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Miguel and Julianna stood in front of Johnny in the new dojo as he just stared at them. Miguel looked back at forth between Julianna and her father, both of them wearing karate gi's.

"So, am I gonna get the karate pajamas, too-" "Quiet!" Johnny screamed, startling both Miguel and Julianna. "The student only speaks when spoken to. Is that understood?"

"Yes." Miguel said but Julianna stayed quiet. Johnny turned to his daughter. "Oh! Was that our permission to speak?" Julianna asked quietly.

Johnny rolled his eyes. "You will always address me as "Sensei". Is that understood?"

Both teens nodded. "Yes, sensei."

"These aren't pajamas. It's a gi. And you will get one when you've earned it. Miss Lawrence already has one since she's more advanced then you-" "Miss Lawrence?" Julianna cut off her father, laughing. "Quiet!"

Julianna stopped laughing, straightening her back more. "Now, are you two ready to begin your training?" "Yes, sensei."

Not even knowing how he did it so fast, Johnny grabbed onto Julianna and flipped her. She groaned at her back hitting the rough mat. "Lesson one. Strike first. Never wait for the enemy to attack." Johnny said as he pointed at his daughter. Miguel just stood there, watching Johnny closely before he was thrown on the ground too.

"Could've given me a warnin-" "Quiet!" Johnny screamed again, cutting Julianna off as she struggled to get up. "We do not train to be merciful here. Mercy is for the weak. Here on the street, in the competition, a man confronts you, he is enemy." Miguel pulled out his inhaler and Julianna instantly facepalmed. "Oh my god."

"An enemy deserves no mercy. What is the problem, Mr. Diaz?"

Miguel tried to catch his breath as Julianna shook her head, using all her strength to hold her laugh behind her hand. "There's no problem, Sensei. You punched me, and I have asthma, so..." Johnny cut Miguel off, taking the inhaler out of his hands and throwing it at the wall.

"Not anymore. We do not allow weakness in this dojo. So you can leave your asthma and your peanut allergies and all that other made up bullshit outside. Understood?"

Julianna stopped laughing, slowly raising her hand. "Uh... Dad? I mean, um... Sensei? I have peanut allergies." Julianna slowly said and it was true, the girl would get terrible hives anytime she had any peanut products.

"Ah... You're just puffy in the face, get over it." Johnny said to his daughter. Julianna was taken a back by his words, pressing her hand against her cheeks like a grandma to their grandchildren until he spoke again.

"Cobra Kai isn't about just karate. It's about a way of life. Take that first lesson." Johnny said, pointing at the wall behind him with six words painted on it.

Strike First
Strike Hard
No Mercy


Miguel walked around the cafeteria, looking for a place to sit. He was trying to see if he could find Julianna but he couldn't find her. He slowly walked up to two boys sitting alone at a table.

"Is it cool if I sit here?" Miguel quietly asks and the boy with dark hair playfully winces. "Oh.. Sorry, table's really blowing up right now. I can put you on the waitlist, but it's probably next semester at the earliest." Miguel looked at the boy before shaking his head. "Okay."

"No. I'm kidding. Sit."

Miguel went to sit beside the boy who hadn't talked yet, wearing a sweater but he quickly spoke up.

"Um... this seat's taken." He mumbled, putting his hand on the back of the seat beside him. Miguel nodded, taking a seat beside the empty one as the dark haired boy introduced himself and his friend. "Demetri. This is Eli. He's a man of few words."

Suddenly, Julianna and another girl Miguel had never seen before sat themselves at the table, Julianna slumping down in the seat between Miguel and Eli while the other girl took the seat on the other side of Demetri.

"And these are our fair maidens; Julianna and Alexandra. Ladies, this is Miguel." Demetri said with a proud smile on his face before it was taken off by Alexandra who punched his arm. "No one calls us that. Jules and Lexi's fine." Lexi softly says to Miguel who nods his head before turning to Julianna. "I already know Jules."

Eli turned to Julianna with furrowed brows. "Neighbors." She mouthed to him and Eli quickly nodded his head, going back to his food.

Suddenly, Julianna felt a huge cloud of perfume walk passed her, making her cough hysterically, not getting fresh air. Eli softly patted her back, trying to help her breathe. She opened her eyes and watch Yasmine and Sam walk passed the table as Miguel stared at them.

"Ugh. Dude, don't torture yourself. Those are the rich girls." Demetri said, pulling Miguel out of his daydream. "Do you ever talk to them?"

Julianna choked on her chocolate milk at his words while Lexi let out a dry laugh.

"Oh, yeah! All the time. We hang out after school, make out, give each other hand jobs. Well, Eli here is the homecoming king. Gets laid more than anyone. Isn't that right, Eli?" Demetri said and Julianna held back a laugh before speaking as well. "Lexi and I have sleepovers with them every weekend." "And we get mani-pedi's." Lexi added, a playful smirk on her face.

Demetri smiled at Julianna and Lexi, pointing at them before pointing at Miguel. "You do realize what table you're sitting at, right? You've pretty much sighed away all hopes of losing your virginity before college." Demetri said to Miguel when suddenly, Eli gasps.

"Oh shit, Yasmine's looking at us. Probably just making fun of me." Julianna huffed at the boys words. "She's not making fun of you, Eli." Julianna softly spoke. Eli turned in his seat to face her, pointing at the scar above his lip. "Do you see this thing? It's hideous."

