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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒽𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒹𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


"Cyberbullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face. I'm not gonna name names, but the other day, a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity."

Julianna internally winced and shut her eyes at the feeling of everyone watching her group. From under the table, she slowly reached for Eli's hand, squeezing it softly which he instantly returned.

"But today, our goal here is to make this a safe space for all students."

"You know, if you're sick of getting bullied, my karate dojo's looking for recruits." Miguel said, turning in his seat to face Eli and Julianna instantly perked up. "Oh yeah! Lexi, would you want to join?"

Before Lexi could open her mouth, Demetri spoke up sarcastically. "Oh come on. A little karate training, and you're gonna kick some major ass." Julianna rolled her eyes, leaning over the the table to face him. "We're serious, 'Metri."

"Jules is right. Our sensei's the real deal I'm sure Jules could get you all discounts." Miguel said and Julianna nodded her head.

"As enticing as that sounds, I think we'd rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face." Demetri said again but Lexi shook her head. "I'll join." She cheered, making both Julianna and Miguel smile and Demetri's face dropped. "Lexi!"

"Oh, and one last thing... While we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance, let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example, instead of 'sexy nurse', maybe try 'gender-neutral hospital employee.'" The guidance counselor said, making Julianna rolled her eyes.

"Why are you mad, Jules? Gonna dress as a sexy nurse?" Demetri joked. "No, asshat. I'm going as Scarlet Witch." Demetri put a offended hand to his chest before pointing at her with his fork. "Watch the foul language my fair maiden."

"I think you'd be a good Scarlet Witch." Eli mumbled, looking to Julianna, making the girl smile widely, looking down at her plate at the feeling of her cheeks growing red.

Lexi looked up to Demetri, both of them silently cheering. Miguel grew confused, leaning over to Demetri beside him. "Why are you two cheering exactly?"

"Eli and Jules here have like each other since they were about 10. Neither of them will admit it to each other but it's pretty obvious." Demetri whispered back, quiet enough so only Miguel could hear. "Eli told me about his crush while Jules told Lexi. Lexi and I have discussed the situation at hand but never knew how to push them together."

Miguel nodded before watching the two. They both looked up at each other at the same time, giving each other awkward smiles before turning away, both of them blushing like crazy.


"Lex... Lex... Lexi!" Julianna screamed every time the smaller  threw a costume at the blonde. Lexi sighed, turning to face Julianna. "I don't have a costume, Jules." Lexi whined like a little child, flopping down on the foot of the bed.

"I thought you were going to wear your Harry Potter robes?" Julianna asked, pointing to the Hufflepuff robes hanging on her doorknob by a hanger.

"I was. But what if people think I'm nerdy?" Lexi asked, pouting at the end of her sentence. Julianna rolled her eyes, sitting up and giving the girl an 'are you serious?' look.

"Lex, Demetri is going as a necromancer. I think you're fine... Or at least the attention will be off of you." Julianna said, wrapping an arm around Lexi's shoulder, both of them giggling.


After a successful day of doing kicks, Miguel and Julianna had finally finished class.

"I wish I could show my mom what I did to those boards, but if she knew where I was right now, she would kill me." Miguel said as Julianna noticed the glum look on her fathers face while she put on her shoes. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. You two go put your costumes I'm driving you guys to that dance. We're gonna pick up more students. Jules, you said Lexi will join?"

"Yeah, she said she'll come to one of the the next lessons." Julianna said as she grabbed her bag with her costume, heading towards the bathroom to change before looking at Miguel put on his cape-looking costume.

"What the hell is that?" Julianna asked as she tried to hold in her laugh. "It's my Halloween costume. My yaya made it. It started off as Deadpool. Then I think Spider-Man, and then it just became some generic superhero."

"Yeah, a poor one at that." Johnny grumbled.

"Well, I can't let you go out like that. We have a reputation to uphold." Johnny said again as Julianna walked into the restroom to change.

