Iron Adventures: Prison Busters 10

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Arcanon has grown to mega level, and the pods are closing in on their crash point, giving the super iron avengers little breathing room.

    "For years, I've been locked away in a cell, today, I will accomplish the destruction of the elemental trio!" He raised his megablaster. It's targeting computer locked on the three pods. "It's zord time!" They tried to activate what zords they had, but nothing happened. "The effects of time travel must be scrambling our ability to access our zords." "What about the dinozords, those were around during this time." "Too risky, that could change the course of history." "Then how do we stop Arcanon?!" "We'll just have to make do with what we have, and pray that it's enough." "Then let's do it." However, before they could do it. A group of large metallic animals stormed in and started wrecking Arcanon, who had to miss his target. "What, where the heck did you blundering animals come from?!" The super iron avengers were wondering the same thing. "Giant metallic animals on earth, now that's just nuts." "Yes, but I'm intrigued as to where they came from." "How they knew to come to our aid." "And how they've remained hidden until now." Arcanon tried to fire and destroy them, but the newcomers were completely outmatching him. "You incompetent animals are a nuisance, and you will perish!" He sent out a burst of energy that knocked the animals back. Casey looked up into the sky and saw the three pods entering earths atmosphere. "We'd better hurry, the pods are coming down." Jeremy scanned one of the animals and did a bio check. "So that's what they are, they are actually zords!" "Seriously?" "Yes, and according to this, they will serve and protect anyone they deem worthy, and their allies." "So I guess we are worthy." "Yep." All of a sudden, 16 small keys flew to the team. The animals roared to them. "I think they want us to help, and I think I know how." "By combining them?" "Worth a shot, wild zords, activate!" Jeremy turned the key in his spirit ironizer, and the red lion rose to full power. The others followed, as all the others rose to full power. "Alright everyone, let's do it." They each jumped into a different animal zord. "Alright everyone, let's see what these animals can do, zords combine!" With 16 zords, they were able to form four megaazords. "Wild iron megazord, ready!" "Iron predazord, ready!" "Isis megazord, ready!" "Iron kongazord, ready!" "Iron super drive saber, activate!" The super drive saver materialized. "Iron super drive, activate!" Their armor bulked up. "Battle mode, engage!" "Alright guys, let's end this." Arcanon wasn't impressed. "So you've figured out a way around time travel effects, you'll all still perish!" "If I had a nickel for every time I heard that line, iron super drive saber, power up!" The super drive saber powered up. "Savage quadro containment slash!" The four megazords struck Arcanon with their swords, the strike shrank him and finally put him into a containment card. "Curse you super iron avengers! Mark my words, when I get out of here, you'll be sorry you ever met me!" The team disembarked from the wild zords. "Too late Arcanon, we are already sorry." In the distance, the three pods safely landed in the field.

    While the wild zords went back to wherever they came from, the twelve super iron avengers headed back through the portal and back to the present, where they were greeted by their friends.  "Guys, thank goodness." "Where's Arcanon?" "Right where he belongs, inside a containment card." "Great, now we can focus on getting the prison back under our control." "Then let's get back to base and start planning."

Arcanon is finally back on a cell, a containment card cell. Now with Arcanon out of the way, taking the prison should be easy right? Find out, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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