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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝓃𝑒𝒾𝑔𝒽𝒷𝑜𝓇¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


Julianna woke up to someone throwing a pillow at her face. She groaned, hiding under her blankets until that was slipped from her grasp too. "Get up, Jules. You're gonna help me take out the trash." Her dad, Johnny said as he threw her blanket across the room.

"You have two hands. Be man and do it yourself." Julianna groaned into her pillow. She was never mean to her dad, they always have had a great relationship but if he woke her up earlier than usual, she'd give him a bitchy attitude.

"Don't make me drop the bag on you..." Johnny taunted and Julianna could hear him starting to reopen the plastic trash bag, making her shoot up from her spot on the bed. "I'm up! Gimme the bag." She screeched, slipping on her vans that sat by the edge of her bed. Johnny laughed, handing his daughter one of the bags.

The two traveled out of their apartment and to the garbage bins when she heard a voice from behind them. "Hey, I'm Miguel. My family and I just moved into 109." Julianna turned around, smiling to the boy as her dad groaned. "Great. More immigrants." Julianna quickly stepped on the back of her dad's shoe, giving him a flat tire for his words.

"Actually, we're from Riverside. But I was wondering if you were having trouble with your water pressure, 'cause I know our sink's being weird right now and-"

"Dad! Bottles in Blue!" Julianna shrieked, she and Miguel both tried to stop the cans from falling but it was too late.

"Listen, Menudo, I've lived in this shit hole as long as she's been living." Johnny said, gesturing to his daughter before continuing. "The pipe's don't work. The fountain's full of piss. And the only good thing he is that I don't have to talk to anybody that doesn't live with me. So, nice knowing you." He turned to Julianna again. "I'm heading to work." She smiled as he walked towards his car.

"Ok, well... have a nice day... I guess." Miguel said as Johnny drove off, once he was far enough away, Julianna turned to Miguel. "Sorry about him. He doesn't like most people. I'm Julianna. But everyone calls me Jules... Uh actually, not everyone. I don't really know that many people... Well, you know, I know people but people don't really know me. I'm kinda a nobody at school... I only have like... three friends. And now I'm rambling. Sorry."

Miguel just laughed. "It's okay, Jules. Hey, nice pajamas." Julianna smiled at the fact that he used the nickname before looking down at her spiderman pajama pants. "Oh, yeah. Spideys my favorite superhero besides Scarlet Witch."

Miguel pursed his lips while he nodded his head. "Well then, you have pretty good superhero taste."

They both laughed, Julianna bringing her hand up to her mouth to cover it, shaking her head. "Well, I have to go back inside and work on a few things. I'll see you later?" Miguel nodded his head and Julianna gave him one last smile before going back into her house.

When she got to her room, she quickly shut the door and locking it before running to jump on her bed which was up against the wall in the corner of the room.

She opened up her computer and pulled up YouTube, typing in the same thing she did every time her dad was at work.

All Valley Karate Tournament 1984

Julianna grew up watching her dads karate fights but he always refused to have her watch the 1984 video that was currently plastered onto her computer screen.

Ever since she was little, Julianna had a love for karate just like her dad. She would beg and beg him to teach her anything but he only showed her a few moves, leaving the girl to have to learn on her own off of videos of his tournaments she found on YouTube.

Julianna practiced for hours on end. Kicks, jabs, punches, everything, until her dad came back home, honking from his normal spot where he parked his car to take her out to get food.


"Do you want anything from inside?" Johnny asked as he parked in front of the mini market and Julianna shook her head no. "I'm good. I'll stay in the car."

Julianna scrolled through instagram until she heard a car park a few spots away from her. "Ah, shit!" She cursed once she saw whose car it was. She slid down her seat so Kyler and his goons wouldn't see her when they got out of the car.

She had her window open just a crack so she could hear their conversation.

"Yo, Brucks, get the light beer this time. Gotta cut weight for the meet." Julianna watched as they walked passed her dad, one of them puffing smoke into his face. She watched as her dad scowled at the boys before sitting on the curb, taking a bite of his pizza.

"Finish up and then beat it!" The homeless woman screamed at her dad and Julianna instantly bit her lip to hold back a laugh. "Excuse me?" Her dad asked.

"This is my mart. Yo ain't hustling no coin at my mart."

"I'm not hustling. I'm not homeless! That's my car. That's my kid." Her dad defended and Julianna finally let out her laugh.

"What the hell are you doing? Why you blow up my spot?" A voice screamed from inside the mart and Julianna froze as Miguel ran out, Kyler pushing him.

"Look dude, I-" "He thought we were in college, dumbass!" Kyler screamed, cutting off Miguel and Julianna sat up straighter. "I didn't know you guys were trying to buy beer, I'm sorry!" Miguel yelled and Kyler threw him into the bushes and he tumbled to the ground.

Julianna immediately started getting out of the car. "What do we got here? Pepto." One of the boys sang. "Someone has frickin' diarrhea!" "Hey, we should call him 'Rhea." All the voices screamed over each other.

Julianna stomped to the boys. "Come on, dude. It's for my Grandma." Miguel sighed. "Oh, for your grandma?"

"Leave him alone!" Julianna screamed, pushing passed the guys to stand in between Miguel and Kyler. "Aww... Rhea's got a friend. What was your name again nobody? Jenna?" "It's Julianna, jackass." She grumbled getting right in Kyler's face and she could see her dad watching the scene carefully out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh. Oh, okay Julianna. Well, since 'Rhea here's your friend..." Kyler never finished his sentence, instead, pouring the Pepto Bismol on both Julianna and Miguel's heads, throwing the empty bottle at Julianna. "Bitch."