She came back into the main room wearing a mid-thigh black dress, knee-high boots and a red leather jacket. When she walked in, Miguel was in a skeleton costume as he sat in front of the mirror awkwardly holding black and white face paint.

"Need help?" Julianna asked, making her presence known. "Please." Miguel mumbled and Julianna laughed, taking the paint from him.

It was quiet until Julianna was halfway done with painting his face. "So... you and Eli?" Miguel immediately noticed Julianna's face grow red as she looked down, dipping the makeup sponge into the black paint. "I don't know what you're talking about." Julianna whispered, trying to hold back a smile but it didn't work.

"But you like him."

Julianna sent him a look that read 'shut up' as she gestured to her dad's office. "He can't hear us. We're whispering." Miguel shot at her with a smirk. Julianna sighed, running a hand through her hair to get it out of her face as she applied more paint onto Miguel. "Yes I do like him. But only you and Lexi know."

"And Demetri." Miguel muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." Miguel quickly said, making the girl sigh as she added finishing touches. "You two would be good together." Miguel said. Julianna awkwardly laughed as she got up, finishing his makeup. "Um... thank you? Dad! We're done!"

Johnny came out and smiled at Julianna and Miguel's costumes. "Nice."


Lexi was outside in her Hufflepuff robes, waiting for Julianna and as soon as she got out of the car, she left Miguel with Johnny, tugging Julianna's arm into the school.

"Lex... If you keep tugging my arm that hard, it's gonna come off." Julianna groaned as she finally entered the gym and towards the punch bowl. "My costume was a terrible idea." Lexi muttered as she took a sip of punch. "You know that punch is probably spiked..." "Oh! I'm hoping it is." Lexi snapped, taking another sip of her punch. Julianna looked around the room, finally spotting Eli and Demetri. She instantly motioned for them to come over before she turned back to Lexi.

"So why exactly was your costume a terrible idea?" Julianna asked, taking a cheeto out of the big bowl and popping it into her mouth. "Yasmine told everyone I'm the Grim Reaper." Lexi muttered when the boys finally showed up. Julianna choked on her cheeto as took the punch out of Lexi's hand and took a sip. "The Grim Reaper?" She asked once she swallowed the red drink and Lexi sadly nodded her head.

"Oh, you should of seen it. T'was a travesty." Demetri said. Lexi glared at him at him. "Back off, Dumblewhore! Actually, I should just call you Dumbledore because you're not getting any chicks tonight." Lexi snapped, making Eli and Julianna lean towards each other, trying to hold in their laughs. "Hey! I am a necromancer and you know it!" Demetri yelled at Lexi, pointing an accusing finger at her.

Suddenly, Julianna felt another person stand in the group circle but quickly realized it was Miguel. "Hey!" Julianna sang, making everyone turn to look at Miguel's costume.

"Oh, skeleton. Classic. Nice." Demetri said while Julianna tried to find any sarcasm in in tone. "Thank. I like your sorcerer costume." Miguel complemented. Julianna took a step back to hide behind Eli, holding back her laugh. Demetri let out an annoyed groan. "As I told Miss Gomez here... I'm a necromancer. Did you not see the amulet?"

Miguel nodded his head and turned to Eli. "So are you a regular doctor or-" "Plastic Surgeon. I fix lips." Eli quickly interrupted as Julianna rested her head on his shoulder. Miguel turned to the two girls. "And then, Scarlet Witch and a Hufflepuff." The two girls smiled, nodding as Lexi linked her arm with Julianna's.

An upbeat song started playing, making Lexi perk up, turning to stand in front of the boys with a smirk as she dragged Julianna with her. "Miguel! Demetri! Will you two stay with me to the snack bar? I need help deciding on a snack."

Demetri scrunched his face up in confusion. "Why do you need hel-" "Just help! Please?" Lexi said, cutting him off. Miguel grabbed Demetri's arm, tugging him to face the table, knowing what Lexi was thinking.

