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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨the truth comes out¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


Jules barely waited until her dad, Carmen, and Yaya left before she started posting about the party happening at her house.

As Robby and Miguel set up the apartment for guests, Eli and Jules headed towards the strip mall market for beer. To say Jules was getting deja vu was an understatement.

Fortunately, with the help of Eli saying that Jules, who he called his wife in the scenario, made him shave his mohawk, the man behind the counter recognized Eli and let the two teens buy their alcohol. By the time the couple were back at Julianna's apartment, the courtyard was filled with teens.

Jules headed inside her apartment, Eli right behind her. When she started to walk towards the kitchen to make herself a drink, Eli grabbed her arm and pulled her to face him.

"I was thinking you could help me wash the green dye out of my hair?" Eli asked and Jules smiled. Without giving him a real response, Jules starts walking towards her bathroom and since Eli was holding her arm, he was right behind her.

When they got inside, Jules locked the door and turned towards her sink. She froze when she realized how small her sink was. Eli definitely wouldn't have been able to fit his head under the sink.

Jules cringed, biting her bottom lip. "This isn't me saying you have a big head just that I have a small sink, but... will your head fit?" Jules asked, looking back and forth between Eli and her sink. Eli looked down at her sink and quickly understood what Jules meant when she said she had a small sink.

Eli's mouth opened and closed before he turned around to look at the shower. He turned back to Jules and pointed at the shower from over his shoulder. "I could shower?" He suggested and Jules felt her face start to heat up. She nodded anyway and walked towards the shower to turn the water on.

Once the water was ready, Jules turned back to Eli and saw him shirtless and in the process of taking off his shoes and socks. Eli noticed Jules watching him undress and smiled. "Are you gonna join me?" Eli asked with a fake innocence. Jules slowly started to smirk with her boyfriend, keeping her eyes on him as she reached for the end of her shirt and took it off.


After a long and... eventful shower, Jules and Eli got out of the shower and dried off. As Eli dried his hair, Jules open her cabinet in the bathroom and took out Eli's hair gel he there whenever he came over with his hair down, but wanted to style it later on in the day.

Eli slowly stopped drying his hair when he saw Jules take out the hair gel container. With furrowed brows, he looked down to Julianna. "You still kept my hair gel after my mohawk got cut?" He asked and Jules looked up at him with a small smile.

"Yeah. I mean, I didn't know if you would want to go back to the mohawk when you grew it out or not so I decided there was no harm in keeping it just incase." Jules said as she shrugged, spinning the container around the counter.

She looked up at Eli and immediately smiled at the practical heart eyes he was giving her. Slowly, a smile took over his face as he shoulder his head and started to walk towards her. "I love you." He whispered, his hands gently going to her waist to pull her closer to him.

Jules smiled as Eli leaned his head down and kissed her. Her hands went to the back of Eli's neck and went they pulled away, Jules opened her eyes and looked up at him. "I love you too."

Eli continued to smile down at Jules. He pulled her into one more, one very quick kiss before he grabbed the container of hair gel and started to style his hair.

Jules smiled at the sight. It may have been silly of her to think it, but ever since she spent the weekend at his house, she started to love doing the little things with him that couple that live together do.

She loves falling asleep next to him and waking beside him in the morning. She loves watching him get ready. She loves the idea of living with him one day.

Eli turned to her once he finished styling his hair, turning on the water in the sink to wash the hair gel off of his hands. He turned off the water and put the hair gel back in the cabinet once his hands were cleaned.

"You ready to go back out there?" Eli asked and Jules let out a small "mhm". The couple turned towards the door, unlocked it, opened and walked out. As they walked down the hallway back into the living room area, her eyes fell on Miguel.

When Miguel saw both Jules and Eli walk out of the bathroom, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

Jules glared at the boy, shaking her hand by her neck as if to say "don't say anything". Luckily Robby, who was sitting on the kitchen island Miguel was standing by, didn't see Jules and Eli.

Quickly, Jules grabbed Eli's hand and pulled him into the crowd of teens so Robby wouldn't see them. The crowd of teens just so happened to be around the drinks table so since she was there anyway, Jules made herself a vodka lemonade.

