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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨sick dojo name¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


Jules, Eli, Lexi, Demetri, Joey, Sam, Miguel, and Bert all stood around the backyard of Miyagi-Do, filling Lexi and Demetri in on when happened at the party the night before. Considering Eli, Miguel, and Sam all saw a portion of Julianna's conversation with Tory while Joey and Bert saw the beginning,   they all were there to talk to the couple.

And to say Lexi and Demetri were shocked was an understatement. Lexi had not picked up her jaw since it fell, her eyes on Jules while Demetri frantically looked back and forth between the six teens. "W-w-wait. Okay, so Sensei Silver paid off the ref at the All Valley and framed Kreese for a crime he didn't commit?" Demetri asked and when everyone nodded their heads, he groaned, looking to Eli and Jules with a pleading look.

"Never let me miss a house party again." He begged. Jules laughed at Demetri's plea, shaking her head. "You two were invited, but you wanted alone time..."

Lexi elbowed Jules in the gut at her words. Jules bent over slightly, holding her stomach as Joey looked to his little sister with a confused look. "I thought you guys had to study?" He said. Lexi and Demetri both tensed at his words. They turned to face the older boy and nodded their heads.

"We did have to study." Lexi said and Eli scoffed out a laugh, looking at the ground to hide his laugh. "Yeah, human anatomy." He muttered, making Jules laugh beside him, the two of the recalling the night Johnny walked in on them making out and Hawk said they were studying for human anatomy.

"What are they gonna do? We saw what happened to my dad when he confronted Silver. I don't want him getting hurt again." Sam asked, looking between the group with sad eyes. Jules frowned, remembering how bad Daniel was left after his incident with Silver. She shook her head in defeat, looking down at Sam across from her. "If this ref and Stingray are on Silver's payroll, they'll never admit anything."

Out of the corner of her eyes, Jules saw Bert tense up at her words. She turned to face the younger boy, his eyes not meeting hers. "Bert..." Jules warned.

Bert's eyes stayed on the ground, making everyone turn to face him. Eli looked down at the boy, the same angry parent look on his face as Jules. "Bert." Eli added in now, sounding angrier than Jules did.

Bert finally looked up at the kids around him and sighed. "I know he's in Cobra Kai and I'm in Eagle Fang, but Stingray's still my friend. He wouldn't lie to me. At least, I hope he wouldn't. I might be able to get something out of him."

Jules closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. "First of all, a grown man should not be your friend." Jules muttered, removing her hand from her nose. She looked to Bert and took a step towards him, grabbing his shoulders in gratitude. "Second of all, thank God you are his friend."

Bert was confused by the girls mixed emotions. His eyes bounced back and forth between Jules and Eli. "What?" He asked and Eli just shook his head, not seeing why Jules was upset with Bert being Stingray's friend.

"Think you can you get him to talk?" Eli asked as Jules let go of Bert and went back to her spot in between Lexi and Eli. Bert looked between Jules and Eli and smirked, nodding his head.


"Okay! We have hair dye, fish food for Fred, and take-out for us..." Eli said as he and Jules walked into her room. Eli's words slowed when his eyes fell on Robby and Johnny on the couch, both of them watching him with raised brows.

Eli cleared his throat. He reached into the bag and pulled out one of the take-out boxes. "And Robby and Sensei Lawrence." Eli said, handing the food to Johnny. The man nodded at Eli and Jules could tell that even though her dad was carrying an intimidating face, he was secretly finding this interaction very amusing and was trying to hold back a smile.

"Thank you, Hawk." Johnny said as Robby looked to his twin, a small smile on his face. "You're dying it blonde today, Juli?" Robby asked and Jules smiled. She reached into the bag she was holding which had her hair dye and the fish food. She pulled out the dye and smiled. "Got the good kind from Martha."

Robby's brows furrowed as he tilted his head in confusion. "Martha?" He asked. Before Jules could answer, Eli smiled and answered. "Her hair girl. Just like Rico is my tattoo guy." Eli said and Johnny huffed. "Forgot you had tattoos..." Johnny muttered, taking a bite of the food Eli had given him. Eli looked down at his girlfriends dad and gulped. He turned to Jules and gave her a slightly scared smile.

