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It had been two weeks since the Halloween dance and when they weren't at school, Julianna and Miguel would be training. Whether it was in the back lot of their apartment complex, at the dojo with Johnny or at the end of the trail they finished running out in Hollywood hills, they would always be training. They were both getting really good, Miguel was catching up to Julianna's level.

Lexi finally joined and was extremely good at being agile, easily tricking the opponent. Johnny admired how quickly she picked up on so many of the moves that she was just a few lessons behind the pair.

At the moment, the three were at the dojo, both Lawrence's wearing gloves with huge pads on them so Miguel and Lexi could practice their punches. "There's only one reason to hit someone... To inflict pain." Johnny grunted as Miguel punched his hands.

Lexi and Julianna stopped practicing at the sound of the front door bell that jingled every time someone walked in. Julianna smiled at who it was. "Hi Aisha." The girl smiled at Julianna and Lexi until Johnny groaned. "No yoga till five. No matter how bad you need it."

Julianna was quick to kick her dad in the back of his knees, making him stumble a bit.

Aisha sent Julianna a grateful smile before turning to Johnny. "I'm actually here for karate. I saw your website. It said that there was supposed to be a session today."

Johnny sighed. "I appreciate you coming in, but-" "You'll need to take your shoes off before you get on the mat." Julianna quickly cut him off. Aisha nodded, taking off her shoes and walking on the mat. Johnny sent his daughter a look. "Julianna..." He warned but Julianna knew how important it was for Aisha to be in Cobra Kai. "She's staying." Julianna said right back to him before turning back to Aisha smiling. "Let's see what you got!"

Johnny sighed before pointing at where Aisha should stand. Once Aisha got to her spot, Johnny turned to his three current students, pointing at Julianna. "You want her here. You go." and then he pointed to the spot across from Aisha for Julianna to stand.

"Bow to me." Johnny demanded and the two girls bowed before facing each other and bowing as well. "Miss Lawrence, show her everything you've learned."

Julianna looked back and forth between Aisha and her father. "Wait. Bu-" "We've gone over this Miss Lawrence. No buts. Give her everything you've got."

"Wait. I just wanna remind everyone this is my first day." Aisha announced and Julianna nodded her head. "Exactly."

"Your enemies don't care what day it is. They prey on weakness. If you wanna beat them, you gotta conquer your fears and jump face-first into the fire. Now, are you ready Miss Robinson?" Johnny said and Aisha nodded. "I guess."

"Miss Lawrence?" Julianna looked at her dad for a few seconds before nodding. "Yes, sensei."


Julianna tilted her head a little as she looked at Aisha. "Sorry." She muttered before flip kicking Aisha right in the stomach. Aisha fell to the ground, groaning in pain, making Julianna slap her hands to her face. "Oh my God. Aisha, are you okay?"

Aisha just looked at Julianna before getting up and lifting her off the ground. "Woah! Woah! Holy Shit!" Julianna screamed as Aisha dropped her onto the ground. Julianna groaned at the pain coursing through her back when Aisha jumped and body-slammed into Julianna, elbowing her in the boobs.

Miguel and Lexi, who were both watching, cringed, Lexi grabbing onto her own boobs in pain as if happened to her. Johnny smiled, clapping. "This girl's a natural cobra."

Julianna could faintly hear the landlord yelling from outside. Johnny groaned. "All right. Students, wait here. Little Lawrence, you're in charge. Gomez get her up." Johnny said before walking out of the dojo. Lexi quickly helped Julianna up as Aisha looked at her sadly. "Sorry."

Julianna laughed a little. "Don't say sorry, that was badass. Welcome to Cobra Kai." Julianna went to hug Aisha but as soon as she they hugged, her boobs hurt again making her pull away. "Okay, maybe don't hug me." Julianna muttered as everyone laughed.


Julianna, Lexi and the boys walked into the cafeteria.

After Julianna and Eli's talk about the kiss in the library, the two became more touchy. Their hands always seemed to brush and if they did it constantly, they simply just hold hands or Julianna would have her arm sling around his shoulders as they walked to class but they never talked about what was happening and they never kissed.

Much to both of their dismays.

Just as they were about to take their seats at the table, Kyler screamed. "Hey guys, you know that billboard with the big-ass dick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad."

Julianna sent daggers to the boy as the whole cafeteria laughed, not realizing Miguel started walking towards the boy until he spoke. "Hey Kyler! Why don't you just shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?"