Julianna instantly shook her head, resting her hand on top of his. "No it's not. There's nothing wrong with your scar, Eli. It's badass." Julianna said as she took a sip of her chocolate milk, smiling after seeing Eli smile, looking down at his food, a small ray of blush taking over his face.

"Well, I stand corrected at the losing your virginity before college for Eli." Demetri mumbled and Julianna quickly threw an apple slice at his face, Lexi hitting his arm again.

"I don't care if Yasmine's the meanest girl at school. I'd kill all four of you just to get her to spit in my face." Demetri mumbled, not taking his eyes off the rich girls. Julianna let out a hum. "Charming." Lexi let out a small laugh while Eli held back his.

"Yeah, well, if you don't make a move, you'll never have a shot with her." Miguel said and Demetri quickly pointed a finger at him. "True, but I'll also never suffer a humiliating rejection. I'm at peace with my depression. Last thing I need to be is suicidal."

Miguel started walking to the rich kid table, making the other four sit up straighter. "What are you doing?" Demetri grumbled.

"Striking first." Miguel replied and Julianna instantly started shaking her head. "No! No, Miguel. You're listening to my dad? That's for karate not girls!" Julianna whisper screamed but Miguel ignored her, making her put her head in her hands. "I can't watch." She groaned into her arm and Eli simply put a comforting hand on her back.

"He's taking advice from your dad?" Lexi asked, astounded that Miguel thought that was a good idea.

Lexi was the only that had met Julianna's father. Johnny wasn't open to the idea of Julianna having guy friends so Demetri and Eli were never allowed over. If she ever wanted to hang out with the boys, she'd tell her dad she was going to Lexi's.

"Sup, ladies." Julianna shot her head up at Kyler's voice by the rich table, watching as he took a seat beside Sam. Kyler's eyes finally landed on Miguel, he gave him a little wave, making Miguel sigh and turn back to his table.

"See you later, 'Rhea!" Kyler called out, his eyes going to the table Miguel was sitting at, more specifically, Julianna. "Aww. You're hanging out with Daughter of a Bum. Hey how's your dad doing Jenna?"

Julianna only gave the boy a fake smile, giving him a little salute before flipping him off, knowing he can't do anything to her in the school cafeteria.


After school, Miguel and Julianna headed to the dojo and after a few hours of practicing, Johnny called it a night and asked them to help clean up around the dojo.

Julianna was sitting with her legs crossed, wiping the big mirror while Miguel cleaned the two way mirror that was connected to Johnny's office. "Hey, Sensei, is there any particular way you want me to wash these windows?"

"No, I don't give a shit. Whatever's easiest." Her dad replied and after a few seconds, he spoke up again.

"You know what? One of you go clean the toilet and we'll end it." "Not it!" Julianna quickly said and Miguel groaned, stomping towards the bathroom. "And do that one on your hands and knees."

Julianna heard someone walk in, she turned to great them and her eyes went wide at Daniel LaRusso.

"Uh... Hi, Mr. LaRusso, can I help you?" Julianna asked politely, turning her body to face the man. "I'm looking for Johnny Lawrence." The man slowly spoke and Julianna made a small 'o' shape with her mouth before turning her head to her dad's office. "Dad! Someone's here!"

"Dad?" Daniel asked and Julianna nodded her head. "Welcome to Cobra Kai." Johnny said before freezing at who it was.

"Some things never change." Daniel said, a dry laugh escaping his lips.

"Yeah, what are you talking about?" Johnny asked, taking a step closer to Daniel. "I heard you beat up a bunch of teenagers in that parking lot." Daniel said, pointing at the parking lot and Julianna rolled her eyes at the fact that Kyler blabbed.

"Oh that. No. I didn't beat up any teenagers. I kicked the shit out of a bunch of assholes who deserved it." Johnny said and Daniel scoffed. "Wow. Johnny Lawrence calling somebody else an asshole. That's rich, man."

"Mr. LaRusso, if you just let my dad exp-" "Look, I'm not here to rehash the past. Just stay away from my daughter's friends." Daniel cut her off, making Julianna huff but continue watching the two men argue.

Johnny laughed at Daniel's words before turning to Julianna, silently asking if it was true and she nodded her head. "Your daughter's friends? Yeah, that makes sense. Nice company she keeps."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Daniel said, stepping closer to Johnny. "It means those friends of hers were wailing on two kids half their size, my daughter being one of them." Daniel turned to Julianna who was now looking down at her fingers in embarrassment.

"Maybe you don't know your daughter as well as you think you do. Get your house in order LaRusso." Johnny said and Julianna sighed. "Dad-" "Who the hell do you think you're talking to?"

"Bathroom's clean! Jules, do you need help with the mirror?" Miguel asked as he walked out of the bathroom, freezing in the doorway. "Oh! I'm sorry, Sensei. I-" "Sensei? Really? Oh my God, kid. I don't know what he's told you, but you shouldn't believe a word he says, or your gonna end up exactly like him. You too." Daniel said, turning to Julianna for the last part.

"Don't talk to my daughter." Johnny said but Daniel ignored him. "You and I... This... We aren't done."

When Daniel left, Miguel immediately started apologizing. "I'm sorry if I interrupted anything, Sensei. Should I do 20 push-ups on my knuckles?"

"Right. Like you could." Johnny said, making Julianna hold back a laugh. Miguel gave her a look and she lifted her hands in surrender. "What? Is he wrong? No."

I'll publish soon!! I already have like the next few chapters planned out 👀
so keep a lookout!
i love you guys<3

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