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As soon as Johnny and Julianna walked out of their house, Miguel was waiting for them. "Hey, Sensei, Jules, my mom says that I can't train with you guys anymore, but I had this idea that maybe of we went to the dojo before-" "You don't get it kid. There is no dojo. I'm closing it up. It's over." Johnny said, making Julianna's eyes go wide. "Wh- What? Dad-" "Jules, get in the car." Was all Johnny replied with, walking away from the two kids and to his car.

Julianna looked to Miguel sadly. "Sorry. I'll see you at school." With that, Julianna headed off to her fathers car. "What the hell dad!" Johnny rolled his eyes as he started driving out of the complex and heading towards the school.

"Jules, pleas-" "Why can't you keep the dojo?" Julianna screamed. "We are respecting Miguel's mother's wishes. If Miguel can't go to karate lessons, there's no point in keeping a dojo if my only student lives with me."

"But what about Le-" "Lexi lives here most of the time as much as it annoys me. So if she wants karate lessons so bad, she can just come over." Johnny said, already knowing what Julianna was going to say.

"But-" "For crying out loud, Julianna! No more buts! I'm already stuck with Robby ditching, I don't need you fighting me on this." Johnny mumbled, confusing Julianna. "Robby? What are you talking about?"

Johnny sighed, keeping his eyes on the road. "His school called... he hasn't been to school in a month." Julianna gawked at his words. "A month!?"

"Oh look! We're here!" Johnny sarcastically cheered as he pulled up to the school. Julianna rolled her eyes, mumbling a goodbye before getting out of the car. As she walked closer to the entrance of the school, she realized Eli was waiting at the doors.

"Oh, hey Eli." Julianna smiled as Eli gave her a little wave and once she was passing him, they walked together. "Is everything okay?"

Eli turned to Julianna in confusion. "Yeah. Everything's fine. Wh- why wouldn't everything be fine?" Julianna looked down at her shoes, a laugh escaping her lips as she shook her head. "No. No. It's just... Lexi's always the one that waits for me outside."

"Well, Lexi had to go to history early. I thought at least someone should wait for you." Eli mumbled, fiddling with his fingers. Julianna smiled, finally looking up. "Thank you. That was really sweet of you. And thank you for dancing with me. You didn't have to-" "No! No. I... I wanted to." Eli practically yelled, turning to her and they both grew silent.

Julianna stared at him for a few seconds, smiling bigger and bigger from trying to hold in her laugh before letting it out. "Can you please not laugh?" Eli quietly asked, trying to hold back his laughter as well. "I mean... I'm glad you had fun but you didn't have to scream at me." Julianna said in between laughs as they walked down the halls, both of them a blushing, laughing mess.


"So that's it? No more karate?" Demetri asked.

It was now their free period and the group was spending it in the library studying. Julianna and Lexi sat beside each other, Miguel and Demetri across from them while Eli sat at the head of the table between Miguel and Julianna.

"I guess so." Miguel said and Demetri turned to Julianna, wanting to confirm or deny the rumor, when she nodded her head, he sighed. "It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence."

"Demetri..." Julianna warned, looking up from her book but he ignored her, keeping his eyes on Miguel. "Isn't that a good thing?" "No." Demetri answered as Lexi rolled her eyes. "Here we go..."

"What has confidence ever gotten anybody except for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash?" Lexi's mood dampened at his words. "They did it again?" She asked, referring to his backpack and he weakly nodded his head.

"Well, I thought it was kinda cool how you stood up to Kyler." Eli announced, making a big smile grow on Julianna's face. "There you go, Eli!"

"No! Are you insane? Let me ask you guys... What is the best superpower anyone could have?"

"Super strength." "Teleportation." Miguel and Julianna said at the same time. "No and Kinda. Invisibility. A distant second could be teleportation to get away fast."

"Get away from who?" A voice spoke up from between Eli and Julianna, making the group jump. It was Kyler and Brucks.

"Whom." Brucks said, making everyone turn to him. "It's the object of a preposition. Remember in English class-" "We were just leaving." Miguel said as everyone began to scramble from their seats but Kyler got Eli.

"Hey, where you going? Oh, look at this freak." Kyler said, lifting Eli's head up to look at his scar. Lexi held Julianna back by her arms, knowing she was ready to attack those guys.

Brucks starts fake gagging as Kyler laughs. "What kind of girl would ever kiss this shit?"

"Leave him alone, Kyler." Julianna groaned. Kyler looked to Juliana from behind Eli's shoulder. "Oh, I'm sorry, Jenna. Did you want to kiss to freak?" Kyler asked, letting go of Eli's chin, pushing him back towards her like he had to her the night in the parking lot.

