Iron Adventures: Prison Busters 9

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Time is in trouble, as arcanon prepares to travel back in time.

    In front of arcanon, there was an arch, an arch capable of traveling through time and space. "Ha ha ha, at long last, I will accomplish the very thing I was thrown in jail for attempting." "Time traveling?" "No you incompetent idiot, the ultimate destruction, of the last three elemental beings in the universe, those three super iron brats." "And if you destroy them in the past, the super iron avengers will never be born." "Exactly, and this planet, as well as the rest of the universe, will belong to evil!" "Shall I activate the time portal?" "Activate the portal, and keep it open, we are traveling into the night." "Copy that." The portal was activated, arcanon, and a crapload of Batlings, walked through, just as the super iron avengers suddenly bridged in. "The super iron avengers?!" "In the name of the law, you are all under arrest, again." "Your too late, arcanon is already through, this is the end of the super iron avengers!" "Not if we have anything to say about it." In a few quick zaps, every criminal in the room were inserted into datacards. "Now the scary part." "Hold on, what's to stop any other criminals in this joint from destroying the time machine? Some off us should stay behind to prevent any damage." "Good idea, Padme, can you dan tourgdawg Allie farkle and Ivan handle this?" "For the fate of time itself, you can count on us." "Everyone else, lets go."

    A blue circle of light lit up the night as the twelve super iron avengers charged out. "According to the historical data banks of both earth and the far galaxy cross referenced against each other, we're 30 minutes away from the pods crash landing in this area." "That doesn't give us a lot of time." "Your darn right it doesn't." All 12 of them turned around to see arcanon. "I'll say, you super iron avengers go to impressive lengths, but my batlings are already in route to the pods, and you will be no more." "Like that's going to stop us, micheal, suit up and take flight, Casey, lets transform and fly up, everyone else, take care of arcanon." Michael suited up in super iron mode and launched into the air, while Jeremy and Casey transformed into their vehicle modes, much too arcanon's surprise. "What?!?!?!" The remaining super iron avengers charged, morphing into samurai mode in the process. "Your going down arcanon!" Arcanon turned his attention to them. "Just try it!"

    Jeremy Casey and Michael soared into space, where they spotted the batlings, and the three pods. "There they are, and there are the pods." "We can't let those batlings lay even a single wing on them." "Then let's blast them." "Not until we are ahead of them, so we don't have to worry about hitting the pods." They accelerated faster, passing the surprised batlings. They cut engines and rotated to face the batlings. "Surprise bats!" They unleashed upon the batlings, taking out all of them with ease. "Mission accomplished from this end." A few seconds later, the three pods passed over them and continued on their journey.

    Back on the ground, arcanon was holding his ground against 9 super iron avengers, even when they tried to unleash their full animal spirits on him. They all heard explosions above them and looked up. At first, arcanon thought that it was the pods. "Ha ha ha, you've failed super iron avengers, you've lost, evil triumphs, and you no longer exist!" Only then did he realize that nothing changed. "What, you should've faded away by now." From the sky, several rounds of ammunition hit arcanon square on the chest. Jeremy Casey transformed and all three of them landed. "Guess what arcanon, history will proceed as planned, and you are under arrest." "You think I don't have a plan b?" He pressed a button on his wrist and enlarged into mega form.

Of course arcanon has to make saving the future even more difficult. Will the super iron avengers succed? Find out, as the fate of time is about to be decided.

To be continued.

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