"Should we go dye your hair?" Eli asked. Jules noticed that this was his way of asking to leave the situation and nodded her head. Jules nodded, she grabbed Eli's hand in hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She turned to her dad and brother, giving them a small smile as she started walking towards the bathroom, pulling Eli with her.

"We're gonna go dye my hair. Say bye to the blonde and..." Jules grimaced at her dad and brother eating the take her and Eli had bought. "Enjoy your food I guess." She muttered the last part sarcastically.

Jules and Eli walked into the barroom and just as Eli was about to close the door, Johnny yelled from the living room. "I want that door to stay open, Hawk!" Eli crazily nodded his head even though Johnny couldn't see him. "Yes, Sensei!" He yelled back, leaving the door completely open.

Jules rolled her eyes as she held back a smile as she put the bag down on the counter. She walked towards the toilet to sit down so Hawk had complete access to her hair. "You know, you don't have to call him Sensei when we're not doing karate." Jules laughed out and Eli whipped his head to face her. His eye were wide as he quickly walked towards her, standing right in front of her.

"Not only am I terrified of him because he is my girlfriend's dad, but also because that guy knows karate. Twenty years from now, we'll be married coming over to his place for Christmas and I'll still probably call him Sensei Lawrence." Eli said, looking genuinely serious.

Jules looked up at Eli, trying her hardest not to smile. She wasn't smiling because she was making fun of him, but because he said they'll be married. She hated how little things he's been saying about their future has made her all giddy. But she also didn't want him to stop.

Jules rolled her eyes as a way to keep her smile back. She leaned over and grabbed the bag that had the hair dye from the counter. Jules took the hair dye out of the bag and handed it to Eli. "Don't fry my hair." Jules warned.

Eli's squinted at Jules, giving her a small playful glare. He opened the box and took out the dye and brush. He grabbed Jules's "hair dye bowl" that Jules used solely for hair dying so no one accidentally ingested any hair dye if the bowl wasn't cleaned properly. He put the dye into the bowl and mixed it for a couple of seconds before grabbing a strand of Julianna's hair.

"Wait! No, I want to keep my roots." Jules said just before Eli had the brush touch the girls hair. Eli paused, looking down at Jules , his brows furrowed. "You want to keep your roots brown?"

Jules pursed her lips, running a hand through her hair as she nodded. "Yeah. It gives it more character. Everyone knows I'm not a real blonde anyway. Might as well do my hair how I want." Jules shrugged before she smiled at her boyfriend. "Plus, it makes me feel closer to both sides of my family. The blonde is my dad and the brunette is—" "Your mom?" Eli asked. Jules sighed. "Robby."

Eli gave Jules a sympathetic smile, tilting his head off to the side slightly. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of the girl's head. He grabbed the piece of hair again and started applying the mixture. "Well then, let's make you blonde."


Eli, Lexi, Demetri, Joey, Sam, Miguel, Bert, and a newly blonde Jules all stood at Stingrays front door. Well, Bert stood at the door while everyone else was against the wall so Stingrays wouldn't see them when checking the peep hole.

About a minute after Bert knocked, the door finally opened. "Bert! What's up, dude? Wanna play some D&D?" Stingray asked. Jules and everyone else couldn't see Stingray from where they were hiding, but they could see everyone that was once in Stingrays house leave angrily.

"These, uh... Oh, there they are. These noobs were entering the light and exiting night." Stingray laughed off, trying to look cool in front of Bert. Jules rolled her eyes and looked back at all the students up against the wall with her. She nodded her head and slowly, all of them walked out of their hiding spot to reveal themselves to Stingray. Stingrays jaw dropped at the teens standing in front of him. "Miyagi-Fangs?"

