Iron Adventures: Prison Busters 11

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Arcanon is out of the picture, so the super iron avengers plan to take the prison back for good.

    Jeremy and Casey flew towards the RRR prison in vehicle form, they were packing serious firepower for the mission, right below them, Craig was in his car form, blasting away any secret traps that came up on his advanced scanners

    Flashback an hour
"Alright, Arcanon is in containment, so the time for our attack has come." "We need a distraction for the prison defense weaponry." "Jeremy and I can handle that in our vehicle forms." "We're also going to need someone to scout for traps along the ground route." "I can handle that in my car form."

    Jeremy and Casey sped towards the prison, indeed catching the attention of the defense weapons. "We have their attention, let'em have it Casey." They both started firing at the defense blasters, taking them out one by one. Meanwhile, Craig had finished off the last of the traps and parked himself in front of the door, where Marshall got out the size of an ant.

    Once the defense cannons are distracted, and the land traps are finished, Marshall, you use your shrinking ability to go through the ventilation system to get to the wardens office." "From there, you should be able to deactivate the lockdown system, allowing the rest of us to move in." "You can count on me."

    Marshall ran and hopped through the vents, searching for the wardens office, he finally found it, and it was empty. "Looks like it's empty, great." Marshall jumped down and grew back to normal size. Into his comlink. "Guys, I'm in." "Great Marshall, can you deactivate the lockdown system?" Marshall went over to a control console, and started tapping at it, until he came to a security block. "Not without the security access code." "Roger that, padme, marshall needs the security access code to deactivate the lockdown system." "Roger that, marshall, put in security code 4314565, that'll deactivate the lockdown system, and while you're at it, see if any prisoners have left the prison that we haven't already recaptured." "On it, the lockdown is now down, you guys are cleared to enter." "Great marshall, now go start dealing with the prisoners and we'll come help." He and Casey headed to the ground to land. They transformed and met up with the rest of the team. "Alright, whose ready for some prison busting?" "I would very much like to repay those criminals for all they've done the past few weeks." "Then lets go." Marshall came on com. "Guys, the record shows that there's one prisoner that we haven't yet encountered, and he left, refusing Arcanons command." "Who?" Before marshall could answer, a dark skull faced figure answered for him. "That would be me, deker, the greatest swordsman in history, and I challenge you super iron America, to a one on one battle!"

Deker has made his presence known to the super iron avengers, minus one, who's in the prison at the moment, how will Jeremy respond? Find out, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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