"You want anything?" Jules asked Eli as she finished up her drink. Eli watched Jules make her drink from over her shoulder as he shook his head. "No, it's okay. I'll just take a couple sips of yours."

Jules paused at his words. She turned her head just enough to see Eli from over her shoulder before she turned back to her drink. She poured more vodka and more lemonade into her drink, knowing he would take more than a couple sips.

Once she finished making her drink, Jules grabbed on Eli's hand again and pulled him through the crowd back to Miguel and Robby, not wanting to lose him in it and knowing he still get a little nervous in big huddles.

"Hi-ya, brothers." Jules sang, jumping up to sit on her kitchen island with Robby, Eli moving to stand next to her as Miguel stood next to Robby. Jules decided she wanted to spend her night with them since Joey was with Moon and she didn't want to intrude and Lexi and Demetri decided to stay at Lexi's house for the night since they'd have the house to themselves.

Jules did not need to know that much.

Robby looked back and forth between his drink and Eli. He knew the two of them have... always been on the wrong foot, but this was his sisters boyfriend, he wanted to have a somewhat good relationship with him. Deciding to finally start conversation, Robby turned to Eli, pointing at his newly brown mini mohawk.

"What, uh, happened to the green?" Robby asked, genuinely confused considering just minutes ago, his mohawk was green. Jules chuckled at the question, taking a sip of her vodka lemonade to hide her laugh as Eli leaned forward a bit so he could see Robby.

"Uh, washes out with water and... didn't really work for me, so Jules helped me wash it out once we got back with the beers." Eli explained before he smiled and started nudging Julianna's shoulder with his own. "But someone... will help me figure it out while I dye her hair back to blonde." Eli said, emphasizing on the part where he will be dying her hair after she's dyed his hair so many times.

Miguel and Robby both turned to Jules, their eyes brows raised. "You're going back to blonde already?" Robby asked. Jules turned to look at her twin and smirked. "Yeah, I can't stand actually looking like your twin now that I'm brunette." She said and Robby rolled his eyes. He went to joking push Jules off the island, but Eli stuck his arm out, stopping her from falling.

Miguel looked around the full apartment, a big smile on his face like a kid in a candy store. "This is insane. How did everyone find out about this?" He asked, looking between his three friends.

"Jules!" Bert yelled from just outside of the apartment door. The four turned their heads to the younger boy and watched as he held up a ping pong ball. "Wanna play?"

Jules smirked, turning back to Miguel to answer his previous question. "I invited a ton of people from East Valley. I'm popular, you know." Jules sassed, taking another sip of her vodka lemonade as she hopped off of the kitchen island and walked outside to where Bert was waiting for her.

"Beer pong?" Jules asked when she noticed all of the solo cups made into two triangles on either ends of the table. Bert tossed the ping pong ball to Jules and walked to his end of the table, letting out a small "mhm."

"You're going down, kid." Jules chuckled out, walking towards her end of the table.

The game was going by really fast. Both sides were down to one cup. Moon, Joey, and a crowd of kids neither Jules or Bert had seen before circled around the table to watch the game.

It was Bert's turn. He positioned the ball in front of his eyes to try and get the perfect spot. He stayed frozen for a couple seconds, wanting to make sure he had the right spot before he threw it.

And he missed.

Half of the crowd erupted in groans as the other cheered. Moon and Jules turned to each other and the two cheered as Joey grabbed one of the ping pong balls beside the table. When the girls stopped celebrating, Joey put a hand on Julianna's shoulder. She turned to the boy, who had a big smile on his face as he handed her the ping pong ball.

Jules took the ball proudly and faced Bert. She squinted so she could get better accuracy, her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth before she threw it.

Everyone watched the ping pong ball fly through the air. When the ball landed in the cup, the whole crowd erupted in cheers.

Jules threw her fists in the air as Moon snaked her arms around her waist. As everyone cheered, Bert walked around the table so he was standing beside Jules.

She pulled away from her hug when she saw Bert standing in front of her. Bert raised his chin higher to seem like the bigger man as he held his hand out for Jules to shake. "Good game." He said and Jules could tell he was trying his hardest to hold back a smile.