Joey smirked at what Stingrays had called them, hitting Miguel's chest slightly. "That's kinda a sick dojo name." Joey whispered, but everyone had heard him. All of the teens turned around to face Joey, all of them giving him different looks that could mean "shut up".

"Oh, this is a trap." Stingray yelled, finally realizing why the teens were at his apartment. The eight teens turned back to Stingray as his eyes fell on Bert, a betrayed look taking over his face. "You Admiral Ackbar-ed me. Et tu, Bert-tay?"

Lexi rolled her eyes. "Knock it off. We know Kreese never hurt you." She snapped and Stingray turned to Lexi, a big smirk on his face as he shook his head. "According to my testimony in a court of law, he did. So... read the transcript."

"You lied in court." Lexi seethed. Stingrays smirk was wiped clean off his face in seconds at how angry Lexi sounded. "And you lied to my dad." Sam added, making Stingray look down and gulp, not wanting to meet anyone's eyes.

And as if what they were saying was planned, Jules spoke next. "But you're not going to lie to us." Jules warned, giving the man a death glare as she crossed her arms. She started to walk into the home, pushing Stingray out of the way. Stingray watched Jules walk into his home with wide eyes. He turned back around to the kids at his door with a dropped jaw.

"You're just gonna let her—" Instead of letting him finish his question, all of the students started to push their way into his home. "Now you're all walking in."


The group had probably been at Stingrays for about an hour to try and get any info out of him. They have nothing as of right now. Bert, Demetri and Jules sat at Stingrays coffee table, ask off the other students standing behind them as Stingray sat across from them.

"Okay, okay. All right. Let's try this one more time, okay?" Demetri asked and all of the teens could tell that although he was trying his absolute hardest to stay calm, he was getting aggravated with Stingray. "What happened that night? Who hurt you?" Demetri asked, his voice filled with sincerity and a hint of annoyance.

Stingray ignored Demetri's question, turning to look at Bert beside him. "Hey, Bert, how does it feel?" Stingray asked the younger boy, his voice quiet and shaky. Jules felt anger start to bubble in her chest as she noticed Stingray's attempt to guilt trip Bert. Jules clenched her jaw and leaned forward. "Hey! Don't talk to him. Don't even look at him." Jules threatened, pointing at Bert from over Demetri.

Stingray ignored Jules's threats, his eyes starting to water. Demetri decided to jump in, wanting to try out the good cop/bad cop scenario.

"Look at me." Demetri said quietly and in an encouraging voice. Stingray ignored Demetri's attempts as well. "To stab a grown man in the back between his shoulders blades and stare at the blood as it trickles down his back?" Stingray asked. Bert struggled not to look at Stingray, starting to slide down his seat guiltily.

"God, enough!" Eli yelled, slamming his hands down on the table on either side of Jules since he was standing behind her. Stingray's eyes snapped to Eli, who still had his hands on either side of Jules, leaning over her intimidatingly. "No more games."

Stingray gulped. He looked down at his game as Sam started to speak. "My dad went through a lot of pain because of you and Silver. Now a lot of other people will too if you just sit back and do nothing."

Stingray shook his head, disappointed in himself. "But if I tell you what really happened, you know, he-he'll find out. I can't. It's not that easy, you guys." As everyone else's faces dropped, Stingrays started to light up; an idea popped into his head. "Actually, I've been working on this new D&D campaign—"

Miguel rolled his eyes from the back of the group. He shook his head and looked at Joey beside him. "I don't think we have time for this." He muttered.

Lexi's eyes widened as she started to catch on to what Stingray was insinuating. She leaned forward and placed her hands on either side of Demetri just like Eli had with Jules and looked down at the man. "Wait a minute. What happens in the campaign, Stingray?"

Stingray looked up at Lexi with wide eyes, glad she caught on. He looked back down at the board and Demetri smiled. "You're a genius." Demetri whispered, looking up at Lexi.

Lexi looked down at Demetri and smirked, shrugging her shoulders as if to say it was nothing before they both turned back to Stingray.