The small girl turned to Eli with a smile. "Eli! Can you dance with Jules please?" Eli and Julianna's eyes shot wide. "Lex-" "She wants to dance sooo much but since I'll be at the food bar with Miguel and Demetri, you'll be the only one left to dance with her."

Eli looked back and forth between Julianna and the floor before nodding his head. "Great! Bye!" Lexi sang, pushing them closer to the middle of the dance flute before turning away.

Julianna and Eli stood awkwardly beside each other until Julianna spoke up, reaching her hand out for him to take. "So, do you wanna dance?" Eli looked down at her hand before looking back up at Julianna, even with the surgical mask, she could see a huge smile on her face, making her blush. Eli slowly put his hand in hers.

Julianna practically ran to the dance floor in happiness, Eli right beside her from their conjoined hands.

She immediately started dancing around, you could hardly even call it dancing, more jumping but when she noticed Eli barely swaying she grabbed both of his hands and tugged him closer to her.

"Come on, Eli! Dance!" Julianna screamed over the music, dancing around again as Eli started to as well, both of them smiling like crazy as the song continued to play, their hands never letting go of each other's.

When the song ended, a slow song came on and Julianna froze, staring at Eli before looking around, watching everyone partner up to dance. "D- did you want to...." Eli asked and Julianna slowly nodded her head. Julianna wrapped her arms around his neck while Eli did the same with Julianna's waist.

They slowly swayed in awkward silence, Eli watching his feet while Julianna watched the band playing. Suddenly, Eli stepped on her foot and Julianna felt a pain through her foot, Eli immediately let out a string of apologies. "Oh my God. Jules, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean t-" "Eli, it's fine. It's not like you were in cleats or something." Julianna cut him off while laughing, making Eli feel a little better.

"Just don't look down at your feet. It'll mess you up." Julianna said before using her finger to have him face her. "Just look at me." Eli looked into her eyes, his eyes crinkling as he smiled under his surgical mask before spinning her.  Julianna let out a quick yelp from the speed of the spin before feeling herself slam back into Eli's chest.

Julianna slowly looked up at Eli, her hands pressed against his chest, their eyes locking and the world feeling like it had stopped spinning.

For just a few seconds, Julianna and Eli felt like they were the only people in the room, the only people in the world as they just looked into each other's eyes as if they looked away, the other would be gone.

The two lost eye contact when a very drunk jock pushed into them on accident. That's when they realized the slow song had ended and another upbeat song was blasting through the speakers. Eli cleared his throat, reaching to cover his scar even though the mask had already done the job. "Um... I'm gonna go and get some water."

Julianna nodded her head as he unwrapped his arms from around her waist, the spot now feeling cold without his touch. She subconsciously wrapped her arms around herself where he had, hoping to replace the cold with her own arms but hadn't worked.

Lexi came running over once Eli got to the snack bar, a big smile on her face as she grabbed Julianna's hands and jumped around in happiness for her best friend. "Did that just happen?" Julianna breathlessly asked and Lexi eagerly nodded her head. "Hell yeah it did! Come on! Lets dance!" Julianna slowly nodded her head, her smile growing by the second as she grasped Lexi's hands tighter, jumping around to the music buzzing through the gym.


The girls were dancing around to the song when they both got a text. Julianna stopped dancing to check her message as Lexi didn't care and continued on. The blonde froze at the mean message towards Aisha, a girl Juliana and Lexi sat next to in Homeroom.

Lexi quickly noticed Julianna's attitude drop and stopped dancing. "Wait- What's wrong?" Julianna passed the phone to Lexi, letting her read the message as the school started to laugh, screaming 'Cheeto Pig' to the poor girl.

Lexi looked up and Julianna, both of them already thinking the same thing. They both turned to Aisha, ready to go and comfort her but when they turned back to the snack area, she was already gone.


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