Jules laughed at the boy, ignoring his hand shake and instead, wrapping her arm around him and pulling him into a hug. "Bring it in, B." She said and Bert laughed, hugging her back.

"Jules." A voice called out from behind the Jules and Bert. Jules tensed at the voice. Slowly, Jules turned around and her eyes fell on Tory.

"Tory..." Jules whispered, leaving her game of ping pong with Bert to walk towards the girl. Bert looked at Tory with wide eyes before he turned to Joey and Moon beside him at the same time that Joey looked down at Bert. The two didn't even need to speak to know what the other was thinking. Quickly, Joey grabbed onto Moon's hand the three of them ran inside the house to look for Eli to warn him.

As she walked towards Tory, Jules looked up and down the driveway of her apartment parking lot, waiting for Anthony Lewis and the rest of Cobra Kai to jump out.

"What are you doing here?" Jules asked, stopping when she was a couple of feet away from Tory, not wanting to get too close.

"I'm not here to fight. And I came alone." Tory reassured. Jules could tell Tory was telling the truth and her shoulders fell in relief. Tory felt a tinge of guilt at the reaction Jules had when she heard she came alone. She knew Anthony was a horrible fucking person, but she didn't know he affected Jules that badly. "I wanted to talk."

Jules crossed her arms, her brows furrowed as she tried to think about what story would want to talk with her about. "About what?" She asked, taking notice on how nervous Tory looked. She watched Tory take a deep breath as if it would lighten whatever she was about to tell Jules. Honestly, this reaction from Tory was scaring Jules.

But then she said it.

"You didn't lose the All Valley."

Jules was taken aback by those words. She honestly thought she was imagining what Tory had said. "What?" Jules asked, her voice quiet, worried that if she was louder, she'd scare away Tory.

"Silver paid the referee to have me win and he framed Sensei Kreese for the Stingray stuff. I've been working with Kreese to try and expose him." Tory said and Julianna's jaw slacked. She blinked at the girl in front of her a couple times before she spoke.

"Kreese? Like... Imprisoned Kreese?" Jules asked and Tory visibly gulped. She wasn't mad at Tory. She knows the hold Kreese, Silver, and Cobra Kai had on people.

"You knew that Silver cheated in the All Valley and you did nothing?" Jules asked, her voice pretty loud and catching a couple of drunken teens attention. Jules could faintly hear teens behind her chanting "Fight!", but she didn't care about that, all of her attention was on Tory. 

"You don't know what it's like, what I've had to deal with." Tory tried to defend herself, but Jules shook her head, pointing behind her at all the guest. "You could've spoke up. So many people here were your friend once. Hell, you were dating my brother at the time! You could've came to any of us!" Jules tried to tell the girl.

"What are you doing here?" A voice yelled from behind Jules. The two girls turned in the direction they heard the voice and watched an angry Sam march up to them. Miguel, Joey, Eli, and Robby all quickly caught up to her, Miguel holding Sam back as Eli walked up to Jules.

He looked up and down the driveway for any other Cobra Kai's before he looked down at Jules, his eyes silently asking her if she was okay. Jules looked up at Eli and nodded before she turned back to Tory.

"She's been working with Kreese this whole time." Jules told the five, her eyes staying on Tory as she moved her hair out of her face. Robby turned to Tory with wide eyes, reaching out in front of Jules to push her behind him. "What?"

"Why did you only come forward now? Huh? Because you're a coward." Sam seethed and Jules spun around to face the girl and whacked her shoulder. Sam looked up at Jules with wide eyes, but Jules ignored Sam's look, turning back to Tory who had tears in her eyes.

Tory looked at all the eyes on her before she turned to Sam and shook her head. "Screw you, LaRusso. I knew this was a mistake." She muttered before she ran out of the apartments parking area. Jules watched the girl with wide eyes, ready to go run after her, but Miguel and Robby each held her back by her arms. "Tory. No, wait!"

i love eli and jules so much it's actually sickening


WE ARE ALMOST DONE WITH THE FIC UNTIL SEASON 6!!!(which... they should hurry up bc im cobra kai deprived🤗)


i said this last chapter i think but im genuinely so excited for the finale of this season. I REALLY THINK YOU GUYS WILL LOVE IT.


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