discovered the ark." "The ark?" "The ark is a ship a thousand years old, it was launched from the planet of Andrasia by Galvamax's ancestors, becoming the first interstellar capable vessel in the Milky Way galaxy. Unfortunately for the ark, an asteroid downed the ship and it crashed here, on earth, right where they built Horseheads." "How does a giant exploration spaceship crash down here and no one notices?" "The ark is able to shield itself from any kind of sensors." "Mick how do you know so much about the ark?" "Because there are only certain people who have discovered it's existence. And after a ton of research, I pieced together the legend." "What would Galvamax want with a crashed ship?" Bulk answered. "He plans to fix it, and will likely send monsters to distract you from his salvage team." "Wait a minute, if Galvamax launches that ship." "Horseheads will be destroyed in the process!" "We must prevent that from happening." "Unfortunately, we don't know how Galvamax gained access to the ark, so we just have to stop him from obtaining what he needs to repair the ark." "But we can't split up because some monsters require our full might to defeat." Bulk and skull stepped forward. "We can deal with the salvage team, where we lack in fighting prowess, we more then make up for in blaster knowledge." All eyes stared at bulk and skull. "Are you two actually willing to risk your lives for the safety of this planet?" "Ok, we know how unbelievable that is considering earlier today, but it's our planet too, and we can change." The Rangers looked at each other. "Well, someone's got to do it, so, bulk, skull, congratulations, you're now the lantern corps special ops unit." Mick produced two watches. "Normally these correspond to lantern corps power rings, but I've modified these to work without the rings, if we have a salvage team on radar, These will alert you, and you'll receive the details when you get down here to get your gear." Bull and skull took the watches. "Thank you, we promise we won't let you down." "Let's hope not."

And the two bullies became the two backups for the ranger team, how will this arrangement work? Find out, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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