Julianna's mind was racing a mile a minute, before she knew it, her hand grabbed Eli's arm, tugging him to face her. She quickly cupped his cheek with one hand before bringing her lips to meet his in a short kiss. Eli had no time to react to it before her lips were gone.

When she pulled away, she felt butterflies on her stomach as she grew dizzy. She looked down right away, scared to meet Eli's eye as Kyler and Brucks were laughing. "Wow, I stand corrected. You nerds deserve each other." Kyler said, bumping his shoulder with Julianna's as he walked passed her to get to Miguel. "That worked out better in my head." Julianna muttered as Kyler pushed Miguel out of the library, Julianna going right after him in embarrassment.

Eli went after the two as Lexi and Demetri slowly walked out. Before they could make it out of the room, Kyler grabbed Demetri's backpack. "Hey, you don't want this shit."

"No, Come on..." Lexi groaned, walking up to the boys but Demetri pushed her back behind him as Kyler threw his backpack in the trash. "I just threw a yogurt in there..." Demetri mumbled, making the boys laugh again. "Now it's double dip."

Demetri reached his hand into the trash, pulling his backpack out. Lexi huffed at all the yogurt on it and wrapped her arm around his shoulder even though she was relatively shorter than him. "Come on. I'll help you clean it again."


Eli ran after Julianna when she escaped the library. His mind was racing as he thought about what happened. Julianna kissed him. He could still feel her lips on his as if they were actually still there, some of her vanilla chapstick still painted on his lips that made his stomach do flips.

He skidded to a stop when he lost sight of the blonde. He whipped his head around until he saw her running up the stairs. Eli quickly squished through the crowd of kids and going up the stairs after her. When he turned the corner in the hallway, he found her at her locker, her head embarrassingly inside of it.

Eli smiled at her, taking slow steps towards the embarrassed girl. He could faintly hear her whisper, "Oh my God" under her breath. He shifted his weight on the balls of his feet awkwardly before speaking up. "Jules?"

Julianna jumped at Eli's voice, slamming her locker shut in shock as she let out a little yelp.

When she turned to face him, her eyes went wide as she stared back at her locker and lightly banged her head against it. "Hi.." She sweetly muttered, reopening her locker as if nothing happened a mere three minutes ago.

"H- hi." Eli mumbled, looking back and forth between her and the ground. "I'm sorry." Julianna said barely above a whisper but Eli heard it, jerking his head up to face her as she stared down at her feet, trying to control her breathing.

Eli's brows furrowed as he took a step closer to her. "Why are you sorry?" Eli watched Julianna as she nervously bit her lip. "I shou- I shouldn't have done that." Julianna muttered, her eyes not leaving her dirty shoe laces against the linoleum floor.

"You were defending me." Eli tried to reason, taking another step closer to her but she didn't meet his eyes, shaking her head faster. "It didn't even work-" "But you tried, Jules." Eli interrupted her, which was something he hardly did because he loved how much she could just ramble without anyone having to say much.

It was perfect. The boy who didn't talk much and the girl that always could.

Eli grabbed her hands into his, finally making her look up. "You tried to get them to stop. I'm not mad at you... Or upset with you. I'm grateful." After he finished his sentence, he pulled on Julianna's hands, bringing her closer and pulled her into a hug.

Julianna slowly wrapped her arms around his waist, nuzzling her face into his sweater while he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, resting his head on her head.

It was quiet for a second but it wasn't awkward. "If it makes you feel any better, you're a good kisser." Eli mumbled into Julianna's hair. She instantly let out an airy chuckle, her heart beating so hard she was sure Eli could feel it but she only hugged him tighter.


After school, Julianna was helping her dad pack up the dojo when she heard someone come in. Both of them walked out of the office and watched as Miguel walked towards them. "My mom says I can train again."

"She did?" Julianna asked in shock, she wasn't there but she could hear Miguel's mother yell at him from her bedroom so hearing that the woman agreed shocked her.

"Yeah. I mean, if we still have the dojo."

Johnny nodded his head as walked towards Miguel. "We do for now. Alright, but I need to know... are you ready to take things to the next level?" Julianna ran up to stand beside Miguel, a big smile on her face as they both nodded their heads.

Johnny then pointed to Miguel. "Now, you got your ass kicked because you didn't have any defense, so I'm gonna teach you both the best defense that you can know. And the best defense... is more offense"

Julianna smiled as she and Miguel fist bumped without even looking at each other.


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