"Okay, so, once upon a time, there was a Dwarven monk," Stingray put a character piece on the board. "And he was a member of the most badass guild in all the land. Uh, he was banished for a time. You know, typical PC crap." Everyone nodded along, watching as he acted out what he was saying through the game.

"But, um, once he paid his penance, he returned. Only by then, the guild was under new leadership. And the monk was denied reentry into the guild. And quite unceremoniously, might I add."

"What did the monk do?" Joey asked. Stingray looked up at Joey and gave him a grateful smile before turning back down to his game. "The monk, he made a pact with a silver-haired king who would usurp the leader." Stingray put another piece on the board. "And it was early one morning, before any of the warriors had arrived, that the king struck the monk down. Again, and again, and again."

Stingray paused, his breathing starting to become sporadic as he remembered his attack. Jules felt a chill go down her spine at Stingrays words. Watching the man get emotional retelling the story made her feel sick to her stomach. 

Stingray slowly tried to catch his breath and pull himself together before continuing. "It was then that they framed the leader for the assault, and the leader was put in chains, and the silver-haired king took over the guild."

The room was silent for a moment; no one dared to speak. Finally, Demetri cleared his throat. "And you were—" Demetri stopped, realizing his wording and quickly corrected himself. "The Dwarven monk was let back into the guild?"

"Yeah. With benefits." Eli muttered. Jules looked behind her and watched as Eli looked around the condo. Nules let out a shocked breath of air, eyeing the house as well. "No shit." She breathed out before she turned back to Stingray. She leaned forwards in her seat, her eyes filled with sympathy and concern. "So why can't he just tell everyone what really happened?"

"He doesn't wanna lose his benefits." Sam snapped and Stingray immediately started shaking his head. "No!" He yelled, making Sam slump, starting to feel bad for her words. Stingray gulped, still shaking his head. "No. I would— The monk would give it all back if he could, but the silver-haired king, you know, he... He almost killed the monk." He said and Jules nodded in agreement.

Tears were starting to build in her own eyes as she thought of the night at the LaRusso house where Anthony Lewis had her pinned against the wall by her neck. She could've died that night. And she sure too has been terrified on coming out and getting Anthony in trouble.

"He could have killed him." Jules said, her voice soft and quiet. Stingrays eyes widened as they met Julianna's. He felt grateful that she was understanding where she was coming from.

"And why?" He asked rhetorically. "To get power." Stingray blinked back tears, looking at all of the students in front of him. "So, yeah, the monk fears what that king would do to keep that power. I think the monk just... The monk just wanted reentry into the guild because he thought that he could be like a... proud and noble warrior."

This time, Stingray put all of his attention on just Eli. "Just like you, Hawk," Stingrays eyes traveled down Eli until they landed on Jules. "Jules, all you guys. The monk has always been a fan of you guys." He then leaned forward so he was closer to the couple, a small smile on his face. "And he is very happy you two got back together."

Jules and Eli smiled at his words. Eli's hands left the table and moved to either of Julianna's shoulders. He squeezed them and Jules smiled, bringing on of her hands up to her shoulder to hold his hand.

Stingray turned back to the rest of the group. He head hung low and his shoulders slumped. "But the monk is neither proud nor noble. Definitely not a warrior. He just sits around playing with them all day. The monk's just scared. I just can't. I'm sorry."

"That's great. Thanks for nothing." Sam snapped, stomping out of the room. The other teens stayed put as Miguel ran after her. Ellis eyes looked to the table, specifically the little figurine with blue hair that was perched near Jules's arm.

Eli smiled down at the figurine, gently picking it up and holding it in front of his and Julianna's faces. "What if I went back to blue?" Eli asked, his eyes leaving the figurine and to his girlfriend.

Jules smiled at the small character in Eli's hand before she craned her head up to look at him. "We can but the hair dye tonight." She said, making Eli smile and start to lean down towards her lips. "Perfect." He whispered just before pressing his lips to hers.

—BLONDE JULES NATION RISE(i love julianna lawrence with every fiber in my body)


i love eli and jules so much you guys it's insane.

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