"Want another beatdown, 'Rhea?" Kyler asked, pushing Miguel back a bit, making Julianna walk closer to the boys. "I'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time." Kyler said again, pushing Miguel harder. "It's not lame-ass karate. It's Cobra Kai." Miguel said before punching Kyler right in the face.

Julianna watched as the two went back and forth, throwing each other into tables before all the guys started going up to Miguel. He was getting every single guy coming his way, but there was one coming up to him from behind that he couldn't see. Julianna quickly walked up to the boy, tapping him on the shoulder and when he turned around, she punched him in the face and kneeled him in the stomach, making him drop to the floor.

Some of the guys left Miguel to go for Julianna but she was very quick and with her and Miguel fighting the guys back-to-back, they could see every person coming their way.

After Miguel and Julianna got most of them, there were only two left, each coming at them at a different direction. Miguel who had somehow gotten on the table met eyes with Julianna, passing her a lunch tray and as soon as it was in her hand, she ran up to the boy going at her, smacking him across the face with the lunch tray as Miguel did the same to the other guy. Both of them landed on the floor unconscious.

Julianna let out a deep breath, running a hand through her hair "And that's Cobra Kai, bitch."

Everyone started cheering for the pair, Lexi grabbing Julianna's arm and pulling her into a tight hug. Julianna laughed at everyone chanting her and Miguel's name, not noticing a certain sweater wearing boy watching her with the biggest heart eyes. Demetri quickly noticed Eli's stares and slightly elbowed him in the ribs. "Dude, don't make it obvious."

"Hey! Get down from there right now!" The counselor screamed, scaring Julianna but the woman was only talking to Miguel, not realizing Julianna was a part of the fight too. As the counselor pulled Miguel to her office, Julianna wanted to step up, not wanting Miguel to take all the blame but it was as if he could read her mind, Miguel turned around and shook his head no.

She watched as he got pulled out of the cafeteria when she felt arms wrap around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. She quickly realized it was Eli and Demetri and hugged back. "That was badass, Jules!" Eli cheered, Demetri nodding his head from beside him in astonishment.

Julianna smiled, slightly blushing at the fact that Eli was still hugging her even after Demetri pulled away. "Thanks guys." Julianna sang to them. "Now do you too want to join?" Lexi asked, making Eli and Julianna pull away to watch the smaller girl as she rests a hand on her hip, obviously trying to show off the fact that she was right about Cobra Kai.

Eli eagerly nodded his head. Julianna smiled, wrapping an arm around his shoulder so he would have to face Demetri. Julianna rested her hand on her hip in a joking intimidating manner as Lexi did the same. Eli looked back and forth between the two girls before quickly crossing his arms, waiting for Demetri's answer.

Demetri looked back and forth between his three friends before signing. "Fine." He groaned but they were still happy about it, all running to him for a big group hug.

And during the hug, Eli's hand somehow met with Julianna's and as soon as their fingers brushed, their hands were conjoined.


When Julianna was walking to her dads car after school, her phone rang. Robby.

She quickly answered the phone, having not been able to talk to him for a while. "Oh my God. Hey, what's up?" Robby laughed and his sisters eagerness. "Hey, Juli. I just have a quick question..."

Robby was the only one to call Julianna, Juli. She hated the nickname so much but when she saw how much Robby liked it, she decided he was the only one allowed to call her that.

"Sure. What's the question?" Julianna asked, watching as her sneakers skidded against the pavement. "Does Dad still hate the LaRusso's?"

Julianna froze at his question. "Why?" The end of her question was trailing off, answering Robby's question. He let out a contempt sigh. "Just for... entertainment purposes." Julianna furrowed her brows, stopping herself from walking home. "Entertainment purposes? Come on, Robby. What does that mean?"

"I might've gotten a job at LaRusso's dealership..."

Julianna stopped walking, her jaw dropped. "You didn't..." "I'm guessing he won't be too happy?" Julianna could hear the smile on Robby's face. "Oh, he'll be pissed!"

"Good." Was all Robby replied with before hanging up.

Julianna shook off the conversation before continuing to her dads car. When she got in, Johnny looked down at her phone. "What was that?" Julianna shook her head no, keeping her eyes in front of her. "Nothing."

-Eli's a simp...
we got to see a little tiny twin moment so...🥺
the next few chapters might be a bit longer

also i found a couple photos of hawk without the gelled up hair so now i'm sharing😌🤚

you're welcome

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