"Hey! Back off!" Julianna looked up, wiping Pepto Bismol from her eyes as her dad stood up, the angriest she's ever seen him. "You see this guy? Eating his dinner at the mini-mart like a bum." One of the guys says and Julianna started to back away when Kyler turned around to look at her. "Oh, wait. This bum is Jenna's dad."

"That explains why she has no friends." Another boy butted in.

"Trust me, you are pissing off the wrong guy, all right?" Her dad said, stepping closer to Kyler. "Oh, really?" "Yeah, really."

"Get out of here, loser!" Kyler screamed at Julianna's dad, pushing him back. "Hey!" Julianna screamed, running up to Kyler. In a quick movement, she spun him around and punched him in the face.

Kyler touched his nose before looking down at his fingers where blood was already showing up. Kyler laughed, pushing Julianna into one of his friends arms and the boy quick held onto the girl, his arm around her neck, choking her.

Johnny quickly kicked Kyler in the face and all the boys started to go to after him. Miguel watched as he beat every single one of them up. "That all you got, ladies?" Johnny asked before turning to the guy holding Julianna as she clawed his arm for airway.

Kyler jumped up and ran to Johnny. Julianna tried to get out of the boys grasp but he was too strong, she starting to grow light headed as her scratching started to slow.

Johnny finally got rid of Kyler and made his way to the guy choking Julianna. He immediately let go of the girl, raising his hands up but Johnny was quick to put him in a chock hold as Julianna fell to the ground, coughing so air could finally travel through to her lungs.

Police sirens were starting to be heard. "Dad! Let go of him!" Julianna screamed at her dad, her throat scratching up as the officers parked, running out of the car and towards her dad. "Hey! Get off the kids!" The officer screamed as he pepper sprayed her dad.

"Hey! It's not his fault!" Miguel and Julianna screamed as they ran towards the officers but they ignored them, knocking him out.

"Hey was just protecting us! He was protecting me!" Julianna screamed and the officer finally turned around to face the two. "Miss, is this your dad?" Julianna nodded her head. "We're taking him to the station. You need to come with us." The officer reached for Julianna's arm but she moved it out of his reached just before he could grab it. "No! My mom... My mom is home." Julianna screeched. She knew she just lied to the police and that was bad but she had to. She didn't want to go to the station.

The officer looked at her for a second before nodding his head and turning to Miguel. "Make sure she gets home." Miguel nodded his head and started to walk with Julianna back home. She gave one more look back as the officers put her unconscious father into their cruiser before facing ahead again.

"What were those moves your dad did? Like tae kwon do or something?" Miguel asked, looking back and forth between Julianna and the sidewalk ahead of them so he didn't trip. "Karate. He used to be this karate god growing up."

"Did he teach you some moves? Is that why you punched that guy?" Miguel asked another question, Julianna shrugged, looking down at her feet. "He taught me basics. The rest I learn off YouTube but it'd be easier if he taught me the moves."

"You should try to get him to open up his own karate school. So what happened back there doesn't happen again." Miguel said, now keeping all of his attention on Julianna.

"Dojo." Julianna quickly corrected and Miguel nodded his head. "Dojo. Right." Miguel said, shaking his head, making Julianna laugh. "I've tried to get him to do that. Doesn't listen."

They were now in the apartment complex, standing at Julianna's front door. "I'll see you later." Julianna said, opening her door, Miguel mumbling a goodbye as it closed.

Julianna made a bee line to her room, closing the door and locking it, knowing that her grandpa Sid would show up considering he's the only one the could bail her dad out and she didn't want to talk to her grandpa.

Julianna flopped on to her bed as her eyes stared at the picture frame placed on her night stand.

A photo of her and her twin brother, Robby.

When the twins were born, their mother only wanted a boy so when she found out she was having twins, and one of those twins being a girl, she was not excited. After she gave birth to the twins, she kept Robby and left Julianna at Johnny's doorstep since he wasn't there during the actual pregnancy.

Even though they were raised in separate houses, Julianna and Robby were close. Every Friday from the ages 5-9, the kids would call each other and tell them about their week at school but it stopped once they hit double digits.

They didn't talk anymore until their 15th birthday when Julianna got a dm from her brother, wishing her a happy birthday.

After that, they didn't talk as much as they should but they followed each other on social media to check up on each other.


The next day, Julianna spent it cooped up in her room, blasting music so she wouldn't have to hear her father and grandpa yelling.

Once she knew Sid had left though, she creeped out of her room and headed towards the living room where her dad was watching TV, drinking a beer.

Julianna stepped in front of the television, blocking his view of the movie he was enjoying. "Ah! Come on, Jules. Move out of the way!"

"Did you talk to Miguel?" Julianna asked and her dad groaned, taking a swig of his beer. "About opening a dojo? Yeah. I heard all about it."

"You should do it."

"I can't have a dojo with only one student." Her dad groaned and Julianna immediately smiled. "Two."

Her dad eyed her before snorting a laugh, taking another sip of beer. "Come on dad. Please, please, please?" Julianna begged like a little toddler wanting something, making her dad groan before looking at his can of beer.

He looked back and forth between his daughter and the beer before getting up. Julianna's smile grew twice as much... until he spoke. "I need more beer."

And with that, he walked out of the house and Julianna's smile dropped.


The next morning, Julianna sat at the fountain in the middle of the apartment complex, sketching a drawing of herself in a karate gi, doing a flip kick when she felt someone pat her shoulder.

"Nice drawing. Come on. Get up." Her dad said, walking towards Miguel and Julianna quickly got up following him. "Are you sure you two are ready? 'Cause once you go down this path, there's no turning back." Julianna instantly nodded her head, a big smile taking over her face.

"You're gonna be our karate teacher?" Miguel asked and Julianna's dad quickly shook his head. "No. I'm gonna be your sensei."

I hope you all like it so far💗!
next chapter we meet Eli sooo👀

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